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Julie's POV

I felt like I was going to explode beause of w!at !e did" T!is little ass t!at
I'#e known $% enti&e life did it again' I'$ da$n &ig!t pissed off at !i$' (%
enti&e life) !e's been doing t!ese stupid little *okes) piking on $e) !u&ting $e
wit! wo&ds' An%t!ing t!at basta&d ould t!ink of and now'''
+,ou little basta&d" -ix $% da$n a&) %ou ass"+ I s!outed at .&ew as !e got out of
!is a& afte& !itting $ine) going to $% pa&king spot in t!e s!ool student lot'
+/o) I don't !a#e t!e ti$e fo& %ou& a& o& %ou' 0&ew off'+ He said &ig!t awa%'
(% little !onda i#i was al&ead% in bad s!ape but it didn't gi#e !i$ t!e &ig!t to
pu$$el it in t!e f&ont'
I walked up to !i$ as !e sta&ted walking towa&ds t!e s!ool' T!e wind was w!ipping
$e in t!e fae and $% sa&f wasn't !elping' Heads up) Canada is wo&se fo& winte&"
I $ean) su&e I lo#e t!e snow and all but t!e old) w!% an't it *ust lea#e" T!at's
w!at I get fo& li#ing in 1ingston' .on't know w!e&e t!at is2 Rig!t nea& t!e
A$e&ian bo&de&' 3!i! I !a#e ne#e& &ossed''' An%wa%) bak to .&ew' I'$ going to
kill !i$ and toda% I will'
I stopped in f&ont of !i$ t&%ing not to slip in t!e slus!' It's in t!e $iddle of
/o#e$be&) we al&ead% !a#e snow'''
+-ix' (%' Ca&"+ I said t!&oug! g&itted teet! as I sta&ed at !is stupid s$i&k on
t!at fae t!at $an% gi&ls lo#e but t!e one I want to !it a billion ti$es'
+(ake' (e'+ !e $oked $e'
I gla&ed at !i$' +If %ou don't fix $% a&) I swea& I'll s&at! %ou& little *eep'+
He gla&ed now' He lo#es !is *eep) its a da$n a& fo& Pete's sake" +Hands off $%
a&) wen!'+
+3!o said $% !ands we&e going on it2+ I asked s$iling sweetl% to !i$'
He gla&ed at $e still' 4od !e looks funn%' +If %ou put a single s&at! on $% a&
I will &un %ou& stupid !onda o#e& till t!e&e's not!ing left'+ !e $utte&ed ang&il%'
+3ell t!an) I guess %ou'd be e#en lukie& if I we&e in it now wouldn't it2+ I said
&aning $% nek'
3!% do gu%s !a#e to be talle& t!an $e2 Espeiall% !i$) its like I'$ talking to
5deno C!a&a) t!e 6 foot tall !oke% pla%e& $% dad talked about onstantl% w!o
pla%s fo& t!e 7oston 7&uins' 8A/9 I a$ a !oke% f&eak) so if %ou see $e b&inging
an%t!ing &elated about it up) don't be s!oked' 3!at an I sa%) I'$ Canadian':
+I didn't $ean it t!at wa%'+ !e $u&$u&ed ;uietl%' He looked a little !u&t b% w!at
I said' ,ou !a#e got to be kidding $e) t!is gu% !ates $% guts and now all of a
sudden !e tu&ns (iste& 0oft% and doesn't want $e out of !is life one and fo& all'
+-ix $% da$n a&) ass!ole'+ I said and walked awa% f&o$ !i$ and towa&ds t!e
I &eall% didn't know w!% !e looked taken abak b% w!at I !ad said' 3e'#e been at
ea! ot!e&'s t!&oats fo&e#e& and I'$ su&e !e would lo#e to see $e gone'
+Jules"+ T&e% s&ee!ed as soon as I ente&ed t!e s!ool' I si$pl% wa#ed and walked
towa&ds $% loke&' At t!is $o$ent) I didn't want to talk o& see an%one fo& t!e
&est of t!e da%' 3!at .&ew did to $% a& *ust totall% $ade t!is da% a w!ole lot
wo&se t!an w!en it al&ead% !ad been'
Rig!t w!en I woke up t!is $o&ning) I found out t!at $% pa&ents we&e one again
gone' Anot!e& business t&ip of dad's' 0o t!at $eant I !ad to !elp 1e&i) $% little
siste& and $% b&ot!e& Ja$es' 7ot! of t!e$ a&e %ounge& t!an $e) bot! of t!e$ need
plaes to go to and I'$ t!ei& taxi fo& a week' 3it! a beat up a&) I'$ su&e t!ei&
p&oud to be seen wit! $e now'''
+He%'+ (a&k said o$ing up to $e &ig!t w!en I got to $% loke&'
O! I did not want to deal wit! !i$ &ig!t now''' 1ill' (e'
+Hi'+ I said unloking $% lok'
+0o) %ou still up fo& t!e $o#ie o& w!at2 3e'&e all going'+ T&anslation9 3e'&e
going to sit alone and I'$ going to t&% and *u$p %ou like t!e last ti$e'
T!at's all (a&k e#e& wanted f&o$ $e' (e' Eit!e& $% lips o& $% bod%' /eit!e& a&e
!appening' 0u&e) (a&k is nie but !e's also f&iends wit! .&ew) /at!an and Robe&t'
I !ate /at!an' Robe&t is a total sweet!ea&t to $e w!en it o$es to !elping $e' And
.&ew) well) I an't stand !i$"
+I an't' Tu&ns out $% pa&ents left town so I !a#e to wat! $% b&ot!e& and
siste&'+ I told (a&k plainl%'
+3e an b&ing t!e $o#ies to %ou& plae'+ !e said leaning into $e'
I g&abbed $% book fo& Englis! and !eld it between ou& faes' I'$ not about to gi#e
$% fi&st kiss up to a fli&t'
+Co$e on) Jules'+ He w!i$pe&ed pulling t!e book down'
+/o'+ I said) I sla$$ed $% loke& losed and loked $% loke& bak up'
He sig!ed' +-ine) lost %ou& !ane'+ He $ade it sound like I !ad a big loss' /ot
to $e I didn't'
+3!ate#e&'+ I $u$bled and walked awa%'
Can t!is da% get an% wo&se2 Rig!t w!en I tu&ned t!e o&ne&) I saw 0u<%) s!ool
slut =1) o$ing on to $% best f&iends bo%f&iend' Poo& Rile%'''
I walked up and put $% a&$ on !is s!oulde&) w!i! is #e&% o$pliated but a good
a&$ &est' +0u<%) if I we&e %ou I'd go find so$eone t!at atuall% doesn't want to
ba&k in %ou& $out!'+
0!e gla&ed at $e' +O!) I'$ su&e a lot of people would be t!inking t!e sa$e t!ing
if t!e% !ad to kiss %ou'+ s!e snee&ed'
+O!) I'$ !ea&tb&oken'+ I said wit! a &oll of $% e%es'
0!e flipped !e& !ai& o#e& !e& s!oulde& and walked awa%'
I felt st&ong a&$s w&ap a&ound $e al$ost i$$ediatel%' I looked to see Rile%
!ugging $e' +How an I e#e& &epa% %ou2 0e&iousl%) t!at's t!e t!i&d ti$e %ou'#e
sa#ed $e'+
+,ou an sta&t b% letting $e go'+ I said b&eat!lessl%'
He let $e go and s$iled' +0e&iousl%) w!at do want2+
+.&ew dead2 Is t!at possible2+ I asked !i$ wit! !ig! !opes'
He &olled !is e%es' +He's not a bad gu%) Jules'+
T!is is about t!e billiont! ti$e !e's told $e t!at and its going to be t!e
billiont! ti$e plus one to sa% t!e sa$e t!ing' +3!en !ell f&ee<es o#e&) $a%be I'll
belie#e %ou'+
He laug!ed and we sta&ted walking a bit $o&e slowl% towa&ds lass' +0e&iousl%
t!oug!) !ow an I &epa% %ou2+ !e asked again'
+0eeing t!at %ou& budd% budd% wit! (iste& Ass!ole) tell !i$ to fix $% da$n a&'+ I
told !i$'
He looked at $e wea&il%' +3!at !e do now2+
+O! well (iste& 7ig 0!ot deided I needed a new paint *ob and bu$pe& so !e *ust
s&aped $% a& wit! !is stupid w!eel t!ings'+ I said t!&oug! $% teet!'
He sig!ed !ea#il%' +He's not a bad gu%) se&iousl% !e's p&obabl% !a#ing a bad
$o&ning'+ !e stood up f&o$ !i$'
I gaped at !i$' +,ou'&e kidding) &ig!t2 T!e gu% is out to get $e" Ha#e %ou not
&eali<ed t!at o#e& t!e %ea&s %ou'#e been f&iends wit! !i$2+
He s!ook !is !ead at $e and we ente&ed lass and took ou& seats w!i! we&e next to
ea! ot!e&'
+7e nie w!en !e walks in'+ Rile% w!ispe&ed w!en t!e final bell &ung'
I &olled $% e%es and opened $% notebook' T!is is t!e t!ing) .&ew is in $% fi&st
pe&iod lass and t!en $% last t!&ee lasses &ig!t afte& lun!' 0o I !a#e to see
!is ugl% fae e#e&% da%) $ultiple ti$es'
+Al&ig!t) e#e&%one get pa&tne&ed up'+ T!e tea!e& alled to t!e lass' +Atuall%)
I'll pa&tne& %ou gu%s up' 3e need !ange'+
O!' kill' $e' now'
+.&ew and Julie'+ s!e said) we we&e t!e t!i&d last pai&ed up and .&ew w!o !ad
ente&ed lass long befo&e was now s$i&king at $e'
+Ha#e fun) Jules'+ Rile% $u$bled and $essed $% !ai&' Its a t!ing !e does to $e) I
don't w!%'''
/ot fun at all'''
+.on't e#en talk to $e'+ I told .&ew w!en !e sat down beside $e'
T!e tea!e& put ou& assign$ent in f&ont of us' 3e we&e supposed to w&ite a few
t!ings we know about t!e pe&son we'&e pa&tne&ed wit!' (% list was basi' 1' -li&t
>' Ass!ole ?' Jok @' A gu% w!o needs to fix $% da$n a& A' A sok in !is $out! so
!e an s!ut up
I !ad $o&e to t!e list but I didn't feel like w&iting it down'
+T!e&e's $ine'+ I said to .&ew and s!owed !i$ t!e list'
He s$i&ked as !e &ead it and t!an s!ook !is !ead looking at !is wo&k'
+0!ow $e %ou&s'+ I knew I said I didn't want !i$ to talk to $e but I wanted to see
!is list'
He s!ook !is !ead again and t!an folded t!e pape& and put it in !is poket'
I ne#e& got a wo&d out of !i$ du&ing lass' He see$ed off in !is planet' Eit!e&
t!at o& !e was planning on !ow to $ake $% life wo&se'
.&ew's POV

Anno%ing pain in t!e ass' 7ut s!e !as a ute ass''' I !it $%self $entall% at t!e
t!oug!t' I was t&%ing so !a&d to get &id of t!e feelings I !ad fo& Julie but s!e
alwa%s !as to do so$et!ing t!at $akes it t!at $u! !a&de&' 0!e's so ute w!en
s!e's ang&%) it's !ila&ious to get on !e& ne&#es' 7ut at t!is $o$ent) so$et!ing I
didn't want to &e$e$be& was w!at s!e said about $e &us!ing !e& a& wit! !e& in
it' 4od) I'$ an ass'
3!en I walked into Englis! I knew s!e wouldn't talk to $e) s!e doesn't e#en look
at $e s!e *ust gla&es'
+.&ew and Julie'+ T!e tea!e& alled out'
Rig!t) s!e was alling out ou& pa&tne&s and Julie's $ine' (a%be I an get !e& to
fo&gi#e $e'''
+.on't e#en talk to $e'+ Julie $u$bled w!en I sat down in Rile%'s !ai&'
Rile%) $% old f&iend w!o I ne#e& talk to beause of Haile%' Hi$ and t!at gi&l'''
Rile% s$i&ked at $e w!en !e sat down next to -&ed' O! s!e told !i$' 4&eat'
I got t!e assign$ent s!eet and &eali<ed I !ad to w&ite an%t!ing about Julie and
gi#e it to t!e tea!e& in a week' How t!e !ell a$ I supposed to do t!is2 I like
t!e gi&l" A$ I supposed to w&ite t!at'
Instead I w&ote w!at $ost people wouldn't belie#e but would ne#e& &ead'
In $% e%es) Julie is one of t!e $ost sine&e people in t!is enti&e s!ool)
possibl% in t!e w!ole wo&ld' I know t!at s!e does e#e&%t!ing fo& people s!e lo#es)
!e& b&ot!e& and siste& fo& instane' 0!e's alwa%s wit! t!e$' 0!e a&es about
people lose to !e&' 0!e doesn't e#en a&e w!at people t!ink o& sa% about !e&' And
t!e t!ing is) Julie is p&obabl% t!e onl% pe&son t!at !as e#e& put a &eal s$ile on
$% fae w!en s!e gets ang&% wit! $e afte& I do so$et!ing to !e&) s!e's a g&eat
pe&son and I don't need to !a#e known !e& fo& t!is $an% %ea&s to figu&e t!at out'
A single $inute wit! !e& and t!e enti&e wo&ld would know s!e's t!e best t!ing t!at
ould !appen to t!e$' And t!at's *ust it' Julie is t!e best t!ing t!at !as e#e&
!appened to $e befo&e and I t&eat !e& like &ap beause I'$ too stupid to tell !e&
!ow I feel about !e&'
I'$ in lo#e wit! !e&'
T!e next t!ing I see in f&ont of $e is Julie's own pape&' +T!e&e's $ine'+ s!e said
I &ead !e& list and felt $% !ea&t d&op' 3!o a$ I kidding2 0!e'd ne#e& e#e& belie#e
$e if I told !e& I !ad feelings fo& !e&' I s!ook $% !ead) losing $% e%es and t!an
looked at $% pa&ag&ap!'
+0!ow $e %ou&s'+ s!e said'
I s!ook $% !ead again' I .O/'T THI/1 0O" I folded t!e pape& and s!o#ed it in $%
poket' I igno&ed !e& fo& t!e &est of lass) d&awing a design I want fo& $%
snowboa&d' 0!e igno&ed $e *ust t!e sa$e) as alwa%s'
As soon as t!e bell &ang I bolted fo& t!e doo&) I b&eat!ed &elief w!en I got in
t!e !allwa% and was su&&ounded b% people'
+.&ew) %ou a&e going to fix !e& a& &ig!t2+ A fa$ilia& #oie said f&o$ be!ind $e'
I tu&ned a&ound and s$i&ked' +.oubtful'+
+I'$ t&%ing to !elp %ou out' I keep telling !e& t!at %ou& not a bad gu% and %ou
don't e#en want to p&o#e it' How do %ou expet !e& to belie#e %ou w!en %ou tell
!e& %ou lo#e !e&2 Hu!2+ Rile% asked $e' If it we&e possible) I'$ su&e t!e&e'd be
s$oke o$ing out of !is ea&s and nose beause !e's so $ad and f&ust&ated b% $e'
And I knew fo& w!at !e said) I s!ould !a#e ne#e& told !i$ two %ea&s ago t!at I was
in lo#e wit! Julie'''
+.ude) let's go snowboa&ding al&ead%'+ Rile% alled f&o$ t!e li#ing &oo$'
I &olled $% e%es and piked up t!e sandwi! I $ade' .ad was d&i#ing us to t!e
Calabogie Peaks Reso&t so we ould snowboa&d and !a#e so$e fun fo& a weekend' A
lot of people we&e going f&o$ s!ool' 3e atuall% &ented &oo$s wit! Julie's
f&iend' 0!e told $e t!at Julie didn't know about it'
Two !ou&s late& we finall% $ade it' 3e went up to ou& &oo$) I didn't know w!at t!e
sleeping a&&ange$ents we&e gonna be but t!e&e was no wa% in !ell I'd be wit!
Rile%) !e kiks'
3!en we got to t!e &oo$) Rile% knoked' +T!e% !a#e t!e ke%s'+ !e $u$bled'
I sno&ted' -igu&es'
T!e doo& opened and s!owed Julie in a towel' I gaped at !e&) s!e was da$n p&ett%
in a towel' 0!e s&ea$ed and sla$$ed t!e doo& in ou& faes'
+,ou didn't tell $e"+ I !ea&d !e& s&ea$'
+Tell %ou w!at2+ Haile% asked stupidl%'
+O! I don't know' T!at .&ew is standing outside ou& da$n doo& wit! Rile%'+ s!e
+C!ill) its fo& t!e weekend'+ Haile% assu&ed !e&'
Julie s&ea$ed in anno%ane and t!en t!e doo& opened and Julie's !ead was t!e onl%
t!ing sene' +If %ou e#en look at $e) .&ew) I'll poke %ou to deat! in %ou& pe&fet
slu$be&'+ s!e $utte&ed'
3ell) t!at's swell'
+0o&&%) Jules but Rile% and I al&ead% ag&eed we'&e going to be !a#ing t!e bed'+
Haile% told !e&'
1ill' (e' O! wait) Julie an'
+I !ate $% best f&iend'+ Julie $u$bled as s!e went to t!e bat!&oo$'
Afte& a w!ile we all got settled in) Julie and I didn't speak) we gla&ed at ea!
ot!e&' T!e% left fo& t!e pool downstai&s so Rile% and I !illed in t!e &oo$'
+,ou and Julie got issues'+ !e said &ig!t w!en t!at doo& losed'
+/ot $% fault s!e's a pain in t!e ass'+ I $utte&ed'
+(ind telling $e w!% %ou kept sta&ing at !e&2+ !e asked'
I swallowed' +B$$) $ost of t!e s!e !ad so$et!ing on !e& fae'+ I lied'
+Just 'fess up'+ !e said'
+Al&ig!t) I like Julie) a lot'+ I said &eall% ;uikl%'
+I knew it"+ !e s!outed and t!an laug!ed' +How long2+
I &ubbed t!e bak of $% nek' +0ine we we&e 1>'+
End of flas!bak'''
3!en I told Rile% t!at da% t!at I sta&ted liking Julie was w!en s!e sta&ted
kiking $e fo& no &eason'
+.oes it look like I'$ going to tell !e&2 /o) didn't t!ink so'+ I told Rile% and
sta&ted to walk awa%'
+(a&k likes !e&) %ou know'+ !e said out of now!e&e'
I stopped' 7ad' Ve&% bad' (a&k is t!e biggest pla%e& in t!e enti&e s!ool'
+And !e keeps asking !e& out'+ !e kept going'
I *ust walked awa%'''
T!e next few lasses I !adn't paid attention to) I *ust ontinued to &ead t!e
pa&ag&ap! I w&ote about Julie' Cun! a$e a&ound and I went to t!e afete&ia'
-i&st pe&son I saw was (a&k and !e was talking to so$eone' I got to a bette& angle
and saw t!at it was Julie' 0!e didn't look !app%'
+I don't a&e" 3ould %ou lea#e $e alone al&ead%"2+ s!e %elled at !i$'
3ow) I onl% e#e& t!oug!t s!e %ells at $e' T!is is new'
+Just one'+ !e pleaded'
T!e next t!ing s!oked $e' 0!e pun!ed !i$ &ig!t in t!e fae and t!an g&i$aed at
t!e pain in !e& !and' I knew t!at was going to !appen'''
+Cea#e $e alone" I'$ !a#ing a bad da% as it is"+ s!e %elled at !i$ again and t!an
tu&ned' 0!e gla&ed at $e w!en !e& e%es laid on $e' 0!e walked out of t!e afete&ia
and afte& a $inute) I sneaked out and followed !e& $aking su&e no one !ad seen $e
I walked down a few !allwa%s till I got to one t!at no one &eall% e#e& goes down
to beause its w!e&e t!e old loke&s a&e' I !ea&d so$eone &%ing and t!at was
so$et!ing I ne#e& expeted' I tu&ned t!e o&ne& and t!an saw a blak sweate&'
I !id be!ind t!at wall and !ope s!e didn't !ea& $e'
+Ow'+ s!e w!i$pe&ed' He& !and' I !eld bak a laug!' +0tupid *e&k) I s!ould !a#e
pun!ed !i$ instead"+ s!e $utte&ed ang&il%' 0!e g&oaned and t!&ew so$et!ing down
nea& $e) a pape&' +I !ate !i$' I !ate $% pa&ents' I !ate (a&k' I !ate e#e&%t!ing"+
s!e sta&ted &%ing !a&de&' +0top &%ing %ou $o&on'+ s!e $u$bled to !e&self and
t!an sig!ed' +I'$ going to !u&t !i$ so bad w!en .ad gets !o$e'+ s!e w!ispe&ed'
Julie's POV
I got up f&o$ t!e floo& afte& $% b&eak down' I *ust see$ed to !a#e exploded wit!
tea&s' I was al&ead% !a#ing a bad da% so w!at an an%one expet' T!e&e's onl%
t!&ee people out of t!e enti&e s!ool t!at know w!at I go t!&oug! e#e&% da%' And
it *ust got wo&se t!is $o&ning'
I looked fo& t!e note $% pa&ents left $e) I didn't see it an%w!e&e on t!e floo&)
o! w!o a&es its not like t!e% a&ed about $e o& $% b&ot!e& and siste&'
I deided not to go to t!e afete&ia and went to t!e lib&a&% instead' /o one would
be t!e&e' I sat down at a desk and put $% !ead on it and &ead t!e book I piked
+I knew we'd find !e& !e&e'+ I !ea&d T&e% s&ee! lose b%'
I looked up and saw !e&) Haile% and Rile%' I wa#ed and losed t!e book' +Hi'+
+3!at's up) !o$eslie2+ Haile% said !ee&full%'
+B!)+ I ga#e !e& a wei&d look' +/ot!ing'+ I &aised an e%eb&ow and looked at Rile%)
!e *ust s!ook !is !ead' I guess !e !ad no idea w!at s!e took'
(% two best f&iends) T&e% and Haile% we&e t!e wei&dest of wei&d but I lo#e t!e$ to
deat!' 3e $et in kinde&ga&den and sine t!an we'#e been insepe&able best f&iends'
+,ou look like %ou'#e been &%ing'+ Haile% pointed out'
I nodded weakil% not wanting to talk about it'
+(a&k o& .&ew2+ Rile% asked' T!e gu% is like an olde& b&ot!e& I tell %a"
+7ot!' T!e%'&e pissing $e off' I'$ !a#ing a bad da%' -i&st $% pa&ents lea#e fo& a
business t&ip to f&eakin 4od knows w!e&e) so I !a#e to take a&e of $% b&ot!e& and
siste& and t!e% didn't lea#e $one% so I !a#e to use $% own' T!an I o$e to s!ool
and fi&st t!ing) 7A(" I need a new paint *ob and bu$pe& beause of t!at ass!ole'
And o! wait) (a&k *ust !as to keep getting on $% ne&#es'+ 7% t!e end of $% &anting
I'$ &%ing again' I fo&get t!e last ti$e I &ied befo&e toda%' It's been a
+Rile%) %ou !a#e to talk to t!ose to'+ Haile% w!ispe&ed as so$eone sta&ted &ubbing
$% bak'
+3ell) I t&ied at t!e end of Englis! fo& .&ew and (a&k well) !e's fixing !is nose
beause so$eone !it !i$'+
I laug!ed but it sounded like so$eone !oking' +T!at would be $e'+
T!e t!&ee of t!e$ laug!ed and t!en so$eone sig!ed' +.o %ou gu%s want to sta% at $%
plae2 (o$ wouldn't $ind'+ T&e% offe&ed up'
+/o'+ I wiped $% tea&s awa% and stood up' +I'$ going to lass'+ I $u$bled and
sta&ted walking befo&e an%one of t!e$ followed'
At t!e seond bell in (at!) I was al&ead% seated and t!e&e was no sign of .&ew)
t!ank 4od' I didn't want to see !i$'
+Al&ig!t) s!eets will be passed a&ound wo&k on t!e$ all lass and we'&e !a#ing a
;ui< to$o&&ow'+ T!e tea!e&) (&' 7o%!uk alled to t!e lass'
T!e next t!&ee lasses I !a#e a&e wit! .&ew' All t!&ee lasses) !e didn't s!ow up'
He wasn't t!e&e' At t!e bell fo& t!e end of s!ool) I bolted out of t!e&e and
walked to $% loke&' I saw .&ew leaning against !is w!i! wasn't fa& f&o$ $ine' He
was sta&ing at $e' 0o now !e deides to s!ow' 3ait) I don't a&e w!% a$ I a&ing2
He's a skippe&' He got off !is loke& w!en I stopped at $% own' I got $% stuff out
and went outside'
0o$et!ing was diffe&ent about $% a& w!en I got t!e&e' It wasn't pa&ked on t!e
angle I !ad it' T!e doo& was unloked' 0o$eone stole $% a& and b&oug!t it bak' I
!eked t!e f&ont of $% a& afte& I laid $% bag on top of it'
I gaped at w!at I was seeing' T!e bu$p was gone and t!e onl% t!ing left was t!e
$ino& disolou&' He didn't'''
I looked up t!inking so$eone was wat!ing $e' I saw .&ew) again leaning against
!is a& s$i&king at $e'
I s$iled' +T!ank %ou'+ I $out!ed' He s!&ugged and I saw a !int of a s$ile' I
&ubbed $% !and along t!e spot and sig!ed' He fixed $% a&) I t!ink t!at' t!e onl%
nie t!ing !e's e#e& done fo& $e'

.&ew's POV
I saw !e& walk out of lass) s!e didn't look all t!at !app% and w!en s!e looked up
to see $e nea& b% !e& *aw tig!tened' 3ell) s!e was about to get a s!ok' I got $%
bag out of $% loke& and followed !e& outside waiting fo& !e& &eation' 0!e see$ed
off in !e& own little wo&ld as s!e walked' I was leaning against $% a& befo&e s!e
e#en $ade it to !e& own'
I wat!ed !e& as s!e s&un!ed !e& fae to figu&e so$et!ing out) like s!e was
t!inking &eall% !a&d' 0!e went a&ound to t!e f&ont and !e& *aw d&opped and t!e&e
was a twit! of a s$ile but s!e bit !e& lip and looked up) looking a&ound fo&
Ou& e%es $et and I saw t!is look s!e ne#e& e#e& ga#e $e befo&e' 0!e was !app%' 0!e
s$iled and $out!ed) +T!ank %ou'+
I s!&ugged' It didn't ost t!at $u! to fix t!e bu$p and so$e !ow I felt a s$ile
&eep to $% lips' I got in $% a& and pulled out of t!e pa&king lot' I was !app%
now' I $ade !e& !app% and fo& one neit!e& of us we&e !ating on ea! ot!e&' I
wanted to be nie to !e& but I didn't want $% feelings fo& !e& to s!ow' T!an I
&e$e$be&ed t!e pape& s!e t!&ew'
7% t!is ti$e I pulled into t!e d&i#ewa%' I took t!e pape& out of $% poket and
&ead it'
,ou& fat!e& and I !ad to lea#e ea&l% t!is $o&ning fo& a business t&ip' 3e would
!a#e told %ou last nig!t but %ou we&e al&ead% asleep' (ake su&e t!e t!&ee of %ou
eat' 7&ing 1e&i and Ja$es to s!ool and don't fo&get to pik t!e$ up one %ou&
done' And please) an %ou t&% not getting into t&ouble at s!ool fo& pun!ing o&
!itting .&ew2 3e'll be !o$e on Tuesda%'
(o$ D .ad
3ow' It's no wonde& s!e was so upset t!is $o&ning ot!e& t!an $e bu$ping into !e&
a&' He& $o$ didn't w&ite Co#e (o$ D .ad *ust (o$ D .ad' 3!at kind of pa&ents
atuall% w&ite t!at on a note' And t!en t!e% want !e& to take a&e of !e& b&ot!e&
and siste&' 4ee<) I feel $o&e !o&&ible t!an I al&ead% did fo& toda%' 0!e's p&ett%
$u! taking a&e of !e& b&ot!e& and siste&' I guess t!at's w!% s!e's alwa%s
talking s!it about !e& pa&ents) t!e%'&e ne#e& !o$e' I know w!at t!e% do fo& a
li#ing) I'#e $et t!e$ and I atuall% t!oug!t about getting into t!at so&t of
business but not afte& knowing it'll take ti$e awa%'
I feel so&&% fo& !e&'
Julie's POV
I !ad t!is feeling &ig!t w!en I woke up t!at t!is was going to be a wei&d da%' /ot
$e ending up &%ing o& an%t!ing) *ust wei&d'
+Co$e on gu%s) up"+ I told 1e&i and Ja$es going to t!ei& &oo$' ,es) t!e% s!a&e a
T!e% bot! g&oaned and &olled o#e&' ,ea!) t!at's !ow I feel too %ou gu%s) I felt
like sa%ing'
I went downstai&s and pou&ed t!&ee bowls of e&eal) putting $ilk in $% own' T!e
ot!e& two would be getting !anged al&ead%' (o$ all2+ 1e&i asked w!en t!e two walked downstai&s'
I s!ook $% !ead' +/o but I'$ su&e t!e% will to tell us w!e&e t!e% a&e'+
Afte& we ate) I $ade su&e t!at we ea! !ad ou& lun! and !o$ewo&k all done t!en we
left fo& s!ool' (% a& was so $u! bette& t!an %este&da%''' All t!anks to) !i$' I
sig!ed t!inking t!is as I pulled out of t!e d&i#ewa%' I al$ost !it so$eone'
+4ee<'+ Ja$es $u$bled to !i$self' 1e&i and I soffed and I looked in t!e $i&&o& to
see a #e&% fa$ilia& *eep' O! !ow lo#el% now !e t!inks I'$ afte& !i$ fo& %este&da%'
+T!at .&ew2+ Ja$es asked afte& a little w!ile' .&ew was still be!ind us and I knew
t!at !e $ust be d&opping off !is little siste&'
+,ea!'+ I $u$bled in anno%ane' I !ated !ow $% b&ot!e& was so !app% t!at .&ew and
I talk) well a&gue but Ja$es doesn't know t!at' T!e last ti$e .&ew and I atuall%
!ad a on#e&sation was %ea&s ago but so$eone alwa%s t&ied getting us to speak to
ea! ot!e& niel%'
+3!en's t!e next ga$e2+ Ja$es asked'
-ootball o& basketball2 +3!i! spo&t2+ I asked' .&ew is ;ua&te&bak fo& t!e s!ool
football tea$ and also fo& t!e it% tea$' And basketball) sta& fo&wa&d' He is su!
an ass) !e takes t!at popula&it% to !is !ead'
+7asketball'+ Ja$es said'
I knew w!en it was) I was being fo&ed to go and now bot! of t!e$ !ad to o$e'
+-&ida% nig!t'+ I said and looked in $% $i&&o& again to see .&ew talking to !is
siste& Case%' Case% was eig!t like $% b&ot!e& and siste&' .id I fo&get to $ention
t!ose two a&e twins2
+Cool) guess we'&e going to see !i$'+ Ja$es said'
I &olled $% e%es and stopped in f&ont of t!e s!ool' +Ha#e fun %ou two'+ I alled
as t!e% got out'
+7%e'+ T!e% alled bak sla$$ing t!e doo& and t!en wa#ed'
I looked in t!e $i&&o& and saw .&ew s$i&king at $e' I &olled $% e%es and pulled
bak on to t!e st&eet'
3!en I got into t!e s!ool pa&king lot and pa&ked) I wasn't su&p&ised w!en .&ew
pulled in beside $e as usual' 3e alwa%s pa&ked beside ea! ot!e& fo& a stupid
&eason' I got out and sta&ted walking towa&ds t!e s!ool'
+0o %ou t&%ing to get $e bak fo& %este&da%2+ I !ea&d a too fa$ilia& #oie sa%
f&o$ be!ind $e as so$eone was &unning'
+3!% we&e %ou e#en going t!at wa%2 ,ou& !ouse is two st&eets o#e&'+ I asked !i$
not looking at !i$ w!en I knew !e was beside $e'
+7eause I knew it would anno% %ou'+ He said !appil%'
I &olled $% e%es' +Job well done) but %ou fo&got' (% fi&st t!oug!t of %ou anno%s
$e) w!i! is e#e&% $o&ning w!en I &eali<e I !a#e to see %ou& ugl% fae fi&st
pe&iod'+ I tell !i$) $% s$a&t ass &e$a&ks' O! !ow I lo#e t!e$'
+Oka%) fi&st I'd like to point out t!at %ou t!ink about $e fi&st t!ing' T!at's so
nie of %ou' And seond) $% fae is so not ugl%) I an get an%t!ing I want wit!
it'+ !e said) wa% too p&oud of !i$self' 4od) !is !ead is so full of !i$self'
+0o does t!at $ean %ou an go get so$e botox to fix t!at ugl% s$i&k on %ou& fae I
alwa%s see2+ I asked) s$i&king as I look up at !i$' I !adn't &eali<ed !e was t!at
lose but !e was so !ig! up' 4od it's e$ba&&assing !a#ing to &ane $% nek to see
+O!) %ou know %ou lo#e t!is fae al&ead%)+ !e said and winked'
I !eld bak t!e #o$it' +Cike a toot!a!) .&ew' Cike a toot!a!'+ I told !i$'
He put !is a&$ o#e& $% s!oulde&s' +One da% %ou'll &eali<e %ou& $issing out on $e'+
I got out of !is a&$' +T!at da% I'll &eali<e I !a#e to o$e bak and kill %ou
afte& I die'+ I tell !i$ and g&in'
He pouted' +And afte& t!at %ou'll &e$e$be& t!at %ou killed t!e pe&son %ou lo#e and
beg fo& an%one to b&ing $e bak'+
I bu&st out laug!ing at !is' He was a d&ea$e& al&ig!t''' +0o t!at $eans afte& I
kill Ca&e% P&ie) I'$ going to be on $% !ands and knees begging so$eone to b&ing
!i$ bak'+ I tell !i$ still laug!ing'
+O!2 Ca&e% P&ie) !u!2+ !e ga#e $e t!is wei&d look'
+(% one and onl% t&ue lo#e' ,ou wat!'+ I g&inned up at !i$'
T!e&e was a !int of a s$ile as !e looked down at $e' +,ea!) I'll wat!'+
T!e next t!ing I know) !e !as !is !ands on $% !ips) tikling $e !alf to deat!' I
an't !elp but giggle and s&ee! at !i$' I'$ ext&e$el% tiklis!) I t!oug!t no one
knew t!at' I guess I was w&ong and now I !a#e t!e biggest *e&k tikling $e wit!
!is !ands on $e'
I t&% and get out of g&ip but t!at onl% see$s to b&ing $e lose&) !e stops
tikling $e and !e's t!e&e g&inning down at $e and lea#ing $e b&eat!ing'
I elbowed !i$ in t!e gut and !e let $e go and g&oaned' +.on't tou! $e) pigE!eaded
*akass'+ I sa% and walk awa% b&iskl%' As I did I t&% not to t!ink about !ow I was
atuall% laug!ing and it was !is doing'

