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Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!

"e!istrar p. 1 of 1#
European Association for Psychotherapy
Schnirchgasse 9a/4/410
A-1030 Wien
Colloquium on the Status of
Psychotherapy in Europe

(120 official participants from 34 countries)
Vienna, February 18
, 2010
Psychotherapy, an n!epen!ent Profession"
A European #hallen$e%
by &er$e 'in$er (Paris), (e$istrar of the EAP
Clinical psychologist; Psychotherapist, trained in Psychoanalysis, Gestalt and !"#
$o%nder o& the Paris School of Gestalt (cole Parisienne de Gestalt, or PG'
and o& the International Federation of Gestalt Training Organizations
(Fdration Internationale des Organismes de Formation la Gestalt, or $(#G'
Pro&essor o& )e%rosciences at the Sigmund Freud Uniersit! *Paris'
Secretary General o& the Fdration Fran"aise de Ps!chothra#ie et Ps!chanal!se (FF$P%
Pre President o& the Training &ccreditation 'ommittee (T&'% for Training Institutes
&or P in Psychotherapy, o& the (uro#ean &ssociation for Ps!chothera#! *AP'+

Autonomy of Psychotherapy: &trasbour$ )eclaration
,he day %s%ally arri-es .hen children .ill lea-e ho/e in order to ac0%ire their
a%tono/y) ,hey nor/ally /o-e to a di&&erent location+
,his is also .hat happens regarding certain social gro%ps+
,h%s 1 in /ost co%ntries 1 Ps!cholog! has progressi-ely detached itsel& &ro/ its
2 /other, 3 Philoso#h!) 4n $rance, &or e5a/ple, this happened in the 19607s+ At the sa/e ti/e, a
special depart/ent .as created in the $rench %ni-ersities &or the 8Social or *uman Sciences+,
so it .as no longer ta%ght in the school o& 8Arts9+ ,oday there e5ist a:o%t 46 000 :oo;s on the
s%:<ect o& Psychology, p%:lished thro%gho%t the .orld
= and Psychology is no longer
considered to :e <%st a si/ple :ranch o& Philosophy+
4n the sa/e .ay, in o%r co%ntry, a&ter the ideological re-ol%tion o& 19>?, Ps!chiatr!
separated &ro/ -eurolog!, and th%s created a place &or non-organic /ental disorders+
A:o%t 46 @ on psychopathology or psychology o& health; 10 @ on ne%roscience; A @ on psychoanalysis+

Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 2 of 1#
And then, in .//0, Ps!chothera#! too; its t%rn, its &light, and distinguished itself from
Ps!cholog! and Ps!chiatr!+ 4t did this thro%gh the 8&trasbour$ )eclaration* 1 .hich ga-e
:irth to the European Association for Psychotherapy *AP'+ ,his /ani&esto, signed on (cto:er
1990 :y the representati-es o& 14 co%ntries 1 and since, signed :y all 40 )ational A.arding
(rganiBations 1 re/ains the cornerstone o& the AP+ 4t statesC
1+ Psychotherapy is an in!epen!ent scientific !iscipline, the practice of ,hich represents
an in!epen!ent an! free profession+
2+ -rainin$ in psychotherapy place at an a!/ance!, 0ualifie! an! scientific
3+ -he multiplicity of psychotherapeutic metho!s is assure! an! $uarantee!+
4+ A full psychotherapeutic trainin$ co/ers theory, self1e2perience, an! practice
un!er super/ision+ A!e0uate .no,le!$e of /arious psychotherapeutic processes
is ac0uire!+
3+ Access to trainin$ is throu$h /arious preliminary 0ualifications, in particular in
human an! social sciences+
&trasbour$, 4ctober 21st, 1550
-he European #ertificate of Psychotherapy (E#P)
Concretely, this &%nda/ental step led to the esta:lish/ent o& the European #ertificate of
Psychotherapy (E#P) and a European (e$ister &or certi&ied Psychotherapists ((1P'+
,he e5isting A%strian la. concerning Psychotherapy largely inspired it+
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. $ of 1#
,he CP .as esta:lished .2 !ears ago, in .//3, d%ring a %ropean Congress in #o/e+ 4t
speci&ies the conditions &or trainingC 2,$00 hours o-er a /ini/%/ o& 3 !ears, incl%ding a prior
%ni-ersity-le-el degree o& 2 !ears in the social sciences or e0%i-alent, &ollo.ed :y an in-depth
training in a scientificall! alidated method, &or a /ini/%/ o& 4 !ears, incl%ding $ !ears of
su#erised #ractice+
,he criteria &or the attri:%tion o& the CP .ere negotiated d%ring /any international
