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2.1 Definition of Reflection

Reflexology is a holistic treatment based on the principle that there are points or areas in
the legs, hands, and ears that are connected to parts of the body or other organs through the
nervous system. Pressure or massage at this point or area will stimulate the movement of
energy along the nerve channel which will help restore the homeostasis (balance) of the
body's energy.

Reflexology is a non-invasive therapy and helps to stop further damage from the body.
Reflection helps reduce stress from the body when applied to the feet. Applying pressure to
the feet helps in rebuilding body balance. It also helps in reducing pain, increasing blood
flow, reducing blood pressure and cholesterol (Ayushveda, 2009).

2.2 Concepts and Mechanisms of Work of Reflective Massage

Stress, injury, or illness can cause the body's energy balance to be disturbed. Energy
imbalance can be felt through crystals at the point of reflection that corresponds to the
problematic body part. The crystal feels varied from the sand to the shape of a lump. The
crystal occurs due to obstruction of the energy channel. Massage in a problematic area will
stimulate the flow of energy which will break down obstacles and re-launch energy flow.

Energy imbalances can be seen or felt through signs, including hardening of the skin,
changes in skin color, signs on the feet (red marks can indicate acute problems), foot odor, or
abnormal foot and moisture temperatures.

Reflexology is done by manipulating at a point or area of reflection to stimulate the flow

and movement of energy along the zone channel which will help restore homeostasis
(balance) of the body's energy. Stimulation of reflexology works from the inside out,
manipulates the body's energy so that the body corrects disorders, and stimulates the nervous
system to release tension.

The word reflexology which originally meant 'automatic response' was first put forward
by psychiatrists in Russia. Is Dr. Ivan Pavlov and Dr. Vladimir Bekhterev who has explored
reflex responses in the body. Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (January 20, 1857 -
December 24, 1927) was a neurologist from Russia and the father of objective psychology.
Bekhterev conducted a number of studies on understanding brain work.

In 1893, Sir Henry Head, a neurologist working in London, became the first person to
prove that internal function disorders were reflected in the external body. In 1898 Sir Henry
Head found a zone in the skin that became hypersensitive to pressure when the organs
connected by nerves to the area of the skin suffered from interference. It shows that there is a
relationship between disturbed organs and hypersensitive parts of the body. It is evident that
if the hypersensitive part is massaged, healing of the affected organ will begin intensively. At
the same time Dr. Alfons Cornelius found that when the reflex point is massaged, the
affected body part that matches the reflex point experiences faster healing.

The meaning of the word reflex here is changed to 'reflection' which in this case there is a
hypersensitive outer part of the body, reflecting the internal parts or organs of the body that
are experiencing interference.

2.3 Objectives and Benefits of Reflection

Pommeranz's Endorphin Theory states that the body will react by removing endorphins
due to massage. Endorphins are substances that are produced naturally by the body, work,
and have an effect like morphine. Endorphins are soothing, provide a comfortable effect, and
are very instrumental in regenerating cells in order to repair parts of the body that have been
used or damaged. Reflexology also provides benefits to the system in the body. Some of
them are as follows.

1) Stress, sleep deprivation, headaches, etc. cause tension in the nervous system.
Reflexology can be sedative which serves to relieve tension in the nerves. Because it
affects the nervous system, reflexology can also increase the activity of the body's
vegetation system which is controlled by the brain and nervous system, namely the
gland-hormonal system, circulatory system, digestive system, and others.
2) When working muscles need energy obtained from combustion in aerobic or anaerobic
ways. The anaerobic process produces lactic acid as a waste material. That lactic acid
pile causes muscle soreness or pain in the joints. Reflexology can make the body's
muscles and soft tissues more relaxed and stretched. This will reduce tension and can
release piles of lactic acid from anaerobic combustion so that it can clean up deposits
from unused waste material.
3) Calcium is a substance that is needed to maintain nerves, muscles, bones, including
teeth. Massage in certain areas or reflection points will help balance calcium levels in
the body. It is certainly very useful for maintaining the heart, respiratory system, lymph
system, metabolism or digestion of the body, the disposal system, and all systems which
are affected by the nervous and muscular systems in their operation.
It can be concluded that the purpose and benefits of treatment massage science
reflection is to:
1. Increase endurance and body strength (promotive).
2. Prevent certain diseases (preventive).
3. Overcoming complaints and treatment of certain diseases (curative).
4. Restoring health conditions (rehabilitative)

