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Question 1 MEMO To: Miss Kate Simpsons From: Nadra Aziz Subject: IT Department job interviews Date: 5 June

20 ! I "ave re#eived over 00 app$i#ations %or t"e new position in t"e IT Department and "ave put to&et"er a s"ort $ist o% 0 #andidates' I "ave made #opies o% t"eir ()*s and $etters o% app$i#ation and wi$$ send t"em over to +ou t"is a%ternoon' (ou$d +ou $et me ,now w"en +ou wou$d $i,e t"e interviews to ta,e p$a#e so t"at I #an in%orm t"e #andidates w"en I write to t"em to invite t"em %or interviewI t"in, it wou$d be a &ood idea i% t"e initia$ interviews too, p$a#e in t"e .ersonne$ Department and i% +ou #ou$d in%orm me "ow man+ peop$e %rom +our department wou$d $i,e to be present at t"e interviews' I wi$$ arran&e %or a suitab$e room' (o%%ee and bis#uits wi$$ be avai$ab$e bot" %or t"e interviewers and t"e interviewees' I wi$$ arran&e %or t"e #andidates to be s"own around t"e #ompan+ and brou&"t a$on& to t"e IT Department w"ere per"aps one o% +our sta%% #ou$d s"ow t"em around' I "ave a$$o#ated !0 minutes per #andidate but i% +ou wou$d $i,e more time t"is #an be #"an&ed' /et me ,now w"at +ou t"in, and i% t"ere is an+t"in& e$se +ou wi$$ re0uire'
Question 2: A. COLLAR MOB LE !"O#E COM!A#$ %&. %amin 'intin( #o. 12) %a*arta !usat+ ,2-./) 0,/11 .)/-2)/)3 FA4 .53222/53

Ju$+ 21 20 ! To: 2$$i .ando 3or$d ."one J$' 4enda"ara No'56 Ja,arta Se$atan Dear Ms' 2$$i :

T"an, +ou %or +our en0uir+ o% 7 June' 3e are p$eased to "ear t"at +ou are interested in our produ#ts' 3e are sendin& +ou a detai$ o% mobi$e p"ones t"at in#$ude a #amera o% our produ#ts' I re&ret to sa+ t"at we #annot send +ou t"e %u$$ ran&e o% detai$s' 8ou #an be assured1 "owever1 t"at mobi$e p"one "ave a 9in s#reen wit" a reso$ution o% 1 !7:790 pi:e$s1 t"e mobi$e p"one wi$$ a$$e&ed$+ "ave a bronze 2 co&ore6 com7onents+ 8intin( at ne9 co&ors+ new %eatures in#$ude (ontro$ (enter1 w"i#" $ets +ou a##ess #ommon settin&s1 su#" as +our 3i;<i networ,in& options1 %rom a swipe;up menu= Air Drop1 w"i#" $ets +ou trans%er %i$es over 3i;<i to ot"er users nearb+= better mu$ti;tas,in&= a new #amera app wit" new %i$ters= and p$ent+ more1 "avin& a "i&"er; reso$ution #amera1 t"e #amera wi$$ "ave a 2;me&api:e$ sensor' 3"en +ou see t"em1 we t"in, t"at +ou wi$$ a&ree t"at on$+ t"e best 0ua$it+ materia$s are used1 and t"e "i&" to t"e most dis#riminatin& bu+er' 3e $oo, %orward to re#eivin& an order %rom +ou' $ours sincere&:+

#a6ra A;i; Customer Ser<ice

B. COLLAR MOB LE !"O#E COM!A#$ %&. %amin 'intin( #o. 12) %a*arta !usat+ ,2-./) 0,/11 .)/-2)/)3 FA4 .53222/53

Ju$+ 21 20 ! To: 2$$i .ando 3or$d ."one J$' 4enda"ara No'56 Ja,arta Se$atan Dear Ms' 2$$i :

T"an, +ou %or +our en0uir+ o% 7 June' 3e are p$eased to "ear t"at +ou are interested in our produ#ts' T"e .a+ment terms o% w"i#" are as %o$$ows'

' .a+ment wi$$ be b+ #on%irmed1 irrevo#ab$e $etter o% #redit wit" dra%t at si&"t instead o% dire#t pa+ment at si&"t' 2' T"e pri#e 0uoted to us is wit" no dis#ount' T"e above pa+ment terms "ave been approved b+ our Mana&in& Dire#tor and wi$$ be a#ted on a##ordin&$+' T"e order is bein& prepared and wi$$ rea#" +ou in t"e ne:t ten da+s' 3e sin#ere$+ "ope t"at %uture between our #ompanies wi$$ $ead to %urt"er mutua$$+ bene%i#ia$ business' $ours sincere&:+ #a6ra A;i; Customer Ser<ice

