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Create Your Position

Hello there and welcome to Six Minutes. Do you know, a story came to mind that I
heard a long, long time ago that Earl Nightingale shared with us. I think its a good story
for you to share with someone else. Do you know, almost everyone knows someone
that has lost their job, or they lost their business, or they got downsized and they may be
devastated. Theyre having a difficult time and they just dont seem to be able to find a

Well, Earl Nightingale tells a story about a man during the Great Depression that could
find a job anywhere he wanted when there were signs up in the factories No Help
Wanted. Everybody was out of worka high percentage of them were out of work
they couldnt find work. This man could find a job anywhere he wanted.

Now, let me tell you what he did. He first studied an industry. Then he picked a
particular company in the industry. And he studied everything he could about that
company. Then he started to think of how he could help that company improve their
bottom line. Then he sent a letter, a personalized letter to the president of the
company. He said, I have some ideas that I believe could substantially improve the
profit of the company. If youre interested, Id be glad to sit down and share them with

See, every company was trying to survive during the Great Depression and this guy
could find a job anywhere. Do you know, thats a great concept. Its a concept you
can use to sell more, do more and be more. But if you know somebody thats out of
work, you might share that with them.

Now for the next four or five minutes, think and adapt that idea. Twist it a bit, bend it a
bit, look at it from another side and say, How can I use that to improve what Im doing
today? This is Bob Proctor. Thank you.

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