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Artifact 2.


Standard 2.3 Authentic Learning
Candidates model and facilitate the use of digital tools and resources to engage students in
authentic learning experiences. (PSC 2.3/ISTE 2c)

The Engaged Learning lesson plan for ITEC 7400 meets the requirements for standard
2.3 authentic learning. Students used digital tools to research weather phenomenon and create a
PowerPoint presentation which they were able to present to their peers using the Promethean
Rationale (research): Project-based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students
explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning,
students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they are studying.
I chose a project based learning project to show how engagement and positive behavior is
increased when students are excited about the lesson. This lesson was completed over the course
of two weeks. Students were graded on a rubric for their PowerPoint presentations. Students
received a copy of the rubric prior to creating the presentations. I discussed the rubric with the
students to make sure that expectations were clearly stated. Students watched the news in order
to track weather patterns.
Students who had writing deficits were able to use the word processing software Read
Please, Write out Loud, and Co-Writer in order to create their PowerPoint Presentations.
Individual guidance was given to students as needed by myself and my paraprofessional.
This lesson was an amazing success. Our weather expert is a personal friend of mine and
has collaborated with several groups of my students. He is a pilot as his full time profession, so
he was able to bring in a World perspective that these students would not have been able to
experience in the standard classroom setting. The use of technology has the students engaged and
excited about the lesson. The opportunity to ask the pilot questions about flying, especially what
it was like flying through storms, led to a two hour discussion of the World Climate and the
different cultures around the World.
The students were actively engaged throughout the lesson. They asked relevant, higher
level thinking questions. The students were polite, thoughtful, and took turns, which is an issue
that we have been working on throughout the school year. I highly recommend project based
learning projects.
Future recommendations I have for implementing a lesson like this would be to expand
the time frame for the research portion of the lessons. I think researching their topic would be
able to be done more in depth if we dedicated two weeks to research alone, and then worked on
integrating the research into the technology we were going to use to publish the presentation. I
will also look at other software publishing avenues beyond Power Point in order to develop a
multitude of software skills with my students.
This type of project has the gives all students equal access to grade level content
regardless of their reading ability level. Technology allows students with learning deficits the
ability to participate independently in classroom assignments with their peers. Student
Artifact 2.3

achievement can be assessed through end of unit tests, benchmark testing, and CDA scores. The
project based learning opportunity increased motivation levels for students who have struggled
with task completion issues.

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