/eetings o& e5perts *in Dienna, Eondon, #o/e, Paris, A/sterda/, $ran;&%rt, !osco.' :y
delegates elected &ro/ thirty co%ntries in %rope, and are -alidated today :y representati-es
&ro/ 40 co%ntries+
In the first instance, a 8$ran!parentin$ proce!ure* .as applied &or psychotherapists
.ho had :een practicing &or at least 2 !ears, and .ho .ere recogniBed :y a )ational co//ission
o& colleag%es &ro/ their co%ntry+
ach indi-id%al candidate &or the CP is s%ccessi-ely e5a/ined 5! 2 different )ational
and %ropean :odiesC
1. The 6ational A,ar!in$ 4r$ani7ation (6A4), a national &ederation o& psycho-
therapists, &or/ed :y 0%ali&ied pro&essionals practicing di-erse /odalities;
. The appropriate European 8i!e Accre!itin$ 4r$ani7ation !E"A#$, the o&&icial
%ropean Association that represents the speci&ic modalit! practiced+ ,hese %ropean /odality
associations /%st :e o&&icially recogniBed as :eing :ased on scientific research, the o:<ect o&
#u5lications in se-eral pro&essional <o%rnals, and need to :e ta%ght in at least si6 (uro#ean
%. The (e$istration #ommittee o& the AP 1 .hich 4 ha-e chaired since A001 F and
.hich reg%lates the .hole proced%re+
,oday, aro%nd 9,000 E#Ps ha&e 'een a(ar)e) in 31 countries 1 :oth .ithin %rope
and the entire 7orld *incl%ding people &ro/ !e5ico, Ee:anon, GSA, HaBa;hstan, Iapan, etc+'+
,.o thirds o& these CPs ha-e :een a.arded to pro&essionals in the & doBen co%ntries
*rounded num5ers in numerical order%8
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. % of 1#
ach person .ho has :een a.arded an CP /%st ha-e also acco/plished #ersonal 7or9
*indi-id%al or gro%p psychotherapy, or the e0%i-alent' o& at least $:0 hours, and co//its to the
State/ent o& (thical Princi#les o& the Association+
In a secon) sta*e, those .ho had attained a certi&icate &ro/ a school or instit%te, .hich
had :een o&&icially recogniBed as an EAPTI (European Accre!ite! Psychotherapy -rainin$
nstitute% co%ld a##l! !irectly) ,he AP7s -rainin$ Accre!itation #ommittee (-A#) a.arded
the recognition o& s%ch instit%tes a&ter an in-depth st%dy o& their application, &ollo.ed :y a
detailed on-site inspection :y t.o independent international e5perts, and a -ote in the AP7s
Go-erning Joard+
,o date,
; :$ #s!chothera#! training institutes,
- teaching .4 different modalities,
- in $0 (uro#ean countries,
ha-e recei-ed s%ch an AP,4 accreditation+
,he %ropean Parlia/ent is considering the /ain points o& the CP progra/ &or a
:common platform* .hich is in the process o& ela:oration :y the European #ommission in
,he WCP *8orl! #ouncil for Psychotherapy' has %sed the sa/e /odel, to esta:lish a
8orl!,i!e #ertificate of Psychotherapy+
,h%s, the le-el o& co/petence o& pro&essional psychotherapists has :een increased and
has :eco/e com#ara5le &ro/ one co%ntry to anotherC corresponding at the least to the le-el o& a
<aster=s degree) 5changes a/ongst di&&erent pro&essionals there&ore :eco/e /%ch /ore
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. # of 1#
European +e*islation
,he legislation that go-erns psychotherapy aries greatl! a/ongst the di&&erent co%ntries
o& the %ropean Gnion+ ,oday, a:o%t ten co%ntries 1 o%t o& AK 1 ha-e esta:lished a speci&ic
la. relating to psychotherapy+ So/e o& the/ *Ger/any, 4taly, S.eden, )etherlands' ha-e
li/ited access to the pro&ession to #s!chologists and medical doctors, .hereas others *A%stria,
$inland, etc+' ha-e opened their training to candidates &ro/ a -ariety o& :ac;gro%nds 1 and e-en
to yo%ng people .ho ha-e <%st &inished their secondary st%dies+ ,h%s, instead o& :eing only a
8second career9 or 8ad<%nct9 to another pro&ession, psychotherapy is :eco/ing, little :y little, a
specific profession of its o,n, li;e /edical doctor, psychologist or la.yer+
A %ropean r%ling that en&orces this high le-el o& specific trainin$ (different from the
training of a clinical #s!chologist or #s!chiatrist% is :eco/ing an urgent necessit! at a ti/e
.hen the de/and &or psychotherapy contin%es to increase &ro/ year to year+