.&ew's POV
T!at was t!e best plan I'#e e#e& t!oug!t up' I knew no one knew s!e was tiklis!
besides $e' 7ak in ele$ent&% I tikled !e& and I knew t!at it would get !e& into
a fit of giggles' I lo#ed seeing !e& laug!' 0!ut up) %ou don't like !e&) $%
t!oug!ts we&e s&ea$ing at $e' I $entall% kiked $%self' I sig!ed &e$e$be&ing !ow
s!e got in t!e i&le of $% a&$) !e& bak against $% !est as s!e b&eat!ed and
t&ied to al$ down'
+3!at a&e s$iling about2+ 0o$eone inte&uppted $% t!oug!ts'
I looked up and saw Julie taking a seat next to $e' 3e $ust be wo&king on ou&
assign$ent again'
+/ot!ing'+ I told !e& and looked at t!e new s!eet' Oka%) ask ;uestions' I look at
t!e tea!e& ne&#ousl%' +A&e we doing an essa% wit! all t!is info&$ation2+
0!e s$i&ked' +If %ou !ad been pa%ing attention instead of sta&ing into spae %ou
$ig!t !a#e known t!at'+
Julie !ukled' I looked at !e& and s!e s$i&ked' +Cet's get on wit! t!is) I don't
feel like sitting beside %ou all da%'+
+-a#ou&ite olou&2+ I ask'
+7lue'+ s!e $u$bled' +,ou&s2+
I s&at!ed $% *aw' +0a$e'+ I $u$bled'
+O!) 4od' 3e !a#e so$et!ing in o$$on and w!en %ou t!ink we we&e total opposites'+
s!e said) sa&asi$ d&ipping in !e& #oie'
I &olled $% e%es and fo& t!e &est of lass we lea&nt so$e stuff about ea! ot!e&
we didn't &eall% know e#en t!oug! we'#e known ea! ot!e& sine kinde&ga&den' 0!e
!ates pi<<a) !e& fa#ou&ite !oke% tea$ a&e t!e Habs) s!e wants to $a&&% t!ei&
goalie) Ca&e% P&ie' 3ow s!e is a big d&ea$e&' 0!e !ates t!e olou& pink) s!e
doesn't like wea&ing an%t!ing &e#ealing' T!at was $% fault fo& getting t!at answe&
beause I asked !e& w!% s!e d&esses in lot!es t!at doesn't s!ow an%t!ing of !e&
bod% and t!at's p&obabl% w!% s!e's ne#e& !ad a bo%f&iend e#en t!oug! I'$ f&eakin'
in lo#e wit! !e&' 0!e !it $e at t!e bak of t!e !ead w!en I asked t!at'
Julie's POV
And I ne#e& t!oug!t I'd see t!e da%' .&ew and I atuall% !ad so$e t!ings in
o$$on' He likes t!e Habs like $e' He !ates 0u<% and 1end&a as $u! as I do
8su&p&isingl%:) and !e doesn't like golf' He doesn't unde&stand it as $u! as I
+0o we'&e *ust using t!is stuff to w&ite an essa% on ea! ot!e&2+ !e asked nea&
t!e end of lass'
O! $% 4od' He is so stupid' +,es) dou!e bag'+
He s$i&ked) will !e e#e& s$ile2 /ope' +,ou know) %ou'&e a &eal pain t!e ass'+
+-a& f&o$ it'+ I $u$bled losing $% notebook afte& I w&ote so$e $ino& stuff down
about !i$'
+I fo&got a ;uestion'+ !e $u$bled' I looked o#e& at !i$ and !e !ad a lot of blank
spaes on !is pape&' +3!en's %ou& bi&t!da%2+ !e asked'
+-&ida%'+ I $u$bled ang&il%' (% pa&ents fo&got t!at too' E#e&%one did'
+(% ga$e is t!at da%) a&e %ou going2+ !e asked'
A&e we atuall% !a#ing a on#e&sation2 +I !a#e no !oie) Ja$es wants to see %ou
pla%'+ I swea& !e's $% b&ot!e&'s &ole $odel'
+E!) I lo#e %ou& b&ot!e&' -unn% kid'+ !e said !appil%'
I &olled $% e%es' +T!at's t!e onl% affetion %ou& getting f&o$ $% fa$il%' Just $%
b&ot!e&s'+ I told !i$ and got up w!en t!e bell &ang'
He followed $e out of lass' +And I don't get %ou&s2+ !e pouted'
I !ad to ad$it w!en !e did it was ute' O! 4od) Julie) s!ut up' I !it $%self
$entall%' +T!e onl% t!ing %ou& getting f&o$ $e is !at&ed'+
+He%) t!at's affetion'+ He pe&ked up !appil% and g&inned down at $e'
+/ot in $% books'+ I tell !i$ as I &ane $% nek to see t!ose big b&own e%es
s$ot!e&ing $ine' 4od) !e's ute' Julie) s!ut up'
He s$i&ked' +,ou'll wa&$ up to $e'+ !e said'
+In %ou& d&ea$s'+ I $u$ble ang&il%' I wa&ned $%self not to look at t!ose e%es' 3!%
is !e still !e&e2 I put $% books in $% loke& and look at !i$' He's leaning down
+In $% d&ea$s) t!e onl% t!ing I want to do is kiss %ou'+ !e w!ispe&ed and leaned
down lose&'
I b&oug!t $% book up to o#e& $% lips' He is su! a fli&t" +,ou e#en t!ink of
tou!ing $e and %ou will ne#e& !a#e lips to kiss anot!e& gi&l afte& I b&uise t!e$
till t!e% bleed'+
He s$i&ked' +Just one) I know %ou& begging fo& it'+
I looked at !i$ and sta&ted laug!ing in !is fae' +If %ou want a b&oken nose like
(a&k) I'$ wa&ning %ou) %ou'll ne#e& get one'+ 3it! t!at I !it !i$ a&oss t!e !ead
and stalked off'
T&e% aug!t up to $e a few $inutes late& and s$iled' +I saw %ou and .&ew talking'+
s!e gus!ed'
I &olled $% e%es' +A&guing) T&e%) I don't waste $% b&eat! on#e&sing wit! !i$'+
0!e sig!ed and t!an s$iled' +He's o$ing'+ s!e w!ispe&ed !appil%'
/at!an) !as to be' 0!e !as t!e biggest &us! on !i$ and I !a#e a feeling !e $ig!t
like !e& beause I at! !i$ sta&ing at !e& du&ing g%$ lass'
I looked awa% f&o$ !e& and saw a s$iling /at!an o$ing towa&ds us' +He% gi&ls'+ !e
said and s$iled T&e%'s wa%' I saw !e& blus!'
+Can %ou tell %ou& ass!ole of a best f&iend to lea#e $e alone2+ I ask !i$ in a
sweet #oie'
+7ut w!e&e's t!e fun in t!at w!en %ou an tell $e %ou&self2+ I !ea&d an all too
fa$ilia& #oie sa% o$ing up be!ind $e'
I len!ed $% teet! and *u$ped w!en I felt a&$s o$e a&ound $e and !ands &est on
$% sto$a!' (% !ead snapped a&ound and I gla&ed at .&ew' +If I we&e %ou &ig!t now)
I'd take %ou& !ands off $e'+
He s$i&ked' +3!at fo&2+ !e said !is left !and &oa$ing $% waist'
+7eause if %ou don't %ou'll be in se&ious pain in less t!en >F seonds'+ I wa&ned
He f&owned' +,ou'&e no fun'+ !e finall% let $e go and I took a step awa% *ust in
+4o find 0u<% o& 1end&a if %ou want so$e fun' I'$ su&e t!e% an la% down a $at&ess
in t!e gi&ls loke& &oo$'+ I told !i$ and gla&ed'
He gla&ed bak' +I would &at!e& puke t!an !a#e to tou! t!e$'+ !e said and pu&sed
!is lips' +I'd &at!e& %ou'+
He is t!e biggest fli&t I !a#e e#e& $et and known' I s&ea$ed in anno%ane and
walked towa&ds Eono$is and got &ead% to fall asleep'

.&ew's POV
4od) s!e s$ells good too' Just !olding !e& fo& t!at s!o&t ti$e) I wanted to again'
0!e s$elt so good and *ust !olding !e& felt nie' I alwa%s wanted to in t!e fi&st
plae' 0!e wants $e' .a$n) s!e !as a ute ass) if onl% s!e didn't !a#e to wea&
bagg% lose t!an $a%be I ould get a bette& look'
+0top sta&ing at $% best f&iend like s!e's a piee of $eat'+ T&e% inte&upted $%
I s$i&ked and looked at !e&' +3!% does s!e !a#e to wea& lot!es like t!at2+
0!e !ukled' +3!at2 .o %ou want $e to get !e& a new wa&d&obe so %ou an d&ool
o#e& !e& longe&2+ s!e asked $e and s$iled'
+I wasn't d&ooling'+ I $u$bled and wiped $% $out! *ust in ase'
0!e giggled and looked at /at!an' +3e !a#e anno%ing f&iends'+ s!e told !i$'
+,ou& telling $e'+ He laug!ed at $e and looked bak at T&e%' +3alk %ou to lass2+
!e !eld out !is a&$ fo& !e&'
0!e s$iled and bit !e& lip' +'1a%'+ s!e !ooked !e& a&$ a&ound !is and t!e% walked
I sig!ed' 0tupid /at!an) !e an get t!e gi&l !e wants but I an't'
+All about t!e !a&$'+ T!at's w!at so$eone !ad told $e'
It was afte& $% football ga$e) Julie !ad o$e along wit! Ja$es' I &e$e$be& t!at it
was Ja$es w!o a$e up be!ind $e as I sta&ed at Julie talking and laug!ing wit!
Eli<abet! and -&ed'
+.on't d&ool'+ Ja$es said) !ukling'
I wiped $% $out! and looked at !i$' +3!at a&e %ou talking about2+ I asked'
He &aised an e%eb&ow and t!en so$et!ing a$e along into !is e%es' +,ou like $%
siste&'+ !e said blankl%'
T!is !appened t!e fi&st ga$e of t!e %ea&' 3e beat t!e ot!e& tea$) atuall% we
b&utall% $u&de&ed t!e$'
+B!'+ I $u$bled) wo&ds stuk'
+And %ou !a#en't told !e&'+ Ja$es said'
I s&at!ed $% !ead' +0!e !ates $% guts'+
+T&% being nie'+ !e told $e and looked at Julie' +0!e'll be s!oked'+
+0!e knows I !ate !e&) s!e won't belie#e $e being nie)+ I told !i$ and kept
looking at Julie' 0!e was s$iling) I'#e ne#e& seen !e& s$ile at $e befo&e' I wis!
s!e would'''
+0!e won't !ate %ou if %ou do so$et!ing'+ !e said and I looked at !i$ wei&d again'
+All about t!e !a&$'+ !e walked awa% afte& t!at'
End of flas!bak'''
I !ope !e ne#e& told !e& t!at I !a#e feelings fo& !e&' I guess its ti$e to sta&t
ating nie o& at least t&%' I went to .&a$a and auto$atiall% wanted to lea#e'
1end&a and 0u<% we&e on t!e stage) singing' T!e% we&e !o&&ible singe&s' And to go
wit! t!at) t!ei& noses looked al$ost b&oken' 0u&e) t!e% we&e ute but fa& f&o$
Julie' I alwa%s o$pa&ed gi&ls to Julie w!en I dated one' Julie is so s$a&t)
funn%) ute w!en s!e's ang&% 8w!i! no one an pull off:) s!e !as a te$pe& and
w!en t!at !appens) !e& e%es !ange to a da&ke& b&own' 4od s!e's so$et!ing else'
I took a seat in t!e bak of t!e audito&iu$ and waited fo& $% ea&s to stop
bleeding' It didn't take long fo& t!e$ to stop) and t!an $ake t!ei& wa% to $e'
Cike %este&da% t!e% bot! took a seat on eit!e& side of $e'
+He% go&geous'+ 1end&a said as s!e put !e& !and on $% knee'
+4i&ls'+ I $u$bled and &ossed $% a&$s o#e& $% !est' I !ate t!is lass'
+,ou look upset) an%t!ing we an do to fix it2+ 1end&a asked'
,ea!) lea#e' I felt like sa%ing t!at but I didn't want to be $ean' +/o'+
+3!at a&e %ou doing afte& %ou& ga$e to$o&&ow2+ 0u<% asked t&aing $% a&$ wit! !e&
fake finge& nail' I !ate gi&ls t!at a&e fake"
3!at a$ I doing afte& $% ga$e2 I atuall% !ad no idea but t!an I lig!tbulb a$e
on' +I'$ t&eating so$eone to a good nig!t out fo& !e& bi&t!da%'+ Julie'
+3!o2+ 0u<% pu&&ed'
+Julie P&eston'+ I told t!e$'
T!e% bu&st out laug!ing' +,ou and Julie P&eston2 T!e Julie P&eston2 To$bo%2 O!
t!at's funn%'+ 1end&a exlai$ed' 0!e didn't belie#e $e'
I looked at !e&' +I'$ not kidding'+
0!e s$i&ked' +Hon) s!e !ates %ou and %ou !ate !e&' I don't see t!at !appening in
t!e futu&e'+ s!e said and &ubbed $% knee'
+I don't !ate !e&) I *ust like piking on !e&'+ I $u$bled' And it was t&ue) I
didn't !ate Julie' T!e&e wasn't a da% w!e&e I did' I *ust lo#e piking on !e& and)
well) I *ust lo#e !e&'
Julie's POV
Cun! a$e ;uikl% and I was !app% but sad' Happ% beause I got a @A $inute lun!
to atuall% t!ink to $%self and I'$ $ad beause I'll !a#e to see (a&k A/. .&ew'
I'$ so going to !u&t one toda% if t!e% piss $e off again' (a&k was peste&ing $e in
Histo&%) wanting $e to kiss !i$' 3!i! is g&oss'
+I t!ink /at!an is going to ask $e out to$o&&ow afte& t!e ga$e'+ T&e% said as soon
as s!e sat down at t!e lun! table'
I s$iled at !e&' 0!e was so !app% wit! !i$' +I !ope !e does' ,ou gu%s a&e
ext&e$el% ute toget!e&'+ I said and saw Haile% and Rile% walking towa&ds us' T!e%
we&e talking as alwa%s' T!e&e was a #e&% &a&e ti$e w!e&e I'd see t!e$ kiss) t!e%
a&en't t!e total sexual kind of ouple' T!e% we&e alwa%s f&iends befo&e t!e%
sta&ted dating at t!e end of last %ea&'
+0o) w!at do %ou t!ink t!e tea!e& is going to $ake us do in g%$2 He got pissed
off %este&da% beause of t!e t&ak !a#ing puddles'+ T&e% said full% eng&ossed on
t!is sub*et'
+A&en't we supposed to do t!e fitness test toda%2+ I guess'
Haile% and Rile% s$ile at so$et!ing o#e& $% !ead' I didn't e#en bot!e& looking'
+O!) if !e does) .&ew is going to be !eking %ou out again'+ T&e% said and
+He's going to w!at2+ I nea&l% %elled' /o one e#e& !eks $e out o& at least not
w!en I see' It's p&obabl% t!e onl% ti$e I e#e& !a#e to wea& s!o&t s!o&ts in f&ont
of lass$ates'
+3ell) !e does e#e&% da%'+ Rile% said) s$iling at $e'
I fu$ed' +3!e&e is !e2+
+And %ou s!ould !a#e seen !i$ w!en %ou we&e walking awa% afte& %ou& a&gu$ent t!is
$o&ning' He was !a&d o&e !eking %ou out'+ T&e% said'
T!e% atuall% t!oug!t t!is was funn%'
I gla&ed' I e#e& $ention !ow $u! I !ate !i$2 7eause t&ul% I do and if I
e#e& see !i$ look at $e in an% ot!e& wa% besides a s$i&k o& a gla&e I will be so
pissed'+ I told t!e$ t!&oug! len!ed teet!'
+O!) o$e on' ,ou know %ou an't &esist t!ose b&own e%es of !is'+ Haile% said and
s$iled at Rile% w!o g&inned and kissed !e& fo&e!ead'
I t!oug!t bak to t!is $o&ning w!en I looked into t!e$ and felt t!at tingl%
feeling' I s!i#e&ed at t!e t!oug!t of getting lost in t!e$'
+O!) s!e's blus!ing'+ T&e% %elled'
I put $% !ead in $% !ands' +I got lost in t!e$ one' T!at's it'+
T!e% !ukled and I felt so$eone steal $% !ands awa% f&o$ fae' I auto$atiall%
looked up to see w!o it was' And t!an I wanted to look bak down' .&ew and !is big
b&own e%es we&e sta&ing into $% own and !e was s$i&king' I losed $% e%es tig!t
befo&e I ould get lost in t!e$'
I felt wa&$ b&eat! on $% fae' 3!at t!e !ell2 I opened $% e%es to see .&ew's fae
$u! lose&' I pulled $% !ead down and !is lips tou!ed $% !ai&'
+I t!oug!t %ou wanted $e to kiss %ou'+ !e $u$bled in a sad #oie'
+E3"+ I s!&ieked and t!an !it !i$) afte& letting !is !ands go' 4od) no wonde& I
felt funn%) !e was !olding $% !ands' +If %ou& lips e#en o$e an in! lose to $%
fae) I'll !it %ou so bad it'll land %ou a nig!t in t!e !ospital'+ I told !i$)
gla&ing dagge&s at !i$'
He s$i&ked and sat in t!e !ai& beside $e' +0!e wants $e'+ !e told e#e&%one'
+/o I want Ca&e% P&ie) t!e&e's a diffe&ene'+ I told !i$ and !uffed' T&e% was
g&inning like a $o&on' Rile% see$ed !app% fo& so$e odd &eason and Haile% was
looking at !e& !and tangled wit! Rile%'s'
+I'$ a basketball and football pla%e&' All !e is) is a !oke% pla%e&'+ !e
+,ea!) !oke% pla%e&s beat basketball and football'+ I snapped at !i$'
+7ut I pla% two spo&ts) !e pla%s *ust one'+ !e said'
+And !oke% is t!e bette& spo&t' Espeiall% w!en !e's t!e a$a<ing goalie'+ I told
!i$ and s$i&ked'
(% f&iends kept looking between us waiting fo& so$et!ing to !appen'
+0u&e !e's an a$a<ing goalie but t!at's on skates' 3!at's !e like off t!e ie2+ !e
+I don't know'+ I $u$bled' 3!at did t!at !a#e to do wit! an%t!ing2
+Exatl%' ,ou know $e on and off t!e ou&t and field'+ !e said and &aised an
+,ea! and I wis! I didn't know %ou fo& eit!e& beause %ou'&e t!e biggest pigE
!eaded *akass I !a#e e#e& $et' 0o a&e %ou p&oud of t!at2+ I snapped at !i$
ang&il%' 3e see$ed to be getting attention) ot!e& people at diffe&ent tables we&e
+,ea!) and %ou& a bit!) a&e %ou p&oud of t!at2+ !e snapped bak'
I laug!ed' +I'$ onl% a bit! to t!e pe&son I !ate $ost and take a guess on w!o
t!at is2+
+(a&k'+ !e said easil%'
I laug!ed and pus!ed !i$ !a&d' +,ou) *akass'+ I stood up and walked out of t!e
afete&ia' He *ust !ad to $ake $% da% wo&se'
0o$eone g&abbed $% w&ist and t!an I was pus!ed against a lass&oo$ doo&' I saw
.&ew standing t!e&e) gla&ing at $e as !e pinned $e against t!e doo&'
+3!at t!e !ell is %ou& p&oble$2+ !e asked ang&il%'
+,ou' ,ou& $% p&oble$"+ I %elled in !is fae'
He looked !u&t b% t!at) I didn't a&e) !e was t!e biggest *e&k I'#e e#e& $et and I
was sik and ti&ed of !i$'
+,ou'#e been pissing $e off sine t!e da% I $et %ou' T!at's fou&teen %ea&s %ou'#e
been piking on $e'+ I pus!ed !i$ off $e' +I'$ sik and ti&ed of %ou and %ou&
stupid s$a&t &e$a&ks"+ I pus!ed !i$ again w!en !e $o#ed again to keep $e t!e&e' +I
!ate %ou so $u! t!at I an't e#en look at %ou wit!out &e$e$be&ing e#e&% ti$e %ou
pik on $e' I !ate %ou and I don't want %ou to e#e& talk to $e again"+ I s&ea$ed
and pus!ed !i$ off $e finall% and walked down t!e !all) lea#ing !i$ in s!ok' As
soon as I tu&ned t!e o&ne& unexpeted tea&s sta&ted flooding out of $% e%es and I
sta&ted &%ing !a&d' I o#e&ed $% $out! and leaned against t!e wall'
.id I atuall% $ean all of w!at I said2 .id I atuall% want t!e gu% w!o's piked
on $e fo& %ea&s to stop talking to $e all toget!e&2

.&ew's POV
I stood t!e&e s!oked' I blew it' 0!e's ne#e& going to fo&gi#e $e fo& an%t!ing and
s!e $ade it lea& t!at s!e ne#e& wants to talk to $e again' I blew it t!e one
!ane I !ad to atuall% be nie to !e& and I blew it beause I !ad to be a *e&k
and sta&t so$et!ing stupid' I *ust p&ett% $u! lost t!e one and onl% gi&l I e#e&
lo#ed beause I was being a o$plete ass to !e&"
I went bak into t!e afete&ia and &eali<ed t!e enti&e s!ool *ust !ea&d ou& fig!t
beause s!e was s&ea$ing' I p&obabl% looked pissed off and $ise&able beause no
one talked to $e t!e% *ust w!ispe&ed about it'
I sat down at t!e table w!e&e Julie's f&iends we&e along wit! Rile% and now
/at!an' I &an $% !ands t!&oug! $% !ai& and felt like pulling $% !ai& out'
+/ie going) idiot'+ T&e% $u$bled'
+0!ut up'+ I said t!&oug! len!ed teet!' I didn't want to !ea& w!at an%one !ad to
+He%"+ /at!an exlai$ed' 4&eat) !e's stiking up fo& !e&'
+3!at2 ,ou& going to sa% I dese&#e it2 ,ou don't need to I al&ead% know and I
don't want to !ea& it f&o$ an%one so s!ut %ou& da$n $out!s and keep %ou& o$$ents
to %ou&self'+ I %elled at !i$ and p&atiall% t!e enti&e s!ool' T!at's w!at I
!ated about t!is s!ool' Ha&dl% an%one e#e& left s!ool g&ounds beause no one
&eall% wanted to go to a o&ne& sto&e so t!e% all !ung out in t!e afete&ia'
+I'$ not one t!at *ust !u&t t!e onl% t!ing t!at !e e#e& a&ed about) *akass" 3!%
t!e !ell would %ou do t!at) !u!2+ /at!an %elled bak' 0ine w!en did I tell !i$ I
was in lo#e wit! Julie2
+7eause I did" ,ou got a p&oble$ wit! it) I don't a&e"+ I s!outed and we bot!
stood up' O! !ell I a$ fig!ting wit! one of $% best f&iends'''
+3ell $a%be if %ou didn't keep %ou& da$n feelings bottled up $a%be %ou wouldn't
!a#e been a o$plete ass to !e&"+ Rile% %elled' /ow !e's getting into it'
T!e&e we&e people talking all a&ound now' I'$ su&p&ised a tea!e& !asn't o$e to
!ek t!is and $ake su&e we we&en't killing ea! ot!e&'
+O! well so&&% I don't want to tell !e&' Is it against t!e law now toEE+
Rile% ut $e off and I knew w!at !e was going to %ell' +To not tell a gi&l %ou'#e
been in lo#e wit! !e& sine kinde&ga&den) %ea! it s!ould be"+
(% *aw len!ed and $% fists tig!tened' /ow t!e da$n s!ool knows I'$ in lo#e wit!
Julie' (% te$pe& *ust fu$ed to its !ig!est peak in''' e#e&'
I pun!ed $% best f&iend &ig!t in t!e fae knoking !i$ to t!e g&ound'
+Rile%"+ Haile% s&ea$ and !eked to see if !e was oka%' He was al&ead% standing'
He walked a&ound t!e table and pus!ed $e bakwa&ds' I pus!ed !i$ bak and e#e&%one
was wat!ing' He laid t!e pun! and I pun!ed !i$ bak' E#e&%one was to t!ei& feet
now and !anting '-I4HT" -I4HT"' T!at didn't last long' T!e afete&ia doo&s bu&st
open and e#e&%one silened but Rile% and I) we we&e still pun!ing ea! ot!e&' I
knew $% nose was bleeding and I !ad a ut on $% !eek f&o$ t!at &ing Haile% and
!i$ !a#e'
+7&eak it up"+ T!e p&iniple s!outed'
And we didn't'
+0top"+ Julie s&ea$ed'
I laid $% last !it on !i$ and !e did t!e sa$e) we bot! fell to t!e floo&'
Julie appea&ed b% Rile%'s side along wit! Haile% and T&e%) $aking su&e !e was
oka%' 0o$et!ing about Julie was diffe&ent and I notied t!at as I wiped t!e blood
off $% nose wit! t!e edge of $% s!i&t' He& e%es we&e ext&e$el% &ed' 0!e was
&%ing''' 0!e $ust of seen $e looking at !e& beause s!e lifted !e& !ood a little
to o#e& !e& fae'
I a$ an idiot" I !u&t !e&" 4od da$$it

Julie's POV

3!% t!e !ell would !e !it Rile%2 I knew !e was an ass but I didn't t!ink !e would
!it one of !is best f&iends' I didn't e#en !ea& s!outing o& know about it till I
saw t!e p&iniple and a few tea!e&s &unning down t!e !all'
+3!i! one of %ou a&e going to explain t!is2+ T!e p&iniple asked .&ew and Rile%'
+O!) %ou an ask t!at *akass &ig!t t!e&e'+ Rile% $u$bled t!&oug! len!ed teet!
as I wiped blood off !is !eek and Haile% got t!e ot!e&'
+.&ew) a&e to explain2+ T!e p&iniple tu&ned to .&ew'
+I *ust lost it) so&&%'+ .&ew $u$bled in a tone I'#e ne#e& !ea&d befo&e' He
sounded !u&t'''
+I a$ so so&&%) Rile%'+ I w!ispe&ed knowing t!is !appened beause of $e in t!e
fi&st plae'
He s!ook !is !ead' +He was pissing $e off) Jules' It's not %ou& fault at all'+ !e
told $e and wiped !is lip' +0tupid basta&d'+ !e $u$bled'
I glaned at .&ew f&o$ t!e o&ne& of $% e%e and saw !i$ wit! !is !ead in !is
!ands' 3!at is w&ong wit! !i$ now2
+Offie t!e two of %ou'+ T!e p&iniple said and t!an looked at $e' +,ou !a#e
so$et!ing to do wit! t!is (iss P&eston2+
I swallowed and s!akil% nodded' +,ea!) *ust a bit'+ I said looking at Rile% w!o
s$iled *ust a bit'
+T!an %ou too) let's go'+ T!e p&iniple said and $a&!ed out'
+He%) .&ew' 3!% don't %ou tell !e&2+ /at!an said out of t!e blue'
Tell w!o w!at2 I looked at .&ew seeing !i$ f&ee<e at w!at /at!an said'
+If an%one sa%s a wo&d about it) I'll o$e afte& %ou'+ .&ew said and as !e did) !e
took a step towa&ds /at!an'
I !eld up $% !and and !is !est bu$ped &ig!t into it' I felt so$e kind of funn%
feeling in $% sto$a!) it felt st&ange and I didn't like it' I ould feel !is
!ea&t beating unde& $% finge&tips) !is !ea&t was beating fast) w!oa'''
I looked up at !i$ slowl% and saw !i$ looking down at $e wit! !u&t in !is e%es and
t!an t!at all !anged' It went f&o$ !u&t to sadness to !u&t and t!an sadness again
till !e losed !is e%es as if !e was in pain'
I took $% !and off !i$ and walked awa% f&o$ !i$ and feeling nu$b' I *ust !u&t !i$'
I !u&t t!e gu% w!o's been piking on $e fo& fou&teen %ea&s and now I feel so&&%' I
ould see all t!e !u&t and sadness in !is e%es and I knew t!an t!at t!e gu% w!o's
been piking on $e was !u&t b% $% wo&ds and I was !u&ting f&o$ sa%ing t!e$ and
!a#ing to look in !is e%es to see it'''
Tea&s slid down $% !eeks) I wiped t!e$ awa% ;uikl% befo&e an%one ould see but
so$eone !ad to'
+It's oka%'+ 0o$eone w!ispe&ed as an a&$ a$e a&ound $% s!oulde&s' I b&oug!t up $%
s!ak% !ands to $% fae and let t!e$ go as (a&k pulled $e into !i$ and let $e &%'
3e we&en't e#en out of t!e afete&ia and I was &%ing in f&ont of t!e$) t!e w!ole
s!ool' I found $% legs and I &an out of t!e&e ;uikl%'
.&ew's POV
3!at t!e !ell was t!at funn% feeling2 I alwa%s !ad t!ose w!en I was a&ound Julie
but t!at one was *ust odd w!en !e& !and was o#e& $% !ea&t' It felt good but
st&ange' I s!ook it off and looked at !e& as s!e walked'
(a&k a$e a&ound and pulled !e& into a !ug w!e&e s!e *ust &ied on !i$' 4od I'$ an
idiot' 3!% t!e !ell did I !a#e to do all t!ose t!ings to !e&2
+.on't look at !e&'+ Haile% snapped'
I looked at !e& and t!an looked down) losing $% e%es' I did not need an%one
bit!ing at $e' I walked awa% f&o$ all of t!e$) looking up w!en I !ea&d so$eone
&un t!&oug! t!e afete&ia doo&s' Julie' I ould see !e& &unning down t!e !all'
+,ou& an ass) %ou know t!at2 If %ou lo#e so$eone %ou t&eat t!e$ like %ou lo#e
t!e$) not like s!it'+ (a&k alled as I walked awa%'
Igno&ing' Igno&ing' T!en I left t!e afete&ia and went to t!e offie' I ould !ea&
so$eone &%ing in t!e&e'
+0!!) its fine'+ I !ea&d t!e p&iniple tell so$eone' 4&eat two fe$ales in one
&oo$' +I'll all %ou& pa&ents'+
+.on't'+ Julie &ied' +I don't e#en know w!e&e t!e% a&e) I *ustEEI don't need t!is
&ig!t now'+ s!e w!ispe&ed'
+Julie) go !o$e' I an ask Haile% o& T&e% if t!e%'ll pik up %ou& b&ot!e& and
siste&' Co$e to$o&&ow fi&st t!ing and we'll talk about t!is'+ T!e p&iniple told
+0o now %ou ea#esd&op2+ Rile% w!ispe&ed'
I looked at !i$ and !e took a step bak at so$et!ing as !is e%es &inged to see
+3!%'d %ou do all t!at2+ !e asked) w!at a stupid ;uestion'
+I don't know'+ I $u$bled'
+7o%s) o$e in !e&e'+ T!e p&iniple said as t!e doo& opened'
I looked at t!e doo&wa% and saw Julie t!e&e) walking out &ubbing !e& e%es'
+Co$e !e&e'+ Rile% said !olding out !is a&$s'
0!e walked o#e& to !i$ and !e put !is a&$s a&ound !e& and let !e& &%'
+.&ew'+ T!e p&iniple said'
I walked inside t!e offie and took a seat as Rile% and Julie talked fo& a few
$inutes' 3!en t!at was down) !e a$e inside and sat beside $e'
+/ow) I know t!is is about Julie and I know fo& a fat t!at Rile% wouldn't !u&t
!e& so .&ew) w!at !appened t!at %ou $ade !e& &% t!at !a&d2 E#e& beause I'#e
ne#e& seen a gi&l &% so $u!'+ T!e p&iniple sta&ted as soon as s!e sat down and
looked between us'
I s!ook $% !ead' +I *ust said so$e t!ings I wis! I didn't and I *ustEEwe we&e
ne#e& f&iends to begin wit! and I was t&%ing but I *ust got so inti$ated t!at I
blew it out of p&opo&tion and s&ewed up e#e&%t!ing'+ I told !e& and put $% !ead
in $% !ands'
+(&s' 1eese&) its a long sto&% but I'll $ake it s!o&t' T!e%'#e been at ea! ot!e&s
t!&oats fo& fou&teen %ea&s) and t!ose fou&teen %ea&s .&ew !as been in lo#e wit!
And t!at's !ow it all !appened) I got no suspension *ust a talk about !ow to
i$p&ess a gi&l and two weeks of detention afte& s!ool' ,ea!) and t!e tea!e&
$ig!t put Julie in detention to lea&n a lesson on not pun!ing) slapping o&
bit!ing at $e' .oubt s!e'd e#en look at $e'''
Julie's POV
I went !o$e) laid and slept' I woke up *ust w!en Haile% and Rile% b&oug!t 1e&i and
JA$es !o$e'
+How %ou feeling2+ Haile% asked w!en I went to t!e doo& to talk to t!e$ as t!e
ot!e& two went to do t!ei& !o$ewo&k'
+7ette&) so&t of'+ I told t!e$ pla%ing wit! $% s!i&tslee#e'
+3e got two weeks detention afte& s!ool'+ Rile% said) !e al$ost sounded
I nodded' +3!at'd %ou talk to t!e p&iniple about2+ I asked'
+T!ings'+ Rile% said and laug!ed w!en I &aised an e%eb&ow'
+He won't tell $e eit!e&'+ Haile% said and g&inned'
T!e% see$ed to be &eall% !app% about so$et!ing) like t!e% we&e on so$e kind of
+0o$et!ing going on t!at I don't know about2+ I asked and folded $% a&$s a&oss $%
+O! %es) t!e gu% %ou !ate isEE+
Rile% put !is !and o#e& Haile%'s $out! befo&e s!e ould finis!'
+I al&ead% know !e's t!e biggest ass!ole I'#e e#e& $et and I don't want to see !is
stupid) fat ugl% fae e#e& again so if %ou& !e&e to tell $e to talk to !i$' I got
news fo& %ou' I HAVE /EVER TAC1E. TO HI("+ I o#e&ed $% $out! and tu&ned awa% f&o$
t!e$ !olding t!e tea&s bak' 4od) I'$ a bit!) w!% t!e !ell a$ I ating t!is wa%2
0o$eone put t!ei& a&$s a&ound $e and leaned $% !ead against t!ei& !est and let $e
&% on t!e$'
+Julie"+ 1E&i and Ja$es s&ea$ed and feet we&e &unning towa&ds us'
+4u%s) *ust let !e&e' I'll explain it'+ Rile% told t!e$'
+0!!!)+ Haile% w!ispe&ed in $% ea&) &ubbing $% bak' +3e know w!at %ou $ean'+ s!e
I s!ook $% !ead' +I'#e ne#e& seen t!at ass!ole s$ile at $e and !e&e I a$ &%ing
beause I'$ !u&ting) beause I !u&t !i$" ,ou !a#e no idea !ow !o&&ible I feel'+ I
&ied and went li$p in !e& a&$s'
+Rile%"+ Haile% alled'
+,es) HailEEJulie"+ E#e&%one see$ed to be wo&&ied about $e t!ese da%s'
+0!e needs to la% down'+ Haile% told !i$ and t&ied to !old $e up'
+I'$ going to kill !i$'+ Rile% $u$bled *ust as !e piked $e up'
+1e&i) Ja$es) an %ou gu%s $ake %ou&self so$e dinne& tonig!t2 ,ou& siste& isn't
feeling well'+ Haile% told t!e$'
As soon as Rile% put $e on $% bed) I was out like a lig!t' I didn't want to
&e$e$be& toda%'

