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a squad of the sorcerer-kings guards seals off all streets and alleys The soldiers
move down the street, accosting everyone in their path.
reedom, David Zeb Cook
Torban is the half-giant commander of a squadron of Kalaks guards! "e leads a #atrol of
four half-giants, assisted b$ a #air of tem#lars! Torban features as an adversar$ in
reedom, %art &D %ress 'ang!
Torban, Male Half-Giant Ftr 6: C( )* +arge 'iant* "D ,d-./ 0half-giant1 #lus /d&2.&-
0fighter1* h# )3* 4nit.5* 6#d 72* 8C ) 0Defense 9onus .-, 6i:e ;&1* D( /<- 0natural .&,
#artial chitin .31* 9ase 8tk<'ra##le .)<.&-* 8tk .&5<.= melee 0,d-.&,, large co##er
greatclub1* 6#ace<(each &2ft!<&2ft!* 6> ?ort .&&* (ef .,* @ill .7* 8+ +A* 6tr ,5* DeB &&*
Con &/* 4nt &,* @is &7* Cha =!
Half-Giant Traits: 8Bis 8lignment, Darkvision /2 ft, Catural 8rmor!
Skills and Feats: Climb ) 0.&21, Dum# - 0.&&1, 4ntimidate &2 0.=1, KnoEledge 0laE1 5
0.31, Cleave, 'reat Cleave, 4m#roved 4nitiative, 4m#roved 6under, %oEer 8ttack, @ea#on
?ocus 0greatclub1, @ea#on 6#eciali:ation 0greatclub1!

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