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1. Following up a contact
2. Updating / delegating tasks
3. Placing an order / making a booking
4. Cover email with document attached
5. Confirming arrangements
6. Inviting
7. Cover email with images attached
8. Summery of a meeting / giving good news
9. Responding to apologi!ing about and confirming an order
10.Suggesting and Recommending
11.Confirming decisions
12."iving information / responding to #uestions
13.$sking for help
14.$ccepting and declining invitations
15.Confirming future action
16.%hanking after a business trip

1. Following up a contact
To Teruko Kato
From David Wilson
Subject Request from London office
Dear Ms Kato
I am emailin !ou after I met Masuru "amaa#a at our office in London last #eek$ Mr
"amaa#a told me t%at !ou #ere in c%are of food e&'orts to (uro'e for )* International and %e
asked me to contact !ou$
M! name is David Wilson and I am res'onsible for food im'orts to t%e +K$ I deal #it% local
offices in ,%ina and -ietnam and I oversee t%e movement of food 'roducts to t%e +K$
Would it be 'ossible for us to meet in )a'an to discuss im'ortin )a'anese food 'roducts to t%e
+K. If !ou #ould like to meet/ 'lease suest some 'ossible dates #%en I could come to 0saka
and visit !our office$
"ours sincerel!
David Wilson
David Wilson
Im'ort Manaer
Sout% (ast 1sia
2. Updating / delegating tasks
To )ames Ritc%ie
From , Tuvi
Subject Re2 'lan for ne# Istanbul 3aller!
Dear )ames
I4m emailin to u'date !ou on t%e 'lan for our ne# art aller! and to let !ou kno# #%at #e need
!ou to do$ 1t t%e moment ever!t%in is on track$ We4ve finis%ed t%e decoratin/ and all t%e
art#ork and li%tin is in 'lace$
We no# need to start orani5in t%e o'enin ni%t$ ,ould !ou orani5e t%e food and #ine for
t%e evenin. I4d also like !ou to contact journalists to invite t%em to t%e o'enin ni%t on 6
Marc%$ T%e deadline for sendin out invitations is ne&t Frida!/ so !ou need to start orani5in
t%is strai%t a#a!$
7lease et back to me if !ou need more information$
,emil Tuvi
Tuvi 3aller!
3. Placing an ode / !aking a "ooking
To 0livia Ste#art
From 1nna Trainito
Subject 8ookin Frida! 9: 1uust
Dear 0livia
I4d like to book a table for four at t%e roofto' e&ecutive restaurant at :$;; '$m$ on Frida!$ We
%ave an im'ortant client visitin from 1rentina/ and %e4s ver! interested in arc%itecture/ so
#ould it be 'ossible to %ave a table #it% vie#s of t%e cit!. ,ould !ou confirm t%is bookin as
soon as 'ossible. "ou can email me/ or contact me on e&tension 69<=$
Man! t%anks
1na Trainito
4. #o$e e!ail wit% docu!ent attac%ed
To ,laude 3uillaud
From Marcus Robinson
Subject Website 'resentation
>i ,laude
7lease find attac%ed a co'! of m! 'resentation for t%e meetin ne&t #eek$ I4ve also attac%ed a
co'! of t%e %andout t%at I4m oin to ive to ever!one$ ,ould !ou c%eck bot% documents for me
and let me kno# #%at !ou t%ink. I4d be reall! rateful for an! suestions$
5. #on&i!ing aange!ents
To 7 Sc%ott
From Melanie 3ilbert
Subject 8ookin confirmation 3WS;;:9"
Dear ,ustomer
I am #ritin to confirm !our t#o da!s at Lime#ood S'a$ T%e S'a e&'ects !ou on t%e evenin of
T%ursda! :9t%$ "our 'ersonal trainer is meetin !ou at ?$;; a$m$ on t%e Frida! mornin$ >e #ill
assess !our needs and 'rovide !ou #it% a 'lan to ensure t%at !ou make t%e most of !our sta!
#it% us$ If !ou are interested in bookin an! of our ot%er facilities/ 'lease c%eck our #ebsite and
online bookin s!stem$
We look for#ard to seein !ou and I %o'e !ou %ave a 'leasant sta!$
8est #is%es
Melanie 3ilbert
Lime#ood S'a
6. 'n$iting
To Saskia -anknaa'
From ,larissa )ones
Subject "our visit on Wednesda! @ Ma!