.&ew's POV
I'$ not e#en at s!ool %et and I'$ al&ead% !ating toda%' I wasn't d&i#ing in $%
siste& toda% but I still went b% Julie's' I saw !e& getting in !e& a& wit! Ja$es
and 1e&i) s!e looked bette& t!en %este&da%' I don't know w!% I was so att&ated to
!e&) but t!at doesn't $atte&'
I got out of $% *eep *ust as I saw Haile% and Rile% at t!e doo&s' O! t!is'll be
+Apologi<e to !e&'+ Rile% said as soon as I stopped in f&ont of t!e$'
I nodded and walked awa% but not ;uik enoug!) so$eone g&abbed $% w&ist' I looked
up and saw Haile% looking at $e losel%'
+,ou& bot! losing %ou& $inds'+ s!e w!ispe&ed and let $% w&ist go and walked awa%
f&o$ Rile% and I'
Rile% looked at $e' +Julie is going to be a $ess toda% so if I we&e %ou) don't
talk to !e& in Englis!'+ !e said and sig!ed' +0!e was a $ess w!en we d&opped off
1e&i and Ja$es'+
I didn't want to !ea& t!is but *ust as I was about to walk awa%) Julie pulled in
to t!e pa&king lot and s!e pa&ked in t!e usual spot' /ext to $e' I wat!ed !e& get
out of t!e a& and t!an I walked awa%' I don't want to see !e&) not &ig!t now'
+Pa&tne& up'+ T!e tea!e& alled as soon as t!e bell &ung'
I got up and went o#e& to Julie) I aug!t Rile%'s e%e as I did and !e s$iled
s!eepis!l%' T!is was going to be !o&&ible'
+Al&ig!t) toda% we a&e doing so$et!ing diffe&ent'+ T!e tea!e& said exitedl%) I
sat down beside Julie and saw !e& $o#e in !e& seat' I losed $% e%es and waited
fo& t!is lass to end'
+Ti$e to onfess so$e t!ings'+ T!e tea!e& said'
(% b&eat! aug!t) Julie's aug!t and Rile%) well''' +/o) bad idea'+ !e nea&l%
+0o$et!ing t!e $atte&) Rile%2+ T!e tea!e& asked u&iousl%'
+B$$) %eEEno'+
+4et sta&ted) and &e$e$be& t!is sta%s between %ou two'+ T!e tea!e& said'
3e sat t!e&e in silene) neit!e& of us we&e going to onfess an%t!ing' I wanted to
but s!e would blow up in $% fae again if I said a single wo&d'
Julie &aised !e& !and' +0i&2+
+,es) Julie2+ !e asked'
+I'$ supposed to see t!e p&iniple t!is $o&ning) an I go now2+ s!e asked in an
u&ge to get out of !e&e'
+Ve&% welll but %ou a&e awa&e t!at %ou !a#e no $a&k fo& t!is pa&t of t!e
assign$ent'+ !e told !e&'
+I al&ead% know e#e&%t!ing I need to know'+ ,ou don't know t!at I'$ in lo#e wit!
%ou) Julie) I t!oug!t'
+4o a!ead) (iss' P&eston'+
Julie got up wit! !e& stuff and p&atiall% &an out of t!e &oo$'
+0i&'+ Rile% paniked'
+4o'+ T!e tea!e& said' And wit! t!at) Rile% &an out of t!e &oo$ afte& !e&'
I knew t!is was $% fault' I got up) took a !all pass and left t!e lass&oo$' I
walked a bit awa% t!an sta&ted &unning ;uietl% to find t!e$' I !ea&d a few distant
#oies not fa& awa%'
+I don't want to see !i$' I don't want to see !i$'+ Julie kept &epeating'
+Julie) al$ down' 7&eat!e'+ Rile% told !e& in a pani'
+I don't want to see !i$'+ s!e said ;uietl% and t!an I !ea&d !e& sta&t &%ing'
I looked a&ound t!e o&ne& and saw !e& wit! !e& !ead in !e& !ands as s!e leaned
against Rile% w!o looked paniked as !ell'
All $% fault' 3!%) w!% did I !a#e to do all t!at2
Julie's POV
I' 4ot' Two' 3eeks' .etention' A&e %ou kidding $e2 Oka%) so fa&) $% bi&t!da% !as
tu&ned out te&&ible'
I slipped w!en I got out of t!e s!owe& t!is $o&ning) I ga#e 1e&i t!e w&ong lun!)
$% !ead ollided wit! Ja$es w!en I ti&ed getting $% s!oes on' T!an at s!ool) I
ouldn't look at .&ew but I *ust HA. to in Englis! and I &an out of t!e&e to !a#e
Rile% following'
.id I fo&get to $ention t!at JA$es and 1e&i a&e t!e onl% ones w!o !a#e wis!ed $e a
!app% bi&t!da%2
Bg!' I !ate toda%'
+0o I was t!inking'''+ T&e% said as s!e sat beside $e at ou& lun! table' +T!at we
s!ould $ake anot!e& t&ip to Calabogie befo&e C!&ist$as'+
I s$iled at t!e idea and igno&ed .&ew wat!ing' He was talking to Rile% and t!e%
see$ed to be f&iendlie& now'
+I like t!e idea'+ I said and $un!ed on t!e a&&ots t!at so$eone &ando$l% put in
f&ont of $e w!en I was bit!ing about t!e w&ong lun!'
+0o one &oo$ fo& t!e t!&ee of us'+ T&e% said and w&ote so$et!ing down in !e&
notebook' I glaned at it) seeing a bun! of lines on top of t!e wo&ds'
+3e s!ould go out afte& t!e ga$e tonig!t'+ Haile% said and !ugged $e as s!e a$e
I f&owned) I fo&got about t!at' And *ust w!en I t!oug!t $% da% ouldn't get an%
wo&se' (% p!one sta&ted going off in $% poket' It took it out and answe&ed
wit!out looking at t!e alle&'
+Hello2+ I answe&ed'
+Jules) !ow a&e t!ings at !o$e2+ (o$ asked' 3!% did I !a#e to pik up t!e p!one2
I g&itted $% teet! and e#e&%one at t!e table ot!e& t!an .&ew see$ed to know w!o it
was' +Pe&fet) *ust pe&fet'+ I told !e&'
+Oka%) well as long as %ou& not killing ea! ot!e&'+ 0!e said and giggled'
+O! %ea!) beause we know #e&% well t!at 1e&i) Ja$es and I a&e alwa%s at ea!
ot!e&s t!&oats'+ I said) sa&asi$ d&ipping f&o$ e#e&% wo&d'
+.on't talk to $e like t!at' /ow !a#e %ou got t!e stuff f&o$ t!e d&% leane&s
%et2+ 0!e asked'
+3!at stuff f&o$ t!e d&% leane&s2+ I asked wei&dl%'
+,ou& fat!e&s suit and $% *aket'+ 0!e told $e'
+3!% s!ould I waste $% ti$e doing t!at w!en I !a#e to pik up $% b&ot!e& and
siste&) do $% !o$ewo&k) !ek t!ei&s) $ake dinne& and put t!e$ into bed) !u!2+ I
p&atiall% %elled at !e&' I &ubbed $% fo&e!ead !a&d' I did not need t!is'
+3e !ad it on t!e note and would %ou ut it out wit! t!e attitude2+ 0!e snapped'
+3!i! note2 T!e one t!at told $e to take a&e if $% b&ot!e& and siste& wit! $%
own $one% beause $% stupid pa&ents an't do t!at2+ I snapped ang&il% and o#e&ed
$% e%es' +O! and $a% I &e$ind %ou of w!ose bi&t!da% it is toda%2+
+I !a#e no idea'+ 0!e said'
+(ine" Its $% da$n bi&t!da% and $% own $ot!e& an't e#en &e$e$be& t!at' Instead
1e&i and Ja$es $ade $e a upake wit! a andle in it t!is $o&ning beause t!e%
&e$e$be&ed"+ I sta&ted &%ing' +.on't all $e in less %ou& atuall% going to sa%
so$et!ing t!at $atte&s and w!en I tu&n eig!teen) I got news fo& %ou' IJ$ taking
1e&i and Ja$es awa% f&o$ t!ei& so alled pa&ents'+ 3it! t!at I snapped $% p!one
s!ut and o#e&ed $% fae wit! $% !ands and &ied'
+(iss P&eston2+ I !ea&d t!e p&iniple sa%' I looked up and at !e&' 0!e s$iled
s!eepis!l%' +Cet's go and talk'+ 0!e said'
I s!ook $% !ead and sat t!e&e &%ing' T&e% and Haile% got $e to stop b% putting
so$et!ing in f&ont of $e'
+Happ% bi&t!da%) Jules'+ T!e% said'
I laug!ed but it sounded like I was !oking' +4u%s) I don't want to do t!is) not
toda%' Just &es!edual $% bi&t!da%'+ I told t!e$'
+Can we at least eat t!e ake2+ Rile% asked'
I nodded and looked f&o$ t!e o&ne& of $% e%e to see .&ew pla%ing wit! a w!ite
long box in !is !ands' He s!ook !is !ead and put it in !is poket'
I'#e seen t!at box befo&e''') !e's !ad it befo&e and I don't know w!at it is but
!e !as e#e&% ti$e $% bi&t!da% o$es a&ound'''
Rile% see$ed to attak t!e ake in a seond'
+Can .&ew !a#e a piee2+ T&e% w!ispe&ed'
+4i#e !i$ a big piee'+ I $u$bled and &ubbed $% e%es' I folded $% a&$s on t!e
table $and leaned $% fo&e!ead against t!e$) igno&ing t!e $an% e%es I felt on $e' I
!ated w!en people wat! $e'
+Julie) %ou want %ou& p&esents now2+ Haile% asked !appil%'
I s!ook $% !ead against $% a&$s' +Just o$e b% to$o&&ow'+ I $u$bled and losed $%
e%es and b&eat!ed'
+.&ew) w!at a&e %ou doing afte& %ou& ga$e tonig!t2+ T&e% asked u&iousl%'
+/ot!ing'+ He $u$bled !is answe&' He didn't e#en see$ awa&e of an%t!ing toda%'
+,ou want to o$e to t!e dine& wit! us afte&wa&ds2+ Haile% asked'
+B$$) t!at $ig!t not be a good idea'+ He $u$bled again'
I sig!ed and got up f&o$ t!e table) I did not need t!is &ig!t now' Hea&ing !i$
speak like t!at) usuall% !e's so loud but not toda%' Its $% fault'
I walked out of t!e&e and into t!e !allwa% and leaned fo&wa&d) o#e&ing $% fae'
(% fault"

.&ew's POV
It's all $% fault' T!is w!ole fig!t is $% fault and now s!e an't e#en look at $e
beause it was $% fault'
I &an $% !ands t!&oug! $% !ai&'
+3!at's t!e w!ite box in %ou& poket2+ T&e% asked as s!e passed a piee of ake to
+B$$) not!ing'+ I $u$bled'
T!e&e was anot!e& %ea& I wouldn't be gi#ing $% p&esent to Julie' T!is %ea& is
definite no beause I s&ewed up' I'$ an idiot' E#e&% wo&d s!e alls $e is t&ue'
I'$ t!e biggest pig !eaded ass!ole in t!e da$n ount&%"
+.&ew) *ust tell t!e$'+ Rile% said) talking about t!e box in $% poket'
I sig!ed and put t!e fo&k down' T!e piee of ake t!e% ga#e $e was !uge' +It's
Julie's bi&t!da% p&esent'+ I onfessed'
Haile% and T&e% looked at ea! ot!e& wide e%ed and t!an looked at $e and s$iled'
C&eep%' +,ou'#e !ad it fo& a w!ile2+ Haile% asked u&iousl%'
I swallowed) sa&ed now of w!at t!e%'ll t!ink' +-ou& %ea&s'+ I $u$bled)
+And %ou'#e ne#e& gi#en it to !e&2+ T&e% asked) s!oked now'
I s!ook $% !ead' +3e don't get along) I *ust a&&% it wit! $e) !oping one %ea& I
an gi#e it to !e&'+ I told t!e$ and took t!e box out of $% poket knowing t!at
talking about it t!e%'d want to see it'
+4i#e it to !e& tonig!t afte& %ou apologi<e) see$s about &ig!t'+ Rile% said and
bit !is lip) sta&ing at t!e ake' He !as a !ollow sto$a!'
+If I gi#e it to !e&) I'll $ake su&e s!e opens it w!en s!e wants to' I'$ not going
to stand t!e&e waiting fo& !e& &eation'+ I told t!e$ and lifted t!e lid and
s!owed Haile% and T&e% t!e b&aelet in t!e box'
It was a si$ple I. b&aelet) sil#e& wit! !e& na$e s&ipted on t!e bak of it' I'd
alwa%s !ad it but I ould ne#e& gi#e it to !e&'
+3ow) t!at's nie'+ Haile% said and &an !e& finge& o#e& t!e b&aelet'
+0!e would wea& t!at if %ou ga#e it to !e&) %ou know'+ T&e% said and s$iled at $e'
+,ou $ig!t not belie#e $e o& an% of us w!en we sa% t!is but s!e is so&&%'+
I nodded s!akil% and put t!e box bak in $% poket' 3!e&e did Julie go2
+Julie is sleeping in t!e !allwa%'+ /at!an said as !e sat down next to T&e%' I was
wonde&ing w!e&e !e was'
+A&e %ou se&ious2+ Haile% asked) du$bfounded'
+,ea!'+ /at!an said and looked at $e' +3!at's up2+
I s!&ugged' +/ot!ing'+ I looked at Rile% knowing !e was going to get Julie' +Can I
get !e&2 I won't wake !e&) I *ustEE+
+7&ing !e& to t!e nu&se'+ !e ut $e off and g&inned'
I got up f&o$ t!e table and left t!e afete&ia' T!is would be t!e fi&st ti$e I
ould atuall% !old Julie in $% a&$s) I'#e alwa%s wanted to do t!at' E#en to *ust
see !e& sleep w!i! I'#e seen $an% ti$es and s!e's so beautiful asleep'
I &an o#e& to !e& one I saw !e&) s!e was next to t!at doo& t!at we !ad been
against %este&da% w!ile we we&e fig!ting'
+Julie'+ I w!ispe&ed t&%ing to $ake su&e s!e was asleep' 0!e tu&ned o#e& sleepil%
and sig!ed' I s$iled and put $% a&$ be!ind !e& knees and $% ot!e& a&$ at !e& bak
and lifted !e& up off t!e floo&'
+.&ew'+ s!e $u$bled and $o#ed !e& !ead on $% s!oulde&' I looked down at !e&
;uikl%' He& e%es we&e losed) s!e was still asleep but''' s!e's d&ea$ing of $e'
0!e $o#ed in $% a&$s) !e& !ands see$ing to g&ip $% s!i&t'
I went to t!e nu&ses offie and knoked on t!e doo&' T!e nu&se answe&ed and w!en
s!e saw so$eone in $% a&$s s!e $o#ed out of t!e wa%' +Put !e& on t!e bed'+ s!e
I walked in and laid !e& on t!e bed but s!e didn't let $% s!i&t go all t!at
easil%' +0!e's asleep'+
+3ell t!an we'll *ust let !e& sleep'+ T!e nu&se said ;uietl% and put a blanket
o#e& Julie' +I'll be bak in a w!ile to wat! !e& but %ou need to get to lass)
t!e bell *ust &ung'+
I nodded' +I'$ *ust going to sta% fo& a $inute'+ I told !e&'
0!e left wit! a nod and I looked at Julie again and saw !e& sleeping beautiful
fae' I a$ $o&e in lo#e wit! !e& e#e&% ti$e I look at !e&' I kissed !e& lig!tl% on
t!e fo&e!ead and sig!ed as I ould s$ell t!e pe&fu$e off !e& o& w!ate#e& it was
t!at s$elt so good on !e&' I &ested $% fo&e!ead on !e&s and losed $% e%es fo& a
+I lo#e %ou'+ I w!ispe&ed softl% and t!an opened $% e%es slowl%' I kissed !e&
lig!tl% on t!e lips and t!an left afte&wa&ds'
Julie's POV
I woke up) !a#ing fallen asleep on t!e floo& but now) I wasn't on t!e floo&' I was
on a bed in t!e nu&ses offie'
+O!) %ou& awake) Julie'+ T!e nu&se s!&ieked as so$eone got up f&o$ so$ew!e&e'
I looked a&ound and saw t!e nu&se getting a glas of wate&' +How did I get !e&e2+ I
$u$bled sleepil%'
+O!) .&ew b&oug!t %ou !e&e afte& finding %ou asleep'+ 0!e told $e) all s$iles'
.&ew b&oug!t $% !e&e2 He piked $e up and b&oug!t $e !e&e' O! 4od) !e's t!e one
t!at found $e and !e p&obabl% t!inking t!at t!is was $o&e !is fault'
+0weetie) %ou& tu&ning w!ite'+ T!e nu&se said'
+3!at ti$e is it2+ I asked in a &us!'
+3e'&e on t!e fifteen $inute b&eak befo&e last pe&iod'+ 0!e told $e'
I got off t!e bed and &ubbed $% e%es' +T!anks fo& letting $e sta% in !e&e fo& a
0!e s$iled' +.on't wo&&% about it'+
I left t!e &oo$ and bu$ped into so$eone &ig!t w!en I got out t!e doo&' +0o&&%'+ I
said in a &us! and looked up' (% !ea&t stopped and $% e%es auto$atiall% a#e&ted
+0o&&%'+ He $u$bled and we *ust stood t!e&e fo& a seond t!an I got feeling in $%
legs bak and walked awa%'
I b&eat!ed deep w!en I tu&ned t!e o&ne& and leaned against t!e wall' +I $ade it'+
I went to g%$ lass full% !%d&ated) no sense of ti&edness on $e' I was full of
ene&g% %ou ould sa%'
+Julie"+ T&e% and Haile% s&ea$ed w!en I ente&ed t!e g%$ in $% g%$ lot!es'
I s$iled at t!e$ and &an towa&ds t!e$ and plopped on t!e $at in f&ont of t!e$'
+He%'+ I said) I sounded wa% to !app%'
T!e% s$iled' +,ou look &ef&es!ed'+ Haile% said and ga#e $e a !ai& elasti'
+I feel bette&) t!at's fo& su&e'+ I said as I tied $% !ai& bak into a pon%tail'
+Al&ig!t) up' -itness test toda% and I'$ pai&ing %ou up beause %ou& all to slow'+
T!e tea!e& said as !e walked into t!e g%$' -igu&es) t!e da% I'$ fig!ting wit!
.&ew and !e deides t!is' I !ope I'$ not pai&ed wit! !i$'
+I bet %ou !e's going to $ake us do so$et!ing t!at I'll !a#e to fall bak into
so$e unt&ustwo&t!% a&$s'+ Haile% $u$bled unde& !e& b&eat! as s!e stood up wit! us'
I saw .&ew a&oss t!e f&o$ us talking to Justin and E&i f&eel%' He see$ed ali#e
too) laug!ing a bit'
+/at!an and T&e%'+ T!e tea!e& alled'
+O! 4od'+ T&e% $u$bled and we s$iled at !e& seeing !e& blus!'
+Haile% and .&ew'+ T!e tea!e& said' +/o wait) w&ong line'+
C&ap" Haile% sig!ed and !ugged $e' +3ell) !opefull% its not %ou'+
+Julie and .&ew'+ T!e tea!e& alled'
+And t!en I was w&ong'+ Haile% took !e& a&$ awa% f&o$ $% s!oulde& and pus!ed $e
towa&ds .&ew' I stopped a few feet f&o$ !i$ and tu&ned to gla&e at !e&'
3e all got pai&ed up and toda% we we&e doing t&ust exe&ises and t!e fitness test'
+Just fall into %ou& pa&tne&s a&$s on t!ei& go'+ T!e tea!e& said and e#e&%one got
&ead% but .&ew and I) we stood t!e&e awkwa&dl%) looking an% w!e&e but at ea!
T!e tea!e& a$e o#e& to us and sig!ed' +Hea&d w!at !appened and t!is ould
possibl% !elp) t!at's w!% I pai&ed %ou up'+ He said and t!an looked at .&ew' I
looked between t!e$ and saw T!e tea!e& $o#ed .&ew be!ind $e' Ve&% uno$fo&table'
+0ee) not so bad now .&ew !old up %ou& a&$s'+
I felt .&ew's !ands b&us! $% !ips $eaning !e was &elati#el% lose be!ind $e'
+And fall bak) Julie'+ T!e tea!e& said'
I losed $% e%es and fell bak) I was af&aid to fall bak into !is a&$s but !e
aug!t $e' I opened $% e%es and glaned up at !i$) seeing !i$ sta&e down at $e'
+Aweso$e) now' .&ew) t&% and be lig!t'+ T!e tea!e& walked awa% afte& t!at'
.&ew b&oug!t $e bak up and t!an I stepped aside and !e got in f&ont of $e' I !eld
up $% a&$s) ne&#ousl%' I !ad no idea !ow !ea#% .&ew ould be so I was expeting
t!e wo&se'
+.on't let $e fall'+ He $u$bled'
+T&% not to'+ I said ;uietl% and waited'
He fell bak into $% a&$s and I aug!t !i$) $% a&$s lite&all% w&apping a&ound !i$
t!an !e stood up and I let !i$ go'
T!e enti&e lass) we didn't &eall% talk to ea! ot!e&) I didn't &eall% look at !i$
but !e looked at $e' T!e onl% ti$e we spoke was to know !ow $an% of t!e &ut!es)
pus! ups and skipping &ope we got in t!e ti$e gi#en'
At t!e end of lass) I lite&all% &an fo& t!e loke& &oo$ and t!an I told Haile%
and T&e% e#e&%t!ing) not going into detail'

.&ew's POV
T!at was unbea&able'''
Julie's POV
+.on't fo&get %ou& olou&s'+ Haile% s!outed as we sepa&ated to go to ou& a&s'
+I won't'+ I s!outed bak and &an to $% a& onl% to slip on t!e ie and fall on $%
butt' +Ouef'+ I $u$bled and t&ied to get up onl% to slip again and land on $%
bak' +,ou got to be kidding $e'+ I said out loud and *ust la% t!e&e'
+/eed a !and2+ 0o$eone asked) lea&l% a$used'
I &aned $% nek and blus!ed) it was a gu% I'#e ne#e& seen befo&e' +Atuall% I'$
waiting fo& so$eone to &un $e o#e&'+ I said sa&astiall% and saw t!e gu% s$ile'
Oka%) !e's ute f&o$ upside down'
He laug!ed and went a&ound and t!en !eld out !is !and' I put $% !and in !is and !e
lifted $e up wit! so$e !elp f&o$ $e'
+-ewf'+ I b&eat!ed and wiped $% !and' +T!ank %ou'+ I said and looked at t!e gu%'
3!oa' E%es on t!is gu% a&e ute) I t!oug!t to $%self'
+,ou& welo$e) I ouldn't so$eone as p&ett% as %ou get &un o#e& b% a lass$ate'+
He said) g&inning at $e'
I blus!ed fu&iousl%' +B$$) t!anks'+ I &ubbed $% !ands toget!e& and t!en it !it $e'
+O! I'$ late'+
+O!)+ !e sounded disappointed but I !a&dl% knew t!e gu% it ould !a#e been
so$et!ing else'
+T!anks again'+ I said as I sta&ted to walk'
+7%e'+ He alled'
I got in $% a&) seatbelt on and d&o#e to 1e&i and Ja$es s!ool' T!e% we&e still
waiting outside w!en I got t!e&e' And t!e% sta&ted f&eaking out as soon as t!e%
sat down'
+I know) I fell on t!e ie at s!ool and got sidet&aked' I'$ so&&%'+ I
+A&e we still going to t!e ga$e2+ Ja$es asked) p&atiall% bouning in !is seat'
I nodded and t&ied not &e$e$be&ing all t!ose t!ings wit! .&ew toda%' 4%$ lass
see$ed like to&tu&e'
3!en we got !o$e) t!e% went to t!ei& &oo$s and did t!ei& !o$ewo&k fi&st like
alwa%s but t!e% g&abbed a snak befo&e !and w!i! I did too' I went to $% bed&oo$
and sea&!ed t!&oug! $% loset fo& an%t!ing w!ite and &ed' T!e&e was a pai& of
w!ite s!o&ts) I don't t!ink so' It's E1> outside' I &eall% !ad not!ing fo& t!is
I piked up t!e p!one and bit $% lip' T!e%'&e going to be wa% to !app%' I dialed
Haile%'s p!one nu$be&'
+He% (uffin'+ 0!e answe&ed !appil%'
+He% Ta&t'+ I said and laug!ed' Ou& nikna$es we&e ext&e$el% wei&d but we lo#ed
t!e$ an%wa%'
+3!at!a need2+ 0!e asked'
+,ou and T&e% got %ou& wis!' ,ou get to d&ess $e fo& t!is ga$e seeing as I !a#e
not!ing to wea&'+ I told !e& and $o#ed t!e p!one f&o$ $% ea& w!en I sta&ted
!ea&ing !e& s&ea$' I don't get it w!% t!e% so badl% want to d&ess $e'
+T&e% and I will be t!e&e in fifteen $inutes' 3as! %ou& !ai& and e#e&%t!ing'+ 0!e
!ung up and I sig!ed'
I'$ so in fo& it'
+Jules) we'&e !e&e'+ I !ea&d T&e% %ell f&o$ downstai&s as I looked fo& an%t!ing
t!at was &elated to s!ool olou&s t!at I ould wea& *ust in ase t!e% b&oug!t
so$et!ing &a<%'
T!e% ente&ed $% &oo$ and s$iled' +3e !a#e a w!ite s!i&t) w!ite ski&t) b&own boots
and a s$all &ed *aket fo& %ou'+ T&e% said and t!&ew it onto $% bed'
+And a u&ling i&on'+ Haile% said) !olding t!at up'
I sig!ed and took all t!at lot!es and went to t!e bat!&oo$ and got !anged' T!e
ski&t was &eall% flow%) so I ould p&obabl% spin in it and !a#e fun' /ot like I'$
about to do t!at' T!e s!i&t was si$ple) I liked t!e si$pleness to it' I put on
T&e%'s b&own Pete&Pan boots and pulled on t!e *aket t!at was b&and new of
Haile%'s it !ad t!&ee big blak buttons to it' I looked in t!e $i&&o& and sig!ed'
I looked diffe&ent'
+O! $% 4od) s!e's a gi&l'+ T!e% bot! s!&ieked w!en I ente&ed t!e &oo$' 1e&i and
Ja$es we&e in t!e&e too and t!e% gawked at $e' /ew siste& t!e% p&obabl% t!oug!t'
+I atuall% don't $ind t!is'+ I said and gestu&ed to t!e ski&t'
+,ou look a$a<ing) t!e gu%s will be d&ooling o#e& %ou'+ Haile% gus!ed and sta&ted
on $% !ai&' Co#el%'
+Exept /at!an and Rile% of ou&se'+ I said and g&inned'
+3ell) I onl% know of one gu% t!at will be wat!ing %ou t!e enti&e nig!t'+ T&e%
said) u&ling a piee of $% !ai&'
+3!o2+ I asked and s$iled at 1e&i w!o was looking t!&oug! $% loset' 0!e's
p&obabl% t&%ing to find $% ea&&ings t!at would $at! t!ese lot!es'
+.&ew .oug!t%'+ Haile% and T&e% said'
I s!udde&ed' I &eall% didn't want to talk about !i$'
+He looked at %ou fou&teen ti$es du&ing lun!) I lost ount in g%$ beause %ou
we&e wit! !i$ t!e enti&e ti$e !e was wat!ing %ou' And afte& s!ool *ust a few
ti$es'+ T&e% pointed out t!e ;uik ones'
I was s!oked) sine w!en does .&ew look at $e t!at $an% ti$es2 I know we !ate
ea! ot!e& but does !e !a#e to look at $e w!en I'$ lea&l% not in t!e $ood to be
looked at'
3e got to s!ool ext&a ea&l% beause we wanted to &elax and wat! t!e gu%s wa&$ up
befo&e t!e ga$e' 1e&i and Ja$es went t!ei& sepa&ate wa%s) going to see t!ei&
f&iends f&o$ s!ool'
+E#e&%one is sta&ing'+ I said self onsiousl% as we walked a&ound t!e ou&t'
+-o& good &eason) look at %ou'+ Haile% said o$pletel% !app%'
I was $o&e self onsious t!an e#e& t!at I w&apped $% a&$s a&ound $e and sta&ed at
t!e g&ound as we walked' 0o$eone bu$ped into $e) ;uite easil% too and I al$ost
fell bak but so$e!ow t!e% aug!t $% a&$' I looked up to see t!e sa$e gu% f&o$
afte& s!ool' O! &ap!) !e's in a basketball unifo&$' He's f&o$ t!e ot!e& s!ool"
+He% %ou'+ He said s$iling' 4od) !e's got a ute s$ile'
+Hi'+ I said and blus!ed'
He let $% a&$ go onl% to t&ail !is finge&s along it lig!tl%' +I guess %ou &oot fo&
0pitfi&es) !u!2+ He guessed'
I g&inned' +I !a#e a few f&iends t!at pla%'+
He nodded and laug!ed at so$et!ing' +I'$ Jo!nat!an) b% t!e wa%'+
+O!) I'$ Julie'+ I told !i$ and s$iled'
+How's t!e butt f&o$ t!at fall2+ !e asked) laug!ing'
I laug!ed' +P&ett% good'+
+3ell) it was fun seeing %ou& fae w!en %ou fell'+ He said and tu&ned to g&in at
$e as we walked past !is tea$ates'
I walked afte& !i$' +A&e %ou sa%ing %ou wat!ed $e fall and didn't bot!e& to at!
$e2+ I asked'
+I don't !a#e t!i&t% foot a&$s) I'$ so&&%'+ He said and s$iled'
I laug!ed' +0o %ou deided to !elp $e up beause %ou ouldn't at! $e'+
He nodded' +4ood *ob) Julie' 3ant a ookie2+ He teased'
I gla&ed' +,ou a&en't funn%'+
T!e w!istle was blown) $eaning t!e ga$e was going to sta&t soon) we looked a&ound
and I bit $% lip' P&atiall% !is enti&e tea$ was looking at us'
+,ea!) t!at's &eep%'+ Jo!nat!an w!ispe&ed lose to $% ea&'
I s$iled and looked up at !i$' +Hint fo& %ou to go) I guess'+
+,ep)+ !e said exitedl%'
+0ee %ou late&'+ I said'
+7%e'+ He said and walked awa%'
I tu&ned a&ound on t!e !eel of $% boot and ;uikl% wanted to tu&n bak' T&e% and
Haile% we&e t!e&e g&inning like idiots' I walked towa&ds t!e$ and t!e% sta&ted
+He so likes %ou'+ T&e% gus!ed'
+3!at's !is na$e2 How'd %ou $eet beause %ou see$ed p&ett% f&iendl%2+ Haile%
+Jo!nat!an and afte& s!ool'+ I said and g&inned as I looked a&ound' I swallowed
seeing $o&e people sta&e at $e' +I want to !ange'+
+/o) %ou look g&eat'+ T&e% said)
+He% gu%s'+ Rile% said as !e walked towa&ds us'
+Tell Julie s!e looks p&ett%'+ Haile% said as s!e put !e& a&$ a&ound !i$ like !e
+.o I !a#e to tell !e& o& an I *ust sa% it beause I was about to'+ Rile% said
and g&inned at $e'
I blus!ed fu&iousl% and looked at t!e g&ound' It was going to be $% best f&iend
fo& t!e nig!t'
3e got ou& seats on t!e blee!e&s) seond &ow and we wat!ed t!e gu%s wa&$ up' I
looked at Jo!nat!an one and saw !i$ doing a t!&ee pointe& w!i! !e !appened to
got in' T!en $% e%es went to .&ew' .&ew was doing f&eet!&ows and !e was'''
$issing' I wat!ed !i$ s!oot fou& basketballs in a $inute and onl% 1 of t!e fi#e
got in t!e net'
+0o$et!ings up wit! .&ew'+ I $u$bled'
Anot!e& $iss'
+He's t!inking too $u!) t!at's w!%'+ Rile% leaned fo&wa&d like $e and looked f&o$
$e to .&ew' +,ou bot! !a#e t!e sa$e look on %ou& fae'+ !e sig!ed and looked at $e
losel%' +0top t!inking about !i$ like t!at beause !e sees %ou looking like t!at)
its getting !i$ f&ust&ated'+
I f&owned) !ow an so$eone possibl% know t!at I'$ t!inking about .&ew2
T!e w!istle was blown fo& t!e ga$e to sta&t and e#e&%one sta&ted e&&upting in
!ee&s and s&ea$s' .&ew and nu$be& ele#en took *u$p ball and ga$e on''
+O!) looks like .&ew and Jo!nat!an a&e getting into it'+ Haile% exlai$ed' T!oug!
I was wat!ing t!e ga$e) I wasn't &eall% seeing it) I was t!inking too $u!'
I s!ook $% !ead a bit and saw .&ew and Jo!nat!an fig!ting o#e& t!e ball and t!e
&efs we&e t&%ing to get a pla% going' +It's *ust a ball'+ I s!outed and &eg&etted
it' E#e&%one stopped and looked at $e) .&ew and Jo!nat!an e#en stopped and looked
at $e' Afte& t!e% looked at $e t!e% ex!anged a few wo&ds and see$ed to gla&e at
ea! ot!e&'
I sig!ed and leaned against so$eone legs' I looked bak and s$iled' +He% (a&k'+
+Cooking good) Jules'+ He said !appil%'
I blus!ed' +T!anks'
+3!at a&e %ou doing afte& t!e ga$e2+ !e asked and took t!e e$pt% seat beside $e'
(a&k sat beside $e fo& t!e fi&st !alf and we we&e talking t!e enti&e ti$e and
laug!ing as we wat!ed t!e ga$e' .&ew was still doing !o&&ible and I ouldn't !elp
it' I was bla$ing $%self'

