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Proposal on Daniel 12

During the 1888 General Conference, resolutions were proposed that nothing should be taught
in the college contrary to what has been taught... She (llen !hite" noted that she felt deeply, for #
$new whoe%er fra&ed that resolution was not aware of what he was doing... (llen !hite in 1888, page
Such a resolution would not only perpetuate errors then taught... but would also slam the door
against the Spirit of God who &ight ha%e further light for honest truth*see$ers.
+erbert Douglas, ,essenger of the -ord, page .'). /&phasis, reference and parenthesis &ine0

Introduction on Bible Prophecies

1. So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year,
were released to kill a third of mankind. Revelation 9:15 N!"

+ow do we, Se%enth*day 1d%entists, understand this te2t3
Not having a literal interpretation at hand for this verse, the #day for a year prin$iple% gives us: a
years means &'( years, a month means &( years, and an hour &eans fifteen days. )y this
$al$ulation we arrive to a total of &91 years and fifteen days.

Starting from 1**9, we say that these years point to the date of +ugust 1,*(:
-. /he &91 years, fifteen days, $ommen$ed at the $lose of the first period, it will end on the
11th of +ugust, 1,*(, when the 0ttoman power in 1onstantinople may be e2pe$ted to be
broken. +nd this, 3 believe, will be found to be the $ase.4 GC 334.

Part 1: Does the Bible sets time periods between 1844 and the econd Comin! of Christ"

Should we apply that same principle 5a 4day for a year prin$iple% whi$h is also an hour for 15
days or half an hour for a week6 in the following %erse of 5e%elation 83
1. -+nd when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silen$e in heaven about the
spa$e of half an hour.4 Revelation ,:1

3f yes, then this te2t then tells us that, in the $oming future, heaven will be empty 5silen$e6
during one week 5half an hour6, be$ause all the angels are $oming with !esus to this earth.

7llen 8hite, in #arl$ %ritin!s& pa!e 1', $onfirms that the travel between heaven and earth
takes seven days. See also 9S:+)1 9,9.
/his is before the ;
$oming of !esus, and of $ourse this is after 1,**, even after the $lose of
(es& in this )erse the Bible is settin! a time period after 1844*

6ote7 !e didn8t &ention 5e% 1971': 1878 and 1871; because too &any Se%enth*day 1d%entists would not
consider these references to an hour and a day as ti&e periods. See 9SD1<C 8(=.

So, what did llen !hite really say concerning predicting ti&e3
Part 2: #llen %hite warns a!ainst predictin! time after 1844

<ere we $an read the statements of 7llen =. 8hite about no more messages based on time:
1. -/he people will not have another message upon definite time. +fter this period of time,
rea$hing from 1,*; to 1,**, there $an be no definite tra$ing of the propheti$ time. /he longest
re$koning rea$hes to the autumn of 1,**.4 1>R1((, 19>R &;(, 9)1 991
;. -3 plainly stated at the !a$kson $amp meeting to these fanati$al parties that they were
doing the work of the adversary of souls? they were in darkness. /hey $laimed to have great
light that probation would $lose in 0$tober, 1,,*. 3 there stated in publi$ that the @ord had
been pleased to show me that there would be no definite time in the message given of =od
sin$e 1,**.4 ;S> 9&
&. -0ur position has been one of waiting and wat$hing, with no timeApro$lamation to
intervene between the $lose of the propheti$ periods in 1,** and the time of our @ordBs
$oming.4 1(>R ;9(

Conclusion of Part 1 and 2:
/here is a big differen$e between a time period and a date. /he )ible does N0/ predi$t any
date after 1,**.
8hat 7llen 8hite does say is that there should be no date setting after 1,**, but she does not
say that there should not be any C7R30: given, if she had say that she would be in $ontradi$tion
with the )ible verse Duoted in Part 1 aboveE
+gain we should understand the spiritual prin$iple behind these statements: =od does not
want that our spiritual preparation would be badly influen$ed by setting spe$ifi$ dates for <is
1oming. 8e need to be ready to die in 1hrist today anyway.

Part 3: +he first rule of Bible interpretation ,hermeneutics-: literalism

-7very de$laration of S$ripture is to be taken in the most obvious and literal sense, e2$ept
where $onte2t and the wellAknown laws of language show that the terms are figurative, and not
literal, and whatever is figurative must be e2plained by other portions of the )ible whi$h are
=. >. <yde, 1 Sy&posiu& on <iblical +er&eneutics A 58ashington :.1., R< 19996

7llen 8hite said it like this:
-/he language of the )ible should be e2plained a$$ording to its obvious meaning, unless a
symbol or figure is employed.4 =1 599

/his is $alled the -literal approa$h4. )y this literal approa$h all foundations were laid for
+dventism, the do$trines as well as the e2positions of prophe$ies.
/his approa$h means that even if a passage is in a symboli$ language, the time in the prophe$y
is not ne$essarily symboli$. 3t $ould still be literal. 3t depends of the $onte2t. 3t is onl$ be$ause it
was impossible to interpret literally the period given in the )ible te2t above that we used the #a
day for a year prin$iple%.

a6 3n =reat 1ontroversy page &;&, we $an read:
F/he one hundred and twent$ $ears to the flood 5=enesis ':&6?
the se)en da$s that were to pre$ede it,
with fort$ da$s of predicted rain 5=enesis 9:*6?
the four hundred $ears of the soGourn of +brahamBs seed 5=enesis 15:1&6?
the three da$s of the butlerBs and bakerBs dreams 5=enesis *(:1;A;(6?
. the three and a half $ears of famine 51 ings 19:16 Hsee @uke *:;5?I . . .
the se)ent$ $ears. $aptivity 5!eremiah ;5:116?
Nebu$hadneJJarBs se)en times 5:aniel *:1&A1'6?
/his single page of =1 &;& is the show$ase of eight 5,6 time prophe$ies in whi$h times are literal
Clease note: out of these eight time prophe$ies, two of them are using a symboli$ language:
a6 the three days of the butlerBs and bakerBs dreams 5=enesis *(:1;A;(6,
b6 the Nebu$hadneJJarBs seven times 5:aniel *:1&A1'6.

