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Davila 1

Anthony Davila
English 1010
Jerome M. McKeever
11 June 2014
Word Count !"
#$he %oundtrac& o' My (i'e
$he soundtrac& o' my li'e is much more than three songs. )t *ould +ro,a,ly ta&e a *hole )-od
'ull o' songs to tell the story o' my li'e. ,ut 'or this assignment ) *ill ma&e an attem+t to condense my story
in three songs. *hich *ill cover my marriage and the ,irth o' my children and the ) *ay ) 'eel a,out my
My 'irst song is ,y /rian McKnight. and the name o' the song is #%till )n (ove0 *ith can out in
111! a year ,e'ore ) got married. this is the song that my *i'e and ) danced to at our *edding. so it has very
s+ecial meaning to me. )t conveys the love that my *i'e and ) had at that time and still the love that *e
have today. %ome o' the lyrics that sho* our love 'or each other are #) thin& ) must ,e dreaming that you
are here *ith me0. )t *as truly a dream the day *e got married. Another +art o' the song ) love is #) live
to ,e around you. you ta&e my ,reath a*ay. can2t hel+ ,ut tal& a,out you. every night and day0. 3ust li&e it
says ) live to ,e around my *i'e and can2t *ait to tal& to her. either to tell her ho* my day *ent. or to as&
her ho* her day *as. $he last +art o' the song ) *ant to 4uote is #all ) need is you. need you 3ust to hold
me. console me. over and over55..) love you0 it2s says e6actly ho* ) 'eel to*ard the love o' my li'e. My
*i'e and ) have ,een married 'or 1"yrs and ) 3ust can2t imagine living my li'e *ithout her.
$he second song ) chose is #/est Day 7' My (i'e0 ,y American Authors. $he song is s+ecial to
me ,ecause it reminds me o' my children. ) have 'our &ids and *hen each o' them *ere ,orn. it turned into
the #,est day o' me li'e0. My oldest is 21years old8 she lives in $am+a. 9lorida *here she is going to
school to ,e a :eterinarian. My second child is 1;years old8 he is in 10
grade. My third child is 14years
old8 she 3ust graduated "
grade. and is e6cited to ,e in high school ne6t year. My ,a,y is 12years old. she
*ill ,e in the "
grade ne6t year and is 3ust the s*eetest &id in the *orld. <o* ,esides the title o' the song
a++lying to my &ids some o' the lyrics do to. (i&e #)2m never gonna loo& ,ac& . )2m never gonna give u+0
)2ve never loo&ed ,ac& and said #*hat i'0 )2m ha++y *ith all my decisions. ) *ill never give u+ on my &ids
even i' they are ,eing a +ain in my ,utt. Another verse is #,ut all the +ossi,ilities. no limits0 ) tell my
children that there is no limit to *hat they can accom+lish as long as they dedicate their mind and hearts to
$he third song ) have chosen is ,y -harrel Williams. the title to his song is #=a++y0. -retty sel'
e6+lanatory right. *ell ) am +retty ha++y *ith my li'e. )2m not saying it2s al*ays ,een a ,ed o' roses ,ut
'or the most +art )2ve ,een +retty content *ith my li'e. ) love this song not only ,ecause it ma&es you smile
and *ant to get u+ and dance ,ut the lyrics are great too. #)t might seem cra>y *hat )2m a,out to say0. *ho
among us hasn2t said something cra>y. -harrel2s song is 'ull good verses li&e #cla+ along i' you 'eel li&e
ha++iness is the truth. ,ecause )2m ha++y. cla+ along i' you &no* *hat ha++iness is to you0. *hen )2m
around my 'amily ) am truly ha++y. it2s sad that some +eo+le in this *orld don2t &no* *hat true ha++iness
is. ,ut ) do and it starts *ith my 'amily.
)t *as +retty hard 'or me to sum u+ my *hole li'e in three songs. ,ut ) ,elieve ) have success'ully
com+leted this assignment. My ,eauti'ul *i'e and ) danced to #%till in love0 on our *edding day. and yes
*e are #still in love0. and the #/est Day 7' My (i'e0 *ere *hen all 'our o' my children *ere ,orn. And
my last song #=a++y0. *ell enough said. ) couldn2t ,e ha++ier *ith my li'e..

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