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IELTS Speaking: Real Test IELTS Speaking: Real Test

Part 2 Topic Card

1. Describe a museum
1) How often do you visit the museum?
2) Which type of museum is popular in your country?
3) Why do you want to visit the museum?
What do you think of the importance of museums in history?
How do you think of the heritage of a country?
Compare the museums nowadays and in the past
2. Describe your favorite photograph
1) Where was the photo taken?
2) Who took the photo?
3) What can be seen from the photo?
) !"plain why it is the favorite photograph for you#
How to take good photo?
When do people use camera?
How can the new technology put cinema$s skill advanced?
. The importa!t historic place
1) What is the place?
2) Where is it located?
3) Why do you think it is important?
What do you think of the historic place in the future?
Will the government increase or decrease the safety guard?
What are the changes to the local people and economy?
What is the impact on the historic place by tourists?
". Describe a party
1) What is the party?
2) Why was the party held?
3) Who attended the party?
) What did you do for that party?
What$s the difference between serious party and friendly party?
Why are some people late for parties intentionally?
Why do some people like party while others hate it?
What would you do if the guests feel bored?
Will there be more and more people to attend parties?
#. Describe a sub$ect taught i! your school%
1) Who teaches it?
2) How is it taught?
3) What do you learn from the class?
&s there any difference between the traditional and modern educational systems?
What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your country?
'o you think it is necessary to give comment or criticism to teachers?
&. 'hat is the importa!t i!ve!tio! before the age of computer%
1) What is the invention?
2) Why do you think it is very important?
3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the invention?
What is the significant impact of modern inventions on life?
Which skills do you want to study in the future?
'o you think it$s necessary to develop modern invention in the countryside?
(. Describe a foreig! cou!try you have !ever bee! to
1) Where is the country?
2) When will you go there?
3) Why would you like to go there?
(ay something about the tourism development in China) facility) services and the effect
on environment#
What is the importance of travel and tourism industry?
What do you think the function of tourist guides?
). Describe your favourite movie
1) What$s the name of the film?
2) What$s the theme of the film?
3) Why do you like it?
'escribe a type pf movie you like#
What$s the difference between Chinese and *merican movies?
What do you think of the violent films +Hollywood films)?
Why movies need computer techni,ues? *ny e"ample of movie using computer
Which parts of cinema are the most important and how to improve it?
*. Describe a !ewspaper or maga+i!e
1) What$s your habit for reading?
2) What are the benefits of reading?
3) What-s the main difference between newspaper and maga.ine?
What do you think the important ,ualities for a news reporter?
What$s the function of a report to the society?
What kinds of books/newspapers/maga.ines do Chinese adolescents read?
With the popularity of &nternet) do you think newspapers and maga.ines will disappear?
1,. Describe a childre!-s game .sports !ot suggested/
1) How is it played?
2) What can you learn from the game?
3) What impact does it bring on your growth?
What do you think of the benefits of children$s games?
0owadays children have less and less time for game) what do you think about it?
What do you think the difference between games nowadays and in the past?
What$s the negative aspect of games?
11. Describe a happy eve!t i! your life%
1) When did it happen?
2) Where did it happen?
3) What was it?
1ell me how you organi.e your study time?
What do you think is important in achieving happiness?
How do Chinese celebrate some happy events?
What do the camera and video play in celebrating?
12. Describe a thi!g which is importa!t to you
1) Who gave it to you?
2) What is the thing?
3) What does the thing mean to you?
What are the changes of city between now and past?
'oes money represent happiness and why?
How do you regard as the things people want to earn?
1. Describe o!e of your !eighbours
1) When did you become neighbours?
2) 'o you often meet?
3) (tate whether your neighbour is a good one
What is the difference between neighbours and friends?
Why do people like to watch 12 serials in their houses?
How do you think of the relationship in the city?
How to improve the neighbourhood?
1". Describe o!e of the shoppi!g ce!ters you ofte! go to
1) Where is the shopping center?
2) How often do you go to the center?
3) Why do you often go to it and its characteristics?
Will smaller shops survive in the current business system?
What are the characteristics of shopping malls and smaller shops and their difference?
What is the trend of future shopping centers?
1alk about &nternet shopping
1#. Describe your favourite a!imal
1) What kind of animal is it?
2) 'escribe it briefly
3) Why do you like the animal?
What do you need to do to take care of it?
What$s the future trend of the animal?
How do you think of the poaching of some precious animals such as pandas?
1&. Describe a historical place
1) What is the place?
2) Where is it located?
3) What is the historical meaning of the place?
What do you think of the future trend of historic places?
Will government strengthen its protection toward historic places?
What are the changes brought about by the historic place in local economy) people) etc?
What is the effect of tourists on the place?
1(. 0dvertiseme!t
1) What are the forms of advertisement?
2) What are the functions of advertisement?
3) What is the effect of advertisement to people?
'o you feel bored and disgusted about advertisement?
What do you think are the criteria of assessing a good piece of advertisement?
What will happen if unauthoritative advertisements prevail in the market?
1). Describe a! importa!t letter
1) When did you receive the letter?
2) 3rom whom did you receive the letter?
3) !"plain the reasons why it is important
What is the significance of handwriting?
'oes your country have handwriting lesson now?
Compare the handwriting now and past
With the popularity of computers and &nternet) will people lose their ability to write letters?
1*. Describe the best prese!t you have received
1) Who sent it to you?
2) When did you receive it?
3) 'etailed information about the present
'o you think that present giving will play an important role in Chinese daily life? Why?
'o you think that the brand name is very important for sales?
&n terms of the media) which do you think will play a main role in present giving)
television) newspaper or &nternet?
2,. Describe your holidays
1) Where do you go for the holidays and how long do them last?
2) Who do you go with?
3) 1alk about any interesting thins happening during your holidays
What do the Chinese people mostly do in their leisure time?
What-s the difference between holidays today and 4 years ago and the reasons for the
'o you think people will spend more time on leisure or working in the future?
Suggested questions for stage 1
1. Could you show me your ide!tificatio! card please%
2. Could you tell me your full !ame please%
. 'hat shall 1 call you%
". Does your !ame have a!y special mea!i!g%
#. 'hy do so ma!y people cha!ge their !ames%
&. 1s your !ame importa!t to you%
2ometow! or birth place
1. 'here do you come from%
2. 'here do you live%
. Ca! you tell me somethi!g about your hometow!%
". Ca! you tell me some famous la!dscapes or sce!ic spots i! your hometow!%
#. Ca! you tell me some history of your hometow!%
Perso!al bac3grou!d a!d i!formatio!
1. 0re you a stude!t or do you have a $ob%
2. 'hat do you li3e most about your study%
. 'hat 3i!d of $ob do you prefer after graduatio!%
". 'hat is your ma$or%
#. 'hat do you do for livi!g%
&. Could you tell me a typical day of yours%
(. 2ow do you get your $ob%
). 0re you satisfied with your $ob%
*. 'hat do you li3e most about your $ob%
1,. 'hat 3i!d of $ob do you prefer i! the future%
2obby or i!cli!atio!
1. 'hat do you usually do i! your spare time%
2. Do you prefer to stay alo!e or with your frie!ds%
. 'hat do you usually do o! wee3e!ds a!d wee3days%
". 'hat do you usually do whe! you go out%
#. 'hat do you usually do with your frie!ds%
&. Do you li3e readi!g%
(. 'hat 3i!d of boo3s do you li3e best%
). Do you li3e 4!glish% 'hy or why !ot%
*. 'hat do you thi!3 of the importa!ce of 4!glish%
1,. 'hat are good hobbies a!d bad hobbies% 'hy%
Future pla!
1. 'hy do you ta3e the 145T6 test%
2. 'hat are you pla!!i!g to do i! the !e7t five years%
. 'hat are you pla!!i!g to do i! the !e7t te! years%
". 'hat is the first thi!g you will do whe! you arrive at the !ew place%
Suggested stage 2 questions most frequently asked in stage 1
1. Traveli!g
Do you li3e traveli!g%
Do you li3e travel alo!e or with your frie!ds%
2ave you traveled to other places% 'here are they%
'hat do you usually do whe! you first arrive i! a !ew place%
'hat are the be!efits of traveli!g%
'hy do so ma!y people li3e traveli!g !owadays%
2. Frie!ds
Do you have ma!y frie!ds% 0re they casual ac8uai!ta!ces or close frie!ds%
Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your frie!ds%
Do you prefer o!e or two close frie!ds or ma!y frie!ds%
Ca! you tal3 about your best frie!d%
2ow to ma3e frie!ds%
'hat do you usually do with your frie!ds%
1s the time you spe!d with your frie!ds as much as that you spe!d with your family%
. 9usic
Do you li3e music%
'hat are the be!efits of liste!i!g to music%
'hat 3i!d of music do you li3e best%
'hy do you li3e this 3i!d of music%
". Tra!sportatio!