Psychotherapy has de-eloped rapidly .ithin a hundred countries on all continents+ 4t is
di-ersi&ied into a great num5er of #ractices 1 each one o& .hich :ene&its &ro/ speci&ic training
institutions and s#ecialized scientific >ournals+ *$or e5a/ple, Gestalt ,herapy is ta%ght today in
nearly $00 institutes, in aro%nd fift! different countries) ,here are /ore than $: s#ecialized
>ournals and ?,000 Gestalt #u5lications in -ario%s lang%ages'+
Psychotherapy today is &o%nd at the crossroads :et.een se-eral disciplinesC medical,
#s!chological and social) 4t .o%ld there&ore :e unrealistic to restrict the training and practice to
one or another speci&ic pro&ession, li;e /edical doctor, psychologist, social .or;er, etc+
,o ill%strate this, 4 .ill :rie&ly descri:e three different situations8
L .
e6am#leC it is clear that a pro&o%nd de#ression is acco/panied :y a ne%rological
dys&%nction and i/:alance o& ne%rotrans/itters *serotonin, dopa/ine, etc+'+ A medical treat/ent
is th%s o&ten necessary, paralleled :y a psychotherape%tic approach;
L $
e6am#leC se6ual im#otence .ith one7s %s%al partner, .hen the erectile acti-ity
re/ains nor/al .ith a yo%ng /istress, sho.s that the pro:le/ is not organic, :%t rather,
L 3
e6am#leC a social #ho5ia, /aintained :y repeated racist attac;s in a lo.-inco/e
neigh:o%rhood, is an e5a/ple o& a sociological pro:le/, and not only /edical or psychological+
,his .o%ld also apply to psychosocial pro:le/s ind%ced :y unem#lo!ment+
Any reductionist approach to psychotherapy is th%s destined to :e ine&&icient or
inade0%ateC and a bio1psycho1social /odel is appropriate+
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. & of 1#
The Pre&alence of Psychic ,ifficulties. &ome statistics
According to -ario%s international st%dies, the percentage o& people s%&&ering, at one time
or another in their li&e, &ro/ psychosocial tro%:les that re0%ire an e5ternal assistance, -aries
:et.een ; < an! 13 < of the $eneral population 1 th%s representing &or the :00 million
residents of the (uro#ean Union *G', :et.een 2: to 3: million people .ith psychosocial
We are there&ore :eing con&ronted .ith an i/portant social pro:le/= co/ing at a ti/e
.hen depression has :een called 8the sic;ness o& the cent%ry9 *$ran;l, 199K'+
J%t &e. o& these people .ith pro:le/s .ill see; help &ro/ psychotherapy 1 .hether &or
cultural or economic reasonsC in so/e co%ntries, see;ing help see/s to :e reser-ed &or -ery
serio%s cases o& /ental illness; in other co%ntries, the li/itations are d%e to the high cost o&
treat/ent, as .ell as the drastic lac; o& specialists+
We ha-e recently cond%cted t.o large national s%r-eys in $rance .ith independent
, .hich ha-e indicated that @ A of the adult #o#ulation ha-e %nderta;en 1 or are
still in the process o& 1 psychotherapy *or psychoanalysis'+
,he /ain motiations .ereC depression, an5iety, a psychological tra%/a, &a/ily or social
4n ro%nded-o&& n%/:ersC
- ./ 0 .ere engaged in a *umanistic PsychotherapyC Gestalt ,herapy, ,ransactional
Analysis, Person-Centered Approach, Psycho-(rganic Analysis, Psychosynthesis, Psychodra/a,
- %/ 0 in a Ps!chod!namic therapy *inspired :y Ps!choanal!sis);
- / 0 in a 'ognitie;Behaioural thera#! ('BT%,
- 1/ 0 in a Famil! thera#!+
,hese psychotherapies lasted 1 on the a-erage 1 one !ear, at the &re0%ency o& one :0;
minute session, #er 7ee9, ?K @ o& the clients e5pressed that they .ere 8satis&ied9 or 8-ery
satis&ied9, and only 4 @ 8%nsatis&ied9+ *9 @ did not respond'+
S%r-eys initiated :y S+ Ginger, in A001 and A00>, in the na/e o& the $$AP, .ith the help o& the /agaBine 8Ps!chologies9 and
national s%r-ey instit%tionsC JDA and CSA+
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. ' of 1#
The 1ee) for Psychotherapy is stea)ily Increasin*
4n &act, the offer o&, as .ell as the demand, &or psychotherapy is on the rise in all
de-eloped co%ntries+
Ch! is there a need &or so /any cons%ltations F #reentatie or curatieD A good n%/:er
o& hypotheses ha-e :een s%ggestedC it appears, in any case, that the ca%ses are not onl!
