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Bloom's Taxonomy

Key Words Question type

Cognitive Level







Key Words

Level Typical Questions
Judge Criticize, Justify,
Assess, Appraise...
Based on which criteria?
For what reasons...


(Students judge something
based on some criteria)

Which of the 3 models presented in
class depicts the communication
process most accurately?
Create, Develop a model,
diagram to represent...
Combine ideas into a plan,
statement, product...
Write a speech, proposal...


(Students combine ideas into
a statement, plan, product
that is new for them)

Diagram your own model of
Logical order Break an idea
into parts, differentiate,
distinguish... What reasons
does the author...?
What words indicate bias?


(Students break an idea into
its component parts for
logical analysis)

Here are 4 models of the
communication proces. How is each
model similar? different?
Solve the problem
Apply the principle to...
Compute, prepare, produce,
relate, modify, classify


(Student uses previously
learned material to solve
problems in new situations.)

X&Y are discussing z. Where, in X's
model would you predict their
communication would break down?
Understand Give an example
What caused...? Compare
Contrast Paraphrase,
Translate, summarize, defend


(Students restate or
reorganize material to show

Explain x's model in your own words.
Remember Name, List, Tell,
Define, Who? When? What?
Yes or no How many?
Describe, label, match, select


(Students recall previously
learned material.)

What are the components of x's
communicative model?

Key Words

Level Typical Questions

Judge Criticize, Justify,
Assess, Appraise...
Based on which criteria?
For what reasons...


(Students judge something
based on some criteria)

Defend or refute the Kansas
Education Board's 1999
recommendation to drop evolution
from its science curriculum.

Create, Develop a model,
diagram to represent...
Combine ideas into a plan,
statement, product...
Write a speech, proposal...


(Students combine ideas into
a statement, plan, product
that is new for them)

Draw a timeline depicting the
various stages of evolution or
creation from 20 000 BC - 2000 AD

Logical order, Break an idea
into parts, differentiate,
distinguish... What reasons
does the author...?
What words indicate bias?


(Students break an idea into
its component parts for
logical analysis)

What reasons do creationists
provide to explain the development
of complex biological structures?

Solve the problem
Apply the principle to...
Compute, prepare, produce,
relate, modify, classify


(Student uses previously
learned material to solve
problems in new situations.)

How do fossil records support the
theory of evolution?

Understand Give an example
What caused...? Compare
Contrast Paraphrase,
Translate, summarize, defend


(Students restate or
reorganize material to show

Explain the difference between the
7 days of Creation and 1 geologic

Remember Name, List, Tell,
Define, Who? When? What?
Yes or no How many?
Describe, label, match, select


(Students recall previously
learned material.)

What is the term used for someone
who believes in evolution?

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