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Tutorial Questions

Chapter 4
1. Explain the contributions of classical
management thinking.
2. What are the main ideas of the human
resource approaches?
3. What are some continuing management
themes in the 21
Classical Management Thinking-
Scientific - individual workers productivity
Administrative how managers manage using
administrative principles
Bureaucratic - organisation
Contributions of Classical management
Ways of ensuring that organisations are efficient
1. Scientific management
- select worker with the right ability
2. Administrative management
- functions of management
- managing via 14 principles
3. Bureaucratic management
- clear division of labour
Human Resources/Behavioural/Humanistic
Treat employees as human beings/assets -
satisfy/take care of their needs & welfare
1. Maslows Human Needs/Hierarchy of Needs
2. Hawthorne Experiments/Studies
3. McGreggors Theory X & Theory Y
Classical Management Thinking

1. Laid emphasis on division of labour, specifications, span of control
& others
2. Emphasized organization structure for coordination of various
3. Considered worker as economic man and money as motivator

4. Efficiency of the organization can be increased by increasing
efficiency of each individual

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