2.4 Reflection Tools

Various types of massage have developed in the world using techniques that are
characteristic of where the massage originated. The types of massage that are now known, in
addition to reflection include swedish massage, thai massage, Balinese massage, tuina,
acupressure, Shiatsu, and others. Massage does not aim directly for healing. Through
massage, we stimulate the body's organs to become fit. If the body is fit, it will prevent the
emergence of a disease or disorder. Massage is a way to expedite energy in the body and
blood circulation and relax muscles.

The benefits of massage, among others, are to:

1. Smooth blood circulation throughout the body.

2. Maintain good health.

3. Helps reduce pain and fatigue.

4. Stimulates the production of endorphins which function to relax the body.

5. Reducing the burden caused by stress.

6. Get rid of toxins or toxins.

7. Healthy and balancing the work of the organs of the body.

In general there are five basic massage techniques, namely:

1. Wiping (Effleurage / Stroking)

Wiping is a rubbing motion using the palms or fingers. The movement is carried out
by launching a hand on the surface of the body in the direction of blood circulation to
the heart and lymph nodes. Pressure is given gradually and adjusted to the client's
comfort. This movement is carried out to initiate and end massage. The benefit of this
movement is to relax the muscles and nerve endings.
2. Squeeze (Petrisage)
Squeezing is the movement of massage or squeezing using the palms or fingers. This
technique is used in fatty areas of the body and thick muscle tissue. Wringing will
result in emptying and filling of veins and lymph vessels. More blood supply is
brought to the muscles that are being massaged.
3. Pressing (Friction)
Pressing is a small circular motion with a deeper emphasis using fingers, thumb,
knuckles, and even elbows. This movement aims to release parts of the muscle that
are spasm and get rid of accumulation of metabolic remnants. Massage friction also
helps break down fat deposits because it is useful in cases of obesity. Friction can also
increase the activity of body cells so that blood flow is smoother in the painful part so
that it can relieve pain.
4. Vibrating (Vibration)
Vibrating is a massage movement by vibrating parts of the body using the palms or
fingers. To do vibrations, place your palms on the parts of the body to be vibrated,
then press and vibrate with strong or soft movements. Soft movements are called
vibrations, while strong movements are called shaking or shaking. Vibration is useful
for repairing or restoring and maintaining nerve and muscle function.
5. Tapotement
Spanking is a pat or hitting movement that is stimulating muscle tissue that is done
with both hands alternating quickly. To get a light hand beat, the client does not feel
pain, but stimulates according to his purpose, wrist flexibility is needed. Tapotement
should not be carried out in areas with prominent bones or in tight muscles and areas
that feel pain or pain. Tapotement is useful for strengthening muscle contraction
when simulated. This massage is also useful for reducing fat deposits and soft

Besides massage techniques, movement and rhythm also greatly affect the results of
1. Massage techniques
Moving the movement from one massage technique to the next must be done
continuously so that the client feels comfortable.
2. Rhythm (rythme)
The rhythm is the interval from movement to movement on a regular, stable, and
not too fast or slow.

The accuracy in choosing stimulation techniques greatly affects the results of

massage. A therapist must be able to assess the client's condition before a massage. In
general the client's condition is divided into two, namely:

1. Condition of lack of energy (yin)

Clients in this condition will appear weak, pale, low voice, and low body
temperature (cold).
2. Condition of excess energy (which)
Clients in this condition look tense, withstand pain, reddish face, and body
temperature above normal (warm / hot).

