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Massage & Acupuncture

Haro Ogawa M.S., L.Ac, CMT, ATC

How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncture improve body circulation,

promote muscle relaxation, resolves pain,

and strengthens immunity that enhance

healing system for injury and disease.

Sterile superfine disposable needles are

used. Needles are about the thickness of one

third hairs. They are used only once at the

acupuncture point. You may feel only a light

tap during the insertion.

Electroacupuncture is often recommended for

cases of accumulation of chronic pain and

muscle spasms, and as a treatment for

neurological (nerve) disorders.

Therapeutic Massage
is specific hands-on techniques including

functional massage, deep tissue massage,

soft tissue mobilization, various connective

tissue techniques, myofascial release, active

release, mobilization of neural tissue,

visceral mobilization, and strain and

counterstrain. The technique combined with

both acupuncture and clinical massage is

very effective to teat musculoskeletal and

constitutional imbalances.

Massage therapy is extremely beneficial to

people leading busy lifestyles suffering from

what is now commonly encountered work

related stress. Massage will not only aid with

mental relaxation but will work on physical

symptoms of back and neck pain that comes

from sitting for an extended period of time at

a desk or from physical labor.


Active Care Physical Therapy 3019 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94118 415-387-6564

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