Ca! you say somethi!g about the tra!sportatio! i! your hometow!%
'hat is the commo! mea!s of tra!sport i! your cou!try%
Do traffic $ams ofte! occur i! your hometow! or i! the city where you live%
2ow to solve the problem%
'hat cha!ges i! tra!sportatio! have ta3e! place i! the past several years i! your cou!try%
#. :uildi!g
Ca! you tell me a! i!teresti!g buildi!g i! your hometow!%
Ca! you tell me a! i!teresti!g buildi!g i! ;ua!g+hou%
Suggested topics in stage 2 & related questions for stage 3
Category 1: Describi!g thi!gs .1 test item/
1. Describi!g a piece of e8uipme!t you ofte! use at home or at wor3. <ou should say=
'hat is it %
'hat you do with it> 2ow to use it%
2ow lo!g you have had it%
2ow importa!t it is to you%
1. 'hat are the impacts of electrical e8uipme!t o! huma!s life i! the past te! years%
2. 'hat are the differe!ces of the life i! the past a!d at the prese!t%
. 'hat role does tech!ological developme!t play i! peoples life%
". 2ow will tech!ology develop i! the future%
#. Do you have a mobile pho!e% 'hat are its adva!tages%
&. 'hy do ma!y foreig! cou!tries develop faster tha! Chi!a%
(. 'hy does the Chi!as 'est develop faster tha! Chi!as 4ast%
). 'hat are the adva!tages a!d disadva!tages of computer a!d i!ter!et%
Category 2: Describi!g people . test items/
1. Describe a well-3!ow! perso!. <ou should say=
'ho he>she is%
'hat ma3es him>her famous%
'hy you admire him>her%
1. Do you wa!t to become famous%
2. 2ow to become a well-3!ow! perso! i! Chi!a%
. 'hat 3i!d of people ca! become famous i! Chi!a%
". 'hat are the adva!tages a!d disadva!tages of bei!g famous%
#. 'hat do you thi!3 of the privacy of a well-3!ow! perso!%
&. 'hat do you thi!3 of the relatio!ship betwee! a well-3!ow perso! a!d advertisi!g%
(. 'ould you be i!flue!ced by the well-3!ow! perso!s i! T? commercials%
). Do you ofte! tal3 about si!gers with your frie!ds% 'hat do you ofte! tal3 about%
2. Describi!g a frie!d i! your school time> you li3e most. <ou should say=
'ho he>she is%
'he! did you became frie!ds%
'hy do you li3e him>her or why do you thi!3 that he>she is importa!t to you%
2ow he>she i!flue!ces you.
1. 'hat are the differe!ces betwee! adults a!d childre! i! terms of ma3i!g frie!ds%
2. Ca! adults ma3e frie!ds with childre!%
. 'hat do you thi!3 are the most importa!t factors whe! ma3i!g frie!ds%
". 'hat are the possible factors that cause the brea3-up of frie!dship%
#. 'hy is it difficult for adults to ma3e frie!ds%
&. 'hat will the frie!dship become li3e whe! getti!g old%
. Describi!g a perso! whom you li3e to wor3 or study with. <ou should say=
'ho is he>she%
'he! did you wor3>study together%
'hat do you ofte! do together%
'hy do you li3e to wor3 with him>her%> 'hat ca! you lear! from him>her%
'hy is he>she particular%
1. Do you li3e to wor3 alo!e or with a part!er%
2. 'hat do you thi!3 of teamwor3 a!d team spirit%
. 'hat 3i!d of people are good to wor3 with%
". Do you li3e group wor3 or group lear!i!g%
). 'hat is your opi!io! o! efficie!cy%
*. 'hat are the adva!tages of studyi!g by yourself%
1,. 'hat do you thi!3 of efficie!cy%
Category : Describi!g places .2 test items/
1. Describe a restaura!t or a cafe. <ou should say=
'here it is%
'hat it loo3s li3e%
'hat 3i!d of services is provided%
'hat 3i!d of food you li3e there> 'hat 3i!d of food is famous%
'hy you li3e it%
1. Do you li3e coo3i!g%
2. 'ill you coo3 for your frie!ds whe! they visit you%
. 'ho coo3s i! a Chi!ese family%
". 'hat do you thi!3 of the adva!tages a!d disadva!tages of fast food%
#. 'hy is fast food so popular%
&. 'here would Chi!ese go whe! they eat out%
(. 'hat cha!ges would ta3e place i! terms of Chi!ese eati!g habits%
). 'hat food is popular%
*. 'hat is the differe!ce betwee! fresh food a!d ca!!ed food%
1,. 'hat ca! we do to solve the problem of food shortage%
11. 'hat are the adva!tages a!d disadva!tages of family food%
2. Describi!g a! i!teresti!g buildi!g. <ou should say=
'here it is located.
'hat it loo3s li3e.
'hat services are provided%
2ow you li3e it.
'hat role do old buildi!gs a!d !ew buildi!gs play i! moder! society%
'hat cha!ges have ta3e! place i! architecture i! the past two decades%
Do you thi!3 it !ecessary to protect old buildi!gs%
Category ": Describi!g media a!d commu!icatio! ." test items/
1. Describi!g a 3i!d of boo3 you li3e. <ou should say=
'hat 3i!d of boo3s you li3e most.
'hat they are about.
'hy you li3e them most.
'hat effect have boo3s brought o! you%
1. 'hat is the differe!ce betwee! me! a!d wome! whe! choosi!g what to read%
2. 'hat 3i!d boo3s do childre! li3e% 'hy do they li3e readi!g%
. 'hat is the differe!ce betwee! readi!g a!d watchi!g T?%
". 'hat is the relatio!ship betwee! readi!g a!d computer%
#. 'hat are the adva!tages of readi!g boo3s%
&. 'hy do childre! li3e pictorials%
(. 'hat boo3s are popular i! Chi!a%
2. Describi!g o!e of your favorite boo3s. <ou should say=
'hat 3i!d of boo3s you li3e.
'hat is your favorite boo3%
'hat it is about.
'he! did you get it%
'hy you li3e it.
1. Do you li3e other boo3s%
2. 'hat 3i!d of boo3s do Chi!ese people li3e%
. 'hat 3i!d of boo3s do Chi!ese wome! li3e%
2. 'hat 3i!d of boo3s do Chi!ese childre! li3e%
. 'hat 3i!d of boo3s do you recomme!d to others%
. Describi!g a letter. <ou should say:
'he! you received it.
'ho se!t it to you%
'hat it is about%
'hether it is importa!t to you% 'hy%
1. 'hat is the differe!ce betwee! letter a!d e-mail%
2. Do you ofte! 3eep diaries%
. 'hat is the differe!ce betwee! diary a!d letter%
". 'hat is the differe!ce i! the past a!d at the prese!t as regards commu!icatio!s%
#. 'hat is the role of letter #, years ago a!d at the prese!t%
&. 'hat do you thi!3 of the role #, years later%
(. 'hat do you thi!3 of creative writi!g%
). 'ould post office disappear #, years later%
*. 'hat role does computer play i! our society%
1,. 'hat cha!ges have bee! brought by the computer% 'hat is professors attitude%
". Describi!g a 3i!d of music. <ou should say=
'hether you li3e music. 'hy or why !ot%
'hat 3i!d of music you li3e best
'hat role music plays i! peoples life.
1. 2ow lo!g do you liste! to music everyday%
2. 'hy is it easier for childre! to lear! playi!g a musical i!strume!t%
. 'hat are the be!efits of lear!i!g to play musical i!strume!ts%
". Discuss the impact of wester! music o! the world music%
Category #: Describi!g celebratio! a!d leisure time ." test items/
1. Describe a traditio!al festival i! Chi!a. <ou should say=
'hat it is.
'he! is it celebrated%
2ow to celebrate% > what you usually do o! that day.
'hat you li3e a!d what you do!t li3e.
1. 'hat is the co!cept of holiday i! Chi!a%
2. 'hy is holiday so importa!t to moder! people%
. Do you thi!3 it is !ecessary to observe the traditio!al customs%
". 'hat cha!ges i! terms of spe!di!g festivals a!d holidays have ta3e! place i! the past dec
#. 'hat is the differe!ce as regards celebratio! i! differe!t part of the cou!try%
2. Describi!g a perfect trip> holiday. <ou should say=
'here you would go.
'he! would you go%
'hom you would go with.
'hat you are goi!g to do.
'hat you thi!3 it perfect.
1. 'hat is the differe!ce i! the past a!d at the prese!t as regards travelli!g%
2. 2ow would the tourist i!dustry develop i! the future%
. 'hat should the gover!me!t do to attract tourists%
". 'hat should the people do to attract tourists%
. Describi!g a! i!teresti!g trip you have ta3e!. <ou should say=
'here you we!t.
'he! you we!t there.
'hom you we!t with.
'hat you did there.
'hy you li3e it.
1. 'hat is the differe!ce i! the past a!d at the prese!t as regards traveli!g%
2. 2ow would the tourist i!dustry develop i! the future%
. 'hat should the gover!me!t do to attract tourists%
". 'hat should the people do to attract tourists%
". Describi!g a! i!teresti!g hobby. <ou should say=
'hat it is.
'he! bega! to do it.
2ow lo!g you spe!d o! it.
2ow ofte! you do it.
'hy you li3e it.
1. Do you thi!3 that surfi!g the 1!ter!et= watchi!g T?= liste!i!g to music or 3eepi!g a pet ar
e i!teresti!g hobbies%
2. Do you thi!3 it will cost too much time to do them%
. Do you li3e hobbies re8uiri!g teamwor3%
". 'hy do people usually do i! their spare time%
Category &: 0dditio!al test items ." test items/
1. Describe a! e!viro!me!tal problem. <ou should say=
'hat it is%
2ow lo!g it has e7isted.
'hat effect it has brought to peoples life.> 'hat it happe!s%
'hat we ca! do to solve it.
