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ENKI SPEAKS (PART 1 OF 6) Ancient Astronauts From The Planet Nibiru

Engineer s Earthlings to Sla!e"

b# Sasha $essin% Ph& '& sashalessin(h)* aol&com
+ase) on ,echaria Sitchin-s .//. e(ic
The $ost +oo0 o1 En0i2 3emoirs an) Pro(hecies o1 an E4traterrestrial 5o)
"At the end of days a day of judgment there shall be.The earth shall quake and the rivers
change course,and there shall be a darkness at noon and a fire in the heavens in the night,
the day of the returning celestial god [Nibiru, the far-orbiting !th "lanet of our solar system#
$ill it be.
"And $ho shall survive and $ho shall "erish, $ho shall be re$arded and $ho $ill be
"unished,gods [astronauts from Nibiru# and men alike, on that day it shall be discovered%
"&or $hat shall come to "ass by $hat had "assed shall be determined% and $hat $as destined
shall in a cycle be re"eated, and $hat $as fated and only by the heart's $ill occurring for
good or ill shall for judgment come.
"The record read, the "ast remembered, the future as "ro"hesy understand, let the future of the
"ast the judgment be('
These are the $ords of )nki, &irstborn of Anu of Nibiru"
&rom The *ost +ook of )nki,
-emoirs and .ro"hecies of an )/traterrestrial 0od, by 1echaria 2itchin
3r. 2asha 4Ale/5 *essin 4a 67*A Anthro"ology .h.3.5, guides you though 1echaria 2itchin's
revolutionary "roofs 4and their im"lications for us5 of the history of our solar system and on
)arth from 8!!,!!! years ago until 9!9: +.7..
2itchin archeologically documents events, from the atmos"heric crisis on Nibiru, the solar
system's far-orbiting tenth "lanet "ro"elled the noble )nki and ;!! miners and :!! shuttle
cre$men to )arth <<8,!!! years ago for gold for Nibiru's atmos"heric shield.
:!!,!!! years ago, )nki res"onded to a mutiny in the goldmines by genetically altering homo
erectus, a local "rimate, into )arthlings-- =omo Neanderthalensis and =omo 2a"iens-- to tend
mines, cro"s and livestock of )arth's Nibiran colonists.
>n 2umer 4>raq5 after the universal deluge, Nibirans *ords taught )arthlings astronomy, math,
agriculture, herding, $riting, massive architecture, geological information about "lanets and
moons--to better serve.
)arthlings obeyed the *ords% e/cess earthlings esca"ed into the hinterlands, a$ay from the
$ars *ords fought $ith )arthling soldiers, >n 9!9: +.7. these $ars clima/ed in thermonuclear
genocide of )arthlings in 7aanan and -eso"otamia. The fallout from the nuking "rom"ted
the lords to scatter over or e/it )arth.
?ecords the lords left us include stone-carved star charts that ma" Ne"tune,
6ranus, .luto--three "lanets beyond eye-range from )arth.
The ma"s sho$ rocket routes through our solar system.
The ma"s sho$ accurate geogra"hical details of the entire )arth.
The ma"s sho$ the landmass under the Antarctic icesheet.
The *ords ma""ed Antarctic land after ,!!! +.7., $hen the sheet slid into the @cean,
caused the 3eluge and dro$n most of their )arthlings.
@ur science confims the Nibiran goldminers' scientific, athematic, astronomical accounts.
>n our museums and hinterland caves earthlings have dra$n 2umerian rocketshi"s.
-odern biology validates 2umerian engravings of )nki s"licing 3NA to create an
)arthling $orker. @ur science still hasn't deci"hered ho$ the Nibirans moved
giant rocks better than $e can to build their navigational landmarks--the 0iAa "yramids,
monuments on our moon, -ars and on -ars' moon, .hoebos.
Bith 2itchin's evidence $e free ourselves to create a ne$ "aradigm, a "aradigm unfettered by
the"gods"ell". 0ods"ell is "hiloso"her Neal &reer's $ord for the yearning of )arthlings for the
return of their *ords. @ur yearning for such "divine" lead created religions $hich mandate
murder of millions for their "articular gods.
And the gods, remember, are merely long-lived, technologically advanced humans $ith a
$ide range of individual quirks and a hierarchic, largely "atriarchal, $arlike culture.
They $ere, by and large, obsessed $ith genealogy and male su"eriority.
-any *ords $ere "etty, murderous slavers, contem"tuous of )arthlings' consciousness.
And genetically $e're half Nibiran.
@ur other half, the =omo )rectus in us--the evolving hominid the Nibirans altered--resonates
$ith 0aia, this "lanet. @ur 0aia as"ect coo"erates more than our Nibiran as"ect.
Be kno$ and balance both $ithin us, $e break the gods"ell and become "eers rather than
2i/ thousand years ago, astronautC"ioneers from the "lanet Nibiru dictated )numa elish--the
7reation )"ic--to the 2umerians. The 2umerians $rote on clay tablets $hat the Nibirans told
them about ho$ our solar system formed [2itchin, 1., 0enesis ?evisited, "age !D#.
The 7reation )"ic says 2olaris, our 2un, then a solitary star, first created a "lanet the Nibirans
called Tiamat. Tiamat $as the "roto-)arth. >t orbited 2olaris counterclock$ise.
Ne/t, 2olaris, called A"su, created -ercury and "ro"elled -ercury $ith $ater and gold to
Tiamat. .lanet-"airs formed, Eenus $ith -ars, Fu"iter $ith 2aturn, 6ranus $ith Ne"tune.
These "lanetary "artners, say the )numa elish, orbited the 2un counterclock$ise, the same
direction Tiamat follo$ed.
Tiamat lacked a "artner-"lanet, but one of her moons, Gingu, enlarged. Gingu "re"ared to
"artner $ith Tiamat. Then Gingu could orbit the 2un, rather than Tiamat.
+ut, four billion years ago, before Gingu could attain "lanetary orbit around 2olaris, some <.;
billion years ago Nibiru invaded the 2olar 2ystem clock$ise.
The gravitational "ull of Nibiru tore a "iece of Ne"tune into s"ace.
That's ho$ Nibiru created Ne"tune's moon, Triton.
Triton, unlike other moons in the inner 2olar 2ystem, orbits its "lanet clock$ise.
As Nibiru "ierced the 2ystem, it lost three moons.
+ut Nibiru gained four. Nibiru ri""ed four moons from 6ranus.
Not only that, but the invader tilted "oor 6ranus' orbit.
Nibiru slung 0aga, 2aturn's largest moon, into clock$ise orbit 4bet$een Ne"tune and
6ranus5. Be call 0aga .luto.
@ne of Nibiru's moons slammed into Tiamat end gouged out huge chunks.
These chunks of Tiamat careened into s"ace.
The huge gouge in Tiamat $here Nibiru's moon hit is no$ the .acific +asin.
The chunks of Tiamat that e/"loded into s"ace are no$ asteroids and comets.
Bhat's left of Tiamat is our "resent )arth.
>n the .acific, $aters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together.
Nibiru's gravity gri""ed and took $ith it all Tiamat's moons e/ce"t Gingu, the moon $hich,
just before Gingu invaded, verged on creating its o$n orbit around 2olaris.
+ut Nibiru's invasion left Gingu lifelessly orbiting )arth, rather than 2olaris.
Tiamat's other moons became satellites of Nibiru.
Nibiru stabiliAed into a clock$ise orbit 4equal to :,;!! orbits of )arth around the 2un5.
7orroborating )vidence,
A s"acema" recorded by 2umerians for the Nibiran *ords sho$s the route to Nibiru to )arth.
The route "asses bet$een Fu"iter and -ars.
The stages of the route are arranged on ma" segments to guide a rocket that a""roached )arth
at a <8 degree angle from )arth's ecli"tic.
The ma" de"icts a s"aceshi" coming though va"or. [2itchin DHI, 0enesis ?evisited, "age H<#
A 2umerian seal de"icts, long before 7o"ernicus, our solar system, including "lanets beyond
unaided human eyesight.
[Near )ast 2ection, 2tate -useum, )ast +erlin, de"icted in 2itchin, 1., DD!, 0enesis
?evisited, "age<#
The 7reation )"ic "roves 2umerians kne$ and $rote of an advanced civiliAation- -Nibiran-
-on a "lanet--Nibiru- -that had been in a different solar system than that of )arth, around
Nibiru, 2umerians $rote, orbited, according to the astronauts, around a "ulsar.
The "ulsar $as the star that, before it colla"sed, $as the sun around $hich Nibiru had orbited.
2umerians, lacking even telesco"es, could only get such a conce"t from those $hose
astronomical kno$ledge far e/ceeded their o$n.
The Niburan astronauts, the *ords, had their 2umerian scribes $rite--only lately confirmed by
our scientists-- of the com"osition and movement of the astronomical bodies of 2olaris'
The *ords told the 2umerians that there $as $ater on asteroids, comets, Ne"tune, 6ranus,
Eenus, -ars, 2aturn, Fu"iter, also on the rings of 2aturn and 2aturn's and Fu"iter's moons as
@ur astronomers recently confirmed $hat the *ords dictated. The 2umerian 7reation )"ic
lends com"elling evidence for the e/traterrestrial settlement of )arth by Nibirans, the human
astronauts $ho came to be regarded as the gods of )arth.
-illennia "assed after Nibiru and the solar system stabiliAed around 2olaris.
*ife on Nibiru evolved a technologically-so"histicated, long-lived =omo 2a"iens, the humans
of Nibiru.
The Nibirans fought disastrous nuclear $ars, then unified under a single, "lanet-$ide
The Nibirans fought disastrous nuclear $ars, then unified under a single, "lanet-$ide
Gingshi". Ging *ahma, Ging of Nibiru 8!!,!!! years ago, confronted environmental disaster.
Nibiru $as losing its atmos"here, critical to heat regulation and survival.
Ging *ahma vacillated. 2hould he nuke the volcanoes to rene$ the atmos"hereK
@r send miners to 2olaris' Asteroids, $here "robes sho$ed goldK
=is scientists said they could "o$der and s"read gold to hold Nibiru's atmos"here.
*ahma s"ent centuries "ondering o"tions $hile Nibiru's "recious o/ygen bled into s"ace.
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki "ages :9 - ::#
.rince Alalu, e/as"erated by *ahma's inaction and des"erate to save Nibiru, "ushed *ahma
off a to$er.
*ahma's heir, Anu, agreed at first to Alalu's rule.
Alalu and Anu sealed their alliance $hen Anu's firstborn son, )aC)nki
4$hose autobiogra"hy, com"iled by 2itchin, is the "rinci"al authority for our tale5,
married 3amkina, Alalu's 3aughter.
Anu had earlier denied )a his bride-to-be, Ninmah. Anu had decreed Ninmah,
another of his children, betrothed to )a, $ho $as her half-brother.
+ut Ninmah defied Anu and bore a child, Ninurta,
to still another of Anu's royal children, her brother )nlil.
Their father, Anu, angrily forbade Ninmah marriage to )a or anyone else ever.
)nlil, im"regnating Ninmah, had denied )a his bride% this $as to be the first of an ongoing
sequence of frustrations )a $as to suffer due to )nlil.
Anu $ed son )a to 3amkina instead of Ninmah.
Anu "ledged fealty to Alalu, becames Alalu's cu"bearer.
>n e/change Anu's son )a and Alalu's 3aughter 3amkina $ill begat the heir to the Nibiran
Throne. [2itchin, 1., The Bars of 0ods and -en, DI8, "age I<#
Anu, married )a and 3amkina and "roclaimed his fealty to Alalu.
The first male born of )a and 3amkina $ould rule of Nibiru. bringing together the descent
lines of both grandfathers, Alalu and Anu.
)a and 3amkina did indeed have a boy% his name, 3ar)u0.
Ging Alalu nuked the volcanoes, but this failed to re-establish Nibiru's atmos"here.
=e also failed to get gold for an atmos"heric shield from the Asteroids%
en route, the rocket of goldminers he sent crashed $ithout survivors.
&or nine more Nibiran years 4nine orbits of Nibiru around 2olaris L :9,<!! )arth years5,
Alalu's rule failed to sto" Nibiru's air loss.
Anu, rightful king, he said, by Nibiran tradition,
raged at Alalu's failure to "rotect and re"lenish Nibiru's atmos"here.
=e challenged Alalu.
"Anu gave battle to Alalu.
To hand-to-hand combat, $ith bodies naked, Alalu he challenged.
Alalu in combat $as defeated% by acclaim Anu $as hailed as king."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki "ages 9< - :D#
Alalu stole a rocketshi" loaded $ith nuclear missiles his men had used in their failed attem"t
to stimulate Nibiru's volcanoes to regenerate an atmos"heric shield for the "lanet.
Alalu launched the stolen rocket for )arth.
=e blasted his $ay through the stones of the Asteroid +elt, nuking them from his "ath $ith
some of the missiles.
=e landed in the .ersian 0ulf, anchored his rocket, and made his $ay to shore.
Alalu confirmed gold in the 0ulf. &rom )arth,
he controlled the gold Nibiru needed to survive.
The gold gave him "o$er over the home "lanet.
>n addition, Alalu "ositioned his nukes to blast Nibiru on its ne/t "ass by )arth.
Alalu thus dangled gold as a carrot and menaced missiles as a stick.
"The 2"eaker-of-Bords he stirred u"% to$ard Nibiru the $ords to carry."
To Anu on Nibiru he beamed," "@n another $orld > am, the gold of salvation > have found.
The fate of Nibiru is in my hands. To my conditions you must give heed(
?eturn my throne" [2itchin, The *ost +ook of )nki "age ;!#
+ack on Nibiru, the 7ouncil heard Alalu's demands.
)nlil, Ging Anu's &oremost 2on, beamed Alalu back, .rove there's am"le gold on )arth.
Alalu transmitted his data to Nibiru. )nlil im"ugned Alalu's data.
)nlil and the 7ouncil begged Anu to resist Alalu's attem"t to regain rule.
The scientist )a, &irstborn 2on of Anu, addressed the 7ouncil.
)a, though Anu's &irstborn 2on, $as second in succession to Anu's throne.
)nlil, the &oremost 2on, $as king Anu's legal successor.
)nlil $as first in succession because his mother,
Anu's ?oyal 2"ouse, Antu, $as Anu's half-sister.
This made )nlil, not )a, Anu's &oremost 2on by Nibiru succession rules.
?emember )a, though only &irstbornMnot &oremost--2on,
married 3amkina, Alalu's 3aughter.
As Alalu's son-in-la$ as $ell as Anu's &irstborn, )a could mediate bet$een Anu and Alalu.
Thus all in the 7ouncil listened intently to )a address the threat and "romise Alalu offered
)a "ro"osed that he, in "erson, verify gold on )arth.
>f from gold dust of )arth,
a shield for Nibiru its atmos"here to save, said )a, let Alalu )arth rule as Ging.
&or kingshi" on Nibiru, let him $restle Anu.
*et me in a chariot [rocket# to )arth journey,
a "ath through the +racelet [Asteroids# $ith $ater, not fire
[Alalu used nuclear missiles to get through the Asteroids# > shall fashion.
@n )arth, from the $aters let me the "recious gold to obtain% to Nibiru back it $ill be sent.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki o".cit. "age, ;;#
Ging Anu endorsed )a's "lan and sent him $ith Alalu's kinsman,
"ilot AnAu, and fifty male astronauts to )arth.
)a thus "re-em"ted the heroic mission to )arth. )nlil, $ho'd $anted the )arth mission,
seethed $hile )a and AnAu rocketed through s"ace to their meeting $ith Alalu on )arth.
)a rocketed from Nibiru to$ard )arth.
=e shot, $ith $ater from his shi", Asteroid-+elt rocks in his "ath.
.ilot AnAu $arned that they'd de"leted their $ater.
>f they didn't re"lenish their $ater su""ly, their "ro"ulsion system $ould fail.
Bater from -ars could save them.
2o )a and AnAu landed on -ars. Not only did -ars have $ater, but it had an atmos"here too.
"The $ater $as good for drinking but the air $as insufficient for breathing,"
$hich means they needed ")agle's helmets to breathe"
[Tellinger, -., 2lave 2"ecies of god, "age <:9#
@n -ars, they dre$ $ater from a lake.
[2umerian records on clay tablets unambiguously indicate $ater on -ars 4long before
T$enty-&irst 7entury scientists documented $ater's "resence there5#.
?ocket's $ater re"lenished, )a blasted for )arth,
"its gold Nibiru's fate for salvation or doom containing."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki "age H#
"The chariot must be slo$ed or in )arth' thick atmos"here it $ill "erish"
AnAu the "ilot to )a said. They circled )arth a fe$ times to slo$ the shi".
Then they entered the atmos"here and hurtled to$ard "lanetfall.
)arth's gravity gri""ed the rocket and s"ed it too fast for a dry landing.
[Tellinger, -., 9!!;, 2lave 2"ecies of god, "age <<:#
2o, <<:,!!! years ago, they s"lashed into the .ersian 0ulf.
Alalu guided them ashore.
)a built a settlement, )ridu, at the head of the .ersian 0ulf, near modern +asara.
&rom 0ulf $aters, he e/tracted some gold.
=e built a "lane, and $ith his "ersonal "ilot, Abgal,
fle$ all over the "lanet searching for more gold.
Nibiran scientists "o$dered the gold into fine dust and e/"erimented $ith it% they could use it,
they re"orted, to dis"erse as contrails in the air and shield Nibiru's atmos"here.
0et more gold quick, they said.
Anu beamed )arth, send us Alalu's shi" $ith all gold you gathered.
2o )a and Abgal entered Alalu's s"acecraft. >n it they found seven nuclear missiles.
They hid the nukes in a cave in the African 0reat *akes area.
AnAu, the inter"lanetary "ilot, sa$ no missiles $hen he came to ready Alalu's rocket to return
to Nibiru.
AnAu confronted )a. Bhen to )arth $e fle$, only $ater cannon did $e use to blast through
the Asteroids, nearly killing our engine due to $ater $asted blasting rocks.
To return to Nibiru, nuclear missiles you took from this shi" are needed.
)a retorted, This rocket you cannot $ith your attitude "ilot. &ores$orn is the $ea"ons' use.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age I9#.
?e"laced as inter"lanetary "ilot you are AnAu.
Abgal, $ho "ilots my craft, $ill return Alalu's shi" to Nibiru $hile here on )arth $ith your
kinsman Alalu you, AnAu, must remain.
And $ith $ater cannon only shall Abgal navigate the asteroids.
)a "rogrammed a return route through the Asteroids for Abgal,
$ho rocketed sam"le gold back to Nibiru to test as an atmos"heric shield.
@n Nibiru, scientists "rocessed the gold "to make of it the finest dust,
to sky$ard launch it $as hauled a$ay. A 2har [one orbit of Nibiru around the 2un, equal to
:,;!! )arth years% Nibirans live so long they seem immortal by our standards# did the
fashioning last, a 2har did the testing continue. Bith rockets $as the dust heaven$ard carried,
by crystals' beams $as it dis"ersed.
"[+ut# $hen Nibiru near the 2un came, the golden dust $as by its rays disturbed% the healing
in the atmos"here $as d$indled, the breach to bigness returned."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, "age I;#
Ging Anu sent Abgal back to )arth for more gold.
Bhen he got to )arth, Abgal learned )a'd e/tracted little gold.
Bater e/traction yielded "itifully little.
)a again sent Abgal to Nibiru $ith the .ersian 0ulf's yield.
)a fle$ over Africa, "ros"ecting for gold.
Then )a found gold, huge veins of it, in southeast Africa 4AbAu5.
Fubilant, he announced his find to Nibiru.
+ack on Nibiru, Ging Anu and )nlil received )a's ne$s of vast veins of gold.
)nlil, angry still that brother )a led the )arth -ission, demanded "roof,
not just of gold, but of lots of gold. &alse ho"e, he said,
)a gave already that gold enough could from )arth's $aters could Nibiru's atmos"here save.
The Ging, unha""y $ith )nlil's com"laints about )a, gave )nlil the order he $anted.
)nlil, To )arth > order you.
Take charge there and the sco"e of )a's gold find assess, said Anu.
)nlil made landfall on )arth and e/amined )a's find.
)nlil beamed back to Nibiru that, des"ite his initial doubts,
)arth "robably had gold enough to save Nibiru's atmos"here.
+ut the basic rivalry bet$een )a and )nlil 4that "lagues )arth to this day5 surfaced again.
&ather Anu, )nlil beamed from )arth to Nibiru, affirm, by the *a$ of 2uccession, that >, your
son by your o$n half-sister Antu, "recede and have authority over )a, though, he, your eldest
son, be your &irstborn son.