Dear Saskia
We #ould like to invite !ou to t%e 'roduct launc% 'art! on @ Marc%$ T%e 'art! #ill start at =$;;
'$m$ and #ill take 'lace in t%e Roebuck >otel$ Dinner and drinks #ill be 'rovided$
We #ould be deli%ted if !ou could come$ 7lease let me kno# if !ou #ill be able to attend b! :6
Wit% best #is%es
7. #o$e e!ail wit% i!ages attac%ed
From >an "oo )in
Subject Securit! u'rade
Dear 1ll
1s !ou are a#are/ #e %ave recentl! %ad a number of securit! breac%es in our offices$ T%is %as
meant t%at #e %ave %ad to introduce a series of ne# securit! measures$
8ecause of t%e recent c%anes I am attac%in a diaram t%at s%o#s %o# to use t%e ne# securit!
'ass s!stem$ It also includes a ma' dis'la!in all t%e ne# securit! equi'ment on site$
If !ou %ave an! questions/ 'lease do not %esitate to contact us at securit! on e&tension A6;;;$
"ooB)in >an
>ead of Securit!
8. (u!!e) o& a !eeting / gi$ing good news
From Ramos *elson
Subject 1nnual sales meetin
Dear 1ll
I am just emailin to 'ass on t%e results of our annual sales meetin and I am ver! %a''! to
announce t%at >olmes 7lastic #orld#ide sales team %as made record sales over t%e last t#elve
To summari5e/ t%is !ear #e e&'ect to see a rise in sales of :@;C and t%e c%ances are t%at t%is
ra'id rise #ill continue ne&t !ear$ T%is is reat ne#s and t%is ac%ievement is a result of !our %ard
#ork in a ver! demandin market$
T%e board %ave announced t%at bonuses #ill be a#arded to ever!one on t%e team for !our #ork
t%is !ear$ I also 'lan to visit eac% reional office b! t%e end of t%e mont% to conratulate
ever!bod! 'ersonall!$
It4s been a fantastic !ear2 #ell done ever!oneD
9. *esponding to+ apologi,ing a"out+ and con&i!ing an ode
To 7ekka >alonen
From )ason Fleet
Subject "our order EWDI"1:9;;;=F
Dear 7ekka >alonen
T%ank !ou for !our email/ #%ic% I received t%is mornin E9G )anuar!F$ I am ver! sorr! t%at !ou
%ave not !et received !our order of :;; steel doors Ecode2 :::;;GH=F/ #%ic% !ou 'laced #it% us
last #eek$
1ccordin to m! information/ t%e order #as dis'atc%ed on 9= )anuar!$ It #as dela!ed because
t%ere #as a 'roblem #it% t%e s%i' trans'ortin t%e oods$ I am e&tremel! sorr! t%at !ou #ere not
informed about t%is earlier$ I received t%e ne#s b! email/ but I %ave been a#a! from t%e office
over t%e last #eek$ I am ver! 'leased to sa! t%at !our order is no# on its #a! and it #ill be #it%
!ou ver! soon$
7lease acce't m! a'oloies once aain$
"ours sincerel!
)ason Fleet
10. (uggesting and *eco!!ending
To Tobias Treic%ler
From Marco 7edra55ini
Subject Summer conference
Dear Tobias
T%ank !ou for !our email about %avin t%e summer conference in Se'tember rat%er t%an )une$
"ou mentioned t%at it #as not 'ossible to %old t%e conference in Iuric%/ but %o# about %oldin
it %ere in Luano. I t%ink it4s a ood idea to %ave it %ere/ as man! 'eo'le are comin from
If !ou are %a''! #it% m! suestion/ it4s 'robabl! #ort% bookin %otels no# as Luano can be
ver! bus! in t%e summer$
W%at do !ou t%ink.
8est reards
11. #on&i!ing decisions
To 1nt%on! Sa''
From 8ak%oum 0mar
Subject Re2 ne# %otel in Lu&or
>i 1nt%on!
T%anks for !our email about o'enin a ne# %otel in (!'t$ We %ad a meetin about t%is
!esterda!/ and #e made some im'ortant decisions$
T%is is to confirm t%at #e t%ink t%at o'enin a %otel in Lu&or is an e&cellent idea$ 1ccordin to
Ibra%im/ man! of our uests s'end 'art of t%eir %olida! in our ,airo %otel and t%en continue to
Lu&or/ #%ere t%e! c%ane %otels$ >e maintains t%at if #e o'ened a %otel t%ere/ #e #ould alread!
%ave enou% customers to make a 'rofit$ I com'letel! aree #it% %im$
1s far as I4m concerned/ t%e most im'ortant t%in no# is to discuss t%e financial 'lan$ 7er%a's
#e could arrane a meetin to discuss t%e 'ro'osal in more detail.
