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CFC Extension Grammar - Unit 6

A Future tenses Fill in the gaps with the present continuous or the will-future of the verb in brackets.

1 Lana: Where are you heading?
Dave: Im off to the supermarket to pick up some marmite.
Lana: Hold up. I think I _________________ (tag along) with you. I need a couple things too.
2 Next month, all reimbursement requests should be sent to Mr Smith because Ms Anderson _________________
(start) her maternity leave on the 31
3 Leonard: I _________________ (give) John a bicycle for Christmas. What _________________ (you give) him?
Teddy: I _________________ (probably get) him a gift certificate from Harrods so he can pick his own gift.
4 Amy: I need to tidy up the house this afternoon, because we _________________ (have) family over tomorrow.
Chris: Dont fret. I _________________ (come) round tonight and help you.
5 The farmers hope that the drought _________________ (not continue) over the next few weeks; otherwise their
crops _________________ (not survive).
6 Although Gaston Acurio says it is a myth, many Peruvians think you should never eat ceviche at night or you
_________________ (feel) sick afterwards.
7 Waiter: We have juices made of mango, passion fruit, soursop, strawberry and guava.
Customer: Er. What a selection. I think _________________ (have) an Inca Cola.
8 Sandra: _________________ (do) anything special this weekend?
James: Yes, I _________________ (go) to my cousins 15
birthday party.
B Future Tenses Fill in the gaps with suitable verbs in the present continuous, the will-future, the present
simple or the future continuous.

1 I expect that my parents _________________ me socks again for my birthday.
2 How exciting! At midday tomorrow, we _________________ over the Caribbean on our way to Miami.
3 Larry _________________ to the chiropractors office tomorrow at 10 a.m.
4 My grandma _________________ 75 on her next birthday.
5 By this time next year I _________________ as a lawyer for a major European firm.
6 I am going to bed early tonight because the new school year _________________ tomorrow, and I want to be
fresh on my first day back.
7 Marty thinks he _________________ married someday, but he doesnt want to have children.
8 Dont be late! The concert _________________ at 9 sharp, and I dont want to miss a single minute.
9 I am so proud of Mary. She _________________ next year with the Metropolitan Ballet. She has the lead in Swan
10 Next weekend we _________________ (go) to the beach one last time before summer ends.
C Linking Words and Phrases From the given list, select the appropriate linking word or phrase to rewrite the two
sentences. Only one word or phrase works for each item. (There are four extra words or phrases that you do NOT
for this reason if I were you unless we do so in my opinion despite additionally result finally
1 It never really rains hard in Lima. The city employs hundreds of water trucks to keep the city green.
2 Bill Richards is the messiah we need to save us. Vote for him for Prime Minister.
3 We will be bankrupt within two years. We need to cut spending by 30%.
4 We must find safer ways to produce energy. We must raise safety construction standards at nuclear plants.
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CFC Extension Grammar - Unit 7

A Countable and Uncountable nouns. Complete the following sentences using either some, any, or no in one
space and the appropriate word below (either in its singular or plural form) in the other space.

shower slice item cut glass clap pane ball flash crowd bar frame loaf

1 The kids are out back swimming in the pool and its raining. Have you seen ______________ lightning? Yes,
I just saw three ______________ of lightning, so we had better get them out of the water right away!
2 We are out of bread and we need ______________ to make sandwiches for the picnic. Please go pick up
three ______________ at the supermarket.
3 The store has ______________ clothing on sale right now, so I dont think its a good time to buy anything.
Are you sure? Have a look in the back. Thats where they keep the sale ______________.
4 Would you like ______________ cake? Yes, but please just give me a tiny ______________ because I am
on a diet.
5 To knit a sweater, you must have ______________ wool, a needle, skill and patience. Usually it takes several
______________ of wool to get the job done.
6 Maria doesnt have ______________ chocolate to make the cake, so she will have to pop down to the corner
shop to buy a few ______________ of unsweetened cooking chocolate.
7 ______________ thunder is possible without lightning. The sudden increase in pressure and temperature
from lightning produces the rapid expansion of the nearby air and the resulting ______________ of thunder.
8 I was going to have ______________ stained glass installed at our lake house, but it turns out each
______________ costs more than 1,500 pounds, so I had to nix that idea.

