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The Programa Favela Bairrio

What is it?

The Programa Favela Bairrio is a program launched by Rio de Janeiro,

which seeks to turn shanty towns into proud neighbourhoods. Despite
small challenges, Favela-Bairrio has been very successful.

How much is it, and who pays?

Under the program, the government and the IDB have committed more than
$600 million, the bulk of which will be spent on public works in some 120 of the
city’s 600 Favela’s.

Give some examples of infrastructure improvements:

The Favela Bairrio have made many improvement including opening

streets, creating parks, playgrounds, and other public spaces, as well as
bringing essential services such as potable water, sewage systems,
garbage removal and public lighting to places where not even was

They have also created day care centres, to accommodate working

mothers. Also other services were added such as school retention and
reinforcement programs, youth leadership activities, counselling on
domestic violence, sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy and drug and
alcohol addiction. For adult’s education and job training was also included
in the huge list of options given by the program.

Why has the scheme been successful?

Many of the people living in the Favela’s have said that life is much better
with all the new things that have been improved and are very grateful to
Favela Bairrio.

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