3n spite of this symboli$ language the time of these prophe$ies is understood literally, a day for
a dayE /his is totally against what we are taught in the $hur$h. /he $hur$h tea$hes that when
the language 5of a prophe$y6 is symboli$ then the time 5in the prophe$y6 should be understood
by using the sa$rosan$t -Crin$iple4E
/here are * more time periods in the )ible that 7llen 8hite interprets literally. 8e will see
them below in $hapter 1, plus the eight presented in =1 &;& we have now a total of 1; time
prophe$ies using literal time.

b6 /o these 1; literal time prophe$ies with Duotes from 7llen 8hite, 3 would add ;:
A /he millennium 51((( years6 whi$h is interpreted literally. 3f it was a day for a year it would be
interpreted as meaning &'( ((( yearsE
Clease note that the $onte2t is in symboli$ language but the period is literal.
A /he prophe$y of !esus about <is resurre$tion & days after his death 5!ohn ;:196:
-!esus answered and said to them, F:estroy this temple, and in three days 3 will raise it up.F4
+gain, the $onte2t is in symboli$ language but the period is literal. 3n this verse, !esus
prophesies <is resurre$tion & days after his death, <e uses a time prophe$y 5& days6 and yet
!esus <imself, our @ord and Savior, dares to refuse using the sa$rosan$t prin$iple of a day for a

/his makes a total of 14 time prophe$ies for whi$h we need to use literal time 5there $ould be
more than 1*6.
Conclusions: we $annot, as honest )ible students, use the day for a year prin$iple. blindly.
!esus <imself, in prophe$ies, uses both literal time 5!ohn ;:196 and symboli$ time 5@uke 1&:&;,
/he day for a year prin$iple is bibli$al, but only the $onte2t $an tell us if it should be applied or
not, even if the language of the prophe$y is symboli$.
+ll time prophe$ies, in$luding the time prophe$ies of :aniel 1;, are first subGe$ted to the literal
time approa$h. 3f the #literal time% approa$h is impossible, then and only then are we allowed to
$onsider a #symboli$ time% approa$h.

Chapter 1
Part 1: General considerations on Daniel 12:

>esus, in -u$e 1)7)', )) does also use the day for a year principle?
<erbert :ouglas, in /he >essenger of the @ord 5)oise, 3:: CCC+, 199,6, &9' writes:
-%!e are still in probationary ti&e.8 !ill these words always be true3 @b%iously not. Ahe ti&e
will co&e when probation will cease (Dan. 1'71: 5e%. ''711".4
:ouglas refers to the $lose of probation and pla$es it in :aniel 1;:1 and Rev. ;;:11. 3t seems
therefore that the events des$ribed after :an1;:1 will o$$ur after the $lose of probation.
7spe$ially that the final resurre$tion is mentioned on verse ;.
:an ; e2plained by vision 5v. 196
:an 9 e2plained by simple angel 5v. 1'6
:an , e2plained by =abriel 5v. 1'6
:an 9 e2plained by =abriel 5v. ;16
:an 1(A1; e2plained by /esus 5v. 5, 1'6 and an angel 5v. 1;6
8hi$h vision is the most importantK !esus makes the last one the most important.
Clease note that the word for #day% or #days% in the whole book of :aniel 51:1;, 1*, 15, 1,? ,:;',
;9? 9:9, 15? 1(:*, 1;, 1&, 1*? 11:;(, &&? 1;:11, 1;, 1&6 means always literal days. 3f you want to
sear$h it is the word #yLm%, strong number is (&119.
>oreover there is no symboli$ language in :aniel 1;. /his prophe$y is the onl$ prophe$y of the
whole book of :aniel that does not use symboli$ languageE 3t is the only prophe$y speaking of
the final resurre$tion 5v.;6

So, what did llen !hite really say about Daniel 1' (and 11"3
Part 2: e)en 0uotes of #llen %hite on Daniel 12 ,and 11-
1* +he prophetic periods of Daniel& e1tendin! to the )er$ e)e of the !reat consummation,
throw a flood of light upon events then to transpire. Mrom R<, September ;5, 1,,& par. '

2* /wi$e :aniel inDuired, how long shall it be to the end of timeK 2Daniel 12:8313 0uoted45
+hese matters are of infinite importance in these last da$s. ./he book of :aniel is unsealed
in the revelation to !ohn, and $arries us forward to the last scenes of this earth.s histor$.
Mrom /> 11*, 115

8hy would she say, speaking of :aniel 1;:,A1&: -/hese matters are of infinite importan$e in
these last days.4, if these verses did not apply to the last daysE 3t does not make sense.

3* -3n his vision of the last days :aniel inDuired, 2Daniel 12:8313 0uotedI. :aniel has been
standing in his lot sin$e the seal was removed and the light of truth has been shining upon his
visions. <e stands in his lot, bearing the testimony which was to be understood at the end of
the da$s.4 Mrom 1S+/ ;;5

4* 6et us read and stud$ the twelfth chapter of Daniel* It is a warnin! that we shall all
need to understand before the time of the end* Mrom 15>R ;;,

/his last Duote speaks of a warning for the end. /his means that the periods of :aniel 1; are a
warning for us. + warning is not about something that is past. 0r it would not be a warning for
usE 3t is for something that will happen in the future. 3s, then, 7llen 8hite futuristK

5. /he light that :aniel re$eived dire$t from =od was given espe$ially for these last days.
/he visions he saw by the banks of the Nlai and the <iddekel, the great rivers of Shinar, are now
in pro$ess of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon have $ome to pass. O1/r &&5.*P
1'>R &&*.;? @etter 59, 187'*

'. :aniel 11 and :aniel 1; are one vision: many $riti$s have used this as an argument
against a literal understanding of the time prophe$ies of :aniel 1;. /hey think that :aniel 11
$an have but one fulfillment and therefore :aniel 1; also has only one fulfillment 5see e2amples
of these $riti$s in 8ppendi1 D and # below6. 7ven though it is very surprising, 7llen 8hite says
that :aniel 11 will be repeated:
-/he prophe$y in the eleventh of :aniel has nearly rea$hed its $omplete fulfillment. >u$h of
the history that has taken pla$e in fulfillment of this prophe$y will be repeated. 3n the thirtieth
verse a power is spoken of that Fshall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the
holy $ovenant: so shall he do? he shall even return, and have intelligen$e with them that forsake
the holy $ovenant.F H"erses &1A&' of :aniel 11, Duoted.I4 O1&>R &9*.1P
/he argument that seemed to be against a literal fulfillment of the time periods of :aniel 1;
turns out to be in favor of itE
Clease note that she Duotes verse &1 of :aniel 11: And they will set up the abomination of
/his gives us total liberty to see a 5se$ond6 set up of the abomination of desolation: at the end
9. >oreover, in the ne2t paragraph, 7llen 8hite writes:
-S$enes similar to those des$ribed in these words will take pla$e. 8e see eviden$e that Satan is
fast obtaining the $ontrol of human minds who have not the fear of =od before them. @et all
read and understand the prophe$ies of this book, for we are now entering upon the time of
trouble spoken of: H:aniel 1;:1A*, DuotedI4. O1&>R &9*.;P.
She pla$es the -time of distress su$h as never was4 of :aniel 1;:1 at the end of time

1on$lusion: 3n seven passages 7llen 8hite implies that :aniel 1; has a last day fulfillment, Gust
before the Se$ond 1oming.

