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Atatrk University College of Agriculture Publication

Number: 66

Prof. Dr. Ziya YURTTA


ERZURUM - 1999



This booklet was prepared only as a source of reference for the intermediate level
intensive English courses that had been held annually in the College of Agriculture at
Atatrk University between 1978 and 1998. The details, explanations and exercises were
omitted, on purpose, for they were intended to be taken up during the courses.
Generally in schools, different parts of certain subjects are taught at different times
in the courses of English as a foreign language. A learner at intermediate level has to
integrate and consolidate these parts in order to establish a solid base for improvement.
In this booklet, the essentials of English Grammar are integrated by presenting related
parts together and simplified by sacrificing some details for the sake of practicality. It is
intended to provide a practical guideline for intermediate learners to reach to an advanced
level and for the advanced learners to maintain their level of proficiency in English. This
integrated approach makes it possible for learners to know what they already know and
they need to know.
Four basic skills, i.e., reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written
expression, and oral expression must be developed in learning a language. These skills are
based on Grammar and Vocabulary. A special attention must be given to each one of these
six basic components of linguistics in learning a foreign language in an efficient way. This
modest booklet has a limited objective of providing guidance for mainly one of them,
namely Grammar. The other components need to be dealt with separately to facilitate a
systematic learning.

Z.Y. 2004 - ERZURUM


Bu kitapck, Atatrk niversitesi Ziraat Fakltesinde 1978 ylndan beri
dzenlenmekte olan orta dzey youn ngilizce kurslar iin, yalnzca bir hatrlatma notu
olarak hazrlanmtr. Kurslar srasnda ele alnaca dnlerek, bu kitapkta ayrntlara,
aklamalara ve altrmalara yer verilmemitir.
Genellikle, okullarda yabanc dil derslerinde, belirli bir konunun deiik blmleri
deiik zamanlarda verilmektedir. Orta dzeyde bir rencinin, ilerleme salayacak
salam bir temel oluturabilmesi iin bu blmleri birletirip btnletirmesi ve
pekitirmesi gereklidir. Bu kitapckta ngilizce gramerinin temel konular ile ilgili
blmler bir araya getirilerek btnletirilmi ve baz ayrntlar ihmal edilerek
basitletirilmitir. Bu btnletirilmi yaklam bir rencinin belirli bir konuda neler
bildiini ve daha neler renmesi gerektiini kolaylkla gsterebilir.
Bir dil reniminde drt temel becerinin gelitirilmesi gerekir. Bu beceriler okuma,
yazma, anlama ve konumadr. Bunlar gramer ve kelime bilgisine dayanr. Yabanc dil
reniminde etkinlik salayabilmek iin dil biliminin bu alt temel blmne ayr ayr
almak ve nem vermek gerekir. Snrl bir ama iin hazrlanm olup, getiimiz
yllarda dzenlenen kurslara katlanlarn da katklar ile gelitirilmi olan bu notlarn
yabanc dil renimi ile ilgilenenlere yararl olmasn dilerim.

Z.Y. 2004 - ERZURUM



FIRST PART- ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN SUMMARY................................................1
1. TENSES (Zamanlar) .......................................................................................................1
2. MODALS (Modal Yardmc Fiiller) ..............................................................................7
3. ACTIVE-PASSIVE (Etgen-Edilgen) .............................................................................8
4. DIRECT - INDIRECT (Aktarmal fadeler) ................................................................9
5. RELATIVE PRONOUNS (lgi Zamirleri)..................................................................10
6. CAUSATIVE FORM (Ettirgen Yap) .........................................................................11
7.TAG QUESTIONS (Tag Sorular)................................................................................11
8. PARTICIPATION (Katlm) ........................................................................................11
9. NOUNS (simler) ...........................................................................................................12
10. PRONOUNS (Zamirler)..............................................................................................14
11. VERBS (Fiiller)............................................................................................................15
12. ADJECTIVES (Sfatlar) ............................................................................................19
13. ADVERBS (Zarflar)....................................................................................................21
14. PREPOSITIONS (Edatlar).........................................................................................24
15. CONJUNCTIONS (Balalar) ...................................................................................26
16. VERBALS (Fiil Kkenli Kelimeler)...........................................................................28
17. PREFIXES (n Ekler)................................................................................................31
18. SUFFIXES (Son Ekler) ...............................................................................................31
19. MISCELLANEOUS (Muhtelif) .................................................................................32
Odds and Ends...................................................................................................................34
SECOND PART IDIOMS..............................................................................................37
THIRD PART - PROVERBS AND TONGUE TWISTERS .........................................40
FOURTH PART - QUOTABLE QUOTATIONS..........................................................42
FIFTH PART-LETTERS AND CERTIFICATES.........................................................52
SIXTH PART - VOCABULARY.....................................................................................57
A Poem................................................................................................................................67


1. TENSES (Zamanlar)
1.1. Simple Tenses
1.1.1 Present Tense I go
1.1.2 Past Tense I went Gittim
1.1.3 Future Tense I will go Gideceim
1.1.4 Conditional T. I would go Gidecektim

1.2. Continuous Tenses (C.T.)
1.2.1 Present C.T.
I am going
1.2.2 Past C.T. I was going Gidiyordum
1.2.3 Future C.T. I will be going Gidiyor olacam
1.2.4 Conditional C.T. I would be going Gidiyor olacaktm

1.3. Perfect Tenses (P.T.)
1.3.1 Present P.T. I have gone Gitmiim (Gittim)
1.3.2 Past P.T. I had gone Gitmitim
1.3.3 Future P.T. I will have gone Gitmi olacam
1.3.4 Conditional P.T. I would have gone. Gitmi olacaktm

1.4. Perfect Continuous Tenses (P.C.T.)
1.4.1 Present P.C.T.
I have been going
1.4.2 Past P.C.T. I had been going Gitmekteydim
1.4.3 Future P.C.T. I will have been
1.4.4 Conditional P.C.T. I would have been going Gitmekte olacaktm

I am going to go I am gonna go I will go
I was going to go I was gonna go I would go

I used to go Giderdim (Alkanlk)
I would go Giderdim (arta bal)

Other verbs to be conjugated: to do, to be, to see, to have, to make. (to smoke for P.C.T.).


1. I go to school every day in the morning at 8 oclock with my friends by bus.
2. I went to school 10 minutes late yesterday.
3. I will go to school at one oclock this afternoon.
4. I would go to school today, if I had completed my homework in time.

5. I am going to Istanbul now.
6. I was going to Istanbul, when I met him at the airport.
7. I will be going to Istanbul tomorrow afternoon at two oclock.
8. I would be going to Istanbul at this moment, if had not missed the plane.

9. I have gone to Antalya three times in the past.
10. I had gone to Antalya two months before I met you.
11. I will have gone to Antalya the day after tomorrow.
12. I would have gone to Antalya by now, if I had not had an accident on Sunday.

13. I have been smoking for 3 years now.
14. I had been smoking for 10 years, when I stopped smoking.
15. I will have been smoking for 6 years by the end of this year.
16. I would have been smoking for 15 years now, if I had not stopped smoking 5 years
Im gonna go to downtown. Are you gonna come with me?
I was gonna go to theatre, if you had come earlier.

I used to go to movies at least three times a week, when I was a student.
I would go to see him and apologize to him, if I were in your place.

If I go to Istanbul,
I will see him
Istanbul'a gidersem
onu greceim.
If I had gone to Istanbul,
I would see him
Istanbula gitmi olsaydm,
onu grrdm.
If I had gone to Istanbul,
I would have seen him.
O zaman Istanbul'a gitmi olsaydm,
Onu grms olacaktm.


1.1.1. Simple Present Tense (do, does) (go) (-s)
I go. I do not go. Do I go? Do I not go?
You go. You do not go. Do you go? Do you not go?
(He, She, It) goes. - does not go. Does - go? Does - not go?
We go. We do not go. Do we go? Do we not go?
You go. You do not go. Do you go? Do you not go?
They go. They do not go. Do they go? Do they not go?

1.1.2. Simple Past Tense (did) (go) (went)
I went. I did not go. Did I go? Did I not go?
You went. You did not go. Did you go? Did you not go?
- went. - did not go. Did - go? Did - not go?
We went. We did not go. Did we go? Did we not go?
You went. You did not go. Did you go? Did you not go?
They went. They did not go. Did they go? Did they not go?

1.1.3. Simple Future Tense (will) (go)
I will go. I will not go. Will I go? Will I not go?
You will go. You will not go. Will you go? Will you not go?
- will go. Will not go. Will - go? Will - not go?
We will go. We will not go. Will we go? Will we not go?
You will go. You will not go. Will you go? Will you not go?
They will go. They will not go. Will they go? Will they not go?

1.1.4. Simple Conditional Tense (would) (go)
I would go I would not go. Would I go? Would I not go?
You would go. You would not go. Would you go? Would you not go?
- would go. - would not go. Would - go? Would - not go?
We would go. We would not go. Would we go? Would we not go?
You would go. You would not go. Would you go? Would you not go?
They would go. They would not go. Would they go? Would they not go?

Do not Don't Will not Won't
Did not Didn't Would not Wouldn't


1.2.1. Present Continuous Tense (am, are, is) (- ing)

I am going I am not going Am I going? Am I not going? (1)

(1) Aren't I going?

1.2.2. Past Continuous Tense (was, were) (- ing)

I was going I was not going. Was I going? Was I not going?

1.2.3. Future Continuous Tense (will be) (- ing)

I will be going I will not be going Will I be going? Will I not be going?

1.2.4. Conditional Continuous Tense (would be) (-ing)

I would be going I would not be
Would I be going? Would I not be


1.3.1. Present Perfect Tense (have, has) (gone)
I have gone I have not gone* Have I gone? Have I not gone?

*Have not: Haven't

1.3.2. Past Perfect Tense (had) (gone)
I had gone I had not gone Had I gone? Had I not gone?

1.3.3. Future Perfect Tense (will have) (gone)
I will have gone I will not have gone Will I have gone? Will I not have

1.3.4. Conditional Perfect Tense (would have) (gone)
I would have gone I would not have
Would I have gone? Would I not have


1.4.1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (have been, has been) (- ing)
I have been going I have not been
Have I been
Have I not been

1.4.2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (had been) (- ing)
I had been going I had not been
Had I been going? Had I not been

1.4.3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (will have been) (- ing)
I will have been
I will not have
been going
Will I have been
Will I not have
been going?

1.4.4. Conditional Perfect Continuous Tense (would have been) (- ing)
I would have been
I would not have
been going
Would I have been
Would I not have
been going?


2. MODALS (Modal Yardmc Fiiller)

2.1 Can ktidar belirten yardmc fiil
2.2 May Mezuniyet belirten yardmc fiil
2.3 Must Mecburiyet belirten yardmc fiil

I can go Gidebilirim
I could have gone Gitmi olabilirdim
I may go Gidebilirim
I might have gone Gitmi olabilirdim
I must go Gitmeliyim
I must have gone Gitmi olmalydm

Can be able to
Must have to, have got to, be obliged to, need to, be to, be compelled
to, be supposed to, should, ought to.