7ome, )nlil im"lored, to )arth in "erson and deal $ith Alalu, too, $ho claims rule here over
Nibiru too. 2o, <;, !!! years ago, Anu fle$ to )arth and dre$ lots $ith )a and )nlil.
At the dra$ing Anu decreed, one lot $ould besto$ rule over Nibiru% another lot $ould give
its holder rule of )arth and control the .ersian 0ulf headquarters% the last lot $ould give
res"onsibility for African mining o"erations and sea trans"ort.
+y their lots the tasks they divided% Anu to Nibiru to return, its ruler on the throne to remain.
"The )din [-eso"otamia# to )nlil $as allotted, to be *ord of 7ommand,
more settlements to establish, of the skyshi"s and their heroes charge to take.
@f all the lands until they the bar of the seas encounter, the leader to be.
"To )a the seas and the oceans as his domain $ere granted,
lands beyond the bar of the $aters by him to be governed,
in the AbAu [southeastern Africa# to be the master,
$ith ingenuity the gold to "rocure."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages D9 -D:#
)nlil's first act $as to a$ard )nki his initial settlement,
)ridu, on the .ersian 0ulf, in "er"etuity.
No sooner did Anu and his sons divide rule of Nibiru and )arth, then.......
"&or$ard to$ard Anu Alalu ste""ed, shouted, N
-astery of )arth to me $as allotted%
that $as the "romise $hen the gold finds to Nibiru > announced(
Nor have > the claim to Nibiru's throne forsaken.'"
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, "age D:#
Anu $restled Alalu.
They gra""led.
[2itchin, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age I;#
"Anu on the chest of Alalu $ith his foot "ressed do$n,
victory in the $restling thereby declaring, N> am Ging.'"
+ut $hen Anu lifted his foot from Alalu,
"s$iftly he the manhood of Anu bit off, the malehood of Anu Alalu did s$allo$.("
[2itchin, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age D<#
)nlil tied Alalu u" $hile )a gave Anu first-aid.
"Alalu," Anu groaned, "$ill slo$ly die from my seed."J
Anu condemned the sickened and doomed Alalu to suffer his last days on -ars.
The Nibirans kne$ Alalu $ould die soon from biting Anu's "enis.
"There $as a""arently something in the "flesh" of others
that killed anyone $ho consumed it."
[Tellinger, -. 9!!;, 2lave 2"ecies of god, "age <:I#
2o Anu, on his $ay back to Nibiru, sto""ed on -ars,
$here he freed the dying Alalu $ith food and tools.
Anu also left Alalu's kinsman,
AnAu--the inter"lanetary "ilot )a had discharged-- to tend Alalu's last days.
Bhen Ging Anu got back on Nibiru
, he told the 7ouncil his "lans to hunt throughout the solar system.
=e ordered continuous freight rockets to and from )arth.
=e said rockets $ould huttle among $ay-stations on -ars,
)arth's -oon, other "lanets and satellites bet$een Nibiru and the 2un.
Ging Anu sent his daughter Ninmah $ith female health officers to )arth.
2to" on the $ay, at -ars, he said. >f AnAu lives, give him men to start a base there. -
@n -ars Ninmah found Alalu and AnAu dead.
>t $as too late for the condemned Alalu, but Ninmah revived AnAu.
To commemorate Alalu $ho discovered the gold that can save Nibiru, Ninmah and AnAu,
"The image of Alalu u"on the great rock mountain [7yndonia# $ith beams they carved.
They sho$ed him $earing an eagle's helmet% his face they made uncovered."
[2itchin, 1., The*ost +ook of )nki, "age !<#.
+efore she left -ars for )arth,
Ninmah gave AnAu t$enty of the astronauts from her com"any
and ordered him to build the first $ay station for the gold freighters.
[>n the later =ittite version of this tale,
Anu a""ointed Alalu's grandson Gumarbi his cu"bearer
4as Alalu had a""ointed Anu to be his cu"bearer5.
Anu took Gumarbi to )arth to $atch him.
>n the =ittite version, Gumarbi bit Anu's "enis.
Anu then forced Gumarbi to s$allo$ "oisonous stones
but Gumarbi managed to s"it them out.
Gumarbi visited )aC)nki, his sister's husband on )arth.
+ut on )arth, )nlil's younger son, AdadCTeshub incited Gumarbi.
Adad bragged ho$ he and big brother Ninurta $ould get "rivileges of kno$ledge and "o$er
Gumarbi $ouldn't.
)a took Gumarbi in a rocket for Nibiru to "lead $ith *ama,
the ancestress of both Alalu's and Anu's lines, for mediation.
+ut *ama, $hen she learned )nlil's sons o""osed )nki's mission,
sent "lightening $inds" against )a's s"acecraft and forced him and Gumbari back to )arth.
Gumbari returned to -ars +ase and agitated among the >gigi 4astronauts5.
They attacked )nlil and his "eo"le on )arth.
2eventy of )nlil's men fle$ aircraft against Gumarbi and the >gigi.
They defeated Gumarbi but 6llikumi, Gumarbi's son by one of the female astronauts,
rallied the >gigi again. :I!,!! years ago,
6llikumi 4&illing the role of AnAu in the 2umerian account5
led the >gigi as they attacked the "$hirlbirds" of the )nlilites.
)nlilite cham"ions Ninurta and Adad defeated 6llikumi and the astronauts.
2itchin identifies the battles bet$een Alalu and his descendants the basis for later >ndian tales
of the battles >ndira vs Erita fight even later 0reek tales of the Titans vs 0ods Bar.
>ndiraCErita and TitanC1eus are based on the AnAuCNinurta and Adad tale the Nibirans dictated
to the 2umerians. [2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages D -!#
EA% NIN3A6 ; EN$I$
)a tells us ho$ he sees his love, his sister Ninmah,
7hief -edical @fficer for the )arth -ission.
=e reveals his "erce"tion of his rival, their brother )nlil, 7ommander of the )arth "roject.
")nki and )nlil and Ninmah...@ffs"ring of Anu the three leaders $ere, by different mothers....
")nki $as the &irstborn 2on% a concubine of Anu's $as his mother.
")nlil by Antu, the s"ouse of Anu, $as born% the *egal =eir he thus became.
"Ninmah by another concubine $as mothered, a half sister of the t$o half brothers she
$as....0reatly beautiful she $as, full of $isdom, one quick to learn.
")a, as )nki $as then named, by Anu to es"ouse Ninmah $as chosen,
thereby their offs"ring son the legal successor thereafter to become.
Ninmah of )nlil, dashing commander, $as enamored% by him she $as seduced.... ""
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9-:# )a dictates to his scribe.
4The rivalry bet$een )a and )nlil--the critical com"etition that affects )arth, to this day,
sho$s here, as )a refers to the se/ual connection bet$een his fiancO Ninmah and their half-
brother, 7ommander )nlil, as "seduction."5
"A son from )nlil's seed Ninmah bore, Ninurta....
Anu angered% as "unishment he Ninmah ever to be a s"ouse forbade(
)a his bride-to-be by Anu's decree abandoned% a "rincess named 3amkina [Alalu's daughter#
he instead es"oused% a son, an heir to them $as born, -arduk."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9-:#
Be return from our genealogical segue to Ninmah's journey to )arth.
Be left her on -ars.
.rincess Ninmah rocketed her com"any of female health officers from Nibiru first to -ars
4$here she left AnAu to start a gold-transfer station5 then to )arth,
at )ridu, the head of the .ersian 0ulf.
&rom )ridu, 7ommander )nlil fle$ his sister Ninmah to his home in *ebanon so she could
"lant seeds she'd brought.
2he said the seeds $ould gro$ into "lants that bare a fruit from $hich a "eu"horic eli/er"
could be made.
)nlil "romised Ninmah he'd send their son together--Ninurta- -to )arth from Nibiru.
)nlil also "ledged to build a health sciences center in -eso"otamia for Ninmah's health
officers. 3es"ite these "romises and intense courting, )nlil failed to seduce Ninmah.
)nlil lured Ninmah into his air"lane and fle$ her to his house "by the 7edar &orest"
[*ebanon#, as a "erfect "lace to "lant her seeds.
"@nce inside, )nlil embraced her, $ith fervor he kissed Ninmah, '@h my sister, my beloved('
)nlil to her $his"ered. +y her loins he grabbed her."
+ut ">nto her $omb his semen he did not "our."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, "age !I#
Though he "romised her a healing city and said he'd bring their son Ninurta to )arth, she
remained se/ually aloof from )nlil.
=urt $hen Ninmah's rejected him se/ually,
)nlil mooned about his gardens at the *anding .latform.
=e $atched 2ud, Ninmah's gorgeous Assistant =ealth @fficer there,
bathing in his stream $ith other young $omen from the medical team.
)nlil invited 2ud to get high on eli/ir made from seeds Ninmah brought from Nibiru and
"lanted in his garden. "2ud drank, )nlil drank too% to her )nlil of intercourse $as s"eaking.
6n$illing $as the lass....)nlil laughed and embraced her, kissed her.
=is semen into her $omb he "oured.
"To Ninmah, 2ud's commander, the immoral deed $as re"orted.
)nlil, immoral one. &or your deed judgement you shall face.
2o did Ninmah to )nlil in anger say. "
">n the "resence of fifty Anunnaki, 2even Bho Fudge $ere assembled.
@n )nlil a "unishment decreed,
*et )nlil from all cities be banished...
*et him e/iled be. >n a skychamber they made )nlil leave the *anding .lace [*ebanon#%
Abgal $as his "ilot." [2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9-<#
Abgal, remember, had hel"ed )nki hide Alalu's nuclear missiles.
Abgal fle$ )nlil to e/ile in Africa. +ut in Africa,
in $hat The 2even had decreed must be "a *and of No ?eturn",
Abgal sho$ed )nlil the cave $here he'd hel"ed )nki hide the nukes.
Abgal thus secretly betrayed )aC)nki, his old "atron and aligned $ith )nlil against )nki.
Abgal told )nlil he'd chosen )nlil's banishment site near the missiles so )nlil could regain
rule of )arth. )nlil could intimidate all rivals $ith the missiles )nki believed securely hidden.
Abgal told )nlil, "Take the $ea"ons into your "ossession, $ith the $ea"ons
your freedom obtain("[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages <#
-ean$hile, 2ud's $omb s$elled from )nlil's ra"e.
)nki and the tribunal asked 2ud if she'd marry )nlil if she $ere his official s"ouse.
2he agreed to $ed )nlil only if she $ere his ?oyal Bife.
)nlil consented.2o the tribunal and even Ninmah "ardoned )nlil and he and 2ud married.
)nlil returned to *ebanon and his command of the Nibirans on )arth $ithout disclosing his
kno$ledge of the missles' locale in Africa.
2ud reigned $ith )nlil% she $as given the title Ninti and bore NannarC2in,
the first Nibiran ?oyal born on )arth.
Ninmah s"urned 7ommander )nlil.
No$ she could e/"lore her relation $ith )nki, her former fiancee.)nki told Ninmah,
"7ome $ith me in the AbAu [Africa# ... your adoration of )nlil abandon."
>n Africa, ")nki to her $ords of loving s"oke, s$eet $ords he s"oke,
'Pou are still my beloved' to her he said, caressing.
=e embraced her, he kissed her, she caused his "hallus to $ater.
)nki his semen into the $omb of Ninmah "oured.
'0ive me a son,' he cried." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 8#
+ut Ninmah bore )nki a daughter, then, immediately, another daughter.
Bhen he insisted on again im"regnating her,
"Ninmah against )nki a curse uttered, $hatever food he ate $as "oison in his innards....
"To distance himself from Nimmah's vulva )nki by raised arm s$ore%
from her curse )nki $as freed. To the )din Ninmah returned."
[The *ost +ook of )nki, "age ;#
)nki's *ineage,
Bhen Ninmah sto""ed )nki from im"regnating her again, )nki sent to Nibiru for his $ife,
3amkina 4Ninki5, and their son, MARDUK.
Bith them, and $ith the children 3amkina bore him on )arth, )nki built his clan---arduk's
)arthborn half-brothers- -N)?0A*, 0>+>*, N>N0>2=1>33AC T=@T=
and 36-61>--and their "rogeny.
)nki's eldest son, -arduk, recall, $as grandson of Alalu.
Bhen Alalu seiAed the Nibiran Throne he besto$ed his daughter,
3amkina, on Anu's son )nkiC)a.
The first son of 3amkina and )a $as -arduk.
-arduk 4Anu and Alalu agreed5 $ould one day reign as Ging of Nibiru.
2o -arduk, the son of )nki and 3amkina, $as su""osed to inherit the Nibiran throne.
+ut Anu de"osed and condemned Alalu,
sent )nki and )nki's siblings Ninmah and )nlil to )arth.
@n )arth, )nki and )nlil bred lineages.
.o$erful grou"s of "atrilineally 4through-men5
- related kin $ho com"eted for "o$er in @"eration 0old 3ust.
)nlil's *ineage,
)nlil bred his lineage on )arth $ith his $ife, 2udCNinti.
Their sons together-- NANNA?C2>N and >2=G6?CA3A3C T)2=6+-
-reinforced him and his eldest son, N>N6?TA 4)nlil's illicit child $ith Ninmah5
in their struggles $ith the )nkiites.
+y some <!!,!!! years ago, )nlil had built seven -ission 7enters in -eso"otamia.
The centers, 2i""ar the 2"ace"ort% Ni""ur, -ission 7ontrol%
+adtibira, -etalurgical 7enter% 2hurru"ak, -ed 7enter.
AnAu, kinsman to the de"osed and deceased Ging Alalu,
commanded :!! Nibirans on -ars +ase and in the shuttle service.
=is men, the >gigi, rocketed gold from -eso"otamia,
$here )nki's sea vessels brought it from Africa.
AnAu's men on -ars transferred the gold to s"aceshi"s bound for Nibiru.
@n Nibiru, scientists "o$dered the gold and seeded it into the air.
"2lo$ly $as the breach in the heavens healing."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age H#
The >gigi, led by AnAu, demanded )nlil grant them better $orking conditions,
more eli/ir from the fruit Ninmah gre$ and a rest facility on )arth.
Ging Anu beamed orders from Nibiru for AnAu to go to )nlil on )arth.
)nlil must, the Ging ordered, sho$ AnAu the entire mining o"eration
so he'd understand $hy the >gigi must "ersevere.
AnAu landed at Ni""ur, )nil's 7a"itol.
Though Anu'd ordered him to sho$ his o"erations to AnAu, )nlil stalled.
)nlil's father, Ging Anu, had killed AnAu's kinsman, Alalu.
No$ AnAu incited the >gigi. )nlil insisted he--not AnAu--gave orders to the Astronauts.
)nlil believed he alone bossed the entire )arth o"eration%
AnAu and the astronauts must obey, not challenge him.
)nki, ho$ever, "ersuaded )nlil to e/"lain the gold mining,
refining and trans"ort system to AnAu.
@ur father, Ging Anu, said )nki, says to convince AnAu to kee" his men on the job.
2o )nlil admitted AnAu to his chambers.
+ut $hen )nlil undressed and set do$n the key to his control room, AnAu "urloined the key.
AnAu sli""ed into the control room
and stole the com"uter crystals that ran the s"ace"ort and the astronaut cities in -eso"otamia.
AnAu forced )a's "ilot Abgal to take him to the s"ace"ort,"ak.
There, AnAu's men declared him Ging of )arth and -ars.
AnAu shut do$n vital services at headquarters 4Nibru-ki5
and cut communication bet$een )arth and Nibiru.
Ninurta 4)nlil and Ninmah's son5 shot AnAu do$n in an s"ectacular air battle.
Ninurta then freed Abgal, ca"tured AnAu and retrieved the crystals.
The 2even Bho Fudge--)aC)nki, 3amkinaCNinki, -ardukC?a, NannarC2in,
)nlilCPa$heh, NinmahCNinharsag and Ninurta--ordered AnAu e/ecuted "$ith a killing ray."
[2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age DD#
2itchin, in 0enesis ?evisited ["ages !H -;# $rote that Nannar, )nlil's *egal =eir
4)nlil's first son by 2udCNinti, his legal s"ouse5 directed AnAu's revolt.
Nannar, $ith his AnAu as his agent,
intended the revolt as a challenge to his half-brother Ninurta 4)nlil's &irstborn5
for 7ommand of )arth. )nlil therefore e/iled Nannar from 6r.
Nonetheless, after )nlil's son Ninurta defeated the >gigi and e/ecuted their leader, AnAu,
all the Nibiran leaders--including Nannar,
--"ledged to honor Ninurta as )nlil's successor on )arth.
+efore, Ninurta $as )nlil's successor only on Nibiru%
)nlil's successor on )arth had been Nannar, )nlil's son $ith 2ud.
[2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages D8 - !9#.
Ninurta, no$ )nlil's "&oremost Barrior,"
enforced )nlil's rule over the entire system of gold e/traction,
"rocessing, and trans"ortation to Nibiru.
To make sure Ninurta's obeyed, )nlil gave him the >+ missile,
"a $ea"on $ith fifty killing heads." [2itchin, DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age !9#
-arduk, ho$ever, sym"athiAed $ith the >gigi com"laint that made them revoltMno ?Q?
facilities on )arth, infrequent rotations back to Nibiru, little eli/ir.
-arduk, )nlil ordered, to -ars take AnAu and there bury him that the >gigi see it is > alone
they must obey or die as did AnAu.
>m"rove conditions and boost morale there but let them see the $ages of rebellion.
)nlil and Ninurta thus defeated the Astronauts, asserted their authority $ithin the )nlil lineage
and could no$, $ith unmatched fire"o$er from the multi-headed missles, intimidate the
Nibirans $orking the goldmines )nki $as su""osed to be su"ervising in Africa.
:!!,!!! years ago, )arth's climate $armed dramatically.
>n Africa, )nki left goldmines to &oreman )nnugi.
)nki $ent North, to $hat's no$ 1imbab$e.
There, )nki and his son NingshiAidda set u" a lab to study some of the s"ecies evolved on
)arth in the four billion or so years since the $aters of )arth and Nibiru mi/ed..
=omo)rectus "articularly fascinated )nki and NingiAidda.
)nki believed =omo)rectus $ould, in a fe$ million years,
evolve into =omo 2a"iens 2a"iens, the s"ecies of the Nibirans.
=omo)rectus a"emen's intelligence and their com"assion for other animals dre$ )nki's
interest. The a"emen freed animals from )nki's tra"s.
+ack at the African goldmining center, miners com"lained that )nnugi $orked them too hard.
)nnugi radioed )nki, but )nki sym"athiAed $ith the miners.
)nki secretly coached the miners to tra" 7ommander )nlil and mani"ulate him to acce"t a
"lan he 4)nki5 had for the a"emen.
The miners follo$ed )nki's "lan.
&irst, they drastically reduced their shi"ments of gold to Ninurta in +adtibira.
)nlil sent Ninurta to investigate and )nki returned to the mines.
At the mines, Ninurta and )nnugi heard miner-com"laints.
The miners "$ere backbiting and lamenting, in the e/cavations they $ere grumbling.
'6nbearable is the toil."
[The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9<#
>nvite )nlil to the mines, )nki suggested to Ninurta,
*et the 7ommander see ho$ miners suffer.
Bhen )nlil and his EiAier, Nusku, arrived,
"'*et us unnerve )nlil'...mine- $orking heroes shouted.
'@f the heavy $ork let him relieve us.
*et us "roclaim $ar, $ith hostilities let us gain relief.'
To their tools they set fire, fire to their a/es they "ut."
They held -ine +oss )nnugi hostage and, $ith tools as torches,
surrounded the house )nlil occu"ied.
)nlil beamed Ging Anu to shuttle to )arth and e/ecute the miners' leaders and their instigator
4im"lying )nki5. Anu arrived in Africa and conducted an inquiry.
+ut no miner revealed leaders or instigator.
The Ging also sym"athiAed $ith the miners.
Ninurta $anted better equi"ment for ne$ miners from Nibiru.
+ut )nki had another solution.
)nki told NingishAidda, "*et us create a *ulu, a "rimitive $orker, the hardshi" to take over,
let the +eing the toil of the Anunnaki [astronaut-"ioneers # carry on his back....
The +eing that $e need, it already e/ists.
All that $e have to do is "ut on it the mark of our essence [ie, our genes#,
thereby a *ulu, a .rimitive Borker shall be created("
[The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9< -9H#
)nki sho$ed the a"emen to )nlil and Ninurta, "NingishAiddha, my son, their fashioning
essence [3NA structure# has tested% akin to ours it is, like t$o ser"ents it is ent$ined.