B Articles Decide whether you need to use a/an, the or nothing in the following gaps. If more than one
answer is possible, then indicate both possibilities.
9 My fathers been in _______ hospital since last week when he had a stroke. We are really worried.

10 _______ Loch Ness is a large, deep freshwater lake in _______ Scottish Highlands, and it is definitely most
famous for _______ many alleged sightings of a gigantic monster, lovingly called Nessie.

11 Because _______ traffic in Lima can be such _______ hassle sometimes, it is best to avoid rush hour.

12 The symptoms are very different between catching _______ cold and coming down with _______ flu.

13 Everyone knows _______ common expression that _______ money doesnt grow on _______ trees.

14 We are on our way to _______ hospital to visit _______ friend who is _______ race car driver. He was
injured in _______ race at _______Leicestershire Track this morning.

15 My cousin went on _______ vacation last week in _______ Dominican Republic. He loved _______ music,
and he said _______ people were _______ joy to be around.

16 What _______ exciting film! It was set during _______ World War II. _______ plot had many twists and turns
and _______ special effects were amazing.

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CFC Extension Grammar - Unit 8

A Infinitive and verb and -ing. (I) Complete this conversation using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Jim: Ive decided ___________ (pack up) (1) and move to Manchester.
Sandy: But I thought you enjoyed ___________ (live) (2) in London.
Jim: Oh, I do, but I feel like ___________ (spend) (3) some time closer to my family.
Sandy: Didnt you promise ___________ (pay) (4) the rent here on your flat for another six months?
Jim: Yes, thats true, but I just cant stand ___________ (be) (5) away from my family anymore. And plus, I
am tired ___________ (live) (6) with my three roommates. Mike refuses ___________ (wash) (7) any dishes
and the kitchen is always a mess. Jamie keeps on ___________ (play) (8) her guitar late into the night. And
then Larry always tries ___________ (borrow) (9) money from me so he can go to the casino. I absolutely
detest ___________ (live) (10) under these conditions.
Sandy: Yeah, so I see, the real reason you want to move is that you cant stand your roommates, but cant
you manage ___________ (talk) (11) with them so they know how you feel about the situation?
Jim: No, I cant. I just cant carry on ___________ (deal) (12) with this situation. Im hoping ___________
(rent) (13) a moving lorry tomorrow to ship all my stuff up to Manchester.
Sandy: Well, Im sorry to hear you are leaving London, but best of luck.

B Sentence Formation Complete the second sentence in each question so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given in capitals. Do not change the word given. You must use between two
and five words, including the word given.
1 Maria hates watching reality TV shows where people make fools of themselves in front of the whole world.
Maria ___________________________________ reality TV shows where people make fools out of
themselves in front of the whole world.

2 Could you please take your shoes off? In our Japanese culture, we dont wear shoes in the house.
Would ___________________________________ your shoes off. In our Japanese culture, we dont wear
shoes in the house.

3 We asked Marcus if he wanted to go with us to the pub for a pint.
We ___________________________________ with us to the pub for a pint.

4 In Saudi Arabia, women cannot drive a motor vehicle or go out alone without their husband or a male
In Saudi Arabia, women ___________________________________ a motor vehicle or go out alone without
their husband or a male relative.

5 You might get sunburn if you do not apply sunscreen before you head to the beach.
If you dont apply sunscreen before you go to the beach, ___________________________________

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1 will tag
2 is starting
3 Im giving / are you giving / will probably get
4 are having / will come
5 wont continue / wont survive
6 will feel
7 Ill have
8 are you doing / Im going

1 will give
2 will be flying
3 is going
4 will be
5 will be working
6 starts / begin
7 will get
8 starts / begins
9 is dancing
10 are going

1 . . . in Lima. For this reason, the city
employs . . .
2 In my opinion, Bill Richards . . .
3 . . . 30%. Unless we do so, well be bankrupt
4 . . . energy. Additionally, we must raise . . .


