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Four Types of Writing:

There are four types of writing or four writing styles that are generally used. Knowing all
these four different types of writing and their usages are important for any writer. A
writers style is a reflection of his personality, his unique style, his voice and his way to
approach his audience and readers. Following are their names and details:
1. Expository Writing:
Expository writing is a subject-oriented writing style, in which the main focus of the
author is to tell you about a given topic or subject, and leave out his personal opinions.
He furnishes you with relevant facts and figures and does not include his opinions. This
is one of the most common type of writing styles, which you always see in text books
and usually How to articles, in which the author tells you about a given subject, as
how to do something.
Key Points:
Expository writing usually explains something in a process
Expository writing is often equipped with facts and figures
Expository writing is usually in a logical order and sequence

2. Descriptive writing:
Descriptive writing is a style of writing which focuses on describing a character, an
event or a place in great details. It is sometimes poetic in nature in which the author is
specifying the details of the event rather than just the information of that event
In descriptive writing, the author will not just say: The vampire killed his lover
He will change the sentence, focusing on more details and descriptions, like: The red-
eyed, bloody vampire, flushed his rusty teeth into the soft skin of his lover, and ended
her life.
Key Points:
It is often poetic in nature
It describes places, people, events, situations or locations in a highly-detailed
The author visualizes you what he sees, hears, tastes, smells and feels.
3. Persuasive Writing:
Persuasive writing, unlike Expository Writing, contains the opinions, biasness and
justification of the author. Persuasive writing is a type of writing which contains
justifications and reasons to make someone believe on the point the writer is talking
about. Persuasive writing is for persuading and convincing on your point of view. It is
often used in complain letters, when you provide reasons and justifications for your
complaint; other copywriting texts, T.V commercials, affiliate marketing pitches etc. are
all different types of persuasive writing, where author is persuading and convincing you
on something he wants you to do and/or believe.
Key Points:
Persuasive writing is equipped with reasons, arguments and justifications
In persuasive writing, the author takes a stand and asks you to believe his point of
If often asks for a call or an action from the readers.

4. Narrative Writing:
Narrative writing is a type of writing in which the author places himself as the character
and narrates you to the story. Novels, short stories, novellas, poetry, biographies can all
fall in the narrative writing style. Simply, narrative writing is an art to describe a story. It
answers the question: What happened then?
Key Points:
In narrative writing, a person, being a narrative, tells a story or event.
Narrative writing has characters and dialogues in it.
Narrative writing has definite and logical beginnings, intervals and endings.
Narrative writing often has situations like disputes, conflicts, actions, motivational
events, problems and their solutions.

These are the four different types of writing that are generally used. There are many
sub-types of writing which may fall in any of those categories. A writer must know all
these styles, so as to identify his very own writing style, in which he feels comfortable,
or which his audience likes to read.

Meer H. (2013). Four Types of Writing. Retrieved from:

Examples of Narrative Writing: Holiday Warfare by Dennis Gardner
Winning Essay for Narrative Category, Beulah Davis Outstanding Freshman Writer Award