in!i/i!ual (th%s 8/edical9', :%t, e-en /ore, sociological and c%lt%ral+
$or, in addition to the traditional needs o& psychological help &or sic;, %pset or lonely
indi-id%als, n%/ero%s pro:le/s ha-e :een recently identi&ied that are lin;ed to the seere crisis
of the E#ost;industrial+ societ!8
- the on the right is the 'hinese -ersion o& the .ord 8crisis9
- .hich has t.o parts (7ei;>i%8 8danger9 and Eo##ortunit!+
- .ith a #ositie connotation
L economic crisis an) technolo*ical chan*es, .ithin the conte5t o& a glo5al econom!,
/igration o& pop%lations, %ne/ploy/ent and e5cl%sion, po-erty, and solit%de= J%t also, the
need &or s%pport &or managers, under stress :y co/petition and the accelerated e-ol%tion o&
technology *th%s the de-elop/ent o& co%nselling, coaching and techni0%es &or stress
L sociolo*ical crisis an) rapi) e&olution of lifestyles, .ith its conte5t o& tra-el, trans-
c%lt%ral shoc;s, racis/, identity crises, .ith an increase in poor ho%sing de-elop/ents and
class s%:%r:s, and .ith its con&licts :et.een generations;
L informational crisis, .ith the per/anent irr%ption o& the /edias into o%r pri-ate li-esC
internet, tele-ision and its daily /en% o& ecological catastrophes, poll%tion, political and
&inancial scandals, /oral iss%es 1 a day-to-day disru#tion of eer!one=s serenit! 1 ca%ght %p
into an insane 8Bapping+, alternating :et.een /%rders, e5plosions, rapes and tort%re+ *S%//ary
o& an ordinar! 7ee9 on the si5 :asic tele-ision channels in $ranceC >K0 /%rders, 4A0 g%n :attles,
16 rapes, AK scenes o& tort%re, ?60 &ights, 9 s%icides, 13 strang%lation, 1? dr%g scenes=' 1 and
in parallelC lo-e songs and e/:races, gorgeo%s starlets and s%nny drea/s+ *,he rapid alteration
o& this type o& :eha-ior 1 e5tre/e and %ncoordinated 1 is characteristic o& a 5orderline
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. ( of 1#
L political crisis, .ith the slo. and delicate constr%ction o& %ropeC ideological con&licts,
displaced pop%lations or re&%gees, ling%istic con&licts, insec%rity, -iolence, terrorist attac;s,
,h%s, society is :eco/ing /ore and /ore co/ple5 and 8depersonaliBed9+ With the glo:al
econo/y, .e no longer ;no. 7ho decides 7hat, .e ha-e neither guideF nor enem! identi&ied;
.e o&ten &eel lost an! impotent)
,his socio-c%lt%ral conte5t /ay e5plain 1 in part 1 the role o& psychotherapy
in o%r conte/porary society+
4n &act, an6iet! is the corollar! of #rogress, according to the %ni-ersal la. o&
) ,echnology prod%ces gar:ageC not only -isi:le .aste 1 o&ten to5ic 1 :%t it also
prod%ces collateral da/age, :oth psychological and social
+ !edical progress and the
de-elop/ent o& physical c%res are not s%&&icient to ass%re /an7s e0%ili:ri%/C a glo5al approach
is necessary, to integrate the #ersonal psychological pro:le/s .ith social adaptation to a
changing and o&ten stress&%l /ilie%, .ith the spirit%al 0%estioning a:o%t the meaning o& e5istence
itsel&+ 4n other .ords, .e /%st consider the interrelationship :et.een the fi/e main !imensions
o& the h%/an :eingC physical, e/otional, intellect%al, social and spirit%al
Three Professions relatin* to Psychosocial 2elp
,o &ace these pro:le/s, three /ain pro&essions ha-e de-eloped in parallel F .hich the
p%:lic o&ten confusesC Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy *.itho%t /entioning -ario%s
co%nsellorsC religio%s, social or technical, and others, s%ch as li&e coaches'+
1$ Psycholo*ists ha-e recei-ed an o&&icial %ni-ersity diplo/a *a&ter 6 to K years o&
st%dies and -ario%s &ield.or;'+ ,hey ha-e a good le-el o& co/petence on a theoretical le-el+
