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Module I:
Career Planning
Activity 1:Career Development Action Plan

It is important to come up wit !our career "e#e$opment p$an as it %i#es !ou te
muc nee"e" "irection an" ma&es it c$ear tere were !ou see !ourse$' in
'uture( It ma&es !ou aware o' !our stren%t an" wea&nesses an" te s&i$$s an"
&now$e"%e tat are re)uire" to acie#e !our %oa$s in 'uture(
Se$'*assessment summar! statement:
Career Motivator#: Interest an" appreciation 'or te wor&(
$%ill# to &e developed: $earnin% new $an%ua%es+ %oo" ana$!tica$ s&i$$s+ %oo"
communication s&i$$s(
Vi#ion o' 'uture career direction: To start sometin% o' m! own
,areer %oa$s:
$(ort Term: Secure a position wit opportunit! 'or pro%ression in an esteeme"
Mid Term: -e#e$op into a senior ro$e
Lon% term: Hea" a .usiness unit/#enture(
Activity ):
Per#onal Career A##e##ment *ue#tionnaire
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
0e$ow are 12 simp$e )uestions tat are %roupe" into 3 cate%ories( Tese
cate%ories e4press persona$ caracteristics tat a#e .een "etermine" to .e #er!
important to career #ita$it!( Rate !ourse$' on te sca$e ran%in% 'rom 5*6(
A, Tec(nical Pro'iciency
1( ,ompare" to tat o' m! peers an" super#isors+ m! &now$e"%e an" e4perience as muc %reater app$ication
to m! wor&(
7( M! tecnica$ wor& consistent$! causes me to stretc m! ta$ents an" a.i$ities(
8( M! co*wor&ers are constant$! comin% to me 'or tecnica$ a"#ice(

B, Credi&ility
9( M! super#isor or team $ea"er constant$! trusts me to "o %oo" wor& witout 'ee$in% a nee" to c$ose$! monitor
m! acti#ities(
5( M! peers constant$! see& m! a"#ice on wor& re$ate" :not necessari$! tecnica$; issues(
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true True
Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
3( In te past m! <u"%ments an" assessments a#e constant$! .een pro#en to .e appro4imate$! correct(

C, Breadt( -- Big Picture Per#pective
=( I a#e a .roa" wor&*re$ate" &now$e"%e o' 'ie$"s oter tan m! specia$t!(
2( M! wor& constant$! ca$$en%es me to stretc m! non*tecnica$ s&i$$s(
>( I rate m! ?peop$e s&i$$s@ :communication+ $istenin%+ copin% wit "i''icu$t peop$e+ coacin%+ etc(; #er! i%(
D, Jo& it -- .everaging /(o I Am
16( I constant$! 'ee$ a$i#e+ ener%etic+ ?turne" on@ .! te wor& tat I am "oin%(
11( I pre'er wor&in% as a team to wor&in% a$one(
-e'inite$! true True
Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true True Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true
Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true True
Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
17( I pre'er ta&in% responsi.i$it! 'or te wor& o' oters rater tan mana%in% on$! m!se$'(

E, Initiative and O0ner#(ip
18( I a$wa!s 'ee$ 'ree to a"#ance m! i"eas an" <u"%ments witout waitin% to .e as&e"(
19( I a$wa!s see& wa!s to increase m! contri.utions .e!on" wat is usua$$! e4pecte" o' peop$e in m! position(
15( I' I %et .ore" wit m! wor&+ I 'ee$ entire$! com'orta.$e initiatin% can%e tat wi$$ .etter suit m! a.i$ities
an" career interests(
, 1et0or%ing2Vi#i&ility
13( I a$wa!s prompt$! respon" to #oice mai$+ e*mai$+ an" oter messa%es or re)uests 'or e$p(
1=( I a$wa!s &eep m! mana%er in'orme" a.out m! pro%ress an" accomp$isments(
-e'inite$! true True Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true
Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true True Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true
Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
12( I 'ee$ #er! com'orta.$e wit te #isi.$e components o' m! <o. :report writin%+ ma&in% proposa$s+ %i#in%
presentations+ etc(;(
=6A a.o#e: Hi% 95*=6: A#era%e 0e$ow 95: poor
Module ):
Career $ucce##: Intere#t5 Aptitude 6 Attitude 7Per#onality8
Activity 1-E4aminin% Wor& Ba$ues
Te 'o$$owin% is a $ist o' #a$ues tat man! peop$e a#e i"enti'ie" as .ein% important to tem
in teir careers(
To .e%in e4p$orin% !our own #a$ues+ rate te "e%ree o' importance o' eac #a$ue in te ta.$e
1CNot important at a$$ 7CSomewat important 8CReasona.$! important 9CBer! important
1( !elp $ociety -o sometin% to contri.ute to a .etter wor$" * 7
7( !elp Ot(er# 0e in#o$#e" in e$pin% oters in a "irect wa! * 8
8( /or% /it( Ot(er# Wor& as a team towar" common %oa$s * 9
9( Competition En%a%e in acti#ities wic pit m! a.i$ities a%ainst oters * 8
5( Po0er and Aut(ority ,ontro$ te wor& acti#ities o' oters * 1
3( In'luence People 0e in position to in'$uence te attitu"es or opinions o' oter peop$e * 7
=( 9no0ledge Pursue &now$e"%e+ trust+ an" un"erstan"in% * 9
2( Per#onal 4ro0t( En%a%e in wor& tat o''ers te opportunit! to %row as a person * 8
-e'inite$! true
Ten"s to .e true Ten"s not to .e true Not true -e'inite$! not true
-e'inite$! true True Ten"s to .e true
Ten"s not to .e true
Not true -e'inite$! not true
>( Creativity+ Artistic En%a%e in creati#e artistic e4pression * 7
16( Variety Ha#e responsi.i$ities tat can%e 're)uent$! * 7
11( $ecurity 0e assure" o' &eepin% m! <o. an" recei#in% satis'actor! compensation * 8
17( $ta&ility Ha#e a wor& routine an" <o. "uties tat are $ar%e$! pre"icta.$e * 7
18( 3ecognition 0e pu.$ic$! reco%niDe" 'or te )ua$it! o' m! wor& * 7
19( E:citement E4perience a i% "e%ree o' e4citement in m! wor& * 9
15( .ocation Wor& in a $ocation c$ose to ome+ sort commute * 7
13( un Wor& in a settin% were I am 'ree to .e p$a!'u$+ umorous * 8
1=( Autonomy Ha#e <o. tat a$$ow me 'ree"om to "etermine ow an" wen wor& is "one*8
12( Advancement Ha#e te opportunit! to wor& ar" an" earn career a"#ancement *8
1>( Ae#t(etic# Participate in stu"!in% or appreciatin% te .eaut! o' tin%s+ i"ea+ etc( * 8
76( Ac(ievement E4perience a sense o' accomp$isment 'or a <o. we$$ "one * 8
71( inancial 4ain Ha#e a $i&e$ioo" o' acie#in% e4ce$$ent monetar! rewar"s o' oters * 8
77( $upervi#ion Ha#e a <o. in wic I am "irect$! responsi.$e 'or te wor& o' oters * 7
78( P(y#ical C(allenge -o acti#ities tat use m! p!sica$ capa.i$ities * 7
79( Moral ul'illment Wor& contri.utes to a set o' mora$ stan"ar"s wic I 'ee$ are #er!
important * 7
75( Community Li#e were I can participate in communit! a''airs * 7
M! score C 35
;< 6 a&ove: !ig(
=>-;<: Average
Belo0 ><: .o0
.i#t your top t(ree mo#t important 0or% value#:
1, E:citement
), Variety
?, /or% 0it( ot(er#
Acitivity ):
Module ?:
E:plore Career 'or 4ro0t(
Activity 1-3iddle#
Ri""$es are peraps some o' te o$"est e4amp$es o' $atera$ tin&in%+ common in
Gree& an" Roman $iterature an" a$so An%$o*Sa4on stories( Ri""$es
are statements wit a i""en meanin%+ in te 'orm o' a wor" puDD$e !ou a#e to
so$#e as in te 'o$$owin% tirt! e4amp$es( See ow man! !ou can %et ri%t( Te!
