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APPROVED 1/06/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting of November 4, 2014
Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Dennis Shaffer, Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, Jim Graham, Jenny Shaffer,
John Chapman, John Short, Nancy Hall, Dan Otis
Absent: none
Homeowners Present: See attached list.
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Dennis Shaffer
Guest Presentation: by Sergeant Nate Thompson, Clackamas County Crime Prevention Officer
He is normally the public information officer, but is substituting due to illness of the regular officer. His
job includes communicating about crime in the neighborhood. He has 15 years experience with the
Sheriffs office. He started with area crime statistics, which he said didnt look bad except for some
vehicle break-ins and a few burglaries. He said that burglaries are a crime of convenience, where the
criminal knocks on area house doors and if unlocked goes in. Most are done during the day. He also
warned to not leave items visible in your vehicle. He answered other questions about traffic and area
crime and said to see the Sheriffs web site for more information.
Approval of October Meeting Minutes
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Ted, seconded
by Nancy, and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
Karen Wagner had an issue about a house on 96th that is empty. It backs up to her backyard and she
has seen the lady next door dumping debris in the yard of the vacant house. She talked to the Sheriffs
office and they said they couldnt do anything, as they dont know who owns the house. Karen asked
the Board to find out the status of the house, and who is responsible for upkeep. John Chapman said
he do some checking.
Valerri Helm had a question about where fences are allowed. She wants to add a fence from her house
to the street. John Short said she can do but the fence cant exceed 4 ft. He will meet with her to see
what she is proposing and explain the covenant rules.
Tom Zenhar (10547 SE 96) was responding to a complaint about his dog barking. The complaint was
from Michelle at 10457 SE 96th. He is a renter and the dog belongs to his daughter. He says he has
talked to the neighbors and has been keeping his dog inside. He feels that this solves the problem. He
has done this since the complaint by Mrs. Mick at the October meeting. He says the owner of the dog
(his daughter) is moving in 2 months. Dennis said he will talk to Mrs. Mick about this issue.
President: Dennis Shaffer
Dennis opened nominations for Board members. There were none. The 3 board members
whose terms are up agreed to serve for another term, until 2017. These are Dennis Shaffer,
John Chapman, and Dave Gilman.
He sent a letter to 10463 SE 98th about the camping trailer in the driveway. The trailer owner
said it will be moved by this weekend. Ted said he will check.
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

APPROVED 1/06/2015
Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted had a call about removing a birch tree at 9662 SE Kingway. He reported that the tree has
been removed.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported that the minutes for the last year were available for review tonight. Previous
years are available on request.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John discussed the Association finances, including the current and projected account balances
and the status of the dues. See attachment. John has contacted those behind in dues and has
had some success.
He and Dan are doing the Christmas lighting contest. Dennis made a motion that each of the 5
winners be given a prize of $25. John Chapman seconded and all Board members approved.
John will find who at the County can approve installation of the LED stop sign discussed at
previous meetings.
Environmental: Jim Graham
Jim explained the benefits to the homeowners of the drop boxes, green space management,
and drain maintenance.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan has not had any calls.
Architectural: JohnShort
John said the fence at the Lisa Bemis property has not been completed, but that she plans to
complete work by the end of November.
He approved removal of a tree at 10688 SE 93 Court.
He made final approval of the house remodel at 10981 SE Stevens. John inspected the work
and it looks good. He will check on progress next spring.
Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Jenny asked if there was any interest in doing a neighborhood watch and there was none.
She said the blackberry test area is doing fine.
She reported that 2 houses are under construction on Champagne Lane next to the common
area. She noted that the effect on the common area is not good. She said that no new trees had
been planted in this part of the common area by the homeowner who requested permission to
do so last spring.
She reported that the lights in the common area that were out have been repaired.
She has planted 22 trees in the common area near her house, with 2 to go.
She reported that the previously planted seedlings in the common area along Idleman are not
doing well, and many have died.
At Large: Nancy Hall
Nancy reported that there was nothing new on the Eagles Landing project.
She noted that there will be a Town Hall meeting at Happy Valley City Hall on Nov 12 at 6:30

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

APPROVED 1/06/2015
Election of Board Members
At the next Board meeting in January the officer positions will be considered.

Adjournment: at 8:50 pm by President Dennis Shaffer

Next Regular Board Meetings: January 6, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station
And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.

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APPROVED 1/06/2015

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APPROVED 1/06/2015

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