1. 'hat causes e!viro!me!tal problems%
2. 'hat should the gover!me!t do to protect the e!viro!me!t%
. 'hat should we do to protect the e!viro!me!t%
". 'hat other measures ca! you thi!3 of to protect the e!viro!me!t%
#. 2ow should we educate childre! to protect e!viro!me!t%
&. 'hats the differe!ce betwee! the old a!d the you!g as regards e!viro!me!tal protectio
2. Describi!g a 3i!d of e7treme weather. <ou should say=
'hat it is.
'he! did it happe!%
'here you were.
2ow you felt at that time.
1. 'hat should you do i! a bad weather%
2. 'ill bad weather mould or cha!ge peoples perso!ality%
. 'hat is the relatio!ship betwee! weather a!d culture%
". The climate has cha!ged these #, years. 2ave you !oticed the cha!ges%
#. 'hat cha!ges do you predict i! the followi!g years%
&. 0re the people i!terested i! gatheri!g the weather i!formatio! i! your place%
(. 2ow does weather i!flue!ce peoples perso!alities i! your cou!try%
. Tal3i!g about lear!i!g 4!glish. <ou should say=
'he! a!d where you bega! studyi!g 4!glish.
'hat is the most i!teresti!g thi!g i! a! 4!glish class%
'hat is the most effective way of lear!i!g 4!glish%
'hat difficulties you have whe! lear!i!g 4!glish.
'hat are the adva!tages of lear!i!g 4!glish%
1. 'hat problems do you have whe! studyi!g 4!glish%
2. Do you thi!3 that 4!glish is the most importa!t la!guage i! the world%
. Ca! 4!glish ta3e the place of Chi!ese i! Chi!a%
". 'hat other la!guages are taught i! Chi!a%
#. Do you thi!3 that age is the most importa!t factor of lear!i!g 4!glish% 'hy%
&. 'hat difficulties would a foreig!er have whe! he lear!s your !ative la!guage%
(. 'hat problems would Chi!ese people have whe! commu!icati!g with foreig!ers%
). 'he! would be most suitable for childre! to lear! 4!glish%
*. 2ow will tra!slatio! a!d i!terpretatio! develop i! the future%
". Describi!g the way of getti!g !ews. <ou should say=
'hether you get !ews everyday.
'hether the !ews is !atio!al or i!ter!atio!al%
2ow you get !ews .via !ewspaper= T?= 1!ter!et= radio or other people%/
2ow do most Chi!ese people thi!3 about the importa!ce of getti!g update !ews everyday.
1. Do you thi!3 the i!formatio! o! the 1!ter!et believable or !ot%
2. 'hat is the most effective way of getti!g !ews%
. 2ow do reporters gather i!formatio!%
". 'hat do you thi!3 of the importa!ce of privacy%
#. 2ow do $our!alists e!tertai! their customers%
&. 'hat role do media play i! peoples life%
(. 2ow do Chi!ese people gather i!formatio!%
). 'hat are the adva!tages a!d disadva!tages of differe!t media%
*. Do you thi!3 it !ecessary to co!trol the !ews coverage%
1,. 'hat 3i!d of !ews do you thi!3 should be co!trolled%
#. Describi!g a s3ill you wa!t to lear!. <ou should say=
'hat it is.
'hy you thi!3 it is importa!t.
2ow you are goi!g to lear! it.
'hat role it will play i! you future life.
1. 'hat do you thi!3 of the traditio!al s3ills%
2. 'hat s3ill do you thi!3 the u!iversity has provided for your $ob%
. 'hat s3ills ca! you lear! i! school%
". 'hat 3i!d of s3ills have your pare!ts lear!ed%
#. 'hat do you thi!3 of the role of family for childre! to lear! s3ills%
&. 'hat is the most popular s3ill that people wa!t to lear!%
(. 'hat 3i!d of school would you se!d your childre! to% 'hy%
). 'hat are the adva!tages a!d disadva!tages of school educatio! a!d family educatio!%
Sample Answer to IELTS Spoken Topics !ersion 1"
1. special gift:
Describe the best prese!t>gift you have received :
i. 'ho se!d it% 'hat is the gift% 'hat is it for%
ii. 'he! did you receive it%
iii. Detail i!formatio! about the prese!t.
Last year , my wife celebrated my birthday at home. She bought a electronic
dictionary as birthday gift. I like the electronic dictionary very much. It's
blue and quite small. It fits into my pocket. I remember at that time, my wife said to me :she
decided to immigrate to !anada with me. In future, we must study
very hard ."nd she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my #nglish. $n
that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate to
!anada finally. "lso, with the help of the electronic dictionary , I made such
rapid progress that before long I began to write articles in #nglish.
1/ 1! Chi!a= whe! will people se!d the prese!t%
$h, attend the party, such as %edding &arty, 'irthday &arty. (uring Spring
)estival, people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowers and
2/ Compare the gift which people have received 1, years ago to the prese!t
that people !ow are receivi!g= what@s the differe!ce betwee! them%
. try to compare the gift you received i! your tee!age with the gift
childre! received !ow /
$h, I think the gift was monotonic before. )or e*ample, I often received a
notebook as gift. 'ut now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such as
flowers, wine, food, clothes etc.
/ Aust image the gift i! the future childre! will receive.
In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual
gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.
"/ Aust image the gift i! the future people will receive.
In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other. I think flowers will be
the most popular present.
2. buildi!g
'hat is the i!teresti!g buildi!g i! your cou!try%
'hat is it located%
'hat is it used for%
47plai! why you thi!3 it is the most i!teresti!g%
I think the interesting building is the +reat %all. It runs across north
!hina like a huge dragon. It was used to enemies. Soldiers used to keep watch on
the +reat %all. %hen the enemy came , fires were lit to warn other soldiers.
I think the +reat %all is the most interesting building. 'ecause it is one
of the wonders of the world and it was one of the few man,made ob-ects on earth
that could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon. "lso, the +reat %all
has become a symbol of both !hina's proud history and its present strength.
1/ 0re there some old buildi!gs i! your hometow!% 'here a!d Describe it%
%enfeng .ower, built in /012, is located in the southern of "nyang !ity.
(uring the 3ing and 4ing dynasties, people came to the tower to worship the +od
of 5eaven and pray for a good harvest. 6owadays, it serves as a museum of history
. 3urals of %enfeng .ower give visitors a feel for the great artistic
achievements of ancient !hinese civili7ation. In a word, I think the %enfeng .ower is the most
interesting building, and it is the oldest building in my hometown.
2/ Compare the differe!ces betwee! the co!structio!s i! your city with them i!
2, years ago% Describe the buildi!g styles i! detail%
.he traditional buildings are made of the red brick and always have curved
eaves. .housands of buildings look the same. 'ut now, various buildings with
different colors and styles have been going up in my hometown. In addition, room
is equipped with kitchen and bathroom. .his is very convenient.
/ 'hat are people@s attitudes to old buildi!g today a!d that of our later
ge!eratio!% 6hould we protect them% 'hy%
&eople, including our later generation, advocate that government should protect old buildings
.'ecause old buildings represent the great artistic
achievements of ancient !hinese civili7ation.
"/ 'hat role do you thi!3 the old a!d moder! buildi!gs play i! the society%
$h, modern buildings are for us to live and work, while old buildings are for us to visit and
#/ Compare the differe!ces betwee! house a!d apartme!t%
In !hina, there is a big yard beside house, where we can plant some flowers
and trees etc. 'ut house is more e*pensive. "partment is convenient and cheap but small.
. frie!d:
'ho is your best frie!d%
2ow did you meet%
'hat do you do with your frie!d%
Tell me the way you ma3e frie!ds with others a!d youu thi!3 what people should be your
3y best friend is***. %e were in the same class for 8 years. "t that time,
we often gather together to study and play. 6ow, we work in the same company.
)riendship is e*tremely important to me. It9s like being brothers or sisters,
but even more than that. I mean, I would do nearly anything for my friend,
and I would e*pect that he would do the same for me. If he didn't help me when I
was in need, then I would not consider him a good friend. I have a lot of
different kinds of friends. Some are loud, others are shy. I prefer having a real
variety of friends.
1/ Do you thi!3 it is easy to ma3e frie!ds i! Chi!a%
:es, of course. 6owadays, transportation and communication are easy and
convenient. %e have more opportunities to meet all kinds of people and make friends with them.
2/ what do you thi!3 the differe!ce betwee! adults a!d childre! ma3i!g frie!d%
.he difference is attitude or mindset between adults and children making
friend. In general, children like to make friend with good students because they
can help each other in studying. 'ut adults make friends with anyone they like.
/ 2ow do childre! ma3e frie!d%
!hildren to children.
"/ 'hat is the most importa!t thi!g i! frie!dship%
#/ 'hat is the seco!d importa!t thi!g i! frie!dship%
5elping each other.
;< %hat makes friendship break up= 3isunderstanding
)or e*ample, when I studied in !hongqing >niversity, one day, my roommate
lost his watch. 5e thought I had taken it. "t that moment, I was very angry but I
said nothing, and then I helped him to look for the watch. )inally, we found it
in his pocket. 3y roommate apologi7ed to me. I forgave him his rudeness. So, I
think trust is the most important thing between friends.
