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(Main intro for '97): "Sanagi wo Yaburi, Chou wa mau." = "From its
cocoon, the Butterfly flutters away."
(Performing Soul Stealer): "Hakanai mono yo!" = "[Tragically,] It is
such a brief life!"
(Performing Bright Light): "Sa, mu ni kaerou..." = "Come, let us return
to oblivion..."
(Taunting): "Namaiki da!" = "You are annoying me!"
(Winpose 1): Orochi poses explaining that, "Ware yori sugure mono wa
nashi!" = "I am above all others!" ('97)
(Winpose 2): Orochi waves his arms in a small circle and brings his
fingers together, stating, "Ware, Gaia to tomori ari!" = "I am one with
the [Earth Spirit]" ('97)
(Winpose 3): Orochi smears the blood covering his hands onto his chest.

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