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Section Blog Entry Checklist Teacher Comments
Intro Story is introduced in exciting way

Module 1
Ratios/ Unit Rate

Develop ratio and rate
word problems to be
solved on your blog.
Section listed at the top
Story/situation is explained
Work is shown correctly
Answer is explained in words
At least one picture/video added
Font/size is changed

Module 2

Develop a proportion
word problems to be
solved on your blog
Section listed at the top
Story/situation is explained
Work is shown correctly
Answer is explained in words
At least one picture/video added
Font/size is changed

Module 3

Develop percent word
problems to be solved
on your blog
Section listed at the top
Story/situation is explained
Work is shown correctly
Answer is explained in words
At least one picture/video added
Font/size is changed

Module 4
Discount and
Sale Price

Develop discount and
sales price word
problems to be solved
on your blog
Section listed at the top
Story/situation is explained
Work is shown correctly
Answer is explained in words
At least one picture/video added
Font/size is changed

Module 5
Comparing 2

Develop word problems
with 2 unknowns to be
solved on your blog
Section listed at the top
Story/situation is explained
Work is shown correctly
Answer is explained in words
At least one picture/video added
Font/size is changed

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