,hey can cond%ct tests, e5pert assess/ents, and o&ten coordinate .or; /eetings .ithin
instit%tions+ ,here are se-eral specialitiesC ho.e-er, e-en the 'linical Psychologists 1 .ho ha-e
:een trained in #s!cho#atholog! = ha-e still not :een trained /%ch in #s!chothera#! .ithin the
%ni-ersities+ ,he (uro#ean Federation of Professional Ps!chologists *$PPA' re0%ires that
psychologists 1 a&ter their diplo/as 1 contin%e to ta;e 2 more !ears o& a speci&ic
com#lementar! training, A years /ini/%/ o& su#erised #ractice, and a #ersonal psychotherapy+
So, one &inds here a com#lementar! and o#tional psychotherapy training+
)ypertelia: from hyper, extreme, and telos, goal = !oin! beyond the prescribed !oal. A classic
example is the excessive development of the defenses of the mammoth: their tusks curved back
inwards, finally perforating their jaws.

!or example, the increased use of telephone answering machines has the perverse effect of creating
the non*response to calls, by filtering. "he # ma!ic + communication of internet has produced an
a,alanche of parasite information -.P/0.1.
'f) The Ginger=s Pentagra/, in Gestalt Thera#!, The &rt of 'ontact, Harnac Joo;s, Eondon, A00>+
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 2 of 1#
$ Psychiatrists are /edical doctors specialiBing in /ental illnesses and psychic
dist%r:ances+ ,hey ha-e co/pleted /any years o& st%dies *%s%ally a:o%t 10' and internships in
psychiatric hospitals+ As /edical doctors, they are allo.ed to prescri:e #s!chotro#ic drugs8
tran0%iliBers, antidepressants, antipsychotics= S%ch dr%gs are a:sol%tely necessar! in seere
cases *s%ch as depression .ith ris; o& s%icide, hall%cinations, deliri%/, etc+'+ 4n less se-ere cases,
the dr%gs /ay :e com5ined 7ith a #s!chothera#! treat/ent, and can th%s render it /ore
Jesides dr%gs, the psychiatrists /ay #ossi5l! cond%ct a &e. inter-ie.s .ith the patient
1 /ore or less long, and /ore or less reg%lar+ No.e-er, it /%st :e noted that all #s!chiatrists
are not necessaril! #s!chothera#ists8 that is a com#lementar! specialiBation, generally not ta%ght
in the p%:lic %ni-ersities, :%t ac0%ired a&ter.ards :y certain psychiatrists &ro/ #riate
instit%tions+ ,he Italian la7, &or e5a/ple, de/ands 4 !ears of additional studies 1 that is A,000
ho%rs 1 &or a #s!chiatrist *or &or a #s!chologist' :e&ore they /ay %se the title o&
%$ Psychotherapists ha-e &irst themseles %ndergone a psychoanalysis or psychotherapy;
then they ha-e :een trained, in specialiBed instit%tes, in one o& the speci&ically recogniBed
/odalities o& psychotherapy+
Psychotherapy st%dents are o&ten recr%ited a&ter a selection process F .hich &oc%ses not
only on the leel of education achieed *:asically, 3 years o& &irst degree %ni-ersity st%dies', :%t
especially on the e0%ili:ri%/ and /at%rity o& their personality+ ,he training is theoretical,
/ethodological, and practicalC
L theoreticalC st%dies in psychology, psychopathology, anthropology, philosophy, la.,
ethics, etc+;
L metho!olo$icalC principles and techni0%es o& inter-entions, process, goals and clos%re,
speci&ic to each /ethod;
L practicalC concrete training to lead indi-id%al or gro%p sessions, and su#erision+
Ps!chothera#ists are therefore not necessaril! medical doctors or #s!chologists) 4n /any
co%ntries, more than half come from other professions: social .or;ers, special ed%cators,
n%rses, physical therapists, teachers, sociologists, philosophers, priests or /inisters, etc+ ,hey
ha-e all %ndergone a #ersonal #s!chothera#!, a long, speci&ic, theoretical and practical training
in psychotherapy, and are co//itted to contin%e .ith ongoing s%per-ision o& their .or;,
