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Sex is one of the most (some say THE MOST) powerful energies on the planet. To grasp its
awesome and often overlooked power, take a look at the starving Somalis. Take away their
food, take away their dignity, humiliate and torture them and they still make babies.
Within our loins lies an energy that has the potential to create any reality we want.
nfortunately, most humans have a love!hate relationship with sex that is reflected in many
ways (i.e., unsafe promiscuity, self"destructive perversions, denial, shutdown, religious
intolerance, rape, abuse, etc.). #eligion has done much to suppress our divine sexual nature
and has kept the masses ignorant of the potential uses of sexual energy.
When we accept and embrace our sexual nature we are free to use its awesome power for our
benefit. We no longer worship it or deny it. We come into balance and view our sexuality as
part of our divinity. $t becomes %oyful, light and loving. We learn to use sex for more than
procreation or sensual gratification.
$ want to make a comment about celibacy. &any people, including so"called enlightened
teachers and religious figures, misunderstand celibacy. True celibacy is not a denial or
suppression of sexual energy. True celibacy is when one chooses to focus!channel their sexual
energy, in non"sexual ways, into other areas of their being. There are many ways to do this but
Sex &agic is not one of them since it involves sexual stimulation. Tantra embraces both the
sexual path and the celibate path.
Sex is creative energy. &agic is the art of creating reality.
True magic is simply the art of creating what you want. We can liken all the processes given to
us by masters and teachers (Seth, 'lexander, 'braham, 'vatar, etc.), as tools in our magician(s
or Shaman(s bag. )eople who consciously and deliberately create their reality are the ultimate
magicians on the planet.
Sex Magic:
Sex &agic is based on the belief that the most powerful moment of human existence is the
orgasm. Sex &agic is the art of utili*ing sexual orgasm to create a reality and!or expand
consciousness. 'll senses and psychic powers are heightened during orgasm. $t is a moment
when a window opens to the unlimited abundance of the unlimited universe.
+ow, some may argue that they fantasi*e about some person or event during sex and it
never materiali*es into a reality. This is because most of us, at the moment of orgasm, lose our
focus and get lost in the physical response. That(s okay, there(s nothing wrong with using sex for
pure pleasure. That intention is also a created reality. The S&#,) is about maintaining one(s
focus during orgasm and channeling the energy into creating a reality. 'ny reality, whether it(s
creating a new %ob, car, experience, relationship, etc.
The Process:
#elax and breathe deeply. -reathing deeply is key to the success of Sex &agic. Take your
time and relax your body, especially your %aw and belly.
$dentify what you want to create. $t(s important to choose something that really excites you.
&ake it specific. .ou can write it down or say it out loud as a mantra or affirmation. &ake it in
the present tense or as if it(s a reality already ( i.e., /$ earn 012,333 per year./)
4ocus on the creation. See, hear, taste, smell and feel the creation as if it(s real. 5isuali*e
yourself in the creation. 4or example, what is your life like when you earn that 012,3336 What
does it feel like6 &ake it big, in Technicolor, with all your focus and intention. -reathe into it.
+ow, when you(ve identified the feeling and!or picture that best captures what you want to
create, file it away in your mind and relax. (.ou may want to practice a bit with this step
before proceeding.)
7o whatever brings you almost to orgasm. This can be masturbation or sexual activity with a
supportive partner. #emember to relax and breathe into your orgasmic state. Take your time.
-ring yourself almost to orgasm, backing off %ust before the point"of"no"return, several or more
times. What you(re doing here is charging up the sexual battery.
$(ll digress here for a moment. $t(s easier for women to do this process because orgasm is
usually not an energy drain for them (as long as they(re not engaging in wild, aerobic and
physically exhausting sex). Women are able to climax multiple times (/#iding the -liss"Wave/ in
Tantra) gaining tremendous energy from it. So, to my sisters, $ encourage you to relax, breathe,
and have fun. $t(s also very helpful to strengthen your ),!vaginal muscle and get in touch with
your 8!Sacred Spot. There are many good books which cover this. &y favorite is /The 'rt of
Sexual 9cstasy/ by &argo 'nand. $(ll do a follow"up post about the /.oni &assage/ that you can
use with a supportive partner in con%unction with the S&#,).
The men are another story because their orgasmic energy is usually expelled out of their
pelvis, in their semen, and out of their body. 4ortunately this can be handled: nfortunately $
won(t be able to teach you within the limits of S9+9T and e"mail. $ encourage my brothers to
learn and practice the art of e%aculatory control ($ prefer the term 9%aculatory &astery) and
create an $+%aculation. There are several good books about this. &argo 'nand(s book covers
this. 4or the time being, %ust relax, breathe and come close to e%aculation six times before you
release your semen. $(ll follow"up with the /;ingam &assage/ that you can use with a supportive
partner in con%unction with the S&#,).
