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Bryce Pri nce
V i s u a l M e d i a
P o r t f o l i o
Contact Info
Bryce Prince
13524 Bermuda Pl.
Chino, CA 91710
Cell #: 909.573.9672
Table of Contents
Event Ad
Photo Design
Web Page
Business Card
Mont age
Project #4
This is a montage that uses an image and a quote to give an inspirational thought through the use of color and typography.
May 31, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn how to blend images using Photoshop.
To learn how to use the masking tool.
To create a specifc message with the blending of seemingly different objects.
I began this project by searching for some images of Joseph Smith and Captain Moroni(a character in the
Book of Mormon). Te reason that I selected them was because, to me, they are great examples of courage
and bravery that would defnitely shake ...very powers of hell. Afer I found these images, I found a great
background of clouds to represent sort of a heavenly scene. Once I had done this, I opened Adobe Photoshop
and use the masking tool to combine the three objects together. Afer I had done this, I put the text in,
rasterized it, changed it to a linear light efect and placed it on the image.
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Photoshop
Project #8
A two sided brochure with a logo that I created.
July 12, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn how to use a duplex layout to create a brochure.
To learn how to use several different Adobe products for one design.
To learn how to create a unique message based on the appeal of the design.
I began by sketching out several ideas and designs until I settled on a brochure for a dessert diner. I chose several elements that
I wanted to have during this portion of the design process. The frst was that I wanted to create a visual fow by having a logo
that used an upside down triangle. As I sketched this design out, I knew that I needed to have visual hierarchy and made sure
to incorporate that throughout the design. Next, I began to sketch several designs for the logo that I would include. I decided to
go with the ice cream design, because I felt that ice cream was the most recognizable dessert item. After I had created all of my
sketches, I went into Adobe Illustrator and created the logo. Once I had done that, I grabbed all the images and colors that I needed
and placed them in the design. After I had done this, I placed the logo and body copy in its respective places and fnished the
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Fl i er
Project #1
This is a Black & White fier to advertise for a graduate leadership conference.
May 10, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To introduce me to the basics of Adobe Indesign.
To learn how to use shapes and text so that they contrast properly.
To learn the basics of creating an appeal to a specifc audience.
Before I turned to the computer to begin putting my designs together, I made sure to draw plenty of sketches so that I could get
the idea that I liked best. Then I showed some of my top designs to other Visual Media students and asked them which one they
liked best. Then I created a draft using Adobe InDesign, printed it out, and showed it to some more Visual Media students who
showed me some of the details that I could change. I then decided to reorganize the title portion on my original idea. In this design
I decided to go with a more professional, sleek look, and so I decided to frame my photo in a somewhat curved frame. I used the
triangles to create repetition in the design. I colored those triangles to create contrast and create a fow throughout the design. I
placed the body copy inside the triangle and made it small to create focus on that element. Then I used white text in the bottom
triangles to create contrast so that they would be drawn to some of the important information(Date, Time, and Place).
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe InDesign
Event Ad
Project #2
This is a full-bleed color event ad to promote a charitable event using only a scanner and Microsoft Word.
May 17, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn the basics of color scheme in a design.
To learn how to make an ad using only Microsoft Word.
First, I scanned the image of a car on a racetrack, and then set it as the entire background. After having made this decision, I
sketched out many shape maps. Then I produced a rough draft on Microsoft Word. After that, I received some critique from my
classmates and decided to shift to a different layout. After realizing that the layout that I had chosen would not work, I decided to
go with yet another layout. I decided to use three rectangles to create repetition. Then I decided to go with a split-complementary
color scheme. Then I added the title and made it large enough to place it frst on the visual hierarchy. I decided to use red text on
the blue box across the top and bottom to create contrast. I also used blue text to create contrast on the orange rectangle.
Programs/Tools Used:
Microsoft Word
Phot o Desi gn
Project #3
This was a poster that was supposed to illustrate good photography and Photoshop skills. It was also supposed to incorporate a
particular color scheme throughout the entire design.
