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Handwiting analysis is refered to as Graphology. Handwriting may also be

regarded as "brainwriting". It is an expression of the whole personality. Writing is
expressive movements and these movements have there meanings and
interpretations. Graphology is the study of handwriting and the connection it has to
a persons behavior.

There are three main systems of graphology. In Holistic Graphology a persons
profile is formed on the the basis of Form, Movement and Space. Integrative
Graphology is constructed on the basis that specific stroke formations relate to
personality traits. Symbolic Analysis is based on the analysis of symbols seen in
the handwriting. Every system of graphology has its own vocabulary that makes
the meaning those words different.

Graphology has been activley used in compiling profiles for Employment,
Business Partnerships and Marital Compatibility. In Switzerland, approximately 80
percent of large corporations use graphology in their hiring procedures. Forensic
document examination is not Grapholohy as it is only used to determine whether or
not a document was written by the person concerned.

Handwriting Analysis : Putting It to Work for You

History of Graphology:
Most of what we know about Graphology dates back over the last few hundred
years. The first known book about Graphology was published in 1622 by Camillo
Baldi, an Italian doctor of medicine and philosophy. In 1872, Jean Michon
published his book on Graphology which became the Authoity on the subject at
that time. Soon, European universities started to offer a Ph.D. or Master's degree in
graphology. With the advancement of psychology as a profession so did the study
of Graphology advance.

Conducting a Graphology Analysis:
You will need a sample of spontaneous handwriting written on plain paper using a
ballpoint or fountain pen of not less than 12 lines long with a signature. The age
and sex of the writer. Graphology instruments needed are a magnifying glass,
plastic ruler showing millimeters and a protractor for assessing the slant of the

How accurate is Graphology? A lot depends on the ability of the person doing the
Graphology analysis. As an indicator of personality and behavior, Graphology is
around 80-90% accurate.

The ABCs of Handwriting Analysis: The Complete Guide to Techniques and

Direction of Lines
Space Between Words
Space Between Lines
The Margins in Graphology
The Pen in Writing
The Slant
Body Image
Graphology Zones
Connection Of Letters
Space Between Letters
Pace Of Writing
Concealing Stroke

Handwriting Analysis Book
Instruction in writing has usually insisted in writing in straight lines. When we buy
writing paper it is ruled in a straight line. But even after years of practise the reality
is that few people write in a straight line.
Deviations from writing in a straight line are not the exception but more the norm.
In some cases fatigue can be considered a reason for a descending line.
Generally speaking descending lines may be caused by depression or pessimism.
Experience shows that people in a mood swing may temporarily write in
descending lines.
On the other hand ascending lines may indicate optimism. When we write we
move from left to right, in other words we progress.
Handwriting Analysis Book

The activity of writing may therefore be interpreted as a movement toward the
future. It may be said it represents our hopes and dreams.
A person who writes a straight line may also go straight toward his daily aim. If a
person writes in a precisely straight line we may say that person is unyeilding.
People who write in convex lines (a line that ascends then descends) start their
project with ambition and enthusiasm only to lose interest and give up before the
task has been completed.
People who write with concave lines (a line that descends than ascends) approach
their task with little optimism but gain self confidence as the task nears
completion. Out of a sample of 1,000 people only 3 people were found to write
concave lines.
Lines that are ascending steps are often found in people who have little stamina.
Descending steps are often found in writers who bravely fight off depressive
moods. Wavy, meandering lines may be indicative of moodiness.
Space between the words is non-deliberate. When we write the words follow one
another as they do in speech.
When a person speaks with pauses it may be because they are accustomed to
pondering and considering before they act. It may also be because the person wants
to let the words sink in to the audiences consciousness.
Handwriting Analysis Book

However, on the other hand if the pauses outweigh the importance of the speech,
then we may conclude the speaker is conceited. If there is no pause between the
writers words then we may say this is a person of action. This person may also be
Sometimes writers words are widley spaced and at other times narrowly spaced.
We may say that this writer is unstable in both thinking and emotions.
The space between the lines is most probably deiberately planned. The space
between the lines can be described as the picture of the writers mind.
A person who writes with wide space lines may live a life of order and system.
These people have executive ability and reasonableness. But if the space between
the lines becomes too wide it may indicate a person who likes to keep their
Handwriting Analysis Book

