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Someone asked me why do I smile??

I said smile is something that helps me to smile.
He said its not possible, u can not always smile,
I replied its possible, you just hae to try,
He said when I am stressed, I can only cry,
I asked him to make smiling a habit and soon he would
!orget how to cry..""
#hen he asked me when I actually smile,
I smiled and said, Its a long list buddy.."" $ou ready to
walk the mile??
He nodded and looked into my eyes intently
%hallenging me to argue any di&erently..""
I smile when my mom wakes me up in the morning,
'isses my cheek and says (get up baby, its already
I smile while reading the unread messages and mails,
)ittle praise in the irtual world and wishes by special
I smile on the memories o! my laughs o! yesterday,
I smile in the hope o! meeting new people today,
I smile when I see my !aorite people in the world,
I smile when my work gets the appreciation which is
I smile and thank when someone tells me how to better
I smile knowing I can be mysel! and will neer hae to
pretend someone else,
I smile when I dream o! a better tomorrow,
I smile dreaming the world without any sorrow,
I smile because someone said i look horrible when i dont
I dont hae the photogenic !ace but can gie the warmest
I smile because I guess it suits my skin,
I smile because I dont know how to cry and then win..""

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