Brave men of war have faced adversities both physical and mental and risen above
them as butter from cream. Chivalry and conquest have carried soldiers from pole to
pole and across the seven seas. Hardships of campaign life are legendary, and the iron
men these trials created go down in history as examples to all mankind.
I have faced battle under duress and have learned I am not a brave man. Shell-shock is
partially defined as a "psycho neurotic condition akin to hysteria." To this day I am
saddled with the memories of the day I was sent to battle in my Grandmother's kitchen.
No man should have to endure these conditions. Women can, with impunity, set foot in
the estrogenically charged atmosphere of Grandmother's kitchen on Thanksgiving Day;
greater men than I, however, have been broken this way. Men of the world take heed,
only the insanely brave or exceedingly foolish would choose to accept this near-suicide
mission. Counting myself as the latter, I offer my tale as counsel.
The day was overcast, cold and thoroughly November. I answered the call to arms with
the eager sincerity of a private fresh from basic training. My Grandfather wept openly,
fearing for my life as I bade him farewell. I entered a young soldier brimming with
bravado; I returned a troubled man with bruised ego, clutching hard-won wisdom to my
The fact that women are vastly better equipped for a culinary tete-a-tete with
Grandmother should have been apparent to me after the opening salvo, but I was too
green, too new and shiny, to heed.
"Have you seen your cousin George's new haircut yet, Denny?" asked Granny. Shot
number one had been fired, and I did not even hear the air-raid sirens.
"Yeah, I like it," I answered with none of the suspicion that has dogged me at holidays
since my tour of duty.
"It makes him look like a porcupine," chimed in my Aunt Molly, correctly answering the
subtle part of the question and putting any doubts about the spike haircut and its social
value to rest.
"Uncle Dwight's been smoking again," Granny mentioned tersely.
"I know, I bummed one off of him today already," I said quietly.
"Well, let me tell you about Dwight's smoking, where it has gotten him, and what will
happen to you if , . . ." Granny had launched into a surprise flank attack and caught me
I regained my senses and dove into a foxhole I had dug out of an old mound of flour.
Hiding and licking my wounds, I pondered my first lesson of holiday kitchen combat.
Men cannot gossip effectively with professionals. It is dirty, it is dangerous, and it hurts.
I thought I was well-camoflauged in my foxhole, but Grandma switched on the radar and
found me.
"Melt that butter in the microwave and bring it over here."
This was a seemingly easy mission. My hopes for combat glory were restored. I
grabbed my combat-issue wooden soup spoon and charged from my hole, eager to
prove my mettle. This skirmish turned for the worse when I pulled the butter out early
and delivered it only partially melted.
"Men will never follow instructions," Granny told me with a flourish.
"They will simply never have a woman's touch," Molly fired from the rear guard by the
"So true," replied Grandma. "Your Grandfather cannot even reheat coffee in that thing.
He'll take it out before the bell dings, curse the oven for not warming his coffee, and
then act plain hateful all morning."
"Men are just too heavy handed," surmised Molly, who obviously loved all men
"Damn, ya'll don't fight fair," I retorted as I retreated to a bunker constructed of baking
sheets. "Grandpa's not hateful," I said from behind a muffin pan. "He cried when I left
the living room!"
A "Humph" from Molly was the warning shot fired in my general direction.
I put a soup pot on my head to guard against flying turkey giblets and hunkered down to
ponder a while.
Men will never have a woman's touch I reasoned, not anytime, not anywhere. This is
because we are "heavy handed." This consists of being impatient, arrogant, and having
an all-around bad attitude. Apparently this lethal combination of character defects alone
is enough to forever guarantee that we fight discrimination in the kitchen.
The words, "Denny, you're a restaurant cook, come over here and make the gravy,"
stirred me from my contemplation. I locked and loaded and rushed from my bunker. As I
crossed the kitchen on all fours, timers jangled, grease splattered, heat gave forth from
all around, and clouds of flour drifted by.
"My God," I whispered to myself," the despair, the utter despair and horror."
A strange confidence came over me as I made my way to the stove. It was the comfort
of a condemned man. I knew that soon this ordeal must end. I was moving towards the
heart of the battle, and one way or another--on a stretcher, in glory, or in a turkey
basting bag--soon I would be going home.
I believed in my professional ability enough to make a simple turkey gravy, though I did
not at the time realize that no man can truly match his culinary skills against his
Grandmother's, especially on Thanksgiving Day.
I began to add flour to simmering clarified butter to make a roux. This was where I
received the shrapnel in my cooking hand that would ultimately send me home with a
purple beet medal for being wounded while preparing food.
"Honey," Granny started, I suppose taking pity on me because of my obvious battle
fatigue, "put the flour in with some water and stir it into the broth when it is close to a
boil, not the other way around." I visibly crumbled.
"Send him home to the living room,' muttered Molly, "his spirit is broken; he's of no use
I removed my dirty battle apron, accepted my purple beet, and left the field for the rear
echelon of the living room.
Grandpa started crying again when he saw my purple beet and needed a Kleenex when
I told him of my gravy. My Uncle Douglas, who was too young to remember the
turbulent climate of the days leading up to Thanksgiving, looked at me as if I had been
burning bras with the women instead of fighting in futility for the good name of men
I settled back into an easy chair to relate my story. The older men, Grandpa and Dwight,
looked on with understanding as they had fought in World War II. Douglas smirked in
the corner with all the arrogance of a heavy-handed young man. Dwight handed me a
cigar and we settled back for a football game, thankful to a man for my safe return.

