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NAME _______________________________________ DATE: ______________________

INDICADOR DE DESEMPEÑO: El estudiante lee textos y participa en conversaciones dando información
específica sobre el estado del clima y las cualidades de un objeto o persona, para establecer diferencias en
una comparación, las preferencias de una elección y experiencias pasadas

A. Match each word with its definition. (1 point each) (Emparejar cada palabra con su definición)
1 Able a sad; miserable
2 Aggressive b easily irritated at delay, opposition, etc
3 Amazing c having the necessary power, skill, knowledge, or resources to do something
4 Arid d Cloud like mass or layer of water droplets near the surface of the earth
5 Awesome e characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks
6 Bossy f characterized by actions based on sudden desires, whims, or inclinations
7 Boring g able to tolerate the beliefs, actions, opinions, etc, of others
8 Clean h not honest or fair; deceiving or fraudulent
9 Comfortable i causing astonishment, wonder, or admiration
10 Creative j inspiring or displaying awe
11 Cute k feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry
12 Dishonest l caring only or chiefly for oneself
13 Dry m characterized by storms
14 Foggy n having much sunshine
15 Impatient o appealing or attractive, esp in a pretty way
16 Impulsive p given to ordering people about; overly authoritative
17 Jealous q dull; repetitious; uninteresting
18 Moody r unhappy; gloomy or sullen; depressed
19 Overcritical s insulting or uncivil; discourteous; impolite
20 Rude t characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination
21 Selfish u free from dirt
22 Stormy v ree from moisture; not wet
23 Sunny w extremely dry
24 Tolerant y free from affliction or pain, relaxing
25 Unhappy z excessively critical

B. Identify with (+) for positive or (-) for negative adjectives, (Identificar con (+) para adjetivos
positivos o (-) para negativos)
C. Choose 10 adjectives and Write the opposite (Elige 10 adjetivos y escribe el opuesto)
D. Choose 5 adjectives related the weather, and Make a picture for each one. (Elija 5 adjetivos
relacionados con el clima y haga una imagen para cada uno.)

A. Circle the correct past form of be. (Encierra en un círculo la forma correcta del pasado de be)
1. They (was / were) at the movies last night.
2. She (was / were) at school last week.
3. (Was / Were) you at the cafe yesterday afternoon?
4. The train (was / were) late this morning.
5. They (wasn't / weren't) at home when I called.
B. Complete the story with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. (Completa la historia con
el pasado simple de los verbos entre paréntesis.)
Last week I (go) went to a concert with my friend, Lisa. Her mom (drive)______ us to the concert. When we
(get) _____ there, Lisa's mom (give)_______ us some money, and we (wait) _____ in line at the entrance.
Lisa was very hungry, so she (buy) _____ a hamburger. We (love) ______ the concert. It was fantastic! We
heard all the hit songs, and the guitarist (play) _______ really well. The concert (end) ________ at 10:30, and
we both tired that I (sleep) ________ until 11:00 the next morning!

C. Make the negative sentences affirmative, and the affirmative sentences negative. (haga las frases
negativas en afirmativas y las frases afirmativas en negativas)
1. Clara wanted to buy a new dress. Clara didn't want to buy a new dress.
2. I didn't bring a gift to the party. I brought a gift to the party.
3. We played soccer in the park yesterday.
4. He didn't speak to me yesterday.
5. You liked that movie.
6. I didn't think about school all day.

D. Write questions and statements with used to or didn´t use to. Use the cues. (Escribe preguntas y
frases utilizando “used to” o “didn´t use to”. Tenga en cuenta las pistas.)
1. my parents / take me to the movies. (-) My parents didn't use to take me to the movies.
2. Diane and I / be great friends (+) Diane and I used to be great friends .
3. Mrs. Jones / teach us math (+) ____________________________________________
4. the fall / be this cold (-) __________________________________________________
5. you / work for your dad (?) _______________________________________________
6. I / know how to ride a bike (-) ______________________________________________
7. We / bake cookies on th e weekend (+)______________________________________

A. You were at home today because It was raining. You call a friend and ask about the English class
you missed. Write the conversation and make a role play. (Te encontrabas en casa hoy porque estaba
lloviendo. Llamas a un compañero a preguntar por la clase de inglés que perdiste. Escribe la
conversación y dramatízala)
You: How was English class today?
Classmate: _________________________
You: _________________________
Classmate: _________________________
You: _________________________
Classmate: _________________________

B. Imagine that you and a friend went to the movies last night. Write a conversation about the movie
and make a role play. (Imagina que tu y tu amigo fueron al cine anoche. Escribe una conversación
sobre la pelicula y dramatízala).
You: Did you like the movie last night? Classmate: _________________________
Classmate: I loved it. I thought It was great . You: _________________________
You: Really? I wasn't crazy about it . Classmate: _________________________
Classmate: Why.. . You: _________________________
You: _________________________ Classmate: _________________________
Classmate: _________________________ You: _________________________
You: _________________________ Classmate: _________________________
A. Read this text. (Lea el texto)

Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were driving through a small
village. It was time for lunch, so we stopped at a restaurant .
It was a large , old builiding. We looked through the window. There were lots of people in the restaurant. They
were eating , drinking and chatting . A musician was playing the violin. But there was something strange about
the people . They weren't wearing normal , modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and dresses from
another century . We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry , so we opened the door .
When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were wearing normal clothes. The
musician wasn't there- the music was on CD. It was a very strange experience !


B- Answer the following questions. (Responda las siguientes preguntas).

1- Who was Daniel on holiday with ? _________________________________________________
2- Why did they stopa at a restaurant ?_______________________________________________
3- What were the people in the restaurant doing ?_______________________________________
4- What instrument was the musician playing ?_________________________________________
5- What was strange about their clothes?______________________________________________
6- When they went into the restaurant, did they see the musician ?__________________________

Write what was or wasn't each person doing in the picture below . Use contractions when possible.
(Escribe que estaban o no estaban haciendo cada persona en el dibujo de abajo. Use contracciones
cuando sea possible)
A man was driving a red car on the street, while the water
source worked .

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