Bhen $ith our life essence shall be combined, our mark u"on them shall be, a .rimitive
Borker shall be created. @ur commands $ill he understand.
@ur tools he $ill handle, the toil in the e/cavations he shall "erform, to the Anunnaki in the
AbuAu [Africa# relief shall come."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :!#
ENKI SPEAKS (Part . o1 6) 2 NI+IRAN ASTRONATS +RE' S% <//%/// 9EARS
A5O% TO S$A8E Sasha
$essin% Ph&'& PART . o1 6
sashalessin(h)* aol&com
base) on ,echaria Sitchin-s .//. e(ic
The $ost +oo0o1 En0i2 3emoirs an) Pro(hecies o1 an E4traterrestrial5o)
)nlil objected to )nki's "lan. 3on't create a NibiranCA"eman slave class here on )arth, )nlil
reminded )nki, "@n our "lanet [Nibiru#, slavery has long ago been abolished, tools are slaves,
not other beings."[2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages :!#. Ninurta added
that to get gold better, )nki should make machines, not slaves.
)arthlings $e create, )nki re"ied, shall hel"ers, not slaves, be.
)nlil still "rotested, To clone hybrid beings is in The ?ules @f .lanet Fourneys forbidden.
)nki res"onded, a ne$ s"ecies create $e shall not% the A"eman of )arth [=omo )rectus# is in
his fashoning essence [genoty"e# as $e of Nibiru [=omo 2a"iens, 2a"iens# are. @ur ancestor
the A"eman is% into us he evolves. 2"eed A"eman shall $e, s"eed him but some millions of
years to $hat has only al$ays been his destiny.
The brother rivals, )nki and )nlil, beamed their dis"ute to Ging Anu and the 7ouncil on
Nibiru. )ach brother had his say on $hether )nki's team should develo" hybrid $orkers. Ging
and the council ruled, "0old must be obtained. *et the +eing be fashioned(
The 7ouncil decided....&orsake The ?ules of .lanetary Fourneys, let Nibiru be aved."
[2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages :9#.
)nki, Ninmah and NingishAiddha- -The research team---created many combinations of
a"eman and other creatures 4de"icted by our ancients as hybrids such as centaurs5 in their lab
in Africa. [2itchin, 1., DD!, 0enesis ?evisited, ;< -;8#
)nki and NingishAidda co"ulated $ith a"e$omen. Bhen no "regnancies follo$ed, )nki and
NingishAidda collected their o$n seed and used it to fertiliAe a"e$oman ova and create
Aygotes in test tubes. They surgically im"lanted the Aygotes in a"e$omen.
+ut the hybrid babies born of the a"e$omen lacked vision, hand de/terity or internal
functioning. Ninmah overcame some of the deficiencies $hen she added co""er and clay of
)arth to the vessels for the ne/t Aygote. +ut this Aygote develo"ed into a hybrid )arthling $ho
lacked s"eech ca"acity. [2itchin, 1.,0enesis ?evisited, "age :89#.
)nki im"lanted a test-tube-gro$n Aygote formed from his s"erm and an a"e$oman ovum in
Ninmah's $omb, rather than the $omb of an a"e$oman, to see if the baby Ninmah bore could
s"eak. ">n the clay vessel the admi/ture they made, the oval of an )arth female $ith Anunnaki
male essence they "ut together. The fertiliAed egg into the $omb of Ninmah by )nki $as
inserted. There $as conce"tion.
"To a male child Ninmah birth $as giving. )nki the boy child held in his hands, the image of
"erfection $as he. =e sla""ed the ne$born on his hind"arts% the ne$born uttered "ro"er
sounds." =e could s"eak. "=e handed the ne$born to Ninmah. '-y hands have made it('
victoriously she shouted." [2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages :I - :D#.
[@ur ancestors $ere, by )nki's account, the result of both evolution 4)rectus had evolved in a
million years from Australo"ithecinae5 and creation by )nki, Ninmah and NingishAidda.
)volutionists and 7reationists are both--"artially- -correct. #
The baby, Adamu [@ne Bho's *ike )arth's 7lay# had smooth, dark red blood-colored skin and
black-hair. =is "enis differed from that of a Nibiran baby. "They looked at its malehood% odd
$as its sha"e, by a skin $as its fore"art surrounded, unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it $as.
'*et the )arthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished. ' 2o $as )nki saying."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki "age :D#
@nce she had Adamu, the "rototy"e for the "rimitive $orker, Ninmah sent for seven $omen
from her -edical 7or"s in 2hurubak to be $omb-mothers to Adamu's clones. "'=is essence
alone as a mold shall be(,' so $as )nki saying." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki,
"age <# Ninmah assembled her volunteers, "re"ared the Aygotes. 2he and her volunteers
"ledged unity $ith the )arthlings they'd create.
">n seven vessels of the clay of AbAu [Africa# made, Ninmah ovals of the t$o-legged females
"laced." The fertiliAed ova, the Aygotes, had been fertiliAed 4$ith s"erm from her brother )nki
and his son NingishAidda5 in the clay jars.
"The life essences of Adamu she e/tracted bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted. Then in the
male"art of Adamu an incision she made, a dro" of blood to let out. '*et this a 2ign of *ife be%
that &lesh and 2oul have combined let it forever "roclaim.' 2he squeeAed the male"art for
blood, one dro" in each vessel to the admi/ture she added. '>n this clay's admi/ture, )arthling
$ith Anunnaki shall be bound. To a unity shall the t$o essences, one of =eaven, one of )arth,
together be brought.' >n the $ombs of the birth-giving heroines the fertiliAed ovals $ere
inserted." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age <#
The birth heroines delivered, by caesarian, seven male hybrids, seven little clones of Adamu.
NingishAidda ne/t created a female Aygote to clone. =e "lanted this Aygote in Ninki, )nki's
s"ouse. The hybrid Ninki bore and Ninmah delivered by caesarian, $as Ti-Amat [-other of
*ife#, a sandy-blonde. NingishiAidda cloned Ti-Amat's essence into seven test-tube Aygotes.
=e "lanted them in the same -ed 7or"$omen $ho'd borne the hybrid males.
All of the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, again delivered by caesarian.
NingishiAidda told the surrogates he needed their $ombs again. +ut Ninmah objected. &or my
heroines too burdensome is baring more )arthlings. Too fe$ are the heroines to bare numbers
enough to $ork mines.
)nki brought Adamu and Ti-Amat to )din, his "lace at the head of the .ersian 0ulf. =e left
the seven female and the eight male hybrids cloned from Adamu and Ti-Amat together in an
enclosure at his African lab. The hybrids co"ulated frequently, but the females didn't
Astronauts $ho $orked the mines and shuttled gold threatened mutiny if )nki and
NingishAiddha didn't deliver $orkers to relieve them. At the -ed 7enter in 2hurubak,
NingishAidda com"ared Nibiran genes and genes from Adamu and Ti-Amat. 2o NigishAidda
searched for the genes that allo$ed re"roduction.
Bhen he com"ared genes of breeding Nibirans and the genes of Adamu and Ti-Amat,
NingishAiddha found the loci on the Nibiran genoty"e that allo$ed re"roduction. Nibiran
females had a recessive RP chromomsomal allele in their genoty"e $hereas Ti-Amat had
only RR.
NingishAidda then anesthetiAed )nki, Ninmah and Ti-Amat. "&rom the rib of )nki the life
essence he e/tracted% into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted. &rom the rib of
Ninmah the life essence he e/tracted% into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted. =e
"roudly declared, 'To their Tree of *ife t$o branches have been added, $ith "rocreating
"o$ers their life essences are no$ ent$ined.' "
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age <I#
)nki, Ninmah and NingishAiddha ke"t their alteration of Ti-Amat secret. Ti-Amat and Adamu
$andered in )nki's orchard in the )din, the mouth of the .ersian 0ulf, $hileTi-Amat' s
"regnancy "rogressed. 2he made leaf-a"rons for herself and Adamu.
)nlil noticed Ti-Amat and Adamu $ore a"rons. =e demanded )nki e/"lain. )nki confessed.
)nlil raged, "The last bit of our life essence to these creatures you have given, to be like us in
"rocreation kno$ing, "erchance our [millions of years# life cycles on them to besto$."
"-y lord )nlil," NingishAiddha $as saying, "kno$ing for "rocreation they $ere given, the
branch of *ong *iving, to their essence tree $as not."
"Then let them be $here they are needed," )nlil $ith anger said. "To the AbAu [Africa# a$ay
from the )din, let them be e/"elled." [2itchin, o". cit. "age <D#
2itchin $rites that )nki's genetic team s"ed hominid evolution that $ould have occurred
any$ay. "-odern man $ould have undoubtedly evolved on )arth just as he had done on
Nibiru, both having come from the same 'seed of life.' " )nki and com"any hastened
our evolution by one to forty million years. [0enesis ?evisited, "ages ;8 -;;#
To reiterate )nki's narrative so far, 2"urred by mutiny of Nibirans toiling in the goldmines of
1imbab$e, Nibiru's Ging Anu and his 7ouncil allo$ed )nki, Ninmah and NingishAidda to
graft Nibiran genes $ith =omo )rectus and clone )arthling $orkers to re"lace Nibiran
After several unsuccessful attem"ts to create )arthling $orkers, the team im"lanted a Aygote
4female )rectus ovum fertiliAed in a test tube by male Nibiran s"erm5 in Ninmah's $omb.
2he delivered the child, named it Adamu. To du"licate Adamu, Ninmah im"lanted test-tube
hybrid Aygotes from )rectus eggs fertiliAed by Nibiran s"erm in the $ombs of seven female
astronauts from her -edical 7or"s. All the resultant seven hybrids $ere male.
NingishAidda then created a Aygote to develo" into a female hybrid. =e im"lanted this Aygote
into )nki's s"ouse. Ninki carried the fetus, $ho emerged as Ti-Amat, a sandy-blonde female.
NingishiAAida cloned Ti-Amat's essence into test-tube Aygotes and im"lanted them in the same
seven -ed 7or"s $omen $ho bore the hybrid males. All of the surrogate mothers carried
female hybrids, again delivered by caesarian. The seven female and the eight male hybrid
clones $ere "ut together in cages in the African lab. The clones co"ulated frequently, but the
females did not conceive.
NingishAidda discovered the genes in the Nibiran genoty"e that allo$ re"roduction. "&rom the
rib of )nki the life essence he e/tracted% into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted.
&rom the rib of Ninmah the life essence he e/tracted% into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence
he inserted."[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age <I#
)nki, Ninmah and NingishAiddha concealed the fact that they'd genetically changed Ti-Amat
so she could re"roduce. )nki brought Ti-Amat and Adamu to his "lace at the head of the
.ersian 0ulf. Ti-Amat and Adamu $andered in )nki's orchard at the head of the .ersian 0ulf
$hile Ti-Amat's fetus, the first bred from hybrids, gre$ inside her.
)nlil discovered Ti-Amat's "regnancy. =e raged, realiAing the hybid's could henceforth breed
among themselves. )nki's team had e/ceeded its mandate to make $orkers. =e, )nlil,
7ommander of the -ission, did not authoriAe )nki's team to create a ne$ s"ecies.
)nlil rebuked NingishAiddha. +ut NingishAiddha said he'd $ithheld the Nibiran longevity
gene from the hybrids. )nlil a""ealed to the 7ouncil on Nibiru, but the Nibiran 7ouncil,
des"erate for the ne$ "rimitive $orkers to mine )arth's gold to save Nibiru's
atmos"here, ratified breeding hybrids. )nlil angrily e/"elled Ti-Amat, Adamu and the seven
hybrid males back to 1imbab$e to breed as miners.
Be resume )nki's narrative, >n 1imaba$e, )nki settled Adamu and Ti-Amat in a forest
enclosure. There Ti-Amat bore the t$ins she'd conceived $ith Adamu.
2he bore other children $ho interbred and multi"lied till they took over the $ork in the
goldmines. >n a fe$ thousand years, "The )arthlings $ere "roliferating. ...To be
$ith the Anunnaki [Nibiran astronauts# they $ere eager, for food rations they toiled $ell. @f
heat and dust they did not com"lain, of backbreaking they did not grumble. @f hardshi"s of
$ork the Anunnaki $ere relieved. The vital gold to Nibiru $as coming, Nibiru's atmos"here
$as slo$ly healing." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 8#
Nibiru, recall, revolves around the 2un every :,;!! years in a long elli"tical clock$ise orbit.
Bhen closest to the 2un 4"erigee5, Nibiru $as close enough to )arth for her rockets to easily
visit )arth. +ut also at "erigee, Nibiru 's netforce sometimes disturbed the "lanets of the inner
solar system.
@ne of Nibiru's orbital nearings to the 2un disturbed the atmos"here, volcanoes and
earthquakes on )arth and -ars. Ging Anu visited )arth from Nibiru and ins"ected damage.
The Ging decided to end transshi"ment of gold from -ars. =is decision favored the )nlil
lineage--sons of )nlil and their children--over the )nki lineage. Anu sus"ected )nki of
abetting revolts by Alalu's kinsman AnAu and the Astronaut 7or"s and also instigating the
miners' revolt in Africa. Bhen Anu ended gold transfer on -ars he de"rived -arduk, )nki's
eldest son and heir, of his "o$er base on -ars.
Ging Anu further favored )nlil's lineage% he a$arded rule of ne$ s"ace"ort 4from $hich the
gold $as to be directly rocketed to Nibiru5 at 2i""ar to )nlil's son's son 6tu 4the first )arth-
born Nibiran5.
)nki sym"athiAed $ith his son -ardu and "ledged that -arduk $ould one day rule )arth.
Anu ruled )arthlings multi"lying in AbAu [Africa# must assist e/cavation, trans"ort, refining
gold till after several shars [:,;!! year revolutions of Nibiru around 2olaris# sufficient $ill be
the shield of )arth's gold "o$der to save Nibiru.
Then home shall the heroes [astronauts# from )arth return.
+ut after forty orbit nearings [<<,!!! years, forty "erigees# of the home"lanet, most of the
Nibirans in -eso"otamia- -but not their boss, )nlil--$anted )arthlings to $ork for them too.
)nlil's eldest son Ninurta and fifty of his men raided Africa and caught hybrid )arthlings to
$ork orchards and cities back in -eso"otamia. )nlil let his clansmen kee" and breed the
ca"tured )arthling slaves for no$, since all Nibirans $ould, he believed, soon leave )arth
The hybrids in the )din "roliferated and, in addition to slaving for the Nibirans, foraged all
over -eso"otamia. The naked )arthlings cavorted, co"ulated and bred every$here. As their
numbers gre$, they e/hausted their o$n food su""ly and created food shortages for the
Nibirans as $ell.
)nlil, already angry at )nki for creating the fertile hybrids, demanded )nki do something to
solve the food crisis his genetic meddling "roduced.
>n res"onse, )nki said he'd introduce "lants and domestic animals for the )arthlings to tend.
+ut )nki ke"t to himself a "lan he'd concocted to u"grade hybrid intelligence $ith his o$n
=ybrid )arthling slaves descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat are A3A--ites 4note the "m"5M
Adamites. The Adamites "roliferated in )nki's Africa. As slave numbers gre$, Nibiran *ordsM
the Anunnaki-- re-introduced Adamite slaves to -eso"otamia, there to serve and "lant food.
@ne of Nibiru's a""roaches, ho$ever, created climate degeneration that decimated cro"s. The
Adamite )arthlings foraged $idely for food and thereby e/acerbated food shortages.
To alleviate the shortages, )nki "lanned, in a most delightful $ay, to u"level the hybrids'
intelligence. Bith enhanced intelligence, )arthlings could tend "lants and domestic animals.
>n his African reserve, ")nki in the marshlands looked about.
Bith him $as only >smud, his viAier, $ho secrets ke"t.
"@n the river's bank, frolicking Adamite )arthlings he noticed% t$o females among them $ere
$ild $ith beauty, firm $ere their breasts. Their sight the "hallus of )nki caused to $ater, a
burning desire he had. "A young one to him )nki called, a tree fruit she offered him. )nki
bent do$n, the young one he embraced, on her li"s he kissed her.
2$eet $ere her li"s, firm $ith ri"eness $ere her breasts. >nto her $omb she took the holy
semen, by the semen of the )nki she $as im"regnated. " )nki then made love $ith the second
young hybrid [2itchin, 1., 9!!9 The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages ;H -;I# .
@ne of the Adamite girls bore a boy, Ada"a% the other, a girl--Titi. )nki hid his "aternity of
Ada"a and Titi. )nki's $ife, 3amkina 4Ninki5 "to Titi took a liking% all manner of crafts $as
she teaching.
"To Ada"a, )nki himself teachings gave, ho$ to kee" records he $as him instructing. " )nki
boasted, "A 7iviliAed man > have brought forth. A ne$ kind of )arthling from my seed has
been created, in my image and after my likeness. &rom seed they from food $ill gro$, from
e$es shee" they $ill she"herd. Anunnaki and )arthlings henceforth shall be satiated."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9 The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages ;I-H!# .
Ada"a and Titi, )nki's son and daughter, mated. Titi bore t$ins, Ga-in and Abael, the first
A3A.ite humans [note the . in Ada.ite% contrast it $ith the - in Ada-ite#, humans $ith far
moreMdue to )nki's genetic infusion--Nibiran genes relative to )rectus genes than their
mothers, the already hybrid A3A-ite girls )nki im"regnated.
)nki raised Ada"a% he educated him as the son he $as 4albeit clandestine5 . )nki taught Ada"a
to manage and teach )arthlings to manage "lantations, herds and estates. Then )nki brought
more )arthlings from Africa to -eso"otamia and had Ada"a train them to serve the Nibiran
Ada"a, "a busybody, in charge of the services for $hich the "rimitive $orkers $ere brought
over to the )din," su"ervised the bakers, assured $ater su""lies, oversa$ the fishing for )ridu
[)nki's estate on the .ersian 0ulf# and tended offerings"
[2itchin, 1., DD8, 3ivine )ncounters, "age 8#.
Ada"a begged )nki to give him the substances of Nibiru to allo$ him, like the Nibirans, to
live for hundreds of thousands of years.
)nki used a machine [a device similar to the 6.2.'s =AA?. and the 622?'s laser batteries# to
halt the $ind that blo$s u" the 0ulf from the 2outh so Ada"a could, on a south-sailing vessel,
voyage secretly do$n the .ersian 0ulf.
Tales of Ada"a's brilliance had already reached Ging Anu on Nibiru. Bhen Anu heard that
)nki mani"ulated 0ulf $eather to send Ada"a on his mysterious voyage, the Ging sent his
viAier >labrat to )arth to get Ada"a from )nki and then to fetch Ada"a to Nibiru.
)nki yielded Ada"a to >labrat. )nki also sent his t$o unmarried )arth-born sons,
NingishAidda and 3umuAi, $ith Ada"a to Nibiru to meet their grandfather, Ging Anu, and
"erha"s find Nibiran brides. @n Nibiru, Anu questioned Ada"a about the seacraft he'd used
and the mission he'd been on $hen )nki halted the 0ulf $ind for him back on )arth.
NingishAidda, $ho'd taken 3NA sam"les from Ada"a and therefore kne$ Ada"a $as also a
son of )nki, sli""ed 0randfather Anu a sealed tablet from )nki. @n the tablet, )nki confessed
fathering Ada"a and Titi $ith )arthling hybrids descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat.
)nki asked Anu to send Ada"a back to )arth to generate more hybrids, to father more
Ada"ites--7iviliAed =umans.
)nki's tablet asked Anu to deny Ada"a food or eli/irMthe +read of *ife and the Bater of *ifeM
that $ould make Ada"a and his "rogeny immortal. The Ging realiAed that the )arthlings
descended from both Adam and Ada"a $ere his descendants as $ell. Anu's 3NA,
donated by )nki and NingishAidda and mi/ed $ith 3NA of =omo )rectus had unla$fully
created a ne$ civiliAed s"ecies. )nki $anted Anu to deny the ne$ s"ecies immortality so
they'd stay long quarantined on )arth.
Ging Anu gave NingishAidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Ada"a back to )arth.
The Ging told NingishAidda to tudor Ada"a, to $ork $ith )nki for the )arthlings' $elfare and
develo"ment. Pou and )nki, NingishAidda, shall the teachers of 7iviliAed -an be.