To be able to (muktedir olmak, yapabilmek)
I am able to go Gidebilirim I will be able to go Gidebileceim
I was able to go Gidebildim
(Gitmeye muktedirdim)
I would be able to go


To have to (Mecbur olmak, Zorunda olmak)
I have to go Gitmek zorundaym I will have to go Gitmek zorunda
I had to go Gitmek
I would have to go Gitmek zorunda

If I go, I will be able to see him.
If I had gone, I would have been able to see him.
If you had fallen, you could have broken your leg.
If you had started then, you could have finished it by now.
If I go, I will have to see him.
If I had gone, I would have had to see him.
He must have studied really well (his grade is good).
He should have studied really well (his grade is bad).
I need two hundred dollars so that I can go there.
I bought the car so that you would not have to walk.
Do you have to go? I may have to go.


3. ACTIVE-PASSIVE (Etgen-Edilgen)

Active Voice
Passive Voice

1 She writes a letter A letter is written by her
2 She wrote a letter was
3 She will write a letter will be
4 She would write a letter would be

5 She is writing a letter " is being
6 She was writing a letter " was being
7 She will be writing a letter " will be being
8 She would be writing a letter " would be being

9 She has written a letter " has been
10 She had written a letter " had been
11 She will have written a letter " will have been
12 She would have written a letter " would have been

13 She has been writing a letter " has been being
14 She had been writing a letter " had been being
15 She will have been writing a letter " will have been being
16 She would have been writing a letter " would have been being

He can write a letter. A letter can be written by him.
He may write a letter. A letter may be written by him.
He must write a letter. A letter must be written by him.

Let him write a letter. Let a letter be written by him.
Architect Ali has designed it. It has been designed by architect Ali.
He had broken a window. A window had been broken by him.


A. Someone gave me a present.
P. I was given a present.
P. A present was given to me.

A. They made him believe that she died.
P. He was made to believe that she died.

S+V+O (Subject + verb + object)
O+ to be+ V3+ S (Object + to be fiilinin uygun hali + esas fiilin 3. yani past participle hali + subject)
Geili fiiller (transitive verbs) yani nesne alan fiiller veya neyi ve kimi sorularna cevap alnabilen fiiller
iin P.V. yaplabilir. Geisiz fiiller (intransitive verbs, to go gibi) iin P.V. yaplamaz.


4. DIRECT - INDIRECT (Aktarmal fadeler)
Direct Statement Indirect Statement

1. "I go".
He said that He went.
2. "I went". " He went.
3. "I will go". " He would go.
4. "I would go". " He would go.

5. "I am going". He said that He was going.
6. "I was going". " He was going.
7. "I will be going". " He would be going.
8. "I would be going". " He would be going.

9. "I have gone". He said that He had gone.
10. "I had gone". " He had gone.
11. "I will have gone". He would have gone.
12. "I would have gone". " He would have gone.

13. "I have been going". He said that He had been going.
14. "I had been going". " He had been going.
15. "I will have been going". " He would have been going.
16. "I would have been going". " He would have been going.

"What are you doing? He asked me what I was doing.
"Where were you going? " where I was going.

"Can you help me? " if I could help him.
"May I come in? " if He might come in.
"Will you be able to go? " if I would be able to go.
"Do you have to go? " if I had to go.
"Did you have to go? " if I had to go.

Do you go? if I went
Did you go? if Iwent

Go ! He told me to go Dont go! He told me not to go

if = whether today-that day tomorrow-the next day
now - then this-that yesterday-the day before

Present tenses become past, past tenses remain the same.
Future tenses become conditional, conditional tenses remain the same.
When the introductory verb is in present or future tenses, the tense of the narrated part
may not change.


5. RELATIVE PRONOUNS (lgi Zamirleri)

Who Ki o Which (What, that) Ki o Where Ki orada
Whose Ki onun Of which Ki onun When Ki o zaman
Whom Ki ona (onu) To which Ki ona Of whom Ki onun
I saw the man who came to school on Sunday.
The man who is coming toward us is a doctor.
He who comes late deserves punishment.
Those who were late missed the opening ceremony.
I saw the man whose car was stolen yesterday afternoon.
The man whose car was stolen yesterday afternoon is a lawyer.
Did you see the lady whose car was without a license plate?
I saw the man whom you gave money in the bank.
The man whom I saw yesterday was quite tired and anxious.
The man with whom I played billiards is a champion in...
Which (what, that)
I picked up the pen which (that) was on the floor.
I do not understand what you say.
That is not what I want.
This is the knife with which I cut the rope.
The car to which you threw stone is a Cadillac Aldorado.

This is the place where they had met first.
There will be a time when Turkey will be full a member of the European Union.

He is the man, about whom you were talking = He is the man, whom you were
talking about = He is the man, you were talking about.

He who comes early sits down.
Atatrk is to Turkey what Washington is to U.S.A.
Those who are coming now will have to go back soon.


6. CAUSATIVE FORM (Ettirgen Yap)

To have something done To make somebody do something
To get something done To get somebody to do something

I have my shoes polished...
I had my shoes polished...
I will have my shoes polished...
I would have my shoes polished...
I make Ali study English...
I made Ali study English...
I will make Ali study English
I would make Ali study English...
I got my shoes polished
I will get Ali to study English

7.TAG QUESTIONS (Tag Sorular)
You go to school, don't you?
You went to school, didn't you?
You will go to school, won't you?
You would go to school, wouldn't you?
You do not go to school, do you?
You did not go to school, did you?
You will not go to school, will you?
You would not go to school, would you?

A. Affirmative Agreements B. Negative Agreements
Ali goes to zoo. I do too. He does not go to zoo. I don't either.
Ali went to zoo. I did too. He did not go to zoo. I didn't either.
Ali will go to zoo. I will too. He will not go to zoo. I won't either.
Ali would go to zoo. I would too. He wouldn't go to zoo. I wouldn't either.

I do too So do I I don't either Neither do I

It is a pen, isnt it?
You have to go, don't you?
He may go, may he not?
He has to go, doesn't he?
Let's go, shall we?
Open the door will you?
I am going, aren't I?

He was made to study for four hours.
She was made to pay for her mistake.
I was made to believe that he was innocent.
I will get him to accept the conditions


9. NOUNS (simler)
9.1. Proper Nouns (zel simler)
Ali, Mary, January, Ankara, London, Canterbury
9.2. Common Nouns (Cins simler)
cook, book, sinister, minister
9.3. Countable Nouns (Saylabilir simler)
apple, box, ranch, table
9.4. Uncountable Nouns (Saylamayan simler)
bread, butter, salt, water
9.5. Masculine Nouns (Eril simler)
boy, man, prince, king
9.6. Feminine Nouns (Diil simler)
girl, woman, princess, queen
9.7. Neuter Nouns (Ntr simler)
Things and animals whose sexes are not known
stone, steel, pots and pans
9.10. Nouns with the Same Form for M. and F.
child, parent, artist, painter, cousin
9.11. Nouns with Different Forms for M. and F.
father-mother, brother-sister, nephew-niece,
bull-cow, horse-mare, cock-hen
9.12 Plural Forms (oul ekilleri)
9.12.1. Regular Form
cat-cats, dog-dogs
9.12.2. Special Forms Nouns Ending in O, ss, sh, ch, X
tomatoes, kisses, watches, boxes
exceptions: pianos, photos Nouns Ending in fe, f,
wife-wives, life-lives,
wolf-wolves, self-selves, Nouns Ending in y Following a Consonant
baby-babies, lady-ladies Following a vowel
day-days, boy-boys.

13 Nouns that are in plural form and take singular verbs :
Mathematics, Statistics, Athletics, Economics Nouns that are in plural form and take plural verbs:
pants, trousers, pajamas, glasses,
pliers, shears, scissors, scales, tweezeers
9.12.3. Irregular Forms
fish-fish, trout-trout, sheep-sheep
news-news, baggage-baggage, information-information
man-men, woman-women, foot-feet
mouse-mice, louse-lice, ox-oxen
tooth-teeth, child-children
9.12.4. Original Latin or Greek Nouns
thesis-theses, crisis-crises,
alumnus-alumni, phenomenon-phenomena
erratum-errata, radius-radii
memorandum-memoranda, datum- data
basis-bases, axis-axes, nucleus nuclea
9.12.5. Others
sister in law-sisters in law
man student - men students
9.13. Possessive Forms (yelik ekilleri)
Ahmet's apples, man's fob Jone's house, Joness house
Shakespeare's plays, the plays of Martha X A week's holiday ; a week holiday
A stone's throw, ten dollar gas Three dollars worth of gas
For heaven's sake, for goodness sake The keys of the car, the names of the cities

9.14. Articles (Tantclar
9.14.1. The Definite Article (Belirli Tantc) The
The boy, the girl, the sky, the old
The rich, the Alps, the U.S.S.R., the Netherlands, the U.S.A.
The North Pole, the Smiths
9.14.2. The Indefinite Article (Belgisiz Tantc) a, an
A boy, a girl, an apple, an hour, a university

Tantclar zel isimlerden nce kullanlmaz.


10. PRONOUNS (Zamirler

( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D) ( E )
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You You Your Yours Yourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

A. Personal Pronouns (ahs Zamirleri) (zne)
B. Objective Pronouns (Nesne Zamirleri)
C. Possessive Pronouns (Mlkiyet Zamirleri)
D. Possessive Pronouns (Mlkiyet Zamirleri)
E. Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns (Dntrme ve Pekitirme Zamirleri)
F. Interrogative Pronouns (Soru Zamirleri)
Who? Whose? Whom? Which? What? How? When?
G. Relative Pronouns (lgi Zamirleri)
Who, Whose, Whom, Which, What, That.
H. Demonstrative Pronouns (aret Zamirleri)
This, That, These, Those
. Indefinite Pronouns (Belgisiz zamirler)
One, Someone, Anyone, Somebody, Anybody, None, No One, Everyone, Everybody,
I want nothing: I don't want anything
No: not any
Is everybody ready?