Part 3: #llen %hite on 9e)elation 13::

-/he Sabbath Duestion will be the issue in the great $onfli$t in whi$h all the world will a$t a
part. HRev. 1&:*A1( Duoted.I /his entire $hapter is a revelation of what will surely take pla$e
HRev. 1&:11, 15A19 Duoted.4I >S ,,, 1,99, 9)1 999.1(

-3n the last days Satan will appear as an angel. /hen will take pla$e the final fulfillment of the
Revelator%s prophe$y 5Revelation 1&:*A1, Duoted6. the beast was given a mouth to utter proud
words and blasphemies and to e2er$ise his authority for fortyAtwo months4. 19 >R ;,;

Noti$e that she starts to Duote after verse &, be$ause verse & 5speaking of the healing of the
wound6 will not ha)e 2 fulfillments. /hank =odE

/his Duote says that there will be a final fulfillment of the *; months period of perse$ution
5verse *6 against those who dwell in heaven 5verse 56, that is the people of =od who are by faith
in the temple of =od 57ph ;:'6. /his $onfirms a literal appli$ation of the propheti$ time periods
of :aniel 1;.

Part 4: +he se0uence of e)ents:
7llen 8hite also states:
-GodBs long*suffering has ended. Ahe world has reCected +is &ercy, despised +is lo%e, and
tra&pled upon +is law. /he wi$ked have passed the boundary of their probation, and the -ord
withdraws +is protection, and lea%es the& to the &ercy of the leader they ha%e chosen. +s
the $rowning a$t in the great drama of de$eption, Satan himself will attempt to personate
1hrist.4Q*SC **1, **;. /+ ;95.
8e see here that Satan will impersonate 1hrist after the $lose of probation. See 8ppendi1 B
below for the $omplete Duotes.

/herefore the order of events is a6 $lose of probation
b6 Satan personating 1hrist
$6 1;'( days the 1
beast perse$uting the saints.

8e also know 5see Revelation 1&: 11A1,6 that the Sunday @aws will happen )7M0R7 the end of
+herefore the order of e)ents is:
a6 unda$ law
b6 close of probation
$6 atan personatin! Christ
d6 Durin! 12'; literal da$s the 1
beast persecutes the saints ,2
fulfillment of 9e) 13-*

Conclusion of Chapter 1:

1. Considerin! that the SeventhAday +dventist traditional view of the periods of :aniel 1;
rea$hes 1,*& and not 1,** 5See +ppendi2 +6,
;. considerin! that the ;&(( days of :aniel , are N0/ linked to the 1&&5 days 5they do not
rea$h the same date6 5See +ppendi2 +6,
&. considerin! that we should first use the hermeneuti$s prin$iple of a literal approa$h,
*. considerin! that even the )ible is setting periods of time 5not dates6 after 1,**,
5. considerin! that 9 times 7llen 8hite is applying the time periods of :aniel 1; and Rev
1&:* 59 and ; times respe$tively6 to the end time, Gust prior to the Se$ond 1oming of
'. considerin! that 7llen 8hite announ$es a se$ond and final fulfillment of the *; months
of Revelation 1&:5,
9. considerin! that 7llen 8hite announ$es a se$ond fulfillment of -mu$h of the history4 of
:aniel 11
,. considerin! that we do not deny a first appli$ation of the 1&&5 days to 5(, and 1,*&,
9. considerin! that the )ible uses 5at least6 1* times the da$ for a da$ prin$iple, in$luding
endorsement by !esus <imself,
1(. considerin! that 5at least6 * times the )ible uses symboli$ propheti$ language with a
literal 5a day for a day6 time prophe$y:

It is then not anti3biblical nor a!ainst our beliefs to sa$ that the time periods of Dan
12:<313 ,which had a first fulfilment- will ha)e a second application with literal da$s at
the end& after the close of probation*

!hat do the daily and the abo&ination of desolation represent3 Ahis is the Duestion we will
discuss now.
Chapter 2: +he dail$ and the abomination of desolation

Part 1: +he dail$
8hen you read the writings of 7llen 8hite you $annot but noti$e that she sets a parallel or uses
the same e2pression or between the e2perien$es of !esus and of the last days% believers.

!esus re$eived the full measure of the <oly Spirit when <e was baptiJed. 8hat will be the
parallel for =od%s people in the last daysK
/he latter rain will be the full outpouring of the <oly Spirit on =od%s people.

+s !esus ministered for *; months after <is baptism so the people of =od will minister for *;
months after the $ompletion of the outpouring of the <oly Spirit over the earth.

/he outpouring of the <oly Spirit 5latter rain6 is also the sealing time: 7verybody%s destiny will
be sealed for eternity, either heavenAbound or hellAbound, no se$ond $han$e. /his is why the
$lose of probation happens after the outpouring of the <oly Spirit.

/herefore the *; months ministry of the last days% believers will be after the $lose of probation.
/hese *; months are the 1;'( days of :aniel 1;:9.

+t the $lose of probation !esus stops <is daily ministry of inter$ession in the most holy pla$e of
the heavenly san$tuary. for ever. <e literally -taketh away the daily4E

/he *; months of !esus% ministry parallel a *;Amonths period of papal perse$ution on =od%
people at the end, after the $lose of probation.

Part 2: But& what is the abomination of desolation"
+fter his *; months of ministry, !esus was arrested and tried. :uring his trial, Satan did
something very spe$ifi$: <e pushed the !ewish people to free )arabbas instead of 1hrist.

-/his man H)arabbasI had $laimed to be the >essiah. <e $laimed authority to establish a
different order of things, to set the world right.4 :+ 9&&

/his is e2a$tly what Satan will do when he will personate 1hrist: <e will $laim -to be the
>essiah and to have authority to establish a different order of things, to set the world right4.
/he release of )arabbas was the most abominable a$t of all times be$ause it brought with it the
-death de$ree4 for !esus. 3t was the abomination of desolation of that time 5of all timesK6.
3n the same way, Satan personating 1hrist, at the very end, will be the most abominable a$t
be$ause it will bring with it the death de$ree for the last days% believers.
/hat%s why both events $an be $alled the abomination of desolation.
/o finish the parallel between )arabbas and Satan, please take note of the meaning of
)arabbas: #son of father%E )arabbas means Bson of fatherB, and Satan wants to be $alled Son of
the MatherE
+fter )arabbas was freed, !esus was $ondemned and e2e$uted:
Carallel at the end:
+fter Satan personates 1hrist the death de$ree against =od%s people will be issued.