The Ging ordered 3umuAi to stay on Nibiru and learn animal husbandry till Nibiru ne/t
a""roached )arth 4in one shar--:,;!! years5. Bhen Nibiru neared the >nner 2olar 2ystem
again, 3umuAi $ould return to )arth $ith female goats and shee" for his ne"he$
Abael to raise. 3umuAi $ould bring as $ell a s"erm bank for goats and shee" to )arth.
[2itchin, 1., DD8, 3ivine )ncounters, "ages <D - ;8% 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki,H: -H<#
ENKI SPEAKS (Part < o1 6) Ancient Astronauts From The Planet Nibiru
Engineer s Earthlings to Sla!e
b# Sasha $essin% Ph& '& sashalessin(h)* aol&com
+ase) on ,echaria Sitchin-s .//. e(ic
The $ost +oo0 o1 En0i2 3emoirs an) Pro(hecies o1 an E4traterrestrial 5o)
NingishAidda rocketed back to )arth $ith Ada"a and grain seeds. NingishAidda' s job, "re"are
Abael--one of Ada"a's t$insMto $ork $ith 3umuAi $hen, in :,;!! )arth years 4ne/t time
Nibiru a""roached )arth5, 3umuAi $ould return from Nibiru to )arth.
Bhen 3umuAi returned to )arth, ho$ever, NingishAidda' s elder brother, -arduk, )nki's
eldest son, took charge of Abael and the animal husbandry "roject. Bhether 3umuAi or
-arduk su"ervised Abael, the )nki lineage ran livestock for -ission )arth.
To balance )nkiite control of livestock, )nlil insisted that his o$n eldest son and &oremost
Barrior, Ninurta, tutor Ga-in in farming. Agriculture on )arth, augmented by the grain seeds
NingishAidda brought from Nibiru, $as to be a "roject of the )nlil lineage.
At a "7elebration for &irsts," Ga-in, guided by Ninurta, "resented his first grain. Abael,
guided by -arduk, "resented his first lambs to )nlil and to )nki.
Though )nki $as both maternal and "aternal grandfather of t$ins Ga-in and Abael, he "raised
Abael's lambs for the meat and $ool they'd give. +ut )nki said nothing of Ga-in's offering of
grain, for Ga-in had been co-o"ted by Ninurta.
Ga-in sulked. "+y the lack of )nki's blessing greatly $as he aggrieved"
The t$ins quarreled for an entire $inter about $hose contributionM Ga-in's grains and fish-
abundant irrigation canals or Abael's meat and $ool--contributed most.
"Bhen summer began, it $as not raining, the meado$s $ere dry, the "astures d$indled. >nto
the fields of his brother Abael his flocks drove, from the furro$s and canals to drink $ater. +y
this Ga-in $as angered."
The t$ins fought $ith fists till Ga-in bludgeoned Abael $ith a stone, then sat and sobbed.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age I:- I<#.
)nki brought his grandson Ga-in to )ridu to be judged by The 2even Bho Fudge. The 2even
$ere Ninmah 4sister of both )nlil and )nki5, )nlil, Ninki, Ninurta and Nannar from )nlil's
*ineage, and )nki, Ninti and -arduk from )nki's lineage.
-arduk, Abael's mentor, demanded the Fudges order Ga-in--"rotege of his rival Ninurta--
e/ecuted. +ut )nki revealed to -arduk that he, )nki, $as Ga-in's grandfather, so Ga-in $as
-arduk's grandne"he$.
)nki told -arduk that Ga-in's survival $as critical to generate genetically su"erior Ada"ite
)arthling laborers for field, "asture and mines ">f Ga-in too shall be e/tinguished, satiation [of
food su""lies# to an end $ould come, mutinies $ill be re"eated."
The 2even ruled ")ast$ard to a land of $andering for his evil deed Ga-in must de"art.
)ast$ard to a land of $andering for his evil deed Ga-in must de"art." Thus, "Ga-in and "his
generations shall be distinguished.
+y NingishAidda $as the life essence [genoty"e# of Ga-in altered, his face a beard could not
gro$." This genetic mani"ulation marked the lineage ancestral to some Asians and the >ndians
of the Bestern =emis"here.
"Bith his sister A$an as a s"ouse Ga-in from the )din de"arted." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost
+ook of )nki, "ages I; - IH#. They $andered in the $ilderness to the east.
Ging Anu had, at )nki's request, denied Ada"a the genetic and herbal modifications that
$ould give him the same immortality as the full-blooded Nibirans. No$ Ada"a, though long-
lived by )arthlings' life e/"ectancies, $as dying.
Ninurta, in his rocketshi", fetched Ada"a's son Ga-in to )din. The face of Ga-in $as
beardless" Ada"a told Ga-in, "&or your sin of your birthright you are de"rived, but of your
seed seven nations $ill come. >n a realm set a"art they shall thrive, distant lands they shall
inhabit. +ut having your brother $ith a stone killed, by a stone $ill be your end."
Ninurta returned Ga-in to the $ilds east of )din $here "in a distant realm Ga-in had sons and
daughters" Ninurta, "for them a city built, and as he $as building, by a falling stone $as he
[Ga-in# killed." 2itchin [DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en "age 9# suggests this might have
been a murder rather than accident.
Ga-in's survivors "lanted grain. They founded and ruled the city of Nud [also called 3un,
3unnu and Nu.dun#. Ga-in's successors for the ne/t four generations $ere murdered by their
sons. &or the ne/t three generations after that, each ruler of Nud ascended to rule after
marrying his sister and murdering his "arents.
Ga-in's son's son's son 4great grandson5, )noch, $ho succeeded Ga-in in the fourth generation
of Ga-in's descendents, married t$o of his o$n sisters, Adah and 1illah. @ne of Adah's sons,
Fabal, and his follo$ers lived in tents and raised cattle. Fabal's brother Fubal, begat a line of
musicans $ho "layed lyre and flute music.
*amech's other $ife, 1illah, bore Tubal-7ain, $ho $as a smith, "an artificer of gold, co""er
and iron." [2itchin, 1., II8, The Bars of 0ods and -en "ages -9% 9!!9,The *ost +ook
of )nki,, "ages I-D:#.
Ada"a left behind the descendants of thirty sons and thirty daughters he and Titi begat. The
Nibiran colonists divided these genetic descendants of )nki among themselves as "roteges
and taught them $riting, mathematics, $ell-digging, body oil "re"aration, har" and flute
mastery and the "re"aration of eli/ir of the >nbu fruits. These educated hybrids identified $ith
their res"ective Nibiran teachers.
Nibirans taught Ada"a's descendants to use bitumens for furnaces for gold smelting and
refining. )nlil's son, Nannar, taught the Ada"ite =ybrids ceremonies to $orshi" their Nibiran
lords. "@f the rites of $orshi" of the Anunnaki [Those $ho from 2ky 3escended, i.e.,
Nibirans# that the beginning $as."
)nki taught astronomy to one of his hybrid descendants, )nkime. )nki's son -arduk rocketed
)nkime to the -oon and -arsbase, then sent him to the s"ace"ort at 2i""ar to be .rince of
)arthlings under Nannar's son, 6tuC2hamash, 2i""ar's chief..
*u--ach, a descendant of )nkime, $as a""ointed $orkmaster of the )arthlings in )din, "the
quotas to enforce, the rations to reduce." +ut "in his days conditions on )arth became harsher%
the toilers in field and meado$ raised com"laints" [2itchin, 1., II8, The Bars of 0ods and
-en "ages -9% 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki,, "ages II-D:#.
7limatic, magnetic and astronomical disru"tions damaged -arsbase, $here Asronauts refined
and transshi""ed )arth's gold to Nibiru. The Anunnaki leaders on )arth--)nki, Ninmah and
)nlil--met to deal $ith the crisis.
&ace-to-face, they sa$ each other's $rinkling visages. The three half-siblings, children of Anu
each, $orried at $hat they sa$. They'd aged drastically. 2aid )nki, "@ld on )arth $e became,
but those on )arth born are even older sooner."
To deal $ith the crisis caused by the astronomical disru"tions, the siblings sent Ninurta, )nlil
and Ninmah's son "to the *and +eyond the 2eas [The Andes -ountains of 2outh America# in
the mountainland a +ond =eaven-)arth [transmission to$er# to establish." They sent
Ninurta's rival, )nki's son -arduk, to evaluate damage at -arsbase.
)nlil, )nki and Ninmah ordered )nki's son Nergal, *ord of 2outh Africa an his $ife,
)reshikigal 4)nlil's granddaughter5 to run instruments at Africa's south ti" [7a"e Agulhas# to
monitor the s"ace and )arth disturbances. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, D8#
-arduk told his "arents he $anted to marry an )arthling, 2ar"anit, daughter of -arduk's
)arthling "rotOgO, )nkime 4a descendant of )nki's "art-)arthling son, Ada"a5.
-arduk's mother, Ninki 43amkina5, $arned -arduk that if he married 2ar"anit "to Nibiru
$ith his s"ouse he $ould never go. =is "rincely rights on Nibiru he forever $ill forsake. To
this -arduk $ith a bitter laugh res"onded, -y rights on Nibiru are none/istent.
)ven on )arth my rights as firstborn have been tram"led" [by )nlil and his heir, Ninurta,
$ho'd "reem"ted )arth commands#.
Though tram"led on )arth, -arduk vo$ed, he $ould rise and become master. =e'd marry
2ar"anit, and by the marriage, bind the )arthlings to himself. =e could use the )arthlings as
$ea"ons, $ea"ons for -arduk to claim mastery, first of )arth, then to his birthright on
)nlil beamed Ging Anu on Nibiru. =e asked the Ging to sto" -arduk and 2ar"anit from
marrying. +ut Anu and his counselors ruled, "@n Nibiru Ada"a, the maiden's "rogenitor,
could not stay.
Therefore to return to Nibiru $ith her, -arduk must forever be be barred. -arduk marry can,
but on Nibiru a "rince he shall no more be."
)nlil let -arduk and 2ar"anit announce their $edding at )ridu, )nki's "lace on the .ersian
0ulf. =o$ever, )nlil also ordered that -arduk and 2ar"anit, after their $edding, banished to
)gy"t 4$hich $ould henceforth be -arduk's o$n domain5, $ithin )nki's s"here of influence
4AbAuCAfrica5 .
"A great multitude of 7iviliAed [Ada"ite# )arthlings in )ridu assembled,.. ..
Poung Anunnaki [Nibiran 7olonists and their "ure "rogeny#, >gigi from *ahmu [-ars# in
great numbers came" [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, DI - DD#. The astronauts
"lanned to use -arduk's $edding to assemble, ca"ture brides of their o$n and seiAe "o$er.
9!! >gigi-- astronauts-- occu"ied the *anding .latform in *ebanon 4the 7edar -ountains5,
then fle$ to )din and mi/ed $ith the cro$d of Ada"a's descendants and Nibiran colonists at
the $edding of -arduk and 2ar"anit.
After the ceremony, each astronaut seiAed one Ada"ite )arthling maiden. They took the 9!!
$omen back to *ebanon and "into a stronghold the "lace they made, to the leaders a
challenge they issued...'The Ada"ite daughters to marry $e $ish. Pour blessing to this you
must give, else by fire all on )arth destroy $e $ill.' "
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!#
-arduk, commander of the >gigi, challenged )nlil verbally. Bhat )nlil called abductions of
the =ybrid females $ere, in -arduk's o"inion, marriages. )nlil fumed.
">n his heart things against -arduk and his )arthlings $as )nlil "lotting."
-arduk settled some of the >gigi and their half-Nibiran, half--Ada"ite issue 4"7hildren of the
?ocketshi"s they $ere called"5 in +abylon% he and 2ar"anit stayed $ith others in *ebanon.
+y !!,!!! years ago, some of these "7hildren of the ?ocketshi"s, " allied $ith -arduk
settled in "the far eastlands, lands of high mountains." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of
)nki, 9!9% DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, :<;#
)nlil ordered Ninurta to block the s"read of -arduk's )arthlings. "'The )arth by )arthlings
inherited $ill be,' )nlil to Ninurta said. '0o, the offs"ring of Ga-in find, $ith them a domain
of your o$n "re"are.'"To counter -arduk's )arthlings, Ninurta sho$ed the beardless
descendants of Ga-in ho$ to build balsam rafts to cross sea to 2outh America.
At *ake Titicaca, he sho$ed them tin and gold mining, smelting and refining.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!:#
+y !!,!!! years ago, some of these "7hildren of the ?ocketshi"s" settled in "the far
eastlands, lands of high mountains."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!9% DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, :<;#
To counter -arduk's threat, Ninurta recruited the descendents of Ga-in. =e sho$ed them ho$
to build balsam rafts. They crossed the seas, settled the Andes highlands, and, at *ake
Titicaca, Ninurta taught them tin and gold mining, smelting and refining.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!:#
2o -arduk and Ninurta, "atrilateral "arallel cousins 4father's brother's sons5, cultivated clients
from among the Ada"ites--the =ybrid )arthlings descended from Ada"a. The cousins, each
the a""arent ne/t leader of the )nkiite and )nlilite lineages 4res"ectively5 , recruited these
clients to rule large numbers of )arthlings $ho could su""ly armies and e/ert force against
the follo$ers of each others' lineages. Thus began training of our Ada"ite ancestors for $ars,
$ars that continue to this day.
As his son recruited among the descendants of Ga-in, )nlil "lanned to let climate changes kill
all the =ybrids in the lo$lands.
+# Sasha $essin% Ph&'& PART ? o1 6 sashalessin(h)* aol&com
+ase) on ,echaria Sitchin-s .//. e(ic
The $ost +oo0o1 En0i2 3emoirs an) Pro(hecies o1 an E4traterrestrial 5o)
)nki lusted for +atanash, $ife of his son Ada"a's descendant, *u--ach, Borkmaster of
)arthlings in )din.
)nki rescued *u--ach and sent him to learn city-building from -arduk in +abylon. )nki sent
*u--ach's $ife +atanash--ostensibl y for her "rotection from )din's $orkers as $ell-- to
sister Ninmah at the -edicalC2cience com"le/ of 2hurubak,"from the angry )arthling masses
"rotected and safe to be. Thereafter )nki his sister Ninmah in 2hurubak $as quick to visit.
"@n the roof of a d$elling $here +atanash $as bathing )nki by her loins took hold, he kissed
her, his semen into her $omb he "oured." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!< #
&rom this encounter, she bore 1iusudra 4Noah5.
Bhen *u--ach returned to )din, "to him +atanash the son sho$ed. Bhite as the sno$ his
skin $as.... *ike the skies $ere his eyes, in a brilliance his eyes $ere shining." *u--ach
com"lained, "A son unlike an )arthling to +atanash $as born.... >s one of the >gigi
[astronauts# his fatherK"
+atanash s$ore "None of the >gigi is the boy's father." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of
)nki, 9!< # *u--ach's father -atushal assured him 1iusudra $as destined to hel" )arhlings
survive the >ce Age )arth $as entering.
Ninmah loved and cared for 1iusudra% )nki taught him to read Ada"a's $riting.
3rought, "lague and starvation stalked the )arthlings [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of
)nki,9!< -9!8#. )nki and Ninmah "ro"osed teaching )arthlings medicine for "lague, sea-
fishing as $ell as "ond- and canal-building for drought and famine. +ut )nlil 4Pah$eh5 still
seethed at )nki for creating the )arthling hybrids.
)nlil also raged at )nki's son -arduk, -arduk, $ho aggressively recruited follo$ers from the
hybrid line descended from the daughters of Ada"a. >gigi astronauts had abducted the hybids
at -arduk's $edding to the )arthling 2ar"anit. The "ure Nibiran genes the astronauts added to
the most-Nibiran- like genomes of Ada"a's daughters made their "rogeny among the
healthiest, strongest, smartest and longest-lived of the )arthling hybrids, hence "otentially
-arduk's best follo$ers.
-arduk conditioned this hybrid "o"ulation to serve him for the time $hen he and the
astronauts $ho had taken hybrid $omen must remain on )arth, the time $hen enough gold
had been sent to Nibiru to shield the home"lanet's atmos"here and the other Nibirans $ould
return home.
)nlil, to th$art -arduk, forbade any Anunnaki hel" )arthlings. "*et the )arthlings by hunger
and "estilence "erish," decreed )nlil. =e forbade )nki from giving the des"erate )arthlings
access to ocean fishing.
)arthlings at 2hurubak $here 1iusudra lived under )nki's and Ninmah's tutilage, sent
1iusudra to )nki at )din for hel". )nki suggested the )arthlings "rotest )nlil's anti-)arthling
"olicy and boycott $orshi" of and service to their Nibiran lords. =e said, ho$ever, he couldn't
o"enly ignore )nlil's order and hel" the )arthlings.
7overtly, )nki fed )arthlings from his corn stores. =e trained them in sea fishing and gave
them access to the sea. Bhen )nlil accused )nki of defying his decree that humans be
allo$ed to "erish, )nki lied. =e said the humans acted $ithout his kno$ledge.
&rustrated, )nlil "lanned for the final destruction of )arthlings and the end to Nibiran
occu"ation of )arth [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!;% DHI,0enesis ?evisited,
"ages 9D9 - 9D<#.
@n )arth, )nki's son Nergal re"orted from the south ti" of Africa that ne/t time Nibiru nears
the 2un, the Antarctic >cesheet $ill slide into the sea and launch $aves that $ill engulf most
of )arth.
)ach :,;!! year return of Nibiru to the >nner 2olar 2ystem created more violent disturbances
on Nibiru, on the sun 4huge solar flares5 on -ars 4*ahmu5 and on )arth.
@n )arth, )nki's son Nergal re"orted from the south ti" of Africa that ne/t time Nibiru nears
the 2un, the Antarctic >cesheet $ill slide into the sea and launch $aves that $ill engulf most
of )arth.
Ging Anu and the 7ounsel on Nibiru beamed )arth, "'&or evacuating )arth and *ahmu
"re"are.' >n the AbAu [1imbab$e# the gold mines shut do$n% therefrom the Anunnaki
[colonists on )arth from Nibiru# to the )din came% ... smelting and refining ceased, all gold
to Nibiru $as lofted. )m"ty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of celestial chariots [inter"lanetary
s"aceshi"s# to )arth returned."
@ne s"aceshi" brought the mysterious $hite-haired 0alAu 40reat Gno$er5 $ith a sealed
message from Anu to )nki, )nlil and Ninmah.
")nlil the seal of Anu e/amined% unbroken and authentic it $as, its encoding trust$orthy. '&or
Ging and 7ouncil 0alAu s"eaks. his $ords are my commands.' 2o did the message of Anu
state. '> am 0alAu, )missary .leni"oteniary of Ging and 7ouncil, to )nlil,'" said
the mysterious visitor. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!I#.
.leni"oteniary 0alAu summonsed )nlil's elder sister and brother, Ninmah and )nki. 0alAu
told Ninmah, "'@f the same school and age $e are.' This Ninmah could not recall, the
emissary $as as young as a son, she $as as his olden mother." 0alAu told Ninmah she'd aged
and he hadn't because she'd been so long on )arth. 2he and her brothers had been on )arth so
long that they'd die if they returned to Nibiru, $here their bodies could not survive the
home"lanet's netforce.
"The three of you on )arth $ill remain% only to die to Nibiru you $ill return." Ninmah and her
brothers must orbit )arth in their rockets $hen the antarctic icesheet sli""ed into the ocean
and $aves $ashed over the "lanet. Bhen the $aters calmed, the *eaders $ere to
return to )arth, the only "lace they could survive.
Ging Anu's order continued, "To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice to leave or the calamity
out$ait must be given. The >gigi [astronauts# $ho )arthlings es"oused must bet$een
de"arture and s"ouses choose. No )arthling, -arduk's 2ar"anit included, to Nibiru to journey
is allo$ed. &or all $ho stay and $hat ha""ens see, in celestial chariots they safety must seek."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!D - 9#.
)nlil convened the Anunnaki 7ouncil, $hich consisted of the *eaders' sons and grandchildren
and the >gigi commanders. =e said he decided the )arthlings must dro$n in the deluge.
)nki "rotested, "'A $onderous +eing by us $as created, by us saved it must be,' )nki to )nlil
)nlil roared back,"'To .rimitive Borkers you gave to them kno$ing you endo$ed.
The "o$ers of the 7reator of All into your hands you have taken. Bith fornication Ada"a you
conceived, understanding to his line you gave. =is offs"ring to the heavens you have taken,
our $isdom $ith them you shared. )very rule you have broken, decisions and commands you
ignored. +ecause of you a 7iviliAed )arthling brother [Abael# a brother [Ga-in# murdered.
