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Sample Paper 2012
Class XII
Subject- PHYSICS (Theory)
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsor!!
(iii) "!#o! $ to % are &er short answer tpe questions' carrin( one mark each!
(i&) "!#o num)ers * to $% are short answer tpe questions' carrin( two marks each!
(&) "!#o! $* to +7 are also short answer tpe questions' carrin( three marks each!
(&i) "!#o! +% to 30 are lon( answer tpe questions' carrin( ,i&e marks each!
(&iii) -ou ma use the ,ollowin( &alues o, phsical constants where&er necessar
m/s h=6.6 x 10
Js e=1.6 x 10
C NA = 6.023 x 10
/moe m! = 1.6" x 10
#g $0 =4% x 10
&-m/A me = 9 x 10
1. Why a D.C voltmeter and D.C ammeter cannot read alternating current?
2. What is the electrostatic potential due to an electric dipole at an equatorial point? Is their a electric field?
3. An electron does not suffer any deflection while passing through a region of uniform magnetic field. What is
the direction of the magnetic field?
4. A convex lens is placed in water. Will the focal length change? Explain
'. he electric field !etween two parallel plates of capacitor changes with time" a current !egins to flow in
!etween the plates. Write the related law.
6. he stopping potential in an experiment on photoelectric effect is #.$ %. What is the maximum &inetic energy
of the photo electrons emitted?
". When '
)i is !om!arded with a certain particle" two alpha particles are produced .Identify the !om!arding
8. Draw the diode circuit of *+ gate.
9. Define electric flux. Write its ,I unit. A charge q is enclosed !y a spherical surface of radius +. If the radius is
reduced to half" how would the electric flux through the surface change?
10. he given graph shows the variation of charge q versus potential difference % for two capacitors. he two
capacitors C# and C- have same plate separation !ut the plate area of C- is dou!le than that of C#. Which of the
lines in the graph correspond to C# and C- and why?
11. In a meter !ridge !alance point is found at a distance l# with resistances + and , as shown in figure. When an
un&nown resistance . is connected in parallel with resistance ," the !alance point shifts to a distance l-. /ind the
expression for . in terms of l#" l- and ,.
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12. Define current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer. Increasing the current sensitivity may not
necessarily increase the voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer. 0ustify.
13. When #11 volts d.c is applied across an inductor" a current of #A flows through it. If the same inductor is
connected across #11 v a.c. source" a current reduces to 1.$ A. Why is the current reduced in later case?
Calculate the reactance.
14. Write two characteristics of a transformer. Diagrammatically represent step2up and step2down transformer.
1'. 3ame the part o f e electromagnetic spectrum to which waves o f wavelength 4i5#A6 and 4ii5 #1
!elong. 7sing
the relation 8 9 41.-: cm5 ;" o!tain in the characteristic ;elvin temperature corresponding to these two
wavelengths.4i5 . 2rays" 4ii5 <icrowaves
16. Define refractive index of a transparent medium. A ray of light passes through a triangular prism. =lot a graph
showing the variation of the angle of deviation with the angle of incidence
1". A radioactive isotope has a half life of years. >ow long will it ta&e the activity to reduce to 4i5 '.#-$ ? and ii5
# ? of its original value?
18. Write the function of 4i5 ransducer and 4ii5 +epeater in the context of communication system.
Why can@t we transmit modulating signals using antenna? Aive two practical reasons.
19. ,how that an electric dipole &ept in uniform electric field does not experience force !ut experiences a torque.
Deduce an expression for torque. Draw electric lines force for an electric dipole.
A parallel plate capacitor is charged !y a !attery. After some time the !attery is disconnected and a dielectric sla!
of dielectric constant ; is inserted !etween the plates. >ow would 4i5 the capacitance" 4ii5 the electric field
!etween the plates and 4iii5 the energy stored in the capacitor" !e affected? 0ustify your answer.
20. /igure shows a rectangular conducting loop =B,+ in which arm +, of length Cl@ is mova!le. he loop is &ept in
a uniform magnetic field CD@ directed downward perpendicular to the plane of the loop. he arm +, is moved
with a speed Cv@. 4a5 the emf induced across the arm +, 4ii5 the external force required to move the arm" and
4iii5 the power dissipated as heat.
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21. In Eoung@s dou!le slit experiment" monochromatic light of wavelength F'1 nm illuminates the pair of slits and
produces an interference pattern in which two consecutive !right fringes are separated !y G.# mm. Another
source of monochromatic light produces the interference pattern in which the two consecutive !right fringes are
separated !y (.- mm. /ind the wavelength of light from the second source.What is the effect on the interference
fringes if the monochromatic source is replaced !y a source of white light?
22. Define 4a5 wor& function 4!5 threshold wavelength 4c5 stopping potential .Draw the respective graphs with
stopping potential.
23. *+, Draw a la!eled ray diagram to show the formation of image in an astronomical telescope for a distant o!Hect
*++, Write two distinct advantages of a reflecting type telescope over a refracting type telescope
24. *n the !asis of energy level diagram" identify the =2type semi conductor I 32type semi conductor. >ow does
its width change when the Hunction is 4i5 forward !iased" and 4ii5 reverse !iased?
2'. Define mean life of a radioactive sample. Deduce its relation with decay constant and half life.
26. Draw a plot of the variation of amplitude versus J for an amplitude modulated wave .Define modulation index.
/ind the modulation index of an A< wave for which the maximum amplitude is Ca@ while the minimum
amplitude is C!@.
2". In only one of the circuits given !elow the lampK)L light glow. Identify which circuit is it? Aive reason for your
answer? A germanium diode is preferred to a silicon one for rectifying small voltages. Explain why?
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28. Draw a schematic s&etch of a cyclotron. Explain !riefly how it wor&s and how it is used to accelerate the
charged particles. 4i5 ,how that time period of ions in a cyclotron is independent of !oth the speed and radius of
circular path. 4ii5 What is resonance condition? >ow is it used to accelerate the charged particles?
4i5 Derive an expression for the magnetic field at a point on the axis of a current carrying circular loop.4ii5A
galvanometer can !e converted into a voltmeter of certain range !y connecting a resistance of :G1M in series with it.
When the resistance is N(1 M connected in series" the range is halved ./ind the resistance of the galvanometer
29. 4i5/or a ray of light traveling from a denser medium of refractive index n# to a rarer medium of refractive index
n-" prove that c9sin
4n-On#5.Where c is the critical angle of incidence for the media
4ii5 Explain with the help of a diagram" how the a!ove principle is used for transmission of video signals using
optical fi!res.
4i5 With the help of a suita!le ray diagram" derive the mirror formula for a concave mirror.
4ii5 Consider coaxial system of two thin convex lenses of focal length f each separated !y a distance d. Draw
a ray diagram for image formation corresponding to an o!Hect at infinity placed on the principal axis in
the following cases. 4i5 dP f 4ii5 d9f 4ii5fPdP-f 4iv5 d9-f
30. =lot of current I versus time interval is given !elow. /ind the charge that flows through the wire during this time
period. Derive the expression for the drift velocity of electrons in the wire. A conductor of length l is connected
to a D C source of potential % .If the length is tripled !y starching it" ;eeping % constant. Explain how the
following factors vary in the conductor. 4i5 drift speed of the electrons 4!5 resistance 4c5 conductivity
Define potential gradient .7sing this concept explain the method for finding the internal resistance of a primary cell
using a potentiometer. Write two possi!le causes of potentiometer giving only one sided deflection. Can one measure the
internal resistance of a secondary cell? Aive reason.
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