When you have almost reached orgasm, after coming close several times and you(re ready to
let go, recall from your mind the reality you want to create and energi*e it with focused
intention. &ake it vivid, exciting, big and beautiful.
When you orgasm, keep focused on the picture!creation and deliberately channel the
orgasm into it. <ust let it flow into the reality you want to create. #emember to keep breathing
during the orgasm and breathe your orgasmic energy into your creation! goal!dream!reality.
Stay focused and hold the picture. .our body will do the rest (this is why a partner is very
helpful""they can do the physical work for you =").
.ou can repeat the process if you want to come to another orgasm.
The reality will create itself immediately or will be buffered by time. $t may also manifest as
an opportunity, insight, healing, etc. The power of the S&#,) will blow your mind as you
master it: >ave fun with your creations.
'll of us possess some electrical and magnetic forces within, and, %ust like a magnet, we exert
a force of attraction and repulsion... -etween lovers that magnetic force is particularly
powerful and its action has a far"reaching effect.
Sexual &agic (The Saha%a &aithuna) between husband and wife is based on the polar properties
which certainly have their potential element in sex. +either hormones nor patented vitamins
are what we need for life, but rather authentic knowledge of .? and &9, hence the
interchange of the most selected, affective and erotic faculties between man and woman.
The medieval asceticism of the bygone age of )isces re%ected sex, characteri*ing it as taboo or
The new revolutionary asceticism of '@uarius is based on sex. $t is clear that the clue of all
powers is found within the mysteries of ;ingam".oni. 4rom the intelligent combination of
sexual yearning and spiritual enthusiasm arises, as if by enchantment, magic ,onsciousness.
' wise author said= ASexual &agic leads to the unity of the Soul and sensuality, in other words,
to vitali*ed sexuality. Sexuality is no longer characteri*ed as suspicious and scornfulB to be
practiced only in secrecy and with a certain confessed shame. ?n the contrary, it is placed at
the service of a marvelous re%oicing of life, permeated by it and elevated to a component of
the affirmation of existence, which happily assures the e@uilibrium of free personality.C
We urgently need to escape from the dismal daily tendency of vulgar ordinary coupling and to
enter into the luminous sphere of magnetic e@uilibrium in order to rediscover oneself in oneDs
spouse, to find in him!her the )ath of the #a*orDs 9dge, the secret way which leads to the final
$t is urgent to know that there are twelve fundamental basic hydrogens in the universe.
The twelve basic hydrogens are scaled in accordance with the twelve categories of matter. The
twelve categories of matter exist in all of creation. ;et us remember the twelve halls of the
*odiac, the twelve spheres of cosmic vibration within which the Solar >umanity must develop.
4rom the twelve basic hydrogens are derived all the secondary hydrogens, their diverse
densities ranging from E to FG,G1H.
The term has a very extensive meaning in 8nosticism. 'ny simple element is really a /hydrogen/
of a certain density.
>ydrogen (>) H1I is found in water, > FJG in the air, > JE is wisely deposited in the animal
magnetism, the emanations of the human body, x"rays, hormones, vitamins, etc.
The brothers and sisters in the 8nostic movement are already @uite familiar with the hydrogens
I1, GI, FG and E, because we have studied them in our previous ,hristmas &essages. >ydrogen
I1 corresponds to chlorine (,l), atomic weight H2.2B hydrogen GI corresponds to fluorine (4),
atomic weight FJB hydrogen FG corresponds to the hydrogen (>) in chemistry, atomic weight F.
,arbon (,), nitrogen (+) and oxygen (?) have the atomic weights FG, FI and FE. >ydrogen JE
corresponds to bromine (-r), atomic weigh 13B hydrogen FJG corresponds to iodine ($), atomic
weight FGK.
This most interesting aspect of the hydrogens is the field of occult chemistry or 8nostic
chemistry and, it being @uite difficult, we prefer (for the good of our students) to study it
gradually in each of our ,hristmas &essages.
;et us study now the famous Sexual >ydrogen S$"FG, the wonderful creative hydrogen that is
wisely produced in the factory of the human organism.
$n the human organism the food from the dish goes through many transformations, refinements
and subtle changes, which develop in the musical scale 7?, #9, &$, 4', S?;, ;', S$.