0mar 8ak%oum
(!'t Manaer
Roses >otels
12. -i$ing in&o!ation / esponding to .uestions
To )aime Sanc%e5
From )erem! Miles
Subject (&ecutive to!
Dear Mr Sanc%e5
T%ank !ou for !our email requestin furt%er information about our ne# e&ecutive desk to!$ It
#as invented b! an innovative *or#eian desiner and is made out of titanium$ I %ave attac%ed a
document #it% more 'roduct details/ includin a '%oto and t%e 'rice$ If !ou #ould like to 'lace
an order/ 'lease call our customer order line on ;:@: 6?= ;??6/ or if !ou %ave an! furt%er
questions/ 'lease do not %esitate to contact me eit%er b! email or tele'%one$
"ours sincerel!
)erem! Miles
13. /sking &o %elp
To Robert Terr!
From )anice Wei
Subject +R3(*T mac%ine reistration number RD-;;9H9GG
Dear 8ob
I am #ritin to !ou because #e %ave a 'roblem at our factor! #it% one of !our mac%ines$ T%e
mac%ine %as t%e reistration number RD-;;9H9GG$
T%e mac%ine broke do#n !esterda! and our enineers %ave been lookin at t%e 'roblem$ T%e!
t%ink t%at t%e 3:< and t%e 3:? are fault! and need to be re'laced$
We do need t%is mac%ine to be fi&ed as our 'roduction seriousl! decreases #%en it is out of
order$ ,ould !ou 'lease send one of !our enineers to us as soon as 'ossible. 7lease call me
#%en !ou receive t%is email J I reali5e t%at it is ver! earl! in t%e mornin in t%e +S1 at t%e
T%anks in advance for !our %el'$
"ours sincerel!
)anice Wei
Ro Silk
14. /ccepting and declining in$itations
To Macill ,
From -alentina Rastelli
Subject Meetin in Rome
Dear ,%ristina
T%ank !ou for !our email last #eek invitin me to visit !our 'roduction facilit! in Ireland$ Due
to unforeseen circumstances/ I am afraid I am unable to come ne&t #eek after all$ Somet%in %as
come u' #it% one of our s%o's in Rome and as a result I %ave to be t%ere all ne&t #eek$
I a'oloi5e for t%e inconvenience/ but I am still ver! keen to meet !ou and talk about 'ossibilit!
of stockin !our 'roduct rane in our de'artment stores in Ital!$ I #as #onderin if !ou #ould
like to visit us %ere in Ital! instead. I #ould be deli%ted to meet t%e #eek after ne&t and discuss
our business ideas$
I do a'oloi5e once aain and I look for#ard to !our re'l!$
Wit% ver! best #is%es
15. #on&i!ing &utue action
To 7atrick Tailor
From -asil! *ekric%
Subject *e# console line
>i 7atrick
T%ank !ou ver! muc% for comin to Seattle and 'resentin !our ne# ames consoles to us$ I
#ould like to summari5e #%at #e4ve areed$
Somet%in t%at !our desin team intends to #ork on is ne# 'ackain to s%o# t%at t%ese are
lu&ur! items$ We #ould like to see 'lans for t%e desin b! t%e beinnin of ne&t mont% J is t%is
0K #it% !ou.
"ou also suested t%at #e consider reducin t%e 'rice as a #a! of 'romotin t%e 'roduct$ We
need to t%ink about t%e cost im'lications/ so I4m oin to find out and I4ll et back to !ou on t%is
b! t%e end of t%is #eek$
T%ose are all t%e 'lans for no#$ If !ou #ould like to talk about t%is furt%er/ 'lease call an! time
t%is #eek and #e can run t%rou% ever!t%in in more detail$
16. 0%anking a&te a "usiness tip
To 1lan Marks
From Rafael ,u'ul
Subject *e# drink
Dear 1lan
T%ank !ou ver! muc% for !our %os'italit! in 8ri%ton$ I reall! enjo!ed t%e tri' and !ou made me
feel ver! #elcome$ It #as reat to finall! meet ever!bod!$ I #as reall! im'ressed b! !our ideas
and I am sure t%at toet%er #e #ill succeed in sellin our c%ocolate drink in t%e +K$
1s !ou suested/ 1ndrKs ,arreLo #ill come to 8ri%ton ne&t #eek$ >e #ill s%are %is e&'ertise
#it% !our team and #e can look for #a!s of ada'tin t%e reci'e for 8ritis% tastes$
I am sure it is oin to be a fantastic 'roject and I am ver! muc% lookin for#ard to #orkin
#it% !ou$
Wit% ver! best #is%es
Rafael Rossi
Sales Manaer

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