Small spaces between the lines may indicate a person who likes to be around other
people. Overlapping lines may indicate a person who suffers from an emotional or
mental disorder. If the lower zone descends in the following lines upper zone it
may indicate a person who has strong sexual impulses.
The Margins
Left margins are deliberatly chosen. A majority of writers will admit some deliberation in the
choice concerning the width of the left margin. Only in a few cases is the right margin chosen
with such purpose.
The width of the left margin might be indicative of the distance we wish to maintain to other
people. However this only betrays what we want, because it is the non-deliberate right margin
that shows the distance we really assume.
Handwriting Analysis Book

Wide left margins are often in handwtriting of proud or shy people. Pathologiaclly self-
conscious people will watch and control both the left and right margin.
Many graphologists take the assumption that upper margins are determined by outside
influences such as letterhead. It may be said that narrow upper margins betray informality
and wide ones show withdrawal.
No margins is indicative of a person who wants no distance between other people. They want
to be one with the world.
Wide margins are indicative of a withdrawn person.
The appearance of a handwriting is in some extent relevent to the pen you use.
People are aware of this fact. Therefore people give much thought to the selection
of a pen that feels natural to them.
But the same person with the same pen never writes the letter or word twice in
exactly the same way.
It may be said by some that the right slant is the normal slant. It may also be
percieved that whoever writes from left to right naturally uses the right slant.
But as we know some writers do not.
In general interprtation of writing it may be said that the left direction is interpreted
as the direction towards the mother as well as the past. Left slant writing is seen
more often in women than in men. We often see left slant in people who have a
disturbed balance in the parantel equilibrium.
Handwriting Analysis Book

Writers with left slant are generally much closer to their mothers.
The upright slant is found in people who are very independant in life. They tend to
have no inclination to either the mother or father.
Wholly upright hands are very rare. In fact this may only be achieved by a show of
The right slant is the most common and and most natural slant. The right slant is
found in people in a hurry, impatient people and the active writer.
The pressure against the paper is called primary pressure. The pressure against the penholder
is called secondary pressure.
The primary pressure indicates our strength and vitality. The secondary pressure indicates our
aims and inner convictions.
Handwriting Analysis Book

Primary pressure can be analyzed through the contrast between thinner upper strokes and
heavier downward strokes. The task is to define between pressure produced by will and
pessure produced by inhibition. Genuine pressure will appear naturally. Forced pressure
looks forced and even cries out.
Extreme added pressure is often seen in hands of criminals. Pressureless writing is often seen
in the hands of feminine writers.
A person`s body is projected in his writing.
His left side is to the right, and his right side is to his left.
It may suggest that the crossing of the neurological pathways typical in muscle
brain center correlations is relevant here.
The upper zone shows what a writer thinks, how they think, what they strive for,
imagination, pride and ethical ideas.
The lower zone harbours manifestations of things not yet known to the writer.
There we see what fills the unconscious.
In the middle zone the writers daily routine is shown.
The social behavior, relations, preferences and rejections.
Symmetry is a yardstick of the writers inner balance and developement.
Symmetry is used to establish style value.
When the upper zones are strongly developed we are dealing with a person of
intelligence and ambition.
However their emotional development remains infantile.
If the middle zone is strongly developed this is a person whose sentimental and
sensivity and concern for themselves are likely to result in emotional pain.
If the lower zone is overdeveloped we are dealing with a writer who is
overconcerned with money.
Legibilty is a measure of the writers sense of purposefulness.
Legible handwriters make good teachers and speakers.
They are sincere and co-operative.
But beware of the person whose writing is impressively legible.
These people are wolves in sheeps clothing.
The size of a letter is indicative of the writers self reliance.
A letter may extend in four directions, up, down, right or left.
A letter may also be tall and wide.
Tall capitals are people who tower above the rest.
Tall initials come from impressive people.
Small capitals are people who are modest in nature.
They concentrate on facts, not ideas.
Wide letters are extroverted people.
Narrow letters come from loners.
The connection of letters shows the writers attitude toward others.
In writing there are three mainly used links, garland, arcades and angles.
Deep garland indicate people who take things too tragically.
Enclosed garlends are people who tend to be calculating.
Handwriting Analysis Book

Flat garlands tend to come from the practical business man.
Square garlands tend to come from narrow minded people.
Supported garlands come from people who need emotional support in life.
General arcades show people who rely on instincts.
High arcades show artistic gifts. <>P> Low arcades show hypocrasy.
General angles show people who have contradictions in feelings.
Space between letters show the extent the writer relies upon their own intuition.
When all letters are connected it indicates a person with logical and systematic
When only some letters are unconnected it shows an artistic and intuitive thinker.
When most letters are unconnected it shows a person who is an egocentric.
Lack of end strokes indicates a shy person.
When the first letter stands apart it shows a cautious person.
Specific pace furnishes us with a variety of human characteristics.
Spontaneous Writing : Ambition, activity, insability, restlessness, impatient, quick
Unspontaneous Writing : Inflexibile, cautious, sluggish, plotter, schemer.
There are two interpretations of the concealing stroke.
Inhibition and insincerity are the basic meanings of the concealing strokes.
In the first letter : frustrated ambition.
In upper zone : Secretive.
Middle zone : Emotional delusions.
In garlands : Shyness.
In arcades : Shrewd.
In angels : Trickster.