Zamirler zne yerine kullanlan szcklerdir


11. VERBS (Fiiller)
11.1. Infinitive Form to go
11.2. Present Form go
11.3. Past Form went
11.4. Past Participle gone
11.5. Regular Verbs (Dzenli Fiiller) (ask, asked, asked)
11.6. Irregular Verbs (Dzensiz Fiiller)
Past Past Participle
Bet Bet Bet Bahse Girmek
Cast Cast Cast Atmak
Cost Cost Cost Malolmak
Hit Hit Hit Vurmak
Hurt Hurt Hurt Incitmek
Let Let Let Brakmak
Set Set Set Kurmak
Spread Spread Spread Yaymak
Put Put Put Koymak
Quit Quit Quit Terketmek
Shut Shut Shut Kapatmak
Build Built Built Ina Etmek
Lend Lent Lent dn Vermek
Send Sent Sent Gndermek
Spend Spent Spent Sarfetmek
Get Got Got Elde Etmek
Go Went Gone Gitmek
Forget Forgot Forgotten Unutmak
Hang Hung Hung Asmak
Ring Rang Rung (Zil) almak
Sing Sang Sung ark Sylemek
Spring Sprang Sprung Sramak
Sit Sat Sat Oturmak
Win Won Won Kazanmak


Hear Heard Heard Duymak
Read Read Read Okumak
Pay Paid Paid demek
Say Said Said Sylemek

Feed Fed Fed Beslemek
Lead Led Led Yol Gstermek
Hold Held Held Tutmak
Feel Felt Felt Hissetmek
Keep Kept Kept Saklamak
Sleep Slept Slept Uyumak
Weep Wept Wept Alamak
Leave Left Left Brakmak
Meet Met Met Karlamak
Lose Lost Lost Kaybetmek
Bind Bound Bound Balamak
Find Found Found Bulmak
Shine Shone Shone Parlamak
Strike Struck Struck Vurmak, Grev
Bring Brought Brought Getirmek
Buy Bought Bought Satn Almak
Fight Fought Fought Dvmek
Think Thought Thought Dnmek
Catch Caught Caught Yakalamak
Teach Taught Taught retmek
Sell Sold Sold Satmak
Tell Told Told Anlatmak
Make Made Made Yapmak
Stand Stood Stood Durmak


Ride Rode Ridden Binmek
Write Wrote Written Yazmak
Rise Rose Risen Kalkmak
Bite Bit Bitten Isrmak
Hide Hid Hidden Saklamak
Bear Bore Born Tamak
Swear Swore Sworn Yemin Etmek
Tear Tore Torn Yrtmak
Wear Wore Worn Giymek
Break Broke Broken Krmak
Speak Spoke Spoken Konumak
Choose Chose Chosen Semek
Steal Stole Stolen almak
Grow Grew Grown Bymek
Know Knew Known Bilmek
Throw Threw Thrown Atmak
Fly Flew Flown Umak
Slay Slew Slain Katletmek
See Saw Seen Grmek
Take Took Taken Almak
Shake Shook Shaken Sarsmak
Beat Beat Beaten Dvmek
Eat Ate Eaten Yemek
Fall Fell Fallen Dmek
Do Did Done Yapmak
Go Went Gone Gitmek
Lie Lay Lain Yatmak, Uzanmak
Lay Laid Laid Yatrmak, Uzatmak
Lie Lied Lied Yalan Sylemek


Forbid Forbade Forbidden Yasaklamak
Give Gave Given Vermek
Begin Began Begun Balamak
Drink Drank Drunk Imek
Run Ran Run Komak

11.7. Verbs Followed by the Gerund
admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, defer, deny, dislike, dread,
enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, keep, mind, miss,
pardon, postpone, prevent, propose, remember, resent, resist,stop, suggest
To object to, to confess to, to get used to, to look forward to
He objected to joining the army.
He admitted robbing the bank.
She appreciated receiving letters from her fans.
I enjoy calling her once in a while.
I don't mind walking to my office.
I don't remember seeing her.
I can't help laughing when I think of that joke.
Stop talking, l can't stop loving you.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I can't stand listening to a loud music.
11.8. Verbs Followed By the Gerund or Infinitive
Start, begin, continue, intend
I started studying. (I started to study!)

11.9. Verbs Followed By That and Verb-1
Suggest, recommend, insist, demand
He suggested that we go.
What do you suggest that we do?
The kidnappers demanded that the father pay the ransom in small dollar bills.
11.10. Verbs Followed by the Gerund or Infinitive Taking a Different Meaning
try + gerund denemek I tried solving the problem.
try + to infinitive abalamak I tried to pick up the stone.
stop + gerund brakmak I stopped smoking.
stop + to infinitive iin durmak I stopped to smoke.


12. ADJECTIVES (Sfatlar)
12.1. Definitive, Comparative and Superlative Forms Of Adjectives
12.1.1. Regular One or Two Syllable Adjectives

Long Longer The Longest
Short Shorter The Shortest
Heavy Heavier The Heaviest
Old Older The Oldest
Weak Weaker The Weakest
Strong Stronger The Strongest

12.1.2. Regular Multi Syllable Adjectives
Beautiful More Beautiful The Most Beautiful
Important More Important The Most Important
Eccentric More Eccentric The Most Eccentric
Tiring More Tiring The Most Tiring
Tired More Tired The Most Tired
Boring More Boring The Most Boring
Bored More Bored The Most Bored

12.1.3. Irregular Adjectives
Good Better The Best
Bad Worse The Worst
Much More The Most
Little Less The Least

12.2. Comparisons
1. as.............. as I am as old as you are.
He is twice as old as she is.
2. more .......... than I am older than you are.
I am more important than you are.
I am better than you are.
3. The most.... among (in) He is the best runner among students.
She is the most beautiful girl in town. (... in the world)


The sun is one million times as big as the Mars is.
The population of Erzurum is about twice as much as that of Kars.
The statue of Atatrk in Erzurum is twice as big as the one in Kars.
Ahmet spends half as much money as Mehmet does.
There are more than twice as many people in the world now as there were 25 years
There are as many students in Erzurum as there are people in Kars.
I have studied for as many years as you have lived.
I am not as tired as you are: I am not tired as much as you are.
A is 100 times richer than B.
A is as tall as B. A is not as tall as B. A is not so tall as B.
I am as generous as you are miser.


13. ADVERBS (Zarflar
13.1. Adverbs of Manner (Hal Zarflar)
Slowly Yavaa Smoking kills slowly.
Quickly Hzlca
Well Iyice
Badly Ktce
Altogether Birlikte
Separately Ayrca
Generally Genellikle
Particularly zellikle
Deliberately Kasden
Accidentally Kazaen
Naturally Doal Olarak
Artificially Yapay Olarak
Similarly Ayn ekilde
Conversely Tersine Olarak
Apparently Grn Olarak
Certainly Muhakkak
Evidently Grne Gre
Obviously Ak Olarak
Presumably Farazi Olarak
Fortunately Iyiki
Especially zellikle
Actually Gerekten
Mostly ounlukla
Personally ahsen
Undoubtedly phesiz
Clearly Aka
Surely Emin Olarak
Definitely Muhakkak
Positively Kesin Olarak

Zarflar, bir fiilin veya sfatn anlamn belirten veya kuvvetlendiren kelimelerdir


13.2. Adverbs of Time (Zaman Zarflar)

Now imdi It is time to go now.
Then O zaman, ondan sonar
Earlier Daha nce
Later Daha sonra
The day before
nceki gn
The day after
br gn
Every third day gnde bir
All of a sudden Aniden
A while ago Biraz nce
A moment ago Biraz nce
A little later Biraz sonra
Right now Hemen imdi (nce) He was here right now.
Right away Hemen imdi (sonra) He will be here right away.
At the beginning Balangta
At the end Sonunda
Until now Bu zamana kadar
From now on Bundan sonra (artk)
From then on Ondan sonra
Sooner or later Er veya ge
Eventually Sonunda (nihayet)
Lately Son zamanlarda
Recently Son zamanlarda
Soon Yakn zamanda
Immediately Derhal
In the meanwhile Bu arada
Every other day

Gn ar

13.3. Adverbs of Place (Yer Zarflar)
Here Burada, buras, buraya He is here. It is here. Come here.
There Orada, oras, oraya

13.4. Adverbs of Frequency (Sklk Zarflar)*
Once Bir kez I went there once.
Twice Iki kez
Three times kez
All the time Her zaman
Always Her zaman
Frequently Sk sk


Occasionally Arada srada
Periodically Periodik olarak
Once in a while Arada bir
Rarely Nadiren
Once in a blue
ok nadir
Repeatedly Mkerrer olarak
Continually Srekli olarak
Intermittently Kesintili olarak
* (Sklk zarflar yardmc fiillerden sonra, asl fiillerden nce gelir) (I am always late)

13.5. Adverbs of Degree (Derece Zarflar)
Almost Hemen hemen It is almost completed.
Nearly Neredeyse
Quite Olduka
Too Haddinden fazla
Enough Yeterli
Extremely Ar ekilde
Only Sadece
Just Sadece

13.6. Words with the Same Adjective and Adverb Forms
Fast Hzl Dont go too fast.
Late Ge
Hard Sert
Early Erken
Friendly Dosta
Low Dk


In Iinde, iine It is in the box. Put it in your pocket.
Out Dnda, dna
On stnde, stne
Off Uzanda, uzana
At De, da, e, a
Over zerinde, zerine
Under Altnda, altna
In front of nnde, nne
At the back of Arkasnda, arkasna
At the bottom of Dibinde
On the top of stnde
Around evresinde, evresine
Across Karsnda, karsna
Against Karsnda, karsna
Along Boyunda, boyuna
Among Arasnda, arasna
(ikiden fazla ey)

After Sonra
Before nce
Behind Arkasnda, arkasna
Below Altnda, altna
Between Arasnda, arasna
(iki ey)

Beyond tesinde, tesine
By Yannda, yanna
Up Yukarda, yukarya
Down Aada, aaya
From Den, dan
Into Iine
Near Yaknnda, yaknna
Opposite Karsnda, karsna
Outside Dnda, dna

Edatlar bir nesnenin dier bir nesneye gre konumunu belirten kelimelerdir.


Past Den teye
Through Iinden, arasndan
Until, till E kadar
To E doru
With Ile
Without Ile olmakszn

A diagram of the most commonly used prepositions


15. CONJUNCTIONS (Balalar)
And Ve George and Jack go to bed at ten.
Or Veya
But Fakat
For Iin, den dolay
Yet Henz, yine de
If Eer
Although (though) E ramen
Notwithstanding E ramen
Nevertheless Yine de
Because nk
Because of Den dolay
In spite of E ramen
In stead of Yerine
Due to Den dolay
Besides Zaten, ayrca, den baka
Except Den baka, hari
Like Gibi
Likewise Ayn ekilde
As Gibi, ken (giderken)
Therefore Bunun iin
However Buna ramen
Whereas Halbuki
In fact Gerekte, nitekim
As a matter of fact Aslnda, zaten, nitekim
Not to mention the
fact that
Kald ki
In as much as Madem ki, den dolay
Since Madem ki, den dolay
About Hakknda = (pertaining to, regarding, with
regard to in connection with, , related
to pursuant to, in relation to)


Either .......or Ya ........ya da...... Either you or your friend will have to
go there.

Neither.....nor Ne de....... Neither you nor your friend can pay
for that.

Both ........and Hem ....hem de...... Both you and your girl friend were
seen there.

Not only....but also Yalnzca ...deil, fakat
ayn zamanda .......da
Not only you but also your friends
are not wanted here.

