Csilt - Basic Principle (Contd.) Soul Related and Material Related Karahas

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Soul related and material related Karahas.
Continuing my article on Basic Principles, this is 2
article. Of the
12 Bhavas, most important Bhava is Lagna Bhava. It is 1
of the
odd number in 12 Bhavas. It is heading the odd bhava group i.e.
1,,!,",#,11. 2
important Bhava is 2
in 12 Bhavas. It is even
$umber. It is heading the even Bhavas of 2.%.&.'.1(.12.
)eaders may please note that every
Bhava to a Bhava is an
improving house. This is why Lagna Bhava gets every third house
as odd numbers and 2
Bhava gets every third house as even
Bhavas. In a horoscope, of the 12 Bhavas, important Bhavas are
Lagna and 2
Bhava* because in a human body, head and face
are the important parts of body
+hese odd numbers are called ,oul related Bhavas i.e. they are
all inborn -ualities of a person. ,uch as person.s personality, his
love, affection to near and dear, inner feelings, senses, etc.
Readers may please note that in odd No. Bhavas, material benefit
matters karahas are far less and soul related matters karahas are
much more, elevating the native to a very high honourable status
for getting name and fame.
+he other even group is called material benefit Bhavas i.e. all
e/ternal e.g. your earning, purchase of land, house etc. In this
material benefit 0arahas are more, such as 1oney, property li2e
monetary related matters.
3e can divide life of a native into t4o parts 5i6 soul related
Bhavas 5ii6 material related life. 7usband83ife relation, family all
relating to his personal life. One material related life is his
profession, his involvement in competition 4ith other for earning
money 4ith others are some. +hin2ing sentimentally, behaving
4ith humanity 4ith others, sharing material benefits 4ith others,
e/pecting prestige, not allo4ing to leave the native.s honour for
the sa2e of money, participating in 4elfare measures, hearing
patiently good advices from others, to accommodate all
impartially, to get pleasure in getting name and fame rather than
any monetary gain, to get pleasure in touches of intimates,
follo4ing the right path 4ithout leaving the righteous one.
In the negative side, not caring for physical labour, lavishness,
entertainments and li2ing for feasts, not caring for future events,
tastes in arts, giving importance to imaginary thin2ing, believing
easily third persons, doing charity, ta2ing care of health, al4ays
2eeping neat and 4ell dressed, al4ays doing openly, not getting
proud of self and respect others, getting pleasure in
entertainments. +hese are all 0arahas of soul related Bhavas.
1aterial related 0arahas9
+hin2ing logically anything, friendship 4ith others 4ith selfish
motive, 2eeping all material benefits himself, 2eeping eye on
material benefit alone 4ithout minding for his self respect,
dominating others, not understanding others feelings, 2eeping his
o4n feelings secret 4ith himself, disinterest in sensual touches.
:rifting a4ay 4ith revolutionary path leaving traditional one.
Changing his life pattern according to environments.
;e4 other behaviours are9 getting interest in hard 4or2, cutting
short of unnecessary e/penditure, desisting to save money. $ot
participating in dinner or entertainment, doing things as planned,
not caring for others imagination, believing only his o4n
capability. <iving importance to -uality of a thing instead of its
beauty, not caring much for dressing and self attracting, 2eeping
every thing secret himself. 4ith sole intention of his earning
money in competition 4ith =ealousy thereby getting more and
more enemies, not caring even for his 4ell 4ishers and move
4ith the motive of money, even sacrifying his o4n health and
comforts, eager to get money benefits* +hese are all 2arahas for
material benefit Bhavas. Both odd Bhava 2arahas and even
Bhava 2arahas are tabulated and given belo49
O:: $>1B?), Bhavas9
Bhava $ative.s @ualities
1 Individuality of the native* Appearance, self effort,
administrative po4er, characters, longevity, healthy
body etc. etc.
$ative.s courage, mental strength or his mood, short
=ourneys, 4riting and communication etc.