start eas! an" %ra"ua$$! .ecome ar"erE
/(at i# &eing de#cri&ed@
1( Li%ter tan wat IFm ma"e o'+
I i"e more o' m!se$' tan !ou can see( Wat am IG
7( I canHt .e use" un$ess I am .ro&en(
Wat am IG
8( I a$wa!s %o up an" ne#er come "own(
9( I a#e o$es in m! top an" .ottom+ m! $e't an" ri%t+ an" m! mi""$e(
0ut sti$$ I o$" water( Wat am IG
5( Wetter an" wetter I %et te more I "r!+
Rin% me an" I wi$$ cr!(
3( I wei% notin%+ .ut sti$$ !ou can see me(
Put me in a .uc&et+ an" IF$$ ma&e it $i%ter(
=( G$itterin% points "ownwar" trust+
Spar&$in% spears tat "o not rust(
2( I am in te centre o' Paris+ at te en" o' te Ei''e$ Tower an" I start e#er! race(
>( I' !ou carrie" m! .ur"en+
It wou$" .rea& !our .ac&(
I am not ric+
0ut I $ea#e si$#er in m! trac&(
16( I am as $i%t as a 'eater+
.ut te stron%est man cannot o$" me 'or $on%(
11( Iou use a &ni'e to cop o'' m! ea"
An" weep .esi"e me once I am "ea"(
17( At ni%t I come witout .ein% 'etce"+
An" .! "a! I am $ost witout .ein% sto$en(
18( I am a$$ a.out+ .ut cannot .e seen+
I can .e capture"+ .ut cannot .e e$"+
I a#e no troat+ .ut am o'ten ear"(
19( ,atc me !ou can .ut !ou cannot trow me(
15( I+ a$$ tin%s "e#our:
0ir"s+ .easts+ trees an" '$owersJ
I s$a! %reat &in%s+ an" ruin towns+
I .eat te i%est mountains "own
Knti$ I am measure"+
I am not &nown(
Iet ow !ou miss me+
Once I a#e '$ownE
13( M! $i'e can .e measure" in oursJ
I ser#e .! .ein% "e#oure"(
I' tin+ I am )uic&J i' 'at+ I am s$ow(
Win" is m! 'oe(
1=( Wat can run .ut ne#er wa$&s+
Has a mout .ut ne#er ta$&s+
Has a ea" .ut ne#er weeps+
Has a .e" .ut ne#er s$eepsG
12( Wat "oes man $o#e more tan $i'eG
Fear more tan "eat or morta$ stri'eG
Wat "o te poor a#e+ wat te ric re)uire+
An" wat contente" men "esireG
Wat "oes te miser spen"+ te spen"tri't sa#e+
An" a$$ men carr! to teir %ra#esG
1>( I can run .ut not wa$&(
Were#er I %o+ tou%t 'o$$ows c$ose .ein"(
76( Forwar" IFm ea#!+ .ac&war"s IFm not(
71( I ne#er was+ am a$wa!s to .e+
No one e#er saw me+ nor e#er wi$$+
An" !et I am te con'i"ence o' a$$
To $i#e an" .reate on tis terrestria$ .a$$(
77( I %o up an" "own te stairs !et I "o not mo#e
78( Te .$ac& ci$" o' a wite moter I am+
A win%$ess .ir" '$!in% as 'ar as te c$ou"s in te s&!
I %i#e .irt to tears o' mournin% in pupi$s tat meet me+ e#en tou% tere is no cause 'or
an" at once on m! .irt I am "isso$#e" into air(
79( Pronounce" as one $etter+
.ut written wit tree+
Two $etters tere are+
An" two on$! in me(
IFm "ou.$e+ IFm sin%$e+
IFm .rown+ .$ue+ an" %re!+
IFm rea" 'rom .ot en"s+
An" te same eiter wa!(
75( IFm were !ester"a! 'o$$ows to"a!+
An" tomorrow is in te mi""$e(
73( I am te .e%innin% o' eternit!
