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Website: Blog: harperaphg.blogspot.

Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG)---Course yllabus
J. Harper 2014 2015
Hillwood Health Science Academy
!e"t#Course $aterials:
!ubenstein" James. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography. #ewar$% &rentice Hall" 201'
The Power of Place: Geography for the 21
(arious articles )rom the #ew *or$ +imes" Smithsonian" #ational &ublic !adio" ,o-#ews" +he .conomist" etc.
Course %escription: +he Ad/anced &lacement &rogram o))ers a course and e-am in Human 0eography to
1uali)y students who wish to complete studies in secondary school e1ui/alent to an introductory college course in
Human 0eography. +he material )or this course re)lects the content o) a typical introductory college course in
Human 0eography. +he e-am is representati/e o) such a course and is considered appropriate )or the measurement
o) s$ills and $nowledge in the )ield o) introductory Human 0eography.
Curriculum: +he purpose o) the A& Human 0eography course is to introduce students to the systematic study o)
patterns and processes that ha/e shaped human understanding" use" and alteration o) the .arth2s sur)ace. Students
employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to e-amine human social organi3ation and its en/ironmental
conse1uences. Students also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice. +his
course is designed to coincide with the #ational 0eographic Standards de/eloped in 1444. +he )i/e ma5or goals o)
this course are to enable students to%
1. use and thin$ about maps and spatial data.
2. understand and interpret the implications o) associations among phenomena
'. recogni3e and interpret at di))erent scales the relationship among patterns and processes.
4. de)ine regions and e/aluate the regionali3ation process.
5. characteri3e and analy3e changing interconnections among places.
+his course is di/ided into 6 ma5or units that will be co/ered prior to the A& .-am.
1. 0eography% 7ts #ature and &erspecti/es
2. &opulation 8 9igration
'. :ulture ;<anguage" !eligion" 7dentity" and :ultural #orms=
4. &olitical 0eography
5. Agriculture and !ural <and >se
?. .conomic 0eography ;7ndustriali3ation and @e/elopment=
6. >rbani3ation
Attendance: @aily attendance is vital &or success' Ahether a student is absent or tardy" that student is
responsible )or all assignments made in his or her absence. B.-periencesC such as class discussions" interactions
with peers" group wor$" etc." are impossible to replicateDma$e up. 9issed 1ui33esDtests will be made up be)ore or
a)ter school by appointment in a preEdesignated classroom and will ()! be the same as was gi/en in class. 7t is the
student2s responsibility to reschedule their ma$eEup test or 1ui3. 9a$eEups will not be gi/en unless an absence is
e-cused. &lease see the student handboo$ )or absences that will be e-cused.
Class Participation: 7t is understood that students will be active participants in class discussions" as well as be
attenti/e and respect)ul o) others in class. Fuestions are encouraged" but the student must be recogni3ed be)ore
spea$ing. *A+, -).* HA(% A(% B, *,C)G(+/,%G @o not blurt out comments. @isrupti/e and
annoying beha/ior ;tal$ing with peers" te-ting on cell phones" passing notes" )lirting" sleeping" putting on ma$eup"
etc= will not be tolerated. @ishonesty ;cheatingEEE whether on the gi/ing or recei/ing end" plagiarism" etc.= will
result in immediate disciplinary action o) the student;s= in/ol/ed" as per Hoard policy.
Grading: +his class is structured to gi/e you s$ills re1uired )or success on the A& Human 0eography .-am and
li)eElong learning. +ime in class will be de/oted to learning how to analy3e and e/aluate A&Etype multiple choice
Website: Blog:
1uestions as well as how to e))ecti/ely respond to ,ree !esponse Fuestions ;,!F=. 9uch class time will be
de/oted to learning how to thin$ li$e a geographer.
Ahile much wor$ will ta$e place in class" all assignments ha/e a due date. 0ate 1or2 1ill rarely be accepted3 and
the grade 1ill be heavily reduced4 (ot turning in your 1or2 is not an option4 Should a student chec$ inDout o)
school on the day an assignment is due" it is the responsibility o) the student to submit that assignment to the teacher
a&ter chec2ing in or be&ore chec2ing out4 9issing class due to a chec$ inDout does ()! gi/e the student an
additional day to submit an assignment.
He sure to ha/e e-tra in$ cartridges and paper so that you do not end up in a Bpic$leC. 7 will not accept technical
errors as an e-cuse )or late or missing wor$. Hac$ up all )iles on a )lash dri/e or to your email so that you can
access them elsewhere i) necessary.
!ests and 5ui66es: All tests will be constructed to replicate A& testing conditions. +his will include multiple
choice" and )ree response 1uestions. +ests will be e/aluated similar to the e/aluation o) A& .-ams.
General +n&ormation:
+he academic misconduct policy o) the school will be )ollowedI..see student handboo$.
+he attendance policy o) the school will be )ollowedI.see student handboo$.
+he dress code policy o) the school will be strictly )ollowed I see student handboo$.
Any student who recei/es )ailing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher.
Classroom Policies:
1. Students are e-pected to show respect to teachers and )ellow students" dress appropriately" and use
appropriate language at all times.
2. All rules in the student handboo$ will be en)orced.
'. Students must bring te-tboo$" noteboo$" pencilDpen" and laptop to class each day.
4. All wor$ must be neat" on time" labeled correctly" and in pen or pencil.
5. Students are responsible )or arranging all ma$eEup wor$ the day they return )rom being absent. A due date
)or missed wor$ will be gi/en at that time.
?. All students are e-pected to participate in class. &articipation will be considered in the grade.
Conse7uences &or non-compliance 1ith classroom and school rules:
Student teacher con)erence
&arent teacher con)erence E phone
&arent teacher student con)erence
!e)erral to administrator
tudent#Parent Contact +n&ormation: ( Print clearly)
:ontact #umbers% ;indicate which parentDguardian" home" cell" and wor$=
:ontact .mail% ;indicate which parentDguardian" personal "wor$" or both=
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