Based on the client's condition, the reflection massage stimulation technique is

divided into two, namely:

1. Strengthening (for Yin Conditions)

Strengthening is a stimulation technique that is used to handle clients who are in a
state of lack of energy. This stimulation technique is carried out with moderate
pressure, but the client still feels a sense of pain with the amount of pressure 30
times at each point or area of massage. The direction of massage corresponds to
the direction of the body's anatomical function.
2. Weakening (for conditions)
Weakening is a stimulation technique used to handle clients who are in an excess
energy condition. This stimulation technique can be done with strong pressure,
but in accordance with the strength of the client with the amount of pressure as
much as 60 times or more at each point or area of massage. The direction of
massage is opposite to the direction of the body's anatomical function.
2.5 Reflection Points
Area or Reflection Point
1. Head (brain)
2. Forehead (sine)
3. Small brain (cerbellum)
4. The pituitary / hyphophyse / pituitary
5. Trigeminal nerve (temporal area)
6. Nose
7. Neck
8. Eyes
9. Ears
10. Shoulder
11. Trapezius muscle
12. Thyroid gland
13. Parathyroid gland
14. Lungs and bronchi
15. Stomach
16. Duodenum (duodenum)
17. Pancreas
18. Heart
19. Gallbladder
20. Nerve nerve fibers or solar plexus
21. Adrenal or supra renal gland or kidneys
22. Kidney
23. Ureter (urethra)
24. Bladder bag
25. Small intestine
26. Appendicitis
27. An ileo valve
28. ascending (ascendens) large intestine
29. Large intestine flat (transcendent)
30. The large intestine decreases (descendens)
31. Rectum
32. Anus
33. Heart
34. Spleen
35. Knee
6. Reproductive glands
37. Loosen the stomach or reduce pain
38. Hip joints
39. Lymph nodes upper body
40. Abdominal lymph nodes
41. Chest lymph nodes
42. Organ balance
43. Dada
44. Isolated chest cavity or diaphragm
45. Tonsils
46. Lower jaw
47. Upper jaw
48. Throat and respiratory tract
49. Thigh lock
50. Uterus or testes
51. Penis or vagina or urethra
52. Anal or hemorrhoids
53. Neck bone
54. Backbone
55. Waistbone
56. Bone scarcity
57. Tungging bones
58. Shoulder blades
59. Elbow joint
60. Ribs
61. Hip
62. Arm

2.6 Indications and Contraindications to Reflections

Before massaging, it is important to know important matters relating to the massage,


1. Condition of the client

Sometimes due to the influence of the drug or because of a chronic disease, the point of
reflection becomes numb so the client does not feel tenderness when the point of
reflection is massaged. However, massage still has a healing effect so it must be done
very carefully so as not to overdo it and not hurt the tissue.
Massage cannot be done if:
1. Clients are hungry or full.
2. Clients are tired, too tired, or too weak.
3. The client suffers from a very severe disease.
4. The new client finishes working hard or goes a long way.
5. Clients in a state of high anger or emotion.
6. Clients have just had sex.
7. The client is having a fever or his body temperature is very high
8. Clients suffer from deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.
9. Certain reflection points cannot be massaged on clients who have just undergone
replacement or transplant surgery.
10. Clients suffer from severe osteoporosis, especially when it comes to the legs and
11. Certain reflection points cannot be massaged on young pregnant women or those
whose pregnancies are unstable.
12. Clients suffering from infectious diseases.
13. The condition of clients who have been severely treated by using reflexology
techniques cannot provide good results in order to save lives. The client must be
immediately referred to the nearest hospital.

Massage is done very carefully if the client:

1) Suffering from chronic heart disease.

2) Suffering from diabetes mellitus.

3) Suffering from epilepsy.

4) Just underwent surgery or transplantation.

5) Being pregnant, especially if you are pregnant at risk (young pregnant).

2. Condition of rooms and equipment

1) The temperature in the room should not be too hot or too cold.
2) Air circulation should be smooth and air in the room fresh.

3) Tools and materials used must be clean, sterile, and in good condition.