Whether ....or ..ip ........mediini de .....mese de
I dont know whether or not he is in
She will have to go there
Whether she wants it or not

The more ....the more Ne kadar ok ..........
O kadar ok ............
The more you study the higher grade
you get.
The more you work, the more you
The higher you go, the harder you

Just as Nasl ki .......ise, ayni
-Just as Kosovo is sacred land to
the Serbs, so is Krajina to Croatians.
-Just as Chechenia is an internal
matter of Russia so is Karabag for


16. VERBALS (Fiil Kkenli Kelimeler)
16.1. Gerund (sim Fiil)
16.1.1. Present
Swimming is a good exercise.
I like swimming in a warm pool.
She likes teaching tap dance.
I can't stand waiting in lines.
Being alone in a trip is boring.
I like your speaking with an accent

16.1.2. Past
Having been alone on that trip was boring.
He denied having been late for work.

16.2. Infinitive (Mastar)
16.2.1. Present

To exercise in the morning is good for health.
I like to swim in heated pools.
She has a lot of work to do.
I felt the earth move.
He saw him go into the building.

16.2.2. Past
To have seen him doesn't mean much.
It is unfortunate for him to have met her.
I am sorry to have met you.
I wish I had never met you.

16.3. Participle (Sfat ve Zarf Fiiller)
16.3.1. Adjective Participle (Sfat fiiller) Present
The movie is exciting.
It is a very exciting movie indeed.
People living in the country are lucky.
The energy needed by all living things comes from the sun.
The lecture was interesting and informing.

29 Past
He is a retired teacher. (tired, disappointed etc.)
The broken chair will be repaired.
I will borrow the required money from the bank.
I am excited.

16.3.2. Adverb Participle (Zarf Fiiller) Zaman Bildiren Adverb Participle Present
Watching TV, he fell asleep (while...)
Entering the room, I saw the burglar (while...)
I saw him crossing the street (while) Past
Having watched the game he left the stadium (... after that.)
Having finished his work, he went home (... after that..) Sebep Bildiren Adverb Participle Present
Being very hungry, I ate a lot. (Because ...)
Knowing him well, she did not believe him (Because...) Past
(Having been) Wrapped in a blanket, he didn't mind spending the night
(Because...) Having been very hungry, I had eaten a lot.
Having received no letter from her for a long time, he was worried.


Gerund Infinitive Participle
Present Past Present Past
Adjective Adverb
Present Past
Time Cause
Present Past Present Past


17. PREFIXES (n Ekler)
Aboard : (Gemide, gemiye) Welcome aboard.
Abroad : (Yurt dnda, yurt dna) I have not been abroad yet.
Archbishop : (Bapiskopos) Archbishop Makarios had been involved in politics.
Enrich : (Zenginletirme) Protein can be used to enrich the flour.
Impossible : (mkansz) When something is not possible it is impossible.
Semiofficial : (Yar resmi) AA is a semiofficial news agency.
Prehistoric : (Tarih ncesi) People did not know much in prehistoric times.
Post election : (Seim sonras) Post election politics has been quite complicated
Vice-president : (Bakan yardmcs) Vice-president Johnson had an heart attack.

18. SUFFIXES (Son Ekler)
Drinkable : (ilebilir) This water is drinkable.
Kingdom : (Krallk) The United Kingdom is ruled by Elizabeth II.
Enriched : (Zenginletirilmi) This food has been enriched by extra protein.
Employed : (i, mstahdem) The employees will strike to raise their wages.
Childish : (ocuka) It is childish to cry over simple things.
Civilized : (Medeniletirilmi) The wild tribes are civilized now.
Americanize : Amerikallatrmak
Booklet : (Kitapk) That booklet consists of only 30 pages.
Lakelet : (Glck) Van is a lake but Kkekmece is a lakelet.
Payment : (deme) The size of the payment is determined by the
purchase power.
Careful : (Dikkatli) You have to be careful when you cross the street.
Careless : (Dikkatsiz) He fell on the ice because he was careless.
Carefulness : (Dikkatlilik) That job requires complete carefulness.
Carelessness : (Dikkatsizlik) The accident happened as a result of carelessness.
Separately : (Ayr olarak) Place the pieces separately.
Naturally : (Doal olarak) Naturally they will refuse the offer.
Personally : (Kiisel olarak) Personally, I hate cold weather.

Strong : gl Strength : g, kuvvet (sfattan isim)
Smoke : duman Smoky : Dumanl (isimden sfat)
Simple : basit Simplify : Basitletirmek (sfattan fiil)


19. MISCELLANEOUS (Muhtelif)
Three lane highway eritli karayolu
Hundred page book 100 sayfalk kitap
The tea is too hot to drink ay iilmeyecek kadar scak
The tea is hot enough to drink ay iilebilecek kadar scak
There is no body in the room There is not any body in the room
The movie is not interesting, I would rather (I'd
rather) watch TV tonight
televizyon seyretmeyi tercih ederim.
I had better (I'd better) start studying, or else I
will flunk the exam.
almaya balasam iyi olur. Yoksa
snavda akarm.
They talk to each other.

(2 persons)
They talk to one another.

(More than 2 persons)
You can go whenever (or wherever) you want
Her ne zaman istersen
You can take whatever (or whichever) you
Her ne istersen
No matter what, I will go there
Ne olursa olsun...
Sooner or later I'm gonna get you
Er veya ge
They came here one after another
Onlar buraya birbiri peine geldiler.
They came here one at a time
Onlar buraya birer birer geldiler.
They came here one by one
Onlar buraya birer birer geldiler.
They came here in a group of two
Onlar buraya ikier ikier geldiler.
The more you study, the more you learn
Ne kadar ok alrsan o kadar ok
The more you work, the more you earn
Ne kadar ok alrsan o kadar ok
Did you happen to meet Mr. President
Hi (tesadfen) bakanla karlatnz
I happened to be passing by the scene when
the accident happened.
Kaza olduunda oradan tesadfen
You don't get into this, mind your own
Bu ie karma. Kendi iine bak.
That is none of your business
Bu i seni ilgilendirmez.
You have to take a taxi in order to get there in
time (... so, as to ..., so as not to...)
Oraya zamannda varabilmek iin taksi
ile gitmen gerekir.
You have to study hard in order that (so that)
you can learn English well
ngilizceyi iyi renebilmen iin
Has what happened to you happened to them
Senin bana gelen onlarn bana da
geldi mi?


Open the door.
Please open the door (open the door please).
Will you please open the door?
Would you please open the door?
Would you be so kind as to open the door please?

The cars were travelling bumper to bumper.
Put the boxes one on top of the other to save room (on top of one another)
The workers put the rails end to end and welded them.
The fishermen laid the fish side by side in the market.

If it weren't for the umbrella, we would get wet.
If it had not been for you, I would not have been able to go there.
Had it not been for you, she would have died. (Inversion)
Should one day you come here, please stop by my office.
Should I hear from him, I will let you know.

Did you use to go there?
No. I didn't use to go there.

Let us (me, him, her, it, , them) go. Shall we?
Let's stay here. Let's not stay here. Shall we go?

This is the first time I have seen such a thing.
If you had not been a stupid, you would not have listened to the same thing
every Sunday.
You cant have seen him yesterday, he was with me all day.
Someone came here, didn't they?
I am a doctor, aren't I?
I heard him sing.
I heard him singing.
You can't go there until you have finished your work.
Don't stick your neck out.
He suggested that I see the doctor.
To arrive in Istanbul.
To arrive at the airport.
To arrive on the scene.


We will take turns.
Whose turn is it?
It is my turn.
Sit at the table.
Hold it tight, so that you won't fall
He held it tight so that he wouldn't fall
It is made of gold.
It is made from (out of) packing cases.
To fall in (out of) love with sb.
Would you honorable MPS come to order please?
To take a chance: to take a risk.
To give a chance: to give an opportunity.
Ski slopes in Erzurum are steeper than those in Sarkam.
The population of Erzurum is twice as much as that of Kars.
On behalf of : adna
In behalf of : yararna
20 % of the students who passed the exams are girls.
Half of those that were sent there were donkeys.
I saw Ahmet go to school. (Action completed)
I saw Ahmet going to school. (The action may not have been completed.)
You have to be a little bit crazy to keep your sanity.
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
May god give you twice as much as what you want for me!
Every body must account for his actions.
There are two sides to a coin.
There are more to things than meets the eye.
There is nothing to it.
Every criminal must stand trial, and get a fair trial.

Odds and Ends
- to rank first
- to put someone to shame
- council of Higher Education
- ICBMs, airborne bombers, submarine based missiles
- a duplicate copy of important documents
- special thanks are due to those who...
- his philosophy is moderation in everything


- Jack of all trades, but master of none
- Dont let this chance slip away.
- boil, grill, bake, fry,
- pots and pans, garnish
- extant X extinct
- poker, bridge, black jack, chess, backgammon
- heart, club, spade, diamond
- citius, altius, fortius
- wrestling, boxing, running, high-jumping, long-jumping, skating, skiing,
swimming, diving, riding, hammer-throwing, discus-throwing, javelin,
tennis, ping-pong, pole-vaulting, golf, football, voleyball, basketball, soccer,
- Five Pillars of Islam: praying, fasting, pilgrimage, almsgiving, confirmation
of faith. (the sixth one, they say, is knowing your boundries)
- Mental Abilities : Intelligence, memory, perception, reasoning, orientation,
willpower stability, attention, sensitivity.
- Acrophobia: fear of height.
- Acrobat: acts in the heights.
- To pass (fail, flunk) the test
- To stand the test of time.
- To chant nursery rhymes.
- At ease, attention, fire.
- Open shed barns
- Honest to God : Vallahi
- Duplication, multiplication, replication, reproduction.
- Liberty, equality, fraternity.
- Dilemma: A difficult situation.
- Paradox: strange but true.
- Enigma: Muamma, esrar, ifre
- To be vulnerable to pressure
- To take somebody at his word.
- The theory of Lambrazo on the nature of man
- On the spur of the moment.
- To tell a lie
- To lie ander a tree
- To lay a wreath, (a foundation stone and a L)


Addition 2 + 3 = 5 Two plus three equals five.
Two plus three is five.
Subtraction 5-3 = 2 Five minus three equals two.
Multiplication 5 x 6 = 30 Five multiplied by six equals thirty.
Five times six is thirty.
Division 30 : 6 = 5 Thirty divided by six equals five.

: six squared a
: a to the power x
: six to the third power a
: a to the power minus b.
a/b = c dividend / divider = quotient
a.b = c multiplied. multiplier = product
X = X/N X bar equals sum X over N (average)
6 and 36 6 is a factor of 36, 36 is a multiple of 6 (arpan ve kat)
- b
: (a+b) (a-b) The difference of two squared numbers is the product of
the sum and the difference of these numbers.



