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1) look after to take care of, to make sure that someone is safe and well
2) look away to turn your eyes away from sb or sth that you were looking at
3) look for to search for something or someone
4) look into to find out more about sth in order to improve the situation
5) look out to be careful, to avoid imminent danger
6) look through to examine something, usually quickly
7) look up to to respect or admire someone
8) look up to search for information (usually in a book)
9) look forward to to wait with pleasure for something
10) look down on to think something or someone is inferior
1) put through to connect someone on the telephone
2) put off to postpone, to make someone dislike or not want something
3) put up with to tolerate, to bear patiently
4) put on to dress yourself in a piece of clothing
5) put out to stop a fire burning
6) put aside to save for the future (especially money)
7) put up to give somebody accommodation in your house
8) put away to return something to its proper place
9) put together to create something by joining or gathering parts together
10) put forward to propose or suggest something
1) get away (from) to escape from somebody or a place
2) get round to to find the time to do something
3) get out of to avoid doing something, to leave a vehicle
4) get on to progress, to be successful
5) get round to persuade somebody to agree or to do what you want
6) get through to succeed in speaking to somebody on the phone
7) get away with to do something bad without being punished for it
8) get at to reach a place, thing etc, to mean
9) get back to move away, to receive again
10) get over to recover from an illness
1) take off to leave the ground, to remove clothes
2) take in to understand or remember something that you hear or read
3) take after to be or look like a parent or relation
4) take up to begin a hobby, pastime etc.
5) take on to begin to deal with something, such as a job or responsibility
6) take down to make a note of something
7) take out to get something from the place it is in
8) take over to take control of a business company
9) take to to feel or begin to feel a liking for somebody
10) take out on to behave badly towards sb because you are angry about sth else
1) come out to be produced or published, to appear
2) come across to meet or find something or someone by chance
3) come to to become conscious again
4) come off to turn out well, to succeed
5) come into to be left money by somebody who has died
6) come about to happen
7) come down with to begin to have or suffer from an illness
8) come at to attack, to be directed at or toward
9) come back to return, to become popular again
10) come up with to think of an idea, answer etc.
1) go on to happen, to continue doing something
2) go in for to take an exam or enter a competition
3) go off to become rotten, to explode
4) go without to manage without something that you usually have or need
5) go down with to become ill, especially with an infectious disease
6) go out to leave your house to go to a social event
7) go with to match, to look right with something
8) go through to study or look at something in a careful way
9) go round to be enough for everyone
10) go up to increase, to be built
1) give back to return something to its owner
2) break into to force a way into a house
3) break down to stop working properly
4) give up to stop an activity or effort, to quit
5) break up to end a relationship, to finish or end
6) give off to send (light, energy, etc.) out from a source
7) give away to give something to someone because you do not want or need it
8) break out to escape from a prison, jail, etc.
9) give in to hand something to a person in charge
10) break off to stop speaking suddenly
1) cut down on to reduce the size, amount or number of something
2) bring up to take care of and teach a child who is growing up
3) bring about to make something happen, to cause
4) cut across to go across something to make your journey shorter
5) bring round to bring back from unconsciousness
6) cut up to divide something into smaller pieces
7) bring out to produce something, to publish something
8) cut in to join a conversation suddenly, to interrupt
9) cut off to remove by cutting, to separate
10) bring in to introduce a new law
1) turn up to appear, to arrive, to be found
2) set off to start a journey, to explode
3) set up to create or establish something for a particular purpose
4) turn off to stop, water, gas or electricity flowing
5) set in to come and remain for some time
6) turn out to happen, to prove to be
7) turn over to produce something, to publish something
8) set about to begin to do something
9) turn down to reject or refuse to consider an offer, a proposal, etc.
10) set back to delay the progress of someone or something
1) do away with to stop doing or having something, to make something end
2) do up to repair and decorate a building
3) make off to leave, especially in a hurry or secretly
4) do without to handle without something
5) make for to move towards a place, to help or allow something to happen
6) do in to kill someone, to make someone very tired
7) make up to invent, to become friends again after a quarrel
8) do with to be helped by having something
9) make up for to replace something that is gone or lost, to correct a bad situation

10) make out to see, hear or understand something
1) wear off to gradually disappear or stop
2) let down to disappoint, to cause or allow something to move down gradually
3) catch on to become popular, to understand
4) live up to to be as good as expected
5) stand for to be an abbreviation or symbol of something, to support something
6) eat out to have a meal in a restaurant
7) drop in to pay an informal visit to a person or a place
8) find out to discover, to become aware of something
9) feel up to to have the strength and energy to do or deal with something
10) make out to see, hear or understand something

1) work out to solve, to calculate correctly
2) fill in to add or put in whatever is needed to make something complete
3) hang up to put the receiver back on the telephone
4) run out of to come to an end, to have no more
5) tell off to criticize someone in an angry way from a position of authority
6) pass out to faint, to lose consciousness
7) catch up with to move fast enough to join sb or sth that is in front of you
8) call off to cancel
9) face up to to meet and bear bravely
10) grow up to become an adult

1) wear out to become unfit for further use
2) doze off to fall asleep
3) run into to meet unexpectedly
4) show off to try to impress other people
5) pass away to die
6) fall out with to have an argument
7) throw away to get rid of
8) see off to go to a station, an airport, etc. to say goodbye to somebody
9) think over to think carefully about something
10) think over to understand

1) pull up to stop a vehicle at a particular place
2) carry on to continue
3) stand in for to take somebody's place
4) run down to hit somebody or something and knock them/it to the ground
5) leave out to not include someone or something
6) dress up to put on special clothes
7) close down to close permanently
8) lay off to dismiss employees for a time
9) walk out on to leave suddenly and angrily
10) step down to resign from a position of authority
1) have on to be wearing something
2) end up to finish in a certain way, or place
3) carry off to complete successfully
4) live on to keep yourself alive by eating particular food
5) cloud over to become full of clouds
6) pay back to give back, to punish
7) tear apart to pull something into pieces
8) dry up to become or make completely dry
9) pick on to be nasty to a particular person
10) split up to end a close relationship by separating from each other
1) doze off => drop off to fall asleep without meaning to
2) put aside => put by to save for the future
3) come round => come to to become conscious again
4) shut down => close down to close permanently
5) set off => set out to start a journey
6) pass away => pass on to die
7) turn up => show up to appear; to arrive
8) phone up => ring up to give somebody a call
9) take down => get down to make a note of something
10) come across => stumble across to meet or find something by chance

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