3. Position of clients and massagers

The client's position when massaged must be adjusted, sitting or lying down. The
position of the masseuse should be in a free and comfortable state to massage.
2.7 Massage sequence

In the implementation of reflexology massage sequences need to be considered. This was

done for:

1. Preparing the client's muscles and body for treatment. When you just come to the
therapy site, the client's muscles and body are not fully ready for a massage. The
massage sequence sequence always starts with muscle stretching and relaxation
techniques that aim to make the client ready for massage and prevent muscle injury.
2. Providing maximum massage results. Massage on a tick or certain reflexology area
will be more effective if it is preceded by a massage at the point / area of the
reflexology massage which results will stimulate the point / area of the massage
afterward. For example, the pituitary point, if massaged, will produce hormones that
stimulate the performance of the thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal, and others.
Therefore, massaging the point / area of reflexology of the thyroid, parathyroid, and
adrenal massage will be more effective if you massage the pituitary point first.
However, massaging the pituitary point will be more effective if we massage the
cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal points first, and so on.
3. One of the advantages of reflexology is that in each massage a good reflection
massager will take care of all the systems and organs of the client's body to work
optimally, whether requested or not, there are complaints or not, there is interference
or not. This is done because the reflexology area is not too broad, only limited to the
soles of the feet and legs. However, sometimes what happens is a practitioner forgets
to massage certain points of reflexology. By getting used to following the massage
sequences, this can be avoided.
4. Massage sequences:
1) Preparation. Preparation can be done by soaking the client's feet using warm
water for about 10 minutes.
2) After wiping with a clean towel and spraying with 70% alcohol, stretch and relax
the leg muscles of the client. Twisting ankles, sorting, and gently squeezing along
the calf and lateral of the shin can have a relaxing effect and stretch the client's
lower leg muscles.
3) Massage with the opening point. All systems and organs of the body are
controlled by the brain and nervous system. Therefore, the selected point is
number 1, 3, 4, 5, and 53 s.d. 58.
4) Mandatory point
It is called a mandatory point because this point must always be massaged to
maintain the organs of the body even though there is no interference or the client
does not complain about it.
Mandatory points include:
(1) Detoxification (disposal) at points 34, 22, 23, 24, 51, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32.
(2) Maintenance of the body's nerves and metabolism at point 12 and number 13.
(3) Digestion at points 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 25.
(4) Relaxation and calming at points number 2 and 20.
(5) Supplements at point number 21.
5) Therapy point, the point chosen in accordance with the client's complaint
(disturbance). If the point includes those points, you don't need to massage again.
6) The closing point, the point to increase the immune system at points 39, 40, and
41. Do not massage that point if the client is suffering from an autoimmune
disorder, which is the excess of the immune system or someone has just
undergone organ transplantation.
7) Cooling massage is useful so that the muscles do not bruise. The techniques used
to massage and massage are by rubbing or stroking the legs, the calf and lateral
sides of the client's shin so that the muscles become more elastic and not bruised.
2.8 Reflection Evaluation
Reflexology generally does not cause adverse side effects. However, reactions to treatment
can still occur. Although the reaction caused is the effect of healing, which is an increase in
body discharges (detoxification), sometimes it can cause uncomfortable reactions to clients.
Examples of the types of reactions that can occur are as follows.
1. On the respiratory system. If there is a blockage in the sinuses, the client will experience
flu symptoms and if there is congestion in the lungs, the client will experience coughing
symptoms. The situation is bulmbul because the body cleanse the excess mucus.
2. In the kidneys. After massage, the client feels like BAK is more frequent and urine has a
different color and smell than before.
3. If there is congestion in the digestive system, the client feels want to defecate more often
and emits more gas.
4. In skin disorders, skin rashes can get worse, but eventually improve.
5. In arthritis, sometimes the pain will become more severe in the affected joint for 24
hours after massage, but eventually decreases.
6. In women there is an increase in vaginal secretions which are slightly more acidic and
7. In the case of bloating, nausea may arise.
8. Sometimes clients experience headaches, even migraines after massage.
9. It is common for clients to feel tired after a massage because that is the body's way of
showing that the body needs rest for healing.
10. The general reaction is that the body feels more relaxed and comfortable. Some clients
feel more energized after a massage.
11. Tingling occurs. That's because the initially inhibited Qi (energy) starts to run.

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