All the same yine de I was not invited to the conference, but I
will attend all the same.
As if sanki, imi gibi He orders me to do things, as if he is my
As soon as possible mmkn olan en
ksa zamanda
Please let me know the result as soon as
At first ilk nce At first, I thought that he was a student
At last nihayet At last, he was able to pay his debt.
At least en azndan There were at least 500 people in the
To be about to zere olmak He was about to leave the room when I
went there.
To be familiar with aina olmak I am familiar with that subject.
To be in charge of sorumlu olmak He is in charge of this department.
To be interested in ilgilenmek I am not interested in politics.
To be one's turn sras olmak Now it is your turn to wash the dishes.
To be tired of bkmak They are tired of uninvited guests.
To be used to alk olmak People in Erzurum are used to cold.
To break down bozulmak My car broke down on the way.
To break up (with) bozumak He broke up with his girl friend yesterday.
To bring up ocuk yetitirmek He was brought up in a village.
By the way sras gelmiken By the way, I had met him in Paris.
To catch cold souk almak Take your coat with you, otherwise you
will catch cold.
To catch fire ate almak The forest caught fire in a dry hot day.
To be fed up (with) bkmak usanmak I am fed up with all this nonsense.
To be fond (of) holanmak He is fond of Jane Fonda very much.
To be in need (of) ihtiyac olmak The old man is in need of money and care.
To be out of question sz konusu
A general amnesty is out of question for
the coming ten years.
To be through (with) bitirmek, iliii
I am through with that research for this
To beat about to bush laf uzatmak Please don't beat about (around) the bush,
come to the point.
To change one's mind Fikrini deitirmek Did you change your mind?
To come across karlamak We come across different types of people
in the railway and bus stations.
To come to an end sona ermek Sooner or later, this tragedy will come to
an end.
To call for gerektirmek The project calls for a million dollar.
To catch up (with) yetimek Turkey has been trying to catch up with the


West for the past 100 years.
To charged (with) ile itham etmek He was charged with murder and robbery.
To do away with
(to get rid of)
bandan atmak
She did away with all her old clothes.
To do one's best elinden geleni
I will try do my best to accomplish it and
save my face.
To fall asleep uykuya dalmak He falls asleep right after he goes to bed.
To fall in love (with) ak olmak Ferhat had fallen in love with irin.
To feel like can istemek I don't feel like drinking tonight.
To feel sorry (for) acmak He feels sorry for the poor and gives them
To find out anlamak I'll find out where he was at that time.
For the time being imdilik He will keep his mouth shut for the time
For nothing bedava, karlksz You can not get anything for nothing.
To get along geinmek They cant get along well with each other.
To get well iyilemek I hope you will get well soon.
To get in touch (with) temasa gemek You have to get in touch with the manager.
To get in the house eve girmek to get out of the house : evden kmak
To get on the bus arabaya binmek to get off the bus : arabadan inmek
To get up yataktan kalkmak to wake up : uyanmak
To get used to almak You will get used to it soon.
To give a call telefon etmek Give me a call tonight.
To give in taviz vermek I wont give in any more.
To give up vazgemek He gave up his plan to go to Sakarya
Heads or tails yaz tura Heads or tails? Heads you win, tails I win.
To have nothing to do
with something
Bir eyle ilgisi
I have nothing to do with it.
In other words dier bir deyile in other words, he will not pay his debt.
To keep in mind aklda tutmak please keep in mind that ...
To keep in touch
ilikiyi devam
Keep in touch with us even if you go far
far away.
To keep up (with) ayak uydurmak He can't keep up with the rest of the group
To let someone know birisine bildirmek Please let me know if you run into him.
To look after bakmak (ocuk vs.) The mother will look after the child.
To make fun (of) alay etmek Don't make fun of me sir.
To make up (with) barmak He made up with his girl friend today.
To make up (for) telafi etmek I will make up for the time I lost
To play a joke (on) aka yapmak The students played a joke on the teacher.
To make money para kazanmak He made a lot of money in gambling.
To make up one's
karar vermek Don't make up your mind without
consulting the consultant.
To change one's mind karar deitirmek Dont change your mind so often.
To make use of yararlanmak Turkey can make use of coal for energy.
To mind one's own
kendi iine bakmak Mind your own bussiness. Dont stick your
nose into this matter.
Once and for all kesin olarak Resolve the matter once and for all.


Out of curiosity meraktan Just out of curiosity, how much money do
you make in one month?
Out of date demode Your shirts are out of date, keep them up
to date.
Out of order bozuk Don't turn the radio on. It is out of order.
To pay attention to dikkat etmek Pay attention to what I say.
To put out sndrmek They put the fire out.
To put off tehir etmek They had to put off the show because of
the bad weather.
To call off iptal etmek They called off the show for financial
To put on weight kilo almak Some people put on weight fast, no matter
To run into rastlamak He ran into his old friend in the street.
To see someone off birisini uurlamak The honor troop was present when they
saw the president off.
To set fire to atee vermek They set fire to the house on purpose.
To shake hands el skmak We shook hands when we broke up.
To shut up sesini kesmek If you don't have to talk, just shut up.
To show up kagelmek He showed up one hour after the show.
To slow down yavalamak The car slowed down and pulled over.
To stick to the point konuya bal
Do not beat about the bush, come and stick
to the point.
To take a bus otobse binmek You must take a bus or a taxi.
To take a chance i ansa brakmak Study hard. Dont take a chance.
To take advantage of istirmar etmek Do not take advantage of his innocence.
To take after Birisine ekmek Who did he take after? He took after his
good for nothing uncle.
To take a seat bir yere oturmak He asked me to take a seat when I entered
the room.
To take into account hesaba katmak The teacher should have taken the
conditions in his family into account.
To take a break ara vermek We took a break after we studied an hour.
To take apart paralamak They took the car apart to repair it.
To take by surprise artmak That news took me by surprise.
To take part in katlmak I would like to take a part in the research.
To take seriously ciddiye almak Don't take to the movies too seriously.
To take sides taraf tutmak A president should not take sides on
political matters.
To take someone for
someone else
birisini birisine
They often take me for my brother.
To take up alkanlk edinmek I gave up smoking but took up chewing
gum. Dont take up a harmfull habit.
To turn someone
birisini reddetmek The girl turned the boy down when he
asked her for a date.
To wake up uyanmak I try to wake up early in the morning.


Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Do not do to others, what you do not want others to do to you.
Whatever you wish for yourself wish the same for the others
One is as good as the extent to which he wants for others what he wants for himself
We have two ears but only one tongue, so that we may hear more and speak less.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Rolling stones gather no moss.
Barking dogs do not bite.
A friend exaggerates one's virtues and enemy his faults.
What is good for one may not always be good for others.
One should not judge by appearance.
One should not put the cart in front of the horse.
Business is business.
A lie calls for a hundred more.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time,
but you can not fool all of the people all of the time (Lincoln).
People who stay in glass houses should not throw stones (men dakka dukka)
When the cats are away, the mice will play.
Only the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Too many cooks spoil the soup.
Strike while the iron is hot.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A man is known by the company he keeps.
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
Action speaks louder than the words.
The more you know, the more you know how much you don't know.
Easy come, easy go.
Time is money (El vaktu naktun)
Out of sight, out of mind
God gives nuts to those who don't have teeth.
Don't run after a girl or a bus, because there is always another one coming.
If a diplomat says yes, it means perhaps.If a diplomat says perhaps, it means no.
If a diplomat says no, he is not a real diplomat.


Tongue Twisters
How much wood would a woodpecker peck, if a woodpecker could peck wood.
Did you see Sally selling sea shells by the sea shores?
Will you buy a rubber baby buggy bumper?
Three hundred and thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three (333.333).
Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper. How many packs of pickled pepper did
Peter Piper pick?
Trouble trouble before trouble troubles you.
The more you know, the more you know how much you don't know.
It lasted from two to two, to two two..
If the sentence that had HAD had had HAD HAD, it would be correct.
Are you one of those whom we have not been able to Americanize?

A Nursery Rhyme
Eeney meeney monee moo.
Catch a tiger by his toe,
If he hollers let him go.
Eeney, meeney, monee, moo.


The World
The world is one of the 9 planets of the solar system.
The world rotates* on its own axis once every 24 hours.
The Earth revolves* around the sun once a year.
The moon is a satellite of the earth.
The moon revolves around the earth on an orbit once a month.
The moon is a satellite of the earth.
The area of the world is about 510.000.000 km
(square kilometers).
The area of the world is about 600 times larger than that of Turkey.
3/4 of the world area is covered by the sea (three fourths of the ...)
The distance between the earth and the moon is about 384.000 km. A space craft
can cover this distance in less than three days.

The history of the world dates back around 4 billion years.
We are living at a time when machines do work that men used to do.
Airplanes can cover a distance in as many hours now, as it used to take days by
other means of transportation in the near past.
There are twice as many people in the world now as there were 50 years ago.
Neil Armstrong, the commander of Apollo 11, is the first man to set foot on the
moon on July 21, 1969.
America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
Telephone was invented by A. Graham Bell in 1876.
United Nations was established in 1945.

The richest country in the world, in terms of per capita income, is Kuwait.
According to Malthus, the population of the world increases in geometrical ratio
whereas the food production increases in arithmetical ratio. Therefore, the world
is bound to face a serious crisis stemming from the shortage of food.

One of the most important problems facing the mankind today is the lack of
sense of justice among nations. Power is still the major factor in settling
Palestinian-Israeli dispute is the most important problem in the World Politics.
Turkey is trying to join the European Union since 1963.

* Rotate: to turn on an axis
* Revolve: to turn around a point


Turkey is located between two continents, Asia and Europe.
The area of Turkey is about 780.000 km
(... square kilometers)
Turkey has well defined borders on all sides.
Turkey is surrounded by the sea on three sides. The Black Sea is in the north,
Aegean Sea is in the west and the Mediterranean Sea is in the south.
The mountains along the coast are covered with forests whereas the mountains of
Central Anatolia is mainly bare.
Due to the differences in climate and the formation of the terrain, Anatolia is
divided into a variety of agricultural regions.
For many thousands of years, because of its unique geographical position, Turkey
has been the cradle of many civilizations and the scene of many historical events.
Anatolia was captured and ruled by many nations, including Ionians, Persians,
Romans, Arabs, and Turks.
It is not for nothing that Turkey is called as the "cradle of civilization"...
The economy of Turkey is based on free market system.
Monetary unit in Turkey is Turkish Lira.
Per capita income in Turkey is about $5.000.
Turkey is among a few nations in the world that are self- sufficient in food
If it werent for the waste and and mismanagement in the government in the past
20 years, the per capita income would have more than doubled now.
Social and Cultural Structure
The population of Turkey is about 70 million which constitutes approximately %
1 (one per cent) of the world's population.
30 % of the population live in rural areas in Turkey.
Turkey can be considered as a land of contrasts in some ways. For example, some
people still live a traditional life while some have adopted a modern way of life.
There is a big gap between the distribution of income both among the individuals
and the regions. These disparities need to be mitigated.
Political parties based onreligion, race or class is outlawed in Turkey.
Turkey is a country to be reckoned with.