". Festival
.here are many festivals in !hina, such as Spring )estival, 6ational (ay and
:uan ?iao )estival etc. .he Spring )estival is the biggest festival in !hina. I
suppose it's somewhat like !hristmas is in western countries. Spring )estival is
the only time when all families gather together and stores and business are closed
for several days. (uring the Spring )estival, we eat delicious food, visit
relatives and friends, and watch .@ to welcome the 6ew :ear. I also like to try and contact some
friends before and see how they9re doing and what they9 re up to.
%e give each other presents for the 6ew :ear.
Describe your latest i!teresti!g travel i! detail.
'he! a!d where you go%
'hom you go with%
'hat thi!gs you do%
Last year, I went to Shilin with my wife. Shilin, is located about A2
kilometers from Bunming. Bunming is the capital city of :unnan &rovince .It took us C days to get
Shilin. Shilin is famous for its large areas of stone forests. "ll stones in Shilin are vividly shaped,
resembling various figures. Some stones look like a monkey, and some stones look like a bird. In a
word, the stones are fantastic. In addition, I met a classmate of !hongqing >niversity in Shilin.
%e talked about the things and persons which we remembered in school. I think that is an
interesting trip.
1/ Describe some i!teresti!g thi!gs happe!ed duri!g your travel. Ca! u describe it for me%
$k. I met a classmate of !hongqing >niversity .%e talked about the things
and persons which we remembered in school. I think that is an interesting thing.
2/ 'hat is your goal to travel a!d your reaso! to travel is
I en-oy traveling. It is so interesting to see how other people live, and
it is really an ama7ing way to learn about different cultures.
/ Describe the adva!tage a!d disadva!tage of travel for the cou!try
.ourism is a useful source of foreign currency for the country, but
sometimes so me visitors destroy cultural heritage.
"/ 'hy Chi!a ca! attract people to travel%
" 8,222,,year cultural heritage attract more people to !hina.
#/ Do Chi!ese people li3e to travel !ow%
:es, of course. Since the opening,up, transportation is easy and convenient. "lso, we have ample
money for the -ourney.
&/ 'hich festival do people travel i! a!d where do people travel to%
%e often go to resorts around 6ational (ay, such as )orbidden !ity, Summer &alace, and .emple
of 5eaven in 'ei-ing.
(/ Compare the differe!ce about traveli!g amo!g Chi!ese people betwee! 1,, years ago a!d
/22 years ago, transportation was very difficultD few people could travel in !hina because most of
people were very poor. 'ut now, transportation is easy and convenient and we have ample money
for the -ourney.
&/ !atural sce!ery
'hat is the most beautiful !atural sce!ery you have ever see!% 'hat is the specific poi!t%
'here did you see it% 'ho did you go with%
Last year, I went to Shilin with my wife. Shilin, located about A2 kilometers from Bunming.
Bunming is the capital city of :unnan &rovince. It took us C days to get there. Shilin is famous for
its large areas of stone forests. "ll stones in Shilin are vividly shaped, resembling various figures.
Some stones look like a monkey, and some stones look like a bird. In a word, the stones are
fantastic. "lso, there is a lake in Shilin. Surrounded by green mountains and forests, the lake is not
destroyed by any pollution. .ravelers can row a boat on the lake or stroll on the shores to en-oy its
special quiet beauty.
.1/'hat measures does your gover!me!t ta3e to protect !atural sce!ery%
.he government establishes protective 7ones of natural scenery .#ducate people to protect natural
environment. &eople who destroy natural scenery will be punished.
.2/ Do you thi!3 it is effective%
:es, of course. #stablish protective 7ones can prevent pollution.
./ 'hat role does tourism play i! your cou!try@s eco!omy%
.ourism is playing a more and more important role in our country's economy. Since the opening
up, the number of tourists has increased quickly, and this is a useful source of foreign currency for
the country. E/8F "lso, tourism can accelerate other industry to develop.<
."/ 'hat should you pay atte!tio! to i! travel%
Safety, weather, and I think it is necessary to bring some medicine.
(. Tra!sportatio!
;ive me some opi!io! o! the tra!sportatio! i! your city%
In my opinion, one of the biggest problems of transportation is traffic -ams in "nyang city. It has
become common to see passengers and drivers having to wait in long lines of buses and cars
moving at a snail's pace on the streets during the rush hours. .here are several reasons for this
problem. )irst, the number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than the building of roads.
Second, there seem to be too many private cars and not enough public buses. .hird, many people,
including drivers, pedestrians and cyclists do not obey traffic rules properly, especially at busy
In my opinion, one of the biggest problems of transportation is traffic -ams in "nyang city. In view
of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. $n
the one hand, the government should invest more money in the building of new roads and the
repairing and maintenance of old ones, particularly those in busy areas of the cities. $n the other
hand, the number of private cars in urban areas should be limited while the number of public
buses should be increased. "t the same time, it is essential that stricter traffic rules and
regulations be issued to strengthen traffic control.
1/ Compare the differe!t tra!sportatio!= such as betwee! pla!e= trai! a!d car.
(rive car to travel is convenient because we can set out at any time. 'ut it is too slow and it may
spend us much more time. &lane ticket is more e*pensive. So, I think train is the best
transportation for me.
2/ Ca! you $ust image the tra!sportatio! i! the future a!d describe it for me%
In the future, the speed of car, train and plane will be faster. "nd, the transportation will be easier
and convenient.
/ Aust compare the tra!sportatio! i! the past a!d !ow% 'hat tra!sportatio! do you li3e
a!d why%
6owadays, we have more choice on the transportation than the past. Such as tube, plane etc, even
though in the small city. I like tube, because tube is safety and tube ticket is cheap.
). mea!i!gful thi!gs . B ha!dcraft /
'hat role do you thi!3 music plays i! our life%
Gust as other kinds of art, music has become an indispensable part of human culture. It brings us
with nutritious spiritual foods, enriches our leisure life .In addition, music can do good to us very
much. It can elicit the imagination of us. "nd, it teaches us how to distinguish beauty from nature.
Listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and rela*.
1/ Ca! you tell me the wester! music@s impact o! the world music%
$h, it is a difficult question, the western music is definitely great, and it plays an important role
on the world music. 3any musical talents and eminent musicians have been trained in western
country, such as 'eethoven, 3o7art and so on.
2/ Do you thi!3 it@s !ecessary to ope! a music course i! high school%
:es, of course. .here is usually / or 1 hours each week used for teaching music. I think there
should be more, such as at least C or more.
/ 'hat effects will ta3e place u thi!3 to let childre! .stude!ts/ study a! i!strume!t%
3usic can do good to children Estudents< very much. It can elicit the
imagination of children Estudents<. "lso, it teaches them how to distinguish beauty from nature.
"/ 1t-s ofte! more easy for childre! to lear! music tha! adults. Ca! you tell me why%
$h, that9s because it9s important to have soft fingers and palm to learn a music mechanism, such
as guitar. !hildren have more fle*ible fingers and they are more likely to find the correct feeling.
#/ Do u li3e music or !ot% 'hy%
I like music. I like singing, especially in front of many people. I often sing for my friends. %hen
they praise me, I feel happy. "lso, listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from
a day's hard work and rela*.
&/ Describe the music you li3e most a!d tell me why%
I like classic music. It usually has a slow rhythm and a pleasant melody. Listening to the musicD I
can soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and rela*.
7) What are the differences in music between China and western cuntries!
$h, it is a big questionD in general, the symphony of western countries is
long while most of !hinese music is small piece.
"#$ Clthes:
u like what clothes=
!lothes aren't only used to keep us warm. It has become a important part of
modern civili7ation. (ifferent nations have different styles clothes. "nd
different styles clothes represent different cultures. "ll people want their life to be filled with
variety, color and comfort by wearing clothes. %e will have a good mood when we wear beautiful
clothes. I like leisure clothes very much. 'ecause it is not only cheap but also convenient to wear.
EIn addition, the material of leisure clothes is more environmentally friendly.< 'ut I must wear
work clothes when we are working. $therwise, I will be fined.
/<%hat's the prescript on clothes when you are working= and -ust the
prescript on clothes in school.
%e must wear work clothes E a school uniform < when we are working Ein
school<. $therwise, we will be fined..
1<the different between the older and younger people on clothes.
.he older people think a lot of style and material. 'ut the youger people
would like to follow the fashion. &ersonality is the first consideration when
younger people choose clothes.
C<compare the differences between the clothes in ur city with them in 12
years ago. In the past, the colors and styles of clothes were very monotonic. .housands of people
look the same .'ut now, we can wear clothes with different colors and styles .
"" Think f a persn in %ur famil% that is the mst similar t %u$
%ho is this person=
5ow is heHshe similar to you=
%hat kind of family is yours= Is it of a typical family structure in !hina=
3y family is a typical family in !hina. .here are grandparents, parents, a
brother, my wife and I in my family.I look -ust like my father. 3edium build ,
pointed nose and dense black hair. 3y father is very kind and easy going. 5is love
is the most selfless love. I am luck enough because I have a good father. 3y
father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of
schooling himself. 5e believe that knowledge can change fate. So, my father offer more
opportunity for me to study Eno matter how poor my family was< .o sum up, my
family is harmony and our life is very happy.
/< %hat do you think are the differences between families in and past and
today, and what have caused these changes=
In the past, there were several children in a family. 'ut now, government
has is sued one,,child policy to limit the si7e of the family. So, there is only
one child in a family. !ouples will be punished financially if they have more
than one child. .his is one ,, child policy .