!esus was raised from the dead,
Carallel at the end:
/he saints will be res$ued at the end of the 1&&5 days.

/here was a partial resurre$tion,
Carallel at the end:
/here will be also a partial resurre$tion.

@ater, !erusalem was destroyed,
Carallel at the end:
/he destru$tion of the world by the 9

8e therefore have the following table:

Part 3
Dail$ +a>en
8wa$ b$
8bomination of
len!th of
:8' BC
when he
1': BC
K 1(,5 days
2<331 8D
!esus. 8hen <e
died, <e put an
end to the
sa$rifi$e and
offering 5:aniel
)arabbas, son of father 1;'( days
<; 8D
/he !ewsE
:aniel 9:;'
/he RomansE
8as it 1;'(
R11. Nnion of
$hur$h and state
Cope sits -in the temple
of =od, showing himself
that he is =od4
1;'( years
end of
!esus. <e will
take away the
daily when <e
will $ome out of
the san$tuary
Satan personates !esus
and wants prayers
addressed to himself.
1;'( days

Chapter 3:
%hat will happen"
8e saw in Cart * of $hapter 1 the seDuen$e of events.
As soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed. (Dan.

8ho are the #they% that shatters the power of the holy peopleK 3t is =od 5the /rinityE6 that
breaks the power of Satan in us:
-/he time of trouble is the crucible that is to bring out 1hristlike $hara$ters. 3t is designed to
lead the people of =od to renoun$e Satan and his temptations. /he last $onfli$t will reveal
Satan to them in his true $hara$ter, that of a $ruel tyrant, and it will do for them what nothing
else $ould do, uproot him entirely from their affe$tions. Mor to love and $herish sin, is to love
and $herish its author, that deadly foe of 1hrist. 8hen they e2$use sin and $ling to perversity of
$hara$ter, they give Satan a pla$e in their affe$tions, and pay him homage.4 0<1 &;1. (%en
though the Duote does not &ention Daniel 1', the language used is without doubt referring to
Daniel 1'79b and therefore it adds another state&ent of llen !hite to our proposal of a second
literal fulfill&ent of the ti&e periods of Daniel 1'."
/he perse$ution mentioned earlier is a $ru$ible for =od%s people.
3t will take 1;'( days for the power 5ego, self, old man6 of the holy people to be $ompletely
broken. =od does this work. 3t will be done under the perse$uting power of the beast.
/hen, at the end of the 1&&5 days, the blessing $omes 5not the disappoint&ent, like in 1,*&A**,
end point of the traditional view of the 1&&5 daysE6: -3t is at midnight that =od manifests <is
power for the deliveran$e of <is people4 5=1 '&'6, during the 9
plague 5=1 '&5A'*(6.
/hen, the special resurre$tion takes pla$e: F/hey also whi$h pier$ed <imF 5Revelation 1:96,
those that mo$ked and derided 1hristBs dying agonies, and the most violent opponents of <is
truth and <is people, are raised to behold <im in <is glory and to see the honor pla$ed upon
the loyal and obedient.4 5=1 '&96.
/he 1;'( days of perse$ution start after Satan personates 1hrist 5abomination of desolation6.
/herefore the 1;'( days are $ounted forward from that event until the end of perse$ution.
/he 1;9( days are $ounted ba$kward 5like from 199, ba$kward to 5(,6 from the end of
perse$ution until the event before the personation of 1hrist by Satan: the $losest important
event is the close of probation.
Clease note: 3t is logi$al to $ount ba$kward to arrive at the $lose of probation be$ause those
living in these last days will not >now when the $lose of probation will happen.
/hen, 1&&5 days are $ounted forward 5like from 5(, forward to 1,*&6 starting from the end of
probation. /his period will bring us to the partial resurre$tion.
/herefore there are *5 days from the end of the 1;'( days until the end of the 1&&5 days when
the partial resurre$tion happens. <ope to see you there.
/he following day the voi$e of =od to deliver <is people is heard: this makes it to 4' da$s
5parallel with the *' years of !ohn ;:;(E See 8ppendi1 ? below6. /he temple of =od, <is
perfe$ted $hur$h $omposed of the living saints on earth, is finally ready to go to heaven.
/hen, -/he voi$e of =od is heard from heaven, de$laring the day and hour of !esusB $oming, and
delivering the everlasting $ovenant to <is people.4 5=1 '*(6
<e <imself will tell us the time of !esus% return.

8PP#@DIA 8
imple 8rithmetic
7very SeventhAday +dventist should know that our traditional view of the 1&&5 days of :aniel
1; rea$hes the year 1,*& 5and not 1,**6.
6ist of >nown 8d)entist writers who mentioned that our traditional )iew is :;8 B 133: C

5Clease see at the end for the detailed bibliography of this +ppendi26
1. Nriah Smith in -:aniel R Revelation4, p. &&1A&&;:
FMrom the same point, undoubtedly, as that from whi$h the 1;9( date, namely, +.:. 5(,.
?rom this point the$ would e1tend to 1843& for 133: added to :;8 ma>es 18435 /he only
thing promised at the end of the 1&&5 days is a blessing. 6oo>in! at the $ear of 1843& when
these $ears e1pired& what do we beholdK 8e see a remarkable fulfillment of prophe$y in the
great pro$lamation of the se$ond $oming of 1hrist.F

;. -)ible Readings for the <ome 1ir$le4, p. 1;&:
-B)lessed is he that waits, and $omes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.F
:an. 1;: 1;.
N0/7 A /he 1&&5 days 5years6 of )ible readings for the <ome 1ir$le4: :aniel 1;:1; are evidently
a $ontinuation of the 1;9( days 5years6 of the previous verse, whi$h $ommen$e with the taking
away of the mediation of 1hrist, in the year +:. 5(,. +he 133: da$s& or $ears& would therefore
e1tend to the $ear 1843.F

&. "an$e Merrell, in -+ )ibli$al :efense :efending our <istori$ )eliefs about the San$tuary
in :aniel and <ebrews4, p. ;', 1*9:
-+bout the year +.:. 5(, 1lovis, king of the Mranks, was $onverted to 1atholi$ism and the
vi$tory over the =oths o$$urred. /he $onversion of the Mranks 5Mran$e6 and =oths 5=ermany6
would, in later $enturies, result in greatly strengthening papal suprema$y? so this was an
important date. 8e have always marked this as the beginning of the important 1;9(Ayear
prophe$y 51;:116. +he 133:3$ear prophec$ of the ne1t )erse ,12:12- also be!ins at :;8 and
reaches to 1843* +his )iew is a correct historical fulfillment and a!rees with our historic
beliefs* /he FdailyF is applied to what happened when the 1;9(A 5instead of 1;'(Ayear6
prophe$y began and establishes the +.:. 5(, date.F

