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Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric

Part 1
Memo to School Principal
To: Principal, Pierce County High School
From: Media Specialist, Pierce County High School
Subject: Library Media Program Evaluation
A self-evaluation rubric was used to evaluate the media center here at Pierce County High
School (PCHS) within the month of April. The document used to evaluate the PCHS Media
Center was the 2015 Judy Serritella Exemplary Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric.
The rubric covered six different areas: (1) student achievement and instruction, (2) technology,
(3) staffing, (4) facilities, access, and resources, (5) administrative support, and (6) staff
development. Under each of the categories there were several different pieces of evaluation.
Each of the areas could be ranked as Basic, Proficient, or Exemplary. Based on my experience as
a first year media specialist, I was able to complete the rubric and assign a rating to each of the
categories. The PCHS Media Center received a rating of Basic in 10 different areas, a rating of
Proficient in 11 areas, and a rating of Exemplary in one area.
Based on these ratings, I have created an action plan for the areas that are listed as Basic. The
plan will be an on-going process that will move the areas out of Basic to the Exemplary rating
within the next several years. Also, areas that are proficient will be maintained and then be
moved to the rating of Exemplary as well. The goal of the PCHS Media Center is to strive to
reach and maintain Exemplary ratings in all areas of the rubric.

Part 2
Areas Identified as Basic and the Action Plan to Move these Areas to
Category 1 Student Achievement and Instruction
1. Information Literacy Standards are integrated into content instruction. AASL Standards for the
21st-Century Learner are integrated into content instruction.
Current Basic Status: Information literacy skills are integrated into the curriculum through the
collaborative efforts of the Library Media Specialist and teachers. Georgia Performance
Standards (GPS) and Common Core GPS (CCGPS) are used as a basis for teaching.

Action Plan: The media specialist would offer teachers help in integrating information literacy
skills. Collaboration would then begin with the teachers, and a plan would be created and then
implemented in the classroom. The media specialist would be responsible for taking the standard
and suggesting different activities that incorporated literacy skills. Throughout the lesson, the
media specialist would co-teach and help deliver instruction to the students.
4. The library media center resources encourage and support reading, viewing, and listening.
Current Basic Status: Bulletin boards and displays of books and reading materials reflect
different aspects of the curriculum, holidays, and community interests to supports recreational
Action Plan: Students will be given surveys to determine the most popular books that we have in
the library. The media staff will display a new book each week from the list. If an e-book is
available for the selection, the media staff will make sure the students understand how to access
the e-book. Students will be encouraged to participate in the Battle of the Books. This is an
online tournament that will produce the most popular book read by students at the high school.
Incentives will be offered to entice students to participate in the activities being offered by the
media center.
5. Services are provided to students who have diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs.
Current Basic Status: The library media center resources reflect diverse learning abilities,
styles, and needs.
Action Plan: The ethnic groups that are present in the school system are white, black, and
Hispanic students. The media staff will collect different books in these areas and create a book
display for all students to view. February is Black History Month, so the media staff will create
trivia displays to go on the tables in the media center for the students to enjoy. The media staff
will host a competition using one of the display books. The students will be required to create a
synopsis of the book using a web 2.0 tool. The projects will be judged and the winner will
receive and iTunes gift card.
Category 4 Facilities, Access, and Resources
15. One of the national educational technology goals states: Effective and engaging software
and on-line resources will be an integral part of every schools curriculum. The GALILEO
Virtual Library provides Georgia students and teachers access to exceptional on-line resources at
no cost to the local school district.
Current Basic Status: Students will be given instruction in accessing GALILEO. The password
will be provided in a timely manner.

Action Plan: All students entering the 9th grade will come to the media center for a tutorial on
how to access GALILEO and how to navigate the system. Different tutorials and videos will be
added to the PCHS Media Center page that shows students how to use the GALILEO database.
Category 5 Administrative Support
16. The local system superintendent shall appoint a system media contact person (SMCP) to
serve as a liaison to the department.
Current Basic Status: A system media contact person (SMCP) is appointed and communication
from the SMCP is received and posted for all Library Media Specialists and staff. The media
coordinator or curriculum coordinator may serve as the SMCP to facilitate communication to and
from the DOE.
Action Plan: The media specialist will research the duties and responsibilities of a SMCP and
write a summary of the findings. The media specialist will also call different school systems and
see how they appointed the SMCP. Once the information has been deciphered, the media
specialist will present the findings to the school principal. After meeting with the principal, the
media specialist will make any revisions to the plan, and the make an appointment with the
superintendent and present the findings.

Part 3
Action Plan to Move One Area from Proficient to Exemplary
Category 6 Staff Development
21. Staff development opportunities are available both for the library media staff to enhance their
own professional knowledge and for the library media staff to provide information and
technology literacy skills to other teachers and administrative staff. Professional resources and
services for all faculty members are provided in the library media center for the learning
Current Basic Status: Library Media Specialist seeks to enhance his/her professional skills,
particularly technology skills, beyond those required for recertification or by the school district.
Library Media Specialist provides occasional forma staff development instruction during
collaborative planning with teachers. The school system makes staff development options
available for library media support staff. The Library Media Specialist is knowledgeable of the
district professional development services.
Action Plan: To move this area to Exemplary, the media specialist will create a web site that
hosts different resources for teachers. Teachers are so busy; they do not always have time to
attend a professional development class, so the media specialist will help by offering tutorials
and videos online so they will always have access. Web 2.0 tools will be added to the web site.
Sometimes, a YouTube video is sufficient, but sometimes the media specialist may create a

tutorial using screencast-o-matic or snagit. These tutorials will be directed specifically to the
PCHS staff. Teachers will have access to the web site at any time. The plan would be to add a
new tool each week and send the teachers an email stating that there is a new tool available on
the web site. Suggestions would be taken by the teachers and from those suggestions; other
resources would be added to the web site. The purpose of the web site is to offer teachers an
option so they will still have the opportunity to become better teachers. These tools will also
force the media specialist and staff to constantly be looking for new and innovative ideas and
tool for teachers to use in their classrooms.

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