1<%hat is your opinion of one,,child policy=
I agree with one,,child policy. 'ecause it is difficult to provide enough
food and education for a large number of people. So, government must control the
population. "lso, it is the best way that we can find to control population.
C<%hat has your government done to support families=
Such as &ro-ect 5ope . It means that government supports the students in
poor families to continue their schooling and improving their education
conditions.E;H/FFF &/2< In addition, our government establishs beadhouse to provide services for
old people who have more difficulties or no families to take care of them. ECH/FF F &C0<
"& 'escribe a teacher wh has greatl% influenced %u in %ur educatin$ :ou
should say:
where you met them
what sub-ect they taught
what was special about them
and e*plain why this person influenced you so much.
I think my first #nglish teacher has greatly influenced me in my education.
I had some trouble in studying #nglish when I studied in middle school. I felt
#nglish was very difficult,so I did't like to study it .$ne day, my #nglish
teacher spoke to me about the study of foreign languages . 5e said : :ou must do a lotof reading ,
listening and speaking . 6ever mind, keep on trying, I believe you are a good student. In the
years that followed , I studied hard and made greater progress. 3y #nglish teacher loved his -ob
and he was knowledgeable in his
field. I love and respect him.
/< compare the differences between education in ur city with them in 12
years ago= In the past, many children can't go to school, and educational conditions were very
poor. 'ut now, government provide F years compulsory education. #ach child who is I years old
must go to school. "nd government provide much better facilities
and staff. "lso, schoolyards are beautiful than before.
1< compare the differences between university and middle school=
%e study basic knowledge in the middle school. 'ut the course of university
is practical and special, such as computer and business courses.
C<compare the differences between students now and past . "t present , it is difficult for student to
find -ob. So, their pressure is he avier than before.
"( Sprts ) *bb%
(escribe an interest or hobby that you particularly en-oy:
/<%hat this interest or hobby is=
1<5ow long have you been doing it=
C<%hat effect has it brought to your life=
%hat do you think about the balance between the work and the leisure =
I am a big table tennis fan, even though I am not very good at playing table ten nis myself. I love
to watch the game on .@. I have played table tennis whenever I
get a chance since I studied in the middle school. &laying table tennis not only
refreshes my body and makes me mentally alert ,and ready and eager to engage in
the work of the day. In addition, a reasonable amount of e*ercise prepares the bo
dy for a good night's sleep. 5owever, over,indulgence in physical e*ercise can do
more harm than good. 'ecause it will make you too tired to stay awake during the
/HIs it dangerous for people to spend too much time on hobby=
:es, over,indulgence in physical e*ercise can do more harm than good. I have
noticed that some of my friends spend too much time on sports make themselves
too tired to stay awake during the work.
1<(o you think hobby is beneficial to social life=
:es, of course.I make many friends during playing table tennis. So, I think
that hobby is beneficial the social life.
C<%hy do people like to watch games=
$h, it is a interesting question. %atching games can enrich our leisure
life. "lso, it is very e*citing to watch a close game.
0<%hat is advantages and disadvantages for watching games=
%atching games can enrich our leisure life. "lso, it is very e*citing to
watch a close game. 'ut over,indulgence in watching games can affect our rest.
8< %hat is the advantages and disadvantages between watching games and
playing gamesHsports H
%atching games can enrich our leisure life. "lso, it is very e*citing to
watch a close game. .ake part in sports can build our bodies and keep us healthy.
'ut, over,indulgence in watching games or in physical e*ercise can affect our rest.
;< (o you think which sports demand enough courage =
$h, I think it is bo*ing . It is very dangerous and it can do harm to health
of athlete.
I< %hat are the sporting facilities like in your hometown=
"nyang !ity has a lot of modern indoor facilities offering bowling, table
tennis, swimming etc. 'ut , it's too e*pensive for most !hinese, and you have to
belong to the club in order to use the facilities.E &/00 <
"+$ Reading
(o you often read newspapers= %hat's is your reading everyday=E how frequent
do you read= what do you like to read the best , I read newspapers everyday, such as %orkers
(aily, 5enan (aily. I en-oy reading.
It is so interesting to see how other people live and it is really an
ama7ing way to learn about different cultures. In addition, reading can do good to us very much.
It can elicit the imagination of us . I also like to read the !hina
.oday and !hina (aily. 'oth of these maga7ines are in #nglish , and it is a good
way for me to improve my #nglish.
/< (o you like to discuss with others when you read books =
:es, I do . 'ecause it is easy to understand the difficulty of books.
1< 5ow long do you read =
>sually, I read books or newspapers for / hour before I go to bed.
C< where do you like to read =
In the library, because there are all kinds of books which I can read.
(ecribe a handcraft which is made by yourself Bite flying is popular in !hina. Bites are often
played with around the 4ingming )estival in "pril. I like kites very much and I can make kites
myself. $nce, I made a kite . It was a beautiful swallow. )irstly , I collected C sticks and paper.
.he paper was adorned with paintings. Secondly , I used C sticks to control the paper , one linked
to its neck , the other two linked with its wing. "nd then ,
the work was completed . .he kite flew lightly in the sky as if the swallow
greeting the coming of the spring season. E1222H; <
%hat handcraft are there in !hina= =
)olk papercuts , lanterns and kites , shadow play etc.
"- $ Restaurant
on the test card
/< talk about your favorite restaurant.
1< why do you like it=
Sichuan dish features pungent , spicy and salty flavors and tend to go well with
rice. Sichuan Jestaurant is the largest restaurant in "nyang !ity. .he restauran
t is a beautiful , clean and it's price is cheap. 3y wife and I often have dinner
in the restaurant on the weekend. Stir,,)ried Shredded 'eef is one of the restau
rant's best dishes. It's made of fresh tenderloin and celery . !ondiments include
vinegar, rice wine and ginger etc. %hen finished cooking , the beef is red and the vegetables are
green. .he dish is very delicious.
e*tension of the card topic
/< %hat is the general ideas about fast food among !hinese people=
"lthough fast food has little nutritional value , but it is a blessing for
busy people .)ew people eat fast food all the time,, usually for breakfast andHor
lunch,,so they can help to balance their diet by eating a sensible evening meal.
"nd I like to eat fast food.
1< what do you think about science in food processingEproduction<=
Scientific processingEproduction< is important. 'ecause it can keep us
C< what is your opinion on food production and the world's population.
"t present, it's difficult to provide enough food for world's population.
So, on the one hand, we should limit population of world. $n the other hand, we
should manage to provide enuogh food.
"7$ En.irnment prtect
Is there any pollution in your city=
E In "nyang !ity , pollution is serious. <%ith the development of modern
agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced. 3ost of this waste is
harmful. It goes into the water , the soil and the air. #specially the air is often made very dirty by
factories. In places around big factories , trees and
vegetables are often killed by the bad air. "lso, when we breathe the air , harm will be done to our
health. )ortunately, people are beginning to reali7e -ust how
serious the whole situation is. +overnment is taking measures to prevent pollution.
/<%hat has your government done to prevent pollution
.he measures are:
E/<)irst, all new pro-ects are to have lower discharge levels D
E1< Second, all sources of pollution must be identified and monitored. EC<
.hird, all enterprises should assure a clean and safe work place .
"/$ Learn
%hat do you plan to learn in the future=
%hy do you want to learn it=
%here and how will you learn it=
I plan to learn computer science in the future. I am very interested in it.
.here are too many things that I don't know about computers. "lso, computers
play an important role in our life and are of great use in every field. I think the whole society will
be computeri7ed soon. I need more knowledge in this field to
meet the great demands of the application of computers. If things go well , I 'd
like to further my study in computer science and I want to work on my 3aster's
degree in !anada.
/<%hat's the most important skill nowadays=
I think it is computer. 'ecause computers play an important role in our life
and are of great use in every field.
1<"re there any traditional skill in your country= what are they=
:es, such as sewing and weave cloth. I remembered that my grandmother used
to sew clothes herself. 'ut now, few people can do it.
C<(o you think it necessary to learn these skills=
6o, I -ust don't like to spend much time on sewing. 'ecause we can buy all
kinds of clothes in shop.
0<Is there any difference between your parents' study and nowadays children=
In the past, when our parents studied in school, educational conditions were
very poor. 'ut now, children are lucky enough because government provides much
better facilities and staff.
8<(o schools teach non,academic courses=
:es, of course ,such as music, physical education, and painting etc.
;<Should school responsible for teaching these non,academic courses=
:es, of course. 'ecause school should stress student's moral , intellectual
and physical development in a comprehensive way.
describe a teacher you like or dislike
A<useful machine
for e*ample: you can talk about computer
F<national dish
Real inter.iews
.$&I! /:
4: (escribe the best presentHgift you have received Jequirement:
i. %ho send it=
ii. %hen did you receive it=
iii. (etail information about the present.
": I have a Gapanese friend. 5is name is 6aoki %atanabe.I met him in +uangdong Sanyo
company in /FFI. %e worked together there for C months. Last year, he visited me in golden week.
5e gave me the %alkman which is made in Sony in Gapan.I use it for listening to #nglish.It is
small and delicateEe*quisite ,fine<,it is -ust as same as casette tapes..he color is light purple and it
has a very clear voice.5e told me that the price of walkman was /2,222 yen.Eten thousand
yen,aboutF2 u.s dollars< It helps me a lot for improving my #nglish.I usually take it with me to
listen to #nglish after work .