+ecause of -arduk your son the >gigi like him $ith )arthlings intermarried. '"
)nlil demanded )nki and all Nibirans on )arth s$ear not to tell the )arthlings of the
im"ending inundation. )nki refused to sign% he and -arduk stam"ed out of the 7ouncil. +ut
)nki hestated to o"enly defy )nlil, $ho, after all, had dra$n command of )arth
-ission [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 99 -9<#.
)nlil brought the 7ouncil back to order. Astronauts $ith Ada"ite $ives and children, he
decreed, must move to the "eaks above $ave level. Bhen the deluge engulfs )arth,
re"atriating colonists must rocket to Nibiru. )nki, Ninmah, and >--as $ell as our sons,
daughters and their descendants- -$ill orbit )arth till the )arthlings dro$n and the $aters
recede. -arduk $as to shelter on -arsbase% )nlil's son Nannar $ould $ait out )arth's flood
on the moon. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9:!#.
)nki and Ninmah buried their records and com"uter "rograms dee" in the >raqi soil. They
"re"ared genetic banks of )arth's creatures to save from coming flood. "-ale and female
essences and life-eggs they collected, of each kind t$o by t$o ... they collected for
safekee"ing $hile in )arth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to recombine. The
day of the deluge they $aited." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9;#.
)nki dreamed 0alAu s"oke "'>nto your hands &ate take, for the )arthlings the )arth inherit.
2ummon your son 1iusudra, $ithout breaking the oath [s$earing not to tell humans# to him
the coming calamity reveal. A boat that the $atery avalanche can $ithstand, a submersible
one, to build him tell, the likes of $hich on this tablet to you > am sho$ing. *et him in it save
himself and his kinfolk and the seed of all that is useful, be it "lant or animal, also take.
That is the $ill of the 7reator of All.'"
)nki $oke and "ondered his dream. =e ste""ed out of bed and kicked an actual tablet-- $here
none had been before he sle"t--ne/t to his bed. =e searched his home and grounds for 0alAu
but 0alAu $as not there, nor had anyone seen him, e/ce"t )nki, in the dream. The a""earance
of the tablet--a "hysical object--follo$ing a dream or trance encounter $ith a re"resentative of
a higher "o$er--0alAu in this instance-- is $hat 2itchin calls a T$ightlight 1one miracle.
"That night to the reed hut $here 1iusudra $as slee"ing )nki stealthily $ent. The oath not
breaking, the lord )nki not to 1iusudra but to the hut's $all [com"uter bankK# s"oke from
behind the reed Bhen 1iusudra by the $ords $as a$akened, to him )nki said, N?eed hut,
a calamitous storm $ill s$ee", the destruction of -ankind it $ill be.
This is the decision of the assembly by )nlil convened.N" 4@n a tracing from a cylinder seal in
The *ost +ook, 0alAu tells )nki--de"icted $ith his snake icon--to $arn 1iasudra 4touching
the "$all"--"robably a com"uter bank, de"icted $ith Rs across the screens and slots for
"rograms5 of the &lood. 0alAu guides )nki's arm to convey tablet 4"ossibly a com"uter or
holo disk. The disk is sho$n leaving )nki's hand en route to 1iasudra's com"uter5
[2ee htt",CCenkis"eaks. comC)ssaysC 990alAu=el"s)nki 2ave)arthlings. htm for
dra$ing from 2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age D<, but inter"retation mine.#
)nki continued, " 'Abandon thy house, 1iusudra and build a boat. >ts design and
measurements on a tablet....A boatguide [)nki's son, Ninagal# to you $ill come. To a safe
haven the boatguide $ill navigate you. +y you shall the seed of 7iviliAed -an survive. Not to
you 1iusudra, have > s"oken, but to the reed $all did > s"eak.'"
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 99! -999#
:,!!! years ago, "in the Bhiteland, at the )arth's bottom, off its foundation, the [Antarctic#
icesheet sli""ed. +y Nibiru's netforce it $as "ulled into the south sea.
A tidal $ave arose, north$ard s"reading.
"The boat of 1iusudra the tidal $ave from its moorings lifted. Though com"letely submerged,
not a dro" of $ater into it did enter. &or forty days, $aves and storms s$e"t )arth, do$ning
everything on the "lanet e/ce"t those on mountainto"s and in 1iusudra's boat"
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 99H#.
2urfacing, Ninagal raised sail and steered to -t Arrata, $here 1iusudra built a huge fire as a
signal and roasted lamb as an offering to )nki. )nki and )nlil descended in helico"ters
4Bhirl$inds5 from their rocketshi"s.
"Bhen )nlil the survivors sa$, Ningal among them, "N)very )arthling had to "erish', he $ith
fury shouted'% at )nki $ith anger he lunged, to kill his brother $ith bare hands he $as ready."
Ningal radioed Ninmah and Ninurta to bring their co"ters do$n quick.
"N=e is no mere mortal, my son he is,' )nki to 1iusudra "ointing. NTo a reed $all > s"oke, not
)nki, joined by Ninmah and Ninurta, revealed his dream vision. =e told )nlil of the
instructions and tablet 0alAu gave him.
Together, )nki, Ninurta and Nimah convinced )nlil "The survival of mankind the $ill of the
7reator of All must be."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, abridged from "ages 99I - 99D#.
The flood $aters from the 3eluge, :,!!! years ago, receded% they left the u"lands intact. The
$aters had totally carried a$ay the Nibiran settlements and buried -eso"otamia and African
goldmines under silt and mud. "All that the Anunnaki had built in the "ast <:9,!!! years $as
$i"ed off the face of the )arth or buried under miles thick layers of mud. [2itchin, 1., 0enesis
?evisited, " 8<# @f the Anunnaki settlements, only the raised stone *anding .lace at +aalbek,
*ebanon, $as intact% their s"ace"ort at 2i""ar $as totally gone.
ENKI SPEAKS (Part @ /1 6)2 NI+IRAN ASTRONATS +RE' S% <//%/// 9EARS
A5O% TO S$A8E b# Sasha $essin% Ph&'& sashalessin(h)* aol&com
+ase) on ,echaria Sitchin-s .//. e(ic
The $ost +oo0o1 En0i2 3emoirs an) Pro(hecies o1 an E4traterrestrial 5o)
)nlil summonsed to the *anding .lace the Nibirans $ho survived the flood on the )arth's
"eaks and the astronauts in s"acecraft orbiting the "lanet. =e also called in his son Nannar
from his refuge on the -oon and called in )nki's son -arduk from his refuge on -ars.
-arduk re"orted, "*ahmu [-ars# by the "assage of Nibiru $as devastated. >ts atmos"here
$as sucked out, its $aters eva"orated, a "lace of dust storms it is."
Nannar re"orted the moon $as noe only usable $ith )agle -asks [helmets#.
)nki o"ened the vault under the *ebanon *anding .latform. =e unlocked diorite chests and
recovered the grainseeds Nibiru'd sent )arth.
7ommander )nlil had Ninurta create an irrigation system for -eso"otamia. )athlings $ould
build the system to $ater the grain. )arthlings $ould gro$ $heat for bread. The 7ommander
ordered 1iasudra's son direct the $orkers for Ninurta. +efore they "lanted, moreover, )nki
enhanced the grain. =e doubled, tri"led and then quadru"led its chromosomes.
[2itchin, 1., DI8 The Bars of 0ods Q -en, "age9<#.
)nlil sent his youngest son, Adad, to survey fruit trees that survived the flood. As he surveyed,
Adad found the gra"es, gra"es Ninmah'd brought from Nibiru. )arthlings could again make
$ine, both $hite and red.
)nki's son Ninagal, $ho'd "iloted 1iusudra's submersible, revealed the genetic starts )nki and
Ninmah had sto$ed aboard. Ninagal said, "The life essences and life eggs, in the four-legged
animals from 1iusudra's boat can be combined. 2hee" for $ool and meat $ill multi"ly, cattle
for milk and hides $ill all have." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 99D - 9:<#
)nki bade his son 3umuAi 4hel"ed by 1iusudra's middle son5 she"herd the livestock.
)nki and Ninagal engineered a system of dams and sluices to regulate the Nile to create a
"astureland for 3umuAi's herds.
)nlil chose the 2audi Arabian .eninsula for a ne$ inter"lanetary freighter rocket terminal site
to ferry the gold to the home"lanet.
The "assage of Nibiru through the >nner 2olar system not only damaged )arth and -ars% it
also ri""ed a$ay the shield of gold dust around the "lanet Nibiru, gold the astronauts had
struggled for millennia to shi" to the mother "lanet. Nibiru's atmos"here again d$indled. The
mother "lanet des"erately needed )arth's gold. +ut mud covered the African mines. The
hundreds of Nibiran miners had re"atriated to Nibiru. The thousands of =ybrid )arthling
miners had dro$ned. The gold refinery at +ad-Tibira had $ashed a$ay.
Baters had s$e"t a$ay the rocket terminal at 2i""ar in -eso"otamia.
Ninurta came to the rescue.
Ninurta "ros"ected huge gold finds of "ure gold, needing no refining, in .eru. =igh in the
Andes, he also found beardless descendants of Ga-in $ho'd survived the flood on rafts and
no$ lived on an island in *ake Titicaca. 2outh America had the gold Nibiru needed as $ell as
"otential miners.
&rom the Andes 4southeast modern *a .aA and east of *ake .oo"o in alluvium of rivers
running into the east coast of *ake Titicaca5 also Ninurta could obtain co""er and "ure,
unsmelted tin 4rather than have to mine cassiterite and smelt the tin from it $ith
7@9 and limestone5 to combine $ith si/ "arts co""er and cast into bronAe.
=ard bronAe had been needed to face the tem"les of brick in -eso"otamia. >t had taken H,!!!
years after the 3eluge for the human survivors, directed by Ninurta, to resettle -eso"otamia,
but the mud of the deluge had buried all the stone and minerals there, so brick $as the only
local building material. =ard bronAe tools $ere needed to face the brick. *ocal and )uro"ean
tin and cassiterite sources $ere inadequate to su""ly needs of the burgeoning civiliAation and
the "ure tin located by Ninurta, then develo"ed by his half-brother Adad 4also kno$n as
CTeshub, >shkur, =adad, ?imac, 1abar 3ibba and Eiracocha5.
[2itchin, 1., DD!, The *ost ?ealms, "ages 99I- 999.#
T6E NE: SPA7EPORT (APlace o1 the 7elestial 7hariotsA) IN SINAI
)nki's son NingiAidda 4$ith "o$er tools better than those $e use to cut and move rock5 built
t$o "yramids in )gy"t. &irst he built a model "yramid. Then he built the 0reat .yramid. =e
"ut the 0reat .yramid at the 2outh end of a straight line through the *anding .latform in
*ebanon 4+aalbek5 to -t. Ararrat 4)astern Turkey5 in the North. NingishAidda installed
Nibirans' master com"uter "rograms and astronavigational equi"ment in the 0reat .yramid
)nki got )nlil to order a monument, the 2"hin/, to NingishAidda for the "yramids, "*et us
beside the t$in "eaks a monument create, the Age of the *ion to announce. The image of
NingishAidda, the "eaks' designer, let its face be. *et it "recisely to$ard the .lace of 7elestial
7hariots gaAe." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9:I#
)nlil chose his son 6tu to run the actual 2inai 2"ace"ort on the :!th .arallel. This line, the
:!th "arallel, se"arated the realms of *ineage )nlil 4North of the .arallel5 and the realms of
*ineage )nki 42outh of the :!th5.
>n the 0reat .yramid, )nki's son 0ibil installed "ulsating crystals and a ca"stone of electrum,
to reflect a beam for incoming s"acecraft. The beam from the ca"stone marked the $estern
edge of the run$ay line from Ararat to Tilmun on the 2inai . -t. Gatherine, at the southern ti"
of the 2inai, marked the eastern edge of the rocket run$ay corridor. -ission 7ontrol "erched
on -ount -oriah 4the future Ferusalem5, off-limits to )arthlings.
-arduk, disinherited as future king of Nibiru $hen he married an )arthling, lost command of
-arsbase $hen, 8!! years before, Nibiru sucked off the -artian atmos"here. =e "rotested the
glory )nlil gave NingishAidda. -arduk resented the authority )nlil gave 6tu. "-arduk
to his father )nki $ords of aggrievement said, NTo dominate the $hole )arth to me did you
"romise. No$ command and glory to others are granted, $ithout task or dominion > am
left'"[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9:I#.
)nki's other sons as $ell as )nki's 7ham"ion Ninurta and Ninerta's brothers in the )nlil
*ineage also demanded "lands for themselves and devoted )arthlings."
Ninmah, ever the "eace-maker, "ro"osed all these ?oyals be given lands and )arthling
follo$ers. )nlil follo$ed her "ro"osal. =e a$arded Ninmah the entire 2inai% she $as his
sister--a daughter of Nibiru's Ging Anu--as $ell as the mother of )nlil's son and heir
Ninurta. Ninmah also e/ercised influence in )nki's lineage through her daughters $ith )nki.
2o $hen )nlil gave 2inai--Tilmun 4*and of -issiles5 it $as called--he created neutral ground
bet$een his o$n lineage and )nki's.
7ommander )nlil allotted lands east of 2inai to his lineal descendants, su""orted by
1iusudra's sons 2hem and Fa"heth and their descendants. The 7ommander a$arded Africa to
)nki and his lineage, su""orted by 1iasudra's son =am and his descendants. )nki in turn
a""ointed -arduk ruler of )gy"t, $ith )arthling su""orters too.
Ninurta built Ninmah a "alace on -t -oriah. )nlil and )nki installed Ninmah in the "alace,
a$arding her the title "Ninharsag, -istress of the -ountainhead. "
Nibiran $hirlbirds began lofting .eru's gold nuggets to the 2inai for trans"ort to Niburu to
resume shielding the home "lanet's atmos"here $ith gold dust.
&or :!! years, "eace "revailed on )arth.
)nki moved to )le"hantine 4Abu5 >sland near As$an 42yene5. &rom Abu, he su"ervised
$orkers building dams, dykes and tunnels to control the Nile's flo$ to the -editerranean.
D,HI! years ago, )nki, no$ called .tah, gave son -arduk, no$ called ?a, rule of )gy"t and
the $orkers there. [2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age :I% 2ee The *ost
+ook of )nki "ages 9<9 - <I#
)arlier, during the 0reat 3eluge of :,!!! years ago, -arduk, his Ada"ite )arthling $ife,
2ar"anit, and their sons, Asar 4@siris5 and 2atu 42eth5 sheltered on -arsbase $ith the >gigi
7ommnader, 2hamgaA. -arduk's boys, Asar and 2atu, married 2hamgaA's girls, Asra
4>sis5J and Nebat 4Ne"hys5. 2hamgaA formed a close friendshi" $ith 2atu
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9 The *ost +ook of )nki "ages 9<: 9<<.#
Asar and Asra settled near -arduk in the northern lo$lands of *o$er )gy"t. 2atu and Nebat
settled in the mountains of southern 6""er )gy"t, near the villa of 2hamgaA and the *anding
.latform in *ebanon.2hamgaA and his daughter Nebat lobbied 2atu. They convinced 2atu that
he and the >gigi Astronauts had no chance of good land on )arth. Asar, 2hamgaA agrued,
living near -arduk, $ould succeed to rule of the fertile lo$er Nile area, leaving only 6""er
)gy"t to 2atu and his >gigi friends. 2atu, Nebat and 2hamgaA decided to assassinate Asar.
2hamgaA and 2atu invited Asar to an Astronaut and ?oyals banquet honoring Aso, )thio"ia's
visiting Sueen. 2hamgaA drugged Asar's $ine, and $hen Asar fell unconscious, sealed him in
a coffin and tossed the coffin into the sea.
Bord of Asar's murder reached Asta, 2ar"anit and -arduk. They retrieved Asar's coffin from
the sea. 2atu declared himself, as the sole surviving son of -arduk, to no$ be the ruler of
both 6""er and *o$er )gy"t. -arduk $anted to kill 2atu for killing his brother, but
)nki forbade this. >nstead, )nki had Asta e/tract semen from Asar's cor"se and im"regnate
herself $ith it.
Asta announced her "regnancy and dis"uted 2atu's claim to *o$er )gy"t. 2he $ent into
hiding and bore =oron 4=orus5. 2he raised =oron to fight 2atu and avenge Asar. 2hamgaA and
the Astronauts ignored Asta.
The >gigi Astronauts s"read their estates and their armies of )arthlings to$ard from *ebanon
all the $ay to the borders of Ninmah's neutral Ferusalem region. The >gigi advanced to$ard
the 2inai >nter"lanetary *anding 1one, The .lace of 7elestial 7hariots.
-ean$hile, in 6""er )gy"t, -arduk's brother 0ibil tutored =oron to manhood. 0ibil taught
=oron ho$ to "ilot aircraft, fashioned multi-headed missiles for him and taught him and his
)arthlings ho$ to smelt iron and make iron $ea"ons for his )arthling armyMall to ready
=oron to defeat 2atu. &ully armed, =oron's army marched on 2inai.
?ather than face =oron's better-$ea"oned army, 2atu challenged =oron to a one-to-one areal
As =oron fle$ his fighter to$ard 2atu, 2atu struck him $ith a "oisoned dart. NingishAidda
gave =oron antidote and a "blinding $ea"on." >n a far-ranging aerial battle, =oron hit 2atu
$ith the blinding $ea"on, then $ith a har"oon. +lind, 2atu crashed. The crash crushed his
=oron bound 2atu and dragged him before the 7ouncil. The 7ouncil let 2atu live out his life,
$ithout the life-e/tension treatment, among the Astronaut 7or"s.
3evelo"ments so far, The "rinci"als of )nki's lineage, in their com"etition among themselves,
transferred much advanced technology to their )arthling minions. -arduk, )nki's eldest son,
married to the Ada"ite )arthling 2ar"anit, forged an alliance $ith the Astronaut 7or"s 4>gigi5.
&ollo$ing -arduk's e/am"le, the >gigi took )arthling $omen and ca"tured the *anding .lace
in *ebanon, and in IDH! +.7., in the name of -arduk's son 2atu, $ere advancing on the
2"ace"ort in 2inai. 0ibil, another of )nki's sons, taught )arthlings commanded by -arduk's
grandson =oron to make iron $ea"ons.
)nlil and his sons--Ninurta, Nannar and Adad--sa$ the command of the gold mining
e/"edition and control of )arth 4$hich they felt should be theirs alone5 threatened by
)arthlings led by the descendants of )nki, "articularly -arduk, -arduk's sons and his
)nlil and sons feared )nkiites $ould control )arth's s"ace facilities. )nkiites $ould determine
ho$ much gold flo$ed from )arth to Nibiru. They'd rule )arth and Nibiru. )nlil and his
lineage couldn't even esca"e )arth $hen the mining there $as done if -arduk
and his allies controlled s"ace travel and communication $ith the home "lanet.
To counter this, )nlil sent Ninurta to secretly build a communications center ne/t to *ake
Titicaca. Ninurta built also a s"ace"ort on the "lains ne/t to the Andes. "&rom there" Ninurta
re"orted, "gold shi"ments to Nibiru can continue, from there in need $e too can ascend"
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, DH;, 0enesis ?evisited, "ages 9<I -9<D#
>nto the intense and building rivalry bet$een )nki's and )nlil's lineages, their darlings fall in
"After the 3eluge, on the *anding .latform [*ebanon#, 3umuAi and >nanna their eyes on each
other set. =esitant at first they $ere, he of )nki's lineage, she of )nlil an offs"ring [son's
)nkiite and )nlilite elders ho"ed they could heal the deadly rivalry bet$een their lineages if
3umuAi and >nanna $ed. "N.erchance the es"ousing "eace bet$een the linages truly $ill
bring(' )nlil to them all did say." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, ,98#
=ere's >nanna's +ackground, ?ulers of Nibiru and )arth "am"ered >nanna, $ho, as a child,
$as called >rnini. Gno$n in later years as >shtar, Ashtoreth, Annutitum, A"hrodite, Athena,
Eenus, )shdar, >nnin, Ninni, Gali and 2hakti, >nanna $as 7ommander )nlil's son's daughter--
a royal member of the )nlil *ineage.
">nanna by her "arents Nannar and Ningal $as beloved. )nlil [=er 0randfather# by her cradle
sat. +eautiful beyond describing she $as, in martial arts $ith Anunnaki heros [Nibirans on
)arth# she com"eted. A skyshi" of her o$n, to roam )arth's skies, to her the Anunnaki
"resented." [The *ost +ook of )nki, 2itchin, 9!!9,98!# >nanna and brother 6tu, t$ins of
Nannar 4)nlil's second son5, $ere both Nibirans born on )arth.
