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TOPIC: Students exploring the nature of their own mistakes before embarking

in the correction of their own, or peers, errors or mistakes

!": #hat e$ects does students exploring the nature of their own mistakes
before correcting them in their learning process%
Important concepts for theoretical framework:
Students exploration & inducti'e learning 's deducti'e learning
Teaching grammar
(e)nition of error and mistakes
*iew of error+mistakes as indicators of ,-.+,S. learning processes
-ases of the process
Teachers identi)cation and classi)cation of students errors+mistakes
Teachers launching of students grammar /uest
Teachers setting of correcting tasks b0 students
Teachers wrapping up
(ata collection process: Sur'e0 's /uestionnaire on the e$ects of students
correction of their own mistakes 's teacher1based correction 2P!,P3!,
Stages of the !,S,3!C7 P!O8,CT
(escription of the most common attitudes of both teachers and students
toward the correction of mistakes 2(,(4CTI*, 3PP!O3C76
5ature of work done on the stud0 of students errors+mistakes
2description+classi)cation of errors+mistakes6
Call for a change of the abo'e roles 2I5(4CTI*, 3PP!O3C76: lack of literature
concerning this inducti'e approach
Presentation of purpose of stud0 & research /uestion + ob9ecti'es
T7,O!,TIC3. -!3:,#O!;
Students exploration & inducti'e learning 's deducti'e learning
Teaching grammar
(e)nition of error and mistakes
*iew of error+mistakes as indicators of ,-.+,S. learning processes
Teachers common attitudes toward the correction of students errors+mistakes
Students attitudes toward the teachers correction of their errors+mistakes
(e)nition of the t0pe of research methodolog0 in'ol'ed in the stud0
(escription of participants in the stud0
(escription of the processes and methods of data collection 2collection of
students error+mistakes samples b0 the teacher, identi)cation and
classi)cation of students errors+mistakes b0 the teacher, selection of target
grammar points to be explored b0 the students, students exploration and
sharing of grammar points, students correction attempts of target errors or
mistakes re<ecting the grammar areas explored and shared b0 the students,
and )nall0 the teachers wrapping up of grammar cases explored b0 the
(escription of the process and methods of data anal0sis 2those emplo0ed b0
the teacher in order 2a6 to identif0 and classif0 students errors+mistakes, 2b6 to
)nd out students perceptions of the no'el correction strateg0 the0 were
in'ol'ed in
The roles of the students in the process of error+correction
The roles of the teachers in the process of error correction
The characteristics+e$ects of this inducti'e learning process 'i= a 'is traditional
deducti'e processes
Pros + cons of such correction approach for both teachers and students
>i>.IO?!3P7@ 2!eference of books cited in the bod0 of the paper6
3PP,5(IA: blank cop0 of sur'e0+/uestionnaire+inter'iew emplo0ed + diar0 B

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