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El era un pitio cairo
que se chamaba Devesa
e tia as patas topinas,
a crista arrichada e tesa.

He was a tiny chick
whose name was Devesa
he had spotty legs
and a stiff crest

Nacera nun galieiro
feito de tboas e paus
amaba s pitos de granxa,
odiaba s propios irmaus!

It was born in a coop
made of boards and sticks
he loved the farm chicks,
and hated his own kin!

Non era de sospeitar
que pito tan desmedrado
poidera chegar a ser
un galo forte e barbado.

You wouldn't have guessed
that such a chick
came to be
A strong bearded cock

Pero puxo tal empeo
en poder selo primeiro
que chegou mesmo a comer
as tboas do galieiro.

Yet he was so eager
to be the first
that he even ate
the coop boards.

El mandaba e galeaba,
non respetaba a ningun,
crease o rei do mundo
e s miraba seu ben.

He ordered and pushed
respected no one,
he believed he was the king
and only cared for himself.

E cando o galo Devesa
andaba mis valentn,
sa ama tomou o acordo
de convertilo en capn.

And when Devesa, the cock,
was at his bravest,
his owner decided
to turn him into a capon.

Adeus gozo, adeus polias,
adeus mando e valenta!
Con todo o capn Devesa
anda non aprendera!

Bye pleasure, bye hens,
bye boss and bravery!
And even so Devesa
would not learn the lesson...!

Foi el sempre tan teimudo
buscou o xeito e maneira
de poder mandar nos outros
e reinar na capoeira.

He was so stubborn
that he found the way
to still rule over the rest
and reign in the coop.

Pra someter s colegas
uns catro ou cinco caps,
aproveitou a lei DHont
e convocou eleicis.

To convince his mates
four or five capons
he took the D'Hont law
and held elections.

E puxo na propaganda:
Eu son galo coma ti
e para poder medrar
has ter que votarme a min.

And the slodan read:
"I am a cock like you
and in order to grow
you should vote me"

Presidindo a capoeira
e mandando nos demais
serva ben s seus amos
pra poder medrar el mis.

Presiding over all
and ruling over the rest
he well served his owners
so as to grow more.

Pro de nada lle valeron
manganchas e pilleras
cando veu a matachina
pra rematar cos seus das.

But of no use were
his tricks and troubles
when the slaughterman came
to end his days.

Entn o ex- galo Devesa,
que foi gran fornicador,
escomenzou a chorar
e dixo con gran dolor:

So then Devesa, the ex- cock
a great fornicator,
began to cry,
and said with great pain:

-Vinde galos e galias,
salvade a mia semente
que se falta a mia raza
non sei que ser da xente!

"Come cocks and hens,
save my seed,
cause if my lineage ends,
what will be of the people?"


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