Julie's POV
0o$et!ing was up wit! .&ew) I'#e ne#e& seen !i$ pla% so badl% and I knew t!at is
was) so$e!ow) so$ewa%) $% fault'
+0o$eone $ig!t want to s!ow !i$ w!e&e t!e net is'+ Haile% $u$bled afte& !e !ad t!e
ball boune off t!e bakboa&d'
+It's $% fault'+ I told t!e$'
Rile% gla&ed at $e' +/o its not'+
I igno&ed !i$' +I s!ould tell !i$ I'$ so&&%'+
+T!an go' 4ee<) %ou s!ould !a#e t!oug!t of t!at ea&lie&'+ Haile% lite&all%
I got up s!akil% and t!an walked a&ound t!e ou&t till I was lose to t!e net t!an
I *ust stood nea& t!e wall and waited fo& !i$ to get off fo& a b&eak' T!e&e was no
wa% I'd be going to t!e ben! w!e&e t!e tea$ was'
.&ew a$e down t!e ou&t wit! t!e ball and E&i wit! !i$) !e didn't see$ to see
$e' He did a la% up) $issing it again and t!an fell &ig!t into $e'
+3!at a&e %ou doing on t!e ou&t) Julie2+ !e asked) !is #oie p&o#ed !ow
f&ust&ated !e was'
+.&ew) pla%"+ Coa! .odge %elled'
+Afte&'+ .&ew said to $e and let $e go'
+4et %ou& ass bak bak !e&e"+ I s!outed at !i$ as !e sta&ted to pla%'
+Afte&'+ !e s!outed and went down t!e ot!e& side of t!e ou&t'
+0tupid'+ I $utte&ed in $% own f&ust&ation'
He a$e bak down t!e ou&t passing t!e ball to Ra%'
+Cisten) I need to talk toEE+
He ut $e off' +Julie) I'$ bust' Cate&'+
+/o) &ig!t now da$$it'+ I %elled at !i$ and g&abbed !is *e&se%) %anking !i$ bak'
+Julie) I'$ in t!e $iddle of so$et!ing' 3ould %ou wait2+ !e asked i$patientl%'
T!e lok was still &unning and t!e% we&e one pla%e& s!o&t' Cike I a&ed'
+/o) it an't wait'+ I %elled at !i$'
+0pit it out) Julie' I'$ supposed to be pla%ing'+ !e said patiene &unning low'
+I'$ so&&%) oka%2 I was being a bit! as alwa%s and I s!ouldn't !a#e %elled at
%ou' I was *ust f&ust&ated) I !ad a bad da% and %ou we&e t!e&e so I *ust took out
all ofEE+
I was silene and in t!e $ost s!oking wa%) b% !is lips' He upped $% fae in !is
!ands and kissed $e deepl%' I kissed bak) in s!ok lite&all% t!at $% wo&st ene$%
was kissing $e'
T!e fans e&&upted in !ee&s and applause and I !ad t!e wo&st feeling go t!&oug!
$e' A s!ok) elet&iit% going t!&oug! $e as .&ew and I kissed' 4od) !e's a good
He pulled awa% $o&e b&eat!less t!en befo&e' +,ou'&e fo&gi#en'+ 3it! t!at) !e &an
down t!e ou&t'
I was du$bfounded' .&ew .oug!t% *ust kissed $e' (% wo&st ene$% *ust kissed $e and
IEI liked it' A lot' I went to t!e blee!e&s in a da<e) I was well awa&e of e%es
on $e) wat!ing $e like a !awk'
As soon as I sat down) T&e%) Haile% and Rile% looked at $e) s!oked but s$iling'
+.&ew .oug!t%) $% wo&st ene$%) *ust kissed $e'+ I said slowl%) t&%ing to fo&wa&d
t!at to $% !ead'
+3e saw'+ Haile% said'
+3ell''' did %ou like it2+ T&e% asked'
I blus!ed fu&iousl%' I did like it but I was still t&%ing to figu&e out w!% !e
kissed $e in t!e fi&st plae'
+O!! s!e did'+ Rile% said and used $% s!oulde& as an a&$ &est'
+3!% did !e f&eakin' kiss $e2 I'$ going to kill !i$"+ And now I was going &a<%)
beause !e !ad to kiss $e' And now $% b&ain was all fu<<%'
T!e% laug!ed like so$e idiots and I looked at t!e$ as if t!e% !ad two !eads'
+3ell) sine %ou'#e apologi<ed !e's gotten fou& baskets'+ Rile% told $e'
I looked at t!e ou&t to see .&ew putting t!e ball in again' 0o I apologi<ed and
!e sta&ts getting points' It was $% fault and now !e's $aking $e feel guilt%
beause of it'
+.&ew) %ou son of aEE+ Rile% o#e&ed $% $out! befo&e I ould finis! %elling'
+0!e figu&ed it out'+ T&e% said laug!ing'
I found out al&ig!t and t!e ass $ade $e feel guilt% beause !e was being so
!o&&ible on t!e ou&t'
Rile% took !is !is !and off $% $out! and I %elled again' +,ou pigE!eaded *akass"
0on of aEE+ T!e bu<<e& went fo& t!e t!i&d ;ua&te& ending so !e didn't !ea& $e'
I stalked off t!e blee!e&s and towa&ds .&ew w!o was on a b&eak' T!e ot!e& tea$
was wat!ing $e) Jo!nat!an espeiall%' T!e%'&e p&obabl% !oping I !u&t .&ew so t!e%
an win'
I took T&e%'s boots off $% feet and t!&ew one at .&ew' It $issed' +0o&&%'+ I said
to one of t!e pla%e&s f&o$ t!e ot!e& tea$' I t!&ew t!e ote!& boot at .&ew) !itting
!i$ on t!e bak'
+3!at t!eEE+ !e tu&ned a&ound and gla&ed at $e' +Julie'+
I piked up t!e boot and !it !i$ again' +,ou $ade $e feel guilt% %ou son of aEE+
/at!an o#e&ed $% $out!' +Cool down) kid'+
I !it !i$ a&oss t!e !ead and went towa&ds .&ew w!o ne&#ousl% took a step bak'
+,ou %elled at $e beause we we&e bot! at ea! ot!e&s t!&oats) &e$e$be&2+ .&ew
said slowl%'
+O! %ea!) %ou a&e so upset) !u!2+ I snapped at !i$'
+I was upset) 4ee<) t!e gi&l I piked on fo& %ea&s got in a fig!t wit! $e'+ He
said) looking $e in t!e e%es'
I f&owned' +0o %ou $ade $e feel guilt% beause %ou pu&posel% $issed t!e net2+ I
+Hold on a seond'+ He set !is gato&ade bottle down' +Oka%) %ou'#e been blind
toda% beause I !a#en't onent&ated at all'+ He told $e'
I !a&dened $% gla&e and poked !i$ in t!e !est' +0o %ou *ust steal a kiss f&o$ $e
to boost %ou& onfidene2 Is t!at !ow it wo&ks2+ I exlai$ed'
+I'#e kissed %ou befo&e) &e$e$be&2+ And if I an &e$e$be& o&&etl%)+ !e got &ig!t
in $% fae' +,ou kissed $e bak'+
I g&owled and &aised $% fist to !it !i$ but so$eone !eld it bak' .&ew'
+Ad$it' It'+ !e said ;uietl%'
I &aised $% ot!e& fist but .&ew stopped $e again' He piked $e up and put $e o#e&
!is s!oulde&' Cukil%) t!e ski&t was long'
+Put $e down) .&ew" ,ou ass"+ I s&ea$ed !itting !is bak'
+Coa!) I'll be bak'+ .&ew said and took !old of $% legs so I ould stop kiking
+Cet $e down o& I'll kik %ou& stupid pigE!eaded s$i&k off %ou& ugl% fae"+ I
s&ea$ed again as people sta&ted laug!ing'
+Julie) an %ou s!ut up2+ !e asked niel% as !e walked'
+I'$ going to f&eakin' kill %ou) %ou s&awn% little *e&k'+ I s!outed) pounding !is
+,ou& gi#ing $e a !eada!e'+ He $u$bled) laug!ing'
+I don't a&e'+ I s&ea$ed di&etl% in !is ea&'
He &inged and kiked t!e doo&s open' He set $e down on $% feet and stepped bak'
I gla&ed' +3!at t!e !ell is %ou& p&oble$2+ I %elled at !i$'
0tupid s$i&k' +3e'&e not doing t!is again'+ He %elled ste&nl%'
+T!an explain w!% t!e !ell %ou kissed $e" And w!% %ou left $e feeling guilt%'+ I
+O! $% 4od) Julie'+ He looked as if !e'd pull !is !ai& out' +,ou wouldn't s!ut t!e
!ell up and I didn't $ean to $ake %ou feel guilt%' -o& 4od sakes'+ He %elled'
I pus!ed !i$' +,ou did and now I'$ pissed %ou'+ I %elled'
+/ot t!e fi&st ti$e now is it2+ He %elled and walked bak into t!e g%$'
+.&ew 0paio .oug!t%) I'$ not f&eakin' finis!ed"+ I %elled and %anked !i$ bak
+3!at t!e !ell) Julie2 I !a#e an i$po&tant ga$e going'+ He %elled'
+O!) so I'$ not i$po&tant2+ I s!outed'
+At t!is $o$ent) no'+ He %elled'
T!e&e was a lot of 'O!!'s' in t!e g%$' T!e% we&e !ea&ing e#e&%t!ing'
+,ou son of aEE+
I was) again) silened b% !is lips &as!ing on to $ine' He pulled $e losed and
upped $% fae in !is !ands' I kissed !i$ bak) too $u! of a s!ok to &e$e$be&
w!o I was kissing' (% !ands &ested on !is a&$s as !e and I kissed'
I pulled awa% ;uikl%) but not ;uik enoug!' +0top kissing $e"+ I %elled'
0$i&k plaste&ed a&oss !is fae' +(ake $e'+ 3it! t!at !e walked bak into t!e g%$'
I &an at !i$ and kiked !i$ in t!e leg' -o&got no boots) t!at !u&t'
He !ukled' +Julie'+
+,ou assEE+
0o$eone o#e&ed $% $out!) I looked be!ind $e and gla&ed at E&i' He took !is !and
awa% and I s$i&ked e#il%' +.&ew) %ou& a stupid ass!ole"+ I stole a boot f&o$ E&i
and t!&ew it at .&ew as !e walked awa%'
.&ew's POV
0!e is a !uge pain' I swea&) Julie is getting $o&e &a<% e#e&% %ea&' I still lo#e
kissing !e&' (an) s!e's an a$a<ing kisse&''' I'$ glad I get so $an% ti$es to kiss
+3!at t!e !ell2+ I s!outed) &ubbing t!e bak of $% !ead' 0!e t!&ew anot!e& boot at
$e' (an) s!e's &idiulous' I didn't $ean to $ake !e& feel guilt% I'$ *ust f&eakin'
!app% s!e doesn't !ate $e so $u! s!e'd &% unont&ollabl% and not be able to
sleep' T!at I an not !andle'
I tu&ned and gla&ed at !e&' +Issues) da&ling2+ I asked sweetl% *ust to get on !e&
He& fae went b&ig!t &ed' Eit!e& f&o$ !e& ange& o& blus!ing at $% wo&ds' +,ou& a
*e&k) %ou know t!at2 ,ou& t!e biggest *e&k I'#e e#e& $et in $% life'+
+I al&ead% know !ow %ou feel about $e) lo#e' ,ou'#e told $e plent%'+ T!at bugged
!e& again'
E#e&%one was wat!ing us) fo&get t!e basketball ga$e t!at's supposed to be
pla%ing' E#e&%one see$s ente&tained b% us %elling at ea! ot!e&'
+T!at's it'+ 0!e %elled and walked towa&ds $e) s!e %anked on $% *e&se% and I
s$i&ked) snaking $% a&$ a&ound !e&' 7ad idea' I lost $% footing and I landed on $%
bak on t!e floo&' +T!is isn't o#e&'+ 0!e said t!&oug! g&itted teet!'
+I know it isn't) its *ust getting sta&ted'+ I told !e& and leaned up) s!e bak
off gla&ing at $e' +0a&ed2+
0!e swallowed) blus!ing' +Ha&dl%'+
+1iss !e&" 1iss !e&"+ E#e&%one sta&ted s!outing) so$e we&e e#en %elling &ando$
t!ings about w!at we s!ould do' I expeted t!at to be gu%s'
0!e gla&ed down at $e' +If t!ose lips e#en)+ I sta&ted leaning up and s!e sta&ted
blus!ing and looking an% w!e&e but at $e) *ust $o#ing !e& e%es as s!e spoke' +Co$e
an in! lose to $ine)+
I b&us!ed $% lips o#e& !e&s and wat!ed !e& e%es lose) I s$iled softl% at !e&'
T!at's w!en I *ust fi&$l% put $% lips on !e&s' T!e t!ing is) I alwa%s kissed !e&'
At least twie a %ea& I kiss !e& f&o$ eit!e& pa&ties o& we *ust %ell at ea! ot!e&
and I end up kissing !e&' 7ut I ne#e& pus! it to atuall% f&en! kiss !e&) I'$ not
going to do t!at if s!e doesn't like $e o& not e#en wanting $e to kiss !e&'
And it is alwa%s nie to kiss !e& like t!is) softl%) like ou& lips a&en't t!e&e
al$ost as if we'&e nu$b and an't feel it' At least t!at's !ow it feels fo& $e'
0!e pulled awa%) blus!ing and I auto$atiall% felt bad fo& kissing !e& in f&ont of
e#e&%one and all of t!is' 0!e was al&ead% being sta&ed at befo&e beause s!e
wasn't in bagg% lot!es o& an%t!ing' 0!e still would !a#e been beautiful if s!e
didn't wea& a ski&t and all t!at stuff' I felt bad'
0!e got up off $e and walked out of t!e g%$ befo&e I ould e#en get up' I did it
again' I pulled $% !ands t!&oug! $% !ai& and b&eat!ed deep' I s&ewed up'
Julie's POV
.on't t!ink' .on't b&eat!e' 3alk it off'
T!at's all I kept telling $%self as I walked out of t!e g%$' I do not need t!is' I
*ust need to lea& $% !ead and get bak to no&$al' T!e kiss didn't $ean an%t!ing)
but it felt like so $u!'
4od) w!at a$ I t!inking2 I sat down in f&ont of t!e t&op!ie ase) a tea$ pitu&e
f&o$ last %ea& wit! .&ew in t!e $iddle' I losed $% e%es' He's e#e&%w!e&e'
0o$eone sat beside $e and put t!ei& a&$s a&ound $e) I kept $% e%es losed and
leaned against w!oe#e& it was' I *ust needed to b&eat!e a&efull% and not t!ink
about an%t!ing between $e and .&ew' I !ate !i$ and !e's $aking it so $u! !a&de&
fo& $e if !e keeps kissing $e' I don't want to like t!e ass!ole w!ose been on $%
ne&#es fo& fou&teen %ea&s' I *ust need to !ate !i$) its t!e onl% t!ing I'$ able to
I o#e&ed $% fae and let t!e stupid tea&s fall' T!e pe&son didn't let $e go) onl%
pulled $e lose&'
+I'$ so&&%'+ He w!ispe&ed in $% ea&'
I !oked' .&ew' Its .&ew !olding $e) w!%2 .a$$it) w!% do I !a#e to be like t!is
a&ound !i$2
+/o) %ou'&e not'+ I $u$bled s!aking $% !ead'
+I didn't $ean to do t!at in f&ont of e#e&%one' I know %ou we&e uno$fo&table in
t!e fi&st plae being !e&e in a ski&t) w!i! b% t!e wa% looks good on %ou' 7ut
still) I s!ouldn't !a#e done t!at and I'$ so&&%'+ He apologi<ed as !e sta&ted to
&ub $% bak'
+,ou still did'+ I $u$bled'
+I know and I'$ so&&%) I s!ouldn't !a#e'+ He said ;uietl% and so$et!ing soft
p&essed to $% !ai&' +,ou s$ell nie'+
+O! $% 4od'+ I said' He *ust !ad to &uin t!e $o$ent) one $o$ent w!e&e we atuall%
we&en't !ating ea! ot!e&'
+3!at2 I'$ *ust telling %ou t!at %ou s$ell nie' How $an% people atuall% do)
!u!2+ He asked and I knew t!at s$i&k of !is was on !is fae'
+/ot $an%) I don't get lose'+ I $u$bled &esting $% !ead on !is s!oulde& o&
so$et!ing t!at was soft'
+,ou& lose now'+ He said and !eld $e tig!te&'
I t&ied &elaxing against !i$) it was !a&d to do' T!is is t!e fi&st ti$e we'&e
atuall% t!is lose to ea! ot!e& and not fig!ting' Atuall% !a#ing so$ew!at a
+,ou& ga$e) .&ew'+ It finall% !it $e' He s!ouldn't e#en be out of t!e g%$'
+It's fine) t!e% an win wit!out $e'+ He said and &ubbed $% bak'
+/o)+ I pulled bak &ubbing $% e%es and I looked up at !i$' +4o'+
He gla&ed at $e' +,ou &eall% know !ow to &uin a on#e&sation) %ou know t!at2+
+,ea!) and %ou know !ow to be a &eall% good ass!ole' Tell $e so$et!ing I don't
know'+ I said and g&inned innoentl%'
He soffed and let $e go) onl% to pull $e up to $% feet' +3e'&e not finis!ed
+3!at !ugging2+ He g&inned' I laug!ed at !i$' +,ea!) .&ew) we'&e ne#e& going to
!a#e anot!e& $o$ent like t!at in less %ou& t!e lasC&eate ,ou& Own 0to&% at
Kui<illat pe&son on t!e Ea&t! and we !a#e no elet&iit%' T!an $a%be *ust $a%be I
would !ug %ou to keep wa&$'+
He gla&ed and opened t!e g%$ doo&' +,ou &eall% do &uin good $o$ents'+
+P&obabl% w!at I was bo&n to do) *ust to $ake %ou ang&%'+ I said !ee&full%'
He &olled !is e%es' +I wouldn't be su&p&ised) to be !onest'+
I gla&ed and kiked !i$ in t!e s!in' +Ass'+
+Pain'+ He said and fliked $% fo&e!ead'
I s$aked !i$ a&oss t!e !ead and walked awa% f&o$ t!e idiot' /ot anot!e& $o$ent
bette&' I'$ bak to !ating !i$' I do not like .&ew .oug!t%'
I walked bak to t!e blee!e&s and sat next to Rile% and (a&k) igno&ing t!e $an%
sta&es I was getting and so$e gla&es f&o$ gi&ls'
+,ou oka%2+ Rile% asked ;uietl%'
+Tonig!t) we'&e going to teepee !is !ouse'+ I $u$bled unde& $% b&eat! as I !ugged
$%self selfEonsiousl%' 4od I !ate t!e $an% e%es on $e'
He laug!ed and s!ook !is !ead'
I ouldn't bea& to look up) e#e&%one was sta&ing' It's t!e onl% t!ing I ould feel
on $e' It was so uno$fo&table'
T!e w!istle blew) so$eone $ust !a#e done a d&ibble o& so$et!ing'
+3!at t!e !ell2+ .&ew s!outed' I looked up and saw !i$ looking a&ound on t!e
blee!e&s' 3!at's going on2 +All of %ou) stop sta&ing at !e&'+
T!an it !it $e' He was standing up fo& $e) in a wa%) !e was t!e s!ool &ule& so
t!e%'d listen'
+T!e onl% pe&son w!o is allowed to sta&e at !e&) is $e'+ He said t&iu$pt!l%'
+He said w!at"+ I s!outed'
He laug!ed' +I know %ou lo#e it w!en I sta&e at %ou'+
I t&ied getting up) &ead% to attak !i$ but Rile% !eld $e down so I gla&ed at !i$'
T!e last ;ua&te& went b% ext&e$el% fast) seeing t!at t!is is one of t!e last ga$es
till t!e new %ea&) e#e&%one was p&ett% exited w!en ou& tea$ won' I was too in a
wa%' I was glad t!e% a$e bak and won it' .&ew still !as t!e !ig!est a$ount of
points pe& ga$e' He al$ost beat it tonig!t) s!o&t b% t!&ee baskets'
3e went down on t!e ou&t and one t!e&e) 1e&i and Ja$es a$e o#e& and s$iled at
+Can we go to t!e dine& wit! Rebea's $o$2 0!e said it would be good fo& %ou to
!a#e ti$e wit! %ou& f&iends' 0o an we2+ 1e&i asked in a &us!) putting t!at s$ile
on !e& fae'
+4o a!ead) tell !e& t!ank %ou'+ I told t!e$ and kissed t!ei& !eads befo&e t!e% &an
+3ell t!at was a big loss'+ 0o$eone said f&o$ be!ind $e'
I tu&ned a&ound and auto$atiall% s$iled' +He%) Jo!nat!an)+ I !ugged !i$)
su&p&isingl% but it looked like !e needed a !ug' +3!at a&e %ou talking about) %ou
did g&eat'+ I told !i$ one we let go of ea! ot!e&' He's a good !ugge&) wow)
t!at's &ando$ t!oug!t'
+0till lost'+ He said and g&inned' +7ut !e%) I saw %ou fo& a w!ile'+
I blus!ed' +,ea!) and t!at ass!ole fig!ting wit! $e'+ I $u$bled'
+Ex bo%f&iend2+ He asked as we walked a&ound t!e ou&t slowl%'
+/o) not e#en lose to a f&iend'+ I saw t!e look !e ga#e $e and sig!ed' +3e *ust
!ate ea! ot!e&' -ou&teen %ea&s of knowing ea! ot!e& and we'#e ne#e& gotten
along' ,este&da% was) u!!) well I guess %ou ould all it ou& fi&st fig!t but
we'&e alwa%s fig!ting' 7ut) w!at %ou saw ea&lie&' ,ea!) fig!ting'+ I explained)
!oping I wasn't bo&ing !i$ wit! t!e !isto&% of .&ew and I'
+Hu!' /e#e& expeted t!at'+ He said and s$iled'
I blus!ed' +3ell) %ea! but t!at's !ow life is'+ I said and s$iled at !i$'
4od) !e ouldn't stop s$iling' +3ell) !opefull% I bu$p into %ou again'+
+Hopefull%'+ I said) g&inning'
+Jules"+ I !ea&d Haile% s&ea$' I looked a&ound and saw !e& wa#ing $% p!one)
s$iling' 0$a&t gi&l'
+One se'+ I told Jo!nat!an and &an to get $% p!one' Haile% put it in $% !and'
+T!ank %ou'+ 0!e s$iled like a fool'
I went bak to Jo!nat!an and !eld out $% p!one' +Put %ou& nu$be& in) t!at wa% we
an 'bu$p' into ea! ot!e&'+ I said and bit $% lip'
He s$iled' +4ood t!inke&'+ He took $% p!one and put !is nu$be& in w!ile I put $%
nu$be& in !is' +E! #oila'+
3e ga#e ou& p!ones bak to ea! ot!e& and s$iled at ea! ot!e&'
+0ee %ou a&ound) Julie'+ He said and winked'
+7%e'+ I said and wat!ed !i$ walk awa%) as I bit $% lip' 4od) !e's ute'
I tu&ned a&ound and ouldn't !elp but s$ile'