Erzurum is located in the north eastern part of Turkey.
It has always been an important center because of its geographical location and
topographical position.
A branch of the ancient Silk Road used to pass through the city.
It is located on the skirts of majestic Palandken Mountains, overlooks a large
plain and controls several passes to different directions.
The population of Erzurum is about 400.000.
The altitude of the city is about 1.800 meters.
The city is surrounded by Palandoken Mountains on the south and Kargapazar
Mountains on the north.
The winters in Erzurum last for about six months from mid-November to the
end of April.
Erzurum has a history of 6.000 years dating back to 4.000 B.C.
Erzurum was captured and ruled by many nations such as Urartians,
Cimmerians, Persians, Romans, Arabs, Byzantians and Turks (Saltuqs, Ilhans
and Ottomans).
The Citadel in the city was built by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in the 5

Century, but the clock tower was built by the Saltuq Turks in 12
Erzurum has been the capital city of Saltuqian Dynasty in 12
There are many works of art in the city from the period of Saltuq, Ilhan, and
Ottoman Turks such as Grand Mosque, Double Minarets, Yakutiye Medresah
and Lala Pasha Mosque.
Ulucami, the grand mosque, was built by Melik Nasrettin of Seljuks in the 12
Century. It is covered by 7 parallel vaults, which provide 7 wide naves for the
The Double Minarets, a Theological College, was built by Sultan Alaattin
Keykubat of saltuqs, a branch of the Seljuks, in the 13
Century. It is the biggest
and most elaborately decorated building of its kind in Anatolia. It has a very
impressive portal with a highly decorated frame and a huge mukarnas (a
decorated arch of the portal). Elaborate stone carvings on the base of the
minarets and the reliefs on the walls have symbolic meanings representing the
beliefs of the Ilhanits before they adopted Islam. For example, the double headed
eagles and the dragons represent masters of the sky and the earth respectively.
Yakutiye Medresah, a theological college, was built by Hodja Cemalettin
Yakutin in the 14
Century. The building is being used as a museum now.
Lalapasha Mosque was built by the Governor Lala Mustafa Pasha who later
became the conqueror of Cyprus in the 16
Century during the reign of The
Suleyman the Magnificent. It is a typical example of classical Ottoman mosques
with a central dome supported by 4 main columns. It is the work of the great
architect Sinan.
The city was occupied temporarily by the Russians three times in 1829, 1882
and 1916.


Erzurum is the city where the foundation of the Republic of Turkey was laid in
Erzurum Congress in July 23
. 1919 by Atatrk and his friends.
Other points of interest in the city include the Rstem Pasha Caravanserai which
is used as a marketplace for black stone jewelry, three tombs and old Erzurum
For thermal and eco- tourism as well as rafting, trekking and mountain biking,
the economy of Erzurum depends mainly on three Sectors, namely, agriculture,
trade and turizm.
Fodder crops and animal husbandry in Erzurum has a great potential for
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Erzurum has more than 3.500
members. It is the biggest civil society organization in Erzurum.
Tourism, especially the winter tourism, is becoming a major economical sector
in Erzurum. Palandken Ski Center is one of the most popular ski centers in the
Country. When fully developed, the center will have a capacity of 32.000 skiers
per day. The center isonly 6 kilometers away from the city. There are four five
star luxurious hotels in the center and it has the longest ski runs and the best
snow quality in Turkey.
There is an important potential in Erzurum.

Social and Cultural Structure
Erzurum has been the center of culture, education and throughout the history.
Double minarets and Yakutiye Medresah are the two important institutions of
higher education of 12
and 13
Ataturk University is one of the biggest and most important institutions of
higher education in the Country with about 40.000 Students
The people of Erzurum are called dadash which means man of dignity .

People of Erzurum are known to be conservative in their political and social
Local elections will be held next year.
In the political history of Erzrurum, no Mayor has been elected twice.


Cyprus Problem
Cyprus is an island in Eastern Mediterranean, only 40 miles off the cost of Turkey.
It is more than 300 miles away from the mainland Greece. Cyprus became a part of the
Ottoman Empire in 1571 and remained so, for more than 300 years. In 1923 Turkey
relinquished its sovereignty to England in accordance with the Treaty of Lausanne. The
population of Cyprus is about 600.000, a quarter of which is Turkish.
The essence of Cyprus problem is that the Greeks have, for a long time, wanted to
unite the island with Greece and eliminate the Turkish Population. Turkish people on the
island had been subjected to continious discrimination, intimidation, oppression
harassment and outright massacre for years. In 1974, Turkey intervened militarily in
accordance with the Treaty of Guarantee of 1960 to maintain the independence of the
island and protect the lives of the Turkish People. If the Turks had not been harassed out
of Cyprus, it has been calculated that the number of them would have been equal to that of
Greeks by now.
The best possible solution to the problem seems to be the establishment of a bi-
communal, bi-zonal, non-aligned and independent federal republic. This solution will
maintain the independence and integrity of the island, and will provide peace and security
to both communities.
There are two completely different communities on the island. They have different
cultural, social, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. They have different traditions and
aspirations. Past events have created a profound mistrust and enmity between them. These
communities can not live together at least for the time being. Therefore, they should live
side by side if peace and security on the Island are to be maintained.
The Greeks seem to maintain the idea of Enosis. Now, they are more interested in
mobilizing international pressure against Turkey than in reaching a just and lasting peace
through negotiations. There will not be a solution to the problem as long as Greeks follow
a policy of tension with Turkey. On the other hand an imposed solution to the question
will, almost certainly, lead to another crisis, another tragedy or even a shamefull ethnic
clensing like the one witnessed in Bosnia.


Turkish-Armenian Matter
Some Armenians are trying to win the sympathy of the world public opinion and gain
some political advantage at the expense of Turkey by making genocide claims and presenting only
one side of the story.
The Armenians, like many other communities, lived in total cultural freedom, peace, and
prosperity for many Centuries under the Ottoman rule. In late 19
Century those countries that
wanted to decimate the Ottoman Empire manipulated the Armenians for their own political aims
and encouraged them to fight against the empire and form an independent State. To that end, they
formed organizations such as Hinchak in 1987 and Tashnak groups in 1890 with armed units to
fight against the Ottoman security forces and harass the Muslim population. They started the first
riot and in Sason in 1894 and shed the bloods of many innocent people. In the following years
they intensified their violence in Eastern Anatolia. During the First World War, they fought
against the Ottoman army along side the Russians and committed mass murders
On April 24, 1915, the Ottoman Government decided to relocate or resetle the
Armenians of Eastern Anatolia to Syria which was a part of the Ottoman Empire at that time.
Many countries in history have relocated some of their citizens during the wars.
What Armenians claim to be genocide is in fact the relocation of the Armenians away
from the front line as a result of their own acts of violence. Subsequent loss of life due to the
inhuman conditions of war is well known to all. Genocide is an act of killing a group of people for
what they are, not for what they do. Ermenians were resetled for what they did during the war.
Most Armenians who scratch the healing wounds now are the descendents of those who
were resetled away from the front line during the War. If there had been a genocide at that time,
they would not have been able to make those claims now.
It is unfortunate that on the advent of 21
Century, some people are nurturing hatred and
violence again, killing innocent people including diplomats and expecting some benefits from
creating a biased World public opinion.
A group of bipartisan international experts must come together to bring out to light all
the facts about this matter and put an end to endless accusations, enmities, misunderstanding and
the exploitation of the good will of the international communities.
In the final analysis, both the Armenians and the Turks who lost their lives as a result of
the fabricated hatret are the victims of the super powers of that time which followed the policy of
divide and rule. Most of the conflicts in the Middle East of today stems from the same policy.
All those who want to tarnish the image of a nation must act responsible and give up creating
more hatret, conflict and violence.


Agriculture can be described as the work of growing crops and raising farm
Agronomy is the work of producing field crops in large and open fields.
Horticulture is the work of producing fruits and vegetables in small and protected
Agricultural extension is a technical service based on an out-of-school educational
system and aimed at improving the living conditions of the people who are
engaged in Agriculture.
There are eleven Departments in the College of Agriculture at Atatrk University.
They are the Departments of: Horticulture, Plant Protection, Food Technology,
Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Mechanization,
Field Crops, Soil Science and Animal Husbandry, Aquaculture and Landscape
Photosynthesis is a process by which chlorophyll containing cells in green plants
synthesize carbohydrates from carbodioxide and water in the presence of sun
light. In other words, it is a process by which plants make sugar from water and
Erosion occurs on sloping surfaces rather than level surfaces.
Some bacteria are beneficial, but some are harmful, causing various diseases.
A plow is an implement to till or turn over the soil.
A roller is used to break up the clods and compact the seed bed.
In general, tillage serves three purposes. It prepares the seed bed, destroys the
weeds, and improves the soil.
Rotation is a practice of growing different crops at different times on the same
A tractor can draw a two or more furrow plow.


Economics is the study of man's activities aimed at satisfying the unlimited human
needs by means of limited resources. These activities include production,
distribution, consumption etc.
Supply and demand are among the most important concepts in Economics. Supply
refers to the amounts of a commodity that the suppliers are willing to sell at
certain price levels in a certain market at a certain time. On the other hand,
demand refers to the amounts of a commodity that the consumers are willing to
buy at certain price levels in a certain market at a certain time.
In a free market, the price of a commodity is determined at a point where the
amounts of supply and demand are equal. , the price of a commodity goes up as
the demand goes up, or the supply goes down, or vice versa.
Inflation is an economic phenomenon which appears as a steady and sharp
increase in general price level. Inflation, by definition, refers to a high level of
increase in money supply in relation to the increase in production. Inflation can
also be defined as too much demand in relation to supply. It follows that the
solution to inflation is to decrease demand and increase supply by certain
According to the law of diminishing returns, in production when one factor is
increased constantly while the others are held constant. the output will show three
1) Increases at an increasing rate.
2) Increases at decreasing rate.
3) Reaches a maximum and there after decrease.
The law of diminishing returns is also called the law of diminishing marginal


Atatrk is the founder and the first president of the Turkish Republic. He was born
in 1881 in Salonika which is in Greece now but was a part of the Ottoman Empire at that
time. He attended military school and became an officer in the Ottoman Army in 1902.
He fought on several fronts in different wars and became a national hero after the
Gallipoli War in 1915. Ottoman Empire was invaded by several foreign powers after the
First World War. He started the Independence War against the invading powers in Samsun
on May 19th, 1919. He led the Nation to victory after a bitter and costly struggle on
August 30th, 1922. He established the Turkish Republic, on October 29th, 1923 and was
elected as the first President of the Republic.
The Turkish Republic was established on the principles of; republicanism,
nationalism, statism, secularism, populism, and revolutionism which have become to be
known as Kemalism. Atatrk has carried out several bold and broad reforms to create a
modern state on the ruins of the six-century old Ottoman Empire.
His many reforms include the following:
Abolishing the Sultanate and establishing the Republic.
Abolishing the Caliphate and Religious Code and establishing the secularism
and Civil Code.
Closing down the religious orders.
Changing hats and costumes.
Introducing the Latin alphabet.
Establishing several state institutions to promote peace, prosperity, and
progress in the Country.
Atatrk died on November 10th, 1938, but his memory and his works will live
forever. He is one of the greatest leaders of the Twentieth Century. Even if he had
achieved only one of his many accomplishments, he would still have deserved to be called
as one of the greatest leaders in the world.