Question ): T8e Di==erence bet9een Emai& an6 Fa> 2mai$ is a %orm o% messa&e or $etter wit" atta#"ments and #annot be re#eived b+ %a: ma#"ine' <a: is at rue #op+ o% %i$es or do#ument >s#anned? t"at is sent to ot"er ma#"ine or emai$' Question 5: T8e Di==erence bet9een A Business Memo ? A Business Letter 4usiness memos are interna$ do#uments sent to emp$o+ees to #onve+ in%ormation about t"e #ompan+1 w"i$e business $etters are e:terna$ #ommuni#ated1 o%ten re$ated to sa$es a#tivities or #ustomer needs or to 0uer+ a vendor or &overnment a&en#+' T"e %ormattin& is di%%erent %or bot"1 and $earnin& "ow to proper$+ #reate ea#" wi$$ "e$p +ou more e%%e#tive$+ #ommuni#ate +our messa&e' Memos Memo is s"ort %or memorandum1 w"i#" re%ers to a reminder or a noti%i#ation o% an important item' Memos are o%ten sent to noti%+ sta%% members about a meetin& or new po$i#+ t"e #ompan+ %ee$s is important enou&" to warrant more t"an word;o%;mout" dissemination' Memos are o%ten in%orma$1 wit" $ess attention to stru#ture1 %ormattin&1 &rammar and 0ua$it+ o% paper' /etters /etters are more %orma$ do#uments sent to peop$e outside +our #ompan+' T"e+ #an in#$ude re0uests %or in%ormation or #$ari%i#ation %rom a &overnment a&en#+ responses to #ustomer #omp$aints or 0ueries= or pit#"es or proposa$s to vendors1 #ustomers or t"e media' /etters are usua$$+ put on "i&";0ua$it+ paper1 rat"er t"an #op+ paper1 and are #are%u$$+ proo% read to avoid even t"e sma$$est mista,e' @eadin&

A memo doesnAt need to be on #ompan+ stationer+ or in#$ude +our #ompan+ name1 $o&o1 address or ot"er items usua$$+ %ound on $etter "ead' A memo o%ten in#$udes a "eadin& at t"e top1 $e%t;"and side o% t"e paper t"at in#$udes %our $ines desi&natin& w"o is sendin& t"e memo1 w"oAs re#eivin& it1 t"e topi# t"e memo #overs and t"e date' A $etter is usua$$+ written on business stationar+ wit" t"e date appearin& under t"e $etter"ead on t"e $e%t;"and side o% t"e pa&e' A b$an, $ine separates t"e date and t"e address o% t"e re#ipient1 w"i#" in#$udes t"e re#ipientAs name1 tit$e and address' A%ter anot"er b$an, $ine1 a sa$utation appears1 su#" as Dear Mr' Smit"' (ontent A memo states t"e purpose %or t"e #ommuni#ated in t"e %irst senten#e1 %o$$owed b+ in%ormation brie%$+ addressin& t"e w"o1 w"at1 w"ere1 w"+1 w"en and "ow o% t"e #ontents' /itt$e support or detai$ is %ound in a memo1 w"i#" o%ten pre#edes a meetin& or announ#es simp$e in%ormation' I% a #ompan+ "as detai$ed or #omp$i#ated news to announ#e1 it wi$$ "o$d a meetin& or provide a $on&er report' Be#ipients o% a memo #an #onta#t t"em sender or a supervisor i% t"e+ need more in%ormation' A $etter starts wit" t"e reason %or writin& and t"en addresses t"e reason' A $etter usua$$+ provides more detai$1 support and justi%i#ation t"an a memo1 sin#e t"e $etter o%ten "as to ma,e a sa$e or answer a 0uestion' ($osin& A memo doesnAt summarize or re#ap t"e #ontents1 o%ten endin& wit" a #a$$ to a#tion1 su#" as as,in& t"e reader to put t"e date o% t"e #omin& meetin& on "er #a$endar or to pursue t"e a#tion re#ommended in t"e memo' A $etter o%ten %inis"es wit" a #on#$usion1 as,s t"e reader to #onta#t t"e writer1 t"an,s t"e reader and in#$udes t"e senderAs name and tit$e' Man+ $etters #ontain a .'S'1 or post s#ript1 note t"at "e$ps one %a#t or pie#e o% in%ormation stand out' Question .: a' (omp$imentar+ ($osin& 8ours <ait"%u$$+ 8ours Sin#ere$+ Sin#ere$+ Be&ads b' Inside Address To: Mana&er C% Mar,etin& C% .T' D/TBA JA8A In Suraba+a To: MATA@ABI @rd' In 4andun& Sa$utation Dear Sir Dear Madam



Mr'EMrs' Smit"s Si&nature /ine

Nadra Aganasta Y.
Nadra Arrauda Aziz Mana(er O= Mar*etin( A&anasta 8usu% Mana(er O= Finance

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