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ENGLISH IV-Expository Reading and Writing Syllabus-

Mrs. Leduc(, Mrs. Claxton(,
Mr. Jauregui( Mrs. Nicholson/Public Safety Academy
(, and Mr. Sturms(
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The goal of the expository reading and writing
course is to prepare seniors for the literacy demands of higher education
through a sequence of rigorous performance tasks. Students will be expected
to increase their awareness of the rhetorical strategies employed by authors
and to apply those strategies in their own writing to prove the social, political,
and philosophical assumptions that underlie the text.
Students will
Analyze the features and rhetorical devices of different types of texts.
Analyze the way in which clarity of meaning is affected by patterns of
Analyze an authors stated and unstated political and/or philosophical
Demonstrate an understanding of purpose, speaker, audience, and form.
Critique the validity of arguments in texts.
Develop academic/analytical essays
Edit and Revise for clarity.
a three-ring binder WITH dividers/file folders/Portfolios
pen(blue or black AND red ink), pencil, and highlighter
college-ruled paper and Post-It Notes-3X3
reading materials - handouts

A 94-99 Bell work/notebook 10%
A- 90-93 Daily work and participation 20%
B+ 88-89
B 84-87 Written work 60%
B- 80-83 Semester Examination 10%
C+ 78-79 or Senior Project
C 74-77
C- 70-73
D+ 68-69
D 64-67
D- 60-63
F 0-59
Your grade should NEVER be a mystery use student or parent vue. Grade sheets will be
provided to you periodically. PLEASE, do not ask for grade information during class. Instead, use
before school/after school time to do so.
*****NOTE: This is not an independent study course!!!!
The ERWC course is supported by discussions, pair-share, group collaboration, and debates that
can only be fulfilled by active participation.
To avoid missing participation points please do the following:
1. Call your counselor and request a homework packet for the days you will be gone this
guarantees your participation points
2. Have your parents or guardians get in touch via phone, e-mail, or through school personnel to
request your homework. This will guarantee your participation points.
3. Plan on making up participation work (unless homework packet was sent home) after school
during tutoring sessions, as we do not have time for you to make-up work during class time.
4. Use ERWC Webpage send homework through google, plagiarism and grammar check TBA
other sites to use check weekly calendar

COURSE OUTLINE: ****Make sure computers are available through library, lab 612 or
207 chrome cart
Unit 1 - **** Course introduction, Getting To Know You, Diagnostic Test (Editing and
Writing), Mastery of MLA Documentation, DHSHS Scholarship application resume,
personal statement, letters of recommendation 3 weeks
Packet -Whats Next? Thinking About Life After High School
Opportunities: Military speakers and tests, Speakers (Anthony Garcia/ITT-COD-
Universities/Art Institute
Counselors on COD, Accuplacer practice, college applications, scholarship packets

Unit 2 - Introduction to Rhetorical Reading and Expository Writing Boards - 1 week

Unit 3 Introduction to the Op-Ed Page - Ethos, Logos, Pathos - 5 weeks
A. Packet Ethos, Pathos and Logos Grammar/MLA documentation
B. Ethos, Pathos and Logos practice through commercials and magazines
C. Performance Task MLA Documented Essay
D. Short writes
Unit 4 - **** - Bullying At School Research Project 9 weeks End of first term
A. Packet Bullying Unit Grammar/MLA Documentation
B. Bullying Research Case
1. Video /Power Point Presentation
2. Research group and individual
3. Survey
4. Posters
5. Brochures
C. Bullying Play, Speakers
D. MLA Documented Essay

Unit I Juvenile Justice 6 weeks
Resources: law enforcement, juvenile detention presenters, possible field trip to juvenile
A. Packet Juvenile Justice articles/Study Courtroom and terms
B. Research JJ case with group
C. Court dates Role play an attorney or a juror
D. Write Speech
Unit 2 Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer class sets only 9 weeks
A. Read, annotate, and discuss book
B. MLA Documented Essay
C. Video and power point

