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Grant Application: Dollar General Literacy Foundation

Applicant: Brittany Alexander
178 Lee Street
Jonesboro, Ga 30236
Organization: Lee Street Elementary School
178 Lee Street
Jonesboro, Ga 30236
Our school Media Center applied for the Dollar General Literacy Foundation Grant. The grant is
$4,000. With the money, it will allow are school to get more books for our students to enjoy. We
know that some of our students cannot read well so we would do a peer student buddy that would
help the students to read the book. We also suggested that one student would pick a class book
for the teacher to read to the class and the students would have to take an AR test once the story
and class discussion is over. The goal is to have every student to have a book in their hands even
if they are just looking at the pictures. Our goal is to have 70% of our students reaching their AR
goals every month. To encourage students to read we will have a banner showing who met their
goal and do AR parties two a year.

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