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Alllson !ackovlLz, Mlke klnney and !eff McMahon

3,(4*&"'#5 6#7"&8,%)"#
Maklng a ducL Lape walleL ls an easy and fun acLlvlLy. lnlLlally sLeps may seem a llLLle daunLlng, buL once
Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe walleL ls esLabllshed, sLeps proceed loglcally and Lhe end producL develops rlghL
before your eyes.

ln order Lo make a ducL Lape walleL, you musL flrsL creaLe a recLangular plece of ducL Lape fabrlc" (sLeps
1-8). 1hls fabrlc wlll Lhen be molded lnLo Lhe baslc shape of a walleL (sLeps 9 and 10) and credlL card
pockeLs wlll be aLLached and sealed on Lhe lnslde (sLeps 11-16).

ConsLrucLlng a ducL Lape walleL should be done on a cluLLer-free surface, Lhe more open space, Lhe
beLLer. 1he flrsL Llme you make a walleL, expecL Lo spend 30 mlnuLes on Lhe pro[ecL. WlLh pracLlce, an
aLLracLlve ducL Lape walleL can be consLrucLed ln abouL half Lhe Llme.

ApproxlmaLely 3 yards of ducL Lape
Sharple or oLher lnk wrlLlng uLensll
Clear Lable space
!"#$%&'() lun colored/paLLerned ducL Lape

.&"':20$;""%)#* .)/$
1he only Lhlng you can do wrong ls cuL your ducL Lape Loo shorL. Lrr on Lhe slde of cauLlon and
use more Lhan enough when measurlng sLrlps.
lf your sclssors geL Loo sLlcky, use a damp cloLh Lo wlpe Lhe adheslve off Lhe blades.
SmooLh over Lhe ducL Lape wlLh your hands Lo ellmlnaLe any alr pockeLs.
1ake your Llme and Lhe flnlshed producL wlll be much neaLer.

&'( )*'+ ,-./01 2(+.32 *) 4'0( (536 5/4 758 (169
2(.0:8 2.46 '3;
!"#$% 1he sLrlps should be aL leasL 9 lnches, buL
Lhey wlll be Lrlmmed laLer so lL ls ok lf Lhey are
noL all Lhe same slze.

<5:6 (=* *) (16 2(+.32 =.(1 (16 2(.0:8 2.46 '3
5/4 *>6+753 (169 533+*?.95(678 @ ./01 57*/A
(16 7*/A62( 2.46;

B6365( (16 3+6>.*'2 2(63 =.(1 (16 +695././A
(=* 2(+.32;
?ou should have a plece of ducL Lape fabrlc"
four sLrlps Lall wlLh Lhe sLlcky slde up.

&'( )*'+ 9*+6 ,-./01 2(+.32 *) (536;


&*>6+ 6501 G5/4 *) (16 4'0( (536 )5G+.0 =.(1
5/*(16+ 2(+.3 2(.0:8 2.46 4*=/ ./ (16 2596
*>6+7533./A )521.*/ '264 ./ H(63 $;
?ou should have a fabrlc LhaL ls four sLrlps Lall,
wlLh no sLlcky sldes exposed.

I26 20.22*+2 (* 2J'5+6 '3 */6 2.46 *) (16 4'0(
(536 )5G+.0.
!"#$% Cnly cuL Lhe mlnlmum amounL of Lape
necessary Lo ellmlnaLe any exposed sLlcklness.

K5+: 5 7./6 F;C ./0162 )+*9 (16 2.46 *) (16 4'0(
(536 )5G+.0 8*' 0'( ./ (16 3+6>.*'2 2(63 5/4 0'(
4.+60(78 (1+*'A1 8*'+ 7./6;
?ou wlll now have a perfecL recLangle of ducL
Lape fabrlc, 8.3 lnches long.

&'( 5/ !!-./01 2(+.3 5/4 0'( *+ (65+ .( ./ 157)
76/A(1=.26; I26 (16 +62'7(./A (1./ 2(+.32 (*
2657 (16 (=* 7*/A 64A62 *) (16 )5G+.0; <+.9 5/8
All sLlcky edges should now be nlcely sealed.


M*74 (16 )5G+.0 ./ 157) 76/A(1=.26 5/4 3+622 (16
0+6526 )*+ #L-$L 260*/42
1hls wlll help Lhe walleL sLay flaL;

&'( (=* 2(+.32 *) (536 533+*?.95(678 % ./0162
7*/A 5/4 07*26 6501 6/4 *) (16 =5776( =.(1 */6
!"#$% lf Lhere ls any excess Lape, Lrlm lL.

&'( (=* 2(+.32 *) (536 533+*?.95(678 !C ./0162
7*/A 5/4 5((501 (169 2(.0:8-2.46 (* 2(.0:8-2.46;
!"#$: 8e careful Lo allgn Lhe sLrlps dlrecLly on
Lop of each oLher.

N) /606225+8O '26 5 2(+.3 *) 4'0( (536O (*+/ *+
0'( 76/A(1=.26O (* 0765/ '3 (16 64A62 (as ln
sLep 8).


K652'+6 5/4 0'( 8*'+ !C-./01 2(+.3 ./(* )*'+
$;C-./01 26A96/(2;
1hese segmenLs wlll form Lhe walleL's pockeLs.

P7506 */6 $;C-./01 3*0:6( 26A96/( */ 6501
2.46 *) (16 =5776(; <536 6501 */6 4*=/ =.(1 5
(1./ 2(+.3 57*/A (16 G*((*9
1hls wlll prevenL cards from falllng Lhrough.

Q44 (=* 9*+6 3*0:6( 26A96/(2 27.A1(78 G67*=
(16 (*3 64A6 *) (16 3*0:6(2 )*+964 ./ H(63 !%;
H657 577 '/5((50164 64A62 5/4 (+.9 6?0622 (536;

M*74 (16 =5776( ./ 157) 5/4 ).77 .(;
!"#$: lf cards wlll noL flL, make small sllLs ln Lhe
seallng Lape Lo wlden Lhe pockeLs.

!"# %&'&("#) *+,)-./
?our ducL Lape walleL ls now compleLe (see phoLo below) and ready Lo Lake lLs place ln your back pockeL
or purse.

AlLhough Lhe reference phoLos found above were all creaLed uslng sllver ducL Lape, any of Lhe sLeps can
be performed wlLh paLLerned or colored ducL Lape Lo creaLe a more personallzed walleL. uecoraLlng Lhe
walleL ls a compleLely opLlonal sLep, buL lf you choose Lo do so your walleL wlll surely be a conversaLlon
plece as well as a funcLlonal accessory. As lllusLraLed below, Lhe posslblllLles are only llmlLed by your

hoLo sources (clockwlse from Lop lefL): hLLp://
rap-rad/, hLLp://, hLLp://
ducL-Lape-walleL-klL.hLml, hLLp://

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