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Davila 1

Anthony Davila
English 1010
Jerome M. McKeever
18 June 2014
Word ount !0"
#Ali ali o$en %ree& my %ather yells to 'a(e my )rother and *. *t+s the %irst day o% high school, * am
nervous and e$cited at the same time. * have )een 'aiting all summer %or this day and no' that it+s here *
'ish it 'as %urther a'ay. -ut 'ith my dads loud o)no$ious yells it+s time to get u., so * got dressed and
caught the )us 'ith my )rother. *t turned * had nothing to 'orry a)out, * meet u. 'ith some o% my /unior
high %riends and had a good day.
0he %irst time * sa' her 'as at a Kingdom 1all o% Jehovah Witness on 2ran(lin avenue in
leveland 3hio. At that time her name 'as Kani(a 4oung. We )ecame very good %riend. * also )ecame
good %riends 'ith her )rother Econia. 5eeing them at the Kingdom 1all every 'ee( hel.ed to get to (no'
them )etter. We 'ould go to .laces li(e the movies and edar 6oint. *t 'as several years later that 'e had
more than /ust a good %riendshi., 'e had great love %or get other. We started to date in the )eginning o%
1!!" %rom there our love gre'. We set a 'edding date %or May 18, 1!!7. * didn+t reali8e ho' much 'or(
goes into .utting a 'edding together, luc(y my soon to )e 'i%e had good .lanning. When the day came
everything 'ith smooth, it every)ody had a great time and %or me and my 'i%e it 'as one o% the )est days
o% our lives.
My 'i%e and * (ne' that 'e 'anted children. We 'anted to have them 'hen 'e 'ere young so
that 'e really could en/oy them. We 'ere married %or a little over a year 'hen Ale$ander came. 1e 'as
our %irst child together, he came to us on 3cto)er 91, 1!!:. *t 'as a ama8ing and scary day. 3n the day o%
his arrival my 'i%e .ushed %or many hours, and 'hen the doctor .ut a monitor device on Ale$+s head his
heart rate dro..ed. 5o my 'i%e had to have a emergency cesarean, it 'as a very scary moment in my li%e.
*t 'as a ha..y ending )ecause Ale$ 'as a health )a)y )oy. 3cto)er 2:, 1!!! is 'hen ;auryn came to us.
My 'i%e tried to have a normal )irth %or her )ut it 'as unsuccess%ul, Kani(a 'as /ust to small so ;auryn
had to )e delivered )y cesarean, and came out healthy. 0he last child to come 'as Jordan, she 'as )orn on
July 29, 2001. 5he 'as a .lanned cesarean since 'e already (ne' Kani(a 'as to small %or a normal child
Davila 2
*t 'as (ind o% nice to chose the day your child is to )orn. * )elieve Kani(a and * are very luc(y to have
healthy children.
* got some terri)le ne's although *+m to young to really understand. My mom is trying to e$.lain
to my sister and my t'o )rothers that something is 'rong. We as( #'hat is it mom&, #'hat is it&. Mom
loo(s at us and says #dad is sic(&. * loo( at my sister 'ho is no' crying, she as( #'hat is 'rong 'ith
him&. My mom ans'ered he has a disease called Multi.le 5clerosis. * remem)er a doctor had my mom,
dad and us (ids in a room trying to e$.lain 'hat the disease 'as, it 'as still ne' to the medical %ield )ac(
then, there 'here not a lot o% treatments out there %or it. *t hit my %ather 'hen he 'as at 'or(. 1e 'as
%ound .asted out in a %ield near 'here he 'as 'or(ing. My %ather 'or(ed %or the city o% leveland. 1e
'as em.loyed )y the city %or years, )ut that didn+t hel. my %ather (ee. his /o). 0he city %orced my %ather
into early retirement 'ith a small .ension.
My )rother Daniel made a suggestion to me. 1e (ne' * 'as in )et'een /o)s so he told me to go
%ill out a a..lication %or the 5heet Metal union. * %igured it couldn+t hurt, 'hy not give it a shoot. * ended
u. getting in, it 'as a very e$citing time in my li%e * %inally had a career. *t 'as a %ive year .rogram 'ith
on the /o) training and some classroom training. Everything seemed to )e going 'ell until the end o% my
%i%th year o% my a..renticeshi.. 0hen all o% a sudden * %ound mysel% laid o%%, 'hich is not a )ig deal
)ecause lay o%%s ha..en in construction. -ut the .ro)lem came 'hen * had )een laid o%% %or over a year.
0his made me sad )ecause * .ut so more time and e%%ort onto this /o). -ut * could not %eel sorry %or mysel%
* had a %amily to ta(e care o%. 5o * %inally had to ma(e a decision, to change careers again. 0hat+s 'hen *
got my EM0 certi%ication through he EM5 Academy. While * 'as in school * got a /o) at Donald Martens
and 5ons Am)ulance 5ervice as am)ulette driver. A%ter com.leting EM0 classes * 'ent right in to the
EM5 side o% the com.any, and )een there %or : years. <o' * have decided to continue my education )y
ta(ing .rere=uisites %or a 6aramedic .rogram, and then may)e do'n the road <ursing school.

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