4:In !hina, when will people send the present=
":In !hina,firstly,people send gifts on special holidays,such as in Spring festival, we give our
parents money,clothes,etc.$r we give our children red bags with some money,It means that we
give them a ne*t year's good luck.again,in a friend or relative's wedding,we usually give bride or
groom a gift,the wedding gife includes money,craftwork,flower,new clothes and life
necessities,also,on someone's birthday,we give him or her a gift,the birthday gift includes birthday
card, flower, new clothes ,secondly when close friends will part, they will give some souvenir gifts
each other for happy memories of their friendship.
4: !ompare the gift which people have received /2 years ago to the present
that people now are receiving, what's the difference between them=
": .en years ago, the gifts people received were simpler and cheaper ,but nowadays they are
pretty fine by appearance, higher quality, more beautiful packaging I think people will send
flowers as gifts, .hey are beautiful and cool, especially flowers can be used in all aspects both
good thing and bad thing.
4: %hat do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have
caused these changes=
":In !hina, about 12 years ago families were large, K'LL E'generally K'LL E', K'LL E'each family
had at least 0 or 8 members,but now they are small,especially in big cities,they have one child.In
countryside,they have no more than two children.
.he main reason for this is that we have the family planning policy,which is permitted to have one
child..his policy has been e*ecuted for about 12 years.
4: %hat has your government done to support families=
": $ur government provide the policy to encourage us to receive aids of money if we are too poor
4: %hat is the interesting building in you countryHcity=
%hat is it located=
%hat is used for= #*plain why you think it is the most interesting=
":I am from )oshan. In my city, there is an interesting building whose name is 'aihua pla7a.
It is located in the center of my city It has ;8 storeies, and is the highest building in my city.It is
used for offices on /2th floor and over,It also has shopping mall from the first floor to the Ath
floor.%e can buy everything, such as foods, clothes, cosmetics, stationery , sports goods, and so
on..he most interesting floor is on the Fth floor. It ha s a food street where you can eat various
kinds of foods, such as Gapanese foods, .hai foods, )rench foods.I like to visit there on weekends.
4: %hat do you think are the differences between your grandpa's house and your building.
": 3y grandpa's house is made of wood and soil. It is not strong.$n the other hand ,my house is
made of steel and concrete. So it is strong. In addition , his house is small. It is about C2 square
meters and mine is large, about /22 square meters.
4:do you en-oy cooking ,why=
":I like cooking. I came to be fond of cooking.I can cook what I like. If I have enough time, I can
cook for my family.
.$&I! 0:
4: what is your best friend= "nd how you met
": 3y best friend is 3r.Sheng. I met him in /FFC.5e is my colleague.%hen I came to )oshan for
the first time, I had difficulty in looking for my -ob. 5e encouraged and supported me.%e have a
lot common in hobby, such as playing !hinese chess, badminton
.$&I! 1:
4: .hink of a person in your family that is the most similar to you.
%ho is this person=
5ow is heHshe similar to you=
": 3y brother is the most similar to me. 5e is 8 years older than I, %e are the same height. %e are
one point seven meters and have the same many hobbies, for instance we like to go swimming ,
playing !hinese chess, and reading.In addition to these, we are very alike. Some of my colleagues
get confused who I am . %e have a sense of humor and like to make friends.
4: %hat kind of family is yours= Is it of a typical family structure in !hina=
": 3y family is large, I have (ad , 3om, two sisters ,four brothers. $ur relations are very strong.
%e usually help with each other. I am very proud of my family. 3y brothers, sisters and I has
already got married. #veryone has one or two children. I think my family is a typical one.
4: %hat do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have
caused these changes=
":, "bout 12 years ago they were large in !hina. #ach family had at least 0 or 8 children, but
nowadays they are small, especially in big cities. In countrysides they have no more than two
.he main reason for this change is that we have the family planning policy, which allows us to
have one child. .his policy has been e*ecuted for about 12 years.
.$&I! CD
4:%hat is the interesting building in you countryHcity=
%here is it located=
what is used for= #*plain why you think it is the most interesting=
4:what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend=
": !hildren make friends -ust for playing, if a child can play with another one,they will become
good friends,and the friendship between children is more lily,white and na= ve.but adult make
friends in many aspects,including play,business partner,colleague,anyone who has common in
some aspeects each other.of course,the friendship has some profits for them.
4:tell me the way you make friends with others. and you think what people should be your
":I make friends in many ways, for e*ample introducing my friends to other ones, sometimes with
I believe in the ma*im prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them I can give my friend help if
he needs, but if he did not do the same for me when I need, I will not consider him my friend
.$&I! 8: festival
4: describe the festival in your country:
E!hinese 6ew #ve:/.dinnerEfamily gathering<D1.special programme on !!.@ to
welcome the !6:D !hinese 6ew :ears (ay:/.visiting relativesD1.friends visiting.Eall
the rest of the days:/.shoppingD1.sightseeing.<
": In !hina, the spring festival is the most important festival. It is -ust like a !hristmas in the
western countries. (uring the spring festival, we have seven,day holidays. %e usually go back to
our parents' home and get together. It is the only time that all of the stores are closed. %e make
delicious food for the gatherings. %e usually visit our friends and relatives on !hinese :ear's #ve.
%e watch !!.@ special program for the spring festival.
.$&I! ;:
4: describe your latest travel in detail. with whom=
and the destination,
it take u how long to get to the destination.
": Last month I went on a trip to ?i'an with my wife and my daughter.
%e went there by train .It took about 12 hours from +uang7hou to ?i'an, I admit that ?i'an is my
hometown. I have not gone back to see my parents for 0 years, %e miss my family very much. "fter
arriving ?i'an, we visited one of the Ath wonders of the world. .hat is terracotta warriors. 3y
wife and I have visited several times before. I have long wanted to show my daughter the wonder
of the world. .his is the first time she visited. >nfortunately she did not like them. I thought she
was too young to en-oy them.She is only /1 years old.
4:describe the natrual scene.some intersting things happened during ur tavel=
can u describe it for me= ur reason to travel is what=
": .he terrocotta warriors is the tomb of 4inshihuang emperor about 1222 years ago ,who is the
first emperor in !hina history. In his tomb, there are thousands of terracotta warriors and horses.
.hese terracotta warriors are lifelikeE==<,also there are lots of ancient weapons such as swords,
spears and so on. It is said that the swords are very sharp,edged now.If you visit the museum, you
will find how magnificent it is.
.$&I! I:
4:give me some opinion on the transportation in ur city.
": 3y city is )oshan. 5ere the public transportation are mainly buses and trains. .here are no
planes.&eople own motorcycles and bikes for transportations . 3otorcycles are very popular and
convenient. 3ore and more people have private cars. 'ecause of the preverances of those,
environmental pollution is a very serious problem here. %e should develop the public
transportations and restrict private motorcycles and cars. 'y doing so, the environment can be
proctected a bit.
4: compare the different transportation,such as between plane,train,car.
": +enerally speaking, planes are the safest traffic transportation.It is very fast, but the flight
tickets are very e*pensive in !hina. If you have a long distance trip more than A22 kilometers ,we
should take planes . .rains are much cheaper than planes. If your destination is located near the
train station and within C22 kilometers, you should take trains. .hey are more comfortable than
E==< of course,you take a plane or a train,you must catch plane or train by plane or train the most convenient tool is car,you can travel anytime and anywhere you like.
4:can u -ust image the transportation in the future and describe it for me=
": .he transportations in the future will be much more useful , safer and E==<3aybe it runs on
land,on water and on air
4:-ust compare the transportation in the past and now. u like what transportation and why.
":In !hina, long long time ago ,people used horse, cows, on foot. .hen it has changed into bikes
trains, 6ow we can travel by plane, train, bus, car, motorcycle. I personally like motorcycles,
because they are very convenient.
.$&I! A:
4:describe the role music play in our life.
":I think music plays the important role of our life. It makes our life brighter. %hen we are happy,
we want to listen to music for pleasure. %hen we are blue, we can be encouraged by listening to
music. It helps us to forget the sad things. It makes us feel comfortable.
4:what effects will take place u think to let children study an instrument=
"DI think some children like music and they are interested in learning instruments such as piano,
violin, dulcimer, electronic organ and so on. If they have music talents, they can become
musicians .'ut some children hate to learn music instruments. If they are forced to learn by
parents, they will not be able to learn music and other sub-ects such as #nglish, mathematics,
4:u like music or not=why=u think music play what role in ur life=
": I like music so so.%hen I was young, I did not learn any musical instruments, I liked reading
books listening to music after work.
4:describe the music u like most and tell me why=
":I like some !hinese classic music, and western symphony such as Spanish corrida music. I like
rhythmical and strong music.
.$&I! F:
4: u like what clothes=
":I like the clothes which are comfortable for me to wear. I especially like sweat shirts, .,shirts
and -eans
4:the prescript on clothes when u r working=
": 'ecause I work for new high technology company ,all the male colleagues wears western,style
clothes. .hey includes ties, white shirts, black suits, and black shoes. but female colleagues wears
black skirts. .he main reason for this is to establish a gooa enterprise image.
4:and -ust the prescript on clothes in school.
": In !hina school clothes are blue trousers, white is a picture or name of the
4:the different between the older and younger people on clothes.
": +enerally speaking, young people like to wear fashionable clothes. but older people like to
wear traditional ones.
.$&I! /2:
describe a meaningful thing made by yourself.