Te en" o' time an" space
Te .e%innin% o' e#er! en"
An" te en" o' e#er! p$ace(
7=( In mar.$e wa$$s as wite as mi$&+
Line" wit a s&in as so't as si$&+
Witin a 'ountain cr!sta$*c$ear+
A %o$"en app$e "ot appear(
No "oors tere are to tis stron%o$"+
Iet tie#es .rea& in an" stea$ te %o$"
72( I' !ou $oo& !ou cannot see me(
I' !ou see me !ou cannot see an!tin% e$se(
I can ma&e an!tin% !ou want appen+
0ut $ater e#er!tin% %oes .ac& to as it was .e'ore(
Wat am IG
7>( Wei%t in m! .e$$!+
Trees on m! .ac&+
Nai$s in m! ri.s+
Feet I "o $ac&(
86( I' !ou a#e me !ou "onHt sare me(
I' !ou sare me !ou "onHt a#e me(
Wat am I G
81( To unra#e$ me
Iou re)uire a &e!:
0ut no &e! ma"e .! $oc&smitFs an"+
A &e! tat on$! I wi$$ un"erstan"(
87( Woe#er ma&es it+ te$$s it not(
Woe#er ta&es it+ &nows it not(
Woe#er &nows it+ wants it not(
88( As a wo$e+ I am .ot sa'e an" secure(
0eea" me+ an" I .ecome a p$ace o' eatin%(
0eea" me a%ain+ an" I am te partner o' rea"!(
Restore me+ an" I .ecome te "omain o' .easts(
89( I wa$& on 'our $e%s in te mornin%+ two at mi""a!+ an" tree in te e#enin%(
85( Wat is it tat+ a'ter !ou ta&e awa! te wo$e+ some sti$$ remainsG
83( Tree wa!s o' spe$$in% me tere .e(
Te 'irst is an o"our+ a sme$$ i' !ou wi$$(
Te secon" some mone!+ .ut not in a .i$$(
Te tir" is past tense+ a meto" o' passin% tin%s on or aroun"(
,an !ou te$$ me now+ wat tese wor"s are+ tat a#e te same soun"G
)= or more, E4ce$$ent: !ou cou$" .e To$&ien imse$'
)< -)>, Ber! %oo"
1> - )<, Luite Goo"
Belo0 1>, Peraps !ou nee" to rea" MTe Ho..itM a%ainE
1( I am co$"
7( -rop me an" !ou wi$$ .rea& me
8( Measure me in !ears
9( I am 'u$$ o' o$es
5( I am so't
3( I am notin%
=( I am co$"
2( I am 'rom te a$
>( I am s$ow
16( Iou can o$" me
11( I ma&e !ou cr!
17( I come wen !ou s$eep
18( I .$ow $ea#es
19( I come in winter
15( Iou carr! me on !our wrist
13( I .rin% $i%t
1=( I win" an" wen"
12( I am no tin%
1>( Iou can .$ow me
76( I wei% a $ot
71( A'ter to"a!
77( Iou trea" on me
78( I come 'rom pipes
79( Iou wou$" .e .$in" witout me
75( Nonson ma"e me
73( I am 'rom te a$
7=( Iou can eat me
72( I #isit !ou in te ni%t time
7>( I re$! on te win"s
86( I .e%in wit te $etter s
81( I can .e crac&e"
87( I can .e 'or%e"
88( I ouse anima$s
89( Iou are one
85( I am wo$esome
83( Not wort a "ime
1, An
), An e%%
?, A%e
A, A spon%e
>, A towe$
=, A o$e
B, An icic$e
;, Te $etter r
C, A snai$
1<, 0reat
11, An onion
1), -reams :or peraps stars;
1?, Te win"
1A, A co$"
1>, Time
1=, A can"$e
1B, A ri#er
1;, Notin%
1C, Iour nose
)<, A ton
)1, Tomorrow
)), A stair carpet
)?, Smo&e
)A, An e!e
)>, A "ictionar!
