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MARCH 20,2021






Below are the results obtained from observations, interviews, and collaboration with the Media Specialist at
Lee Street Elementary using the 2016 Judy Serritella Exemplary Library Media Program Self-Evaluation
Rubric as an assessment tool:

(1) Lee Street Elementary School media program has been identified as Exemplary in 14 out the 21
categories assessed.
(2) Lee Street Elementary School media program has been identified as Proficient in 6 out of the 21
categories assessed. These criteria are as followed:
a. Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction
i. 1. Information Literacy Standards are integrated into content instruction
ii. 5. Services are provided to students who have diverse learning abilities, styles, and
b. Category 2 – Technology
i. 8. Technology Integration The school library media specialist integrates the use of
emerging technologies as a means for effective and creative teaching and to
support P-12 students' conceptual understanding, critical thinking and creative
c. Category 4- Facilities, Access, and Resources
i. 15. One of the national educational technology goals states: “Effective and
engaging software and on-line resources will be an integral part of every school’s
curriculum.” The GALILEO Virtual Library provides Georgia students and
teachers access to exceptional on-line resources at no cost to the local school
d. Category 5 - Administrative Support
i. 18. Each local board of education shall adopt a library media policy that provides
for the establishment of a media committee at the system level and at each school.
A library media committee makes recommendations and decisions relating to
planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of the library media program.
This committee shall annually evaluate library media services and develop a multi-
year media plan for budget services and priorities.
ii. 19. Local Board approved library media policy is current. This policy requires
development of procedures for the school system and for selecting materials
locally, handling requests for reconsideration of materials, considering gifts of
instructional resources, using non-school owned materials, and complying with the
copyright law.

(3) Lee Street Elementary School media program has been identified as Proficient in 1 out of the 21
categories assessed. These criteria are as followed:
a. Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction
i. 6. Student achievement is routinely assessed.

After assessing and reviewing over the rubric of the media center program, an action plan has been put into
place. The plan will include how to go from Basic to Proficient in one of the selected category addressed
above. The plan will also include how to change some of your Proficient to Exemplary in selected categories
addressed above. The media specialist will work collaboratively with the Media Center Committee, teachers
and administration to improve certain areas.

Many of your Proficient scoring is due to restrictions in place of the pandemic. Therefore, what can be
improved throughout virtual collaboration will be focused for the remainder of the school year of 2020-2021
school year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Brittany Alexander
Action Steps

In order to improve the area on the rubric labeled as “Basic”, the following action steps should be

taken.  Regarding Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction, subcategory 6 states, “Student

achievement is routinely assessed.” I believe this is an area of improvement. The rubric states, “The

classroom teacher is responsible for assessing student achievement.” At this time the classroom teacher is the

who’s in charge of handling the assessing of students’ achievement. I believe the classroom teacher and

media specialist will have to collaborative together to make this improvement. The media specialist has

several resources and knowledge to help with assessing students’ achievement. The first step would be for

the media specialist to set up time with each grade level. The second step would be once the media specialist

has her times set, she would need to collaborate with each grade level. This is where she can bring her

knowledge and resources and share with the grade levels. The third step would for everyone to have

discussion on what they believe will work for the students to improve their students’ achievement.

Movement from Proficient to Exemplary

While the media center program shows exemplary in many areas, there are still some areas of

“Proficient” that needs to be a focus. The goal will be to move some of the areas from “Proficient” to

“Exemplary”. For example, using Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction, subcategory 1 states,

“Information literacy skills are integrated into the curriculum through the collaborative efforts of the Library

Media Specialist and teachers. Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) and Common Core GPS (CCGPS) are

used as a basis for teaching.” The action steps that will need to take place will be to meet with each grade

level and figure out what subject each teacher plans for. Second the media specialist will create a time to

collaborative with each grade level. The media specialist can collaborative with the grade level to create

lessons and units on certain subjects. Third the media specialist will need to pull resources and activities for

the teachers to use during their lessons or units. Fourth the media specialist should co-teach with the teachers

on a lesson or unit. The media specialist can focus on technology or certain books during this time. Lastly,
the teachers and media specialist should have some discussion over how they believe the lesson or unit went

and where they can make some improvements in the future.

Below is where you will see the completed 2016 Judy Serritella Exemplary Library Media Program

Self-Evaluation Rubric!

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