1 any / flashes
2 some / loaves
3 no / items
4 some / slice
5 some / balls
6 any / bars
7 no / claps
8 some / pane
1 -
2 - / the / the
3 the / a
4 a or - / the or
5 the / - / -
6 the / a / a / a / the
7 - / the / the / the / a
8 an / - / the / the


1 to pack up
2 living
3 spending
4 to pay
5 being
6 of living
7 to wash
8 playing
9 to borrow
10 living
11 to talk
12 dealing
13 to rent

1 cannot bear watching
2 you mind taking
3 invited Marcus to go
4 are not allowed to drive
5 you risk getting

CFC Plus Grammar Sheet
From the Future Perfect to the Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect (Review)
The future perfect is used to indicate that some event will be finished, completed, or achieved at a certain time in the future.
If we dont hurry, by the time we get to the banquet everyone will have eaten.
By the time he figures out that his bank cards were stolen, all his bank accounts will have been emptied (passive).
The new recruits hope that the war will have ended before they reach the front lines.

Other modal verbs instead of will can be used to talk about the future more tentatively:
By the time you read my goodbye letter I will/may/should have already boarded the train to Katmandu.
Future Perfect Continuous
The future perfect continuous is used to emphasise how long an uncompleted act will have been happening by a certain time in the future:
On February 15, we will have been living in Paris for two decades. We got here on a cold February 15 nearly twenty years
Next month I will have been dating my boyfriend for three years. And he still hasnt given me a ring!
When using the future perfect continuous, we usually state both the certain point in the future ('On Saturday...', 'Next year...') and the length
of time until this point (...for a month, ...for 50 years).
The future perfect continuous is not usually used with state verbs such as like, know, feel, see, think, love, hate, wish, etc.

A. Complete each sentence with either the future perfect or the future perfect continuous form of the indicated verb.

Example: Michael began working at the factory when he was 19 years old and next week is is his 50th birthday.
When Michael turns 50 he will have been working at the factory for over 30 years. (work)
1. Every morning, Laurie drinks three cups of coffee before she goes to work.
Before Laurie steps foot in the office today _________________________________________three cups of coffee.(drink)

2. I started carving this statue eight months ago on Friday. I still have a long way to go.
By next Friday _______________________________________________________________________________ (carve)

3. Were going to cut the grass today. Hopefully, well finish it before it starts raining.
When it starts raining ____________________________________________________________________________(cut)

4. Martin lay down at 2am, and his alarm is set to go off at 6am.
When Martins alarm goes off ____________________________________________________for only four hours. (sleep)
5. The firm is investing 5 million on promoting the device before it even goes on sale.
By the time the device goes on sale, ______________________________________________________________(invest)

6. My grandma and grandpa met when they were both teenagers.
By their next anniversary, _____________________________________________ each other for over sixty years. (know)

7. Bills wife passed away three years ago. He plans to sell his house next year and move to a retirement community.
By the time he sells his house, ________________________________ alone there for more than three years. (live)

8. We are reviewing all the files, and we have checked them all except for the ones on Bills hard drive.
Once we review Bills hard drive _________________________________________________________________(check)

9. We are flying to Bombay from Lima.
How amazing that when we land in Bombay, ____________________________ half way round the world. (fly)

10. The Britnico was established in 1937 and provides world-class English language teaching in Peru.
By the end of 2037, _________________________________________________________________________(provides)

11. I am still here in the waiting room at the doctors office. I got here before 9am and its almost noon.
By the top of the hour ________________________________________ here for more than three hours. (sit)

12. Construction of The Holy Family Cathedral in Barcelona began in 1882 and it may be finished by 2026.
By the end of this decade, workers________________________________the cathedral for nearly 140 years. (build)

B. Reflection on grammar. In your language, are there future perfect and future perfect continuous tenses? If so, how often does
one use these tenses. In what situations might one find the use of these tenses? Consider asking for your teachers
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CFC Plus Grammar Sheet: From Future Perfect to Future Perfect Continuous

1. he will have drunk
2. I will have been carving this statue for eight months
3. we will/should have cut the grass
4. he will have slept
5. the firm will have invested five million pounds
6. my grandparents will have known
7. he will have lived
8. we will have checked all the files
9. we will have flown
10. the Britnico will have been providing world-class English teaching for 100 years / a century
11. I will have been waiting
12. will have been building

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