)=, Te $etter e
)B, An e%% :ori%ina$$! 'rom Moter Goose;
);, A "ream :a%ain;
)C, A sai$in% sip
?<, A secret
?1, ,iper or co"e
?), ,ounter'eit :'or%e"; mone!
??, A sta.$e
?A, A person: as a .a.! we craw$ an" wen o$" we use a wa$&in% stic&(
?>, Te wor" wo$esome
?=, Scent/cent/sentOOOOOOOO
Module A:
$el'-3eliance and employa&ility #%ill#
ACTIVIT" 1 : .i#t o' Po#itive *ualitie#
To ta&e simp$e a"<ecti#es an" turn tem into s&i$$s tat can .e trans'erre" to te
<o. at an" e%( ,on'i"ent: I am not a'rai" to as& )uestions(
Po#itive Dualitie# in me:-
Am&itiou#: I am "ri#en to succee"(
Approac(a&le: I wor& we$$ wit oters(
Articulate: I can e4press m!se$' we$$ in 'ront o' %roups(
Autonomou#: I use initiati#e(
Calm: I sta! $e#e$ ea"e" in a crisis(
C(ari#matic: I can .e a $ea"er wen nee" .e(
C(eer'ul: I "e#e$op a positi#e wor& en#ironment(
Clever: I can <u%%$e mu$tip$e tas&s(
Competitive: I tri#e un"er pressure(
Cooperative: I %et a$on% we$$ in a team settin%(
Courteou#: I care a.out wor&p$ace atmospere(
learning outcome: Stu"ents wi$$ .e a.$e to communicate teir
.est )ua$ities(
A##e##ing Time Management #%ill#
To assess !our own time mana%ement s&i$$s
or eac( #et o' #tatement# &elo0 circle t(e num&er o' t(e one t(at &e#t
de#cri&e# you,
1( I $i&e m! watc to .e set e4act$! at te correct time(
1( I $i&e m! watc to .e set a 'ew minutes aea" o' te correct time(
7( Most o' te time+ I "onFt wear a watc(
1( I ten" to arri#e at most 'unctions at $east 5 minutes ear$!(
1( I ten" to arri#e at most 'unctions e4act$! on time(
7( I ten" to arri#e at most 'unctions a $itt$e $ate(
1( In te course o' m! "ai$! acti#ities I ten" to wa$& an" ta$& )uite 'ast(
1( In te course o' m! "ai$! acti#ities I ten" to ta&e m! time(
7( In te course o' m! "ai$! acti#ities I ten" to wa$& an" ta$& )uite s$ow$!(
1( In i% scoo$ I a$most a$wa!s comp$ete" m! "ai$! assi%nments(
7( In i% scoo$ I usua$$! comp$ete" m! "ai$! assi%nments(
8( In i% scoo$ o'ten 'ai$e" to comp$ete m! "ai$! assi%nments(
1( I rare$! spen" more tan 15 minutes at a time on te te$epone(
7( I sometimes spen" more tan 15 minutes at a time on te te$epone(
8( I o'ten spen" more tan 15 minutes at a time on te te$epone(
1( I $i&e to 'inis assi%nments an" reports wit a $itt$e time to spare(
7( I $i&e to 'inis assi%nments an" reports e4act$! on teir "ue "ates(
8( I sometimes 'inis assi%nments an" reports a $itt$e $ate(
1( I rare$! spen" more tan an our eatin% a mea$(
7( I sometimes spen" more tan an our eatin% a mea$(
8( I usua$$! spen" more tan an our eatin% a mea$(
1( I ne#er watc more tan 1 1/7 ours o' TB on a wee&ni%t(
7( I sometimes watc more tan 1 1/7 ours o' TB on a wee&ni%t(
8( I usua$$! watc more tan 1 1/7 ours o' TB on a wee&ni%t(
1( I ne#er spen" more tan an our sur'in% te We. or ta$&in% on a cat $ine at
an! one time(
7( I sometimes spen" more tan an our sur'in% te We. or ta&in% on a cat
