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Quran 2/213:

"Mankind were one single community (but selfishness divided them)."

Quran 10/19:
"All mankind were but one community (and are meant to be so); but then they differed."

Quran 23/51-53:
"Partake of the decent things of life & work for the betterment of humanity. Allah is all aware.
And certainly this community of yours is one community & Allah is the sustainer, so remain
But mankind have torn their affair of unity between them into sects, each sect rejoicing in what
it has."

Reportedly, Nabi Muhammad said:
"He's not among us who calls, fights or dies for Asabiyyah (nationalism/tribalism)."
[Abu Da'wud]

Another reported saying of Nabi Muhammad:
"Leave nationalism, patriotism & racism, they are rotten beliefs."
[Muslim and Bukhari]

According to one reported Hadith of Nabi Muhammad, he said:
"There are indeed people who boast of their dead ancestors; but in the sight of Allah they are
more contemptible than the black beetle that rolls a piece of dung with its nose. Behold, Allah
has removed from you the arrogance of the Time of Jahiliyyah (Ignorance) with its boast of
ancestral glories. All people are from the same Adam race, and created out of dust. Among them
there are two types, either there are peaceful human-beings who do good for others, or wrong-
doers who damage society. So, people should give up their pride in nations because that is a
coal from the coals of Hell-fire."
[Tirmidhi & Abu Dawud]

So, terms like Pakistani, Hindustani, Bengali, etc. can only be used for KNOWING EACH OTHER,

Think globally, bcz when you've to live on a "round" planet, there's no choosing "sides". And
know that we're all one, as the borders are just man-made illusions.

#AbolishBoundaries bcz #WeAreAllOne ... :)

~ Ammar!

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