throughout their career !#ontinuous Professional )e/elopment > #P), as .ell as to &ollo. a
Code o& pro&essional (thics, and increasingly :e a /e/:er o& a pro&essional association+ ,he
AP re0%ires an a-erage o& $:0 hours of ongoing training eer! fie !ears8 classes, s%per-ision,
collo0%i%/s, p%:lications, in-ol-e/ent in pro&essional organiBations=
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 10 of 1#
3any 3o)alities, *roupe) into 4 to 9 ?ainstreams
So/e people criticiBe the a:%ndance o& /ethods o& the di&&erent psychotherapies+ ,here
are at least= 3>6 1 .hich .o%ld allo. one to change /ethods each day o& the yearM J%t a&ter
all, this also represents a 7ealth and freedom of choice+ "o .e co/plain a:o%t the great -ariety
o& /edicines *dr%gs', &r%its, cheeses or .inesO 4n tr%th, .e /ay na/e hardly $0 or so
psychotherapies that are co//only #racticed in %rope, and .hich are represented :y a
recogniBed pro&essional %ropean association *WA('+ ,he others are /ostly ariants o& those+
4n addition, these t.enty /ethods /ay :e gro%ped into 4 to ? mainstreams8
1+ Psychodyna/ic (.0 to 20 A%
A+ CJ, (.0 to 20 A%
3+ $a/ily ,herapy (.0 to .: A%
4+ N%/anistic ($0 to 40 A%
6+ ,ranspersonal ( : to .0 A%
>+ 4ntegrati-e (.0 to $0 A%
1 Psycho)ynamic Therapies, inspire) 'y Psychoanalysis *$re%d, Eacan, I%ng, Adler,
!elanie Hlein, etc'+ 4n psychoanalysis, the treat/ent is &o%nded on free association, the
i/portance o& the unconscious and especially se6ual dri-es, the deter/ining e&&ect o& childhood
e5periences and transference+ ,he psychoanalysis o&ten last /any years *3 to 16', at a rhyth/ o&
se-eral sessions per .ee;, and they ai/ &or a possi:le restr%ct%ring o& the .hole personality+
Psychodyna/ic psychotherapy is /ore or less co//on, representing :et.een .0 to 20 A o&
psychotherapies, depending on the co%ntry+
Co*niti&e-4eha&ioural Therapies !C4Ts$ ai/ to de-condition the patients &ro/
certain /ental :loc;s, pho:ias or depressing tho%ghts, to change dys&%nctional patterns o&
:eha-io%r, and to go :eyond their o:sessions or post-tra%/atic pro:le/s+ ,hese therapies are
generally short;term *10 to A0 sessions .ithin a &e. /onths' and centred especially on the
healing o& s!m#toms+ ,he -ario%s &or/s o& CJ, today represent, depending on the co%ntry,
:et.een .0 to 20 A o& all psychotherapies+
% Systemic 5amily Therapies: here there is no longer a 8designated patient9 .ho
analyses his or her pro:le/s, :%t the 7hole famil! at the same time) ,hese therapists help to
clari&y the #resent relationship and the communication s!stem .ithin the &a/ily, considered in its
totality+ (ne -ariation on this is couple@s therapy+ ,hese therapies are generally :rie& *se-eral
/onths, .ith one session per /onth 1 o&ten co-led :y t.o therapists'+ ,heir incidence is
esti/ated to :e aro%nd .0 to .: A)
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 11 of 1#
. 2umanistic or E6istential Therapies 1 s%ch as Gestalt ,herapy *G,', ,ransac-
tional Analysis *,A', ric;sonian Nypnosis, and -ario%s Client-centred *or Person-centred'
/ethods *PCA', Psychodra/a, Psychosynthesis 1 as .ell as 4o)y Psychotherapies+ ,he
N%/anistic ,herapies are not li/ited to a er5al e5change, :%t also ta;e into consideration the
5od!, the #ast histor! and the enironment, o&ten &oc%sing on the e5pression o& emotions, and
loo;ing at the :eha-io%r, relationships and &eelings o& the client, as .ell as his or her relationship
to the therapist+ ,hese N%/anistic ,herapies ai/ &or a creatie ad>ustment o& the entire
personality to the current conditions o& li&e 1 integrating, o& co%rse, the client7s personal histor!