>nanna and her t$in $ere long-lived like home"lanet Nibirans. +ut the )arthborns matured
faster. "Bho on Nibiru in dia"ers $ould still be, on )arth became a child% Bho on Nibiru
began to cra$l, $hen on )arth born $as running around."
[2itchin 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "89#
3umuAi's +ackground, )nki's s"ouse, 3amkina, bore 3umuAi 4a fast-maturing )arthborn like
>nanna5 long after their sons NingishAidda and 0ibil. 3umuAi accom"anied NingishAidda and
their =ybrid half-brother, Ada"a, to Nibiru.
3umuAu brought shee" and goats to )arth from Nibiru. After the deluge receded, )nki "ut
3umuAi in charge of Africa's domestic herds and the humans tending them. 3umuAi became
)nki's favorite son.
-arduk, )nki's eldest, envied 3umuAi, felt jealous.
-arduk sent his sister 0eshtinanna to >nanna. "To her >nanna $hat $as in her heart revealed,
NA vision of a great nation > have.As a 0reat Anunnaki 3umuAi there $ill rise. =is queen-
s"ouse > shall be. To 3umuAi > $ill status give, the country > $ill rightly direct. >nanna's
visions of rulershi" and glory by 0eshtinanna to her brother -arduk $ere re"orted. +y
>nanna's ambitions -arduk $as greatly disturbed% to 0eshtinanna a secret "lan he said."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, ,98#
-arduk had 0eshtinanna seduce 3umuAi. 2he told 3umuAi, "+efore you your young $ife in
your embrace $ill slee", a legitimate heir, by a sister born, you must have" [ie, kee"
succession $ithin the )nki *ineage#." >nanna's son to succession shall not be entitled.
After she'd received his ejaculate, 0eshtinanna "anicked 3umuAi. 2he said, -arduk of ra"ing
me $ill accuse you, evil emissaries to arrest you he $ill send. To try you and disgrace you
he $ill order, the liaison $ith an )nlilite to disunite.
3umuAi, aghast, fled to hide behind a $aterfall but sli""ed into the ra"ids and dro$ned.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, 98:#.
3umuAi's brother Ninagal retrieved 3umuAi's body from *ake Eictoria. =e brought the body
to their brother Nergal and his $ife, )rishkigal 4>nanna's sister5 in 2outh Africa. >nanna fle$
to her sister's "lace.
)rishkigal believed >nanna "ursued levirate, $hereby a man im"regnates his dead brother's
$ife. >nanna thought she, as $ido$ of Nergal's brother 3umuAi, should rule in Africa. >f she
invoked her right to levirate, she'd get Nergal to begat a son $ith her. A son by levirate $ould
inherit 3umuAi's realms in northeast Africa. >nanna $ould usur" )rishkigal's and Nergal's
"o$er in Africa. "@f scheming an heir by Nirgal, 3umuAi's brother, >nanna $as accused"
[2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,988#.
Bhen >nanna arrived at )reshkigal's "lace, )rkishkigal barred her entry. >nanna forced her
$ay in, but )reshkigal disarmed >nanna and hung her on a stake to die.
And die >nanna did. +ut "from clay of the AbAu [Africa# )nki t$o emissaries [robotic
androids# fashioned, beings $ithout blood, by death rays unharmed, to lo$er AbAu he sent
them, >nanna to bring back. 6"on the cor"se the clay emissaries a .ulser and an )mitter
directed, then the Bater of *ife on her they s"rinkled, in her mouth, the .lant of *ife they
"laced. Then the dead >nanna arose" [2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,988#.
>nanna brought 3umuAi's body back to -eso"otamia and had 3umuAi mummified, to rise on
a "&inal 3ay" and rejoin her bodily. 2itchin identifies >nanna's mummification of 3umuAi as
both a $ay for her to deal $ith her grief at 3umuAi's death and also as "art of a move by the
Nibirans on )arth to "reserve the myth of their immortality. Nibirans at the time $ere actually
just very long-living, com"ared to )arthlings% one )arth year equals :, ;!! years on
the home"lanet, Nibiru [The 7osmic 7ode, "ages D!, D;#.
>nanna led the )nlilites to $ar against -arduk for instigating 3umuAi's death.
-arduk's brothers NingishAidda and Nergal refused to defend him. +ut -arduk's other
brothers, Ninigal and 0ibil, his father )nki and -arduk's grandson =oron joined -arduk and
his Astronaut 2ervice 4>gigi5 allies fighting the )nlilites.
>nanna blinded =oron's right eye in the fight. >nanna's brother 6tu held off the >gigi in 2inai.
>nanna and )nlil's sons, Ninurta and >shkurCAdad attacked -arduk from aircraft. -arduk
retreated into the beacon "yramid [0iAa#. @n foot, >nanna, >shkur and Ninurta cornered
-arduk in one of the "yramid's air-tight chambers. "*et the slo$ death, by alive being buried,
be -arduk's sentence( >nanna her consent gave. )ach one of them one stone for "lugging slid
do$n, -arduk as in a tomb to seal" [2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,988#.
)nki brought 2ar"anit, -arduk's =ybrid )arthling $ifeMtheir young son Nabu in hand, and
>nanna's father Nannar and her brother 6tu to "lead for -arduk's life. 2ar"anit "rostrated
herself before >nanna, begging her to s"are -arduk. "A""eased not $as >nanna. '&or
the death of my beloved 3umuAi, the >nstigator must die,' >nanna retorted.
Ninharsag brought her feuding brothers 7ommander )nlil and )nki into the confrontation
bet$een 2ar"anit and >nanna. Ninharsag told )nlil, )/ile -arduk, re"lace him $ith our son
Ninurta. Ninurta, not -arduk shall you succeed. )nlil and )nki acce"ted Ninharsag's
"ro"osal. [2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,98D#.
>n the "yramid, )nlilite 7ham"ion Ninurta and his men e/"lored the )nkiites'
astronavigational guidance systems and secret $ea"ons. The 7ham"ion thre$ a$ay
equi"ment $recked by the fighting. =e destroyed $ea"ons he couldn't use but salvaged the
inter"lanetary landing beacon. And he saved "the 0ug 2tone that directions determined."
[2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9;9.#
NingishAidda tunneled into -arduk's chamber. =e found -arduk unconscious but revived
him. )nlil e/iled -arduk, his $ife 2ar"anit and their son Nabu to "a "lace $here horned
beasts $ere hunted, a land uninhabited by the descendants of 1iasudra [)nki's hybrid son#."
All astronavigational communications and guidance $ould, )nlil ordered, stay in lands he and
his clansmen ruled. [2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9;!#. The >gigi [Astronauts# --
$ho'd sided $ith -arduk--must get out of the *anding .lace in *ebanon.
"To re"lace the inca"acitated beacon a mount near the .lace of the 7elestial 7hariots $as
choosen, $ithin its innards tha salvaged crystals $ere rearranged. 6"on its "eak the 0ug
2tone, the 2tone of 3irecting, $as installed---ount -ashu, -ount of the 2u"reme
7elestial +arque, the mount $as called." [2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9;:#.
)nlil, his lady and his sons--Ninurta, >shkur and Nannar--sat $ith Ninharsag and >nanna. )nlil
a$arded Ninurta, his 7ham"ion, active rule of )arth.
)nlil gave >shkur the *anding .lace and the lands to the North, 2outh and )ast of *ebanon--
the lands the rebellious astronauts and their hybrid children had occu"ied.
)nlil a$arded Nannar "The "eninsula $herein the .lace of the 7hariots [The rocket base at
2inai# $as, in Nannar's lands $as included, 6tu [Nannar's son# as commander of the .lace of
the Navel of the )arth $as confirmed." [2itchin, 1.,The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9;<#.
Bhen )nlil let )nki chose NingishAidda- -kno$n in )gy"t as Thoth--to re"lace -arduk as
*ord of Nile *ands. >nanna )ru"ted. =er +etrothed, 3umuAi, >nanna shouted, $as entitled to
the 6""er Nile to rule $ith her. As 3umuAi's Sueen to +e, she should be ruler of the Nile.
-arduk had caused 3umuAi's death and she should be 3umuAi's successor of 6""er Nile.
> led the $ar against -arduk and that too entitles me to my o$n domain, she declared.
The )nlilite leaders a""ealed to Ging Anu on Nibiru. Anu had not visited )arth for H,!!!
)arth Pears. They "leaded $ith him to visit )arth and deal $ith >nanna.
"=o$ >nanna's demands to satisfy the leaders contem"lated. ?egarding the )arth and its
resettling, $ords $ith Anu [on Nibiru# they e/changed. &rom the time of the 3eluge
[,!!!+7# almost t$o 2hars [H,9!! years# have "assed. The )arthlings have "roliferated,
from mountainlands to dried lo$lands they $ent. @f 7iviliAed -ankind by [)nki's son#
1iusudra there $ere descendants, $ith Anunnaki [Nibirans# seed they $ere intermi/ed.
@ffs"ring of the >gigi [Astronaut 7or"s# $ho intermarried roamed about. >n the distant lands
Ga-in's kinfolk survived.
"&e$ and lofty $ere the Anunnaki $ho from Nibiru had come, fe$ $ere their "erfect
descendants. =o$ over -ankind lofty to remain, ho$ to make the many the fe$ obey and
serve. About all that, about the future the leaders $ith Anu $ords e/changed. To come to
)arth Anu decided." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9;< -9;8#
>n the H!!! years since the 3eluge, The Anunnaki "ioneers had reclaimed -eso"otamia. They
rebuilt homes for )nki and )nlil on the silt that covered their "redeluvian abodes, )riki's
)ridu and )nlil's Nibru-ki. +ut for Ging Anu's visit to )arth, the Anunnaki built 6nug-ki, a
ne$ tem"le in )den, in an area 46ruk5 that $as not controlled by either )nki or )nlil.
About :I!! +.7., Anu and his $ife Antu landed at Tilmun. )nki, )nlil and Ninharsag--Anu' s
three children--greeted them. "At each other they looked, aging to e/amine, though greater in
2hars $ere the "arents, younger than the children they looked. The t$o sons [)nki and )nlil#
looked old and bearded% Ninharsag, once a beauty, $as bent and $rinkled."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9;I#.
En0i S(ea0s2 (Part 6 o1 6) NI+IRAN ASTRONATS +RE' S% <//%/// 9EARS
A5O% TO S$A8E b# Sasha $essin% Ph&'& sashalessin(h)* aol&com
base) on ,echaria Sitchin-s .//. e(ic
The $ost +oo0o1 En0i2 3emoirs an) Pro(hecies o1 an E4traterrestrial 5o)
)nki told Anu, )nlil and Ninharsag his dream of 0alAu, Anu's self-styled secret
.leni"otentiary. >n the dream, 0alAu sho$ed )nki a "lan for a submersible vessel for
1iasudra, his clan and the villagers $ho $ould hel" build it. )nki told his father and siblings
ho$, on $aking, he found the boat's "lans engraved on a stone tablet beside his bed. "+y that
$as Anu greatly "uAAled. "Never did > send a secret "leni"otentiary to )arth," said the Nibiran
)nki and )nlil e/claimed, "@n account of 0alAu 1iasudra and the seed of life $ere saved. @n
account of 0alAu on )arth $e remained."
"'The day you to Nibiru return, you shall die', so did 0alAu to us say. >ncredulous of that $as
Anu% the change in cycles [bet$een )arth and Nibiru# indeed havoc did cause, but $ith eli/irs
cured it $as."
" 'Bhose emissary, if not yours $as 0alAuK' )nki and )nlil in unison said. 'Bho the
)arthlings to save $anted, $ho on )arth made us stayK' &or the 7reator of All did 0alAu
a""ear." Ninharsag asserted that the creation of the )arthlings $as also destined by the
7reator of All.
Anu said, "Bhile fates $e decreed, the hand of destiny at every ste" directed. The $ill of the
7reator of All is, on )arth and for )arthlings, only emissaries are $e. The )arth to the
)arthlings belong, to "reserve and advance them $e $ere intended.
"Bhatever 3estiny for the )arth and )arthlings, let it so be. >f -an, not Anunnaki to inherit
the )arth is destined, let us destiny hel".
"0ive -ankind kno$ledge... secrets of heaven and )arth them teach. *a$s of justice and
righteousness teach them then de"art and *)AE)."
[2itchin, 1., The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9H, 9H8#.
@n his si/th day of this visit to )arth, Ging Anu summoned daughter Ninharsag and his sons,
)nlil and )nki to the "alace they'd built him at 6nug-ki. )nlil re"orted the rich gold discovery
in the Andes. =e related that since he, Anu, Ninharsag, and )nlil realiAed the 7reator of All
had, via 0alAu, ordained they "rotect and develo" the hybrid )arthlings they bred by gene
s"lice and se/ual congress, they decided,
"To create civiliAed regions the 0reat Anunnaki decide, therein kno$ledge -ankind to
"rovide, 7ities of -an to establish, therein sacred "recincts abodes for the Anunnaki create.
Gingshi" as on Nibiru on )arth establish, cro$n and sce"ter to a chosen man give, by him the
$ord of the Anunnaki to the "eo"le convey, $ork and de/terity to enforce% in the sacred
"recincts a "riesthood to establish, the Anunnaki as lofty lords to serve and $orshi". 2ecret
kno$ledge to be taught, civiliAation to -ankind convey.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9H - 9H9#
The Ging decreed four regions, three---eso"otamia, )gy"t and Africa, and >ndus Ealley--to
be ruled through )nki the sons of his son 1iasudra $ith the Ada"ite hybrid +atanash 4$ife of
his son Ada"a's descendant, *u--ach, Borkmaster of )arthlings in )din5.
?egion , )nlil's lineage's domain, )nlil and his lineage, decreed the Ging, rule -eso"otamia
through their designated kings, descendants of 1iasudra's sons, 2hem and Fa"het the &air.
1iasudra's eldest son, 2hem, and his descendents, ruled the nations from the highlands
running from the .ersian 0ulf to the -editerranean. Around :I!! +.7., 2hem's descendents
settled the e/-s"ace"ort area of >raq and the *anding .lace at *ebanon. 2hem's brother Fa"het
ruled for the )nlilites from the highlands of Asia -inor, the +lack and 7as"ian 2eas, as $ell
as the nearby coasts and islands, as they recovered from the flood.
?egion 9, )nki's lineage's domain, Ging Anu ordered )nki and his descendents rule )gy"t
and Africa though the descendants of 1iasudra's son =am the 3ark. =am's line ruled 7aanan,
7ush, -iAra'im, 7ush, Nubia, )thio"ia, )gy"t, and *ibya, beginning from the highlands and
s"reading to the reclaimed lo$lands..
?egion :, >nanna's domain, Anu "roclaimed >nanna $ould rule the >ndus Ealley 4to be settled
around 9I!! +.7.5 as a grain-source for the other regions
?egion <, Ninharsag's domain,Ninharsag $ould directly rule, The forth region, Tilmun
42inai5. This Ging announced this region reserved e/clusively for Nibirans and their
immediate descendents. [2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages 9D-:8% 9!!9,
The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9H - 9H9#
"Anu to his great-granddaughter >nanna took a liking% he dre$ her closely, he hugged and
kissed her." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9H:#
At Anu's tem"le at 6ruk 4)rech5, 2umer's sacred "recinct, Anu's $ife, Antu, gave >nanna
se/ual instruction, then ceremonially offered her to Anu. Antu and the Nibiran elite meditated
outside the love-chamber as Anu and >nanna conjugated. As the Ging and his ne$ consort
cou"led, his $ife and elite grou" shared ecstasy, e"i"hany and satori. "The se/ual e/"erience
$as a merging of energies $hich enhanced the creative "o$ers of both "arners and the
aggregate of their race." &erguson suggests much of the tantric kno$ledge of sacred cou"ling
to u"level individual and grou" consciousness $as concealed from the hybrids till >nanna
began sharing it $ith her human intimates.
[&erguson, E., ">nanna ?eturns," in @f =eaven and )arth, 1. 2itchin, )d., "age D9#
3elighted, Anu gave his great granddaughter the name >nanna, "Anu's +eloved%" 2he'd been
called >rnini before this. >nanna $as to be Anu's bedmate henceforth on his visits to )arth.
Anu gifted >nanna $ith the 6ruk tem"le and the skyshi" he $as using to survey )arth. >nanna
$as to administer the tem"le district in 6ruk through a "riestCking $ho $as her "aternal
ne"he$ 4the son of her brother 6teC2hamash by an )arthling female.5
[2itchin, 1., 3ivine )ncounters, "ages ;; -H;#
Nonetheless, >nanna raged $hile the -eso"otamian domains of her lineage 4the other
)nlilites5 $ere being built in the first region. "All the $hile the domain of her o$n she
demanded. The Third ?egion [>ndia# after the second one $ell come( her leaders thus
assured her." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9HD#
?ather than just $ait, >nanna resolved to e/"and her ceremonial center at 6ruk into a city, a
city dedicated to her, grand as the cities dedicated to the other )nlilite Astronauts. 2he noted
that )nki had given )nlil's heir, Ninurta, fifty -)s, including the "rograms for mathmatics,
beermaking, smithing, "ottery, $agon and $heelmaking and la$. To make 6ruk a city,
>nanna, too, needed -)s. 0reat-uncle )nki had the -)s.
0reat 6ncle )nki used to flirt $ith her $hen he came to his villa on the .ersian 0ulf. =e had
-)s for $ea"onry, statecraft, math, $riting, metallurgy, masonry, arts, courts. 6ncle )nki
could hel" her start a city and thrill her $ith advanced se/ual "ractices too.
>nanna visited )nki at AbAu, his "alace in southeast Africa. 2he got )nki drunk, seduced him
and had him hand her the -) chi"s she needed to create her city. 2he had her "ilot take the
-)s back to 6ruk before )nki ca"tured her. And ca"ture her he did% )nki held
>nanna in his -eso"otamian villa at )ridu and tried to get the -)s back.
>nanna's grandfather, )nlil, heard of her "light and fle$ to )ridu to confront )nki. "+y right
the -)s > have obtained, )nki himself "laced them in my hand "laced them( 2o did >nanna to
)nlil say% the truth )nki meekly admitted." [2itchin, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9,9I#.
)nlil ordered kingshi" of 2umer transferred to >nanna's city of 6ruk. >nanna used the -)s to
make 6ruk from a tem"le "recinct into a mighty city state, ruled by )nmerkar, the son of and
successor to her ne"he$.
Anu and Sueen Antu fle$ 4>n the skyshi" he $as leaving to >nanna5 $ith )nlil's sons Ninurta
and AdadC>shkurC Teshub 4kno$n in the Andes as Eiracocha5 to the Tiahuanancu tem"le,
observatory and metallurgy 4tin5 $orks Ninurta built at *ake Titicaca. They vie$ed the
s"ace"ort Ninurta built on the "lain belo$ Titicaca as an alternative to +aalbek $hen -arduk
and the >gigi took over in *ebanon. @n the run$ay of the ne$ facility, "Anu and Antu's
celestial chariot stood ready, $ith gold to the brim it $as loaded."
[2itchin, 1., DD!, The *ost ?ealms "age 988, The *ost +ook of )nki, 9!!9, "age 9H9 -9H8#
Anu summonsed his grandson, -arduk, $ho $as in e/ile in North America, to the ne$
2"ace"ort ato" the Andes. -arduk had once been heir to the throne of Nibiru itself. -arduk's
mother, 3amkina, daughter of Alalu, Anu's "redecessor, had married )nki and bore -arduk,
$ho $as su""osed to succeed Alalu. +ut Anu de"osed Alalau and -arduk married =ybrid
)arthling, 2ar"anit. &or his marriage and the subsequent seiAure of 9!! =ybrid $ives and the
s"ace"ort at +aalbek, *ebanon by the Astronaut cor"s, the Nibiran 7ouncil banned
-arduk from Nibiru and succession there.
