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Electricity Generation and

Economic use of Electricity

Representation Theory

John Allen
I would like to create a free small document about how to be eco-

This could be used to demonstrate how generate electrictiy using

ecological methods such as wind, solar, geothermal or biomass. It would
mainly be targeted towards. It could also inform people about how much
electricty these methods could produce, how much they cost and how
much money they could potentially save a householder.

It could also inform people about how to make better use of the
elctricity which comes into your house. The most ecological forms of
fixtures, the best forms of insulation and the best time to use certain ap-
pliances within the home.

The whole document would be aimed towards saving the house-

holder money as this is a language that everone understands.
Table of Contents:

Font Page: Title Page

Second Page (Back of Front Page): Wind Energy

Third Page: Solar Energy

Fourth Page: Geothermal/Biomass

Fith Page(Back of Third Page): Insulation

Sixth Page(Back of Fourth Page): General Information

Because of the nature of this leaflet and because it is aimed to be given out for free it
would make sense to make it would make sense to make it cheaply and ecologically.

The document would consits of one small piece of recycled paper which could be fold-
ed into three sections.

The recycled paper counld be bought or it could be made. The size of the document
would vary depending if the paper was recycled or bought. You can buy recycled paper from at a cost of 31.20 pounds for 500 sheets of A4 which could then be cut in half
so that each A4 page could produce 2 leaflets of size: 105mm x 297mm.

If you wish you could recycle the paper yourself. This used a wire hanger and so is de-
cided by the size of the hanger which could be 200mm x 450mm. It could also be made to the
same size as the paper which you could buy 105mm x 297mm. Recycled paper can be made
from old newspaper, following the instructions below.

You will need:

* a food processor or an old blender

* an electric iron
* an old wire hanger
* an old pair of tights
* newspaper or other paper, torn into 2-inch squares
* white glue
* water
* an insect screen or strainer (optional)
* food coloring (optional)
* a big sink or tub filled with 4 inches of water
Step One:
Make a frame out of the coat hanger. You’ll need a frame for each piece of paper you
make. Stretch the hanger and bend it into a rectangle/square shape. Take one leg of the
tights and stretch it carefully over the hanger frame. Make sure it is tight and flat.

Step Two:
Put a handful of the torn up paper and some water into the food processor or blender.
Blend the mixture on high until it becomes mushy. Keep adding paper and water until you
have a big gray blob. You may have to add a little more water to keep things moving smooth-
ly. Keep the food processor on until all the paper has disappeared. Then leave it on for 2

For some color, add a handful of brown or red onion skin (not the onion itself, just the pa-
pery outer skin).

Step Three:
Put 2 tablespoons of white glue in the sink water and add all of the paper pulp you
just made. Mix it really well. Use your hands.

Step Four:
Scoop the frame to the bottom of the sink, then lift it slowly. (Count to 20 slowly
while you are lifting.) Let the water drain out for about a minute.

Step Five:
Hang the frames on a clothesline or put them out in the sun. Wait until they are com-
pletely dry with no dampness at all. You can then gently peel off the paper.

Step Six:
Use the iron, set on the hottest setting, to steam out your paper. You can keep making
paper until the pulp is all strained out of the sink. Mix up the sink every time you make a
new piece.


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