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Productivity Software

GA Common Core State Standard:

6.NS.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multidigit decimals using the standard
algorithm for each operation.

Students will create a brochure using Microsoft Word. The brochure will include how to
add decimals, subtract decimals, multiply decimals, and divide decimals. Each section will
include short definitions of any required vocabulary. Students will then write the steps for
solving each of the operations. Once the steps have been included, the students will include an
example of each operation. Students will also be required to link one short video of how to solve
each operation. After all elements have been included in the brochure, students will be able to
design the brochure to become more appealing to the audience. After the brochure has been
completed, the students will be able to print the brochure and present it to the class.
For this activity, student will have to understand how to add columns to a Microsoft
Word document. Students will also need to know how to add images and links to the document.
Since this brochure deals with math, the students will need to be familiar with how to use
equation editor to enter the correct format of the numbers and symbols. Other aspects students
will need to understand will be how to change the color and size of the font, as well as adding
word art, shapes, and lines. Before this activity is implemented, the students should be given a
lesson on how to use Microsoft Word to create a brochure. Some students will have the
knowledge and expertise to add items to the document they may not have been discussed.

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