Handwriting Analysis is the study of relationship between handwriting and
personality. Handwriting analysis can quickly reveal such factors as your character,
emotions, intellect, creativity, social adjustment, your desires, fears, weaknesses,
strengths and sexual appetite just to mention a few.

Why Use Handwriting Analysis ?

It saves you time in accurately finding out all about a person. Ask yourself how long
does it take, for example, when befriending, living with one another, to really determine
what he or she is really like? What would normally take weeks, months or even years,
can be accomplished in only minutes.

Furthermore handwriting analysis can aid in your business life. It is used in the hiring
and promotion process. It can also help determine physical or mental ailments, drug or
alcohol use and work style compatibility.

How does handwriting analysis work ?

Handwriting is as an instantaneous photograph of your mind. Your nervous system acts
as a wire from brain to hand. A thought in your brain is transmitted by electrical
impulses through the nervous system and fibers of your body, arm, hand and
fingers. The fingers are only vehicles that put it in writing.

The thoughts and feelings in the human mind have an immediate impact in the
formation of handwriting. You will be able to spot differences in the handwriting by
comparing your own writing samples written in various moods when you are angry,
happy, tired or feeling sick. When you compare these different samples you will be able
to see noticeable differences in pen stroke usage, even though your handwriting style
remains basically the same.

Handwriting is like an instantaneous photograph of the mind. Just like finger prints, no
two handwritings are identical.

What are the uses of Handwriting Analysis ?

Handwriting Analysis can help you understand yourself:
Having an accurate means of uncovering and understanding basic character and
personality traits has many advantages; knowing yourself is not the least of them. A
handwriting analysis report can help you gain insights into your own strengths and
weaknesses. And though you may have to face some unpleasant truths, it will at least
enable you to make wiser decisions for your personal and professional life.

Handwriting Analysis can help you understand other people:
Under normal circumstances, it could take years to really get to know someone, and
most of us don't have that kind of time or opportunity. With handwriting analysis, you
have a quick, sure means of discovering what someone else is like, what their
expectations are, and what's the best way to approach them, and this can make your
family, social, and business contact that much easier. (Why marry someone to find out
whether you can live them - or live with them to find out whether you should marry
them- when a careful comparison of your handwriting and their will tell you where or
whether you are compatible and where or whether conflicts could arise !)

Handwriting Analysis can help you choose a career:
Vocational analysis can help guide you, and those for whom you do an analysis, in the
choice of a career or profession. By pointing out talents, abilities and preferences, it
gives you a means of deciding what type of work would best suit you, and just as
important, what kind of employment situation to avoid.

Handwriting Analysis is also useful to an employer:
It can help a personnel manager determine whether or not a job applicant is suitable for
a particular position, and/or where it's best to place someone. Because handwriting
knows no sexual or racial distinctions, graphology is truly an equal opportunity
placement tool.

Handwriting Analysis can help you guard your health:
Your handwriting and your physical health are closely related. When you're ill or injured,
it affects the smoothness and coordination of your script, and very often an impending
illness will show up in handwriting before you're even aware that something is happening
to you. As you know, the earlier an illness is spotted, the easier it is to deal with it; and
with graphology, you may be the reason someone gets to a doctor for a check up before
a disease has a chance to take hold.

Change your handwriting change your life:
Knowing your weakness isn't enough, if you have to keep living with them. The question
is, can you change what's wrong with your life ? The answer is emphatic yes.

Just as your thoughts and feelings can affect the way you form your handwriting, the
way you form your handwriting can change your thoughts and feelings. Graphotherapy
can be used to effect character and personality changes in anyone who can write. This is
not a miracle process; both the preparatory analysis and the therapy procedure take
time, and require concentration and hardwork on the part of the writer. But you are how
you write - and you can write how you want to be.

And finally, handwriting analysis can be a career:
Especially now, when this science is being recognized by more and more institutions as
the accurate counseling and investigative tool it is. There are openings in business,
police, departments, hospitals and mental health centers, to name a few. And there is
also the possibility of becoming an independent consultant.

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