and his pro<ects &or the future+ ,hey are %s%ally o& a medium range *&ro/ 1 to 3 years, at a
rhyth/ o& one session per .ee;' and ta;e place either in indiidual or s/all grou# sessions+
,hey represent today a total o& a:o%t 40 A o& all psychotherapies+
7 ,here is also a category o& Transpersonal metho)s *holotropic :reathing, oriental
approaches, enneagra//, art-therapies, etc+' .hich e/phasiBe the spirit%al and energy
di/ensions; one /ay also place here the Trans-*enerational metho)s *total o& : to .0 A,
depending on the co%ntry+'
8 $inally, Eclectic or Inte*rati&e 3etho)s co/:ine together techni0%es &ro/ the
di&&erent :ranches listed a:o-e, or atte/pt to synthesiBe their theories and #ractice (.0 A to $0
A o& psychotherapies'+
)ot all co%ntries recognise all o& these /ethods, :%t /ost recognise the &irst four, and
then the other t.o gro%ps o&ten &it the/sel-es ,ithin the Aumanistic cate$ory+
The +a( an! the 6ee! for Bualifie! Professionals
,he reg%lations &or psychotherapy are Guite different &ro/ one co%ntry to another+ 4n
so/e co%ntries, they concern only the training and proced%res &or attaining the title o&
8Psychotherapist9; in others, they also in-ol-e the pro&essional #ractice itsel&, and its de&inition+
A la. presently e5ists in ? %ropean co%ntries Pand se-eral others are in the #rocess o&
disc%ssionQ+ 4n so/e co%ntries, this pro&ession i/plies a speci&ic training that is o#en to a
num5er of original #rofessions+ 4n other co%ntries, training is only accessi:le to medical doctors
and #s!chologists, and is added on to their :asic %ni-ersity training+ 4n no countr! in the .orld is
it reser-ed only &or medical doctors, and, psychotherapy is /ainly ta%ght in #riate
schools or instit%tes+ ,his is d%e /ainly to the &act that a #ersonal thera#! and a selection :ased
on the /at%rity o& the #ersonalit! .o%ld :e di&&ic%lt to set %p in the p%:lic %ni-ersities+
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 12 of 1#
4t is esti/ated that appro5i/ately .:0,000 Gualified #rofessional #s!chothera#ists are
presently in acti-ity in %rope= :%t there is still an ins%&&icient n%/:er o& the/ in al/ost all the
4n reality, the pro&essional density o& psychotherapists aries enormousl! &ro/ one
co%ntry to anotherC from ?: to @: (#er .00,000 inha5itants% in A%stria, 4taly, S.itBerland or
Jelgi%/; to 10 1 e-en 6 or less 1 in se-eral co%ntries in astern %rope+
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 1$ of 1#
Estimation of the professional !ensity
of 0ualifie! psychotherapists (per 100,000 inhabitants)"
Professional ,ensity Estimate) num'er Population
Countries per 100,000 inhab+ of 0ualifie! in millions
Austria 98 :,/// 9,1
Italy 8: ./,/// 8/,/
S(it;erlan) 88 7,/// :,8
4el*ium 87 :,/// 1/,:
S(e)en 77 7,/// <,1
Ser'ia ./ %,/// :,.
1etherlan)s %: 8,/// 18,
=ermany %% 9,/// 97,7
Irelan) %1 1,// %,<
2un*ary 8 ,8// 1/,/
5inlan) % 1,// 7,
5rance / 1%,/// 8.,/
>nite) ?in*)om 1: 1/,/// 8/,/
?oso&o 18 %// 1,<
,enmar@ 17 9// 7,.
Portu*al 1. 1,7// 1/,:
3alta 1 7/ /,.
1or(ay 1 8// .,9
Spain 1/ .,7// .%,/
Slo&enia 1/ // ,/
Polan) 9 %,/// %9,7
+at&ia 9 19/ ,%
Slo&a@ia 9 .%/ 7,7
Croatia : %// .,7
Aomania 7 1,// ,
Aussia . 7,/// 1.,/
+ithuania . 1/ %,.
