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Minutes of the Meeting June 16

, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Bohl at Erlanger Central Station.
Member Present Member Present
Past President Robinson Excused President Bohl Present
Vice President Huth Present Secretary Bill Allen Excused
Treasurer Brinkman Excused
Chase Autry Excused Jim Brophy Excused
Kevin Davis Present Rob Hucker Present
Joe Kappa Excused Jay Kelley Present
Scott Lewis Present Eric McDonald Present
Randy McMullen Present Dave McQuerry Excused
Eric Reifenberger Excused Doug Rolf Present
Todd Schulkers Excused Craig Stewart Present
Todd Whitaker Present Rhonda Wolfe Present
Tim Koenig (Retired) Excused Bill Martin (Retired) Excused

12 of the 23 members were in attendance.

M (McMullen) / S (Whitaker) to accept the minutes of the 12-11-2013 meeting. No discussion. All in
favor with none opposed.

Presidents Report
I attended the KPFF meeting on March 4
, 2014 hosted by Walton Fire Department. Various issues
were discussed with other locals and Elsmere Fire was granted membership by the IAFF.
I attended the reception we hosted for the promotion of Captain McQuerry and Captain Stewart.
We sponsored teams in the Yellin Helen Bowling fundraiser and The City of Erlanger Adopt a Troop
The IAFF Conference will be held in Cincinnati from July 14
to the 18
. If any member is interested in
attending, please let me know.
We are planning a Putt-Putt fundraiser for Erlanger Police Sgt. Matt Kremers wife, Angie, as she battles
cancer. If anyone is interested in helping, please let me know.

Vice Presidents Report

Secretarys Report
Nothing to report

Treasurers Report

Fifth Third Checking $4361.22
Fifth Third Savings $0100.00
Total Available $4461.22
Clothing Allowance Total $1297.00
Total Available (- clothing) $3064.22
Our IAFF dues and Time Warner Cable are paid using the internet
KPFF monthly dues
Committee Reports

By Laws Nothing to report.
Membership We have 2 new full time members of the department, Doug Rolf and Eric McDonald.
Both are members of the IAFF (McDonald with Walton and Rolf with Taylor Mill).
M (Lewis) / S (Kelley) to accept Eric McDonald and Doug Rolf into Local 4206. No discussion. All in favor
with none opposed.

No communications.

Old Business
Nothing to report.

New Business
Regis inquired as to the next clothing order. An order will be placed after the city hires the new
employees in July.
Todd Whitaker spoke about the volunteer program ending and the monies in the volunteer account.
There is approximately $6000 in 2 CDs and another $2500 (approximate) in vending and other funds. He
has spoken with some volunteers that are in favor of giving the money to the local. We will wait until he
speaks with the other volunteers until we decide on what to do with the money if it is given to the local.
We can use the city email for the local.
The local will assume the vending duties. Chase Autry and Scott Lewis will handle filling the machines,
buying product and the money.
There will be a department picnic in August. Chase Autry and Doug Rolf are planning the details.
Regis Huth thanked everyone for everything done after the loss of his mother. Regis was touched by the
outpouring of support during this difficult time.

M (McMullen) / S (Kelley) to adjourn at 7:50 pm. No discussion. All in favor with none opposed.

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