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Smart Ideas to Help Manage or

Eliminate Daily Interruptions!

1. Stand up when someone enters your cubicle or office.
2. Block out quiet hours on Outlook (should coincide with productive hours)
3. Set a mental time limit for unscheduled visits- have a go-to dismissal phrase.
4. Remove your name from distribution lists that may dont tie to your priorities.
5. Turn off e-mail alert.
6. Designate 4-5 e-mail and voice-mail check-in times per day (7am, noon, 3pm, 8pm).
7. Use e-mail auto response to let people know when you check e-mail.
8. Screen calls or turn off ringer.
9. Leave voice-mail message that says the time of day you return calls.
10. Be assertive when ending conversations.
11. Utilize a small conference room when you need quiet time.
12. Make work space/ office less welcoming to visitors.
13. Post a sign to indicate when you are busy/ available.
14. Set regular times to meet with co-workers- make room upfront for social talk.
15. Learn how and when to say No. Be aware of limitations. Be realistic (+ 20%)
Improve Time Spent in Meetings

1. Establish purpose.
2. Issue an agenda to all participants for previewing.
3. Prefer frequent and brief over in-frequent and long meetings.
4. Invite only necessary players:
Assign the time interval in which they need to be present.
Set clear guidelines and time limits to speakers.
Assign additional roles: timekeeper, recorder, facilitator

USA Script:
Manage interruptions assertively!
U = Understanding statement
S = State the alternative
A = Establish agreement
If youre asked to provide an unexpected deliverable, try.
I can get that to you in 30 minutes; Im in the middle of something that I have
to complete before moving onto anything else. Will that work?
If a co-worker stops by asking for assistance, try
Sure, I can help you with that. Can I put you in for 11:00. I will come to you.
Does that work in your schedule?
If it is a random visit, likely just social, try
Hey, would you like to eat lunch together? I need to get through this first, but I
think by 12:00 Ill be ready. Can you give me a call then?

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