3ace)onia ./ ,/
>@raine 1 %%/ .8,1
T#TA>B 1.:,77/ 89,.
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 1% of 1#

Conclusions an) Prospecti&e
4& .e esti/ate that aro%nd .0 A of the #o#ulation /ight need psychotherapy, and that a
psychotherapist can care &or around a hundred clients #er !ear, on the a-erage *in therapy,
short; or middle;term, indiidual or grou#', that .o%ld i/ply an opti/al density o& .00
Gualified #s!chothera#ists #er .00,000 inha5itants (or . #s!chothera#ist for .,000 inha5itants%
1 .hich /eans, &or the entire %ropean Gnion, aro%nd :00,000 Gualified #s!chothera#ists 1
that is, a:o%t three times the esti/ated n%/:er today+
4& .e consider that a psychotherapist .ill e5ercise his/her pro&essional acti-ity during
a##ro6imatel! 20 to 2: !ears, this .o%ld i/ply a training each year o& 3 ne. pro&essionals per
100,000 inha:itants, th%s representing, &or the entire GC appro5i/ately 16,000 psychotherapy
st%dents 1 trained in aro%nd 600 specialiBed training instit%tes o& a-erage siBe *A0 to 40 st%dents
per class'+ ,his .o%ld see/ to correspond to the esti/ated n%/:er o& instit%tes o& training
currentl! in operation in %rope+
4t .o%ld :e s%&&icient there&ore &or the/ to /eet all the Gualit! criteria de&ined :y the
,AC *Training &ccreditation 'ommittee' to :e o&&icially recogniBed as 8(&PTIs+9
,hese o:<ecti-es are not unrealistic, and co%ld :e attained rather Guic9l!, a&ter a (uro;
#ean directie that .o%ld prescri:e %ni&or/ re0%ire/ents &or the recognition o& this ne7
#rofession 1 .hich is /%ch /ore than a si/ple specialiBation o& neigh:o%ring pro&essions+
&nd isn=t that the reason 7e are united together, here in this 'olloGuium toda!D
&er$e 'in$er
site" ,,,+ser$e$in$er+netD
Vienna. Feb. 2010. European Colloquium on Psychotherapy. PT independent profession, by in!er,
"e!istrar p. 1# of 1#
Short 4i'lio*raphy
L EHAR! !ony H al) *A003'+ & Guel #s! se ouer D Ies #rinci#ales a##roches) Ee Se%il, Paris, 4>0 pages+
L G4)G# Serge *A001'+ I=olution de la #s!chothra#ie en (uro#e de l=Ouest, Con&Srence
a% T
CongrUs de l7AP V !osco%, <%illet A001+
L G4)G# Serge *A003'+ The (olution of Ps!chothera#! in Cestern (uro#e
!osco., in International Journal of Ps!chothera#! *4IP', -ol+ ?, )r A, I%ly A003; p+ 1A9-139+
L G4)G# Serge *A00>'+ Ps!chothra#ie 8 .00 r#onses #our en finir aec les ides re"ues, "%nod, Paris, A90 p+
L G4)G# Serge *A00>'+ The (olution of Ps!chothera#! in (uro#e, ,o;yo, in International
Journal of Ps!chothera#! *4IP', -ol+11, )r A, I%ly A00K; p+ >1-K1+
L G4)G# Serge *A009'+ The (olution of Ps!chothera#! in (uro#e, PS;in, oct+ A00?, in
Corld Journal of Ps!chothera#! *WIP', -ol+A, )r 1, !arch A009; p+ 1A>-13A
L H(CN# G+ W (GG4# W+ *A004'+ S!stKme de sant en Suisse, Nans N%:er, Jerne, p+ A>3-AK>+
L P#4,X Al&red H al) *A00A'+ Glo5alized Ps!chothera#!, $ac%ltas Gni-ersitYts-erlag, Dienna, ?6A pages+
L We:Site AP C .../e%ropsyche+org
L X#J,,( #iccardo, ,A),A! "ig:y *A001'C Sure! of (uro#ean Ps!chothera#! Training,
in (uro#ean Journal of Ps!chothera#!, 'ounselling H *ealth, Dol+ 4, )r 3, "ec+ 01, p+ 39K-406

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