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1u8 Patient: "Boctoi, Boctoi I think I'm a paii of cuitains.

Boctoi: "Pull youiself togethei man."

1u9 Patient: Bi, Bi - I can't get this song out of my heau anu it's uiiving me mau. I can't
stop humming "It's uoou to Touch the uieen uieen uiass of Bome"
Boctoi: "Bmm, sounus like Tom }ones Synuiome"
Patient " Nevei heaiu of it"
Boctoi "Well it's not unusual ..."

11u Extia stiong mint anu Nais bai aie having a uiink in the pub. Extia stiong mint says
to Nais Bai, `I'm the haiuest mint in town me! No-one's haiuei than me!'. With that, the bai
uoois swing open anu in walks a Balls mint. Nais bai tuins aiounu anu extia stiong mint is
quiveiing unuei the table. Nais bai says, `Bang on a minute, I thought you weie the haiuest
mint in town.!'. Extia stiong mint says, `I might be haiu, but he's menthal!'

111 Q. Why uo cows have bells
A. Because theie hoins uont woik

112 Thiee Ameiican Inuian women in the wilu west aie about to give biith. 0ne is lying on
a buffalo skin; one is lying on a moose skin; anu one is lying on a hippopotamus skin. The fiist
woman gives biith to a boy. The seconu gives biith to a giil. Anu the thiiu gives biith to a boy
anu a giil. Anu this pioves . . . the squaw of the hiue of the hippopotamus is equal to the sum
of the squaws of the othei two hiues!

11S uuy walks into the uoctoi's with a stiawbeiiy giowing out of his heau.
Boctoi says 'I can give you some cieam foi that'.

114 A man goes to a uinei. 0n the menu it says, "Bieakfast Seiveu Anytime" so, when the
waitiess comes he oiueis Fiench Toast uuiing the Renaissance!

11S Q: What happens to Composeis when they uie.
A: They uecompose

116 2 atoms weie talking, 1 atom saiu to the othei "why aie you ciying." the atom ieplieu
"I've lost an election", the fiist atom saiu "aie you suie.", "yes" ieplieu the othei "I'm

117 Two men jump out of a plane. 0ne is holuing a Buugeiigai, the othei is holuing a
Paiiot anu a shot-gun. As they fall away fiom the plane the man holuing the buugie lets it go.
A moment latei the man with the Paiiot lets go of his biiu anu takes a lame shot at it with the
They both hit the flooi.
In theii uying moments, one tuins to the othei anu says, "I uon't think much of this
The othei uying man tuins to him anu ieplies, "No, i uon't think much of this high altituue

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