! $ative.s intelligence, ability to create a life 5child birth6
interests in arts, in pleasure. Ability to entertain others
5Actors li2e6
" $ative.s behavior 4ith others 4hen he is re-uired to
move 4ith them, relation bet4een 7usband and 4ife.,
getting pleasure 4ith the touch of opponent 5love
affairs6* Public relations etc.'
# $ative.s luc2 or Bagyam, inner conscience, faith in <od,
higher education, research etc.
11 +his Bhava indicates the native.s ambition, desires,
satisfaction, full 2no4ledge, ability to spend 4ithin his
income. ?tc. etc.
?B?$ $>1B?),9
Bhava $ative.s material benefit related
2 $ative.s Balance of money in hand, ability to 2eep it safe,
source of income, ability to convert the money into
assets li2e <old, materials, metals etc. etc
% $ative.s movable or immovable properties, balance of
money in e/cess of re-uirement, domestic related
materials. $ative.s education, vehicles. ?tc.
& $ative.s monthly salary, repaying capacity for loan got
from others, rental receipt from house, assets more than
' $ative.s une/pected income, unla4ful income, insurance
receipt of money thro. death or accidents.
1( $ative.s profession, getting name and honour thro.
profession, gift received from <overnment. etc.
12 Investment Income received thro. investments, his 2

profession or from branches of the professionCbusiness.
<eneral principle is the soul related 2arahas are more in odd
bhavas and in material benefit 2arahas money related 2arahas
are more in even bhavas. At the same time, each Bhava has
4ithin it, both soul related 0arahas and material related 2arahas.
I may repeat again that soul related 0arahas are all 4ithin one.s
inner feelings and action, 4hile material related are all e/ternal
matters related to the native.
If a particular -uestioned Bhava gets lin2 4ith favourably to
Lagna, the native 4ill en=oy all soul related 2arahas in that Bhava
satisfactorily. If the above noted bhava does not lin2 4ith
favourably to its o4n Bhava 5but at the same time, it is lin2ed
favourably 4ith Lagna6, the native 4ill en=oy the soul related
matters in that bhava satisfactorily* but the material benefit
related matters cannot be en=oyed by the native or it may not
function at all.
)eaders may pl. note that if the native is to enoy both the soul
related and material related matters from a particular Bhava, that
Bhava should not link with ! and "2 Bhavas# link from Lagna,
which are bad to it.
At the same time, if the karahas of the material related matters
in a Bhava are to function favourably, that Bhava 5even $o.6
should lin2 favourably 4ith its Bhava or favourable to 2
but, they should not be %,',12 to that Bhava 5even Bhava6.
But soul related 0arahas in a Bhava, there is no necessity of
getting favourable lin2. 1,,!,",#,11 to Lagna 4ill be enough for
him to en=oy the benefit. ?ven if it is %,',12 to the -uestioned
Bhava, soul related 2arahas in that Bhava can be en=oyed by the
native. Particularly, soul related 0arahas in the even Bhavas, if to
be en=oyed 4ell* there 4ill be some dra4 bac2 in material related
matters in the above Bhavas. Because the even Bhavas if they
get lin2s 4ith odd Bhavas, then only the soul related matters in
the above bhavas, one can en=oy fruitfully.
)eaders to please note that even Bhava, lin2ing odd Bhavas, the
even Bhavas 4ill loose their strength to some e/tent. ,imilarly
material related matters in odd Bhavas, if one 4ants to en=oy
good results, soul related 2arahas in the above Bhavas, there 4ill
be some shortcoming that 4ill have to be faced by the native.
,ame approach 4ill be for all the planets. )eaders may please
note that all the # planets have 4ith them all the 12 Bhava
2arahas. +hese # planets 4ill give their 2arahas according to the
Bhava 4hich they get lin2ed.