Anu blamed himself for adding to -arduk's hurt "ride by favoring -arduk's younger brothers
3umuki and NingishAidda $hen he invited them, but not -arduk, to the home"lanet. Anu
$ondered if "by 3umuAi and NingishAidda to Nibiru inviting, -arduk's ire > myself
have caused. " [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9H9#
-arduk and his son Nabu came before Anu at the ne$ s"ace"ort. -arduk told the king that
2ar"anit had died. Anu "ardoned -arduk and commuted his e/ile. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The
*ost +ook of )nki, "age 9H9#
"Anu to his children $ords of guidance said, >f -ankind, not Anunnaki, to inherit the )arth is
destined, let us destiny hel". 0ive -ankind kno$ledge, u" to a measure secrets of heaven and
)arth them teach, la$s of justice and righteousness teach them, then de"art and leave."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9H8#
After Anu and Antu fle$ back to Nibiru, their rocket filled $ith gold, -arduk raged about the
ne$ 2outh American s"ace"ort and the a$ard of regions. =e blamed >nanna as a cause of the
death of his brother, 3umuAi, for $hich he, -arduk, had been blamed. No$, -arduk bitterly
noted, >nanna $as Anu's consort and Anu had a$arded her her o$n region in >ndia, as $ell as
6ruk. Antici"ating trouble from -arduk, )nlil ordered >shkur to stay and guard the stronauts'
2outh American facilities $hile the other Nibiran )arth -ission leaders returned to
-eso"otamia. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9H8 -9H;#
)nlil named the "resent era, his, "Age of the +ull," and set his sons to teach -eso"otamian
)arthlings they controlled to use bricks to build cities of mud about tem"les for the *eading
Astronauts-- the ?oyals--and their "ure Nibiran descendents. These ?oyals $ere given
numerical ranks% )arthlings must serve them in their res"ective "recincts. These Astronauts
$ere to hereafter by designated "gods". The to" gods, )nlil and his successor and son by
Ninharsag, Ninurta, $ere 8!s, to""ed only by Anu, $ho $as designated ;!. )nki $as <!,
)nlil's son Nannar $ith 2udCNinlil $as :!. Nannar's son 6tuC2hamash $as 9!, his sister
>nanna, 8.
The "gods" rebuilt the cities of )dinC-eso"otamia% in each city there they built a tem"le-
home for its "rinci"al god. Ninurta got *agash, $here he had a both a hangar for his aircraft,
armory for his missiles and a tem"le-home for himself and his $ife, +au. 6tu, from his rebuilt
city of 2i""ar, $as given the task of creating la$s for the humans. Nannar $as given the city
of 6rim. >shkurCAdad returned from the Andes to a tem"le in the mountains north of
-eso"otamia. -arduk and Nabu came to stay at )nki's "lace in )ridu.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9H; -9HI#
The Anunnaki lords created Ninurta's city, Gishi, the first city ruled by a Ada"ite king $hom
Ninurta a""ointed. Ninurta had journeyed to )ridu to get the com"uter "rograms 4-)s5 he
needed for a human city.
?emember that >nanna had, in reaction, traveled to )ridu on the .ersian 0ulf, seduced )nki
and got him, $hile he $as drunk, lusting and enchanted by her, to give her -)s $hich $ould
let her convert her -eso"otamian tem"le "recinct at 6ruk into a king-ruled city dedicated to
her. )nki had tried to get the -)s back, but )nlil had not only said >nanna could kee" them
for 6ruk, and that "Bhen ther time term of Gishi shall be com"leted, to 6ng-ki kingshi" shall
"ass." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9I#
-arduk felt he, not >nanna, should succeed Ninurta as the *ord $hom the ne/t line of )arth
kings should obey. -arduk raged $hen he heard that >nanna also no$ had "recedence over
him in -eso"otamia.
Bhen -arduk heard )nlil gave rule of 6ruk to his grandaughter >nanna, -aduk "a sacred city
of his o$n in the )din from )nlil he forth$ith demanded." +ut ")nlil to -arduk's a""eal "aid
no heed." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9I#
The )nlilites $ere firmly in control of most of -eso"otamia. >n :H;! +. 7., )nlil' s
grandaughter >nanna choose the first Ging, the *ugal. The *ugal re"resented the *ords to the
Ada"ites there. 9: successive *ugals ruled the Ada"ites. )nlilite-a""ointed lugals ruled the
*and +et$een the ?ivers for '9<, 8! years. They shifted their administrative centers from
Gush to >nanna's 6ruk, then to Akad--all areas ruled by the the Anunnaki 7ouncil.
+A+E$ 5OT T6E +A++$E
Pet, -arduk's allies, the Astronauts 4>gigi5 $ho'd abducted Ada"ite beauties at -arduk's
$edding, ruled great estates in *ebanon and 2umer. Their estates and the number of their
servants gre$ as the >gigi *ords continued infusing their genes $ith the genes of the servants.
Nabu, -arduk's son, summoned these >gigi communities.
-arduk taught the gathered hybrid )arthlings to make bricks for +abylon, $hich $as to be
his s"ace"ort. Bith his o$n s"ace"ort, -arduk could challenge the )nlilite s"ace"ort on the
2inai, the "ort 6tuC2hamash, )nlil's grandson, commanded.
)nlil asked -arduk to dro" the "roject "eacefully, but -arduk ke"t building the launch to$er
of +abylon [2itchin, 1., DD8, 3ivine )ncounters, "age ! - 8% 9!!9, The *ost +ook of
)nki, "ages 9I - 9I9#.
+y :<8! +.7., )nlil told his lineage lieutenants- -sons and grandchildren- -"-arduk an
un"ermitted 0ate$ay to =eaven is building, to )arthlings he is entrusting. >f $e allo$ this to
ha""en, no other matter of -ankind shall be unreached." "This evil "lan must be sto""ed, "
said )nlil's 7ham"ion, his eldest son, Ninurta.
The )nlilites staged a night airraid and destroyed the launch to$er and the )nkiite cam" at
-arduk fled to )nkiC.tah's region, the Nile.
The )nlilites scattered -arduk's 'servants" and "rogrammed them to different languages and
-arduk fled to )nki's region, the Nile.
N"Bhen -arduk [no$ called ?a#, after a long absence, to the *and of the T$o Narro$s
[)gy"t# returned, NingishAidda [called Thoth in )gy"t# as its master he there found. Bith the
aid of offs"ring of the Anunnaki [astronauts from Nibiru# $ho )arthlings es"osed did
NingishAidda the land oversee, $hat -arduk had once "lanned and instructed by
NingishAidda $as overturned." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9I<#.
&or the ne/t :8! years, the armies of brothers -ardukC?a and NigishAiddaC Thoth clashed
over )gy"t. &inally, )nki, their father, kno$n in )gy"t as .tah, ordered Thoth to *eave )gy"t
to ?a. Thoth moved on, he guided the building of the 2tonehenge around 9I!!+7
[2itchin, DD:, Bhen Time +egan, "age :!#.
Trium"hant, ?a reunited )gy"t. And he honored &ather .tah. .tah as )nki hadn't been able to
give -arduk rule of Nibiru, $hich $as once to have been his "atrimony. +ut .tah could at
last settle ?a do$n in )gy"t. .tah gave his son the -)s 4su"er com"uter "rograms5 to make
)gy"t "ros"er% he gave ?a all his kno$ledge e/ce"t ho$ to revive the dead.
?a re$rote )gy"tian history, relegating Thoth to "the 3ivine -easurer." ?a re"laced Thoth's
image on the "2tone *ion" 42"hin/5. The ne$ face of the 2"hin/ $as no$ Asar, -arduk's
)/iled, Thoth, after he'd finished $ith 2tonehenge, took a band of his follo$ers in ::+7 to
-esoamerica, $here Thoth, once NingishAidda, $as no$ SueAecoatl, the Binged 2er"ent.
[2itchin, 1., DD:, Bhen Time +egan, "age 9!!9% The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9I< - 9I8#.
>nanna, $ho had hithertofore been honored $ith her brother 6tu as one of the t$o namesakes
in the 7onstellation The T$ins, $as given, as recognition of her gro$ing "o$er, Ninmah's
"lace as the Anunnaki named in the 7onstellation The -aiden [Eirgo# .
">n the eastern lands, beyond even seven mountain ranges, $as the Third ?egion, 1amush,
*and of 2i/ty .recious 2tones, $as its highland called. Aratta [=ara""a# the Booded ?ealm,
$as in the valley of a meandering great river [>ndus# located. >n the great "lain did the "eo"le
cultivate cro"s of grains and horned cattle herd. There too t$o cities $ith mud bricks they
built, $ith granaries they $ere filled."[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9I; -
9IH#. >nanna a""ointed an Ada"ite =ybrid 2he"ard-7hief 4descended from her deceased
fiancO 3umuAi5 Ging of Aratta.
@rdered by )nlil, )nki created a ne$ language and scri"t for Aratta, >nanna's >ndus Ealley
7iviliAation. )nki refused, ho$ever, to give Aratta the com"uter "rograms 4-)s5 that $ould
let >ndus 7iviliAation function as a $orld "o$er. )nki said >nanna could share $ith Aratta the
-)s she'd already seduced out of him for 6ruk, her kingdom in 2umer.
>nanna shuttled in her skyshi" bet$een Aratta and 6ruk.
=er second ruler in 6ruk, )nmerkar 4a direct Ada"an =ybrid descendant of >nanna's t$in
brother, 6tu5 sent an emissary to the Arattan Ging. )nmerkar's emissary bore an inscribed
message to Aratta. >n the message, )nmerkar demanded Aratta s$ear feality to 6ruk. +ut the
Arattan Ging couldn't read the inscri"tion in 2umerian.
After ten years, )nmerkar asked his grandfather 6tu to have Nisaba, the Astronauts' scribe,
teach him Arattan scri"t. Bhen he'd learned it, )nmerkar sent his son, +anda, to Aratta $ith a
message in Arattan, "2ubmission or Bar( "
The Aratta Ging $rote in re"ly that he'd "refer trade--Aratta's "recious stones for the -)s of
6ruk, or if )nmerkar insisted on $ar, that the $ar be settled by a contest bet$een only one
Arattan and one 6rukan cham"ion.
"@n the $ay back, carrying the "eace message, +anda fell sick% his s"irit left him. =is
comrades raised his neck, $ithout the breath of life it $as. @n -ount =urmu, on the $ay
from Aratta, to his death $as +anda abandoned." 2o the "eace message never reached
)nmerkar, and ">n the Third ?egion, 7iviliAed -ankind did not fully blossom."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9IH-9ID#.
"Bhat to >nanna $as entrusted she neglected, other domains, not to her granted, in her heart
she coveted.... +y >nanna $as the bitter end started, -arduk as ?a $ith 3estiny tangled."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9D#.
>nanna no$ ruled t$o kingdoms, Aratta on the >ndus and 6ruk in 2umer. 2he ruled, but she
$as craAy. 2he hallucinated 3umuAi.
"Fourneying bet$een 6nug-ki and Aratta, >nanna restless and ungratified $as, for her 3umuAi
she still mourned, her love's desire unquenched remained. Bhen she fle$ about, in the
sunrays 3umuAi's image she sa$ shimmering and beckoning." >n her dreams and visions,
3umuAi told her he'd return and share $ith her the "*and of the T$o Narro$s."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9D#.
>n 6ruk, "A =ouse for Nighttime .leasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night
of their $eddings, $ith s$eet $ords she lured, *ong life, a blissful future to them she
"romised% that her lover 3umuAi $as she imagined. " +ut "each one in the morning in
her bed $as found dead."
Then 6tu, >nanna's father, revived +anda and +anda got back to 6ruk, >nanna hallucinated
that +anda $as 3umuAi. "A miracle( e/cited >nanna shouted. -y beloved 3umuAi to me
came back(
">n her abode +anda $as bathed.... "3umuAi, my beloved( she called him.
"To her bed, $ith flo$ers bedecked, she lured him.
"Bhen in the morning +anda $as alive, >nanna shouted, the "o$er of dying in my hands $as
"laced, immortality by me is granted. Then to call herself a goddess >nanna decided, the
.o$er of >mmortality it im"lied." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age 9D9#
+anda succeeded his father, )nmerkar, as Ging of 6ruk. +anda married Ninurta's daughter,
Ninsun, $ho bore 0ilgamesh. +anda,and later, his son 0ilgamesh, $ent to the rocket"ad at
+aalbek, *ebanon to "lead $ith the astronauts for immortality.
0ilgamesh and his guard-android, )nkidu, sought the launch"ad at +aalbek, *ebanon, ho"ing
to get trans"orted to Nibiru to gain the immortality his mother and the Anunnaki all
a""arently enjoyed. >n *ebanon, near >nanna's home, they found the tracks of the security
robot and follo$ed them to the launch"ad.
As 0ilgamesh and )nkidu $atched a rocket launch, >nanna $atched them from her
skychamber. 2he sa$ them break )nlil's security robot. "At the entrance to the 7edar &orest
its fire-belching monster their $ay blocked....To "ieces it they broke."
"Batching 0ilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself ... glorious >shtar [>nanna#
raised an eye at the beauty of 0ilgamesh. "7ome, 0ilgamesh, be thou my lover. 0rant me the
fruit of thy love("
+ut $hen he declined her offer, >nanna, enraged, demanded Anu release the gurard-bull at the
launch"ad. Anu com"lied. The bull charged 0ilgamesh and )nkidu but 0ilgamesh stabbed it
$hile )nkidu held it.
0ilgamesh then "ursued longevity by "lant means.
=e journeyed all the $ay to the 2"ace"ort in 2inai. >n a tunnel in 2inai he met )nki's son,
1iusudraCNoah, still alive all these centuries after the 3eluge. "1iusudra to 0ilgamesh the
secret of longliving he revealed. a "lant in the garden's $ell $as gro$ing, 1iusudra and his
s"ouse from getting old it "revented." )nki, $ith )nlil's "ermission, said 1iusudra, granted
0ilgamesh this "lant too. +ut $hen 0ilgamesh had the "lant, a snake [snake may symbol an
)nki agent# snatched it from him and so 0ilgamesh, like most of the hybrids, eventually died.
[2itchin, 1., DD8, 3ivine )ncounters, "ages :9 -H9#.
-arduk "ondered >nanna's "roclamation of immortality of Anunnaki "gods." =e contem"lated
the human longing for immortality that motivated 0ilgamesh's failed attem"ts to live forever.
-arduk could use this yearning for immortality to th$art >nanna's ambitions of $orld
domination as $ell as her s"ecific claim to the *and of the Narro$s--no$ under -arduk's
control-- land >nanna $ould have ruled $ith 3umuAi had not -arduk engineered 3umuAi's
-arduk devised for )gy"t "a clever $ay $here$ith the loyalty of kings and "eo"le to retain."
=is )gy"tian kings $ould journey after death to Nibiru to enjoy immortality among the
gods." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9D8# The immortality cult he
devised for the )gy"tian "haraohs $ould, -arduk believed, unify the .eo"le of the Nile
behind him in his struggle $ith >nanna.
2o -arduk "ondered >nanna's "roclamation of immortality of Anunnaki "gods." =e
contem"lated the human longing for immortality that motivated 0ilgamesh's failed attem"ts
to live forever. -arduk could use the =ybrids' yearning for immortality to insure their loyalty
to him. -arduk devised for )gy"t "a clever $ay $here$ith the loyalty of kings and "eo"le to
retain." =is )gy"tian kings $ould journey after death to Nibiru to enjoy immortality among
the gods. The immortality cult he devised for the )gy"tian "haraohs $ould, -arduk believed,
unify the .eo"le of the Nile behind him in his struggle $ith >nanna.
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages 9D8#
>nanna and her line, the )nlilites, ran -eso"otamia. The 7ouncil of T$elve "ut >nanna's
&ather's +rother, 6ncle Adad, in control of the landing "lace at +aalbek 4*ebonon5. The
7ouncil "ut her father, Nannar, in control of the 2inai s"ace"ort. To >nanna, The 7ouncil
transferred the energy source kno$n as "The =eavenly +right @bject."
>nanna $ith her $ea"ons, armies and "o$ers of immortality held the kingshi" of 2umer, the
&irst ?egion, for !!! years. =ere she and her lineage--the )nlilites--$ho controlled the city-
states tributary to >nanna, encouraged the hybrid )arthlings to $orshi" and serve them.
+ut in )gy"t 42econd ?egion5, $here -arduk had retreated and de"osed Thoth, -arduk
allo$ed $orshi" of one su"reme deity, the god ?a aka -arduk, "2o did -arduk, as ?a, above
all other gods himself em"lace, their "o$ers and attributes he to himself assigned. ''Bhat
has you over"o$eredK ' )nki to his son -arduk said. '6nheard of are your "retensions( '
''The heavens my su"remacy bes"eak,' -arduk ans$ered." =is rule $as "roclaimed, he told
his father, by "the coming Age of the ?am," his sign. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of
)nki, "ages9D!, 9DI#. The Nibirans and their )arthlings e/amined the heavens and found sun
still rose in the constellation the +ull, marking )nlil's rule% not the ?am, -arduk's
constellation. -arduk and his son Nabu nevertheless, mobiliAed their humans to challenge the
>n the &irst ?egion to unify the lands under one leader the Anunnaki leaders $anted a $arrior
king. "To >nanna, of -arduk the adversary, the task of the right man to find they entrusted"
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :!!#.
>n 9<!! +.7., >nanna chose her gardener, 2argon, the Akkadian $arrior king the to lead her
)arthling armies and rule all 2umer for her. =e rose from gardener to king because he ra"ed
her and she enjoyed it. [&erguson deduces that 2argon $as >nanna's half brother. 2argon's
father $as also >nanna's, Nannar 2in. >nanna's grandfather, )nlil, $as Nannar's father. Thus
)nlil found it easier to ratify his hybrid descendant 2argon as ruler of most of -eso"otamia.
[&erguson, E., ">nanna ?eturns," in @f =eaven and )arth, 1. 2itchin, )d., "age D8#
2argon began his rise $hen he sa$ >nanna snooAe in his garden. =e bent over her "erfect face
and lightly, then, as she--half a$ake--res"onded, kissed her savagely. =e entered her as she
o"ened her eyes and her eyes shone $ith "leasure. 2argon, she declared, $as her lover.
>nanna, as $e shall see, re"eatedly joins "o$erful aggressive Ada"ite men to lead her armies.
>nanna convinced )nlil to ratify her choice of a $arrior king. 2o the strongman she choose
$as 2argon of course. 2argon $ould unify the cities 2umer and "rotect the )nlilite lords for
$hom the cities e/isted. 2argon and >nanna ruled from Akkad 4Agade5 $hich they built near
+abylon. They left *agash, the area northeasten of 2umer to >nanna's 6ncle Ninurta and
avoided +abylon, -arduk's city.
+ut in 9:; +.7., $hile -arduk and his son Nabu $ere in )gy"t, 2argon invaded -arduk's
stronghold, +abylon, took soil from the city, then $ithdre$ to "lant the soil in Agade. "to
understand the severity of this deed, recall the meaning of +abylonC+ab- >li--0ate$ay to the
0ods--a title and function claimed for +abylon by a defiant -arduk, it $as symboliAed by its
hallo$ed soil. )ncouraged by >nanna, 2argon took a$ay the sacred soil to s"read it as a ne$
foundation for the ne$ +ab-ili, audaciously aiming to transfer the title and the function to
Agade. [2itchin, 1.,DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age 98!#
-arduk and Nabu returned from )gy"t to +abylon. They fortified the city and diverted rivers
from the other 2umerian cities. -arduk said he'd build his s"ace"ort in +abylon. ">n the
heart of )din, in the midst of the &irst ?egion, -arduk himself established(
">nanna's fury no boundaries kne$% $ith her $ea"ons on -arduk's follo$ers death she
inflicted. The blood of "eo"le, as never before on )arth, like rivers flo$ed." [2itchin, 1.,
9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :!# 2he and 2argon fought -arduk% both sides used
laser $ea"onry on each other's )arthlings.
"Bhile >nanna remained gorgeous and enticing, 2argon began to age and drink too much.
>nanna $atched hel"lessly as the man she once loved "assionately crumbled into a "athetic
drunk afflicted by insomnia, haunted by demons." =e died besieged by -arduk's minions,
but before 2argon died he cursed >nanna. [&erguson, E., ">nanna ?eturns," in @f =eaven and
)arth, 1. 2itchin, )d., "age DH#
The Anunnaki 7ouncil asked -arduk's brother, Nergal of Guth, to disarm -arduk and
+abylon. Nergal and his retinue of +lack )arthlings left south Africa for +abylon.
)n route to +abylon, Nergal visited >nanna in 6ruk. Though she $as )nlilite and Nergal an
)nkiite, Nergal 4an )nkiite5 allied himself $ith her against his brother, -arduk 4also of )nki's
lineage5. -arduk ruled )gy"t, above Nergal and )rkishkigal' s reallm in the 2outh of Africa,
and -arduk's claim to rule all )arth alarmed Nergal.
And Nergal found >nanna alluring, maddenly desirable. >t $as not sur"rising then, that Nergal
and >nanna became lovers. The lovers, one of the house of )nlil, one of the house of )nki,
together "lanned -arduk's defeat. They also "lanned to conquer all )arth for themselves.
Bhen Nergal left >nanna, he and his men continued to +abylon, $here -arduk greeted them.