When food at its hardest stage is being chewed, it is striking 7?B when it goes by the larynx, it
strikes #9B then, when it descends to the region of the stomach, it strikes &$B when the process
by the spleen and the liver is already starting, it strikes the note 4' of creationB the note 7? is
reached with the activity of the pancreas and the colonB the note ;' when the vital principles
are already entering the blood streamB S$, which is the highest note, occurs when that elixir of
wonderful energy in the sexual glands is already being produced= the 9ns Seminis, Sexual
>ydrogen S$"FG, raw Luicksilver.
n@uestionably, this Sexual >ydrogen S$"FG is the end"product of the transformation of food in
the marvelous laboratory of the human organism.
8iven that 9insten proved scientifically that matter is susceptible of being transformed into
energy and that energy can be transformed into matter (eMmcG), no one would find it
surprising nowadays that the Seminal 9ntity, in which the Sexual >ydrogen S$"FG is contained,
can be transformed into energy.
See how the water of a puddle on the road gradually evaporates under the heat from the sun
and becomes clouds, and ultimately energy, lightning and thunder. 'll the water from the seas
and the rivers becomes clouds and finally lightning and thunderB that is, energy. The same
happens with the 9ns Seminis.
What does one understand by Aens seminis6C The 9ntity of the Semen, the Seminal ;i@uor, or in
other words, the Sacred Sperm (ed= the sexual energy in both males and females).
+owadays, there is a tendency to consider the sperm as %ust a substance excreted by our
sexual endocrine glands. The sperm, however, is sacred because it contains our true identity.
&edieval alchemists saw 5$T#$?; in the Sperm. The word 5itriol is an acrostic derived from the
phrase A5isita $nteriora Terrae, #ectificando $nvenies ?ccultum ;apidemC (/5isit the interior of
the earth, which by rectifying you will find the ?ccult Stone/).
-ut to what Stone were medieval alchemists referring6 The famous )hilosopherDs Stone. That
Stone has to be manufacturedB undoubtedly, there are formulas to manufacture it. ,ertainly
those formulas lie in us being able to transmute the ASexual ;ibidoBC that is, to transform the
sperm into energy.
$f with the 9ns Seminis we can give life to a child, if with the 9ns Seminis we can reproduce the
species, if with the 9ns Seminis we can fill a world with millions of beingsB then " even if it
might seem impossible " it is certainly true that with the 9ns Seminis (the 9ntity of the Semen)
we can give life to ourselves and become authentic Super"&en or Super"Women, in the full
sense of the word.
Speaking from a strictly scientific point of view, we should say that when the sacred sperm is
not e%aculated it becomes what is called a AnodeC (nodes are energy " transcendent
electricity). That sexual energy rises then through specific ultra"sensible channels of the spinal
column (which are related to the 5agus and the Sympathetic nervous systems) up to the brain.
That energy makes the brain dynamic and develops and dilutes itself in the cerebral mass,
opening up with its force the power that lies in the psyche.
Through transmutation of the Asexual libidoC we certainly achieve what some have called Ato
cerebrate the semen and seminate the brain.C $t is necessary to Aseminate the brain,C because
it is well"known by men of science that not all the areas in the brain are presently working. $t
is now known in medicine that only a minimal part of our brain is working, carrying out its
functions. n@uestionably, we have many areas of the brain that are inactive.
$f with the little part of the brain that is active we have managed to produce atomic rockets
that travel to the moon and the atomic bomb (with which cities like >iroshima and +agasaki
were destroyed), and if we have created supersonic airplanes that travel at an extraordinary
speed, what would it be like if we regenerated the brain, if we should put all the parts of the
brain into activity, if the whole of the encephalic mass worked6 Then we could transform the
world, change it, and make it a marvelous place...
-ut we need to regenerate it. We need to AseminateC it= Ato cerebrate the semen and
seminate the brain,C that is the key.
$t is possible to seminate the brain. The great musicians of the past (for example, -eethoven,
&o*art, ,hopin, or ;is*t) were people whose brains were very seminated, people who gave
extraordinary capacities to their brains, people who used the highest percentage of the brain
areas. +evertheless, nowadays things are @uite different= the human brain has degenerated too
much, and we do not reali*e it...
$f we are en%oying a Abinge,C if we follow the latest Awave,C if we are in the middle of some
Arock and rollC and somebody suddenly turns it off and plays -eethovenDs +inth Symphony, how
would you feel6 Surely you would not go on with the Abinge.C What would you do6 .ou would
not, of course, go and insult the host (obviously not), but surely you would very decently leave.
Would you not6 Why..6
$n the &iddle 'ges, for example, when the brain had not yet degenerated so much, things were
different= people danced walt*es, they danced to classical musicB they would dine having
musicians play for them, and so they would vibrate to the most delicious symphoniesB
-eethoven, &o*art, ;is*t and ,hopin were in fashion...