.&ew's POV fo& a $o$ent
Julie's g&inning like a fool' 3!at t!e !ek did s!e and Jo!nat!an talk about2 I
wa&ned t!at *akass to sta% awa% f&o$ !e& but !e didn't listen' 4&eat) I'll !a#e
to tell Haile% and T&e% w!at !e does if Julie e#e& plans on seeing !i$ again'
Julie's POV again
Haile% and T&e% walked o#e& to $e as t!e% saw $e s$iling of into $% own planet' !e kiss %ou o& a&e %ou *ust &eall% !app%2+ T&e% asked) a$used'
I bit $% lip' +/o' 7ut I t!ink I $ig!t like !i$'+
T!e% gus!ed fo& two $inutes and t!an Haile% b&oke out of it' +I t!ink !e $ig!t
like %ou beause !e was sta&ing at %ou a few ti$es du&ing t!e ga$e' And t!e wa% !e
was s$iling as !e walked awa% f&o$ %ou p&o#ed it'+ 0!e told $e exitedl%'
+0!ould I in#ite !i$ to t!e dine&2+ I asked ne&#ousl%'
+,es'+ T!e% bot! s&ea$ed'
I s$iled and found !is nu$be& and alled !i$ as I sta&ted to walk awa% f&o$ t!e$
and out of t!e g%$'
+Hello2+ He answe&ed'
+He% Jo!nat!an) its Julie'+ I said ne&#ousl%'
+He%) %ou& ;uik on t!at line'+ He said and I ould !ea& t!e s$ile'
I laug!ed' +,ea!) I was wonde&ing if %ou wanted to o$e down to t!e dine& wit! $e
and $% f&iends' ,ou know eleb&ate and all e#en t!oug! %ou kind of'''+ O! I'$ an
+Cost' ,ea!) it sounds fun' 0u&e'+ He ag&eed'
+O!) g&eat' Oka% well we'&e !eading t!e&e now so %ou an follow us'+ I told !i$'
+0ounds good) I'll $eet %ou outside in two $inutes'+ He said'
+Al&ig!t) b%e'+
I snapped $% p!one s!ut and s$iled as I tu&ned a&ound and bu$ped into so$eone' I
looked up and saw .&ew' Co#el%'
+3!o we&e %ou talking to2 ,ou sounded ne&#ous'+ He asked) a$used'
+/one of %ou& business'+ I told !i$ and stepped awa% f&o$ !i$'
+3!ate#e&'+ He said sou&l%'
+Je&k'+ I $u$bled as I walked awa% f&o$ !i$'
Haile% and T&e% a$e out of t!e g%$ wit! Rile% and /at!an walking lose be!ind'
+,ou &ead% to go2+ T&e% asked'
+,ea!) !e said !e'll $eet us outside'+ I told !e& and s$iled'
+3!o %ou talking about2+ Rile% asked'
+Jo!nat!an'+ Haile% gus!ed'
+Jo!nat!an Re%es2 T!at Jo!nat!an'+ /at!an asked) so$e !ow I didn't t!ink !e
sounded pleased'
+B$$) p&obabl%' -&o$ t!e ot!e& tea$) nu$be& fo&t%Etwo'+ I said'
I !adn't &eali<ed .&ew was walking wit! us outside'
+B!''' Jules) %ou know %ou& a lose f&iend to $e but please' .on't be blind a&ound
!i$'+ /at!an wa&ned $e'
Oka% I was &ig!t about !i$ not sounding pleased' I nodded and opened t!e doo&' He
wasn't out %et but I'$ su&e !e oudln't be fa&'
+0o we'&e going wit! %ou2+ Rile% asked Haile%'
+/ot su&e %et) .&ew w!o a&e %ou going wit!2+ Haile% asked !i$'
+B!) I'$ su&e E&i an gi#e $e a lift o#e&'+ He told !e& and looked a&ound t!e
pa&king lot'
T!e doo&s opened be!ind us but I was too bus% s!i#e&ing' T&e% wasn't too s$a&t
about t!is *aket w!en it o$es to s!o&t slee#es'
0o$et!ing went o#e& $% s!oulde&s and I tu&ned $% !ead and s$iled' +He%'+
+,ou looked old'+ Jo!nat!an said and s$iled too'
I didn't $iss t!e gla&es o$ing f&o$ /at!an and .&ew' 3!at is t!ei& p&oble$2
+0o w!o a$ I following2+ Jo!nat!an asked'
Haile% and T&e% ex!anged a s$ile' +Julie an s!ow %ou t!e wa%) an't s!e2+ T&e%
I blus!ed and Jo!nat!an s$iled' +0u&e) I guess t!at $eans %ou& o$ing along'+ He
said to $e'
I s$iled' +4uess so'+ I looked at e#e&%one else and wa#ed' +0ee %ou in a few)
T!e% said t!ei& b%e's and t!an Jo!nat!an and I walked awa%' +And now we get to
know $o&e about ea! ot!e&'+ He said one !e opened t!e doo& to a 7(3'
Julie's POV
Jo!nat!an and I didn't see$ to !a#e $u! in o$$on' 3e talked t!e enti&e wa% but
t!e&e was *ust not!ing in o$$on fo& eit!e& of us' He liked to pla% so $an% spo&ts
and $ost of t!e$ I ouldn't stand' He likes &ap $usi) I lo#e alte&nati#e indie
and &ok' I an't stand &ap $usi but I didn't tell !i$ t!at' I guess t!at $%
feelings a&en't st&ong enoug! as t!e% !ad been) finding out so $u! about !i$' He
!ates !is b&ot!e& and siste& w!en I lo#e $ine' 3!o tells so$eone t!at2
0o I guess t!at we'll be f&iends'
+T!at's it &ig!t t!e&e'+ I pointed out t!e dine& to !i$ as we we&e o$ing towa&ds
He pulled into t!e pa&king lot) t!e&e wasn't t!at $an% spots left so !e !ad to
sneek in to one lite&all%' 3e got out of t!e a& and I s$iled o#e& at !i$ w!en we
$et at t!e bak'
+,ou& f&iends a&e !e&e'+ He said'
+,ep) w!i! $eans I !a#e to offiall% int&odue %ou to t!e$'+ I said and pulled on
!is !and w!i! was t!e onl% t!ing in &ea!'
3e walked into t!e dine& and I saw $% f&iends and .&ew !anging out at t!e boot!)
standing) sitting) w!i! e#e& and laug!ing at so$et!ing'
+He% gu%s'+ I said as we stopped at t!e side' I &eleased Jo!nat!an's !and &ig!t
t!en) t!ank 4od I did beause Rile% tu&ned and t!e look in !is e%es didn't see$
like !e was too !app%'
+He%) Jules'+ T&e% said) &ed in t!e fae'
+Al&ig!t) ti$e fo& %ou to $eet) Jo!nat!an'+ I pointed to !i$ and s$iled' He s$iled
bak and I tu&ned and pointed e#e&%one out to !i$ in pai&s' +/at!an and T&e%)
Haile% and Rile%) E&i and .ana) 4&eg and .&ew'+ 4&eg and .&ew we&e t!e onl% ones
standing so it was eas% fo& t!e pai&ing'
+Hi'+ T&e% and Haile% said giggling'
I looked at t!e$ oddl%' and sat on Haile%'s lap w!i! $ade !e& laug!' +How's $%
7utte&ta&t2+ I asked !e&'
+4&eat) !ow's $% (uffin2+ 0!e asked and giggled'
+Pe&fet) but I need a d&ink'+ I told !e& and got off !e& lap'
+I'll go get it'+ Jo!nat!an #oluntee&ed' +3!at would %ou like2+
I bit $% lip' +0e#en Bp) please'+ I asked niel%'
He nodded and walked awa%) .&ew followed !i$' Rile% looked at $e and so did
+7e a&eful) Jules'+ Rile% said'
+Of2+ I asked and g&abbed a !ai& f&o$ anot!e& table'
+Hi$' Jo!nat!an'+ Rile% said and I knew t!at !e was t&%ing to !elp $e but
e#e&%t!ing was fine'
+'1a%'+ I said and looked at T&e% w!o was talking to /at!an now'
.&ew's POV
I knew !e was going to do so$et!ing to Julie's d&ink and so I followed !i$ to t!e
+Can I get two 0e#en Bps2+ He asked'
+(ake t!at t!&ee'+ I said and leaned against t!e ounte& and sta&ed at !i$'
+.&ew'+ He said and gla&ed at $e'
+3!at do %ou t!ink %ou& doing wit! Julie2+ I asked !i$ out&ig!t'
+/ot!ing) s!e's a f&iend'+ He soffed at $e'
+B! !u!) like t!e ot!e&s &ig!t2+ I asked ang&il%'
+Cisten) %ou don't know $e so sta% out of it'+ He said between !is teet!'
+I'#e been to a lot of %ou& pa&ties' ,ou t!ink I don't know w!at %ou do2+ I asked'
+And w!at do I do2+ He asked now standing st&aig!t'
+He&e %ou go) LA'GA fo& w!oe#e&s pa%ing'+ (&' Oli#ie& said'
+I a$'+ I said and ga#e !i$ LG'FF' +1eep t!e !ange'+ I piked up two of t!e
d&inks and gla&ed at Jo!nat!an' +I told two of $% f&iends al&ead% and t!e% will be
keeping an e%e on %ou if I'$ not' ,ou& not going to !u&t Julie'+
+4i#e $e a b&eak) !ea&ing t!is f&o$ t!e gu% w!o !ates !e&) &ig!t2+ He said and
+I don't !ate !e&' I *ust like piking on !e&) we bot! do it'+ I said) I wasn't
about to tell !i$ I was in lo#e wit! !e& o& !e would fo& su&e get !e& in t!e bak
of !is a&'
+3!ate#e&' 4i#e $e !e& d&ink'+ He snapped'
+/o'+ I said and looked at /at!an w!o was well awa&e of us o$ing towa&ds t!e$
now' I set Julie's d&ink down fo& !e& and s!e ga#e $e a funn% look and t!en took a
sip' T!at's one d&ink tonig!t t!at I sa#ed !e& f&o$'
I sat beside /at!an w!o stopped talking to T&e% and looked at $e' +He t&ied'+ I
told !i$'
+I knew !e would) we'll *ust look out fo& !i$ all nig!t'+ He said ;uietl%'
+Pa&t% on"+ 3end%) (&' Oli#ie&'s wife alled as t!e lig!ts went down a bit and
$usi sta&ted'
T!e&e was no wa% I would be taking $% e%es off of Julie wit! Jo!nat!an a&ound' I
saw !i$ lean into !e& ea& and w!ispe& so$et!ing w!i! $ade !e& nod and s$ile'
(an) I want !e& to s$ile at $e'''
T!e% bot! got up and went to w!e&e e#e&%one was daning'
+Oka%) so$eone explain w!% %ou t!&ee a&e gla&ing at !i$'+ T&e% said aidl%'
+7eause !e !as a &eputation of spiking gi&ls d&inks and &aping t!e$) t!at's w!%'+
I said between $% teet!'
Haile% and T&e%'s e%es bulged) inluding E&i's and .ana's'
+3e need to get !i$ to lea#e' Take ou& pa&t% elsew!e&e'+ Haile% said 0!e see$ed
sa&ed fo& Julie) I knew s!e would be'
+3!at a&e we going to do2+ T&e% asked s!akil%' I looked at !e& and saw !e& enti&e
bod% s!aking in fea& fo& Julie'
+I'll pull t!e fi&e ala&$'+ 4&eg said !appil%' He alwa%s wanted to pull one) and
t!at is wei&d'
I looked at Julie and saw !e& and Jo!nat!an daning &at!e& losel%' I g&itted $%
teet!' +Pull it'+ 4&eg got up &ig!t awa% and walked a&ound sneakil%) !e was going
fo& t!e one lose to t!e kit!en' 4ood e%e'
+Read%2+ I asked t!e$'
T!e% nodded and seonds late&) t!e fi&e ala&$ wen and t!e wate& a$e sp&a%ing down
on us' E#e&%one was &elaxed at ou& table but ot!e&s) gi&ls $ainl% f&eaked out
t!ei& !ai&' 3e got up and went outside' Haile% and T&e% set t!ei& e%es out fo&
I ouldn't see !e&' C&ap" C&ap" C&ap" He took t!e !ane' I sta&ted &unning fo&
t!e bak of t!e dine& and I didn't e#en stop w!en I saw Jo!nat!an fo&ing !i$self
onto Julie' 0!e was t&%ing to pus! !i$ off'
+4et t!e fuk off !e&"+ I s!outed and !ea&d Julie stifle a &% w!en s!e !ea&d $e'
I %anked Jo!nat!an off !e& and pun!ed !i$ in t!e fae' +.on't fuking tou! !e&'+
I %elled down at !i$'
He s$i&ked and kiked $e down'
+.&ew"+ Julie s&ea$ed as Jo!nat!an and I sta&ted fig!ting'
+1eep %ou !ands off !e&'+ I %elled' He pun!ed $e in t!e nose and t!an got $e in
t!e &ibs' 0!it) t!at !u&t'
+0top" .on't !u&t !i$"+ Julie s&ea$ed and t&ied pus!ing Jo!nat!an off $e'
I put all $% &e$aining ene&g% into t!e last pun! befo&e I would possibl% pass
out' T!e last blow) b&oug!t !i$ down) knoked !i$ out and b&oug!t $e down'
+.&ew"+ Julie s&ea$ed and &an o#e& to $e' E#e&%t!ing see$ed blu&&ed' +.&ew) a&e
%ou oka%2 O!) 4od t!at's a stupid ;uestion'+ 0!e was f&eaking out o#e& $e2 0!e
sounded paniked' +I a$ so so&&%'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed and $% e%es we&e lea&ed up
enoug! to see !e& fae was lose to $ine and t!at s!e was definitel% &%ing'
I !oked up blood and t&ied sitting up but $% bod% and !e& wouldn't allow it'
+Julie'+ I said !oa&esl%' +0top &%ing'+
0!e &ubbed !e& e%es' +I'$ not &%ing'+
+I !a#e a blak e%e) I'$ not blind'+ And it was t&ue) I did !a#e a blak e%e) I
ould feel t!e swelling) I ould !a&dl% open $% e%e'
+I a$ so so&&%'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed and piked up wet snow and put it on $% !eek' I
flin!ed) old' +Just get $e to E&i's a&e' !e !as a kit'+ I $u$bled and sat up
0!e g&abbed $% !ands and pulled $e up to $% feet' T!at !u&t' I fell &ig!t into !e&
w!en s!e t&ied getting !e& a&$ a&ound $e' +3!oa"+ 0!e said and aug!t $e' +4uess
%ou we&e &ig!t'+ 0!e giggled'
+Hu!2+ I $u$bled) looking down at !e&'
+3e a&e !a#ing anot!e& $o$ent) %ou know) !ugging'+ 0!e said and s$i&ked'
I f&owned' +/ot t!e wa% I pitu&ed it'+ I $u$bled and sta&ted tasting blood in $%
$out!' I spat out t!e blood and oug!ed' 0tupid Jo!nat!an'
+.on't do t!at'+ Julie s!&ieked and I felt so$et!ing at $% $out!' +,ou& lip in
I f&owned and put $% !and on $% &ibage' +He b&uised $% &ibs) I an feel it'+
+I'll look at it'+ 0!e said ;uietl%'
T!at's w!en I sta&ted !ea&ing #oies''' +Julie) o! t!ankEEHol% &ap) .&ew'+ T&e%
f&eaked out'
I g&oaned and wiped $% fae' +E&i) an %ou get $e %ou& kit'+ Julie asked'
+And $% *aket'+ I $u$bled' T!e onl% &eason I said *aket was beause I ould feel
Julie s!i#e&ing against $e'
+3!at !appened2+ Rile% asked) s!oked'
+I found t!e$ and I pulled !i$ off !e& and we sta&ted fig!ting'+ I wasn't about to
gi#e Julie a &e$e$b&ane of t!at' 4od) s!e looked te&&ified w!en I got !i$ off
+At least I'$ oka%'+ Julie said and looked up at $e' It was funn% to see !e&
!a#ing to &ane !e& nek' +/ot so su&e I an sa% t!e sa$e about %ou'+ I s$i&ked'
+3!e&e's 1e&i and Ja$es2+ s!e asked ;uikl%'
+.on't wo&&%) Rebea's $o$ is wit! t!e$ $aking su&e t!e%'&e oka% till we lea#e'+
Haile% said'
.&ew's POV
I felt &ead% to pass out standing t!e&e talking to e#e&%one' I leaned $% !ead
against Julie's and losed $% e%es'
+I t!ink !e needs to sit'+ I !ea&d !e& sa%'
3e walked o#e& to t!e ledge of t!e side and s!e slowl% &eleased $e and sat down
beside $e'
+.&ew'+ 0!e said ;uietl%'
+H$$'+ I $u$bled looking at $% !ands'
+T!ank %ou'+ 0!e said'
I looked at !e& and s$iled' +,ou& welo$e) I s!ould !a#e t!oug!t of a bette&
plan'+ 0!e &aised an e%eb&ow' +I got 4&eg to pull t!e fi&e ala&$ and well)
ob#iousl% didn't wo&k too well'+
0!e s$i&ked' +7est %ou ould o$e up wit! espeiall% wit! a b&ain like %ou&s'+ s!e
I igno&ed t!e b&ain o$$ent' +,es) at t!e ti$e'+ I said'
0!e laug!ed ;uietl% and t!an !opped down'
+-i&st aid kit and *aket'+ E&i said'
+T!anks'+ Julie said and ga#e $e t!e *aket'
0!e set t!e kit down and opened it' I unfolded $% *aket and w&apped it a&ound !e&
s!oulde&s' +T!at's fo& %ou'+ I told !e& w!en s!e looked at $e funn%'
0!e s$iled and put !e& a&$s t!&oug! t!e slee#es' +T!anks'+ 0!e said and piked up
$% !and and wiped t!e lot! o#e& it' +/o deep uts'+ 0!e $u$bled and piked up $%
ot!e& !and and wiped t!e lot! o#e& it' 0!e looked up f&o$ !e& e%elas!es) blus!ing
w!en s!e saw $e looking at !e& but s!e s$iled'
0!e s$iled at $e' And e#e&%da% I wis! fo& t!at and I get it now) w!en I'$ !u&t'
0!e finis!ed off $% !ands and looked at $% fae' +0o w!at !a#e %ou lea&ned2+ 0!e
+To pun! an% gu% t!at la%s a finge& on %ou'+ I said g&inning'
0!e &olled !e& e%es' +4ood enoug!'+ s!e put !e& !and unde& $% !in and &aised $%
!ead' 0!e wiped blood off $% $out! and t!an I felt a pin! in $% botto$ lip'
+It's ut) t&% and be s$a&t'+ 0!e snaped'
3!ile s!e leaned $e up) I wat!ed !e&' 0!e was all wet and still beautiful) s!e
was so onent&ated on leaning $% fae s!e p&obabl% didn't know I was wat!ing
!e&' T!e wa% s!e s$elt) being so lose to $e like t!is' I didn't want to see !e&
lea#e) not now' /ot e#e&' I wanted to keep !e& but I knew it was i$possible'
+,ou $ig!t as well sta% at $% plae fo& t!e nig!t'+ 0!e b&oke t!e silene' 0!e
said w!at2 +In less %ou want to explain to %ou& pa&ents t!at %ou we&e beat up'+
0!e said ;uietl%'
+/ot &eall%'+ I get to sta% at !e& !ouse) wit! !e&"
0!e losed t!e kit and looked at $e' +Can %ou let $e go now2+
I looked at w!e&e $% !ands we&e' On !e& waist' I blus!ed and took $% !ands awa%'
+,ou& welo$e'+ 0!e said and !ugged $e) su&p&isingl%'
I w&apped $% a&$s a&ound !e& and !ugged !e& lose' T!is is t!e $o$ent I need'
+Julie2+ I said ;uestionabl%'
+,ea!2+ 0!e asked'
+T!e&e's so$et!ing I need to tell %ou) and I *ust &eall% want to tell %ou'+ I said
t&%ing to get it out' 0tep b% step'
0!e looked at $e) deep into $% e%es'
+Oka%) t!e t!ing is I'#e been in loEE+
+4u%s) lets go" Julie) 1e&i and Ja$es a&e asleep'+ Haile% s!outed'
And t!e&e goes $% !ane'
+Oka%) one se'+ Julie %elled bak' 0!e looked at $' +0o&&%) w!at we&e %ou going
to tell $e2+
I s!ook $% !ead' +/e#e&$ind) it an wait'+ -o& anot!e& fou&teen %ea&s afte& %ou&
$a&&ied and !a#e kids'
+1a%'+ 0!e let $e go and I got up'
3e walked o#e& to ou& f&iends and $ost of t!e$ e%ed Julie and I toget!e& like
+3on't ask'+ 4&eg said laug!ing'
I s$i&ked' +/ie *aket) Jules'+ Rile% said and s$iled at $e'
0!e blus!ed' +B$$) t!anks'+
+Cets gett going'+ Haile% said and looked at !e& a&' +T!e%'&e asleep'+
+Oka%'+ Julie said t!an looked at $e t!an Haile%' +.&ew is going to $% plae fo&
t!e nig!t'+
+Oo!'+ T!e% gus!ed'
+0!ut up' He's *ust going to sta% so t!e e%e doesn't look so new w!en !e goes
+Al&ig!t t!an'+ Rile% said and s$iled again at $e'
3e walked towa&ds t!e a&) Julie !ugging !e&self $eaning $% *aket' I &ubbed !e&
a&$s !oping s!e won't !it $e fo& it' 0!e looked up at $e and g&inned a bit'
Rile% got in t!e f&ontseat wit! Haile% so Julie and I !ad to so$e!ow fit in t!e
bak wit! !e& b&ot!e& and siste&' 3!o) b% t!e wa%) we&e taking up two seats'
+,ou need a bigge& a&'+ I w!ispe&ed as we got in'
T!e% laug!ed' +Jules) *ust sit on .&ew's lap' I'$ su&e !e won't $ind'+ Rile% said
and g&inned o#e& !is s!oulde&'
+,ea!) get &ig!t on t!at'+ Julie w!ispe&ed and pus!ed 1e&i a bit'
I lifted !e& up and put !e& on $% lap' +,ou'&e luk% s!e doesn't !a#e a bon% butt
like Haile% does'+ Rile% said and bu&st out laug!ing w!en Haile% !it !i$'
+/o funn% business'+ Julie wa&ned $e'
+3ouldn't t!ink of it'+ I said and g&inned' Haile% sta&ted d&i#ing and Julie
sta&ted $o#ing' +0it down'+ I o&de&ed'
0!e gla&ed and t!an %awned' +0!ut up'+ 0!e said as s!e %awned' 0!e leaned !e& !ead
against $% s!oulde& and losed !e& e%es' 3ell so$eone was ti&ed'
I w&apped $% a&$s a&ound !e& and leaned $% !ead bak and losed $% e%es' I was
ti&ed) I *ust !oped I ould sleep wit! !e& on $% lap like t!is'
+T!e% passed out ;uikl%'+ Haile% said ;uietl%'
+Hol%) t!at was fast' .o %ou t!ink t!e%'&e asleep2+ Rile% asked'
+,ea!) definitel%'+ Haile% said'
Rile% sig!ed' +Ti$e to plan'+
+Calabogie2+ Haile% asked'
+7est wa%'+ Rile% ag&eed'
+T!ei& own &oo$'+ Haile% said and s$ile was !ea&d'
+0o t!e% an kill ea! ot!e&' /o'+ Rile% disag&eed'
+O! o$e on' Just a weeken) t!e%'ll !a&dl% be in t!e &oo$'+
+3e want t!e$ to talk not a&gue) Hales'+
+/o Calabogie' How about a blind date2+
+Hell no'+ Rile% nea&l% %elled'
+T!an %ou t!ink) (iste& Cupid'+ 0!e said'
He soffed and t!an I o$pletel% <oned out'
Julie's POV
I felt wei&d) so$e funn% feeling in $% sto$a!' I'#e been getting t!ose a lot
latel%' I opened $% e%es slig!tl% and &eali<ed I was sleeping against .&ew' /o
wonde& I felt funn%' I $o#ed $% !ead so it &ested on !is !est instead and I
felt''' I'$ not su&e w!at it was'
.&ew s$elt good' I sig!ed and $o#ed $% !ead again'
+T!anks) Haile%'+ I !ea&d .&ew w!ispe&'
+/o p&oble$) see %ou (onda%'+ 0!e &eplied and t!an I felt a d&aft and I was in t!e
ai&' I w&apped $% a&$s a&ound !is nek) !olding fo& dea& life'
+.o %ou gu%s !a#e a ke%2+ .&ew asked so$eone'
I !ea&d so$et!ing lik and t!an we we&e $o#ing again' 3a&$t! a$e nest) at t!at I
s!i#e&ed f&o$ t!e diffe&ene'
+0o&&%'+ .&ew w!ispe&ed'
+($$)+ I $u$bled sleepil%' +.&ew) an %ou put $e down2+
He sig!ed and gentl% put $e on $% feet' (% !and *ust went a&oss !is &ibs t!at
$ade !i$ g&i$ae' I looked up at !i$ and saw !i$ biting !is lip' +To t!e kit!en'+
I $u$bled and sta&ted walking fo&wa&d'
+I fo&get t!e last ti$e I was in !e&e'+ He said t!oug!tfull% as !e followed'
1e&i and Ja$es we&e in t!e kit!en $aking t!e$sel#es a snak' +I'll tuk %ou in
w!en I'$ done wit! !i$'+ I told t!e$ and pointed .&ew to t!e island'
+Oka%'+ Ja$es said exitedl%'
-o& so$e &eason te!% like $e tuking t!e$ in' I got out t!e AA?A and a bandage
t!an walked towa&ds .&ew w!o was sitting in $% fa#ou&ite seat) w!i! is at t!e
o&ne& of t!e island'
+0!i&t'+ I said one I put t!e bandage down'
+,ou& expeting $e to lift it2+ He asked) du$bfounded'
+I a$ so not in t!e $ood to a&gue' I'$ ti&ed'+ I $u$bled t!an put $% !ands on t!e
botto$ of !is s!i&t and lifted it up and pulled it o#e& !is !ead'
I t&ied not to sta&e but t!e gu% !ad a nie set of abs I ouldn't !elp it exept
fo& two la&ge b&uises on !is &ibs w!i! was disgusting'
I opened t!e AA?A and put a bit on $% finge&s' +It's going to be old'+ I $u$bled
looking at !i$' He *ust nodded'
I put $% finge&s on t!e b&uises) felt !i$ flin! at t!e old and sta&ted &ubbing
it in' He flin!ed a few ti$es and I knew I p&essed to !a&d' I ould feel !i$
sta&ing at $e) *ust like at t!e dine& w!en I was leaning !i$ up) I igno&ed !i$'
+T!e&e) b&and new'+ I said and looked at !i$'
He was looking at $e losel%) it was &eall% wei&d and I got t!at feeling in $%
sto$a! again like I !a#e been fo& a w!ile'
+3!at2+ I asked ;uietl%'
+,ou said %ou didn't want to a&gue so I'$ keeping $% $out! s!ut'+ He said and
I gla&ed at !i$ and !e laug!ed'
+,ou'&e ute w!en %ou& ang&%'+ He told $e'
I blus!ed fu&iousl% and looked awa% f&o$ !i$'
He laug!ed ;uietl%' +0ee'+
I stuk $% tongue out at !i$' +/ot a&guing'+ I $u$bled'
He s$i&ked' +,ou'&e p&ett%'+
I blus!ed again' 3!e&e t!e !ek is t!is o$ing f&o$2 3!e&e's t!e ass!ole I !ated'
+,ou'&e sex% w!en %ou onent&ate'+ !e said) ad$ittabl%'
.id !e sniff t!e AA?A w!en I wasn't looking2
+And %ou'&e beautiful w!en %ou blus!' T!at's a definite'+ He said and t!at $ade $e
blus! t!e wo&se I e#e& !a#e' /o one's e#e& alled $e beautiful'
+3!e&e's .&ew .oug!t% t!at ass!ole2+ I asked and slowl% looked up'
His fae was ext&e$el% lose' I swallowed and stupidl% sta&ed into !is e%es' 4od)
t!e%'&e ext&e$el% da&k in t!is lig!ting'
+0till !e&e'+ He w!ispe&ed and put !is !and on $% !eek'
(% e%es losed at t!e tou! and t!an I felt wa&$ b&eat! on $% fae' I opened $%
e%es slig!tl% and saw t!at .&ew's fae was about an in! awa% f&o$ $ine and !is
!ead was tilted to t!e side'
+Julie" 1e&i stole $% pillow'+ Ja$es a$e %elling'
.&ew nd I we&e bot! sta&tled t!at we *u$ped bak f&o$ ea! ot!e&'
+Julie"+ 1e&i s&ee!ed &unning in'
I looked at .&ew to see !i$ &ubbing t!e bak of !is nek as !e sta&ed into spae
o& $a%be at $e' +Just w&ap it'+ I said to !i$) pointing to t!e bandage'
I went out wit! Ja$es and 1e&i) pulling t!e$ apa&t'
+.o %ou want a pillow Ja$es2+ I asked w!en we walked into t!ei& &oo$'
+/o) its oka%'+ Ja$es said and s$iled up at $e' +.o %ou like !i$2+
I ign&ed t!e ;uestion and pointed to t!ei& beds' I tuket 1e&i in and kissed !e&
fo&e!ead' +0leep well'+ I w!ispe&ed'
0!e s$iled and losed !e& e%es' +0leep good) Julie'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed'
I s$iled and went o#e& to Ja$es and tuked !i$ in' +He likes %ou'+ Ja$es
+/o) !e doesn't'+ I w!ispe&ed ste&nl%' /o one likes $e' I kissed !is !eek'
+4oodnig!t'+ I said and got up off t!e bed and tu&ned off t!e la$p'
+Co#e %ou'+ T!e% bot! w!ispe&ed'
+Co#e %ou too) gu%s'+ I w!ispe&ed and losed t!e doo& be!ind $e'
+,ou'&e a p&o'+ .&ew said f&o$ be!ind $e'
I tu&ned and saw !i$ leaning against t!e wall) wat!ing $e' I s$iled *ust a bit'
+I'$ su&e %ou a&e wit! Case%'+
+0!e stopped wanting to be tuked in a %ea& ago but I still do it so$e nig!t'+ He
told $e afte& leaning off t!e wall'
I s$iled and walked towa&ds $% bed&oo$) I !ad to fae it t!at !e was going to
sleep in t!e sa$e bed as $e'
+.o %ou !a#e an% sweatpants2+ He asked w!en we ente&ed $% &oo$'
(% &oo$ wasn't all t!at $ade up' Russian w!ite painted walls) anop% bed and a
d&esse&' (% TV was paid wit! $% own $one% *ust like t!e Eifel Towe& $u&aled wall'
+/o'+ I &eplied and ploppedon t!e bed and sig!ed'
+/ie &oo$'+ He said as !e glaned a&ound' His e%es sta%ed on t!e $u&al' +,ou want
to go to Pa&is2+ He asked'
I s$iled' +,ep) *ust fo& t!e towe&'+ I told !i$'
He looked at $e t!an s$i&ked' +3!e&e a$ I sleeping2+
+T!e floo&'+ I said sa&astiall%'
+A&e %ou ag&uing2+ He asked knowingl%'
+,ou& sleeping t!e&e'+ I pointed to t!e ot!e& side of t!e bed'
I was too ti&ed to $o#e so I sta%ed t!e wa% I was and &elaxed' He laid down beside
$e and I tu&need off t!e lig!t &ig!t awa%' +,ou& sleeping in t!at2+ He $u$bled
+Too ti&ed to $o#e'+ I $u$bled'
+.on't &ip $% *aket'+ He w!ispe&ed'
+3!at *aket2+ I asked wei&dl%'
He tu&ned o#e& and tou!ed $% sto$a!' 7utte&flies e&&upted in t!e&e' I looked at
$% sto$a! and saw t!at I was still wea&ing !is *aket' I s$iled a bit) it s$elt
like !i$ and !e s$elt good'
+O!'+ I said and sta&ted to take it off) not wanting to &ip it'
+I'$ kidding) keep it'+ He said ;uikl%' I looked at !i$ ;uestionabl%' +I'$
getting a new one on Tuesda%) well not football &elated' 0!ool *aket'+ He said
and s$iled'
HeEEHe s$iled' He s$iled at $e' I'#e ne#e& seen !i$ s$ile di&etl% at $e'
I s$iled too' +Inte&esting'+ I said'
+A&e %ou getting one2+ He asked'
I s!ook $% !ead' +I don't need a s!ool *aket'+ I $u$bled'
He s!&ugged' +/o $one% fo& p&o$'''+ He sang'
I &aised an e%eb&ow' +I'$ not going'+
He &aised an e%eb&ow now' +A gi&l t!at's not going to p&o$'+
I sig!ed' +An%t!ing &elated to s!ool I don't do'+
+3!%2+ He asked wei&dl%'
+I go to s!ool to lea&n) not go to danes'+ I $u$bled and was speaking t!e t&ut!'
He looked at $e fo& a long seond' +/e&d'+
I &olled $% e%es and !ugged $%self' +Ha&dl%'+
+/e&d'+ He w!ispe&ed'
I gla&ed at !i$ and !e s$i&ked' +I'll gi#e %ou anot!e& blak e%e to go wit!
Jo!nat!an's'+ /ow !e gla&ed and I s$i&ked and &olled o#e& on to $% side'
Julie's POV
3e *ust laid t!e&e fo& a $inute till !e sa&ed t!e !ell out of $e' +C&ap"+ He
p&ett% $u! %elled) !e sat up ;uikl% be!ind $e'
I *u$ped and sat up) sta&ing at !i$) sta&tled' He !ad t!at w!ite box out and was
!eking it all o#e& t!e plae' +I'#e seen t!at befo&e'+ I $u$bled looking at !i$'
He looked sa&ed' 3!at is t!at all about2 +B!) no %ou !a#en't'+ He said ;uikl%'
+-ine'+ I said and laid bak down'
I !ea&d !i$ sig! afte& a few $inutes' +,es) %ou !a#e'+
T!e w!ite box appea&ed in f&ont of $e and again I felt butte&flies in $% sto$a!
w!en !is !and b&us!ed $% sto$a!'
+Happ% bi&t!da% Julie'+ He said ;uietl%'
I looked o#e& $% s!oulde& to see t!e !e was se&ious' He got $e a bi&t!da% p&esent2
7ut I'#e seen t!is box so $an% ti$es wit! !i$' T!at doesn't $ake sense'
+How longEE+
He ut $e off' +-ou& %ea&s'+
I gaped at !i$' He's !ad t!is fo& fou& %ea&s and ne#e& one ga#e it to $e2 +7ut
Again) ut off' +3e'#e been at ea! ot!e&'s t!&oats) I ne#e& found t!e &ig!t
ti$e'+ He told $e'
+0o %ou'#e !ad it fo& fou& %ea&s'+ I said autiousl%'
He nodded) blus!ing' +Open it w!en %ou want to'+ He said s!akil%'
3ow) I'#e ne#e& seen !i$ like t!is' I bit $% lip' +/ow'
+3!at2 /o"+ He s!&ieked'
I s$iled at !i$' +,ou'#e waited fou& %ea&s'+
+And anot!e& fou&teen fo& so$et!ing else'+ He $u$bled unde& !is b&eat!' 3as I
supposed to !ea& t!at2
+0o&&%2+ I asked politel%'
He looked at $e and s!ook !is !ead' +/ot!ing'+
I piked up t!e w!ite box and looked at !i$) !e was biting !is lip' +,ou'&e going
to ut it open wo&se'+ I $u$bled'
He sig!ed and took !is teet! out' +.o %ou !a#e to open it wit! $e !e&e2+ He asked'
I looked at !i$ wei&d' +,ou an lea#e t!e &oo$'+
+0weet'+ He said and got up' I %anked !i$ bak down' +I t!oug!t %ouEE+
+I lied'+ I said) utting !i$ off'
+.on't open it) not w!ile I'$ !e&e'+ He begged'
+3!% not2+ I asked s!oked'
+I !ate &eations'+ He $u$bled'
+I'll fake $ine'+ I told !i$) g&inning'
He sig!ed and I took t!at as a go' I took t!e lid off t!e box and $% *aw lite&all%
d&opped' It was one of t!ose sil#e& I. b&aelets) I &an $% finge& along it and
flipped t!at bak of it' Bnexpetidl%) a tea& &olled down $% !eek w!en I saw $%
na$e et!ed in it' I lo#e it'
I t!&ew $% a&$s a&ound !i$ and !ugged !i$' He see$ed taken abak' +I lo#e it'+ I
lite&all% s&ea$ed in !is ea&'
T!is was t!e best p&esent so$eone e#e& ga#e $e' He w&apped !is a&$s a&ound $e and
+4uess fou& %ea&s of waiting paid off'+ He said and !ukled) !is b&eat! tikling
$% nek'
+T!ank %ou) .&ew'+ I w!ispe&ed and kissed !is !eek'
I b&oke t!e !ug and took out t!e b&aelet'
+,ou& going to wea& it2+ He asked) s!oked'
I nodded and lipped it on' +T!ank %ou) I &eall% do lo#e it'+
He b&eat!ed out see$ing to !a#e !eld !is b&eat!' +-ewf'+ He $u$bled'
+3!%'d %ou keep it fo& so long2+ I asked la%ing bak downM
He laid down too and &ubbed t!e bak of !is nek' +/e#e& got along'+ He said
I s$iled pla%ing wit! t!e b&aelet' +3e a&e now) w!i! is &eall% good'+
He s$iled' +It s!ould !appen $o&e often'+ He said t!oug!tfull%'
I ouldn't stop s$iling) t!is was a $i&ale) us getting along' I s$iled and pla%ed
wit! t!e b&aelet again'
+4oodnig!t'+ He w!ispe&ed g&inning at $e'
+/ig!t'+ I w!ispe&ed and &olled o#e&'
T!e blanket a$e o#e& $e and I looked be!ind $e to see .&ew &olling o#e& to !is
side) bak to $e' I s$iled and losed $% e%es'
T!e doo& &eaked open and I !ea&d giggling'
+3!% a&e t!e% on t!ei& sides2+ Ja$es asked ;uietl%'
I s$iled to $%self and faked asleep so I $o#ed t!e blanket to $% fae) !ugging it'
+Cet's get t!e$ toget!e&'+ 1e&i said and ;uiet feet $o#ed into t!e &oo$'
+I !ope !e's lig!t'+ Ja$es said and t!e% laug!ed'
Tin% !ands went on $% s!oulde&s and pus!ed $e on $% bak' I was t!inking lig!t'
+0!e's lig!t'+ 1E&i said and pus!ed one s!oulde& so I ould get on $% ot!e& side'
I opened $% e%es a tou! to see .&ew being &olled o#e&' I losed $% e%es ;uikl%'
-o& so$e odd and sa&% &eason) I want .&ew to !old $e' It was sa&% to t!ink t!at
I lo#ed being !eld b% !i$'
+/ow w!at2+ 1e&i asked'
+Pus! t!e$'+ Ja$es said'
In t!e next few seonds I would be pus!ed and !a#ing !it !eads wit! .&ew'
+,ou t!ink it'll b&uise on Julie22 ,ou know s!e b&uises easil% afte&''' %ou know'+
1e&i w!ispe&ed' I t&ied not to sig!) t!e% didn't b&ing it up'
.&ew fo& a $o$ent
3!at do t!e% $ean b% 'afte&)' afte& w!at2 3!at !appened t!at Julie b&uises easil%2
Julie again
I !ope not'+ Ja$es said' +0!ould we do so$et!ing else2+
+4et !i$ on !is bak and I'll get Julie so s!e's kind of on !e& side t!an put !is
a&$ a&ound !e&'+ 1e&i o&de&ed and I &olled $% e%es) deide al&ead%'
+He likes !e&'+ Ja$es said' T!e&e was $o#e$ent on t!e bed' +Ou!) !e kiks'+
1e&i laug!ed' +Case% al&ead% told $e'+
I' A$' .&ea$ing' .&ew .oug!t% does not like $e) $% ene$% is supposed to !ate $e'
+He ga#e !e& !is p&esent) look'+ Ja$es said and lifted $% !and' He knew .&ew !ad a
p&esent fo& $e'
+3!en'd !e tell %ou2+ 1e&i asked'
+-ew $ont!s ago'+ Ja$es told !e&' !e tell %ouEE+
He ut !e& off' +(ont!s ago) w!en'd %ou find out2+
+Cast %ea& w!en I was at Case%'s) !e was a&guing wit! Rile% on t!e p!one afte& s!e
pun!ed !i$ fo& alling !e& stupid'+ 0!e told !i$'
+Case% told $e t!e enti&e s!ool knows now exept !e&'+ Ja$es $u$bled'
3!ole s!ool knows w!at2
+He's stupid'+ 1e&i said and t!e% laug!ed'
+3!at a&e %ou gu%s doing in !e&e2+ A sleep .&ew $u$bled'
+B!) not!ing'+ 1e&i stutte&ed'
+.on't lie) %ou know w!at Julie told us about t!at"+ Ja$es f&eaked out ;uikl%'
+Put %ou& a&$ a&ound Julie and sleep wit! !e&"+
+I don't need anot!e& blak e%e) t!anks'+ He told t!e$'
+.o it'+ T!e% said between t!ei& teet!'
+4ee<'+ .&ew $u$bled and I felt !is a&$ o$e a&ound $e and !i$ s!ifting $% bod%
I lo#e ea#esd&opping'
+T!e&e) now sleep'+ 1e&i said exitedl%'
+,ou e#e& going to tell !e&2+ T!e% bot! asked !i$ at t!e sa$e ti$e' Tell w!o w!at2
+4u%s) not now) all &ig!t'+ T!e&e was so$et!ing old on $% ba&e skin' +0!e'd ne#e&
belie#e $e'+ He said) sounding pained'
+3!ose fault is t!at2+ Ja$es $u$bled ang&il%'
+Ja$es) be nie' ,ou'&e going to wake !e&'+ 1e&i w!ispe&ed'
+4oodnig!t'+ .&ew $u$bled lose to $% ea&'
+/ig!t'+ T!e% said and tin% feet left t!e &oo$'
.&ew sig!ed' +0tupid fou&teen %ea&s of not telling %ou' I still won't'+ I &eali<ed
!is !and was &oa$ing f&o$ $% waist to $% bak' +I'$ an idiot'+
I $o#ed $% !ead sleepil% to !is !est and $% !and &ested on !is sto$a! w!e&e
t!e&e was ba&e skin'
+,ou'&e f&eakin' f&ee<ing) wo$an"+ He s!&ieked'
I $o#ed $% a&$ a&oss !is sto$a! and $o&e o& less got on $% bak'
+,ou'&e $o&e beautiful t!an an%one I'#e e#e& $et o& seen) Julie P&eston'+ He
w!ispe&ed and $o#ed $% bangs out of $% fae'
T!at's w!en I fell into t!e da&k and slept peaefull%) d&ea$ing of .&ew'''
Julie's POV
It was still da&k out) I knew t!at $u!' I !ated to wake up in t!e $iddle of t!e
nig!t' I opened $% e%es slig!tl% and saw $e faing $% loset' I !ad like no
blanket) it was no wonde& I was old' I sta&ted feeling wa&$ b&eat! down $% nek'
I tu&ned $% !ead *ust a bit and saw .&ew's fae &ig!t t!e&e) !is peaeful sleeping
fae &ig!t t!e&e' 4od) !e's ute' 3!% do I !a#e to t!ose wei&d butte&flies wit!
!i$2 I'$ supposed to !ate !i$ not like !i$'
I &ested $% !ead on t!e pillow and t&ied to fall asleep again' It wasn't !elping
*ust la%ing t!e&e' I s!i#e&ed w!en I felt wind o$e into $% &oo$' I fo&got $%
window was open' 0o$et!ing on $% waist $o#ed to $% sto$a!' It was ba&e skin' O!
4od' .&ew !as !is !and unde& $% s!i&t" 3ell) at least !e's wa&$) I t!oug!t'
I !ugged $%self and sig!ed' 4od) w!% do I !a#e to like !i$2 I don't want to like
!i$' He's going to !u&t $e like !e alwa%s does' I don't want to be !u&t again' I
sig!ed and losed $% e%es tig!t' .&ew's ot!e& a&$ a$e a&ound $e but I needed to
get up and get a d&ink' I &e$o#ed bot! a&$s f&o$ $e and got out of bed'
I s$iled w!en I saw !is sleeping fo&$ on t!e bed wit!out $e) !is a&$s out like !e
was waiting' Julie) s!ut up %ou idiot' I s!ook $% !ead and went out of t!e &oo$
and went downstai&s fo& a wa&$ glass of $ilk' I d&ank it ;uikl% and went bak to
$% &oo$) passing Ja$es and 1e&i's &oo$' T!e% we&e in t!ei& beds but I ould !ea&
t!e$ talking'
+0!ould we tell !e&2 O& let !i$2+ Ja$es asked 1e&i'
+3e will) w!en we know fo& su&e t!at s!e atuall% likes !i$'+ 1e&i said ;uietl%'
I walked awa% f&o$ t!ei& &oo$) onfused' I went into $% &oo$) .&ew was still like
t!e wa% I left !i$' I s!&ugged out of !is *aket and laid it on $% !ai&' .id !e
atuall% $ean I ould keep !is football *aket2
I got bak into t!e bed) wit! $% bak to !i$ again) !is a&$s went a&ound $e
;uikl% like !e was $issing $e so $u! t!at !e wanted to !old $e tig!t' His !and
went unde& $% s!i&t again and w&apped a&ound $% sto$a!' I didn't &eall% !a#e a
big p&oble$ wit! t!at as long as it sta%ed t!e&e' His ot!e& a&$ *ust went a&ound
$e' I w&apped $% a&$s a&ound $e and laed $% finge&s t!&oug! !is !and and s$iled
at t!e feeling' He !as !uge !ands but I like t!e feel of it in $ine' I sig!ed and
tu&ned $% !ead to see !is fae again'
I bit $% lip' +3!% do I !a#e to fall fo& %ou2+ I w!ispe&ed and lifted $% f&ee !and
to !is !ai& and &an $% finge&s t!&oug! it a few ti$es) liking t!e feel of t!at
He sig!ed and s!ifted be!ind $e) !is !and going a&ound $% waist and !is fae
$o#ing into $% nek' I giggled feeling !is b&eat! on $% nek' I $o#ed $% !ead and
!e did too' I looked at !is fae) all t!ose tin% featu&es t!at I &eall% liked
about !i$ w!en !e wasn't being an ass to $e'
T!e tin% f&ekle abo#e !is lip) t!e pe&fet nose t!at would *ust &ub $ine w!en !e
would kiss $e w!en we we&e da&ed to at pa&ties and t!e t!e ti$es !e did du&ing !is
basketball ga$e' T!e little u&l in !is !ai& and t!ose e%es I t&ied so !a&d not to
d&own $%self in' I looked at !is lips and &e$e$be&ed !ow t!e% felt against $ine)
soft) sweet) full' Al$ost fo&eful but in a wa% still in a wa% %ou would i$agine a
bo%f&iend would kiss %ou w!en %ou we&e in lo#e wit! !i$' I $issed t!at and I
wanted it'
I bit $% lip !esitantl% and p&essed $% lips to .&ew's fo& a seond w!i! tu&ned
out to be $o&e t!an a seond' I *ust liked t!e feeling' I pulled awa% and losed
$% e%es one $% !ead &ested on t!e pillow' /e#e& going to !appen'''
His b&eat! was down $% nek) again' I sig!ed and s!i#e&ed' His a&$ tig!tened and
!is !and tig!tened a&ound $ine' +I lo#e %ou'+ He b&eat!ed'
I stopped b&eat!ing' He's *ust d&ea$ing of so$eone else) no need to pani' Its
*ust a d&ea$ fo& !i$'
+Julie'+ He sig!ed and !is !and unde& $% s!i&t left and !is a&$ *ust went a&ound
$e and !e was offiall% !ugging $e'
I fell bak to sleep in a da<e'
.&ew's POV
I !ad t!e best sleep I ould e#e& !a#e) *ust sleeping nea& !e& $ade e#e&%t!ing go
awa%' I woke up) finding $%self !olding !e&' 0!e didn't !a#e $% *aket on''' Odd)
s!e went to sleep wit! it on' I didn't want to lea#e t!e bed beause t!at would
$ean I !ad to lea#e !e& and not be able to !old !e& like t!is again' 7ut I wanted
to $ake b&eakfast fo& !e&) as an apolog%'
I got out of bed and kissed !e& fo&e!ead w!en I slowl% &eleased $% !ands f&o$
+.&ew'+ 0!e said sleepil% and sig!ed &olling o#e&'
I s$iled and left t!e &oo$' I !ea&d 1e&i and Ja$es &ig!t awa% talking about Julie
and $e'
+3e s!ould $ake lo#e lette&s fo& t!e$"+ 1e&i s!&ieked'
+Ew) no' T!at's so us' T!e%'&e teenage&s'+I laug!ed and opened t!ei& doo&'
+(o&ning) upids'+ I said s$iling' %ou kiss !e& again2 7eause %ou see$ &eall% !app%'+ 1e&i said) *u$ping up on
!e& bed'
+/o) I *ust !ad a &eall% good sleep'+ I told t!e$ and s$iled &e$e$be&ing !ow s!e
felt against $e w!en I woke up'
+Ou& fault' 3e opened t!e window so it got %ou gu%s lose&'+ Ja$es piped up
I nodded' +T!anks) it was nie to !old !e&' Too bad I won't be able to again' At
least not like t!at'+ I said) I was al$ost out of it) *ust talking about it I
wanted to go bak to Julie and !old !e&'
T!e% f&owned and t!an I saw t!e$ bot! s$ile slowl%' +3ell) w!at a&e %ou waiting
fo&2 4o tell !e&"+
+B!) no'+ I said and walked out of t!e &oo$'
+3!% not2+ T!e% asked &unning out'
+0!!'+ I w!ispe&ed and pointed to t!ei& siste&s &oo$' +I'$ $aking !e& b&eakfast)
%ou want to !elp2+ I asked t!e$' T!e% nodded eage&l% and we went downstai&s'
+3!at a&e %ou $akin fo& !e&2+ 1e&i asked as s!e walked to t!e f&idge'
+C!ooloate !ip panakes wit! w!ipped &ea$' ,ou got it2+ I told !e&'
0!e nodded and in a $atte& of two $inutes we !ad e#e&%t!ing out and &ead% to go' I
sta&ted $aking it &ig!t awa%'
+Kuik) I t!ink s!e's o$ing'+ 1e&i s!&ieked) ten $inutes late& w!en I was *ust
I put t!e two panakes on to t!e plate) sp&inkled t!e$ wit! !oolate !ips and
put w!ipped &ea$ s$il% fae wit! a bit to t!e side' And t!an I b&eat!ed' I piked
up t!e plate auto$atiall% w!en I !ea&d !e& o$ing lose'
+(o&nEE3!oa"+ 0!e looked s!oked w!en I flas!ed t!e plate in !e& fae'
+7&eakfast is se&#ed'+ I said) s$iling down at !e&'
0!e g&inned' +4&eat $o&ning"+ 0!e pe&ked up and s$iled !uge at $e as s!e walked
a&ound $e fo& a fo&k and knife' 0!e went o#e& and w!ispe&ed so$et!ing to Ja$es and
1e&i w!i! $ade t!e$ bot! nod and s$ile) t!an t!e% left t!e &oo$'
I sat down beside !e& at t!e table and deided to $ake s$all talk' +3!at a&e %ou
doing tonig!t2+ I asked'
0!e swallowed !e& !ewed bite' +4oing out'+ I f&owned) $a%be s!e said %es to (a&k
afte& all' 0!e bu&st out laug!ing' +3it! Haile% and T&e%) gee< %ou& going to b&eak
t!e table'+
I looked at $% !ands and saw t!e$ g&ipping t!e tables edge' Oops' +I t!oug!t %ou
$ig!t !a#e said %es to (a&k' Ru$ou&s a&e going a&ound !e likes %ou'+
0!e nodded' +I know' I told !i$ *ust a $o#ie and wit! ot!e& people) but I t&ust
!i$ so it wouldn't $atte& eit!e& wa%'+ 0!e looked at $e' +3!at a&e %ou doing afte&
p&atie2 ,ou do !a#e p&atie tonig!t) &ig!t2 O!) %ou s!ould b&ing Ja$es'+
I s$iled seeing !e& !app%' +I do !a#e p&atie and su&e I'll take %ou& b&ot!e& but
it'll ost %ou'+ I winked'
0!e o#e&ed !e& $out! and laug!ed' +1idding'+ 0!e said as s!e took !e& !and awa%'
I leaned o#e& and kissed !e& softl% on t!e lips and pulled awa% *ust as softl%)
seeing !e& e%es still losed fo& a few seonds' He& fae went b&ig!t &ed'
+T!e&e's $% pa%$ent'+ I w!ispe&ed and took so$e w!ipped &ea$ f&o$ !e& fo&k and
put it on !e& nose'
+.&ew"+ 0!e %elled and gaped at $e as s!e &ubbed t!e w!ipped &ea$ off'
B! o!' I'$ in fo& it'
I got up and &an fo& t!e w!ipped &ea$ bottle and t!is) t!is wasn't going to be
Julie's POV
I'$' 4oing' To' 1ill' Hi$
.&ew *ust stole t!e w!ipped &ea$ bottle) w!at t!e !ek is up wit! t!at2 I wanted
$o&e on $% panakes and instead !e deides to steal it and &un off'
+.&ew 0paio .oug!t%) gi#e $e $% da$n w!ipped &ea$"+ I %elled and &an up t!e
stai&s to at! !i$'
+T&% and get it"+ He %elled'
3e sounded like a bun! of $onkies) I wonde& !ow 1e&i and Ja$es feel'
+He&e t!e% go again'+ I !ea&d Ja$es sa% w!en I &an past !i$ and 1e&i o$ing f&o$
t!e&e &oo$'
I &an into $% &oo$ and saw .&ew wa#ing t!e bottle wit! t!is goof% g&in on !is
fae' I gla&ed at !i$' +4i#e' (e' T!e' 7ottle"+ I said and sta&ted up $% &a$page
on !i$ again) !asing !i$ a&oss t!e &oo$'
+,ou will ne#e& get it'+ He teased) not e#en out of b&eat!'
+0tupid *ok" 4i#e $e t!e w!ipped &ea$ befo&e I $ake su&e %ou ne#e& !a#e kids"+ I
%elled at !i$ and fell on $% knees w!en !e &an off to t!e ot!e&side' .a$n !e's
+E#en if %ou e#e& wanted to finall% be wit! $e) lo#e2+ He teased using t!at sweet
#oie t!at is so ado&able until !e goes bak to being an ass' And !e&e I t!oug!t
we'd get along'
'If %ou e#e& t!ink I'll !a#e sex wit! %ou in t!is life) %ou& d&ea$ing"+ I %elped
w!en !e pin!ed $% waist as !e &an b% $e' O!) g&eat I'$ getting di<<%'
+/a! na"+ He teased wa#ing t!e bottle in $% fae again'
I ouldn't e#en see it' O! 4od) I'$ lig!t!eaded) I'$ seeing two of !i$ and I an't
e#en deal wit! one'
He stopped going '/a! na' and I saw enoug! of !is fae t!at !e was one&ned'
+Julie) a&e %ou oka%2+
+/o'+ I w!ispe&ed and fell p!%siall% and also $entall% into t!e blak'
.&ew's POV
I !ad to stop teasing !e&) t!e olou& on !e& fae and t!e wa% s!e was swa%ing was
$aking $e wo&&ied' .id s!e eat enoug! of t!e panakes to gi#e !e& a bit of ene&g%2
+Julie) a&e %ou oka%2+ I asked s!akil%'
+/o'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed and fell to t!e floo&) well al$ost) I got !old of !e& a&ound
!e& waist and lifted !e& up into $% a&$s'
0!e *ust passed out' I !ope''' 4od) I !ope s!e's oka%'
+1e&i" Ja$es" 4et %ou& siste& so$e wate& and a lot!) !u&&%"+ I s!outed as I !ea&d
t!e$ in t!e !all talking'
C&ap) w!at s!ould I do2 0!ould I be safe and b&ing !e& to t!e !ospital in ase2 I
an't take a&e of so$eone like t!is) I'$ going into pani'
I laid Julie on t!e floo& and kept $% !and be!ind !e& !ead' +4u%s" Hu&&% it up"+ I
s!outed again'
1e&i and Ja$es a$e &unning into t!e &oo$' +3!at !appened2+ T!e% bot! &ied'
O!) $an' +4et $e !e& a& ke%s'+ I an't tell t!e$ t!at !e& siste& passed out' I
stood up and g&abbed t!e *aket I ga#e !e& and put it on !e& a&efull%'
I piked !e& up in $% a&$s and &an downstai&s' +4et %ou& oats and boots on'+ I
told t!e$ as Ja$es passed$e Julie's a& ke%s'
3e got in t!e a&) Julie in t!e bak wit! 1e&i and Ja$es was at t!e f&ont wit! $e'
I took out $% p!one and alled t!e !ospital to let t!e$ know I was b&inging !e& in
and t!at I was in too $u! of a pani to do an%t!ing' T!an) wit! a deep b&eat!) I
alled Haile%'
+Oui) !ello2+ Haile% answe&ed' +I $ean) a!) da$n -&en!' Hello2+
+Haile%) w!at do I do2+ I paniked &ig!t awa%'
+.&ew2 A&e %ou oka%2+ 0!e asked) wo&&ied' I !ea&d Rile% in t!e bakg&ound'
+I'$ on $% wa% to t!e !ospital) I don't know w!at !appened' Julie *ust s!eEEI
don't know w!at !appened"+ I &ubbed $% fo&e!ead and losed $% e%es fo& a seond'
Ja$es took t!e p!one f&o$ $e' +He's in pani $ode" And !e won't tell us w!at
!appened"+ He &ied and t!an ga#e $% p!one bak'
+.&ew) w!at !appened2+ Haile% asked al$l%'
+3e we&e pla%ing a&ound) s!e was !asing $e fo& t!e w!ipped &ea$ and we $ade it
upstai&s' 0!e sta&ted swa%ing) !e& fae was getting pale' And I asked if s!e was
oka%) s!e said no and t!anEEt!an s!e fell'+ I ne#e& t!oug!t I ould sound so
paniked' Bsuall% I know !ow to deal wit! st&ess du&ing ga$es and all' 7ut w!en it
o$es to so$eone I'$ in lo#e wit!) I fall apa&t' 4od) its sa&%'
+0!e p&obabl% !ad low suga&'+ Haile% $u$bled to !e&self'
+Hu!2+ I $u$bled &unning a stop sign again'
+0!eEE.on't tell !e& I told %ou onl% T&e% and I know plus !e& fa$il%'+ 0!e sig!ed'
+0!e $ig!t !a#e diabetes' /o one is su&e %et'+
I gaped at t!e &oad and &an t!&oug! anot!e& stop sign' +/o'''+ I w!ispe&ed slowl%'
/ot Julie) s!e an't' T!at's i$possible' I know diabetes an't &eall% kill %ou but
its still te&&ible' 7ut Julie' It an't) not !e&'
+.&ew) *ustEE*ust keep !e& safe till Rile% and I get t!e&e'+ Haile% said and t!en
t!e line went dead'
I snapped $% p!one s!ut and looked in t!e $i&&o&' Julie was losing olou& in !e&
fae' +3!at did I do2"+ I $u$bled ang&il% to $%self'
7% t!e ti$e we got in t!e !ospital) wit! Julie in $% a&$s) it was one o'lok' T!e
nu&ses took !e& fo& so$e tests) I told t!e$ s!e was unonsious but I didn't know
w!at else to tell t!e$'
I sat in t!e waiting &oo$ wit! 1e&i and Ja$es) t!e% didn't see$ wo&&ied but I was
$o&e wo&&ied t!an I e#e& !a#e been in $% life' (% !ead was in $% !ands w!en I
!ea&d so$eone ente& t!e waiting &oo$'
+3!o's !e&e to see (s' P&eston2+ 0o$eone asked'
(% !ead snapped up and $% e%es s!ot towa&ds a nu&se wit! a lipboa&d'
+3e a&e'+ Ja$es piped up as !i$ and 1e&i stood up'
+-a$il%2+ T!e nu&se asked t!e$' T!e% nodded and t!e nu&se looked towa&ds $e' +3!at
about %ou2 ,ou b&oug!t !e& in) a$ I o&&et2+ 0!e asked'
I nodded' +I'$ not e#en a f&iend to !e& s!e wouldn't be wo&&ied'+ I told !e& and
&ubbed $% e%es' I ne#e& felt $o&e like &ap in $% life till now' I didn't
unde&stand all t!is' Julie $ig!t !a#e diabetes and I an't e#en !elp'
+,ea!) I did'+ I $u$bled) &ubbing $% !ands along $% fae'
+3ell) s!e's $o&e onsious now' .o %ou know if t!e&e's a '.&ew' s!e knows2+ T!e
nu&se told us) looking between t!e t!&ee of us'
+3!%2+ I asked al$ost in a w!ispe&'
+7eause s!e keeps $u$bling !is na$e' T!at's t!e onl% t!ing we'&e getting out of
!e&'+ T!e nu&se said'
And I was *ust sik) I &an to t!e nea&est ga&bage and #o$itted into it' I did not
need Julie falling fo& $e) not now' /ot afte& w!at I'#e done fo& !e&' 4od) I !a#e
to get &id of t!ese feelings' I don't want to !u&t !e&'''
Julie's POV
4od) $% !ead !u&ts' (% enti&e bod% !u&ts like so$eone took a da$n sludge!a$$e& to
$e' I opened $% e%es slig!tl% and wis! I !adn't) e#e&% t!ing was w!ite'
+.&ew2+ I $u$bled) !oping !e was still a&ound' Afte& all !e was t!e&e befo&e'
+(s' P&eston) %ou'&e awake'+ 0o$eone I ouldn't identif% spoke to $e'
+.&ew'+ I $u$bled) $o&e in a da<e' I opened $% e%es wide& and &eali<ed I was in a
w!ite &oo$ and t!e&e was beeping f&o$ bot! sides of $e' I swallowed) !ospital'
+(s' P&eston) an %ou !ea& $e2+ T!e sa$e pe&son asked $e'
I didn't want to !ea& !e&' 3!e&e's .&ew2 I want to see !i$) I want to know !e's
oka% beause I saw t!e look on !is fae befo&e and it sa&ed $e e#en if I did !ate
t!e gu%'
+.&ew'+ I $u$bled again and felt tea&s well up in $% e%es' 3!e&e is t!at ass2 I
want to see !i$"
T!e wo$an left t!e &oo$ and I don't know w!at was going on' I knew I was in a
!ospital beause of $% lak of food latel% but I didn't tell an%one t!at o& $ake
t!e$ notie it' I *ust wasn't feeling well t!ese da%s and it was sta&ting to o$e
T!e&e was a knok on t!e doo& a little w!ile late& but I didn't want an%one seeing
$e &%) not like t!is o#e& stupid .&ew'
+,ou !a#en't been eating !a#e %ou2+ A wo&&ied Haile% asked as two $a%be $o&e
people a$e in) I didn't look' I looked at t!e eiling t&%ing to blink awa% t!e
I s!ook $% !ead and !ea&d !e& sig!' +Julie) %ou !a#e to eat' .o %ou want it to
getEEJulie) a&e %ou oka%2+ 0!e finall% &eali<ed I was t&%ing not to &%'
I s!ook $% !ead and b&oug!t $% #e&% so&e legs up to $% !est and &ied $% e%es
out' +HeEEHe's notEEHe's not going tEto o$e'+ I $u$bled t!&oug! $% tea&s'
+3!o2 Julie) w!o a&e %ou talking about2+ Haile% asked) paniked'
+.&ew'+ Rile% answe&ed'
+O!) !one%'+ 0!e sat down beside $e and &ubbed $% bak' +He went !o$e) !e got sik
and took t!e bus !o$e'+
How o$e I didn't belie#e t!at2 .&ew was o$pletel% fine at !o$e and now !e's
suddenl% sik' T!at's a bun! of lies'
+He doesn't a&e about an%t!ing) Haile%' Just tell !e& t!e t&ut!' T!e gu% is going
to !u&t !e& if s!e e#e& gets lose to !i$'+ Rile% said) ange& and f&ust&ation
!ea&d in !is #oie'
+R%) don't' Just don't sa% an%t!ing' ,ou'&e going to onfuse !e&'+ Haile% said
+It's too late'+ I $u$bled' +I atuall%)+ I !oked on $% tea&s' +I atuall% !ad a
good ti$e wit! !i$ last nig!t'+
+4&eat'+ Rile% fu$ed' +I'$ going to kill !i$'+
+I'll !elp'+ I $u$bled'
0o$eone ente&ed t!e &oo$' +T!e %oung $an wit! t!ose two kids *ust left' 3!at was
!is na$e2+ 0o$eone asked) I was awa&e it was t!at wo$an f&o$ befo&e'
+T!at supposed %oung $an is an ass and !is na$e is .&ew'+ Rile% said) fu&ious)
+3ell) (s' P&eston it see$s %ou& f&iend *ust up and left wit! out seeing %ou to be
oka%' He was pale as a g!ost' As pale as %ou w!en !e b&oug!t %ou in'+ T!e nu&se
told $e'
I didn't want to !ea& t!is' I wanted to &est and sleep' I wanted to go !o$e'
+3!at's w&ong wit! !e& exatl%2+ Rile% asked'
+Cak of sleep and s!e needs $o&e li;uids in !e& s%ste$ inluding t!e good stuff'
-ood'+ T!e nu&se said'
I wanted to go !o$e'''
+Can I go !o$e) please2+ I asked !e&'
+,ou'll *ust !a#e to sign so$e pape&s and %ou an go !o$e'+ T!e nu&se said and
walked out wit! Haile% following be!ind !e&) looks like s!e wants to talk'
+3!at !appened2+ Rile% asked'
+I don't want to talk about it' I want $% bed so I an sleep and I want to know
t!at $% b&ot!e& and siste& a&e oka%'+ I said and sta&ted taking off t!ose stupid
wi&es' I sat on t!e edge of t!e bed) feeling Rile% wat!ing $e' I *ust wanted to
be oka%'
I put $% !and on t!e nig!tstand and slowl% stood up' I felt weak) I sat bak down
and b&eat!ed'
+All beause of .&ew'+ Rile% $u$bled'
+Rile%) s!ut up'+ I $u$bled and wiped $% tea&s awa%' I put $% !and on t!e
nig!tstand again and and stood up' I felt so$et!ing old tou! $% finge&tips and
looked to see t!e b&aelet t!e&e' I g&abbed it and al$ost wanted to b&eak it but I
ouldn't do it'
+He ga#e it to %ou2+ Rile% asked looking at $% !and'
I nodded and took $% !and off t!e nig!tstand) bad idea' I lite&all% fell o#e& and
al$ost !it botto$ but Rile% aug!t $e'
+I'll d&i#e %ou& a& !o$e'+ He said as !e piked $e up into !is a&$s' I put $%
a&$s a&ound !is nek and g&ipped onto t!e b&aelet tig!t in $% !and' +3!e&e's
%ou&EE-ound t!e$'+ He said and bent to pik so$et!ing up wit! $e in !is a&$s'
+I signed !e& pape&s'+ Haile% said w!en we got into t!e !all' +1e&i) Ja$es' Cet's
go'+ Haile% &ubbed $% bak and s$iled softl% at $e' +,ou oka%) $uffin2+
+I *ust don't feel good'+ I $u$bled and !id $% fae in Rile%'s !est as !e
ontinued to walk'
3!en we got outside) I s!i#e&ed up a sto&$' +4et t!at *aket out of !e& bag'+
Rile% said ;uietl%'
T!e&e was a bun! of &ussling and t!an so$eone sig!ed' +.&ew's *aket'+ Haile%
w!ispe&ed and so$et!ing a$e o#e& $% s!oulde&'
An !ou& late&) I was in t!e d&i#ewa% of $% !ouse and still !olding !e b&aelet in
$% !and' Haile% was waiting fo& Rile% to get !e&e so t!e% ould go'
+Haile%) an %ou d&i#e $e to Case%'s2 I was supposed to go toda% but I don't t!ink
Julie an d&i#e'+ 1e&i w!ispe&ed) al$ost like s!e didn't want $e to !ea&'
+0u&e sweetie' Ja$es) do %ou need to go an% w!e&e2+ Haile% asked'
+Jo!n's'+ Ja$es said plainl%'
+,ou don't $ind if I take t!e$ o#e&) Jules2 It'll gi#e %ou so$e peae and
;uiet'+Haile% asked ;uietl%'
I s!&ugged' I *ust wanted to sleep and not t!ink about .&ew lea#ing $e t!e&e and
lea#ing $% b&ot!e& and siste& alone to wo&&% about $e' It was *ust da$n &ig!t low'
Julie's POV
3!en I got into t!e !ouse) I &eall% *ust wanted to sleep but I still ouldn't get
w!at .&ew did off $% $ind'
.&ew left sik as soon as !e d&opped $e off' I t!oug!t !e was &esponsible) I was
so w&ong'
I went to t!e kit!en and saw t!e plate of panakes on t!e table' Tea&s fo&$ed in
$% e%es' It's t!e last ti$e I e#e& let !i$ nea& $e and atuall% !a#e fun'
T!e p!one sta&ted &inging and I piked it up as I piked up t!e plate' +Hello2+ I
answe&ed) an%one ould tell I was &%ing'
/o one answe&ed) all I ould !ea& was b&eat!ing' +3!oe#e& t!is is) don't all $e
if %ou *ust going to b&eat!e' 0o s&ew off and lea#e $e t!e !ell alone'+ I %elled
into t!e p!one) di&etl%'
I !ung up and t!&ew t!e plate in t!e sink' I walked upstai&s and *ust fell on $%
bed' I was supposed to eat but I was in no $eans &ead% to $o#e o& e#en t!ink' I
*ust wanted to &awl into a !ole'
T!e p!one &ang again and I piked it up and answe&ed' +Haile%2 Rile%2 Hello2+
/ot!ing' Just b&eat!ing'
+Hello2 0o$eone going to answe&2+ I asked ne&#ousl%' +I'$ losing $% $ind'+ I !ung
up t!e p!one and laid down on $% bed'
T!e&e we&e two t!ings I was su&e about 8A/9 0ounds like 7ella in Twilig!t) lol':
One) t!e doto&s did so$et!ing beause I feel weak' And two) I was sta&ting to get
sa&ed of t!is and t!e possible diabetes I $ig!t !a#e' Just t!inking about it $ade
$e &% !a&de&' I knew I !ad so$et!ing but w!at2 /ot ane&) I knew t!at $u!'
T!e p!one sta&ted &inging again but I didn't answe&) I let it go to $a!ine as I
!ea&d it'
+Hello) t!is is .oto& 4luio alling fo& (iss Julie P&eston' If %ou& t!e&e (s'
P&eston please pik up t!e p!one so I an talk to %ou'+
I piked up t!e p!one) fu$bling wit! t!e talk button' +Hello2+
+(s' P&eston2+ .oto& 4luio asked'
+Julie) %es'+ I told !i$'
+3!en %ou we&e at t!e !ospital ea&lie&) I took so$e blood f&o$ %ou and so$et!ing
a$e up a little wo&&iso$e'+ He said) putting a &eall% odd wo&ding toget!e&'
+Oka%'+ I said ne&#ousl%'
+.oes an%one in %ou& fa$ilng !a#e epileps%2+ He asked'
+,es) $% g&and$a) t!&ee ousins and $% unle' 3!% a&e %ou asking2+ I asked)
getting wo&&ied' Ext&e$el% wo&&ied' I knew t!at epileps% &an in t!e fa$il% and
t!at $% pa&ents t!oug!t one of us between 1e&i) Ja$es and I $ig!t !a#e it'
+Ha#e %ou e#e& !ad a sei<u&e) (s' P&eston2+ He asked ;uietl%'
I swallowed' +T!&ee ti$es t!is %ea& but I ne#e& went to t!e !ospital beause t!e%
we&en't se#e&e' 3!% a&e %ou asking2+
(o&e and $o&e wo&&ied' 3!%'s !e asking t!is2 /o one e#e& !as'
+(s' P&eston) is it possible fo& %ou to o$e in &ig!t now2+ He asked'
+/o) I an ba&el% walk &ig!t now'+ I told !i$'
+(s' P&eston) would %ou like to know w!at I found2+ He asked) sounding ne&#ous'
.id I want to know2 +,es'+
+(s' P&eston) I'$ so&&% but its following %ou& fa$il%' ,ou !a#e epileps%' I'$
#e&%) #e&% so&&%'+ He said'
I stopped b&eat!ing) sobs we&e fo&$ing in $% t!&oat and !est' I ouldn't !a#e it'
I didn't want it' I want to li#e wit!out a $edial illness"
+/o"+ I &ied) $% enti&e bod% was s!aking' I b&oug!t $% !and up) pus!ing $% !ai&
bak and I ould feel it s!aking'
+(s' P&eston) I'$ t&ul% so&&%' I didn't want to !a#e to tell %ou like t!is'+
+/o"+ I &ied again'
+Co$e in fo& t&eat$ent to$o&&ow) I'll tell %ou e#e&%t!ing' I'$ so&&%'+ He
I !ung up t!e p!one and !ugged $% knees to $% !est' I an't !a#e it' How a$ I
supposed to go t!&oug! life wit! it2
I sat on $% bed &%ing fo& w!at felt like fo&e#e& but was atuall% ten $inutes'
And I didn't stop w!en t!e p!one &ang'
I answe&ed) %elling' +Haile%" T!e% found it" T!e% found w!at's w&ong wit! $e and
its not diabetes" Its wo&se"+ I &ied and !oked on $% tea&s' Haile% would be
%elling on t!e ot!e& end telling $e to b&eat!e but no one was' +I !a#e epileps%" I
got it" And I don't know w!at to do"+
T!e pe&son on t!e ot!e& end see$ed to d&op t!ei& p!one beause I !ea&d a &as!'
I !ung up and laid t!e&e &%ing and s!aking' T!e s!aking got wo&se in t!e next
!ou& and t!an I knew' (% fi&st attak of knowing' E#e&%t!ing went blak'''