Gardner D. Holiday Welfare. Retrieve on 1
July 2014, from:

Examples of Descriptive Writing: The Old Fence by Craig Snider
Student Sample: Short Descriptive
The old fence stands weathered and tired. It has been holding cattle in the field ever
since the farmer put it up. The cows have occasionally tried to break through, but they
have lost their battles; only the small yearlings have been able to squeeze under the
The poles stand rotten and weary; they are lined up in a sporadic order. The spaces
between are not always equal and their heights differ greatly. Some have pulled loose
from their holes, and they are held up only by the line of barbed wire that clings to their
hide. The line of fence looks much like a parade of weary, beaten soldiers who have
been defeated in battle and are lining up for their last breath of honor before they are
shot and killed.
In several places on the fence the barbed wire has been cut or bent out of shape. But
neither the rain and rust nor the cattle's fury has made the wire calm or dangerous.
Sharp, erect pins still show their warning of power; many times they have acted as a
catalyst between the cows and their angered emotions.
Even though the fence is old and historical, it will not last very long because there is a
new owner. He is a man of power and wealth who has big plans, a man too high to care
for the cattle or the soil, a man whose only dream is riches.

Snider Craig. The Old Fence. Retrieved on 1
July 2014, from:

Examples of Argumentative Writing: Good and Bad Teacher

Teaching can without any doubts be called the leading power of the societys
development. It is well known that there exist three main factors that influence the
development of the personality. They are: heredity, social encirclement and education.
Usually the term education is used meaning the great impact that parent have on the
future personality of their child. But this also includes school education, because
nowadays, when parents are very busy they are the people, who teach children what is
beautiful and what is ugly, what is right and what is wrong. Through them children learn
to perceive the inner world. And the way they perceive it depends on the teachers
personal particularities that are transmitted to children through interaction and the
knowledge that the teacher offers them. A good teacher is a person who finds individual
approach to every pupil, taking care about the childs adaptation in class, increasing
ones social status in class and making sure the children learn to take into account and
respect the thoughts of other people.
Therefore there is much more to a teacher than high professionalism. What makes kids
hardly wait until the lesson starts in one cases and hating the subject in others? Of
course high professionalism in the field of the taught subject is very important, but when
it comes to being a bad or a good teacher this is not the weightiest factor. A good
teacher is a person who not just reproduces the knowledge he got. Not a person that
only brings up the interest to the subject. It is a person who finds individual approach to
every pupil, taking care about the childs adaptation in class, increasing ones social
status in class and making sure the children learn to take into account and respect the
thoughts of other people. It is a man or a woman that can not play the teachers role
but he in the first place a feeling human being in front of the students, a person that
can show emotional response. For example, if the teacher is professionally good
enough but does not take critics from the pupils constructively or does not explain why
he thinks he is right this makes a huge gap between the students and the teacher. And
when there is no emotional contact the learning cannot be called successful, for the
students are not completely involved. When the teacher does not treat students as
people that obey him, treats them like they are equal to him and explains equally to
everybody it can really be a pointer of a good teacher. And one other very important
thing is creativity.
One of the indicators of a good teacher it is his desire to teach in a new, original form,
adding something new and personal to make the learning process as exciting as it can
possibly be. A bad teacher is a person that focuses only on the information he provides
not taking into account the children or anything. It is a person that is doing its job. Such
a person can be very good in the theoretical part of his subject but he will never have
students being emotionally attached to him. It is a teacher that lets his personal mood
influence on the way he treats his students, ect. That cannot reduce awkward situations
with humor either it is him in the situation or his student. Being a good teacher is about
loving children and wanting to give them only the best the teacher has inside of him.

Retrieved on 1
July 2014, from:

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