.$&I! //:
.he most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen
. where did you see it=
who did you go with.
": Last year I went to the seaside for a trip with my wife and daughter..he scenery there was very
beautiful. It is the most natural scenery I have ever seen..he ocean was blue. .here are a lot of
seagulls flying over the sea. "nd the sand beach was clean. .here were no pollution there. " large
number of people go en-oy swimming, sun bathing. playing with children.
.opic /1
4: name
": 3y full name is ***. 3y family name is * and my given name is **. 3ost of my friends call me
old liEI have heard that old means useless person in western countries===<
4: work
":I am a computer engineer. 3y -ob is to analy7e computer system and to develop soft wares such
as $" system Eoffice automati7ation<,industry control and enterprise management and so on,
4: work plan in the future
": 3y work plan is to finish my task assigned to my boss and to improve my knowledge constantly.
!omputer technology is developing so fast.
4: how frequent do you read=
": In my spare time I like reading including history, newspaper, of course my computer books.
4: what do you like to read the best=
":I like to read computer books the best. because they are interesting and they are very important
for my improvement of my -ob skills.
4: where do you like to read=
":Sometimes I en-oy reading at home, sometimes in our city library where there are a lot of new
4: talk about your favorite restaurant. why do you like it=
": .here is a food street near my home. It has various kinds of foods such as Gapanese, Italian and
domestic foods from other regeional ones for e*ample sichuan spicy food. shan*i food. $n the
food street, not only can we taste foreign foods and other regional foods but also eat my
hometown foods, especially the noodles in my hometown, .he foods are very cheap and clean. So
I like them very much
e*tension of the card topic
4: your opinions on fast food
": In my opinion, fast food is not healthy so it is not suitable for us to eat so frequently, but fast
food is convenient and it can save our time and money. Some foreign fast foods such as
3cdonald's and B)! are very attractive for children because they have the different taste from
!hinese ones.
E==< the environment is very clean and beautiful.sometimes E==< they send our children toys as
4: general ideas about fast food among !hinese.
":!hinese fast food,sometimes,is dirty ===
4: what do you think about science in food processingHproduction.
":I am not an e*pert for nutrition. I think the science in food process would not destroy the
nutrition factor and not add any harmful ingredients such as additive, coloring matter and at the
same time, it
is conducive to protect our environment.
4: what is your opinion on food production and the world's population.
": .he population is over ; billion all over the world. .here will not enough food for people to
eat. So we should save the food and should not waste any food.
.opic /C
Section /:
4:%hat's you full name=
":3y first name is *,my given name is **, but most of people call me li gong, lt means li engineer.
4:(o you work or still a student=
":I am a engineer in a high technology company.
4:(o you like your current -ob=
":I like my -ob, because I find it very interesting. I have achieved my goals many times in my -ob,
for e*ample publishing some articles, finishing some complicated pro-ects.
4:5ow much languages can you speak=
": I can speak 3andarin ,!antonese, #nglish and a few Gapanese.
4:%hat do you think )oreign language to people=
":I think foreign languages are important to us, especially in the age of hi,tech info and
globali7ation, If we can understand foreign languages, it is easy to communicate with foreigners.
4:)uture's plan=
": 3y plan is to improve my #nglish first, and then to find another better -ob. I hope to get a
wonderful achievement in the field of my study.
Section 1:
4:'uilding: whereHwhat use forHwhy interesting=
":I am from )oshan. In my city there is a interesting building which is
called the 'aihua pla7a. .his building is located in the center of my city. It has ;8 stories. It is the
highest building in my city. It is used for offices from over the /2th floor. It is also used as a
shopping mall from the first floor to the Ath floor. %e can buy everything we need , such as foods,
clothes cosmetics, stationery, sports goods . .he most interesting floor is on Fth floor. It is a food
street where we can taste not only foreign foods and other province foods but also we can eat my
hometown foods .especially the noodle of my hometown, .he price of the dishes are very low and
there are no problems as for hygiene so I like them very much.. I like to visit the food street on
Section C:
4:"re there some old buildings in your hometown=
": 3y hometown is ?i'an .It is an ancient city. .here are many old buildings there, such as
temples ,ancient city walls, towers.
4:%here and (escribe it.
": .he bell tower was built in about 822 years ago. Its height is about 12 meters. .here is a great
bell in the tower, It maybe tell their life period.
4:%hat people's attitudes to old building today=
":I think the old buildings have a lot of attractions to us. "nd at the same time there are some
research values for ancient architectural technology.
4:Should we protect them= %hy=
": %e should protect them. E==<first they can bring tour income for our country,second they are of
research value.finally they are the culture inheritance from our ancestorsE==<
4:%hat role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society.
": .he old buildings symboli7e the ancient culture and civili7ation but modren buildings e*press
modern cultures and civili7ation. E==<.hey are supplements each otherE==<.
.opic /0
%hat's your full name=
(o you work or study now=
.ell me something about your -ob.
(o you plan to change your -ob=
%hat's your future plan=
4:.ell me something about the accommodation you live in, either here or in
": I live in an apartment. %e have two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and of course one
restroom . .he si7e of my apartment is about /22square meters.
4:%hat's the advantage and the disadvantage of your accommodation=
": .he advantage is that my accommodation has sufficient sunlight from the windows, and a good
ventilation system. "nd the disadvantage is that there are some noise because it is near the centre
of the city.
4:%hat's the weather like in your hometown= %hich season do you like most=
": In my hometown, it is e*tremely cold in winter. .he temperature is about minus /8 degrees.
6ormally there are some storm snow but in summer it is fairly hot..he temperature is about CC
degrees. In spring and autumn, it is very nice. I like autumn the best because the weather is crispy
and we can eat delicious fruits such as watermelons, apples, oranges.
(escribe one sport that you like to play or watch most.
/. 5ow do you begin to like it=
1. %hy you like it=
C. 5ow often do you play or watch it=
0. "nd e*plain why you prefer this sport to other sports=
"/: I like to go swimming the best, In my hometown there is a large pond. %hen I was a child, I
began to learn how to swim in the pond. So I can swim very well, I like swimming very much. %e
can e*ercises every parts of our body by swimming. It can especially e*tend our vital capacities.
In my high school days I got a swimming champion. I had much confidence of swimming by
getting this pri7e. In addition swimming is an individual sport. I can swim anytime if the public
swimming pool is open. 'ut as for other sports such as football, basketball are team sports, if I
want to play those ,I must organi7e several people. 3any people are very busy, it is very difficult
for me to organi7e them..his is the main reason why I like swimming rather than other sports. I
usually swim with my daughter in our city public swimming pool on every weekend.
"1: I like to watch 6'" game. %hen I was in high school. I began to watch 6'".
It is wonderful and all the players have comprehensive skills. It is usually blood,and,thunder.
Sometimes in the last one second maybe a team defeats the another team and win the game
instead of losing. I am sure you agree watching such games is really en-oyable.
If there is a 6'" game on .@, I can surely catch the game. 6o matter how late it is
6'" players win the game by skills and cooperate privacy. %e know each player is professional
and has special skill.
"C:I like to play badminton. I began to play it about 12 years ago. In those days I was in high
school, I usually played it with my classmates after school. I also played it at university. I play it
with my daughter and my wife on weekends.
4:%hat's the difference between watching sports on .@ and in the stadium=
": %atching them in the stadium is more e*citing than doing on .@. .he more e*citing atmosphere
comes from the players and the audience. #specially the audience always get very e*cited by a
wonderful goal but watching games on .@ at home is less e*citing. .his is why some of my friends
like to watch the football games at midnight. .hey usually get sleepy before the game finish.
4:%hy people like to watch sports on .@=
":I think watching sports on .@ does not cost a lot of money. %e do not need to buy any entrance
tickets. Sometimes it is impossible for us to watch the game. E==< "t the spot some games hold in
another place,such as in foreign countries.E==< %atching sports on .@ is safer than doing at the
stadium because after the football games sometimes there are some riots among the fans on the
4:%hat do you think the importance of playing sports=
": I think it is very important for us to play sports ,in the age of hi,tech information ,a lot of
people have stress even after work, so playing sports can rela* us physically and mentally.
4:If someone don't like sport, how do you push him or her=
": I can tell them the importance of sports , then I ask them to take part in the sports activities. I
can teach them its skills. I think they will gradually be interested.
4:(o you think playing too many sports is harmful= %hy=
":I think so. #verything has the limit including our bodies, too.E==3any sports will break the
limit,we will feel uncomfortable,so our bodies will be harmful,E==<
4:disadvantage and advantage of watching and playing sports K'LM E'<
": &laying sports can e*ercise our body. If we win the game, we will be happy but playing sport
too much makes us tired.E==< %atching sports is comfortable but they have little happiness when
winE==<,and watching sports cannot e*ercise our bodies.
.opic /8
&art I
K'L%NLML@ E' what's your name
K'L%NKLML@ E' %here are you come from=
K'L%NOLML@ E' !an you describe your home town=
K'L%NELML@ E' !ompare ShenPhen with your hometown , why did you decide to live
in shen7hen=
":3y hometown is in countryside. Shen7hen is a modern city. .he countryside is
a quiet place. .here are more modern entertainment and educational
facilities and rich and colorful night lives in big cities , so in !hina most people
like city lives.
&art II
4:Introduce your hobby,why do you like it =
":I like to play chinese chess with my friends, although what I win is more than what I lose, but I
like it very much because !hinese chess is a mind game and playing this game can improve our
4:%hat do you think about the balance between the work and the leisure.