*. 8illiam >iller, in -"iews of Crophe$y4, p. &(:
F:aniel 1;: 1;, 1& Duoted. 8hen will the end of these days beK Sou may inDuire. 3 answer,
133: $ears from ta>in! awa$ the first abomination of the 9oman >in!dom& 8*D* :;8& to which
add 133: and it ma>es 8*D* 1843, when :aniel will stand in his lot, and all who have waited for
the @ord will be blessed.F

5. +lfred ranJ, in FNotes on :anielF, p. ',:
-1. )lessed is he that waits,4 indi$ates that the termination of the 1&&5 years is after 199,, and
that they have a $ommon starting point with the 1;9( years.
;. +his brin!s us to 1843? and those who were privileged to live then, beheld the unfolding of
the great prophe$ies of =od%s 8ord, and the $ommen$ement of the restoration of the
san$tuary truth so long obs$ured by Rome.4

'. =eorge >$1ready Cri$e in -/he =reatest 0f the Crophets A + New 1ommentary on the
)ook of :aniel4, p. 1*9:
F:aniel 1;: 1; Duoted. 8here are these 1&&5 years to startK No beginning date is here given?
and any attempt to assign their beginning must ne$essarily be only a hypothesis, or what
s$ientists would $all Fan edu$ated guess.F
Driah mith said the$ must be!in 8D :;8, or from the same date as the pre$eding period of
1;9( years.
/hus this new period would terminate in 1843& which was the first date fi1ed upon b$ the
8d)entists associated with %illiam =iller for the actual second ad)ent of Christ.4

9. Stephen <askell in -)ible <andbook4, p. '':
F:aniel 1;:1;. +s there is no beginning point given here, we understand the period begins at
the same date given in verse 11? :;8 8*D* plus 133: e0uals 1843 8*D. /hen the glad news of
1hristBs return was pro$laimed.F

/he 9 previous Duotes show the traditional +dventist understanding: the 1&&5 days of :aniel
1;:1; ended in 1,*& and not in 1,** like a few +dventists try to pretend today. 8e are not
reGe$ting this traditional interpretation.

:o we arrive to 0$tober ;;, 1,** when we start from the de$ree of +rta2er2es of *59 ).1. and
add ;&(( $omplete yearsK /he answer is S7S. /he author of this proposal is upholding this
eternal truth.
:o we arrive to 0$tober ;;, 1,** if we start from 5(, +: and add 1&&5 $omplete yearsK /he
answer is N0.
/herefore, even in the traditional +dventist interpretation, the two timelines 5:aniel ,:1* and
:aniel 1;:1;6 do TN0/T rea$h the same point in time and there is no )ible te2t saying that =od
wanted them to rea$h the same point.
/his is not part of our +dventist do$trines and never has been.

a$in! that the time periods of Daniel 12 ha)e a literal future fulfillment does not affect the
foundation of the e)enth3da$ 8d)entist church on the prophec$ of Daniel 8:14 reachin! to
Ectober& 22 1844*
Note: /his +ppendi2 + has been added be$ause some +dventists are trying to link these ;
timelines 5by saying that 5(, U 1&&5 V 1,**E6 and by doing this want to deny a se$ond
fulfillment of the time periods of :aniel 1;.

3n *SC, Duoted in /+, 7llen 8hite states that Satan will personate 1hrist 8?+#9 the end of
-/he wrath of Satan in$reases as his time grows short, and his work of de$eit and destru$tion
rea$hes its $ulmination in the time of trouble. GodBs long*suffering has ended. Ahe world has
reCected +is &ercy, despised +is lo%e, and tra&pled upon +is law. +he wic>ed ha)e passed the
boundar$ of their probation and the -ord withdraws +is protection, and lea%es the& to the
&ercy of the leader they ha%e chosen. . .
8s the crownin! act in the !reat drama of deception& atan himself will attempt to personate
Christ. /he $hur$h has long professed to look to the Savior%s advent as the $onsummation of
her hopes. Now the great de$eiver will make it appear that 1hrist has $ome. 3n different parts
of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a maGesti$ being of daJJling brightness,
resembling the des$ription of the Son of =od given by !ohn in the Revelation. /he glory that
surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. /he shout of
triumph rings out upon the air, -1hrist has $omeE 1hrist has $omeE4
/he people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up his hands, and
pronoun$es a blessing upon them, as 1hrist blessed <is dis$iples when <e was personally upon
the earth. <is voi$e is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. 3n gentle, $ompassionate tones he
presents some of the same gra$ious, heavenly truths whi$h the Savior uttered? he heals the
diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed $hara$ter of 1hrist, he $laims to have $hanged
the Sabbath to Sunday, and $ommands all to hallow the day whi$h he has blessed. <e de$lares
that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to
listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth. /his is the strong, almost overmastering
delusion.4Q*SC **1, **;. /+ ;95.
1on$lusion: Satan will personate 1hrist after the end of the time of probation.

8ccordin! to #llen %hite some prophecies will ha)e a second fulfillment
1. >atthew ;*:
/he Savior%s prophe$y $on$erning the visitation of Gudgments upon !erusalem is to have
another fulfillment, of whi$h that terrible desolation was but a faint shadow.
/he ruin of !erusalem was a symbol of the final ruin that shall overwhelm the world. /he
prophe$ies that re$eived a partial fulfillment in the overthrow of !erusalem have a more dire$t
appli$ation to the last days.
!esus did not answer <is dis$iples by taking up separately the destru$tion of !erusalem and the
great day of <is $oming. <e mingled the des$ription of these two events. 3n mer$y to them <e
blended the des$ription of the two great $rises, leaving the dis$iples to study out the meaning
for themselves. 8hen <e referred to the destru$tion of !erusalem, <is propheti$ words rea$hed
beyond that event to the final $onflagration in that day when the @ord shall rise out of <is pla$e
to punish the world for their iniDuity, when the earth shall dis$lose her blood, and shall no more
$over her slain. /his entire dis$ourse was given, not for the dis$iples only, but for those who
should live in the last s$enes of this earthBs history. O:+ ';,.1P