Nergal "romised -arduk, if he'd leave +abylon immediately for 2outh Africa, he could get
$ea"ons and com"uters hidden there since the 3eluge. -arduk took the bait and left for
2outh Africa.
As soon as -arduk left +abylon for 2outh Africa, Nergal broke into -arduk's control room
and snatched his "brilliance" 4energy radiation source5, $hich controlled the irrigation system
for all -eso"otamia.
)nki, Nergal's father, banished Nergal back to Africa, but Nergal left a garrison of his men
near +abylon, $here they could aid >nanna. >nanna then "ublically, "to defy the authority of
Anu and )nlil, abrogated their rules and regulations and declared herself 2u"reme Sueen."
[Ancient te/t, Sueen of all the -es#
>n 99D +.7., ">n the &irst ?egion, )nlil and Ninurta absent $ere, to the lands beyond the
oceans >nanna and Nergal $ent. >n the 2econd ?egion, ?a $as a$ay, as -arduk in other
lands he traveled% =er chance in her hands to seiAe all "o$ers >nanna envisioned."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :!:#
>nanna, Naram-2in 4 2argon's grandson5 and the Akkadian armies ca"tured +aalbek, the
2"ace"ort in *ebanon. Then they stuck out along the -editerranean coast for the 2inai
2"ace"ort and -ission 7ontrol in Ferusalem. They marched across the &orth ?egion, the
region taboo to )arthlings 4across the Fordan from Tell 0hassul, the astronauts' "rivate city5.
Ninurta's city, *agash [Tello#, $as able to hold out against >nanna and Naram-2in.
Then >nanna and the Akkadians conquered Ferico.
Ferico s$itched alliance from >nanna's father, Nannar, to her.
>nanna's armies, under Naram-2in, joined Nergal's Guthians, and conquered )gy"t. >n 9988
+.7., >nanna reca"tured 6ruk, destroyed Anu's tem"le there and sent Naram-2in to attack
)nlil's minions at Ni""ur. 2he thus declared herself su"reme to even Anu, Ging of Nibiru and
father of )nlil, her father's father.
)nlil commanded his son Ninurta and Ninurta's calvalry and army of 0utiums 4from the
1agros -ountains of northeast -eso"otamia5 to reconquer 2umer and kill all )arthlings in
AkkadCAgade. Ninurta's forces laid $aste to most of 2umer% they s"ared only Ninurta's city,
)nlil ordered death for >nanna's strongman, Ging Naram-2in, for his attack on Ni""ur. )nlil's
agents got a scor"ion to sting and kill the Ging.
)nlil also ordered >nanna arrested. +ut 0randdaughter >nanna claimed sanctuary $ith her
"arents--her father Nannar 4a son of )nlil5 and Ningal, her mother. >nanna ne/t fled to
Nergal's *o$er Africa, $here she and Nergal s"ent seven years "lotting ne$ $ays to
overthro$ the 7ouncil.
The 0utians $ho subdued >nanna's rebellion of 9988 +.7. and 0utian calvary su""orted
Ninurta's rebuilding of -eso"otamia returned to the 1agros -ountains 9;!+.7.. and
Ninurta's brother Nannar ruled 2umer for ninety-one years. This $as the )ra of Ninurta, an
era of agricultural devel"ment. 3uring this time Nannar, no longer ecli"sed by daughter
>nanna, ruled 2umer. Nannar a""ointed 6r-Nammu, son of the "goddess" Ninsun, as 2u"reme
Ging. [2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages 9;9-9;<#,
2hulgi, $ho succeeded 6r Nammu in 9!D8 +.7., $as so effective and "o$erful that >nanna
invited him to visit her in 6ruk. 2he "roclaimed 2hulgi "the man chosen for the vulva of
>nanna." Another al"ha Ada"ite )arthling for >nanna( They joined ritually in the tem"le $here
Anu had once elevated her in tantric rite.
[2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "age 9H; -9HD#.
)nlil dreamed the mysterious 0alAu, $hom he thought re"resented the 7reator of All, $arned
him that $hen )arth moved Aodiacally from the )nlil's age--the Age of the +ull--to the Age of
the ?am, -arduk $ould rule the )arth. >n the dream, 0alAu told )nlil "a righteous and $orthy
man must be choosen, by him and his seed $ill 7iviliAed -an be "reserved( " )nlil told no
one of the vision but "re"ared to create a mobile general $ho could sto" incursions by
-arduk and his son Nabu. )nlil ordered his son Nannar to have Tirhu, Nannar's high-"riestC
king [ie, hybrid of much Anunnaki ancestry# establish =arran, for )nlil had "lans for Tirhu's
son, >bruum.
9!<I +7, )nlil sent >bruumCAbraham from =arran on missions to th$art -arduk's moves to
"osition his forces to ca"ture the s"ace"ort on the 2inai. ".rotect the sacred "laces, the
chariots' ascents and descents enable, )nlil >bruum to go commanded." As soon as >bruum
left =arran, -arduk moved in and s"ent the ne/t t$enty-four years "lanning his take-over of
)arth [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages :!9 - :!;# .
>n 9!< >bruum and his cavalry blocked a coalition of kings near the 4not yet but soon to be5
3ead 2ea at a fortified oasis at Gadesh-+arnea 43ur--ah->lani5 , "the closest "lace $here men
could a""roach in the region of the s"ace"ort $ithout s"ecial "ermission.
The $ar $as intended to "revent the return of -arduk [to +abylon# and th$art the efforts of
[-arduk's son# Nabu to gain access to the s"ace"ort."
[2itchin, 1., DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages :!9 - :!H#.
>bruumCAbraham $as )nlil's loyal general. )nlil "equi""ed him $ith the best chariots, finest
horses. " Abraham $on many skirmishes for )nlil, "defending the s"ace"ort in the 2inai
$hich $as out of bounds to all humans. Abraham had a crack squad of :I! $ell-trained, $ell-
armed soldiers."
)nlil gave Abraham $ea"ons that "could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours." )nlil
re$arded him $ith riches and land $hich made >bruum the richest man of his time.
)nlil's emissariesCangels- -Ninurta and Nergal--"used Abraham and his ne"he$" [*ot# to s"y
on 2odom and 0omorra, cities -arduk controlled. &rom 2odom and 0omorra, )nlil feared,
-arduk "$ould marshal his large number of human follo$ers and take control of all
establishments on )arth, including )nlil's s"ace"ort."
[Tellinger, -. 9!!;, 2lave 2"ecies of god, "age 8!;#
2o far, Anunnaki from Nibiru and their direct descendents 4"gods"--as they had the Ada"ite
=ybrid )arthlings call them5, kne$ they'd soon have enough of )arth's gold to shield Nibiru's
atmos"here. Then they could go home to Nibiru. They'd leave the =ybrids to fend for
2o the Anunnaki let the =ybrids "roliferate and slave for them. )arthlings $orked for
Anunnaki leaders as $ell as for lesser, more local Anunnaki "gods"--lesser nobility and
astronauts 4>gigi5 from Nibiru. -any gods ordered )arthlings to $ar against armies of
rival gods. 0ods lesser and greater loosed laser, e/"losive and biological $ea"ons against
their rivals' =ybrids.
Anunnaki 7ommander )nlil and )nlil's son and 7ham"ion, Ninurta, used )arthling armies
and Nibiran $ea"ons in -eso"otamia to subdue >nanna and her Gings 6r-Nammu and 2hulgi
$hen they invaded the Anunnaki reserve in the 2"ace"ort area.
-ardukC?a "roclaimed divine right, as heir of )nki and 3amkina 43aughter of Ging Alalu5 to
rule )arth.
*ong ago, the Nibiran 7ounsel and then Ging, Alalu, declared the son of .rince Anu's son
)aC)nki $ith Alalu's daughter, 3amkina, $ould be Alalu's 2uccessor. The son 3amkina bore
as )nki's $ife $as -ardukC?a. -arduk $as a legitimate successor to the throne of Nibiru.
*ater, ho$ever, -arduk's greatgrandfather Anu de"osed Alalu.
-arduk migrated to )arth.
Ging Anu and the 7ouncil banned -arduk from Nibiru for marrying the =ybrid 2ar"anit. The
7ouncil $ould not risk the return of -arduk as "otential claimant to rule on the home "lanet.
The Nibirans refused to allo$ -arduk on Nibiru, for he $as a "retender $ith sons begat $ith
a hybrid $ife he took from an illegally bred slave s"ecies--a s"ecies "roving far too intelligent
to introduce as migrants to Nibiru.
-arduk's "roclamation that the time had come for him to rule the )arth resonated $ith )nlil's
vision. >n )nlil's vision 0alAu, re"resentative of the 7reator of All, said -arduk $ould rule
)arth $hen the Anunnaki left.
To resume our narrative, -arduk "roclaimed to the senior Anunnaki gods, ">n my tem"le
house let all the gods assemble, my covenant acce"t....+y his a""eal for their submission, the
Anunnaki gods $ere disturbed and alarmed.
To a great assembly, council to take, )nlil them all summoned. @""osed to -arduk and Nabu
they all $ere." They agreed that if they $ere to abandon )arth to -arduk and Nabu to rule
$hen they $ere gone, they'd at least deny them the 2"ace"ort in the 2inai. The senior
Anunnaki--all e/ce"t )nki--agreed to use nuclear $ea"ons sto" Nabu's advance through
7anaan to$ard the s"ace"ort. [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages :!I#.
)nki says he, "angry and distraught, the council chamber left, in his heart $as )nki smiling,
only he kne$ $here [>n Africa# the $ea"ons $ere hidden, so did )nki think. &or it $as he,
before )nlil to )arth had come, $ho $ith Abgal in a "lace unkno$n the $ea"ons did hide.
That Abgal, to the )/iled )nlil, the "lace disclosed, that to )nki $as unkno$n. Thus it $as
that $ithout )nki needing, )nlil to the t$o heros [Ninurta and Nergal# the hiding "lace
disclosed." [2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :!; - :!H#.
The Anunnaki 7ouncil on )arth radioed Ging Anu back on Nibiru, $ould he authoriAe nukes
against the s"ace"ort and against Nabu and his human armiesK Anu gave his okay. -arduk,
after all, believed he should rule Nibiru, as "er the dynastic agreement bet$een Ging Alalu
and Anu. -arduk threatened Anu in every $ay. 2o Anu told )nlil to use the nuclear missiles
to sto" -arduk.
)nlil evacuated the >gigi Astronauts from the 2inai and sent Ninurta and Nergal 4the "angels"
of the +ible5 to confirm from his s"ys in 7anaan-->bruum and *ot--that they should bomb
2odom, 0omorra and other cities allied $ith -arduk. )nlil gave his s"ies time to flee, then
ordered the attack.
9!9< +7, )nlil's son Ninurta attacked the 2inai. "The first terror $ea"on [a missile called @ne
Bithout ?ival# from the skys Ninurta let loose% the to" of -ount -ashu [$here the
controlling equi"ment $as housed# $ith a flash it sliced off, the mount's innards in an instant
it melted. Above the .lace of the 7elestial 7hariots [rocketshi"s# the second $ea"on [called
+laAing &lame# he unleashed, $ith a brilliance of seven suns the "lain's rocks into a gushing
$ound $ere made, the )arth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance $ere
darkened% $ith burnt and crushed stones $as the "lain of the chariots covered, of all the
forests that the "lain had surrounded, only tree stems $ere left standing."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :!# J
Nergal bombed his brother -arduk's forces in 7anaan [)nki sired both -arduk and Nergal%
[sitchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages :8 - :;#, =e nuked 2odom, 0omorra and
three other cities >bruum had identified as allied $ith -arduk. Nergal's nukes made the 3ead
2ea dead. To this day, "the $ater of s"rings surrounding the 3ead 2ea has been contaminated
$ith radioactivity, Nenough to induce any animals and humans that absorbed it...'"
Archeologists confirm the flooding, abandonment of the area and sudden deadening of life in
9!9<+7. "@ver the five cities ... )rra [Nergal# u"on each from the skies a terror $ea"on
sent, the five cities he finished off, all that lived there to va"or [erroneously called "salt" by
translators# $as turned. ... -ountains to""led, $here the sea $aters $ere barred the bolt broke
o"en,do$n into the valley the sea's $aters "oured, by the $aters $as the valley flooded."
[2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "age :#.
2itchin [htt",CC$$$.sitchin. comCevil$ind. htm# $rites that, starting in DDD, scientists found
evidence that the de"o"ulation of 2umer coincided $ith abru"t climate change [2ee 2cience,
A"ril 9H, 9!! and 0eology, A"ril 9!!!#. 3e-enocal, $ho $rote the article in 2cience
cited in brackets above, used as evidence for the abru"t changes in the area's vegetation, rocks
called te"hera. Te"hera are "burnt-through "ieces of blackened gravel-like rock" usually
associated $ith volcanos. Te"hera still cover 2inai--$hich lacks volcanos.
2inai's te"hera result from Ninurta's bombing of the s"ace"ort. The bombing left a huge black
scar on the 2inai "lain 4$here the shuttlecraft run$ay and launch "latform had been5 so large
it can only be seen from satellite. -illions of black-blasted rocks, north northeast of the scar
in an area $here all other color rocks--no black--are found.
[2ee "hotos, The Bars of 0ods and -en, DI8, "ages ::9-::<#
Nergal and Ninurta fle$ over the areas they'd just bombed.
"The .lace of *aunching, the 2"ace"ort, obliterated, the -ount $ithin $hich the controlling
equi"ment $as "laced $as smashed% the launch "latforms $ere made to fade off the face of
the )arth. The "lain $hose hard soil the shuttlecraft had used as run$ays $ere obliterated,
$ith not even a tree left standing. " [2itchin, 1. DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en "age ::#
"+y the darkening of the skies $ere the brilliances follo$ed, then a storm began to blo$,
gloom from the skies an )vil Bind carried. &rom the 6""er 2ea, a storm$ind began blo$ing,
the dark-bro$n cloud east$ard to$ard 2humer the death $as carried. Bhereever it reached,
death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered. "The alarm )nlil and )nki to the gods of humer
transmitted, )sca"e( &rom their cities the gods did flee.
"The "eo"le of the land by the evil storms hand $ere clutched. Those $ho behind locked
doors hid inside their houses like flies $ere felled. Those $ho in the streets fled, in the streets
$ere their cor"ses "iled u". )verything that lived "erished."
+ut +abylon, "$here -arduk his su"remacy declared , by the )vil Bind $as s"ared."
[sitchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ook of )nki, "ages :9 - ::#. )nlil concluded that -arduk $as
no$ to be su"reme on )arth, as his vision of 0alAu had "redicted.
3o read The *ost +ook of )nki% get a feeling for the "oetry and essential authenticity of )nki,
one of our creators. 1acheria 2itchin has, in this book, made our history available in this form.
=is-story-- history--is our story.
. >n the later =ittite version of this tale, Anu a""ointed Alalu's grandson, Gumarbi his
cu"bearer 4as Alalu had a""ointed Anu to be his cu"bearer5. Anu took Gumarbi to )arth to
$atch him. >n the =ittite version, Gumarbi bit Anu's "enis. Anu then forced Gumarbi to
s$allo$ "oisonous stones but Gumarbi managed to s"it them out.
Gumarbi visited )aC)nki, his sister's husband on )arth. +ut on )arth, )nlil's younger son,
AdadCTeshub incited Gumarbi. Adad bragged ho$ he and big brother Ninurta $ould get
"rivileges of kno$ledge and "o$er Gumarbi $ouldn't. )a took Gumarbi in a rocket for Nibiru
to "lead $ith *ama, the ancestress of both Alalu's and Anu's lines, for mediation. +ut *ama,
$hen she learned )nlil's sons o""osed )nki's mission, sent "lightening $inds" against )a's
s"acecraft and forced him and Gumbari back to )arth.
Gumbari returned to -ars +ase and agitated among the >gigi 4astronauts5 . They attacked
)nlil and his "eo"le on )arth. 2eventy of )nlil's men fle$ aircraft against Gumarbi and the
>gigi. They defeated Gumarbi but 6llikumi, Gumarbi's son by one of the female astronauts,
rallied the >gigi again. :I!,!! years ago, 6llikumi 4&illing the role of AnAu in the 2umerian
account5 led the >gigi as they attacked the "$hirlbirds" of the )nlilites. )nlilite cham"ions
Ninurta and Adad defeated 6llikumi and the astronauts.
2itchin identifies the battles bet$een Alalu and his descendants the basis basis for later >ndian
tales of battles the >ndira vs Erita fight even later 0reek tales of the Titans vs 0ods Bar.
>ndiraCErita and TitanC1eus are based on the AnAuCNinurta and Adad tale the Nibirans dictated
to the 2umerians. [2itchin, 1., DI8,The Bars of 0ods and -en, "ages D -!#
9. 2itchin sho$s that )a, allied through his marriage to Alalu's daughter 3amkina 4Ninki5 and
their son -arduk to the Alalu's lineage 4matrifiliated5 , $as "art of the "lot. ">t $as $ith )a's
connivance" that AnAu, kinsman of Alalu, is admitted to )nlil's inner sanctuary for energy
source crystals, vital com"uter chi"s, orbital data "anels, and controls for )arth and )arth-
Nibiru, -ars communication.
)a suggested )nlil entertain AnAu as a stall to res"onding to the demands of the >gigi.
2itchin, in0enesis ?evisited had earlier said the role of AnAu in The *ost +ook of )nki's
account of the revolt of the >gigi ["ages H - 9# $as actually the role of Nannar 4)nlil's son
by his half-sister and legal $ife, 2ud5 $as *egal =eir on )arth. Nannar's $as a challenge to
Ninurta 4)nlil's &irstborn and heir on Nibiru5 to succeed to )nlil's command of )arth. >n The
Bars of 0ods and -en, too, AnAu, the leader of the revolt is a descendent of Alulu
4his grandson5% in this version AnAu's an or"han ado"ted by the -ars 2ervice, rather than
AnAu the "ilot $ho took )a to )arth and stayed on -ars to die $ith Alalu ["age DH#.
+oth Nannar and )a $ould have benefited if AnAu vanquished Ninurta.
+ut it $as Nannar, not )a, that )nlil e/iled in the aftermath of the >gigi revolt.
[0enesis ?evisited, "ages !H -;#.
Anthro"ologists $ill recogniAe )nki's descri"tion as a classical system of segmentary
"atrilineal 4agnatic5 lineages. >n segmentary "atrilineages, collateral lines 4like those that
descend from )a and )nlil5 cite alliance through different mothers to other royal "atrilineages.
The )a lineage $ithin the Anu clan, and es"ecially the -arduk line of the )a's lineage, is
allied $ith the Alalu clan for leverage against the )nlilites $ithin the Anu clan5.
>n anthro"ology, -arduk's line is a matrifiliate of Alalu's clan. -atrifiliated alliances give
lineages e/ternal allies as they vie for "recedence in authority $ithin their "atriclans.
:. 2itchin $rites that )nki's genetic team $as s"eeding u" hominid evolution that $ould have
occurred any$ay. "-odern man $ould have undoubtedly evolved on )arth just as he had
done on Nibiru, both having come from the same 'seed of life.' " )nki and com"any s"ed our
evolution by one to forty million years. 40enesis ?evisited, "ages ;8 -;;5
2itchin, 1., 9!!9, The *ost +ookof )nki% DH;, 0enesis ?evisited% DI:,
The 2tair$ay to =eaven% DI8, The Bars of 0ods and -en% DD!,
0enesis ?evisited% DD!, The *ost ?ealms% DD:, Bhen Time +egan% DD8,
3ivine )ncounters% 9!!<, The )arth 7hronicles )/"editions%
&reer, N., DDD, 0od 0ames% 9!!!, +reaking the 0ods"ell%
Tellinger, -. 9!!;, 2lave 2"ecies of god [sic# . )nkiC)a is the Nibiran $ho 4<,!!! years ago5
dictated his autobiogra"hy to his scribe, )ndubscar of )ndu.
The *ost +ookof )nki, 2itchin's translation of )nki's tale 4augmented a bit by my
imagination5 is the sourceM$ith many of )nki's slants--of most of the account in these essays.
The *ost +ookof )nki itself is historical fiction, $herein 2itchin has $oven information
meticulously documented in his )arth 7hronicles.
7ontact 'r& $essin at sashalessin(h)* aol&com
Stu)# 5rou(2 +rea0ing the 5o)s(ell
'r& $essin o11ers corres(on)ence courses on Ancient Anthro(olog#
For more in1ormation Email 'r& $essin at sashalessin(h)* aol&com or
call E/E>.??>?1/<

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