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I Love 9 months brings you a comprehensive workshop on Pre and Post Natal fitness and Wellness.
The credentials of the trainers are:
Anjali Raj:
Lamaze Teacher Training skills certified.

Ganga Raj:
AFPA- Pre and Post Natal Fitness, ACE, AFAA, Reebok and Sivananda Institute of
Yoga Certified.
Workshop Agenda:
Ganga Raj (Fitness Session for natural birthing and a healthy mother and child)
1. Importance of Exercise before , during and after Pregnancy
2. Caring your body during the lovely 9 months
3. Breathing Exercise for Two
4. Stretching and Strengthening your pregnant body
5. First Trimester Exercise
6. Second Trimester Exercise ( Staying Motivated)
7. Third Trimester Exercise ( Staying Positive)
8. Exercise to cope with Labor and Delivery
9. Early Weeks after Delivery
10. Fitness for the new mother
Anjali Raj: (Pain management and Relaxation) (Interactive Session)
1. Introduction
2. Importance of the partner during pregnancy and labor
3. Causes of Back Pain at various points of pregnancy and labor
4. Partner Exercises for relieving back pain
5. Acupressure points for relieving pain
6. Importance and Benefits of Relaxation
7. How to recognize muscle tension
8. Touch Relaxation
9. Roving body relaxation
10. Script for Passive relaxation
11. Thank You

Contact Details:
Ganga Raj : ,+91 9949017979
Anjali Raj:, +91 7675817370

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