;. +s we have already seen, some of :aniel 11 will be repeated
/he prophe$y in the eleventh of :aniel has nearly rea$hed its $omplete fulfillment. >u$h of the
history that has taken pla$e in fulfillment of this prophe$y will be repeated. O1&>R &9*.1P

&. /he temple in heaven%s opening will repeat in future 5Rev 11:196
3t opened in 1,**:
/he temple of =od was opened in heaven, and there was seen in <is temple the ark of <is
testament.F Revelation 11:19. /herefore the announ$ement that the temple of =od was
opened in heaven and the ark of <is testament was seen points to the opening of the most holy
pla$e of the heavenly san$tuary in 1,** as 1hrist entered there to perform the $losing work of
the atonement. O=1 *&&.1P
3t will open again in the future:
8hen =odBs temple in heaven is opened, what a triumphant time that will be for all who have
been faithful and trueE 3n the temple will be seen the ark of the testament in whi$h were pla$ed
the two tables of stone, on whi$h are written =odBs law. /hese tables of stone will be brought
forth from their hiding pla$e, and on them will be seen the /en 1ommandments engraved by
the finger of =od. /hese tables of stone now lying in the ark of the testament will be a
$onvin$ing testimony to the truth and binding $laims of =odBs law 5@etter *9, 19(;6. O9)1

*. +s we have already seen, Revelation 1& will be repeated
/he Sabbath Duestion will be the issue in the great $onfli$t in whi$h all the world will a$t a part.
HRev. 1&:*A1( Duoted.I /his entire $hapter is a revelation of what will surely take pla$e HRev.
1&:11, 15A19 DuotedI 5>S ,,, 1,996. O9)1 999.1(P
-3n the last days Satan will appear as an angel. /hen will take pla$e the final fulfillment of the
Revelator%s prophe$y 5Revelation 1&:*A1, Duoted6. the beast was given a mouth to utter proud
words and blasphemies and to e2er$ise his authority for fortyAtwo months4. 19 >R, ;,;

5. 8e have to distinguish between Crimary R Se$ondary +ppli$ation on one hand vs. Mirst
R Se$ond Mulfillment on the other hand
- F+nd it shall $ome to pass afterward /hat 3 will pour out >y Spirit on all flesh? Sour sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, Sour old men shall dream dreams, Sour young men shall see
visions. +nd also on ,y menservants and on ,y maidservants 3 will pour out >y Spirit in those
days. F+nd 3 will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: )lood and fire and pillars of
smoke. /he sun shall be turned into darkness, +nd the moon into blood, )efore the $oming of
the great and awesome day of the @0R:. +nd it shall $ome to pass Ahat whoever $alls on the
name of the @0R: Shall be saved. Mor in >ount Wion and in !erusalem there shall be
deliveran$e, +s the @0R: has said, +mong the remnant whom the @0R: $alls.4 5!oe ;:;,A&;6
fulfillment at Cente$ost: /his 1
fulfillment 5in time6 is se$ondary in importan$e
-1' )ut this is that whi$h was spoken by the prophet !oel? 19 +nd it shall $ome to pass in the
last days, saith =od, 3 will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 1,
+nd on my servants and on my handmaidens 3 will pour out in those days of my Spirit? and they
shall prophesy: 19 +nd 3 will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath?
blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: ;( /he sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon
into blood, before that great and notable day of the @ord $ome: ;1 +nd it shall $ome to pass,
that whosoever shall $all on the name of the @ord shall be saved.4 5+$ ;:1'A;1 +"6
fulfillment at the end: /his ;
fulfillment 5in time6 is primary 5or essential6 in importan$e
- +nd after these things 3 saw another angel $ome down from heaven, having great power?
and the earth was lightened with his glory. +nd he $ried mightily with a strong voi$e, saying,
)abylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is be$ome the habitation of devils, and the hold of
every foul spirit, and a $age of every un$lean and hateful bird.4 5Re 1,:1A; +"6

'. +he 4
& :
& '
& and <
seals will be repeated:
/he same spirit is seen today that is represented in 9e)elation ':'38. Fistor$ is to be
repeated. +hat which has been will be a!ain* /his spirit works to $onfuse and to perple2.
:issension will be seen in every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, and those who have not
had a spirit to follow the light that =od has given through <is living ora$les, through <is
appointed agen$ies, will be$ome $onfused. /heir Gudgment will reveal weakness. :isorder and
strife and $onfusion will be seen in the $hur$h. ;(>R 199
%hen the fifth seal was opened, !ohn the Revelator in vision saw beneath the altar the
$ompany that were slain for the 8ord of =od and the testimony of !esus 1hrist. 8fter this came
the scenes described in the ei!hteenth of 9e)elation, when those who are faithful and true are
$alled out from )abylon HRevelation 1,:1A5 DuotedI 5>S &9, 19('6. 9)1 9',
9e)elation ' and < are full of meanin!. /errible are the Gudgments of =od revealed. +he se)en
an!els stood before God to recei)e their commission* +o them were !i)en se)en trumpets*
/he @ord was going forth to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniDuity, and the earth
was to dis$lose her blood and no more $over her slain. =ive the des$ription in $hapter '. 15>R
9. +he ,se)en"- trumpets will be repeated:
Solemn events before us are yet to transpire. +rumpet after trumpet is to be sounded, vial
after vial poured out one after another upon the inhabitants of the earth. S$enes of stupendous
interest are right upon us 5@etter 11;, 1,9(6. 9)1 9,;
Ahese Duotes concerning the seals and the tru&pets that will be repeated are here Cust for
reference and infor&ation. # a& not i&plying that all these e%ents will be after the close of
probation. So&e &ay happen before. Ao be studied.

/his appendi2 answers the arguments given in the arti$le, -/he 1;'( days in the )ook of
Revelation4, by !on Caulien (Sil%er Spring, ,D7 <iblical 5esearch #nstitute, no date".
!onathan . Caulien is an e2pert on the book of Revelation. Caulien wrote many books, among
these are -+rmageddon at the :oor4 5;((,6 and -/he :eep /hings of =od4 5;((*6. /he purpose
of the arti$le mentioned above is to prove that the five #1;'( days periods% mentioned in the
book of Revelation are referring to the same past period 5from 5&, +: to 199, +:6. /herefore,
the 1;'( days of Revelation are the main theme of this arti$le. 8e will therefore limit our
remarks and answers here to the effe$t of Caulien%s ideas in this arti$le on our subGe$t, the time
periods of :aniel 1;.
/he methodology of the arti$le itself is e2egesis. +fter showing some parallel verses in :aniel 9
and :aniel 1;, Caulien introdu$es his own theory of 5*6 phases of a$tion, four su$$essive stages
of history present in the prophe$ies of Revelation. <e then goes on to e2plain that Revelation
1&:1A9 does not $ontain the last phase of history be$ause of the past tense used in the original
=reek te2t.
8e $an apply to this arti$le Ranko Stefanovi$%s words: -a good $ommentary should not impose
any parti$ular approa$h on the te2t. /he method of interpretation an author $hooses normally
governs the way he or she reads and interprets the te2t. 3t usually results in for$ing an
interpretation into the framework of a predetermined idea, regardless of whether or not it fits
the $onte2t. 3t is imperative that every e2positor let the te2t govern its interpretation instead
of imposing one%s idea on the book.4