$ine at one time(
8( I usua$$! spen" more tan an our sur'in% te We. or ta$&in% on a cat $ine at
one time(
Now a"" up te num.ers tat !ou a#e circ$e" PPPP19PPPPPPPPPPPPPP
.earning outcome: Te i%er te tota$+ te more !ou nee" to wor& on time
mana%ement s&i$$s now tat !ou are in co$$e%e( I' !our tota$ is o#er 16+ !ou
pro.a.$! nee" to a"<ust !our priorities an" .e%in to ta&e more responsi.i$it! 'or
mana%in% !our time,
Activity ?:
Complete a time analy#i#
To "e#e$op time mana%ement s&i$$s
Eac( 0ee% (a# 1=; (our# 7)A (our# per day E B day# per 0ee%8, AnalyFe
(o0 muc( time you #pend in an average 0ee% on #leep5 meal#5 c(ore#5
e:erci#e5 tran#portation5 0or%5 'amily re#pon#i&ilitie#5 cla##e# and #tudying,
.oo% at t(e 'ollo0ing e:ample o' a time analy#i#:
Hours per acti#it! in a = "a! wee&
S$eep 97 ours
Mea$s 19 ours
Recreationa$ 16 ours
E4ercise 3 ours
Transportation 71 ours
Fami$! = ours
,$asses 97 ours
Stu"!in% 76 ours
Total 1=) (our#
.earning Outcome: Wi$$ e$p u ana$!De ow muc time is spent on wat
acti#it!+ so as to a$ter an" mana%e !our time in .est wa! possi.$e(
Module >:
Impre##ion management 'or career en(ancement
Activity 1:
$el'-Monitoring Te#t
Se$'*Monitorin%: Te process o' pa!in% c$ose attention to oneHs
.ea#ior an" usin% tese o.ser#ations to sape te wa! one .ea#es(
T(e#e #tatement# concern per#onal reaction# to a num&er o' di''erent
#ituation#, 1o t0o #tatement# are e:actly ali%e5 #o con#ider eac( #tatement
care'ully &e'ore an#0er( I' a statement is true+ or most$! true+ as app$ie" to
!ou+ circ$e te T( I' a statement is 'a$se+ or not usua$$! true+ as app$ie" to !ou+
circ$e te F(
1( I 'in" it ar" to imitate te .ea#ior o' oter peop$e( T
7( M! .ea#ior is usua$$! an e4pression o' m! true inner 'ee$in%s+ attitu"es+ an"
8( At parties an" socia$ %aterin%s+ I "o not attempt to "o or sa! tin%s tat oter
peop$e wi$$ $i&e(
9( I "o not put on a sow to impress or entertain peop$e( T F
5( I can ma&e impromptu speeces e#en on topics a.out wic I a#e a$most no
3( I %uess I put on a sow to impress or entertain peop$e( T
=( Wen I am uncertain ow to act in a socia$ situation+ I $oo& to te .ea#ior o' oters
'or cues(
2( I wou$" pro.a.$! .e a %oo" actor( T F
>( I rare$! nee" te a"#ice o' m! 'rien"s to coose mo#ies+ .oo&s+ or music( T
16( I sometimes appear to oters to .e e4periencin% "eeper emotions tan I actua$$! am( T
11( I $au% more wen I watc a come"! wit oters tan wen a$one( T
17( In a %roup o' peop$e I am rare$! te centre o' attention( T F
18( In "i''erent situations an" wit "i''erent peop$e+ I o'ten act $i&e #er! "i''erent
19( I am not particu$ar$! %oo" at ma&in% oter peop$e $i&e me( T F
15( E#en i' I am not en<o!in% m!se$'+ I o'ten preten" to .e a#in% a %oo" time( T F
13( IHm not a$wa!s te person I appear to .e( T
1=( I wou$" not can%e m! opinions :or te wa! I "o tin%s; in or"er to p$ease someone