That was in the &iddle 'ges, but we are not in the &iddle 'ges now= nowadays, if we are in the
middle of a binge and they play music like that, we simply turn round and " Aau revoir:C "
leave. ?bviously, we go away. Why6 -ecause we feel bored. 'nd why do we feel bored6 (;et us
be analytical " we are here to analy*e.) Simply, because the brain is degenerated= there are
certain areas in the brain which cannot appreciate good music anymore. 'nd why has the brain
degenerated6 $t has degenerated simply because for many centuries we have been extracting
from our organisms the 9ntity of the Semen.
'nd actually, we have not extracted it to give life to other creatures, certainly not= we have
extracted it because we have en%oyed doing so, because it is a great pleasure, that is all. This
is why we have reveled in lust, in beds of pleasure, en%oying it enormously. -ut the brain has
been the one left Ato carry the can,C the brain has paid the conse@uences= now there are many
areas that are not working.
$t is possible, however, to regenerate the brain. -ut in order to regenerate it one has to
transmute the 9ntity of Semen, turn it to energy. ?nly thus can one Acerebrate the semen.C
9xtraordinary psychosomatic changes occur when the Sacred Sperm is transformed into energy.
We know well what the hormonal vessels in our gonads areB how they workB how the hormones
pass from one vessel to anotherB how they travel along the spermatic cords, eventually
reaching the prostate. We know well how precious the prostate is. There the greatest
transformations of the 9ntity of the Semen are produced, and the hormones finally enter the
blood stream.
The word hormone comes from a 8reek root that means Aa yearning for being, the force of
>ormones have been studied by our men of scienceB hormones are wonderful. Sexual
hormones, for example, work miracles when they enter the blood stream= they come into
contact with the endocrine glands (whether the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, or the thymus,
etc) and stimulate themB they make those little micro"laboratories produce more and more
hormones. These hormones, produced by all the glands in general, enrich the blood stream
extraordinarily, and then ailments disappear, illnesses disappear.
7o you know what growing old really is6 &aybe you think it is related to the years of age, to
time. >owever, what we call AtimeC is nothing more than an illusion of the mind.
?ne day, we go out to the countryside and we see the sun rising and we say A$tDs six oDclock in
the morning,C then later we see it setting and we say A$tDs six oDclock in the evening,C but
where are those twelve hours6 $ ask myself and $ ask you= where did you get them6 $ want
somebody to take those twelve hours into a laboratory to examine them, in order to see what
those hours are made of, to see whether they are made of iron, or copper, or what.
Where did you get them6 $ wonder what substance are they made of... 're they round, or are
they s@uare6 What are they like6 $ would like to know about themB somebody should put them
in a showcase, or lay them on the table in a laboratory to look at them...
#eally they do not exist= AtimeC does not existB it is %ust an invention of the mind. What has
been there is the process of the sun rising and the process of it setting, but between one
period and the other (that is, between the phenomenon of watching the sun rising and the
phenomenon of seeing it setting), we put our hackneyed hours. That is the invention of the
mind: Those two phenomena, the sun rising and setting, are two phenomena that have
occurred within an eternal instant.
There is not, therefore, such thing as time: Time is completely sub%ective= it does not have an
ob%ective source, a real source. $t is an invention of the mind. $t happens as well with the
@uestion of old age. We say, A$ am 13 years old, and conse@uently $ am an old man.C -ut show
me those years. Where are they6 $ would like someone to put them in a laboratory (those
hackneyed 13 years), in order to examine them and see what are they made of, from what
substance are they made. Where are they6 The harsh reality of this, my dear friends, is that
there has been a succession of phenomena in an organism= new cells have been substituted for
old onesB some cells have been damaged, they have deteriorated and have been eliminated.
Then we say, A$t is a matter of age...C -ut it is a matter of cells, not age: $t is a matter of
phenomena, of cellular mechanisms. 's for the years, where are they6 What one finds is
cellular mechanics, faulty mechanical processes:
+ow, you must know that the most powerful hormones in the human organism are in the sexual
glands of inner secretion.
Think for a moment= what are, for example, the sexual hormones. ,learly " and let us focus on
facts " the testicles have three layers= the first testicular layer has cells that manifest their
activity very specially during the first seven years of infancy, then one is under the rulership of
the &oonB later on, from seven to fourteen years, under the rulership of &ercury, the second
testicular layer moves into activity and fully defines the sex of that maleB and much later on,
from fourteen to twenty"one, under the rulership of 5enus, the third testicular layer becomes
active, producing abundant *oosperms. The *oosperms that are produced in the third testicular
layer ascend by the ad%acent testis and continue along the spermatic cord towards the seminal
vesicles, until they reach the prostate.