>r. Caulien has the right to use his own method of interpretation on Revelation to $onfirm the
traditional understanding of the SeventhAday +dventist $hur$h but he $annot say that other
ideas are wrong be$ause they do not fit his method of interpretation. /he theory of >r.
Caulien, of * phases, in and of itself $loses the door to &ore phases and therefore e2$ludes
from the start a possible se$ond fulfillment of Revelation 1&. +nother weakness of his arti$le is
the relian$e on nonA+dventists writings and ignoran$e of =od%s prophetess% writings on the
Caulien mentions a parallel between :an 1;:*A9 and Rev 1(:5A' whi$h is real: but we should not
forget that 7llen 8hite mentions that -the time of trouble is the crucible that is to bring out
1hristlike $hara$ters4
in the very last days. 3n other words, she pla$es :an 1;:9 during the time
of trouble pre$eding the se$ond 1oming.
8e do not disagree with the argument of Caulien $on$erning some verbs at the past tense in
Rev 1&:1A9. 8e do not deny that the *; months of Revelation 1& have a past fulfillment 55&,A
199,6. )ut they have a se$ond fulfillment at the end. /his idea is supported by 7llen 8hite: see
Part 3 of $hapter 1 above. 8e send the reader to this paper whi$h has shown ample support
from the )ible and from 7llen 8hite for a ;
fulfillment of the 1;'( days of :aniel 1; and the
*; months of Rev 1&:5 in the future, to refuse limiting the *; months of Revelation 1& to a past

8PP#@DIA #
/his appendi2 answers the arguments given in -/he 1,;9( and 1,&&5 :ays of :aniel 1;4, by
+lberto R. /imm, (Sil%er Spring, ,D7 <iblical 5esearch #nstitute, ';;'".

Ranko Stefanovic, Revelation of Jesus Christ (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2009) , 14
Ellen White, OHC 321 (emphasis mine)
/his arti$le was written by +lberto /imm when he was the dire$tor of the )raJilian 7llen =.
8hite Resear$h 1enter. >r. /imm has produ$ed numerous s$holarly works on +dventist history
and theology. /he avowed purpose of his arti$le is to debunk the theories on a supposed literal
fulfillment of the time prophe$ies of :aniel 1;. <is most interesting idea here is his $onne$tion
of :aniel 1; with :aniel 11 in one vision, one propheti$ $hain.
Mirst :r. /imm, starting with 8illiam >iller, establishes the -histori$al position of the SeventhA
day +dventist $hur$h to our own days4. /hen he presents five arguments. /he first is an
e2egeti$al study of a letter of 7llen 8hite to show that the 1&&5 days are in the past. 3n the
se$ond argument mentioned above he also uses e2egesis of the book of :aniel. 3n the third
argument, :r. /imm uses the e2egesis of the word #tamid% 5daily6 to show that this word $annot
mean the Sunday @aw. /he fourth argument uses histori$al method to e2plain that these
theories are Gust a remake of !esuit futurism, even if their proponents deny it. 3n the fifth
argument he uses theologi$al method and says that 7llen 8hite warned against time setting.
+s a first and general observation on this arti$le, we will say that many s$holars proposed a
literal fulfillment of the time periods of :aniel 1; without denying the traditional view of the
first fulfillment from 5(, +: until 199, and 1,*&. >r. /imm totally ignores them, but by
$ondemning globally a literal fulfillment he also $ondemns those who a$$ept two fulfillments:
this is very mu$h unfortunate, to say the least.
3n his first argument >r. /imm mentions a letter written by 7llen 8hite in 1,5(. @ike ea$h one
of us, -prophets also learn step by step
and it is in 1,5( that !ames 8hite wrote, -we do not,
by any means, believe that the )ible tea$hes that its HporkI proper use, in the gospel
dispensation, is sinfulF
. /hirteen years later 7llen 8hite, after the famous 19'& vision, taught
that pork eating was a sin. 3t is only in 1,', that she wrote, -Sou know that the use of swineBs
flesh is $ontrary to <is e2press $ommand, given not be$ause <e wished to espe$ially show <is
authority, but be$ause it would be inGurious to those who should eat it4
. So, to base an
e2planation of prophe$ies on a private letter of 7llen 8hite dated of 1,5( is a very weak
argument. She herself says that there are still truths to be dis$overed
. >oreover, out of all her
writings, it is the only one in whi$h she speaks of the 1&&5 days: +dventists were always taught
not to base a do$trine on one te2t only. <erbert :ouglas mentions that -several of these
subGe$ts have polariJed +dventists be$ause some put more weight on e2pressions in a private
letter than on the general instru$tion of a book.4