.&ew's POV
I alled Julie again afte& I &eali<ed s!e was talking to so$eone on t!e ot!e&
+Haile%"+ 0!e %elled' 0!e $ust t!ink its !e& best f&iend' 0!e sounds !o&&ible)
paniked' +T!e% found it" T!e found w!at's w&ong wit! $e and its not diabetes" Its
wo&se"+ (% *aw d&opped and I stopped paing in t!e kit!en' I ould !ea& !e&
&%ing and !ow s!e sounded !u&t and in pain' +I !a#e epileps%" I got it" And I
don't know w!at to do"+
(% *aw d&opped) $% b&eat!ing and funtioning of $% bod% stopped and t!e p!one
d&opped to t!e floo&) b&oken' I knew w!at epileps% was) $% ousin !as it and I
know !ow its t&eated and w!at people w!o !a#e it go t!&oug!'
3!% Julie2 I asked $%self as I fell to $% knees wit! $% !ead in $% !ands' 0!e !as
to go t!&oug! e#e&%t!ing and s!e doesn't dese&#e it' /ot e#en a bit'
+3!at did %ou d&op) sweetie2+ (o$ asked) o$ing into t!e &oo$'
I &ubbed $% stinging e%es) I knew t!e% we&e &ed f&o$ t!e tea&s t!at left'
I looked up at !e& and s!e stopped walking as soon as s!e looked at $e' +.&ew)
!one%) w!at's w&ong2 3!at !appened2+ 0!e asked as s!e walked again towa&ds $e'
+0!eEE0!eEEJulieEE0E0!eEEE+ I ouldn't e#en get it out'
+7&eat!e .&ew'+ (o$ said as s!e wiped $% e%es &epeatidl%'
I took a few deep b&eat!s and onl% felt sike&' +IEEI need'+ I swallowed'
I got up and left t!e !ouse wit! $% football stuff' I d&o#e to s!ool t!inking !ow
$u! of an idiot I was to lea#e Julie w!en s!e ob#iousl% wanted $e t!e&e' I
sla$$ed $% doo& s!ut) ang&% at $% stupidit%'
And now I an ne#e& be t!e&e fo& !e& beause I s&ewed up'
+.ude) stop"+ I !ea&d .a$ien s!out' He *ust b&oke $% !a&d onent&ation' +He%) did
%ou not !ea& $e befo&e2+ He asked as !e sta&ted walking beside $e'
+/o'+ I snapped'
+P&atie was ea&l%' It's *ust about finis!ed' Coa! told $e to tell %ou'+ He
I f&owned' And I t!oug!t I ould get $% $ind off Julie and epileps%'
I tu&ned and bu$ped into so$eone' +0o&&%'+ I $u$bled) off in $% own wo&ld'
+T!anks fo& !u&ting $% siste&) idiot'+ I !ea&d Ja$es sa% ang&il%'
If onl% !e knew t!at I wasn't t!e onl% t!ing !u&ting !e&' I kept walking past $%
*eep and &ig!t into t!e fo&est' I leaned against a t&ee and put $% !ead in $%
!ands' Cife suks and I'$ losing $% !ead'
+I t&ied alling !e& but s!e's not piking up'+ A wo&&ied Haile% said'
I looked up and saw !e& and Rile% walking along t!e t&ail'
+0!e p&obabl% fell asleep'+ Rile% told !e&'
+I want to !ek on !e&) I *ust want to $ake su&e s!e's oka%'+ Haile% said'
+0!e's oka%) Haile%' 0!e *ust needs to be b% !e&self'+ He assu&ed !e&'
+7ut s!e's !u&ting beause of !i$) I an't let !e& go t!&oug! it b% !e&self again'
Afte& all !e's done to !e&'+ 0!e said and I ould !ea& !e& &%ing' It's no wonde&
e#e&%one of t!e$ !ates $e' I'$ !u&ting t!ei& best f&iend o#e& and o#e&'
I put $% !ead bak in $% !ands and !ea&d Rile% talk' +3e'll pop b% afte&) I
p&o$ise'+ Rile% said'
+I want to all t!e !ospital too beause t!e doto& said !e $ig!t !a#e new
info&$ation'+ A !oa&se Haile% told Rile%'
T!e% got off t!e t&ail and I sta%ed t!e&e in a da<e'
I'$ !u&ting t!e onl% gi&l I e#e& a&ed about' I'$ an idiot) I'$ e#e&% bad na$e out
Haile%'s POV 8T!is is *ust to get to w!e&e I want it) won't neassa&il% be t!e&e
in a &eal book:
+Cet's bot! go in'+ Rile% said as we waited in t!e a& fo& Ja$es and 1e&i'
+1a%'+ I said'
3e got out of t!e a& and went into t!e !ouse onl% to !ea& 1e&i and Ja$es s&ea$'
+4u%s"+ Rile% s!outed and we &an up t!e stai&s onl% to find a #e&% still and w!ite
Julie on !e& bed'''
+He& !ea&t) its not loud'+ 1e&i &ied as tea&s st&ea$ed down !e& fae as was
+4et to t!e a& now'+ Rile% said and looked at $e) paniked'
I was &%ing' I was sa&ed beause I'#e ne#e& seen Julie t!is wa% and I ne#e&
wanted to e#e& again'
+Haile%'+ Rile% w!ispe&ed'
I looked at !i$ and !e was t&%ing not to &%' +3e !a#e to get !e& to t!e
!ospital'+ He w!ispe&ed and took $% !and *ust to s;uee<e it &eall% tig!t'
I nodded and !e went o#e& to Julie's bed and piked !e& up' 3e walked out of t!e
!ouse and Ja$es got into t!e passenge& seat and Rile% put Julie in t!e bak wit!
1e&i and I'
+3!at !appened2 3!% does s!e look like t!at2 And !e& !ea&t'+ 1e&i asked) paniked
as s!e looked at !e& pale siste&'
+I donJt know'+ I w!ispe&ed) pus!ing Julie's !ai& bak out of !e& fae'
+Haile%) all T&e% and Robe&t) /at!an's wit! t!e$ so t!e%'ll know'+ Rile% said
;uietl% as !e d&o#e down t!e st&eet'
I took out $% p!one and p&essed two fo& T&e%'s nu$be&' A giggling T&e% answe&ed
t!e p!one' +Hello'+
+T&e%'+ I said and looked out t!e window t&%ing not to look at Julie again'
+He% Haile%) w!at's up2+ 0!e asked wo&&idl%' C&ap) s!e al&ead% knows I'$ upset'
+0o$et!ing !appened to Julie' 3Ewe don't know w!at !appened but we'&e b&inging !e&
to t!e !ospital'+ I told !e&) stutte&ing and t&%ing to sta% o$possed'
T&e% was al&ead% &%ing) so$one took t!e p!one f&o$ !e&' +Haile%) w!at !appened2+
Robe&t asked'
+Robe&t) get to t!e !ospital'+ I said and snapped $% p!one s!ut' I &ubbed $% e%es
and sta&ted t!inking' +.&ew'+
+.on't bot!e&'+ 1e&i w!ispe&&ed' I looked at !e& saw !e& e%eing Julie's w&ist' T!e
b&aelet' +He wouldn't a&e but !is $o$ t!inks so$et!ings w&ong wit! !i$'+ 0!e
+I'll all !is !ouse and see'+ I said and dialed t!e nu$be&) lukil% I knew it'
+Hello2+ A wo&&ied (&s' .oug!t% answe&ed'
+(&s' .oug!t%) its Haile%'+ I told !e&'
+O!) !i sweetie' IEE,ou sounded like Julie) I'$ so&&%'+ 0!e said ne&#ousl%'
+O!'+ I said' I didn't e#en know Julie alled t!ei& !ouse' +Is .&ew t!e&e2+ I
+%es) but !e's sik' He's still puking'+ 0!e told $e' And now I know w!% s!e
sounded so wo&&ied'
+He's sik2+ 3!en I said t!is) Rile% &an a stop sign' !e eat so$et!ing2+
+In less its a twent%Efou& !ou& t!ing'+ (&s' .oug!t% said and sig!ed' +He's been
sik sine fi#e o'lok %este&da%' Rig!t afte& !e alled Julie beause t!at's all
!e said to $e' T!at I unde&stood an%wa%'+
I looked at 1e&i' +Hold on'+ I put $% !and o#e& t!e $out!piee' +.&ew alled %ou&
siste& %este&da%' .o %ou know w!at !appened2+
0!e s!ook !e& !ead' +He ne#e& left !is &oo$) onl% to go to t!e was!&oo$'+
I s;uinted $% e%es t!an took $% !and awa% f&o$ t!e p!one' +I didn't know !e alled
+/eit!e& did I till !e b&oke t!e p!one'+ 0!e said'
+Has !e said an%t!ing2 It's i$po&tant'+ 3!at did .&ew and Julie talk about2 He
b&oke t!e p!one so $a%be a fig!t'
+He *ustEEHe doesn't sa% an%t!ing but 'sik'' I don't know if !e's talking about
!i$self o& !e&'+ 0!e told $e'
+O!) oka%' T!ank %ou (&s' .oug!t%'+ I said'
+,ou& welo$e) Haile%' 7%e'+ 0!e said and t!en s!e !ung up'
I sig!ed and wiped $% e%es' +Rile%) !e alled !e&'+
+T!at doesn't $ean an%t!ing' Haile%) s!e's out old' 0!e didn't faint) so$et!ing
!appened'+ He said) s!akil% but ste&n &ig!t t!&oug!'
+0!ould we all (o$ and .ad2+ Ja$es asked ;uietl%'
+T!e% don't a&e'+ 1e&i w!ispe&ed'
T!e &est of t!e &ide was filled wit! s!k% silene as I t&ied waking Julie'
+I got !e&'+ Rile% w!ispe&ed as !e piked up Julie f&o$ $% lap as I t&ied taking
!e& out'
I losed t!e doo& be!ind $e and walked beside Rile% wit! 1e&i and Ja$es beside $e'
Rile% looked down at $e and s$iled s!akil%) !e kissed $% fo&e!ead and we went into
t!e !ospital'
A nu&se a$e &ig!t awa%' +3!at !appened2+ 0!e asked looking at Julie'
+3e don't know) we found !e& on !e& bed'+ Rile% told !e&'
0!e put Julie on a gu&ne% and we followed !e& to w!e&e e#e& s!e was going'
+3!en'd %ou find !e&2+ T!e nu&se asked'
+An !ou& ago'+ Rile% told !e& and took $% !and'
+4o to t!e waiting &oo$'+ T!e nu&se said and &us!ed down t!e !all and out t!e
ot!e& doo&s'
I looked down at 1e&i and Ja$es and saw t!e$ !ugging ea! ot!e& as t!e% &ied' /ew
tea&s fo&$ed in $% e%es' Julie was so lose to t!e$ and t!is was doing a lot to
I bent down to t!ei& !eig!t and took one of t!ei& !ands in $ine' +0!e's going to
be oka%'+
T!e% !ugged $e and we *ust sta%ed like t!at' +Exuse $e) but t!e gi&l %ou b&oug!t
in) it's Julie P&eston) a$ I o&&et2+ T!e sa$e nu&se asked f&o$ be!ind us'
3e b&oke t!e !ug and I tu&ned to see !e& wit! a lip boa&d'
+,es'+ Rile% said slowl%'
+-ollow $e'+ 0!e said and sta&ted walking past us' I stood up and Ja$es went on $%
side w!ile 1e&i went on $% ot!e& side'
3e followed !e& till I saw .oto& 4luio w!o also !ad a lipboa&d and e%es t!at
looked ti&ed'
+.oto& 4luio) t!ese a&e !e& f&iends and b&ot!e& and siste&'+ T!e nu&se told !i$
t!oug! !e knew us al&ead%'
+T!ank %ou'+ He said and s$iled ne&#ousl% at us as t!e nu&se went awa%'
+Ha#e %ou seen !e&2 .o %ou know w!at !appened2 Is s!e oka%2 .o %ou know !ow long
s!e's been unonsious fo&2 Please"+ I begged fo& answe&s' I needed to know $%
best f&iend was oka%'
+,es) I'#e seen !e&' 0!e see$s to be oka%' 0!e's been unonsious fo& about 1A
!ou&s' (eaning sine se#en o'lok last nig!t'+ He told us) looking between Rile%
and I'
+7ut %ou didn't tell us w!at !appened'+ Rile% said ;uikl%'
+Haile%'+ T&e% alled'
I tu&ned and saw !e&) /at!an and Robe&t &unning towa&ds us' I s$iled weakl% at
+I'll tell %ou w!en %ou'&e all toget!e&'+ .oto& 4luio said as !e looked t!&oug!
t!e pape&s on t!e lipboa&d'
T&e% got o#e& to us and s!e !ugged Ja$es and 1e&i tig!t as s!e spoke to t!e$ in
t!ei& ea&s'
Robe&t !ugged $e' +.o %ou know w!at !appened2+ He w!ispe&ed'
+3e'll know in a $inute'+ I w!ispe&ed'
He let $e go and T&e% stood next to $e) g&ipping ea! ot!e&'s !ands' 3e didn't
need wo&ds to know !ow ea! ot!e& we&e feeling'
+An%one else s!owing up2+ .oto& 4luio asked'
I looked at Rile% ne&#ousl%' (a%be .&ew s!ould be !e&e' Rile% was biting !is lip)
I knew !e was t!inking it' %ou all !i$2+ T&e% w!ispe&ed'
+(&s' .oug!t% said !e was sik'+ I told !e&'
/at!an !ea&d $e' +He didn't look good w!en !e s!owed up fo& football last nig!t'+
He said'
+3!o a&e %ou talking about if %ou don't $ind $e asking'+ .oto& 4luio asked'
+.&ew .oug!t%'+ Rile% said'
He s;uinted !is e%es' +,es of ou&se'+ He took so$et!ing out of !is poket' +He
alled $e ea&lie& t!is $o&ning'+
3e all looked at ea! ot!e&' .id .&ew know so$et!ing none of us didn't2
+3!at's w&ong wit! !e&2 Is s!e oka% o& not2+ RObe&t asked ang&il%' I'#e ne#e& seen
!i$ upset like t!is but Julie and !i$ a&e like b&ot!e& and siste& so its no wonde&
!e's upset' 3e all a&e'
.oto& 4luio sig!ed' +Julie !ad a sei<u&e) t!is !appened beause we found out
*ust %este&da% t!at s!e !as epileps%'+ He explained'
I o#e&ed $% $out! and ouldn't stop t!e tea&s f&o$ o$ing' One of $% best f&iends
!as t!is kind of disease) ondition) w!ate#e& it $a% be'
Rile% !ugged $e tig!t to !i$ and I &ied into !is !est'
+0!e's luk% s!e's ali#e'+ .oto& 4luio said' +I'$ #e&% so&&%) I know t!is will
be !a&d but gi#e it ti$e'+
+Can we see !e&2+ Ja$es asked s!akil%'
+Two at a ti$e' 0!e's still unonsious'+ .oto& 4luio said'
+.oto& 4luio) line ?'+ 0o$eone said into an inte&o$'
+Exuse $e' 0!e's in &oo$ 11G'+ He said and walked awa%'
Ja$es and 1e&i went fi&st t!an it was T&e% and /At!an' Robe&t went in afte& t!e$'
T!e enti&e ti$e) Rile% !eld $e telling $e we would !elp !e& no $atte& w!at'
T!e ti$e we went to see !e&) I ouldn't !andle it' 0!e !ad IV's !e& fae was still
w!ite' It was sa&% to see w!at t!is was doing to !e&'
I went !o$e) fea&ing fo& !e&'
.&ew's POV
/ot!ing' .oto& 4luio wouldn't tell $e an%t!ing' I was still sik w!en I got to
s!ool' I t&ied not to t!ink about as I went to $% loke& but it was i$possible'
I looked at !e& loke&) s!e wasn't t!e&e''' 4od) s!e $ust !ate $e'
+He%'+ Rile% said w!en I walked into Englis!'
I didn't want to !ea& w!at !e !ad to sa% to $e' He'd bit! at $e' I sat down next
to Julie's &egula& seat but s!e wasn't t!e&e' 3!e&e is s!e2 0!e ne#e& $issed
+/ow) I'$ su&e %ou all know)+ T!e tea!e& said as !e folded t!e newspape&'
I looked at !i$ wei&d' T!e sound is !is #oie sounded wei&d) !e sounded s!ak%'
+7ut) s!e is oka% and t!e staff and !e& f&iends all !ope %ou p&a% fo& !e&'+ T!e
tea!e& went on'
I saw Rile% wat!ing $e) I looked &ig!t bak at !i$' +,ou don't know2+ !e $out!ed'
+1now w!at2+ I asked !i$ aloud' He got up and went into t!e !all) I followed !i$
and saw !i$ pulling !is !ai&' Al$ost like !e was f&ust&ated' +3!at's !e talking
about2 3!o's !u&t2+ I asked !i$) a little loude& t!an I wanted'
+Julie'+ He w!ispe&ed'
I looked at !i$ wide e%ed and sik' +3!at !appened2+ I $u$bled fig!ting bak t!e
He looked at $e ne&#ousl%' +0!e !ad a sei<u&e 0atu&da% nig!t'+
I ouldn't stop it' I puked in t!e ga&bage an beside $e' +3!% didn't %ou fuking
tell $e2+ I %elled at !i$'
+7eause I t!oug!t %ou knew" ,ou looked sik w!en %ou a$e in) I t!oug!t %ou
knew"+ He %elled'
People a$e out of lasses'
+I'#e been sik fo& two da%s beause I found out w!at s!e !as" I didn't know s!e
!ad a fuking sei<u&e" 3!at t!e !ell is w&ong wit! %ou2+ I %elled'
+(e" 3!at about %ou2 ,ou *ust left !e& 0atu&da%' And !ow t!e !ell do %ou know2+
+7eause I alled !e& 0atu&da% and s!e t!oug!t it was Haile% so s!e %elled it at
$e" T!at's w!%'+
He al$ed down' +,ou !a#e to go see !e&'+
7ut I was al&ead% walking' I was going to see !e& and $ake su&e s!e was oka%'
I went to t!e !ospital in a &us! and stopped t!e nu&se &unning a&ound
+3!e&e's Julie P&eston2+ I asked !e&'
+Ask t!e wo$an at t!e desk) si&'+ 0!e told $e and ontinued to walk'
I walked o#e& to t!e desk and t!e wo$an looked up' +,es) an I !elp %ou2+
+Julie P&eston) w!e&e an I find !e&2+ I asked !e&'
+I'$ so&&% si& but #isiting !ou&s a&en't till twel#e'+ 0!e told $e'
+/o) %ou don't unde&stand' I need to see !e& &ig!t now'+ I begged) using $% e%es
to an ad#antage'
+I'$ so&&% si& but %ou& going to !a#e to wait'+ 0!e said al$l%'
+It an't wait" I need to see !e&'+ I p&atiall% %elled'
0!e sig!ed' +Cet $e talk to !e& doto& fi&st'+ 0!e said and pointed to t!e waiting
I went o#e& t!e&e) igno&ing t!e people looking at $e and sat t!e&e wit! $% !ead in
$% !ands'
+,ou oka%2+ A ;uiet #oie asked $e'
I s!ook $% !ead wit! stinging tea&s' I was doing t!is to !e&' It was all $% fault'
+4et it off %ou& !es) kid' 3e all !a#e'+ A $an wit! a s&at!% #oie told $e'
T!is is w!% I !ate waiting &oo$s' +T!e gi&l w!o I'#e p&etended to !ate sine we
we&e kids w!o !appens to be t!e gi&l I'$ in lo#e wit! fo& t!at ti$e is in !e&e
beause s!e !ad a sei<u&e 0atu&da% nig!t and $% soEalled best f&iends didn't all
$e'+ I said ang&il% and &ubbed $% e%es' +T!at) and s!e !as epileps% and s!e !ates
$% guts beause I got sik and ouldn't sta% wit! !e&'+ I told t!e$ bitte&l%'
+T!at's &oug!'+ 0o$e gu% said'
+Is s!e awake2+ A wo$an asked'
+/o) I don't t!ink t!e%'ll let $e see !e& an%wa%'+ I $u$bled'
+.&ew2+ A ;uestionable #oie asked'
I looked up and saw .oto& 4luio standing t!e&e wit! a lipboa&d' +He%'+ I
+,ou want to see !e&2+ He asked'
(% fae lit up and I nodded eage&l%' +,es'+
+-ollow $e'+ He said and sta&ted to walk'
+4ood luk) kid'+ T!e sa$e $an said'
+T!anks'+ I said getting up' I &an up to .oto& 4luio and looked at !i$' +Is s!e
oka%2+ I asked'
He nodded' +0!e's still unonsious) unfo&tunetl% so we don't know if s!e's
!u&ting'+ 0!e p&obabl% is beause of $e' +.o %ou t!ink %ou aused it .&ew2 ,ou
didn't'+ He said and s;uee<ed $% s!oulde&'
+I know I aused it) beause I left !e& !e&e and alone'+ I $u$bled'
+0top bla$ing %ou&self' ,ou *ust need to explain w!at !appened) $ake su&e s!e
listens'+ He said and t!an stopped at &oo$ 11G' +Take as long as %ou need'+ He
said *ust befo&e !e tu&ned and walked awa%'
/o need to be ne&#ous'''
I opened t!e doo& slowl% and losed it befo&e atuall% seeing Julie' 4od) s!e's
pale' 0!e !as wi&es e#e&% w!e&e) w!at did t!e% do2
+Julie'+ I w!ispe&ed painfull%'
I walked o#e& to !e& bed and took a seat &ig!t beside !e& in t!e !ai&' I took !e&
soft and wa&$ !and in $ine and s;uee<ed it'
+I s!ouldn't !a#e done t!at'+ I looked at !e& losel%' +/ot to %ou'+ I w!ispe&ed
and kissed !e& knukles' How an s!e be so w!ite2 +I'$ so&&%'+ I w!ispe&ed as a
few painful and stinging tea&s left $% e%es' +I an't belie#e I did t!at to %ou
w!en I'$ f&eakin' in loEE+
0!e s;uee<ed $% !and2 0!e's awake2
+.&ew'+ 0!e said !oa&esl%'
+He%) &est %ou& #oie'+ I w!ispe&ed to !e&) st&oking !e& !and'
+3!% a&e %ou !e&e2+ 0!e w!ispe&ed as !e& e%es flutte&ed open'
+I needed to see %ou'+ I w!ispe&ed t&%ing to get !e& e%es to lok on $ine'
+.&ew'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed' +I don't want to %ou !e&e'+
I looked at !e& ;uestionabl% and t!an I unde&stood' 0!e would ne#e& e#e& fo&gi#e
$e fo& an%t!ing I'#e done to !e&'
+Julie) I'$ so&&%' Please) I didn't $ean to lea#e like t!at' I was *ust sik' I
ouldn't get $% !ead st&EE+
I t&ied to apologi<e but s!e didn't want to !ea& an% of it'
+.&ew) please' Please an %ou *ust lea#e'+ 0!e begged'
I looked at $% !and !olding !e&s and slowl% &eleased it' I got up f&o$ t!e !ai&
and leaned o#e& !e&' I gentl% kissed !e& fo&e!ead and st&oked !e& !eek' +I'$
so&&%'+ I w!ispe&ed looking into !e& e%es'
0!e looked awa% and I took t!at !a&d' 3!o a$ I kidding'
I left t!e &oo$ wit! $% !ead down and $% !ands in $% pokets' I would ne#e& get
!e& to fo&gi#e $e' I walked b% t!e waiting &oo$ wit! $% !ead down and I went !o$e
feeling sik) again'