Atatrks Address to the Turkish Youth

Turkish Youth!
Your first duty is to preserve and defend the Turkish independence and the Turkish
Republic forever.
This is the only foundation of your existence and your future. This foundation is
your most valuable treasure. In the future too, you will have enemies both in the country
and abroad who will try to deprive you of this treasure. If, one day, you are compelled to
defend your independence and the Republic, you shall not hesitate to perform your duty no
matter what the circumstances and possibilities may be. These circumstances and
possibilities may be extremely unfavorable. The enemies who desire to destroy your
independence and your Republic may have won a victory unprecedented in the history of
the World. By force or deceit, all the fortresses and shipyards of your homeland may have
been seized, all the armies may have been dispersed and all the corners of your homeland
may have actually been occupied. What is more tragic and awesome than even these
eventualities, those in power may have fallen into ignorance, error, or even treason.
Moreover, they may identify their personal interest with the enemies' political claims. The
nation may have been completely deprived, destroyed and exhausted.
Turkish youth of the future, even under these circumstances, it is your duty to save
the Turkish independence and the Turkish Republic. The might that you will need is
already present in the noble blood in your veins.

M.K.Atatrk 1927



A Letter to a Friend

April 1
, 1986

Dear A,
Thank you very much for your letter of March 8 th. It was very nice to hear from
you again. I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter. I was out of town for a two-
week vacation when it arrived. Lots of paper had piled up on my desk when I returned
from vacation, and it took me several days to catch up with the work.
It is nice to hear that you and your family are all well. I am happy to be able to say
that I and my family are all fine too. B had a cold last week. He is about over it and join
the football team now. The weather has been unusually warm around here for this time of
the year.
That is all there is to say for the time being. Please say hi, to C and D for me.
Please give my regards to your parents.
I am looking forward to hearing from you again.

With all my best wishes

E. F. U

G. became engaged to H.T. yesterday
K will get married to L tomorrow.


A Letter of Application
April 2nd, 1986

1346 Connecticut Ave., 1200
N.W. Washington D.C. 20036 U.S.A.

Dear Sirs

I am a member of the teaching staff in the Department of... in the College of
Agriculture at Atatrk University in Turkey. I was given a scholarship to study in U.S.A.
for a period of one year. I would like to attend your school for three months for language
training before I start studying in my field.
I would appreciate if you could send me an application form and some information
regarding accommodation possibilities-in D.C.
Thank you very much in advance for your consideration. I am looking forward to
receiving an answer from you.

Sincerely yours,

Department of...........
. Ataturk University
25240 Erzurum-Turkey

Enclosures :
1. A copy of B.S. diploma
2. A letter of financial support


A Letter of Recommendation

April 3rd, 1986


I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation in behalf of Dr. O.P. whom I
have known for over ten years and worked with since 1980. He was asked to join the
teaching staff in the College because of his distinguished record during his undergraduate
Mr. P. is a diligent and intelligent person. He has a great sense of duty and
responsibility. He is known to be a man of patience and perseverance.
It is my belief that Dr. O.P. will be able to benefit greatly from an opportunity to
study abroad. I strongly recommend him for such an opportunity.

Very truly yours,

Prof. Dr. M. C. A
Department of..................
College of Agriculture
Atatrk University
Erzurum / TURKEY

Some positive characteristics: careful, considerate, creative, co-operative, diligent, dedicated, energetic,
extravert, friendly, hardworking, imaginative, intelligent, meticulous, orderly, punctual, self confident,


A Letter of Confirmation

April 4th, 1986


This is to certify that Dr. O.P. has been a member of the teaching staff in the
College of Agriculture at Atatrk University for the past five years. He was awarded a
scholarship by the Government to study abroad for a period of one year.
I would like to confirm that his scholarship covers in full, the travel expenses, per-
diem allowances, admission fees and medical expenses.

Prof. Dr. T.K.F
College of Agriculture
Atatrk University 25240


Translation of a Diploma


Date of Diploma :
Diploma Number :
Department :

This is to certify that ...............................................................the son/daughter of
.......................born in the year........................ in .........................has been granted the title
of AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER on the date of............................. upon completing
his/her studies and examinations successfully in compliance with the special laws and
regulations of the College of Agriculture of Atatrk University to benefit from all the
rights and privileges provided by the laws of the Republic of Turkey.

Rector of Atatrk University Dean of College of Agriculture
.......... .........
Signature Signature

This is a complete and correct translation of the original

Date and confirmation:


Just as keys are attached to rings, the words should be attached to sentences to
prevent them from being lost.

English Words

English Logic
When the English tongue we speak,
Why is break not rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it's true?
We say sew, but likewise few
And the maker of the verse
Can not cap his horse with worse?
Beard sounds not the same as heard
Cord is different from word
Cow is cow, but low is low;
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose and dose and lose,
And of goose and yet of choose.
Think of comb and tomb and bomb,
Doll and roll, and home and some,
And since pay is rhymed with say.
Why not paid with said, I pray?
We have blood and food and good;
Mould is not pronounced like could.
Wherefore done, but gone and lone?
Is there any reason known?
And in short, it seems to me,
Sound and letters disagree.


Aisle (Ayl) Koridor Isle Ada
Be (Bi) Olmak Bee Ar
Break (Breyk) Krmak Brake Fren
Die (Day) lmek Dye Boya
Cell (Sel) Hcre Sell Satmak
Doe (Do) Dii Geyik Dough Hamur
Hair (Heyr) Sa Hare Tavan
Flour (Flawr Un Flower iek
Heal (Hiil) Iyilemek Heel Topuk
Idol (Aydl) Put Idle Bo, Aylak
Mail (Meyl) Posta Male Erkek
Our (Avr) Bizim Hour Saat
Straight (Streyt) Doru (Dz Hat) Strait Boaz (anakkale)
Tail (Teyl) Kuyruk Tale Masal
Fair Doru Adil Fare cret (Bilet v.b.)
American English English English Turkish
Baby bottle (nipple) Teat Biberon
Long distance call Trunk call ehirleraras telefon
Business suit Lounge suit Resmi elbise
Pants (slacks) Trousers Pantolon
Parka Onarak Mont
Shoestring Shoelace Ayakkab ba
Intermission Interval Ara (sinemada)
Meat grinder Mincer Kyma makinas
Raisins Sultanas Kimi
Antenna Arial Anten
Closet Cupboard Dolap
Faucet Tap Muslk
Scotch tape Cellotape effaf bant
Fender Mud quard amurluk
Baggage Luggage Bavul
Lost and found Lost property Kayp eya brosu
Make reservation Book Yer ayrtmak
Subway Under ground Metro
Zero Naught Sfr


Agricultural Words and Terms
Agriculture: Tarm Winnow: Savurmak Leaf: Yaprak
Store: Depolamak Awn: Klk
Viticulture: zmclk Germinate: imlenme Bud: Tomurcuk
Apiculture: Arclk Emerge: kma Field Crops: Tarla bitkileri
Cultivate: Ilemek Flower: iek, iek ama Cash Crops: Gelir bitkileri
Plow: Srmek, Pulluk Mature : Olgun,
Subsistence Crops:
Geimlik rnler
Sow: Ekmek Bran: Kepek Grain Crops: Daneliler
Plant: Dikmek Stable: Ahr Cereal Crops: Hububat
Mow: Bimek Stem: Gvde (aa) Root Crops: Kk bitkileri
Reap: Bimek Branch: Dal Industrial Crops: End. bit.
Harvest: Hasat etmek Bark: Kabuk Oil Crops: Ya bitkileri
Trash: Dvmek Stalk: Gvde (sap) Fiber Crops: Lif bitkileri
Wilt: Sararma Seedling : Fide Poultry : Kmes hayvan
Thin: Seyreltme Fingerling: Yavru balk Feed: Hayvan yemi
Hoe: apalama Rotation: Mnavebe Trough: Kurun (Su kaplar)
Irrigate: Sulama Smut: Srme Saddle Animals: Binek h.
Sprinkler: Yamurlama Forage Crops: Yem
Draft Animals: eki h.
Barn: Samanlk Fodder Crops: Yem Bit. Flora: Tabii Bitki varl
Furrow: Kark Cover Crops: rt bitkileri Fauna:Tabii Hayvan varl
Fallow: Nadas Bovine : Bykba hayvan Farm Manure: iftlik
To Leave Fallow: Nadasa
Ovine: Kkba Hayvan Beef: Sr eti
Mutton: Koyun eti

Grains: Hububatlar
Barley: Arpa Millet: Dar Awned Wheat: Klkl b.
Wheat: Buday Lentils: Mercimek Rice: Pirin
Corn: Msr Oat: Yulaf Weed: Yabanc ot
Rye: avdar


Industrial crops
Cotton: Pamuk Tobacco: Ttn Flax: Keten, Jute: Kendir
Hemp: Kenevir Sugar Beet: eker pancar

Fruits: Meyveler
Apple: Elma Cherry Pip: Kiraz ekirdei Strawberry: ilek
Pear: Armut Grape: zm Mulberry: Dut
Peach: eftali Grapefruit: Greyfurt Pineapple: Ananas
Apricot: Kays Date: Hurma Orange : Portakal
Plum: Erik Fig: Incir Tangerine: Mandalina
Cherry: Kiraz Melon : Kavun Lemon: Limon
Pip: ekirdek Watermelon: Karpuz Quince : Ayva

Vegetables: Sebzeler
Tomato: Domates Potato: Patates Squash: Kabak (Dolmalk)
Pepper: Biber Onion: Soan Pumpkin: Kabak (Bal)
Egg Plant: Patlcan Garlic: Sarmsak Cauliflower: Karnabahar
Cucumber: Salatalk Bean: Fasulye Cabbage: Lahana
Lettuce: Marul Melon: Kavun Mushroom: Mantar
Carrot: Havu

Nuts: Kuruyemiler
Chestnut: Kestane Coconut: Hindistan Cevizi Pistachio: Antep Fst
Walnut: Ceviz Almond: Badem
Peanut : Fstk Cashew: Cashew Fst

Fodder crops: Yem Bitkileri
Alfalfa: Yonca Vetch: Fi (Kspe) Grass: imen
Seinfoin: Korunga Clover : gl Crushed Straw: Saman

Flowers: iekler
Rose: Gl Carnation: Karanfil Daisy: Papatya
Tulip: Lale Violet: Meneke Lavender: Lavanta
Jasmine: Yasemin Lily: Zambak