$t is most interesting to know that those *oosperms become electrified as they ascend trough
the spermatic cords, they gradually become charged with a lot of electricity, and what is even
more interesting is that they become magneti*ed, so to speak, from south to northB that is,
they work like a compass, south"to"northB they also orientate themselves towards the +orth,
being electrified, magneti*ed...
$t is most interesting to see how they pass from one small vessel to another, climbing through
the spermatic cords, until they reach the seminal vesicles, where the sperm is purified even
more (all those *oosperms), until they reach the prostate, where there is a very important
chakra. ?bviously, the Svadisthana ,hakra, which is fundamental for the mastery of sexual
transmutation, is located there. Sexual transmutation is based on the prostate. The )rostatic
,hakra is, therefore, most important, and most interesting.
That sperm becomes totally purified. $t becomes completely radioactive, it becomes
completely electromagnetic... 'nd with transmutation, it turns into energy.
Noosperms break down into hormones, which go through the membranes and finally enter the
blood, actively stimulating the glands of inner secretion. They make them work in an
extraordinarily intensive way. Then the hormones ascend, they continue on their way to the
brain. There they activate the brain areas that do not work anymore, that are degeneratedB
they make all the brain cells dynamic and activate certain powers latent in man, etc., etc.,
nfortunately, and this is the most serious thing, my dear friends, people are degenerated.
5ulgar, ordinary men do not let the *oosperms rise to the prostate " not even for a second= they
eliminate them from the sperm sacks to satisfy their brutal impulses.
nder such circumstances the brain degenerates awfully, due to the lack of rising hormones. $t
does not receive sexual hormones and loses its capacity for action. The faculties latent in man
degenerate because there is not enough stimuli from sexual hormones, which are so powerful,
as $ said. They have the power to move all the glands of inner secretion into activity, to make
them produce all sorts of hormones, which make the living organism dynamic.
-esides, there are other factors that must be taken into account= the sexual force is what
produces the phenomenon of AmitosisC in the fetus. &itosis is the splitting of cells to gestate
humans, animals... Well, the presence of creative energy makes the original cell, which has the
well"known I1 chromosomesF, split into twoB it makes the two split into four, the four into
eight, etc., etc., etc., and this is how the tissues, the organs and so on are formed. This is the
process of gestation, the formation of creatures in the maternal womb.
+ow from the point of view of sexual transmutation, $ want to tell you that the sexual
hormones (active in the blood, charged with electricity and magnetism) produce mitosis in the
adult human organism= new splitting of cells, formation of new tissues, etc. This is how you can
achieve " from a biological standpoint " a complete regeneration or re%uvenation of the human
What is the difference, for example, between the young Anew wavesC and the anti@uated and
retardant old people6 ?ne= a young manDs third testicular layer produces large amounts of
sexual hormones, lots of *oosperms. 'll these *oosperms, transformed into hormones, go to the
brain and renew it. That is why young people have a revolutionary way of thinking and open up
to what is new, etc. ?n the other hand, the poor old men who have already wasted the Sacred
Sperm, who have deteriorated through sexual abuse, are really ruined= the third testicular
layer now produces very few *oosperms. Luite often it takes them days and months to have
enough *oosperms to achieve a simple erection. 'nd of course, when they manage to achieve
an erection, they immediately seek the coitus and eliminate these *oosperms. They spend
days, a month, or more, accumulating new *oospermsB once they have them, they immediately
waste them (for the passionate satisfaction of a moment), and that is how they spend their
lives, till they die.
Since they do not have what produces great amounts of *oosperms, the third testicular layer
gradually becomes totally atrophied. $t produces its cells or hormones, but due to its atrophy
these cannot pass on to another stage. Then there may even appear certain inflammations and
swellings between the second and the third layers and, worst of all, this logically comes to
affect the prostate. Those poor, degenerated old men always have their prostates operated on
because of their abuses. This is clear and $ want you to understand it specifically and definitely.
So, since their third testicular layer is not producing enough *oosperms, the poor old men do
not have new ideas, because their brain cells are atrophied and certain areas are not working.
They become stuck in what they learned in the past, and turn into old"fashioned people who do
not accept anything newB they continue with their ancient ideas from yesterday, dated and
?bviously, they clash with young people, because the young ones are producing new *oosperms
and so they have new ideas and open up to what is newB then comes the clash between what is
new and what is old. That is then the difference between young people of Athe new waveC and
old people= it is wholly a sexual, biological difference.
Undersand ha c!ear!"#

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