":I think when we are working we must do our best. %e should en-oy our leisure time after work.
6o matter how busy we are ,we should find some time to entertain ourselves.leisure
&art III
4: Introduce the eaten habit of the !hinese people
":I think in the north !hina people like to eat the food made of wheat, such as mantou, noodle.
$n the other hand people in south !hina they like rice. In some provinces like Sichuan, 5unan
,they like spicy foods. In addition, people in north like to drink wine. &eople in south like to drink
beer. I think these eating habits may be different because of the differences of weather.
4:.ell what shall you do in the future
"D I plan to make much money by my ability and wisdom. .hen I am to travel around the world
with my wife and my daughter. "ll of us like to travel. %e have travelled many sightseeing spots
around my country. I also plan to write a book about my travel memories.
.opic /;
Section /: %hat's ur full name=
(o you work now= or still a student=
(o you like your current -ob=
)uture plan.
(escribe your accommodation, and its advantages and disadvantages.
(o you like cooking= %hy=
Section 1: %hat do you plan to learn in the future=
%hy do you want to learn it=
%here and how will you learn it=
":I will continue to learn the computer technology. I can learn the latest technology.
5is specialty is computer science, I like it at the same time, I make a living for computer
I will learn it at my work time or my spare time at my office, at library, or at home.
Section C:
4:%hat's the most important skill nowadays=
":In the age of hi,tech info, I think the most important skill is I.. If someone has a great skill in I.
nowadays I think it is very easy for him to find a -ob with a high salary.
4:"re there any traditional skill in your country= what are they=
":the traditional skills include sculptor Ewho know how to sculpture<,sewer Ewho know how to
make clothes<, chef Ewho know how to cook food<,carpenter or architect Ewho know how to build
house< and so on.
4:(o you think it necessary to learn these skills=
"::es,these skills are important parts of traditional culture. %e need all kind of skills for our life.
Section 0:
4:Is there any difference between your parents' study and nowadays children=
": In the age of my father childhood, children hardly had opportunities to learn at school, .hey
learned !hinese and mathematics in a small classroom. Sometime there were C to 0 children in
the classroom. $f course the number of the teachers were very small. 'ut nowadays in !hina
almost all the children have chances to go to school. .here are C2 to 02 students in each
classroom. .here are more qualified teachers.
4:(o schools teach non,academic courses=
"::es, Schools teach the students a lot of practical courses, such as how to operate computers, do
business and communicate with others.
4:Should school responsible for teaching these non, academic courses=
":I think so, schools are responsible for teaching these non, academic courses for the purpose
that their students could find a good -ob after graduation. If they cannot get a good -ob due to
their lack of non,academic course, their schools are not responsible for their students.
topic /I
4:tell me something about you hometown
":3y hometown is ?i'an,which is in the northwestern of !hina. It is famous for its sites ,especially
for the terra cotta warriors, which is the one of the eight wonders of world. .he weather is
e*tremely cold in winter. .he temperature is about minus 12 degrees, and in summer the weather
is fairly hot, .he temperature is about 02 degrees. $f course, spring and autumn are comfortable.
4:the adventages and disadvantages living in your hometown
":I think the adventage living in my hometown are as followsD )irstly the prices of all food and
vegetables are much lower. Secondly people are very kind..he disadvantage is that the weather is
e*tremely cold in winter and fairly hot in summer.
4:,compare the clothes wearing in the work days and weekend
": %e wear western style clothes on duty, and on weekends. %e like to wear .,shirts, -eans,
sweaters. .hese clothes are more comfortable to wear.
4:can you tell me something about the clothes which students wear
": Students at school usually wear school uniform,which are white shirt and blue pants,there is a
pattern of the school badge on the clothes.
tell me a family memeber who is similare to you
/,who is them
1,what does she or he looks like
C,why do you think you are similar
4:can you tell me the old structure about your grandparents time
": .here were a lot of members of family, such as dad .mom, about C sisters,8 brothers, at the
same time, they had a lot of uncles and aunts. 6amely they had a large family.
4:can you tell the structure of chinese family changed for yourgrandparents' time
": 6ow we have a small family, .here is only one child,E son or daughter< in !hinese cities ,but in
country sides each family has no more than 1 children., we have the family planning policy. .he
increase of the population has caused a lot of problems, such as education problems, environment,
pollution .
topic /A
4:.he most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen K'L%NQ E'
":Last year, I had a business trip to Shandong province,I went to a beach ,where I think is the
most beautiful natural scenery, .he ocean is very blue. .he sand on the beach is pretty clean.
.here is no pollution.
4:how should we protect these natural scenery K'L%NQ E'
": %e should legislate laws to protect these scenery. In addition we should notice the
consciousness of environment.
4:what measures has the government taken to protect these natural
scenery K'L%NQ E'
":I think the government have legislated a lot of laws to protect the natural
scenery. and give some education for environment protection
4:what effect do you think have they done=
": "fter government taking some measures ,our environment will have a great improvement.
.opic /F
4Dwhat do you do=
":I am a computer engineer. I work for a hi,tech company.
4:do you like your -ob,why=
":yes I do,my -ob have bring me a lot of fun.===
4:what's your hobby=
%hat's your favorite sport,why,when did you begin=what merit does it have=
%hat do you think the balanceboth work and leisure=
topic 12
4: where is your home town=
":: 3y home town is OOO.
4:what's advantage and disavantages of your home town=
": advantage is that it's that its economy is OOOO, disavantage is air pollution. and if you go on
street wearing a white shirt,when you reach the destination, you can find your collar dark
4:let's talk about the western music. !an you tell me the western music's
impact on the
world music=
":.he western music is definitely great. $ften the symphony is long while most of china's music is
in small pieces. %estern music and !hinese ones are totally different. .hey are actually a great
merit to human merit.
4: why they are a great merit=
": because they are ===.......
4: do you think it's necessary to open a music course in high school=
": $f course. .here are usually one or two hours each week used for teaching music.
I think there should be more, such as at least three or more.
4: why=
": 'ecause music can do good for students . It can elicit the imagination of the children. It can
teach them how to distinct beauty from nature.
4D It's often much easier for children to learn music than adults. !an you tell why=
": .hat's because it's important to have soft fingers and palms to learn music mechanisms, such
as guitar. !hildren have more fle*ible fingers and are more likely to find correct feelings.
4: ok.ok. do you like music=
a: :es. I like singing, especiallly in front of many people. I often sing for my friends. when they
praise me , i feel happy.
topic 1/
4: name
4: work
4: work plan in the future
4: how frequent do you read=
": Sometimes.
4: what do you like to read the best=
":I like to read caricature the best. It is very funny
4: where do you like to read=
": Sometime I read at the library or at the bookstore. 3ost of the bookstores are open,we can read
books without buying them.
on the test card
4: talk about your favorite restaurant.
4: why do you like it=
e*tension of the card topic
4:your opinions on fast food.
4:general ideas about fast food among !hinese.
4: what do you think about science in food processingHproduction.
4: what is your opinion on food production and the world's population.
4: your favorite transport and the tool of travel
": If the trip is not long, I like to use my motorcycle, If trip is long, Ilike to take buses, coach
trains or planes.
4:6ow many people buy car, who buy and the benefit of using a car,
": 6ormally, if a car is important or necessary to his work or to his hobby and he has enough
money to buy and maintain a car,I think he will buy a car.,
4:and imagine the transport in the future.
": .ransportation in the future is much safer and faster. "nd more environmentally
.opic 10:
S."+# / K'L%NC E'
4:%hat do you do=
":I am a computer engineer,I work for a hi,tech company.
4:work duty=
":I am in charge of developing softwares.
4:do you like your -ob K'L%NQ E'
": :es. I do. If I finish a software,I will feel happy.
4:if your are asked to change your -ob, what will you do K'L%NQ E'
":I will become a doctor ,and I hope to research new medicine for patients and save the patients
who are suffering from cancer and "I(S,Ithink this is the most important things.
4:what do you do at the weekend K'L%NQ E'
": If I have money, I like to go shopping, If I have not enough money I like to look at the show
windows, sometimes I like to play with my wife and my the park
4:what do you like to play K'L%NQ E'
":sometime I like to play card with my friends,
S."+# 1 K'L%NC E'
.opic :interesting trip ,
S."+# C:
4:do chinese like to travel=why=
":I think everyone likes to travel in !hina, but about 12 years ago, !hinese people have little
money to travel ,with the open policy more and more !hinese people like to travel, because they
have more time and money for travel.
4:what are the defferences the chinese tour between now and /22 years
":I think the most big difference is transportation tools, 6ow there are planes, trains,coaches
,buses and motocycles for travel ,but /22 years ago they used animals or travel,such as horse on
land, camel in desert.
4:what holiday do chinese like to tour,and where=
":generally speaking,chinese people like to travel in the national days the spring festival,and
international labour day,because in these holidays,we have a long holidays about I days.most
people make use of these holiday to travel sceneries such as famous mountains,museums,and
4:what is aim of gengral tour
":to know outside world.and to en-oy their life
topic 18D
4Dwhat does the advertisement effect on sports=
":well,we can see a lot of advertisements in sports stadium,I think,the more advertisements in the
sports,the the more successfully the sports games hold,because the sport oragniser will get more
money from advertisements and then do their best .

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