Trees: Aalar
Willow : St Maple: Akaaa Okra: Bamya
Poplar: Kavak Palm Tree: Palmiye Spinach: Ispanak
Oak: Mee Herbicide:Yabanc Ot
Celery : Kereviz
Hazelnut: Fndk Pea: Bezelye Parsley : Maydanoz
Pine: am Chick-Pea: Nohut Leek: Prasa
Division : Blm Class: Snf Family: Familya

Animals and Insects
Bovine: Bykba Hayvanlar
Cow: Inek Bull: Boa Camel: Deve
Ox: kz Buffalo: Manda
Calf: Dana Pig: Domuz

Ovine: Kkba Hayvanlar
Sheep: Koyun Lamb: Kuzu Doe: Kei (Dii), Dii Geyik
Eve: Koyun Goat: Kei
Ram: Ko Buch: Teke

Poultry: Kmes Hayvancl
Chicken: Tavuk Turkey: Hindi Duckling: rdek yavrusu
Hen: Tavuk Goose: Kaz
Rooster: Horoz Duck: rdek

Saddle Animals: Binek Hayvanlar
Horse: At Mare: Ksrak Mule: Katr
Stallion: Aygr Donkey:Eek

Domestic Animals : Ev Hayvanlar
Dog: Kpek Puppy: Guduk Kitten: K.Yavrusu
Bitch: Kanck Cat: Kedi


Insects: Bcekler
Fly: Sinek Butterfly: Kelebek Genus: Cins
Bee: Ar Spider: rmcek Species: Tr
Mosquito: Sivrisinek Cockroach: Hamam b. Variety: eit
Beetle: A. Bcei Silkworm: Ipek bcei Strain: Hat
Locust: ekirge

Wild Animals and Others
Land Animals: Kara Hayvanlar
Wolf: Kurt Monkey: Maymun Rabbit: Tavan
Fox: Tilki Zebra: Zebra Rat: Tarla faresi
Bear: Ay Giraffe: Zrafa Mouse: Ev faresi
Lion: Aslan Elephant: Fil Bat: Yarasa
Tiger: Kaplan Beaver: Kunduz Squirrel: Sincap
Leopard: Leopar Jackal: akal

Sea Creatures: Deniz Yaratklar
Whale: Balina Coral: Mercan Shrimp: Karides
Shark: Kpek Bal Sponge: Snger Lobster: Istakos
Dolphin: Yunus Bal Octopus: Ahtapot Crab: Yenge
Trout: Alabalk Mussel: Midye

Birds: Kular
Sea Gull: Mart Crow: Karga Peacock: Tavus
Hawk: Atmaca Sparrow: Sere Pheasant: Keklik
Dove: Gvercin Pigeon: Gvercin Vulture: Akbaba
Falcon: ahin Eagle: Kartal Ostrich: Devekuu
Canary: Kanarya Stork: Leylek Owl: Bayku
Parrot: Papaan Crane: Leylek


Reptiles: Srngenler
Snake: Ylan Alligator: Timsah Snail: Smkl bcek
Scorpion: Akrep Turtle: Kaplumbaa Frog: Kurbaa
Crocodile: Timsah Worm: Solucan

Agricultural Implements
Fork: Dirgen Hammer: eki Harrow: Srg
Rake: Trmak Sickle: Orak Discharrow: Diskaro
Pick: Kazma Scythe: Trpan
Shovel: Krek Cart: Araba Seed Drill: Mibzer
Spade: Bel Krei Plow: Pulluk Tractor: Traktr
Hoe: apa Roller: Merdane Trailer: Rmork
Combine Harvester: Bier
Potato Planter: P. Dikici Wheel Barrow: El arabas

Household Tools
Scissors: Makas Driver: Tornavida Awl: Biz
Tweezers: Cmbz Bolt: Civata Strainer: Szge
Pliers: Pense Nut: Somun Funnel: Huni
Pincers : Kerpeten Spanner: Somun anahtar Bucket: Kova
Axe: Balta Wrench: ng.Anahtar Nail: ivi
Chopper: Satr, Falata Saw: Testere Hammer: eki
Lever: Levye Hacksaw: Demir testeresi Brush: Fra
Drill: Matkap Ripsaw: Aa testeresi Broom: Sprge
Screw: Vida Dust Pan: Fara Mop: Paspas

Parts of a Human Body
The Skeleton : skelet
Wrist: Bilek Forehead/Brow: Aln
Skull: Kafatas Fist: Yumruk Jaw: ene Kemii
Collar-Bone: Kprck k. Hand: El Mustache: Byk
Shoulder-Blade: Krek k. Palm: Aya, Avu ii Beard: Sakal
Breastbone: G Kemii Thumb: Baparmak Tooth: Di
Rib: Kaburga Kemii Finger: Parmak Lip: Dudak
Backbone/Spine: Omurga Nail: Trnak Tongue: Dil
Hip-Bone/: Kala Kemii/ Leg: Bacak Eye: Gz


Pelvis: Leen Kemii Thigh: Uyluk Eyeball: Gz yuvarla
Kneecap: Dizkapa Kemii Knee: Diz Eyebrow: Ka
Hair: Sa Calf: Baldr Eyelid: Gz kapa
Head: Ba/Kafa Ankle: Ayak bilei Eyelashes: Kirpikler
Neck: Boyun Foot: Ayak Iris: Iris/Iris Tabakas
Throat: Boaz/Grtlak Heel: Topuk Brain: Beyin
Shoulder: Omuz Instep: Taban kemeri Wind Pipe: Soluk borusu
Chest: Gs Sole: Ayak taban Heart: Kalp Yrek
Back: Srt Toe: Ayak parma Lung: Akcier
Waist: Bel The Face: Yz Liver: Karacier
Stomach/Tummy:Mide/Karn Eye: Gz Kidney: Bbrek
Hip: Kala Nose: Burun Intestines: Barsaklar
Bottom/Buttocks: K/Kaba Ear: Kulak Bladder: Sidik torbas
Armpit: Koltuk Alt Mouth: Az Vein: Toplardamar
Arm: Kol Cheek: Yanak, Avurt Artery: Atardamar
Upper Arm: st kol Chin: ene Muscle: Kas/Adale
Forearm: nkol Temple: akak Vessel: Damar
Elbow: Dirsek

Automotive Words and Terms
Car: Araba Gear: Vites Spare Tire: Yedek Lastik
Bus: Otobs Clutch: Debriyaj Jack: Kriko
Truck: Kamyon Brake: Firen Lever: Levye
Bumper: Tampon Accelerator: Gaz Towing Rope: ekme halat
Headlight: n Far Fan: Pervane Extinguisher: Yangn sn.
Signal: Sinyal Fan Belt: Pervane kay Fuel Tank: Depo
Fender: amurluk Starter: Mar Pot Hole: Kasis
Hood: Motor kapa Spark Plug: Buji To Start: altrmak
Windshield: n cam Distributor: Distribitr To Speed Up: Hzlanmak
Wiper: Silecek Carburetor: Karbratr To Swerve: Dir. Krmak
Roof: st Kaporta Dashboard: Konsol Flat Tire: Patlak Lastik
Trunk: Bagaj Glove Compartment:
Torpido gz
To Slow down :
Wheel: Tekerlek Front Seat: n koltuk To Pull Over: Kenara ekmek
Tire: Lastik Back Seat: Arka koltuk To Stop: Durmak
Rear view mirror: Arkay
gr aynas
Seat Belt: Kemer To Repair the flat tire:
Lastik tamir etmek
Steering Wheel: Direksiyon
Horn: Korna A Dent On The Fender:
amurlukta bir knt
To sound horn: Korna To Blow Horn: Korna


almak almak

Military Terms
Private Er
Corporal Onba
Sergeant avu
Tank units
Lieutenant Temen
Military engineering
Second Lieutenant
Captain Yzba
Cease- Fire Ate Kes
Major Binba
Armistice Mtareke
Lieutenant colonel Yarbay
Machine gun Makinal tfek
Bullet Tabanca mermisi
Artillery round Top mermisi
One Star general
Tu general
Missile Fze
Two Star general
Tm general
Nuclear warhead Nkleer balk
Three Star general
Kor general
Gun powder Barut
Four Star general
Or general
Combat atma
Booby trap Bubi tuza
Chief of staff
Genel kurmay ba.
Armored vehicles Zrhl aralar
Kara kuvvetleri
Trench Siper
Deniz kuvvetleri
Front line Sava hatt
Hava kuvvetleri

Latin Words and Abbreviations
De facto In Reality Fiili Durum
De jure In Law Yasal Olarak Durum
Phenomenon Event Olay
Phenomena Events Olaylar
Fait accompli Accomplished Fact Emri Vaki, Oldu Bitti
(Or) Vice Versa Conversely (Veya) Tersi
Vis-A-Vis Faceto Face, Compared to Yz Yze, E Gre
As Per In Accordance with E Uygun Olarak.


Datum Information (Sin.) Veri
Data Information (Pl.) Veriler
Thesis Thesis Tez
Theses Theses Tezler
Per Se In (By) itself Bizatihi
Per Capita Per Head Kii Bana
Ad Hoc Specific zel
In Vivo In living thing Canl iinde
In Vitro Out of living thing Canl dnda
Sine Quo Non Essential Olmazsa olmaz
Ceterus Paribus Other things being equal Dier artlar sabit
I.E. (Id Est) That Is Yani
E.G. (Exempli Gratia) For Example Mesela
Etc. (Et Cetera) And so on Vesaire
Et al. And others Ve dierleri
Ibid ( Ibidem) In the book cited above Y.A.G.E.
C.V. Curriculum Vitae zgemi
Quid Pro Quo Something for something Ksasa ksas
Erratum Error Hata
Errata Errors Hatalar
Criterion Criterion lt
Criteria Criteria ltler
Bona Fide Made in good faith Iyi niyetle yaplm
Uni, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca.

Onomatopoeic Words (Tabiat sesleri taklidi kelimeler)
Bark: Havlama Hum: Mrldanma (ark) Knock: Kapy Vurma
Meow: Miyavlama Mrmr: Mrldanma (Sz) Clap: Alk Sesi
Hee Haw: Anrma Purr: Mrldanma (Kedi) Chop: Odun Krma
Quack: Vak Vak Snore: Horlama Chip: Kutuya Para Atma
Roar: Kkreme Piss: Ieme Moan: Inleme
Weigh: Kineme Cough: ksrme Crisp: Gevrek
Blah-Blah: Drdr Crack: atrt Bomb: Bomba lamak
Burb: Geirme Crackle: trt Snap: Ipin Kopmas
Sneeze: Haprma Crash: arpma Hick-Up: Hkrmak
Hush: H! Splash: Suya arpma


A Poem

Come, come again.
Whatever you are come again.
Be you an idol or fire worshipper or an atheist
Come again.
Our way is not the way of hopelessness;
Even if you have broken your oath or penitence a hundred times,
Come again,

Another Poem

Whatever you wish for yourself,
wish the same for the others.
That is the assence of four Books,
and the words of the fathers.

Yunus Emre

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