Herbert Douglas, Messenger of the Lord (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing, 1998), 304
Ellen White, Ellen G. White writings, CD (, Ellen G. White Estate, Inc., 2008), MR852 1.2
Ibid., 2T 96
Ibid., GC 291-292; CSW 34; CW 33,35; 5T 703,704; R. H., Oct. 21, 1890
Douglas, 395
3n the third argument >r. /imm only proved that one theory was wrong, but there are many
other theories that do not $laim that the daily represents the Sunday @aw, for e2ample this
do$ument. 3n the fourth argument >r. /imm is using the words -!esuit, 1atholi$, $ounterA
reformation4 to speak of his brothers and sisters in 1hrist who are saying that the time
prophe$ies of :aniel 1; have another but future fulfillment. 8e are kindly asking >r. /imm the
following Duestion:
-/o say that the fulfillments of Revelation ':9A19 5the *
, 5
and '
seals6, of Revelation , to 1(
5the 9
seal and the 9 trumpets6, and of Revelation 1&:*A1, 5first and se$ond beast6 are in the
future 5whi$h is in total opposition to the traditional +dventist view6. is it also propagating
Jesuit, Catholic, counter-reformation ideas in the Se%enth*day 1d%entist churchK4
3f this is the $ase, then we are in good $ompany with 7llen 8hite herself who mentions these
events for the future: see 8ppendi1 C G' and G< above. +s dire$tor of the )raJilian 7llen =.
8hite Resear$h 1enter, >r. /imm should have known these statements.
1on$erning the fifth argument, we agree with the author that -=od has not revealed to us the
time when this message will $lose, or when probation will have an end.F 0ur paper proposes a
fulfillment of :aniel 1; after the $lose of probation. 8e will never know when probation
$loses, therefore we are not setting any date for the se$ond $oming either.
8e will end with >r. /imm%s se$ond argument that :aniel 11 and 1; are one undividable vision
and therefore the time prophe$ies of the $hapter 1; are for the events mentioned in $hapter
11 and $annot be repeated. See Part 2 of $hapter 1 above. )ut 7llen 8hite predi$ted a
repetition of some prophe$ies of :aniel 11:
-/he prophe$y in the eleventh of :aniel has nearly rea$hed its $omplete fulfillment. >u$h of
the history that has taken pla$e in fulfillment of this prophe$y will be repeated
Clease note the verse &1 that is Duoted here and of whi$h 7llen 8hite says it will be repeated:
-+nd for$es shall stand on his part, and they shall profane the san$tuary, even the fortress, and
shall take away the $ontinual HburntXofferingI, and they shall set up the abomination that
ma>eth desolate.4 5:aniel 11:&1 +S"6
1learly, by Duoting this verse, 7llen 8hite is telling us that the abomination of desolation will be
repeated at the end. /his is not a surprise to us, as it is what we have shown, but this uniDue
Duote alone totally destroys the whole paper of >r. /imm. >oreover, knowing there will be a
se$ond fulfillment of :aniel 11 and that :aniel 11 and 1; are but one vision, we $an affirm that
:aniel 1; will also be repeated.

Ellen White, Ellen G. White writings, CD (, Ellen G. White Estate, Inc., 2008), 13MR 394.1
!ust after the passage of 1&>R Duoted above, 7llen 8hite wrote, -@et all read and understand
the prophe$ies of this book, for we are now entering upon the time of trouble spoken of:
H:aniel 1;:1A*, Duoted.I4 in 1&>R &9*.;. Now, if in 19(* the SeventhAday +dventists were on
the threshold of the time of trouble spoken of in :aniel 1;:1A*, how $an we say, as our
traditional view pretends, that the time prophe$ies of :aniel 1; ended in 1,*&A**K /his Gust
does not add up. 3t Gust does not make sense.
>ore was written that disproves >r. /imm%s arguments 5see this do$ument6 some of whi$h we
dis$overed after writing this answer to >r. /imm%s arti$le
. 8e would, of $ourse, also be
delighted to ask >r. /imm 5dire$tor of an 7llen =. 8hite Resear$h 1enter6 why he deliberately
ignores the 1;'( days of :aniel 1;, ignores the four other statements 5that we know of6 made
by 7llen 8hite $on$erning an endAtime fulfillment of :aniel 1; 5see Part 2 of $hapter 1 above6,
and ignores the end time fulfillment of the time of trouble of >atthew ;* in parallel to :aniel
/o Duote >r. /imm himself, we will say that his -theory is based on a partial and biased reading
of the Spirit of Crophe$y4 and of the )ible. >r. /imm%s findings are not valid and we $annot
agree with his $on$lusions.
3n this answer we have established that >r. /imm%s arguments do not make a $ase against a
se$ond literal appli$ation of the time prophe$ies of :aniel 1;. >oreover, we have proved that
his se$ond argument turns in favor of a se$ond literal fulfillment of :aniel 1;: 7llen 8hite
herself is telling us that the abomination of desolation will be repeated at the end. +gain, this is
not a surprise: is it not normal that the enemy will present the abomination of desolation as his
last resort to de$eive the whole worldK 3ndeed, it is.

8PP#@DIA ?
6etHs tal> about Bab$lon

/he old )abylon of Nebu$hadneJJar destroyed the 51
6 temple. /hen the temple was rebuilt,
this was the ;
3t took *' years to rebuilt it 5!ohn ;:;(, ;16.

10 (accessed January 4, 2013).
/he work of modern )abylon is des$ribed in :aniel ,: it is a work of destru$tion of the ministry
of !esus in the heavenly san$tuary 5temple6. /herefore this ;
)abylon -destroys4 spiritually
the 5heavenly6 temple 5san$tuary6 from 5&, until 199, +:.
+nd amaJingly, it also took *' years to restore it: from 199, until 1,**.

3n other words, to know when the heavenly san$tuary was restored after it had been -$ast
down4 by modern )abylon 5:aniel ,:116, +dventists pioneers $ould have added *' years 5for its
restoration, a$$ording to !ohn ;:;(, ;16 to 199, and they would have found the 1,** date: a
wink to the history of the beginning of the SeventhAday +dventist $hur$hE

Biblio!raph$ of 8ppendi1 8

1. -:aniel R Revelation4, Nriah Smith, no date.
;. -)ible Readings for the <ome 1ir$le4, 1919, no author A 5/his book has been, sin$e its
publi$ation in 1919, one of the best and more $omplete book e2plaining all our do$trines.6
&. -+ )ibli$al :efense :efending our <istori$ )eliefs about the San$tuary in :aniel and
<ebrews4, "an$e Merrell, Cublished by <arvestime )ooks I 2;;3 A endorsed by 8. Shea:
FJance ?errell has done an e1cellent Kob of boilin! down and s$nthesiLin! some of the latest
and best scholarl$ wor> on the Boo> of Daniel b$ e)enth3da$ 8d)entists*M 8illiam Shea,
1ssociate Director, GC <iblical 5esearch
Nntil his re$ent retirement, :r. Shea was Crofessor of <ebrew and 0ld /estament at the
Seminary at +ndrews Nniversity for 1* years, followed by 1& years as +sso$iate :ire$tor of the
=eneral 1onferen$e )ibli$al Resear$h 3nstitute, where he $ondu$ted e2tensive resear$h in
defense of our Church8s historic beliefs.
*. "iews of Crophe$y, 8illiam >iller, )oston: Cublished )y >oses +. :ow, 1(9 <anover
Street. 1841
5. FNotes on :anielF, +lfred ranJ X Signs Cublishing 1ompany, 8arburton, "i$toria,
+ustralia X 19*9
'. /he =reatest 0f the Crophets A + New 1ommentary on the )ook of :aniel
=eorge >$1ready Cri$e? Ca$ifi$ Cress Cublishing +sso$iation, >ountain "iew, 1alifornia?
1opyright, 1955
9. )ible <andbook, Stephen N. <askell, no date.

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