e$se or win teir 'a#or(
12( I a#e consi"ere" .ein% an entertainer( T
1>( In or"er to %et a$on% an" .e $i&e"+ I ten" to .e wat peop$e e4pect me to .e rater
tan an!tin% e$se(
76( I a#e ne#er .een %oo" at %ames $i&e cara"es or impro#isationa$ actin%( T
71( I a#e trou.$e can%in% m! .ea#iour to suit "i''erent peop$e an" "i''erent
77( At a part! I $et oters &eep te <o&es an" stories %oin%( T F
78( I 'ee$ a .it aw&war" in compan! an" "o not sow up )uite as we$$ as I sou$"( T
79( I can $oo& an!one in te e!e an" te$$ a $ie wit a strai%t 'ace :i' 'or a ri%t en";( T F
75( I ma! "ecei#e peop$e .! .ein% 'rien"$! wen I rea$$! "is$i&e tem( T F
Gi#e !ourse$' one point 'or eac o' )uestions 1+ 7+ 8+ 9+ >+ 17+ 19+ 1=+ 76+ 71+ 77+ 78 tat !ou
an#0ered ( Gi#e !ourse$' one point 'or eac o' te remaining Due#tion# t(at you
an#0ered T, A"" up !our points(
My #core: C
.earning Outcome:
1B or a&ove+ !ou are pro.a.$! a i% se$'*monitorin% in"i#i"ua$+
; or &elo0+ !ou are pro.a.$! a $ow se$'*monitorin% in"i#i"ua$(
Source: Sn!"er+ M( :1>=9;( Se$'*monitorin% o' e4pressi#e .ea#ior( Nourna$ o' Persona$it! an" Socia$
Ps!co$o%!+ 86 :9;+ 573*58=(
Activity ):
T(an% "ou 'or t(e 3oc%
To ma&e te $earner rea$iDe tat %i'ts are %i#en &eepin% !ou in positi#e #iew an"
wat !ou sa! a.out tem matters to te one wo %a#e !ou te %i't ( Tis
e4ercise e$ps in $earnin% to .ui$" positi#e impression a.out !ou( As $on% as te
%i't is not o''ensi#e or inappropriate+ !ou sou$" .e %racious+ re%ar"$ess o'
weter !ou $i&e it+ can use it+ or un"erstan" it(
$upplie# 1eeded:
One roc&
-iscuss te importance o' %raciousness wit !our %roup( Ten e4p$ain tat !ou
are %oin% to %i#e someone a present( His or er <o. is to sa! sometin% %racious
a.out te %i't an" ten pass it on to anoter participant( Te process continues
unti$ e#er!one as recei#e" te present( Iou can eiter a#e te participants
se$ect teir recipients at ran"om or set te or"er aea" o' time(
Te %ame en"s wen e#er!one as recei#e" te roc&(
Beth, I got you something that I think you are going to adore. :Han" 0et te
roc&(; What a fabulous present. We just put in a new fireplace, and I am
decorating the mantel. It will look perfect there. Thank you. Steven, I got you a
gift that I hope you find useful. :0et an"s te roc& to Ste#en(; Beth, I dont
know how you knew it, but I broke my hammer last weekend and need a
replacement. This will work well for me. Thank you. Te 'aster tis %oes+ te
more 'un it is( Te %oa$ is not to wait too $on% .e'ore respon"in%( Iou wi$$ .e
amaDe" at ow creati#e peop$e can %et an" ow muc te %roup can $au%(
$el'- 3ating at Entry and E:it level o' eac( #eme#ter
:To .e 'i$$e" .! te Stu"ent;
On a sca$e o' 1*16 :1 .ein% te $owest an" 16 te i%est; p$ease rate !ourse$'
$em-B 73M8
Parameter Entr! Le#e$ E4it Le#e$

$el'-O&#ervation A##e##ment:

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