May 24, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To create a design using a photo, a color scheme, and Photoshop.
To edit a photo so that it matched the color scheme.
I frst determined my color scheme by looking at all the different options and deciding which one I wanted. I then chose a triadic
color scheme and searched for a location that had some of the basic coloring in it naturally. Once I found that the football stadium
with the campus in the background generally flled these, I took several pictures to get it just right. I then opened up Photoshop
and edited some of the colors that didnt quite match the triadic scheme and made them match the design that I wanted while
still having them look natural. I then used a series of rectangles to give the image a sort of 3D effect. Once I had done this, I used
diagonal balanceto place the color scheme name and color names on each side to display my thought process.
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Photoshop
Project #5
Design three different logos for the same company.
June 7, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator.
To learn how to create a design with perspective.
To learn how to create recognition for a company.
I began this project by coming up with an idea for a company that I would design a logo for. Once I had the idea of the company
that I would be doing this for, I began to sketch out some logo ideas. After doing about 20 sketches or so, I determined that I had
three logo ideas that I wanted to try. In my original draft, I originally went with just the street sign for the top logo, and just one
P for the middle logo. (What I mean by just one P is that the pizza formed p was giant and the three words fowed from the
one letter). However, after getting some critique, I realized that just having a street sign did not get my message across properly, so
I decided to put a pizza as a background for it. I then designed the other two logos as I had sketched them. Once I had done this, I
placed my other two logos beneath it in order to display all three. I then took votes to see what everyone liked best, and they chose
the bottom logo.
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Web Page
Project #7
This is a webpage designed using HTML and CSS in order to display a logo that I personally designed.
June 28, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn the basics of HTML and CSS to display a design.
To learn slightly more complicated instrctions in order to design something more intersting.
I began this project by making a couple adjustments to a logo I had designed a couple weeks ago in order to display something
with slightly better quality than what I had before. I was then shown how to use HTML and CSS so that I could display this logo
on a web page. I had very little experience with CSS, and I thought that learning this skill was amazing, and I am defnitely looking
forward to continuously using this skill. I adjusted a pre-written code to get the design I wanted, and had to search the internet to
fgure out how to do certain things. Once I had got the texture and the images, I placed them all in, and made sure the padding was
correct. After doing this, I made sure that the codes worked by going to an online validator.
Programs/Tools Used:
Text Wrangler
Adobe Photoshop
Busi ness Card
Project #6, Part 1
Creation of a matching business card and letterhead using a logo that I designed.
June 14, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn how to implement a logo on a business card.
To learn how to implement that scheme throughout the entire design.
I began my process by sketching and creating an extremely simple logo on Adobe Illustrator. I used this to get a feel for
designing a letterhead and business card on Adobe Illustrator. After realizing that I liked the basic design of the letterhead, I
went back to sketching and came up with a similar, yet much more aesthetically pleasing, logo that I would use in the fnal
project. I then opened Adobe Illustrator and designed from my sketch, which included the company title and a breifcase
surrounded by a circle. I then placed this design into a document on Adobe InDesign. After doing so, I placed the info on the
back of the card, with the correct amount of white space.
Programs/Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Craig Prince
CAP Insurance Services
13415 Fifh St., Suite B
Chino, CA 91710
Phone: 800.570.3330 Fax: 909.590.8640
Let t erhead
Project #6, Part 2
Creation of a matching business card and letterhead using a logo that I designed.
June 14, 2014
Visual Media - Cory Kerr
To learn how to create a letterhead that matched a business card.
To learn how to implement a color scheme within a letterhead.
Basing the design for the letterhead off of a business card I had already designed, I decided to use the color scheme as I created a
simple design for the letterhead. I created two thin bars and placed them at the top and bottom of the page with the top one being
cut off by the logo. I then placed the information at the right end of the top bar and used the same color scheme that I had used for
the logo. The simplicity makes this letterhead more usable as it leaves plenty of room for whoever is using it to write, while already
having their contact info on it.
Programs/Tools used:
Adobe InDesign

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