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Scott Mountain Homeowners Association
Board Meeting of June 3, 2014

Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey

Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Chapman, Nancy Hall, John Short, Jim
Graham, Dennis Shaffer, Jenny Shaffer

Absent: Dan Otis

Homeowners Present: Mrs. Mick

Guests: none

Call to Order: 7:04 pm by President Dennis

Approval of Meeting Minutes - May 2014
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the May
minutes as submitted by John Chapman, and seconded by John Short. All Board members present


President: Dennis Shaffer

Dennis noted that the water main work is continuing on 100th.
A 2
letter was sent to 10026 SE Stevens Court about trailers parked on the property. It was
noted that both trailers have been removed.
A letter was sent to 10251 SE 100th Drive about yard maintenance. The home owner has
A letter was sent to 10113 SE Cleone Court about yard debris being put in the common area.
Dennis let the landscaper know he was not to dump in the common area. No new clipping have
been seen since.
A letter was sent to 10152 SE 99th Drive about yard maintenance.
A letter was sent to 10226 SE 100th Drive about yard maintenance.
A letter was sent to 10416 SE 98th Court about yard maintenance.
Dennis noted that there was dumping of yard debris in the common area bordering 102
. He
sent a letter to all the houses across the street from where the dumping occurred (these are not
in the HOA). He also received a letter from a homeowner on 102nd. The homeowner had
concerns about debris in storm drain and asked what they could do.
Dennis replace the light bulb on pathway light #11.

Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted reported on the annual yard sale. He said there was a fair turnout from buyers, but limited
participation from homeowners.
He reported that a neighbor is in the process of getting a report on a tree with a root in the
foundation. John Short will check.
He received a call complaining that the area around the Scott Mt sign on 92nd needs cleaning
up and that garbage cans are still being left out. Jim will check on the Scott Mt sign area.

Secretary: Dave Gilman

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Dave reported the completion of the May meeting minutes.

Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman reported that 153 homeowners (out of 249) have paid their dues for this year.
This is $15,677 collected so far. The chase bank balance is $36,968.
He provided a report on the 5 homeowners most behind in dues (at least $500 behind). See
attached list. Two homes are for sale and the HOA will received back dues when these homes
are sold. He send a letter to each of the other homeowners asking them to contact him about
payment. The letter noted the HOA can do foreclosure and that the HOA will notify their
mortgage company if they don't pay.
John Chapman made a motion that we hire an attorney to contact the lenders for the 3
homeowners behind in dues over $500, with the cost not to exceed $500 per letter. Seconded
by Jim. All Board members present approved. He will initiate this after the homeowners have all
had 30 days to respond.
He noted that Finishing Touch completed yard care on vacant homes.
He received a quote from a company for a flashing stop sign of $1500 and for a speed feedback
sign of $5000. But the HOA cant buy these without county permission. He will talk to the County
about approval.

Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim said that Steve from Happy Fish would report to Board at the July meeting to explain the
work in the common area that would be needed this fall.
He noted that Finishing Touch was send to 10798 SE 96
Court to do yard maintenance.
He reported that there is a dead pine tree at 9808 SE Derek Court. It was agreed that the HOA
should notify the homeowner that the tree needs to be removed for safety. John Short will check
on it.
He said he has information that the homeowner next door is running a business. He will check
on it and report back.
He will check with the County on the disposition of the barking dog measure.

Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis

Architectural: John Short
John Short met with John Dane at 10242 SE 99
about changes he wants to make to his yard,
including removal of a sweet gum tree. John said the work looks appropriate and recommends it
be approved. The Board concurred.

Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Jenny called the county traffic engineer and found that the radar device is scheduled for
December. It will face north on 99
near Derek Court.
She called PGE about a street light that was malfunctioning on 100th Drive. It was fixed.
She asked at Clackamas high if any student would like a job to pick up litter in common area,
including along Idleman. There was no takers.

Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy recapped the County meeting she attended last month. She was able to take County
Commissioner Smith on a tour of the area. She noted that on the Eagle Landing plan that
cemeteries are shown as green space.
She attended the SUN CPO meeting held last night (6/2/14). At the meeting Ray Cotton from
New Hope church reported on the Eagle Landing status. He said the project will still add about
1000 housing units. A neighbor from the Mt Scott area asked about the area traffic study and

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Ray Cotton said a new one is not needed. He thinks building will start in 2015 with partial
completion in 2017. The general manager of Clackamas Towncenter, Dennis Curtis, attended
and he stated concern about the effect on local traffic due to construction of Eagles Landing, as
well as that the project would compete with their future plans. The Towncenter could possibly
build up to 500 housing units, as well as two office buildings.


Open Forum


Adjournment: at 8:55 pm by Dennis

Next Regular Board Meetings: July 1, 2014 at 7 pm at the Fire Station
And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.


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