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e. e.

Professora Hermnia Pereira de Almeida

English Test 8TH gRade _________
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________Nr.:
___________ Date: _________/________/14

1. Simple Present (don't / doesn't)

1. Bob ___ like orange juice.


a) doesn't


b) don't

a) He___________ (sleep) 8 hours everyday.

2. I ___ know, do you?

b) My mother___________ (cook) a really tasty

a) doesn't


b) don't

c) The barman___________ (mix) the cocktail

3. Your father ___ smoke, does he?

very quickly.

a) doesn't

d) She___________ (go) to the school by bus

b) don't

from Monday to Friday.

4. We ___ like rock music very much.

e) Bob___________ (try) to study but he can't.

a) doesn't

f) Pamela___________ (write) an email to her

b) don't

sister in USA every day.

5. Rita says she ___ understand.

g) My mum___________ (read) the book when

a) doesn't

she has got time.

b) don't

h) The man___________ (wash) the car in the

6. Mr. Hill ___ live in New York. He lives in Boston.

petrol station.

a) doesn't

i) She ___________ (watch) the TV 2 hours in

b) don't

the afternoon.
7. She ___ go to university.
a) doesn't

j) Alan ___________ (like) puppies.

b) don't

Do or Does ???

8. They like meat, they ___ like fish.

b) ___________ your friend like spaghetti?

a) doesn't

c) ___________ the children go to school on

b) don't

9. We are new here. We ___ know him.
a) doesn't

b) don't

d) ___________your sister watch TV in the

e) ___________he read sometimes comics ?

10. Harry has bad breath because he ___ brush his

f) ___________the girls like football?

teeth very often.

g) ___________they go to sleep at 9 oclock?

a) doesn't

b) don't

h) ___________she play on computer ?

i) ___________ the dog like to eat meat ?

11. We are rich so we ___ have to work.

a) doesn't

j) ___________you speak English or German?

b) don't
4. Escolha 4 frases da questo 2 e passe-as para a

12. Dave speaks English, French, and German, but

forma interrogativa:

he ___ speak Italian.


a) doesn't

b) don't



5. Escolha a forma correta dos verbos abaixo:

a) We go/goes to school by bus.
b) My teacher speak/speaks Italian and Japanese.
c) We dont/doesnt do P.E in the classroom.
d) My friends dont like/likes art.

7. Complete the crossword.

g listen understand
study start








e) My mother teach/teaches in a primary school.

f) I dont copy/copies their homework.
g) They finish/finishes work at 8.30 in the evening.
h) We dont /doesnt think that English is easy.

6. Write the questions in the correct order.

(Escreva as perguntas na ordem correta).
1. your teacher/does/English/speak?
2. does/use/a computer/your mother?
3. ask/your teacher/a lot of questions/does?
4. CDs and DVDs/copy/do/you?
5. on Saturday/ to school/go/you/do?
6. do/you/French/understand?

Good luck!!!
God blesses you!!!


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