Julie's POV
.&ew looked so upset but I needed !i$ to lea#e' I ouldn't deal wit! !i$ &ig!t
t!an' I was too s!oked to e#en see !i$) fo& a gu% t!at !ates $e) !e does see$ to
sta% lose b% $e' I wonde& !ow long !e was t!e&e fo&'''
T!e doo& opened and .oto& 4luio ente&ed' +,ou'&e awake'+ He said) s!oked'
+(% #oie !u&ts'+ I w!ispe&ed'
+,ou'#e been out fo& a w!ile) I'$ not s!oked'+ He said and did so$et!ing to t!e
IV's in $e' I sig!ed and wiped tea&s awa%' +.on't be !a&d on !i$) (s' P&eston' He
a&es about %ou a lot'+ .oto& 4luio w!ispe&ed as !e fixed t!e pillows be!ind $e'
+,ou don't know !i$'+ I w!ispe&ed painfull%'
+I'#e known !is fa$il% befo&e !e was e#en bo&n) kiddo' I know !i$ enoug! to see
t!e look on !is fae was *ust pu&e pain and sadness'+ .oto& 4luio explained'
+,ou don't unde&stand w!at !e's put $e t!&oug!'+ I w!ispe&ed and tea&s we&e
sliding down $% fae ;uikl%'
+I know t!at !e piks on %ou but I do know t!at !e a&es a lot about %ou'+ He said
A nu&se a$e in wit! a bottle of wate&) s!e set it beside $e and left wit! a s$ile
towa&ds $e' +3!en an I lea#e2 (% b&ot!e& and siste& need $e'+ I told !i$'
+Just a little w!ile longe&' I want to sta&t %ou on t&eat$ent'+ .oto& 4luio
$entioned' I s!i#e&ed at t!e &e$e$b&ane and &ubbed $% e%es'
In an !ou&) t!at's !ow long it took .oto& 4luio to explain it to $e) w!at will
!appen if I don't take t!e dail% pills to ont&ol it) to $ake su&eI eat ? $eals a
+3!o an pik %ou up2+ He asked w!en I a$e out of t!e was!&oo$ in $% lot!es'
+(% f&iend'+ I $u$bled and g&abbed .&ew's *aket'
.oto& 4luio s$iled w!en I !ugged $%self' +T!ese a&e %ou&s)+ !e !anded $e $%
b&aelet and $% &ing' +/ie b&aelet b% t!e wa%'+
I sig!ed' +.&ew ga#e it to $e'+ I $u$bled a bit'
He s$iled and ga#e $e a t!ing of pills' +Re$e$be&) e#e&% $o&ning w!en %ou wake up
and e#e&% nig!t befo&e %ou go to bed'+ He &e$inded $e'
I nodded' +T!anks'+ I went to a pa%p!one and dialed Haile%'s ell nu$be&' +Hello2+
0!e said in a w!ispe&'
Oops) s!e's in lass' +Haile% an %ou o$e get $e please'+
+Julie'+ 0!e lite&all% s&ea$ed' T!e people in lass w!o !ad one been silent we&e
now talking' +I'll be t!e&e in ?F $inutes'+
+T!anks) b%e'+ I !ung up and walked awa% onl% to !ea& t!e p!one &ing' Bsuall% I
don't answe& pa% p!ones' I did an%wa%' +Hello2+ I answe&ed s!akil%'
+T!e&e's a $an inside t!e !ospital wit! a gun' .on't pani' 0ound t!e ala&$'+ A
wo$an w!ispe&ed'
(% !and s!ook its wa% to t!e &eie#e& and I !ung up t!e p!one' T!e&e's a f&eakin'
attak on t!e !ospital'
I &an to t!e nea&est fi&e ala&$ and pulled it' T!e&e was pani e#e&%w!e&e but all
I did was stand t!e&e) s!oked) sa&ed fo& $% life'
+/o one pani) *ust $ake %ou& wa% outside'+ 0o$eone s!outed o#e& t!e s&ea$ing'
T!e doo&s be!ind $e flew open and e#e&%one s&ea$ed' I was about to tu&n but'''
+/obod% $o#e"+ A $an s&ea$ed f&o$ be!ind $e'
I stopped $% !ead f&o$ tu&ning and stood still as a statue' 0o$eone put t!ei& a&$
a&ound $e and so$et!ing old went to $% te$ple' I f&o<e) s&ew sta%ing still" I
lite&all% f&o<e f&o$ all onent&ation and $o#e$ent'
I loked e%es on so$eone and t!an I losed $% e%es and kept $%self f&o$ s&ea$ing'
+I'll let !e& go but onl% if %ou gi#e $% wife !e& kidne% t&ansplant'+ T!e $an
be!ind $e said'
+0i&) we an't skip e#e&%one else in line'+ A doto& said a&efull%'
I let out a s$all &%' 4i#e !is wife t!e t&ansplant so I an li#e" (% e%es s!ot
open' I !ea&d so$et!ing pull bak and t!an lik &ig!t at $% ea&' I lite&all%
s&ea$ed and sta&ted fig!ting against !i$ as I &ied $% e%es out' T!is ould not
be !appening'
+0top $o#ing) kid'+ T!e $an $u$bled against $% ea&'
+Please" Please) don't !u&t $e' (% life is al&ead% &a<%) please'+ I begged and
t&ied getting awa%'
Please don't s!oot $e) I begged in $% !ead'
+0i&) s!e !as epileps%) please let !e& go'+ I !ea&d .oto& 4luio s!out'
+(% siste& !as t!at and I &eall% don't a&e if t!e gi&l does'+ T!e $an s!outed'
+4i#e $% wife a kidne%"+
+3e'll tale to t!e su&geons) *ust don't !u&t t!e gi&l'+ 0o$eone negotiated'
+4o) *ust %ou' To t!e p!one w!e&e I an see %ou'+ T!e $an said to t!e doot&'
+(o#e kid'+
I sta&ted walking to w!e&e !e was leading $e to' 3e ended up &ig!t w!e&e t!e
doto& was alling' Call so$eone else) I begged in $% !ead'
+.oto& 3alke&) t!e&e's a $an in t!e !ospital wit! a gun and !e's onl% going to
let us go and t!e gi&l !e's !olding if !is wife gets a kidne% t&ansplant'+ T!e
doto& told t!e ot!e& doto&' T!e&e was a long pause' +I'$ awa&e of t!e but !e !as
a gi&l at gunpoint at t!e $o$ent'+ Anot!e& pause and t!e doto& sig!ed' +I'll let
!i$ know'+
T!e doto& !ung up and faed us' He looked odd to $e but w!en !is e%es landed on
$e) it !anged' +He's getting &ead% fo& it now' He !as t!&ee ot!e& doto&s wit!
!i$ and t!e%'ll be doing it down t!e !all pass t!e ER'+ T!e doto& told t!e $an'
+4&eat'+ T!e $an said and t!e gun disappea&ed fo& a seond' And t!an I ould !ea&
dial tone) !e was alling so$eone' +He% !one%'+ T!e&e was a pause' +I know t!at
but %ou an o$e inside' T!e%'ll do it now'+ Anot!e& pause' +Oka%'+
He snapped !is p!one s!ut and I t&ied to al$ $%self' Reall% w!at a&e t!e !anes
of getting out ali#e2
+0!e's o$ing in' /ow get bak wit! e#e&%one else'+ He told t!e doto&'
T!e doto& walked bak and I still wasn't feeling &elie#ed'
+(o#e o#e& to t!e doo&s'+ T!e $an told $e' I walked o#e& to t!e doo&s and s!akil%
looked at t!e gu%' He was''' $a%be @A' T!e&e wasn't a lot of g&a% !ai& but a lot
of w&inkles' He !ad g&een e%es but a bit of g&e% fleks in t!e$' +3!at's %ou&
na$e) kid2+ He asked w!en I tu&ned $% !ead bak again'
+Julie'+ I said s!akil%'
+Cast na$es P&eston) isn't it2 I t!ink I know %ou& fat!e&'+ T!e $an said'
O! g&eat' T!is gu% p&obabl% wants $one% bak' +,E,es'+ I sta$$e&ed'
+,ou !a#e an%one in %ou& life2+ He asked u&iousl%'
+(% f&iends and $% b&ot!e& and siste&'+ I told !i$ s!akil%'
+/ot %ou& pa&ents2+ He asked'
+T!e%'&e ne#e& !o$e'+ I w!ispe&ed'
+,ou want it pe&$anent2+ He asked'
+/o'+ I &ied) $% tea&s o$ing down like a wate&fall'
.&ew's POV
I !ate $%self' I !ate $%self' I !ate $%self' T!at's all I ould t!ink fo& t!e next
!ou&' I'$ an idiot' 3!o was I kidding2
+.&ew) get downstai&s" ,ou !a#e so$e explaining to do'+ (o$ s!outed at $e' I
t&u$ped downstai&s to t!e li#ing &oo$ w!e&e I ould !ea& t!e TV on' I walked in to
see a pissed off $o$' +0it'+ 0!e o&de&ed' 0!e tu&ned down t!e #olu$e as I sat down
a&oss f&o$ !e& on t!e ou!'
+3!% did %ou lea#e s!ool and w!% on ea&t! did %ou fo&get %ou& siste& !e&e2+ 0!e
snapped ang&il%'
+I went to t!e !ospital to see Julie) s!e didn't want to see $e' And I fo&got
Case% beause I was al&ead% &unning late'+ I told !e& and &an $% !and t!&oug! $%
+,ou& g&ounded) a $ont!'+ 0!e said'
+7ut $oEE+
+0!!) t!e news is bak on'+ 0!e said and tu&ned up t!e #olu$e to t!e TV'
+3e o$e to %ou li#e f&o$ 1ingston 4ene&al Hospital w!e&e a $an w!o !as not been
identified is !olding e#e&one on t!e $ain le#el !ostage' Inluding a teenage gi&l
at gunpoint' T!e&e !a#e been no lues as to w!at t!e $an wants and t!e&e !a#e been
no s!ots fi&ed so fa&'+ A news&epo&te& said as s!e stood outside t!e !ospital'
+3e will be on t!is site till e#e&%one inside is out and safe'+ T!e &epo&te& went
T!at's t!e sa$e !ospital Julie's at'''
+Tu&n it up'+ I told (o$'
And s!e did' +3e'&e in" 3e got #ideo"+ 0o$eone s!outed f&o$ be!ind t!e a$e&a$en'
+And we offiiall% !a#e footage &ig!t now f&o$ su&#elliane a$e&as' It is s!o&t'+
T!e% put it on and I saw a $an) at least !is bak) wit! a gun pointing to so$eone
in f&ont of !i$' +T!is was fift% $inutes ago'+ T!e &epo&te& said and t!an s!e was
bak on'
+3e now know t!at t!e teenage gi&l t!e $an is !olding at gunpoint is f&o$ 7a%&idge
0eonda&% 0!ool'+
I gaped at t!e TV' 0o$eone f&o$ s!ool'''
0o$eone a$e into t!e a$e&a and w!ispe&ed so$et!ing in t!e &epo&te&s ea&' +3e
!a#e news on t!e teenage gi&l and t!is is *ust getting wo&se'+ T!e &epo&te& said
and s&at!ed !e& e%es' +0o$eone !as identified !e& as Julie P&eston'+
E#e&%t!ing stopped in $% wo&ld' (% b&eat!ing) $% !ea&t) $% $o#e$ent and
onent&ation' Julie !as a gun to !e& !ead"
+O! no'+ I %elled *u$ping up' +/o) no) no) no) no' /ot !e&' /ot Julie' /o'+
+3e !a#e li#e p!one a$e&a footage &ig!t now' And we a&e li#e inside now'+ T!e
&epo&te& said'
I looked at t!e TV and saw too ;uikl%' Julie was t!e&e' 0!e was at gunpoint'
Al$ost &ig!t awa% I ould see !e& &%ing and t!e fea& an pain in !e& e%es'
+Julie'+ I w!ispe&ed as I wat!ed !e& on t!e TV'
+T!e&e is #olu$e'+ T!e &epo&te& said ;uietl%'
(o$ put up t!e #olu$e but I wasn't pa%ing attention' Julie was wea&ing $% *aket
and I ould see !e& g&ipping so$et!ing in !e& !and) so$et!ing s!e wasn't letting
+3!at's in t!e !and) kid2+ T!e $an wit! t!e gun asked' 0!e &eleased it slowl% and
I saw sil#e&' T!e b&aelet' I sta&ted tea&ing up' +3!o ga#e it to %ou2+ T!e $an
.on't f&eakin' tou! !e&"
+0o$eone'+ 0!e said and s!e !eld onto t!e b&aelet tig!te&'
+3!o) kid2 0o$eone %ou a&e about2+ He asked' 0!e nodded and I saw t!e tea&s
falling faste&' +3!o2+
+A f&iend'+ I !ea&d !e& sa%'
+3!o2+ T!e $an g&owled as !e t!&ust t!e gun to !e& !ead'
+.&ew"+ 0!e &ied and sta&ted &%ing !a&de&'
0!e was in so $u! pain) I ould see it all' I &an to t!e doo& g&abbing $% *aket
and pulling $% boots on'
+.&ew) w!e&e a&e %ou going2+ (o$ asked'
+To sa#e !e&'+ I s!outed befo&e sla$$ing t!e doo& losed'
I got to t!e !ospital) onl% I pa&ked t!&ee bloks awa% and t!an sp&inted towa&ds
t!e !ospital' Polie$en we&e e#e&%w!e&e and lots of people' I pus!ed past t!e$ and
al$ost got in befo&e so$eone pulled $e bak'
+,ou a&en't allowed in t!e&e' He'll s!oot'+ A polie$an s!outed o#e& #oies'
+,ou don't unde&stand' I need to get in t!e&e'+ I s!outed and got out of !is g&ip'
+(an% people do'+ He said'
+7ut I need to get in t!e&e' I !a#en't told t!e gi&l I'#e been in lo#e wit! t!at
I'$ in lo#e wit! !e&" And s!e's being !eld at gunpoint'+ I s!outed at !i$'
+0i&) %ou a&en't allowed in' I'$ so&&%'+ He said and bloked $% wa%'
I &an fo& anot!e& wa% in' I found one at t!e side' I ;uietl% sneeked in) su&p&ised
no one !ad it bloked' I got inside and &an past t!e ER' 3!e&e would t!e% be2
+Please"+ I !ea&d so$eone &%' +/o'+
Julie" I &an fast as !ell and found a bun! of still people standing a&ound'
+0i&) lea#e it alone' It's !e&s'+ I !ea&d .oto& 4luio s!out'
+1id) sta% still'+ 0o$eone $utte&ed'
+/o) t!e lo#e of $% life is being !eld at gunpoint"+ I w!ispe&ed ang&il%'
+/o) please it's $ine'+ I !ea&d Julie beg'
I took a few steps and saw Julie &ig!t inf&ont of $e' +Julie'+ I w!ispe&ed looking
at !e&'
He& !ead s!ot up and I saw t!e w!ite tea& st&eaked fae and b&own e%es $ake
ontat wit! $ine'
+.&ew'+ I !ea&d !e& sa% as a bit of !appiness ente&ed !e&'
+3!o a&e %ou2+ T!e $an !olding !e& asked'
+.&ew'+ I said not taking $% e%es off Julie'
+A!"+ T!e $an said and g&abbed Julie's w&ist' He p&%ed !e& finge&s out of t!e fist
and g&abbed t!e b&aelet' +(ig!t as well keep it) kid'+ T!e $an said and t!&ew it
o#e& to $e'
I aug!t it and looked at Julie) s!e was going to b&eak down'
Julie's POV