5+he basis of stellar astrology is that each Planet 4ill act li2e its
star lord and sub lord6
In a horoscope 4hen a planet gets lin2ed 4ith odd bhavas i.e.
soul related Bhava, it 4ill give the result of material related
matters belo4 average. $ative cannot e/pect huge material
benefit 4ith the said 2arahas. If the above said planet lin2ed 4ith
the soul related 2arahas, suppose it gets lin2ed to the ' and 12
Bhavas, 4hich are 4orst negative bhavas to 2
bhava, the native
4ill face 4orst loss through those 2arahas of the planet. ;rom
this, )eaders may understand that each and every planet
4hichever Bhava it gets lin2ed, the planet absorbs those bhavas
2arahas as its o4n. It 4ill also spoil the Bhava, 4hich is ' and 12
to the Bhava.
+he result of a planet to be en=oyed is Lagna only. If a particular
planet gets lin2ed 4ith even Bhavas, that planet through is
2arahas, 4ill elevate the progress of material related matters.
+his is general principle. But that Bhava should not be ' and 12
to Lagna.
Let me e/plain this 4ith an e/ample9 +a2e the planet ,un. 7e
has 2arahas of administrative po4er, capability to head an unit,
denotes <overnment, father and bones of the body, brain, heart
etc. ,un, 4hen lin2ed to the odd Bhavas, through its 2arahas,
body, mind, bones in body, brain.s function, heart etc., li2e soul
related matters 4ill not get any problem. +hey 4ill function
satisfactorily. As ,un has also got administrative po4er, <ovt.
connection, 4hich relate to others too, 4ith remuneration some
times, they are to be ta2en as material related matters.
3hen 4e say odd Bhavas, 4e have to divide into t4o parts9 first
part, 1,!,# and other part ,",11, as trine houses... )eaders may
note that these trine Bhavas, 4ill give e/cellent results to soul
related matters. 3hen ,un gets lin2ed to 1,!,# Bhavas, ,un.s
other part viD. material related 2arahas, Lagna of the native
cannot get any income or benefit, because, to the material trine
Bhavas 2,&,1(, this becomes 12
7ere though the native has administrative po4ers, <ovt. support,
capable of heading a unit, the native 4ill not get any material
benefit nor 4ill he e/pect it. If there is no monetary gain, 4hat is
the use of all capabilitiesE At the same time, 4hen ,un gets
lin2ed to ,",11 Bhavas, these are on no 4ay connected to ' or
12 to the material trine of 2,&,1(. ,o in this case ,un 4ill be able
to give average income to the native by his lin2age of even
Bhavas. +his income is less than that of sun.s lin2 of 2,&,1(
Let us see ho4 ,un 4ill act 4hen he gets direct lin2 of 2,&,1(
material related Bhavas. ,un 4ill give good flo4 of income in this
case, as they are not in any 4ay connected to ' or 12 Bhavas to
Lagna. ,o the native 4ithout any e/ertion he 4ill be benefited by
good flo4 of income.
;urther Lagna denotes one.s individuality, ,un 4ith material
related 2arahas 4ill differ from others i.e the native 4ill shine in
his efficiency much more than others. Please note that 2 F & are
' F 12 to " denoting others. "
denotes opponents. At the same
time, ,un.s lin2 of 2,&,1( Bhavas 4ill give only average results to
soul related matters. In this &
Bhava indicates disease and ,un.s
2arahas being brain, bones, heart, there is chance of these
getting affected but it can be cured by medicines.
$e/t 4hen ,un gets lin2ed to %,',12 Bhavas, general rule is that
the native cannot en=oy the results of both soul related and
material related matters. In this the %
Bhava 4ill not do any
harm to material related matters of ,un, but material related
matters of ,un as individuality cannot differ from others. At the
same time, ,un.s %
Bhava soul related 2arahas 4ill be
+hat means there is li2elihood of getting disease in the parts of
bones, brain, heart etc. In short, if a particular Planet gets lin2 of
trine Bhavas 2,&,1( and ,",11 Bhavas, that planet 4ill allo4 the
native to en=oy both soul related and material related matters. If
4e e/amine the trine Bhavas 4e can bring many hidden secrets
3ith this I end this article.
Courtesy 9 1r.A.:evara=an.
+ranslated by 1r.0.,.B.)amani.

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