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Prithen and Nandlex

A pair of raffish looking elves enter the plaza... They are tall and slender, their skin a
crinkly brown from the sun. Their somber but finely-cut clothes denote high status within
their tribe.
reedom, David Zeb Cook
Prithen and Nandlex are elves of whatever elven tribe is currently in Tyr accordin to the
D!"s ca#$ain% These two feature as adversaries in reedom, Part &' (lf )rawl%
Prithen and Nandlex, Male Elves Rog 3: C* +, !ediu# -u#anoid .elf/, -D +d01+, h$
2, &3, 4nit 15, 6$d 37", 'C 0 .Defense )onus 13, Dex 15/, D* 589 .leather ar#or/, )ase
'tk8:ra$$le 1581+ 'tk 1+ #elee .d31&, &29578x5, bone daer/, 6$ace8*each ;ft%8;ft%,
6< =ort 15, *ef 1;, >ill 1&, '? C(, 6tr &+, Dex &;, Con &5, 4nt &+, >is &&, Cha &3%
Elf Traits (Ex): (lf *un, ?ow9liht vision, Proficient with all bows, *esistant to
Te#$erature (xtre#es, 6kill )onuses .?isten, Perfor#, 6earch, 6$ot/, >ea$on =a#iliarity
.(lven ?onblade/%
Rogue Abilities: (vasion, sneak attack 15d0, tra$findin%
Sills and !eats: )luff 0 .1@/, -ide 0 .1@/, 4nti#idate 0 .1@/, ?isten 0 .1@/, !ove
6ilently 0 .1@/, Perfor# 0 .1&7/, 6earch 0 .12/, 6leiht of -and 0 .1@/, 6$ot 0 .1@/,
Point )lank 6hot, *a$id 6hot%

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