Unit 3 Senior Career Project 2 weeks Work on project all year
A. Individual presentation picture, video, power point, hands-on performance

B. History of Career Research: projected earnings demand for career interviews
preparation for career education needed qualifications future of career and
benefits to society, community, or the world.
GOOD ATTENDANCE: I encourage you to be in class. The policy for missed work
can be found in the student handbook - TWO (2) days for
every day missed to hand in late work OR to make up a
test/quiz for an EXCUSED absence. Students with
UNEXCUSED absences will not be allowed to make up ANY
missed work, including tests/quizzes.
IF an assignment/test has been announced and that date falls
when you are absent, you must have the work completed
and/or take the test on the day you return.
PROPER ATTITUDE: You are invited to join this class to learn and to be a success
in life by actively respecting your classmates diverse
opinions. You will be able to use the information in this class
for a lifetime. Remember we, as human beings, CHOOSE the
attitude/behaviors we display in every situation. Choose
appropriately. Think of each day as a new opportunity to
learn. Bring that attitude to school and you will make
yourself successful.
NO MISSED WORK: Check the file in the appropriate period bin. Any hand-outs
will have your name on them and be in that file. IT WILL
NO PLAGIARISM: If you want to use someone elses written work, give proper
credit to that person. Plagiarism may cause you to fail the
BE PREPARED: Have textbook, paper, writing utensil and/or any other
materials needed for class with you. This also means
assignments completed and handed in. A container will be
provided for you to place assigned work. All assigned work
must be in the container by the start of the class period for
which it was assigned UNLESS I state differently. Late
assignments will receive a 10% reduction for each day
BE ON TIME: I will expect you to be in the room by the time the bell rings.
Students not in their seats by the time the final bell rings will
be subject to school policy.
BE FOCUSED: The class will begin with an approximate 5 - 10 minute
journal writing/bell work every day. You need to be in your
ASSIGNED seat and writing in your journal as soon as the
bell rings. Remain in your seat unless you have permission
to move around the room. You should not talk unless you
have permission from the teacher. FAILURE IS NOT AN
OPTION! All students must engage themselves in course
activities and assignments.
First warning: Discussion of the expectation first day/inclusion in the syllabus
Second warning: YELLOW card- gives you one minute to engage yourself - defiance
Third warning: RED card gives you one minute to engage disruption. Then,
teacher will call security to remove student from class.
AND OTHERS: I will NOT tolerate any abusive, bullying, racist, sexist,
profane, or suggestive comments or gestures. Hats/head
coverings/sunglasses MUST be removed before entering the
room and remain off until you leave this room. Please, do
not write on classroom furniture or surfaces. Students will be
turned in for vandalism. NO FOOD or SODA in the room!!
NO ELECTRONICS allowed in the classroom.
First warning: Discussion of the expectation first day/inclusion in the syllabus
Second warning: Hand the electronic device to the teacher. Device will be returned at
the end of the period.
Third warning: Teacher will call and have security hold the device per school policy.
Parents, please help with this effort. If you need to contact your child, please contact the
office 760-288-7000.
ADDITIONAL: Use passing time to use the bathroom, drinking fountain and
complete other tasks. At the discretion of the teacher, you
may or may not be allowed to use the restroom. Follow ALL
directions the first time.


FIRST STEP: Verbal or nonverbal warning

SECOND STEP: Conference with teacher

THIRD STEP: Removal from class or seat change with call to parents

FOURTH STEP: Referral to administration.

Extreme behaviors may result in an administrative referral or removal from class as
the first step.

I understand and agree to abide by the expectations described in the ENGLISH IV
ERWC Syllabus. I understand the expectations and consequences for inappropriate

Name _____________________________ Date _______________________

As a parent or guardian of ___________________________, I understand the
expectations required of my daughter/son described in the ENGLISH IV ERWC
Syllabus. My daughter/son shared and discussed the syllabus with me and I will
support the expectations and consequences for inappropriate behavior listed above.

Name _____________________________ Date _______________________

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