I gaped at .&ew seeing !i$ t!e&e' He knew I was in t!is situation and a$e to
!elp' All I ould do was sta&e at !i$'
+All of %ou) against t!e wall'+ T!e $an said) t!&usting t!e gun to $% te$ple
I saw .&ew flin!' I an't belie#e !e's !e&e''' All of t!e$ inluding .&ew went to
t!e wall and sat down'
Just a little longe& till !is wife gets out'
+0!ould I kill %ou& little f&iend2+ T!e $an asked'
I s!ook $% !ead ;uikl% and !e laug!ed in $% ea&'
+0i&) take $e instead'+ .oto& 4luio begged'
+Again) no'+ He said and t!&ust t!e gun to $% !ead' +(o#e to t!e p!one'+ He
I walked o#e& to t!e p!one and !e pus!ed $e down to t!e g&ound' I g&i$aed at t!e
pain in $% !ead $aking ontat wit! t!e wood'
He put t!e gun in $% !and' +I t!ink %ou know bette& t!an to s!oot $e'+ He said
a$used' He piked up t!e p!one and I !ad a feeling it was t!e su&geon !e'd be
alling' He put it on speake&'
+-i#e $inutes) si&' 3e'&e *ust losing !e& up'+ .oto& 3alke& told !i$'
+I'll get &ead% t!an'+ T!e $an said and t!en !ung up' He took t!e gun f&o$ $e and
%anked $e up b% $% a&$' I g&i$aed again' I'll !a#e so $an% b&uises' +,ou'&e $%
wa% out) kid'+ !e said'
+0top !u&ting !e&'+ .&ew said ;uietl%'
+3!at'd %ou sa%) kid2+ T!e $an asked) looking at .&ew'
+.&ew'''+ I w!ispe&ed painfull%'
+Bp) now'+ T!e $an said' .&ew got up and !e a$e towa&ds us' +,ou an !old it to
!e& !ead) (&' 0poken'+ T!e $an said and put t!e gun in .&ew's !and'
.&ew lifted a s!ak% !and to $% !ead and !e pointed t!e gun at $e'
+7e s$a&t) kid'+ T!e $an said g&inning'
I losed $% e%es and felt so$et!ing b&us! $% !and' .&ew' His !and b&us!ed $ine
again' I didn't a&e an% $o&e) if t!e&e was a !ane I'd die) I'$ getting to !old
so$et!ing befo&e'
I laed $% finge&s t!&oug! !is and !is t!u$b &ubbed along t!e top of $% !and'
T!e ER doo&s opened and I looked to see .oto& 3alke& b&inging t!e $an's wife out
on t!e gu&ne%' +It's done'+ .oto& 3alke& said'
T!e $an sig!ed and walked o#e&' +4ood'+
+,ou'll let e#e&%one go now2+ .oto& 3alke& asked'
+All but one'+ T!e $an g&abbed $% a&$ w!i! $ade t!e gun fl% out of .&ew's !and
and t!e two of t!e$ going fo& it'
I s&ea$ed w!en a s!ot was fi&ed and t!e% foug!t fo& it' T!e $an got it and
pointed it at .&ew'
+7ad idea) kid' ,ou $ig!t !a#e ost %ou& f&iend's life'+ T!e $an said s$i&king'
+/o) please" .on't !u&t !e&"+ .&ew &ied'
(% e%es $o#ed to !i$ and I saw t!e pain and !ow sa&ed !e was fo& $% life'
+T!at's $% !oie'+ T!e $an said and tu&ned to $e) pointing t!e gun at $e' +Cet's
go .oto&) %ou follow wit! $% wife'+ He looked at e#e&%one else' +,ou an go as
soon as I'$ gone'+
I looked at .&ew and saw !i$ sta&ing at $e al&ead%' +Can I *ust sa% one t!ing to
!e&) please2+ .&ew begged to t!e $an'
+,ou got one $inute'+ T!e $an said and stepped awa% f&o$ $e'
.&ew got up and walked towa&ds $e' He took bot! $% !ands in !is and s;uee<ed t!e$'
+7e a&eful'+ He w!ispe&ed looking at $e losel%' I nodded s!akil%) tea&s in $%
e%es' He p&essed !is lips onto $ine and kissed $e' I t&ied getting as $u! f&o$ it
as possible' (eaning I kissed bak and upped !is fae in $% !ands'
He pulled awa% and kissed $% fo&e!ead' +Please be oka%'+ He $u$bled against $%
skin' I wiped awa% t!e one tea& t!at !ad esaped !is e%e'
+(inute is up'+ T!e $an said'
.&ew let $e go slowl% but befo&e !e did) !e w&aooed t!e *aket a&ound $e tig!te&
and put so$et!ing in t!e poket'
T!e $an g&abbed $% a&$ and we walked awa% wit! a gun at $% !ead' 3e got out t!e
doo&s and t!e&e was s!outing f&o$ e#e&%one'
+Cet t!e wo$an go"+ A polie$an s!outed'
+I'll gi#e !e& o#e& soon'+ T!e $an s!outed'
3e walked awa%) towa&ds t!e bak of t!e !ospital' +3!at a&e %ou doing wit! us2+
.oto& 3alke& asked'
+,ou'&e f&ee to go'+ T!e $an told !i$ and t!an tu&ned to $e' +I an use %ou'+
I losed $% e%es and t&ied to !old bak t!e painful sob'
+4et $% wife in t!e bak'+ T!e $an told t!e doto&'
T!e $an went a&ound to t!e bak of t!e a& and t!an losed t!e t&unk and went to
!elp t!e doto&' Is it possible fo& $e to &un e#en t!oug! !e an still see $e2
+3!at t!e fuk do %ou %ou'&e doing2+ T!e $an s!&ieked'
+Put t!e gun down and I won't !u&t !e&'+ .oto& 3alke& said'
I wis! t!e windows we&en't tinted'
+Cike !ell'+ T!e $an said'
T!e&e was fig!ting) I ould !ea& it' And t!an a s!ot was fi&ed and t!e gun a$e
out of t!e a&'
I stood still'
+4et t!e gun"+ I !ea&d .oto& 3alke& s!out'
I &an o#e& to it and looked to t!e a& to see t!e $an o$ing out) blood o$ing
f&o$ !is nose' I bent down and wit! s!ak% !ands I piked up t!e gun'
+He%) kid) %ou don't want to s!oot $e'+ T!e $an said as I ai$ed it at !i$'
+It's self defense'+ I told !i$ wit! $% #oie s!ak% and &%ing was doing it'
+1id) *ust gi#e $e t!e gun'+ T!e $an said and sta&ted walking towa&ds $e'
I s!ook $% !ead' Could I s!oot so$eone2 I don't e#en know !ow o use a gun''' T!ink
fast) Jules) !e's getting lose&" (% t!oug!ts %elled'
+1id'+ He said) a few feet f&o$ $e'
I ai$ed at !is leg) losed $% e%es and pulled bak on t!e t&igge&' And s!ot !i$'
He s&ea$ed in pain and I !ea&d a t!unk' I opened $% e%es and saw t!e $an on t!e
g&ound !olding !is leg'
I stood t!e&e) al$ost like I wasn't t!e&e) I d&opped t!e gun and sta&ted &%ing'
T!at's w!en I !ea&d people &unning and lots of s&ea$ing of $% na$e and .oto&
+Julie"+ 0o$eone #e&% fa$ilia& s!outed $% na$e'
I ouldn't look up f&o$ &%ing into $% !ands' I *ust s!ot a $an'''
-a$ilia& a&$s went a&ound $e and I *ust &ied on !i$) !olding !i$ tig!t'
+A&e %ou !u&t2+ .&ew w!ispe&ed in $% ea&' I s!ook $% !ead' +3e&e %ou a&eful2+ He
asked ;uietl%) &ubbing $% bak' I nodded'
+3!o s!ot !i$2+ 0o$eone asked'
+T!e gi&l did) s!e !ad good ai$ fo& t!e knee'+ I !ea&d .oto& 3alke& tell t!e
+(s' P&eston) a&e %ou !u&t2+ 0o$eone asked as anot!e& !and appea&ed to be on $e' I
s!ook $% !ead'
+,ou'll be asked a few ;uestions soon) (s' P&eston'+ 0o$eone told $e'
I ouldn't stop &%ing' T!at ould !a#e been $e' I ould !a#e been s!ot but
instead I was t!e s!oote& and I sa#ed $% life and .oto& 3alke&'s'
+(s' P&eston) we got %ou& pa&ents on t!e p!one'+ 0o$eone said ;uietl% f&o$ be!ind
I unw&apped $%self f&o$ .&ew and &ubbed $% e%es enoug! t!at I ould see a $an
!olding a p!one' He put t!e p!one in $% !and and ga#e $e a s%$pat!eti s$ile'
+Hello2+ I said s!akil%'
I !adn't &eali<ed $% enti&e bod% was s!aking till an offie& put !is *aket a&ound
+O!) t!ank 4od' ,ou'&e oka%'+ (o$ &ied and I ould !ea& !e& &%ing'
+Julie) %ou'&e safe' (% 4od) we t!oug!t we we&e going to lose %ou'+ .ad f&eaked
out' He was &%ing too'
+I'$ *ust &eall% sa&ed'+ I said t!oug! it didn't sound like it'
+3e'll be !o$e tonig!t) sweetie' 3e'&e at t!e ai&po&t now'+ .ad said as !e t&ied
to stop &%ing'
+/o) *ust sta% t!e&e' It's oka%'+ I lied to !i$' I *ust &eall% wanted $% pa&ents
+,ou need us !o$e $o&e often' 3e'&e o$ing !o$e and we'&e taking a&e of %ou'+ .ad
I nodded' +'1a%'+ I w!ispe&ed'
+3e'll be !o$e in a w!ile' 3e lo#e %ou'+ .ad said'
+I lo#e %u) sweetie'+ (o$ !oked out'
+I lo#e %ou) too'+ I said wiping $% e%es'
T!e&e was dial tone and I !ung up and ga#e t!e p!one bak to t!e offie&'
+T!anks'+ I said ;uietl%'
+Can I ask %ou a few ;uestions2+ He asked'
I nodded s!akil% and !e put down a stool and got $e to sit down on it' T!an !e
kneeled down in f&ont of $e'
+How did !e get %ou at gunpoint2+ He asked ;uietl%'
+He a$e in f&o$ be!ind $e'+ I w!ispe&ed pla%ing wit! $% finge&s'
+3!at did !e want2+ He asked'
+His wife needed a kidne% and !e would onl% let e#e&%one go w!en s!e was oka%'+ I
told !i$ ;uietl%'
+How $an% s!ots we&e fi&ed'+ He asked and put $% !ands on $% knees' It $ust !a#e
bot!e&ed !i$'
+One in t!e !ospital) one in t!e a& w!en t!e% we&e fig!ting and t!e s!ot I
$ade'+ I w!ispe&ed'
+3!e&e did !e !old %ou2+ He asked autiousl%'
I swallowed) I didn't want to talk an% $o&e' I wanted to sleep and d&ea$ t!is
ne#e& !appened' I losed $% e%es and pin!ed $% !and' T!at !u&t'
+(s' P&eston) w!e&e did !e !old %ou2 .id !e tou! %ou at all2+ T!e offie& asked'
I kept $% e%es losed) pin!ing $% !and' .on't t!ink' .on't &e$e$be&'
0o$eone g&ipped $% uppe& a&$s but not too tig!t like I &e$e$be&ed' I %elped and
*u$ped) s!i#e&ing'
+0!!!'''+ T!e offie& w!ispe&ed'
A new set of tea&s a$e out and I was s!aking'
+Cal$ down' It's oka%'+ He said and &ubbed $% a&$s' I b&oug!t $% !ands up to $%
fae and &ied into t!e$' +Can we get so$e !elp o#e& !e&e"+ T!e offie& s!outed'
He got up and I sat t!e&e &%ing and s!aking' I didn't want t!is to be &eal' I
want t!is to be o#e&'
+Julie'+ I !ea&d .&ew w!ispe& and t!an an a&$ o$e a&ound $% s!oulde&' I leaned
into !i$ and &ied on !i$' I g&ipped onto !is s!i&t and wouldn't let go' +It's
oka%'+ He w!ispe&ed) s$oot!ing $% !ai&'
+(s' P&eston) we got %ou so$e $ediine we need %ou to take'+ T!e offie& said
o$ing bak'
I let .&ew go slowl%) !e ne#e& let go but it was oka% wit! $e' 0o$eone put a few
pills in $% !and and a bottle of wate& in t!e ot!e&' I tossed t!e pills into $%
$out! and d&ank out of t!e bottle of wate&'
+Can I take !e& !o$e2+ .&ew asked ;uietl%'
+(ake su&e s!e's oka% befo&e s!e falls asleep'+ T!e offie& told !i$' +Julie)
we'll all if we need %ou'+
I nodded and took off one of t!e offie&s *aket and t!an got up' .&ew w&apped !is
a&$ tig!tl% a&ound $e and we sta&ted walking' I leaned against !i$ and t&ied not
to &%'
+Cet it out'+ He w!ispe&ed &ubbing $% a&$'
I s!ook $% !ead and !ugged !i$) stopping us and s!oking !i$' I *ust wanted to
!old !i$'
+I'$ piking %ou up'+ He w!ispe&ed and I felt !is !ands on $% waist' He lifted $e
up like I was a feat!e&' I w&apped $% legs a&ound !is waist and $% a&$s a&ound !is
nek and &ied into !is nek as !e walked' He ne#e& told $e to stop !e *ust kept
telling $e e#e&%t!ing was oka%'
+I !a#e to unlok $% a&'+ He w!ispe&ed a w!ile late&'
I nodded and got bak on $% feet) leaning against t!e a& as I silentl% &ied into
$% !ands' .&ew took $% !ands awa% and !e lifted $% !in so !e ould see $% fae'
I b&eat!ed s!akil% as !e sta&ed into $% fae' +A&e %ou going to be oka%2+ He
w!ispe&ed' I nodded and !e &ubbed unde& $% e%es' +.o %ou fo&gi#e $e enoug! to let
$e sta% o#e&2+ He asked ;uietl%'
.id I &eall%2 Could I gi#e !i$ a tin% bit of fo&gi#ness to $ake t!is less awkwa&d2
Reall%) I *ust wanted to !a#e !i$ nea& $e'
I nodded eage&l% and w&apped $% a&$s a&ound !i$' +He%) its oka%' Co$e on) I'll get
%ou !o$e'+ He w!ispe&ed'
I let !i$ go and !e got $e in t!e a&' I was sta&ting to !a#e a !eada!e' .&ew
took $% !and as soon as !e got on t!e &oad'
I fell asleep to !i$ &ubbing !is t!u$b against $% !and'
.&ew's POV

One I got to !e& !ouse) I &eali<ed no one would be !o$e and t!e doo& would
p&obabl% be loked but w!en I tu&ned t!e doo&knob' 0u&p&ise) it was open' I kept
t!e lig!ts off and walked towa&ds !e& bed&oo$'
I laid !e& down on !e& bed) took !e& *aket off slowl% not wanting to wake !e&' I
pulled t!e blankets o#e& !e& and kissed !e& fo&e!ead as I sat down beside !e& and
$ade su&e s!e was oka%'
+T!ank %ou'+ I !ea&d !e& faint w!ispe&'
+0leep'+ I w!ispe&ed looking down at !e& t!an I *ust sig!ed and laid down beside
!e&' Auto$atiall%) s!e &olled o#e& and &ested !e& !ead on $% !est'
I put $% a&$s a&ound !e& and &ested $% !eek on !e& !ead) losing $% e%es as t!e
sun s!ined t!&oug! !e& window'
I s$elt so$et!ing &eall% good) so$et!ing like baon' And $a%be so$et!ing else' I
!ea&d Julie giggle as I sta&ted sniffing a bit' +.&ew) do %ou want so$e pe&ogies2+
0!e asked) laug!ing a bit'
I opened $% e%es) &eali<ing $% !ead was on !e& lap and I was !ugging !e& tig!te&
t!en I $eant to' 0!e s$iled down at $e' +It's I o'lok'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed and tu&ned
down !e& $usi'
I &eleased !e& and got up) %awning' +4uess we'&e not sleeping all t!at $u!
tonig!t'+ I $u$bled' 0!e passed $e t!e plate of pe&ogies s!e was eating f&o$'
+I al&ead% got 1e&i and Ja$es t!ei& suppe& and t!e%'&e wat!ing a $o#ie till t!e%
fall asleep'+ 0!e told $e'
T!at's w!en I saw !ow &ed and puff% !e& e%es we&e' +,ou told t!e$'+ 0!e nodded and
wiped !e& e%es' +T!e p&iniple !ad t!e$ in t!e offie all da% explaining t!e
situation and telling t!e$ I was oka%'+ 0!e gulped and t&%ied to !old bak t!e
tea&s' +T!e% wouldn't let $e go w!en t!e% saw $e' T!e% we&e sa&ed t!at I was
going to lea#e t!e$'+ 7% t!e end t!e tea&s we&e o$ing out'
I set t!e plate down and !ugged !e&' 0!e &ied into $% !est till s!e got !e&self
toget!e&' +I don't want to go t!&oug! t!at' I want t!e$ to know I'll alwa%s be
!e&e but !ow an I tell t!e$ w!en I al$ost did lea#e t!e$'+ 0!e $u$bled not ;uite
+0!!'+ I w!ispe&ed wiping !e& e%es' +,ou'&e ne#e& going to lea#e t!e$) not like
t!at' ,ou'll be !e&e w!en t!e% need %ou'+
0!e kept nodding) lips t&e$bling' I kissed !e& fo&e!ead and s!e sig!ed taking $%
!ands awa% onl% to !old t!e$ and &est !e& !ead on $% !est' +I'$ so&&%'+ 0!e
+It's not %ou& fault'+ I told !e& and kissed !e& !ead' 0!e !ad a $uffled &% and
let $% !ands go) onl% to o#e& !e& fae' +Jules) don't sit t!e&e and &%' Talk to
$e'+ I told !e& as I split a pe&ogie in !alf'
0!e sig!ed and &ubbed !e& e%es' +0o&&%'+
I g&owled' +0top apologi<ing'+ 0!e sta&ted to apologi<e again but I o#e&ed $%
!and o#e& !e& $out!) s!e b&eat!ed t!&oug! !e& nose' I took $% !and awa% slowl% and
&ea!ed a&ound !e& to tu&n up !e& iPod' +I like t!is song'+
0!e sig!ed and leaned bak against t!e pillows' +I'$ not going to s!ool
to$o&&ow'+ 0!e w!ispe&ed'
+0pend t!e da% at !o$e2+ I asked looking at !e& as s!e took a piee of baon'
0!e nodded' +3it! 1e&i and Ja$es) and $% pa&ents'+ 0!e told $e'
I s$iled' +T!at's good'+
+3anna sta% too2+ 0!e asked ;uietl%'
I s!ook $% !ead' +/o) %ou and %ou& fa$il% need to be toget!e&'+
+Please) it would $ean a lot if %ou sta%ed and it'd gi#e $e a &eason not to %ell
at $% pa&ents'+ 0!e told $e and batted !e& e%elas!es'
I !ukled' +-ine'+ I told !e&' 0!e g&inned wildl% and laid bak down' I &ea!ed
o#e& !e& and tu&ned down !e& iPod $usi' +0leep well) Jules'+
0!e giggled' +I will'+
I wat!ed !e& sleep fo& a w!ile as I ate &eall% ;uietl% I did t!is till I fell
asleep' I t!an sti&ed in $% sleep w!en I felt so$et!ing on $% bak) I kept
t!inking spide& but e#e&% ti$e I s!i#e&ed I !ea&d Julie giggle'
T!e&e was a knok on t!e doo& and w!ate#e& was on $% bak stopped' +,ea!2+ A
;uestionable Julie w!ispe&ed' T!e doo& opened' +Hi'+
+How a&e %ou feeling) sweetie2+ I !ea&d Haile% w!ispe&'
+I'$ good) bette&'+ Julie &eplied'
+Cisten) I know %ou p&obabl% don't want to !ea& t!is &ig!t now but %ou& $ediation
is downstai&s) I piked it up fo& %ou w!en I went to t!e !ospital %este&da% and
all t!at'+ Haile% told !e& ;uietl%'
+T!anks Hale'+ Julie w!ispe&ed'
0o$eone sat on t!e bed' +How is !e2+
I felt t!e bed $o#e and I !ad a feeling Julie sat up' +I'$ EE u!) I don't know'+
0!e faintl% w!ispe&ed'
+.on't get wo&ked up) its oka% Julie'+ Haile% w!ispe&ed and I !ea&d so$eone
snifle' +Cisten) I know %ou& sta%ing !o$e toda% and I know it won't be long till
%ou& pa&ents piss %ou off so $eet $e at t!e $all a&ound twel#e) &ig!t outside
+'1a%) I'll be t!e&e soone& t!an %ou t!ink' How a&e t!e% an%wa%2+ Julie asked'
+I don't t!ink its atuall% !it t!e$ t!at t!e% al$ost lost %ou'+ Haile% told !e&'
+I'$ not s!oked'+ Julie $u$bled'
+Just don't piss t!e$ off) we got a t&ip t!is weekend"+ Haile% said exitedl% and
laug!ed ut stopped' +Co$e on) !ee& up' T!e&e will be gu%s'''+
I len!ed $% teet!' I knew s!e'd go t!e&e e#en if I we&e 'asleep' but gee< wa% to
$ake it ob#ious' I !ate t!at stupid *ealous $onste& about $e' I alwa%s get it w!en
I see Julie wit! a gu%'
+I al&ead% got (a&k peste&ing $e) please don't b&ing up $o&e gu%s'+ Julie $u$bled'
+O! %ea!) I al$ost fo&got %ou& date'+ Haile% said !appil%'
+I know) now get out' I'll $eet %ou at t!e $all in an !ou& o& so and !a#e a offee
&ead% fo& $e'+ Julie said'
+7%e (uffin'+ Haile% said'
+7%e 7utte&ta&t'+ Julie said) giggling'
Haile% left t!e &oo$ and I !ea&d Julie sig! befo&e t!e bed $o#ed again and s!e was
off' I !ea&d !e& walk a&ound t!e bed and nea& $e' I t!ink'
T!e blankets $o#ed $o&e on $e) s!e was doing it' I felt so$et!ing soft tou! $%
fo&e!ead) lips2 Possibl%' +.on't wo&&% about $e so $u!'+ 0!e $u$bled against $%
!ead and t!e feeling disappea&ed'
Julie's POV
I kissed !is fo&e!ead and kept $% lips t!e&e fo& an i$$easu&able $o$ent befo&e I
losed $% e%es' +.on't wo&&% about $e so $u!'+ I $u$bled against !is fo&e!ead'
I got up and walked towa&ds $% d&esse&) taking out a d&ea$ olou&ed s!i&t and $%
blak *eans) I was going fo& so$et!ing o$f% toda%' I knew t!is da% was going to
be !ell wit! $% pa&ents' I looked be!ind $e as I ai$ed to take $% s!i&t off and
saw t!at .&ew was still asleep' I peeled $% s!i&t off and tossed it towa&d t!e
laund&% basket a&oss t!e &oo$' I got $% s!i&t on and t!an un<ipped t!e ski&t t!at
I'd been wea&ing fo& t!&ee da%s) g&oss' I pulled $% *eans on o$fo&tabl% and
t!&oug! t!e &est of $% lot!es in t!e laund&% basket'
I &awled bak into bed and lifted t!e edge of .&ew's pillow and took out t!e
pitu&e of two kids s$iling wit! paint on t!ei& !ands' It was .&ew and I) in t!e
one and onl% pitu&e t!at we'&e s$iling and !a#ing fun' T!at was befo&e !e tu&ned
into a *e&k one da% in kinde&ga&den and alwa%s !as been t!e sa$e' Exept latel%'
I &ubbed $% t!u$b o#e& t!e two faes and ouldn't !elp s$iling' I !adn't &eali<ed
it t!en but .&ew was tu&ning and !e'd soon see t!e pitu&e'
+3!at's t!at2+ He asked w!en I t&ied !iding it be!ind $e'
+B$$'+ I $u$bled and t!an sig!ed' I s!owed !i$ t!e pitu&e and a s$ile &awled up
to !is lips al$ost i$$ediatel%'
+(ine is unde& $% ala&$ lok'+ He ad$itted and !ukled' +E$ba&&assing'+
I giggled) s!aking $% !ead' +It's not' It's ute'+
He s$iled and !is e%es &oa$ed o#e& w!at I was wea&ing) I blus!ed w!en !e sta&ted
s$iling at $e' +,ou look nie'+
+0top d&ooling'+ I *oked'
+3!o sa%s I'$ d&ooling2+ He asked' I b&oug!t $% t!u$b up t!e o&ne& of !is $out!
and p&etended to wipe d&ool) onl% $% t!u$b aug!t t!e inside of !is lip a bit and
w!at !appened next *ust s!oked $e'

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